HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-06-16, Page 20 1W.Ci pipir li�ai by� the ipbo B1 ''K, 'R Ell, tile, national. exchequer wo's At Bi on Nay 22A4, tile NNilfo of Dayla Sbei . i Of a daUghttr. then goue iii,tol Lit as 't P Tba�tiwe has covile when it is your b ' 4ie ColonvI said fiffht,,_aa4,. your, privilege t say "Who Messr, were not, aWare of , tl ie ex- MAXIAlAi S. Porter and.c eron wili: be" ille peoplo. 04 the 'ItIOnst., at tile re5identisi of tbo britle's �LE 1. 0 M ST' TRAVELLF Tll� NOMINATION. bitalits- of 1-Jultion RT11S. ,RS,GVIDF T0T11K,,L` "S' FOW nty rai. am , t6 CITY i� T ins leave, Cl i U tbil3stati6tv as,aili We' Cvmdlidates. I teiii which they were contributing, breittilpr-In-law, Y. CoWekl, Mr. D. E70tor, by the Rev. —0 $hall reprei you for the coming fiv 7-` 11roilb3terian iiiIiiii Bluilvale 001' XGi NORWH� burden- )l W� J1. 7WAy, G, W, R. station, li 9'.L39'a.m. , 4,23 p.wi, � 8'2U, nil years E sows. After 'touching upon,' Aiiii , ' tile �Coal Hopi to Ida, yorivi daliallitor of the late at tile Dorniniow Pslrliarnent. 0. Lei Galt. pl, e ate at interest- be BEST -STOCK OF S ion, arid: th r W propose to I av fy few fact before Thelnomi�iation ot,,vandidates for a. It DEMO,. s unc ary Nvas went On- to'say that--fli, 3-16,1` 7.-49'"- olainipri Parli In IT011eti on tile 12th bilit., Iterbert 'Ednattind, P1411; 1, � I ti * seltCiii tile aniblat took the: great, question to be, . decided. youngest son of Alr.Robt. CaT�or, lived 4 yiittri wid you for your consideration, 11'earl )is Qc p lqtQe at deriell ori, 'Xupsday for the 4 niontlis, WOLIN STRt-,NGS Messrs.. Xo*�t �and Afac.kepzie bad -on) gust,,ISM `iii -Ridille, of T ml; 'pxtract fi tile 01,obe, of An I.Iuxon.. Theret III Londesbi on "ne Sul, Join witi j7 each. PaS43d, orders in Coi agreema,, years, ifinontils ana 3 dayi officer closed the�t t 1STh*0 state and pro -Tee in- at 2 o'clock, IN TOAV'1�. �Ilei of Ke I)oo?l At Bertle, on the 3n;h May, Hannah, the beloved GOING WEST. JO sq,41lt �to, tile decision. of, tire arbi- lie of David Shillipard, of iierpall fever. ii�d a lifleet.ng, )vlasfinin, DICKSON 8?404b a$ a ',tors,, all: d n o vi _'v ___7 - -i!­ U . .0 Sir,Jobn, lirq�l,l tie P 'I !, I , ii io.�oo a. n,.2,40 p.m. 16t.'30.pau 9.04.1 1 of ou? Y or"" d RRIS, urt licifise Square,' the to-nwakm (loop aq&Tiety. Afbntreal seenM Mid! oil, tile Cb* over the. terOtory­ to , liI ii FDAST. ban(l starrai being occupied -,is a plat- a6out the worst i�z tAis �,i A?, elbit cliiiine& that the"Pliov MARKET IMPOIM. 8,00'a.- r0i00 %nii, 1��-35-p.rn 4A5"p.UI forin. Jog the Speakers.. 'A�r., 116racp iuce of Ontario F 0­ ,cb,, occupied I 3 our qf This nwans �y I CLINTON, I city there are at'jlresonti�o thousani . ! lijid extipguiished the- I i title- aild- 'IN PLATED WARE son 116rton, Tii 6r of Goderi - flie Ow:Iier of � the lap.disi The Was the chair, aild stated that. Mill Porter -us i and, tb - i Bound- C111U]MI DIIIECTORY rivers a4d�,sbrequ : b if,' pleceipts of �Yheat,ai coilsfanbly bear sixth-, cp-lii 1)rci wa' to speak for orr* hour,,001. Ross ary dispute -eii6yi Overshadowed tile corninali-liter. this Incilth Nvill'lil�ely Ist Pattl's Church. �Servii oil Sunday at 11 a -ill, w lind I Bible Clas4,�10 ii.M.- Sund�y Si 6.) 7 11 n. time, N .111! Service On NVedil6allav 8 11L. ll�v res6ni mocessilie& arui' can 4Aerefo2e' toJollovi f?r tbe-scuine length.of S- lViLLIlill for P ational Policy in - this. election. see the last de, ivory of lasti season S T P P -ter to then clo . . ' .4 1 In Rector, Se tile (jet for support o grain. Prices NEWEST DESIGNS 11i do noti against tfie denzi 6f tAe �"d Lfter appealing, behalf 1 Wpm! SaWathScboolri Ili _in,­Rii�,. W11. comm9winte "Of �,Irr... Omporpiii close'd. Butter and Eags are. in active dei . :1 C mordn first- d�esired, to ; MuDoN.&o , Paster. Ei lee Mr Mr Ca Porter said bb'l, Ile � firm. gtors, do. you dlesille to brifin, back .11-os8 had not niand. -Prices a ven, An igL) 6,,ill: 1abba�thS0lOo1,2:Mp thisstati affairs to our; wL pros r 'RY catili a; ni; and r I` Ing.. ea�iiii Presbyteriti SAii atlia.m., and 6.30 say that lie was.si3ffaririor fr orn a cold 'n:Inch-toi_reply to, %,Vitb - Wool i��&c�ipts are I t. Mallufac- JEW -;,L,LT W� W 1�' W in. Rm Alim Sh I w 110 so�severe as, to prevent his voice gi iili � Pastor. reference to the 11ciu"Ildary it had, been turers� are over -stocked, witli our coarse Bible Cllrlstilm:-S�yviei 10-30 al in., and 6,20,; perous land Ifyou. d.0 nob, then, boinor licard! Ulore than a few feet. a to tile, lesser jigb.ts of tile plii �rades,alnd there is consequeutly !no hollefore reqtiested- Col '- I I �Yllile-tlle :lei der iad ons of -a ri§e Pastor. a never veiibur0 in the il�ar future. p.in, Sabbath.Sehoo 2.30p.ia. REv; M, Tfio,�IAS,' Id allot Pi -and, an lie lad t Cast youri It. indicati r,� Porter 11OSS to spe k for him,., irosiflIerify'. .11 upda t1le._Subject in Saby� Camages, and" Express, i a to Open his inout Prices 1 given are-Irom 18i to 21)icents SZ :1 1 1 i th School; 2.30 im io'. RlWi Ji i Pai 11r. Porter,, who. -was -,received. with, Ji i �us of the town -ng done'!- Promptly.. CIII.IZI c1b, you, want to the ljouse�l The ilh.p6litation of ave�,agiitf)ig 16'. .Repairi lou -d choi the lar body of eleic­ I o' icall�wll at,to bile ill-ifls I a' see-, our F10TORMS Chi our ME- A e at Godi ;n great domand; at priibe's A I Clinto fill 25tI, ISS2. New Advert�seml'nts thi8. Daly. JOS to 6, presell Said .: The e'loctiolus of the ad in the pi st r Clue . ed, the price than iavo been known before. rich ]I, a e hi-Ife ARV7 20th U)Ust a fought out d I C.AX II)LE, UrWqrRkiNG)fr_-, Sir q..t re saine to our ;:�anaclian filriners; Till,, vessels They. may be Apoited ait fro in. - $-3.5 0�1�, to CROQUET- LACROSSE STICKS brk Goods, GrCieeoes, etc -9. Coats & Son. ING If YOU 110 Oti t 1 1 lines as thelone of 1878, hwl, bcoii�. The n I el e ying V bat i (I I e $1. ATery few cattle.are ofreriitinr. 'V spoken of by, Col. , 11,w�, wor I -Pay & Wi e�,C, lessmatte r because, tile mripter had, bf-len such tha� fiitw'can be- gob at' are, eiii b Probabilities iseinal)., Vote forPo�rter aild'Prote National Policy was a busit Excti � i ofr'�W. Jacksout Fh�niers, read this e bract froul the ani sur a,,sod in inti t' 110 Jumber; of illy account had as�%.yet up I NOTICE,jo, CONTRACTORS, x any,o her Sew! ri�,r 1 Maelli.iles--A.' T. it good prices., queatiou t1wit bad- bom brol4ght- before been brought doNyn: froin, the %voi`ds. I We S),AMD Tiv.,mmis, to the iiii- FA IMS.1, CIGARS AC I propierti�ea for, Sale-11,11ale. 010e' of Septernbi ISM:- may sa that 0�r nlix.kl,� re ci M V 4 kc 'Notice to (3-reditoj�s-Nii 'Jackson,-Assigtree tile, people. J-) rotectiornsts. hii never 9. ar. Y P rt I '"file expeadituire, cbmplained of by tire � e carefully' revised- ov6ry Thursday dersignied and clldorsiA -I� Touder � for llo�t,,. 1 11 ile.c.— t.1.1 ­ __ (` I I to Dej)tors_.E.-J oo(ly. #ives-ili: 1878, -was­`not-th-(r -0 �Ieii c te(V3 Me? 7 Ithy, but it laues within t this office flutil �VED$E$DAY; the 5til puttigig a dteit)y o9i. the eaq,7,� and' clai '�"crfi on'a, vii plicitly, '29 Lot- p rt­ular expeniii of g6vernil-ront but relied, �upoi3,. as no po -day. of X J -as. Twitchell. th.0 �)qlice to eAe lumbermaq?,'; aqzd it is ii� f eilergetic nien the illeans t " � 1, . . litical a uly Ilext, illclu�ivi for. e the reach- o; -th ", waste' and e.xtravaganc6 shown in :questi6iis are allowei e.1vith, tion oll. e, nterfer the 11 7? DICK, SON, Mporter'. ditlymnsiii th.at The ,�Aot�ld Ariti chieqy? CH 76 �ir- c ital alli 6USI_ to. Utilize tl;c ap d pq"i squand'ering money, -,twp,,y oll Fort our -Market, quo Citations., A C cc J U OR .ess abilitidq it was legislatioii� iii,:the- I RC, �N, UEC W.., ori If 'i u:ei- 5e ' t wq?ild li&b� 0' 1,66ks, -N-oebing 11otel and OST j'OFFICE9 gTo be: ifacreased aq?.d th P a f1 il ishod his, addr 5. to '1 25 AT Craib:, 3�facWfiirf or & Co's i ton.: - I fib to I, e. s ts o a c as's e i He' e al I t i as Lot 1 Steel'l� its, Ile Wheat, fall white, P4r bush." .:""I be sh,ut out frop?, th.e. Ca-nii ini Wild', Clin 411 to 1,30, JA TT. q LINTO thai had, prevailed, by-ca,11ing-,upoii all -who, were in favor oi ts CITATI OT 0,N Fhii�Xyj_ JUNE 9TM 12. th C, ti Ili es -cf, disti. D6 want to Secure fail, prices for . 1878 w . ithr tl�e. time 42 to '0 43 you ILI S. n o w, whei the Gats your ti 1"miq,'proctuced I a -every one -ti laus and sli,eelfleations. qan be seen �t J 10 13 S- The illina to Nvork was, able' to -tillent of I it votle for-Inin on Tuesday next IoLIV, 6 io to 0 5l 0 the D�! im I ubli(t� WOl1,§, 0 kh of a -cod ancl, ilicient -.Ovi I to to 00 �throu�Tlout ni:C, It 00 0 70 to 0 Autiop took place - Illy aii& 'Vote for Porter and; obtain reniunerativewadcs. Tho GrIt!" i c Potatoes 0 70 to 0 90, a 1) j.1 It tllG pos t Fit 10 Mllei Chathnip-, on a n C Ultojd beiiia , '' I - E of J u.ne. 'S 'in fifti -�tives, -arid _a ' vote 0. ers Nver6 ffivon foi- till,. Queen flutter 0 15 to 0 lr� :_Don ci�rl M6;Iid I It t I I e N: P. was� not', th: arid tile. �andidates 0 Vi to 0 17 o, 0 YOU Oil Oil �tllo prijited ATei i 1) "varit to see, oll'us is but,that it �Yli i to :to.:tllo eh� 12 00 -6o 14'0 (lei's Inns bo�nlfw () t that ili rul;aq. The -ineeting i4i'le's .9 0, 'ti 00 ted, b decl4aii a d' only''Icne i to i the to a close. 0 7, to I I Q a our 1ilcreas extra ex- Eact , I cep(fer inust bi� ad com lwiiccl by an wa-es cut down to a, free tr Cle basis was then brou There is 'A- coutesb in. �alll but ntect to .,q,3,: per lead,, arid, t Tinlothy 0 0.0. to 7 10 3 2.5 to - $,-,o Do you 'i to gee,flio! soup kitchen, Poir s `111 0 ACOEPTEJI� Ini 'cheflile''Inat:164 plytible to 'bmi of the seat8­in Oiit�rii Col.. nuld not 111ye caused.tho. tide oie P1,08. -0 tile order'of tile Honorable, tlle N�,!Liister,of i -irkpittrick, being, ele Perity to %V overl"Callada so, strongly 'r -C I.J -V-J, ODE I llubMl Wol VAL I10,F1 I'lilit (ANT. Of I pted for Fri Q I fit-, 0 IS to 0 2 days- of 1877 return Are you anxious- Oadelili . tliq lag oil " lit. ot, tife tender; w1lich-will be t 0 1 secure &,FU,LL DAY%'-1V6RX at a FAIR withoU I I e� N�ktion al- Poliey. Canild a�: 01, Friday lastiNvIrile Afi-._J­�� Addison Nvileat fan�llcr I Iasi enfic a t t, $1 �25 to 1 27 ) " _'. fcil�feited it' the pirt; declille to.cuter, int'Li, 01' c; 11aggart fo' �Suufl Leeds, ­SPOI-18ib lti(-,! in 'llor Pql)li,C lerich,harb , , -1,30 - to, I "it), y local inspector; of� t1lo. Goi NVAG]"' it U.,�L I�N� bad cyrOilt I 011tr - NY11011. called t1poll to 'CIO so oi- it' 0 40 to� A lbi- axe Conservatives., out rowill� hol niot wit I all accild6ri-t Bar ey, -lil to doin lApto the "vork i acted f Vote. for� Poi-tei* Protectiori Nvc,rhs arid ill-015ening upthe.. N6rtfl�_Was 0 70 to 0 80 lif, f 0 1 � or. w I .. It 7 0 7,0 to: IT 75 If tilt, 'ten(lur. 1)& not' 'Icc�pte( .1 tile :61eque to-110ii Iiiiiin4ries. West territory. Tile tariff was neces- � hioll alrCtost endall-6i�(,&'llis life I � I . �.. I . , Potatoes, 51 R 0 61V to 'pQL LbNET� .�oss' knowledge, of' pi Avhel - or:�t: 'ar the Illoubli of tile I V be retu lined. Merclian ts Is it your wish to build sary Ili ordei' to build-up our,in s I u 11 r, A w : L t6 ____O_ A u's t, r -i e s' scorn S E, -FORTIfi. will not be bound cpIli fro the ('01 , iii �of, tile t le The Departilippot; U I yo'll. live to have -arld d 'volop 'that 'lliagnificen. inberi- river arid q'uito a distance Jr6ol p t )e tovi ill Wheat, fibll, por busli., S1 25 to 1,2S tile �ClWest or illpi teni a S I 01,C Or", lobe:� Accordingly; �illat I t qlioro`he��w in the act of iurlling Whout sprim, I e does 110 al Co. Stab I to, 1 20 L I Je! had ud', at Benu�iller I � 1, 1 , I tile worji;�,nien coming 0 70 -to� 0 new : Additional. I` this -week ill �vi th sr: . nHing. -that. th 6 t -ii had bcien riais6d on.-litried the, boat'vV116n,it A.' 0, 4,2i� to 0 4. kinow-about the'�ittriff' 'b exten' upsi Air, llarlo\ , .1 6� iii bot '0. Q . to 0 7.-, u, 'o i�s " f� 'es. to. pay for tile crood's thmir bon, se of the prico�- .0 u - .:, - - . 1. , , 'o 7 .-tweaLs,. cauisina,�-, an. -iiicrea nation on. -M o n �, - li --- b-- .- - -- ­­­­­ ____ -_ Andivaried_j�, I Ltllc�uoiili is ine �00 _ , . : - , 0 so to 0 W partment of:public I o you, desire to seo. the firui- ppik Solid by our- no li,op., of%catching Ili's boat Mr Addi- �t. : I . � 11 - - d' at (i�'oderi,�h'- he qpoke'of flii 4 1 6, 1 ay, 188 Qt��V"3� CIT" A'rn er-' e oil lindeavour�id[ to ri the shori ut I t -if ,o, -, had det-d d thi� stat c 7, —.. er.�.. orcbt� lg-� GOOD PRWES; fol" tile pr Cami I - ; If ot I 's b t1l, 'tile, dut, had Lit 8 i , a �cau fine Wools boiu- alli to collie 9 -,, cloth s. oia, and' quito ..Noii To llvwr� , ie remained tlr.� same; havin, !all hi,� e a out, lie became 6-v brin, to inaiklei; s6thattheir b fatigui and in 0 e. f dulty�: This.'was t "re 0, In ak e* 'a, from the distftl:l!�, pu rchal,;iis'may, bel 0, ger . f you'do FR E �S d avigation Oil b 1 0 y (IbNirlir, furbunate poi'lit. willh,. t' Vote lflor,'Parter aud G Times, tliat the duties hL-'A b I f oni- :struck a ri whic.h. kopt�) brh- 8 tt offluial report.ou�llraao in in I c, vey.aG f "oill I&S lie farmers, but we, xeln- ly. . ed, ]fill fr'crin een increasec r ture to� say that t1fere was �riot a farini illowners 1311ake tells the people one'to two cents per' poti 'Air, Cam-, drowning u til assi.,�tafic�,arriviad. �Of: or ille 't6wirt- of Clinton, in'the Counkv re Ct �11 m" drt d lil S in tble audience whodidi nob know that- 'tl;)e'sp.a' "Your hatural market erout I.ad -bei addrossin down� by 1'.1furoil; Contm�ibor. P at 7 g circulars to, 'A new`iriin-,bri��Ige I t i.9 thouc,111t t I r I a, )ys .-the�"finei�'W'061's �'onliug'into' Cpaiac'la* are is-ill,thie U nited Sfalte.. the:'electolrs, saying that, Ile -\va�; not a A ft6d froin thie. Cape of -Good 'Do Vou wall over the Maitla �will 5 all inipo o ri fo ,TOTIC llope'�.. a to keop tile ra e arit file Pro- t.,PQCt10jI about -,,tile fi�l�sL live rosidelA of �:tlle Col�iti but th Xtistralia, The idea 0 ho I S So, ti Alli i'' I I P1. t d of, TNI , I!, it's st of RUTOI of Ilk rairT pro ram_ All �(M 0 )ringing- t S.- county. foil all illuilicip, . Ll purposes., 41 il I .1'. 1. 11 false as lie, M; ill'a-le �rybbdy- p_ �u d b ul--wool'to 'Cadada froni -tire,. the Yankea miller The Ci .1 oil "Plies- pm-ti6s Havililr :�CASES,SUPEM710P, 6(ljou rn C.( .9 `� 1. Usual U.- S. originated: in: th a ven,5atile brain Tf',qo vinces agains M, -11 -Y arcet o tlbil�ou,tllc Ist Of' to sejid'..iXtrticulars ther'o I� ivitiLtli6 Y List. U it 7 a -laid ilot f(i"ItiffieWave of pros- I ly." it Y te foi- -j" oirtei-and laterillrovia- perity 'I's. M'Ujell as- 90111 towls Vut.� 'clCi'arterIly se'ssidil of tlic coin'tY c6ni-t 1b lsttlbuhi RITA Tl,', Ceas-unittel will P1 Tre surcr;. - : , ­ I I . -- . A D Ifisr, '8T of the,' CO 6. J,�t�rm D46,' or, nut th Ll AS cial Trade. last" but 0'1 of tile sit0d.ustaLo, rwo �it.ti tunongst t1i'.,sa er(Ators wliat -had ..M.r. Cameron doni for the; 0- U" INY ­Sw�s i SNVliSt,rUII- I see,,, L Wednesd of' tile ab interest Nvlliclli� tlle� �id' )oAII . III , 1, . Of WhOSO i 110 1 Its 110tiCi EV-er3' TiI E , i lo�b e of 1. " to,,the 1 1 ti.on no busi lies b d: :,C.iq�,i of Q'arlad�t ! I's it your wis I olic gi�c _y S'. 0 pos All pmli indebted. to Hie said, bztlttell�e to "ettle let 0 (1 N�Itll nle fortli. 0 arid sessq Wh il�, T rvine ac ir s PAY ITS -e inlinary ou len I" reha�i y 0 al -J-�.VCIQSON-, pi, w t1od,k m6fe- fa �1(,l ]I in tile nlo'll-ey-,--imix-liets .. i -att, Lif. 'lie. �iri lit oi y, The celubrated trotting'illare, Lue .1, a.s 'd sti, at.dily. of tbe-floininations We never thit:tlye 6 Ulu t6r shall a _wcl owth, tl unbtiu� f tile �,dtl! iiAebtodn' 12'. at Ard kne, th 4! a6k in '7-�ori -produced i."i;- Qnti it left.'to titipilitt, f'or �k N� f _-, a S , T Solijilor� for t1'lL'i,;25iii el F_ which,he I,alcl tile, hanclsolne Sf l COT Olillbota, June 11, 1882:, v iest Porni 4 ari�ow. to. stri -e -,i Ile is SiLI'd to 110,V6 J . L Id Just so arid here'�'is, tile f,a-. "the \'Orld, of." C16 '�Ou desire to 'return shital shos ho, or ble. oU.flfOC& fo -c ancU spoecl.. v a �61. 'S.i r Lichard , C,qrtArri,,,,h,t and�,_ It foi. 61 Caimero' n had r Ilerr in siz e Ul S QW, ada, Tiw.*,e d S' t as. -I as i3 VATIL'E�S ELE e; I A lii -diner Ile -ed lar CONS R CTED, Ily, ACCLA-; -di of t3,,':0,C D IiO�,000.pi Y ar.. Sat dufilb:�Iln the i Rev. 3ai liver his popu TiIM alanufac.-turer at 01 "a, lectge, subject 11 -Visit toi Irelarid " in i tire e 8iones ,NATION,. SEVENTEEN.. st"'Al'ary Is (�`Rqf EY1 EXRVE, y yi 'Clelievel' ii�i surpituse8r,jastead -of iti It SALE IV] E CllrarCh,, 0111 MoriClay even D EhECT�il* BY' ACCLAMATiO_-�,�' de r ariff ��,a GRITS' had told, hirn�� that th �waslargely aftenclecl aiicl� a fair surn r a for Do inion i a. Yet(,' . ...... In in r ds in'.6eting ias� to arnill" quan-bity of,v` Ir �vaq tell( ered to -NJ) Messrt_,,� C. - A% Lovers of�, t e,. A16 "'a, Air tillilalksi N pa oil: at "live, turers -bhe1ioinF- i izecl. -a- lone- C OT M U. I. t ho.manufac I'l L 0i, 'ONE.:r'. vote,jror I 4*1i V, k6t arid . t lat wer -1d;iJ, ovenhig asury: 1 thi e now I ciling At the� unCoting lijeld oil Fi Tre. 14A t P 4 A lqj. N M, I LL out a rnac,61 of' o w . *e f -I f Ma�,hinlaryjimber, Stook. &C 'Cli itrr 'b liton-was,-in,bis own pompous nian- rieds werol �a trz lower., It]), Nil. .,il(I �V.,I, Ifol,,toll f,�),, tb olj,' 4, ie Charlt i. proniment leader,' of 'ti tire. policvjwail� in force. Ilrer re,�son, I -lit lier II)VI)ich thcy 'Coll' lue te(l Ill ft n ir 7 "Spedial "attention pipjid t B0 ry se 0 lli.�, or""al I--, , -I, bocause'there r7l1E1\, DERS ��,iu beirovelved ljy�tlle, widel-bigmid tlp nm YP r, c u I? oil a, ri , st cracy.. 'i 11 i , , . iii. '166k after 11rib Faxty - - sayi I,. that w 1) woo I Cornalittees, wi til)pointi C was 80, AW Was to .1 ­ici I;IlQiI2-t'll i't file. I I " 1, 1- o T- io i "Y -w0i d'- 411 - 1) fro g r .i ill b I e- tir I C1 -far,, e -'l�o is ter��:4 reoo-n 0 w_ -o u t, 6? C 10 cric i I I t I i L -it f t 0 1:) to,) 1 4, 1 t -t -I i e�pii r itlmv4 u o f- - fl 1 '7' J s�� YF, don �'W S, ii his wordr Mi 1� lMiwhhler�', Lur 11,11 0 L 0 Cl B, bv is appa. ilher, 6tocl�, Lu. ri if'you -b el g o, 'ifito, the ft i6r� W, I TION e RI 1:�y it f COME IF IT WILL ONLY, PLACE, US, ITN ME. pepil bents a .Tire Gocipricii t1tutown of Clii�tbli; Contractor. 'I Ills, I.).rOI)cA'y lti� r� t ber' than -1 is ionsii y cc ioitini, glades ihey. could getifif e-vely,eviellin"'for the 11 a UNITrD �vollsibuatcll Me, WIf1trd,&arq T� M. d .6 ord it GREAT SISTERIJOOD OF TliM: it With,jef erIc6 �bo�, st, NV I , I I c ., I I they J t ty� -.6 for or or ill arftc[C in full Unii I P -till, 5 the sell ti"In n is of tli.e,enbire Grilt.par p6bn'cl nloi 'Cl WON c t TOWN: 0, you wa -sl" it to s i, e- Our tile COttd1i1Lhw iifrieg,­�althovor S,f,A�r k� Do g h-, At r' One Cfay ast Iveel, a, flor"4�1tall,cling iii Xirt P or,., arge fi,oilt of O�bre of:' W 7" d. saic tile s liv, be, inspe6toll at are, tittle, 'Ild i'li ill f6i-ni�i�,tlolj -Air. Blake !has so littivio��.o for I d �,s ia To . e er t toith6,ii Nvil] he up"ll lippli.ca lull to tile. . Q. "to I ii�h is la.ip Ire TO iai� ac Xiiinadians, bav 1. -end -6 187S�� 2) kenzie'' very rapi&rate- ftnally clearing tile. sqijare, Every1.r)0,cjy 'S W 1. y 7id 'S. b1i -untiem.,ned. r bquld'o SO ank r clo� yori sti 11. rota:Rl, for '.the. �� 11 1 lfuro�s'eas " - I June I I . . NV Ibre lie was Cirri Two - a had fil�- ("'Cc rtoi I�eeh, prctu& to liv�,_ tha"t lie cl�ly t,,.,�ested�, so", kg6i�rlpe, Cl ill, ton ally, 1i r e, vdouS'yeall.� Mthe ild, 81�1� Cartwright - conflec- turc��,bi any suioas dain't- :was Clone Ci We VS xil, ut were,etip- 'U.gii JACKI-ar'd urk-\XiciolliAl.t1o� hi t-hein',,-,; lbe�cfi�s'bhat�.�thoy 7s Cc 116 (1 6. inl)16 �b W A- IN 2 1 L, KE A*P s ci� Yell aluiclst ;the 'wit , Mik_4 I C; &'8COTT,.5o i it So Q kno��Ii' I A arity .�Ylfi ),our faithi On I Clinton, Julle, 121, ISS2. loy, or S tAocl all d were PI -A 1 very depresse .�,c oil tiba-Ailik existillior between us arrd.'thio j. I t t, - fi a- upon I thr Caiia(Ri tak C5 I � � I &, r n. X tbe� ;po�'ver ta-' ,M�akii; Present' t, M'. Will., I),]; give C n4dians, loit car(mes of ��t; 'i its placT arici t lie �,en, of �tbo died: to, _'prci ..If, on wish to see., The. grain question ' was t len touch cc] K dear old Mother Land, Hi Ivishe's, to al d fi,� said it �vais 1�� iitll� . NOTICE' sold ,vdlu, Me( tions,-qf the iver1j'as: t1le ol'clejat chill p the a b I.e maro'ho perch r I ridel'.1.11 _ , . . thel'r owft'tr1ea6b§ All particsJudebuid: to, t,[ic uncleriii;igned 1 i I I to G od eri'cb- arid red ared the -I ine-ricti Civet at -It tOa1_N'­ atel :T czIuCisti tile (j, va 1) 0 0, earegib,friew if d tile: �-,rven a a -s frouil (ck, "M cents Pei" b eVen.at all e ew hour al�e: I I to' settle 'ill xplenise that d -ri,in beat!i�' 8 lict.in the ill: lloraf) will'be recelved. and receilAed ild ly tbi wa 6onsi ad' o-11 cost.: W''.0 boa,r- . tich njoilles thQ. Mr" Clictr1lo iw ano 611 q r th was, t j(-,iiselling figure, by IlLi Blac.k6bv & Havill e at "00, ",terest of bh� farni ',The X.` R I)Ushol 61 encircle the Globe arid upon w h ose A at 0 AL * . t e rdte.6t:iu6eti by Whil6pas.,.;ilicr alollo- tile, 13'bli. Coll a �lieaddno, ljgbb i cord office. 111,��dlls fho 6iin hi,�Ve. -)file also I.Auced,.. FL _c6nf1dbn�-,e in veryJn-. crivillo, cagitalists� our, r %va" iI,6 "'MAS, I UNG r ceases to 81 a is _Lturday V� Ci Ilop _Party.,,the is inucl plainee,­as.-10 what ioeCl TH6 h 'L� :110(e. r�ir_lni` ljoemer­014 qaNviii, sa e ant -q! His''pa c I ortoan 'the LOU# a lif, 110.�Y Money 0ould geirlious clovice or, w rti u at con 0 speaks for',bii "SIX per, cen -1118 ea( 0 -iN c sei for t LET t 1, 6T -,`ben, ttr Ct Are you, t v el' �i,' 'led 'file �ower Sat. Sacil]'Ll, 1 ]�,& whe(, tw6l the Boundary qaestioi -.t1lo, followi Ila, :sell. once es -h Two we C) r o ir t Thou gh., our own No tb W t be6ouic the arpy ii(i 130 vii� anxiou p �,iitcbvards and sc.rt, -tored the'sa f,;. . I . Ir I , ,;� as s to reii t4o. 11 vel)(ilate OI)IiIS,' Suitill)101,'f andering bi 'i Is f t io mos .. t. 40 -111'e -Of Millions frOln Drita-i'll -ot"le, b t I I c: '%vas'. (le P'ositi in, tlie' bl�rx­ 'With, both officcis'"ill the lloss,�ssiotl Only a ft" yv left mid will, cloill. illielli, Out_ of, Ontario 'as any. bu, iviari act -cif con terlipt 'knd tl i ov( o' -ri�,�S of tile h'; I'd � 'Ilile a bey rodli , t 1), qlvi 1InnICCI1:a[i For further jilfofirla7 .5 e' antil: do" In 11 sf, 0- s e w 0 rs i wded count 'ttlod. 6�xon� its. filer its I's nlea,n;,des i,:�, tti to, " p t I and oaliuo� to "Cuion"If.ifei -:Afr:��Joi Talliblyll 'of dli� I coh� a 101. all d fr�u d'li I o I i Ve. i�- il 1' 1, c, oa 1, (1 old NY c tildl. 7 D o you a.l.e pr le iiii t1lo.. not IYY apf A. JAMES TWITIC1.11MIj.. ill, bli ­rdns� 0 1 R, j�lj �'. I . I 1,i �, 6 1 v o I is'llitem" tiol� iq, p u t 111C I Illoi �vlli6ll Nvoukl I d.. I* h i OF ell e'd OiitaricI in, t, io at -si�;ti Ill ral in rIvY Ouncil for I orr A Ir. W. 11*1Vii of Lh 0 7th Cl feitile I"ifli tl I ti io.-stih e�vcr shone: Llfowe( I a, I I u.e8 tj on s `ii populirir. "EAT S ai blessi fili diat. rnillioiill�' of acxes Of bit'(, islost Wire L h ilig, it it ci nmiate,s.ni -1) itenig I ., 'ir 'Jolin-'s advice, 1, 1 i s kiad, of fence is gob bino, a aniiie�atiii If lS 0 u r, 0,,,, 1 re �,r i,. '. i- . 1 1 1 lit it le C 0 iN 0 the. G, I q . elolr(t t' our ClOZADI.A., 1) 1 Town: P 116 vtlln: ty/ell hood'' bab, S"of Xtrictica. liatest NVP,pass o% I ithets that are,.here -ou wish th'is land, of, -.p avo oil se-� _` I I , tell o 11 or ION q Jf 0 i,.s ib ii, i 6 could It, b� ill dib spi to I'lvi aliff 8 11 7 77 Na -Upon a all w 11(yyetai s, NV'1 : P1r. oil ee 0-r ; . ! I foil. of: ­i,o,�s thn souriii Bi�ar al devoted his.: life. to tile �(,rvibe", 11 C" ' and 'i a. cqu ilse.ati, Ealo�rson I, I Cl "It' ull J u s, -o 'Ili till.$. coun ry 0,vii, ill", Oi.�brict 6 tilvivat t till"buidi, L lie 1.urtle M 0 u I I t"a de r , .!� _ , . ."' , ' .- - r. !L THEMOST-POPU6A spcec I es V oi�j 1r , ., � , 4, , . , I , I . al" froill t. I , . 0, o F" A L L_-- -n"$ooresb corpoli4bioll, Nv'i th C 1119. fri sinin] y� ask, Is fihiis" 'to bi*.' for! f6, �i i't h 1� collt�, 1, d eam, bll 18" has"� ho -filvor Cu Tle, s'trudk we�st if, oul'- - A' FOR':5 , LE 'y K or�,rrerally' ;tire senti- D "AF SOME MMMINE" t_ of- liansas' la'borelrh to tIle nolle"ib, _111"In ill _Soll-lo,piii , b, I) F --i lb� tr G, voily,litonoy and Q 0 0: Lne�tsi "Of t 1) e' .1�artyl- �'If Sol let '016111 Tot��.1�4,k s al I T �d to , uo � d'�al t,: fairly ario. Portcr�awl 0fie ili�ivel�ID wil, t.(- tidill's-thcro is lio,placo like 011t, till corne,out boldly.' arid say ,o;, our 11 ell. st-': wl -I I i'd 't I ic disallibwairc� oft,his nieas- P tholl"llave an upportunit ?�+'Iere is�the'13ill Of. th,e Ili -e �Y'. 's w 6�. a ld just 4),fi% porti storol iiml y 1 axpi IN Q %i: 7 I I u r'" Fi�- Uli e"T_ .8 iowing thi 'pro-Yalikee am. I s.,Scott,� of London:Ti',,� bc. lil-a_ stiI,ring appea-1, fo"r �Up-� , . , . .., I 'I, T al, (I M -r "611 , 0 . I , I - -I- �_,_00 0.11 NVIO pn i 'wit t "I 116'�� oll Ow C"I Tr fr , I i"' I I,, ��Tl`l ta-, alAnd, okcLIrSiOn',tlri il few 10 0 I.e. lid if RTH: 0 lip I c, 20a, dullb ("Sc uxuliall!ed. for'ol�i ur pre �,rt or l,'IA"I elo.lill) (,it lol" ul-11 p, tlie- "C paraliti of, i if hlii - li liqu �vb I e wanni t1lat sl'irit's of, th po�t Oil Col IW�s Own craine Porward and, (-Clunly; fil)rlilerIv toac ter it! t e T111A, IMilt col ii Im'O i�, I's Can tIVe fait.11, of' a' vast III qJ or] by of:- Iis�pu ta"I t6rrit: ALI— Caulerol Ai boll:so lillnxtilo, W. H. ti'm 1�', lit tol "'olliiod I0 P r fret lg671t" I "Is l"10ol''1111 im,'t"will C -1,11L e "id adians is stiIi bu ti. F I f7t i �:oii 7 il, .73 wn��y W�Dr' UT i I . . .§A� , d; ll(� SorryT t lat it * ieri spoilt a (r i d 'A OIkl Ifilion %V;Is not able *to' sp(_�'ftk :fo� t heir 1760111 ldtoNr.l�, pi r al ii S last ek. Nq mntn A I r. Or Lo V o G w I �lliiliti;;: W011 PIi ff"bie j200 I'Le said" thfore was 'no bet'ter 111117d lold soft lil;ttcr ill'� Tack, Bae,�'s ifle, I 1] 1, t! I C, W ay, a 11 d re'l) of- 6 cro ps i 11 -It 1) (2, t ter, nah-s Mci &c. now than ill 1878, but it was "ond 6oliditiali to tIl6.0N0l1li Mr. G. Beltz, canillibion, ill , this "D ii-% -F 1) 1 6t'( -ill' 'Clio difTiwe'li ady-made'01 t ing, ._ )*hl, to tile ta-I 0 Tv f in the P'Ll't of th t Itleg,or be W ellildoilsigneq; ulall ally uney-bad seell. Me r, - Who k III o ws re ftbO�Ilb flour b4a:n th w as.owiag to die Jact that poor crops f,:. ).,I.Osi1lUIl;i Witil vot,t;l"vol' tillree roollIs io, e of "Livo, Is. Ooolge.0 '11, lo $5571.9 rev ailed bbf6'1'Q d g6o�d OneS since. VJ )if d , I, p" v7sl Ing MrT.Lovett`8 this wewk. 0 lo IS I I s ill 'grin'tils tile will IlUdi, Do -you i �tllab [110 . 111(.1"IVIC uals 1his was dub It l'y b"lo.(JoUtors efItl.(_", 1wolle,tofty,oll Vi,�tol'ia Stroot, X aps is lit "If. I I I V 9 take to S ftn(t upoll a, pulioio plat.forin, 'tilt �vi hope 0 -Whti squi.inclored you? fl)oney, in tl i port, ITC,�ru. InUell. 4a, rger, ­: t: t sloild, f lie, iloofilo arid spi for; un hou'r oil politioul ques- sooll td,bo alA., o C11 a (IiToront story. tlI,1%T171, o '(11,131M,11, caro6se, slkrill clip their finpr� this wo"s anothpl. cause, Tile Price of' Of Winghi tion's iivithout.'intikiii, any worse bfun- . t Mr, all I' TM1 Car J, i a ant ellivg-holl,;L 6TI .,:a bes, a, two" Li fi)ritlerIv lluld_W 'riol i if J. (11 1 in the Dominion T ;u -,y 7 If no- hoili had'hot adVL'nc,od- oil acc�ounb of ' `� 1. 00t nd. Sh nd der C roa:, re lds"iii ti S v IianA'ra:nvf)i a.fbui- into,. , , thoir, I I I_* I I I Ilr b 'caulie in' J U 87,7 NvIlle 6 barilIlr b no 'the"youing orabor froln, CA'i I'l boil `l- �vi 11 Tote for'll'oll-ter "11;8 wi Miller, nom, ou�lll)itt([ ;A�fltl C -;I-�doricli at $160, por �Cenll(l welfm.4iellabod ritrill, part, of� Lot, a,, c O�ri his part to,.eib,up p Thn.fichol ildiss Jenwo 1'5,tsl�i 1110, Nvllej�Iarii I). It oall, (�ioi 0�vl Ill I)"" obilly,dii I lt�' y 6 clalinod thftV I Ow flr:it-elil�s ur, at 01)6 81tti ce ,it our , disli6sol does, 116t n" her �;ld holljii Clentiralia becin Owhia to 1 11 o milo and filli0l, li;k prinei paid for wool w�tii stavcs,, Ills ro 11 �,d' bill 1, 61 bl I lookint, 110110 front G� W, sb!ttioll. U U of flo i mi .-ropast 1) 'the, fir".1,".""lly furthor exposure qf­ the 2 F f"01,0E TEAS ..Y nt' tariff, and 1 saill tha;t the Aqio,ie. NY 0 r Urn there. rlii Oil U9 eXtraVe lie �o for hor s(�jo 11111i �t�fii with t1lailivolling-hol S', ao,all�b. aild, co,rrupt , ',I , f . �O were at'li to .: , i -their jine. J% nO�v ottenplod fly M i Shmil.,ttlil, G.' W� it. Asti k so Id ' n Mi�., Patriot, Mm L - , :: . . . . . i . I I - - Airout, itblltOi oil pojibi�ija'jls, wIJO 6robed -ce(it, Also, I.ot 46 oil I.Nn I t t I ie, 'Uouidilion, e 6. There ought to 40 .'a. C t colts Ifty I fI Ili loti, The lots will bli tol,atItor 61; sLpll� th 11rovince of Ontario , 'i�116 0 0 1 ng, A -Now selling off regard ess of os d III ti� o f foil!n' bi, five: 1�' -ful Fh' to fill" mvilell, 2" i n a ri, W oh de! vi 0 con ts por pou u(i s, q to Oro 'voq�o' of doi4paiti ill 187�: 11) ,100 I lik of 8ri %n hours to' c'. oll"Ifiry 'i In filler N� ob . wtly's w6 i ti� en tll It list nli(dr t J)O, ox tol'id od indefil�atli but, rll�o �,Q it I Ill Lo�, DOW, so,ri 19 a 777 'th al�to 'I'll o bplilso eoil tai 1 t8 t4 AIi O� A 0: Us o �ly s.", to I foil D, F ar-l."Iso full collip""I'lu we �"n 01 1 C11 I U s I'D bli i'll"s � f onllo�li too ilull'one-ill tile 111)1)ur stoiy loi dy 'as k, I I coil LMy, -odni -(I Our Will ifichol) vm,(Ioll, �Voll, S -in ai� I ea :ha" ; rsi 'fflIni os' . Q dorid) 11"Id dom If y6u. havo fecil , , , I Illi I - of flatriotis st lie to I . , 'i . A evory ]over of his collatryl i pa- N7 0 Z' I U�ld too, r I I , 011 1 orw0citi in i popul-Lution. by : 865'. �sini foriiii,,ov iwiongrli 0, g, to fi. now i ulall.rm,ho, profons S77 this i0si (]It(, to t I i. (,,, N I`- I by,�Ir� A, Pq7I the, art,' I -pri'o Or I)Q(ly All�l Ectll "�000, _bI I o a 1) 1 not to� title acl� of, outel s I 1(�IP Co..�IlVp gFfAiso o6wiv iottl amll i)niwings for ca6 t 0 w U�ST about 1114 persol�, 601ilething.lila"AL6 - "s tlovp 10 " RDE Z cIi T% LAGt' ii) o n, I g i I M." t1i citi'zons. Tire 1-eori-�[ With fiitini� ilcroiis tho hitok ��ncniir 'clorus" " ar. y. 'A' I tll(�'paft ''go succo88 i a 1), t gdo tl;,at lJh k kALIt T1 M, M be tt 11141lilel.Stbofl, -rclaxed poytia 7i �L-1. P E!, 'D ST ND, 11: kil 'ps 'fiton 'ountry's bit] I ok i.4 nidrked .is I b"C"�(," the wholib? 'sylitlrll 1111ro n1'ricts �Ye4 4��(l ofi" by tbu n St., Cli (Wr, Io, u 0 as oul. lwi.o and Y�ill use 9 V OTHERS lvlj:bleo�l o U� c 0 if 1'. ti Jor ollr� c goi I I o, tb'rom�h couglit,; aoif, 'oi,G SUF1PAS$M rIc. I � to o 'oil 'to LOST.' 1,�, i 1) y idle tlle�o 141o,�� -6no rIs (Ilio 0"Itso uray. deniand P0 0 o s x, liot(l I �, L. t�n' ea s f Of Godf, I" J3 PS06 na lJStj6 f.],ii 1� \�J,l JY a t ma! taml n I Ci�?Ilvrofl,of the public' wile,'ic ly i d loss in. tile carlying Oiii it 6 fall t 0�1111,11,'e you till oIrthu count of bl III, clinfoll It G 0 L D Si PU\T, sI'IJlf)- ad:hforj S6,-,M,EM YORK, e �Ioidial ite he"'t". e hus, 5H of wY ee"L'11:'O"I'eky y :, nv, "I r Tl it law"by6forrod ,to Sol) or will N" �Ia.y the Poullill'y. 'Aine okpoliditur", i claililo the 1?1J0l",I�,1latifi6 suplV11C9 'a, WRII b To%vn of Ook, ivh, biuki�ter. ly I G, '1CA(.0 I thA v o it I to Ste c a ah e '7 Mr. MAR I a t 0 RAN G F_ MASS'.. il;1,11,6-4.11tward ft:Ae�For ('I'l I I I 100 t, wlill,o oxilnqvautin A. 111_is, ILL 1� �TulleTth, ou ai -it in,, Ili yearidner foi% It is. ii,ot q. filed- rr, Ne t? of tllf,� tmvll� llp� . lb of 6to, Gf �4(K C. t '�'J)Llrte ll�o f - i 4 gurc "Ol I p: t; I gy I I ilhcl�,t) - 1 ['111 (1, N'V. I'l ich, 6SI, I �6 4"1 ill h6rr ol�)be nutl'jitiont, iiistrtlitry,cotimcr o I I n d u It -fs, o la,..to,blood� 1) llqo, they did Ill r-,PFIENTIU WANTEN -f Cl 0 1) es f, I c had Cal!, q 'o bilici,cu, 16, o I Mles. III 'Is J.listcad of son('.1iii'l )a�vycr,to,pah's tile ta�to, Try i6lzio­ I's 01 Vory dz'oply, t M W", all( ca '0 i th , 01' AY 11 I- le"al I 'i, I� as that cau fl, qrllnrf�! iiiil��,N,,e�it 6 ift�pljco Irr Ile, "sure for fil�o bollofi6, of, 0 1 01. .1i." �,gmrblcauy, Tt lo It lli's 00Vv 0 'IW' I �� I , , I� 0,101" 1'0 do, tc! and hil hruld, r.kll (fruf%IlStS. fj()y to ra e�,,rni A 10 if a I M oil 6 for mly fioi�afl Jyb 1110i'llb t 3, ba Alli It 00 h, (ir , - -11 — relit A,, T ' F, �� I ' 1, . I , , " l 71 co -sib t t1lo olo�' For 'Al all lilifii 6vok lb k 0, 1 fi, d, a t, I tire & fl,�v I u, f, I N A I �i'y 4 tl),' 1892, V"o te� for "yi1lI(11'i(.i i dol, tj I e, dillon, eni,�ton, May, t�55G, I v8r"�,. I & ftke,, o My U T L.J To ,® 1 lIi J i W, j: