HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-06-09, Page 2F-LLER$ builml" �The 4ee'tinij on Non"da TRAV Holinesville, Xay,Utih 1862. Great I'Vestera Itailivay. Mr. QAr�aron OpqAks his Lotte Piece, Rdilkl' 11-`tVq?4,ReC0 (t dij et� tq -All Weduesday we be.iligbted ol�tncil w -day as Court of Re! 79 RIC S., FOWLER,� DH -istation as IdIldCj'.- C jjA Lit �AT tkQN1 13Y Tit g, ipliabiltAnts. of PerrIkis Block watch i tIl e visioll. Members 411.present,, TlAose T,ir4jUs leave Clixitoi AND Ili &FE T T� waterlogeart wvul) its way lip, and down; VOINQ NORT11,. PV,.oP6LFS" CA9D;tbATE, the Main street, -We, did Indulge it fOrid yrc�ent having quallfell, lli,�� 4PPORIS 8.25 w%.re proc'e'eded wltb W� ,9.' 9 a.m. 1.23 P�W, .3 hopi that lIging, situated on the priuciptil of Thos, Higgins was "j, Nq sourl�. The miseltinn, which took 'lace oil e,ofthet6wn,tbe4ront of our block IWT 61 M I P "I" to 1, "ar .011,11 be fr"tj frOtu the ince$50lit clou,18 �4 confirailed a ic 8.3 3.54 pint, ' 7. Monday evening laRt illl� the T6vil: Hall. the "Ph 1190 AS. P'd r y a. ai� 49 p.al. myou), %6()FE6 all 0 1,14 Rwrdy attended. All the orthe water. �13, tit live were doolnell to dis- K)LIN S6271INGS waSr not gyanted tr oGrallid Traliali Railway. was very appolutinint. Xow�althtoughweitjT�errns­ 16 re( u,ction ushed -anted. b soatS Were fully Occupied alid,qtA,e a 'BI for in Robt. Mlev.'s asseqs4 I was, Ock are famed; for our lei IN TOW NL. WING WES"P: 106rge number ia lo aild u p.during above all others, not excepting, mill-r4y's HR a DICK" G I d st M, I � Block vet Mr; E'ditor, we obj-�Ct to b 111. 9.00 P.111 t , e left The a�9SesSUjcUjI 1.0,11 N 10. 00 ami. 2.40 p.u­t,_Q.30 p. lie entire proceedings. The � audience )'AS gone hi"ll atid dry. Give Lis our sbare of water,, carefully w1len 'it %�as' Inoved by John 'the� cry I . : , I Wa b, 'tIlatj the al is of 1 accorded' a fair'lle '-ing,to all the -,peak- a� in 12-.45 pon 5 P YOur.-oliedidnt,servant Cox, sec. � by Jas.'L; 8 004�m 10.00 1. ersi, and the various points ni le b� the AN 6ssessnilent roll of I clz 882 now revisedand _FjNA,.MT AT A E==== candidates wer6 heartily responded to corrected be passed.�.(, AU C111VAtCH IDIsEC1,01ty. Editor 1hiron Recoid by the supporters of tbe-w gentlemen'. , ' The Cotirt of Revision beino, over the Sill, -In looking over your. pape r L no - and mitiltites of last iTip-efing �yerexead, and. 6,30p,jil. SabbathSehoolat 2.30 P, ill. ltrv. Wm. ell frorn 10 ticed an editorial note asking n Canada Hethodist.-ServiedRatio.90 a. I in. As uear as -could be judi! ti yseir to ei�r E EAT"E'OV Ce to to �Iatforrn the liludlence %v�aii; fairly divided PI "in what is �elng done with'referen Vif t If- ine-ville and Co 'gowilshipl -c i canaaa lkrosbytorian, the roz orli HTIii�,[Olkl 6. 3 0 111 Ultween . ljot. -one on with.. a 'Preponderance of 1\1n abillath Sollou -So, . Itisy. Al,lix. 8TIIW- With Ines Connolly was, appointed pall p. in. sl, 1, 2.30 P. In a 61iglit`� borne. As, to'what I im doing, I Mai say J4 gs 'have be I master in room . of E�Irnand Courtice, Ap.T, enstur-, -Serylms at 11 a. iii.,amll 7 Porter!L3 friends. This, at, 'a tneetin" that my'doill e I about the same I I !�,001 , I . * D, 10 1W pas�ed"and the6r4illar y busipess.of the, -ADI), proves Me. el 4 and ),,ible Cllik�is, 3 1). to: Itliv. v ig is away fro!jj bci st, 11"Vile (Upis,.i 1 , as other peotiles, I have. been going up by Odin Ing at thern' and I called 1�011- allll�dowu the hills, look 1� E BL,LKRV 1�� tIA 00no, that it was a. disgrace'to'Colbo COCIzV see -by Jj� CIL16ively that the people.of t4iis vicaiity, � : , , ark(I Godericl� to have the road in such it Wlijpely, that the surn ' cf:8,75 be grant- u IT Oltmcl, �Zootor rne� Ajoved:by Jas.' Pea Bible Christian.-Servicesat 1040, 4. ni, and 6.30 IN ISM 1) - lilo� lbfv. It. TnwiAs� at least, are not prepared 'to go co Neuralgia, 0 mbilitth Sell ol, 2.30 1), 11t; � $ . , , back iatica, 1uhibag -0--, h lo.!30 m. , in. and 6.30 P,111. t(i in repair, not, do I think it shouI�i fall EXP r. � I nilition. I did not promise to keel) the -d forvideni I- the 3rd and 4th cm Baby qdrnayes and ress,� Wqgons, Ba ti t Chur.eii-SLrvice a upon the -principles of the L,, ib6rai Coll- ro� wit Backache, Soreness of. the Chest, jlhj) )$School, 2.30t?.jill. -oad is used not to �itatufti Ith in front'oi Nfes ly J. GRAY,Tft Upon rue to (lo so. � The I ser,,'�ative Party. by meal()nC, bil t I)y the people of'CO16 1: e Robinson and Alctusky's farin.-7Car- 'Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throaf,4well- Repairing, 4ion&,�.Pronip The-Maybr 'was seie6tecl lt�o fill the and st-angers froin all parts of the., Pro- ried. nlys and qprains� Burns and , W Inton May 25th, 1882. Re' dverfisements this Day. I C-1: i - vince.,, it I,, It fri�at.ter ol!,qurprise to ailthat MoVed�b JQ!,, Whitely. see. by John 8,caldisj General Bodi y i�io acted PaIns, pos with CROQ W, LACRQSSI�'.. STICX a of cliairbian, and S, have to travel that�tyay w'hythe road 1s.1l`t 'Cok, that a suni of 5100 be granted fril �reat ("learino, sale -11t. 1�. CrIM4 & Co. st7rict im partjali�y, d i I ritIg­bb "peak ing, lfiil� opposite lot 18 on Tooth, Ear and Headache;, Fro 'Sled but, in -vulgar parlanca ga 0 ]1 t,, -craiii acwhir.ter & Co. iln.solf deal folio it., bome iqty�,tliey are tenit. Feet and Fqiik�i, diid a// other' up a stick or r-01 to tbek5th and-6di, con. -Carried. City Book store-ulirig. Dickson, awa, , at'Ole close, hell lie in' NV -calledi for to*" -t out 'an�' ""'It Move& by jatnes;�'Laitllwait, see. 'by s and Aches. I -,� or - w ijnv!�f Goo(is-lackson,ttie Clothier. pu'�*Aklizh tile to the rea,elk an' Xii!b Preprikatibn on earth skill don UIR F a c, to'' r YV 1W 'VA.'N' S, C: GARS1 &10� Xe '' , I I cheers for the Reform, lead or. i � " 1. Rio ST...T.& 011s,01T, U lite L(kad,,,6tc=- 11. iM. RacQ37. IOC4 tll,�iOcels -lin' it they get 06wil the .41 grant of Zternal janles"NVI . - -on,,who is suffle -o -,try., � J'anles Peaco.6k, that a speci 08, a salie, sureli 8jntj)je and iilteap'R qorp. lteni,dy. A trisil entails but the conatinrativolY Commercial. ljotcl-J.iunes, M A�r. Camel ri,itig fi lll� hill, but tbis sh * auld pot �e:'necess $00 be set a f. 'nson, G. T. A 'en�. ­ ik that some of the peol5le. whoSub- pRyt for: the. purpose 0 VXCUI-4011-j. "'iteplie a severe Cold, was the first speak : Aid till' trifling outlay of 50 4 fqents, and everyone sufroring improving- I Lth a:nd 12th con's., from ith paink can, bave P� Ilost, Office Menco cla, int and -ere; I, Holai.eliv Dir,letione in Eleven Languages.' - tractors.. ont , repair, it a little. Th s etc.:at Chatham -Notice to Con- He on, d by saying that It , e knew sci;lbed so hb(4rally towards the rodd Would I v . akp�aiad positive proof ! or its 01OKSON, rter, th 111 ille to� the ��Iaitlani,l 1-tiver 0HRA9, 0, no reason why 'Parliament I 8bould be still �)Ijjc -s that -is e ce-o , f the'Reeve il'ing his. sin under thei-tiperin't r;&�n SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALER3 The nnihfrsiLoed;.in retkii core tjlallks� G. W. R. Excursiou-17. Jackqon'..A�,�;ent� red, � (I ol I it I w. )'� 1 1, 1 dissolvod at the pi:esefit time, and with pronji,,,,ed towarclsflxin,� it up, but the sub Sulky Rake�7`1`b,os. TI'ppIh .. I I "I and alov6r.—Carried. IN MBDIOINB. -to the people of clil�tollalld slirroundhig 'gowiltill114 -a Al. -Racey. -einiliiscehces of 1878 before- his 'scril), s Se vho-e IQ Past, bee. Fresh DireCt Inif portatJ On- eni Lo'be doin`gnas the,I)oy I, I&C & CO3 for their 41wriyl pstr ill ti si ed vif6iiii, the i el -Aloved by Jas, Laithwait, si�c; by A. VQGEL 010111 that lie 1.5 Ill -11,11 ring this year -se. While the, it f, ther Baltimore;.Nd., V. oS Gold Scarf Pill Lost -Mr. Martin- �Ulhld, , tl)oLi(,Iit t1re fewer lecItibus � we father liad'a b;il.IT.y ]lot 0kaffi,, Ma'd,*hirter & Co's� old $tarid, Offiton. Was Wlli' Pill- the balky horso' it came to Jas, Peacock, that oil account of 'the had the better. His stateiiielit that he p t if' lie cotild wbip, ti I le the boys inind tlift side road in''disputo commencing at.7th* J' -w­a;sct-tfr6-b. -to-d-ra-w�he-mi I a se- it is -ex PUMPS. CtSTER rp�, 0 I�T� L�- C 0 It -D one gll�t pos'- -8 Was ui) S reprelsent the, ele6t6i I'lecessary sibly get -through SO 1 sulipo: 7 1 � n olices- the voters that Mr. pected that Bare Will have toget out ftla I In Clinton; a GOLD SCALR'F'P,jN, shap- 2., But I skoh, PIOUgh. The I finder PLlNT0i4; FIIIDAJ� JUNE PT11 3rd apd, 4-th and. Ist And'2nd That canzlot fail,tp give 6atisf.totion to all! Port�er_ could (o and r 9 u ni-ng across 5th andl6th c —J A0 Q � N 1 -1-1 e Or t1ilere wouf be, anythingi do nt ed like., will be suita it. inuch w4iter. d - I have not a bazurfull Of money and -116ither, the -,Clerk prerare '6 Iy.LIa--Nv.,acc(rd- bly relvarde iesamewi I enterec into w ono, 1 oric retrospect. cl6J'.tIjjUk it fair QLtat th�:p�ople �ih�uld ex; -e's Survey to estAb Mr. MARTIN, at,thd Fo6ndry. in- to Mi. Pasuioi as to ]low the.'"Doul.inion Govetiarnelit pect me to dig downboth hillsand do yvIlt Clinton, June 7th, 11 .2 '66ubi not be done liislisid �oad and to -have it red f became possessed; of the North W( -,s4, the y or (�an any sine" Man who was present IV j1h a-bolit �10or,.$15 and � the labor I and next-weeting of Council. fo]t�tui;aitely fo� the audi- 'Otr my.old friehd Who helps me so liberally e Moved, in amendment by- Jolin. C' welk, Du to: Men .,territories but at the uieeting on Monday say timt-Mr-, A' I ' I ' I � .. oxi ence - id go quite so far, back' as ik,ould (10, the onehill -law be Grad Truft R aft.ay [1) e j') �i . I � � - . could,be matlepiutty see. by Jos. Wbitle!X, that a by Cameroli adanced one argua�ent, tbat� Uitcling of the Pyramids. , He then gooci I thilik,the Couneilshobld L 0, T'.. H� I" N 0 Survey by. H towthe Other one. You see I U Ua took up' -All orders liromptly atton(le(I to, T`!LrbiQ9, itlt(illd. vill stand a niloruents the ht, wily file -it fit . Ist 1. n ill! Ilg to help, at Ba on.side line le ro liso 0 Government shoujd not be sustined. ested, ijartles Will' give U,;. F "r I�kul"'Irklllrill'i tilt! "11111) 6easoli; wil. sa�iisfa, alittle d"6 ,%)-to C011111111 ileate,witill Ille. P Ved. to I y to 7bh, between lots 30 all(] 31 and. �hat of the. audieljq�e, that, Ontario th I U k we sliall be ble to heeppDople, front that, tbe�, Clerk have it ready. foi. next PRICES,�­T OD, Did be show'that t.bey had brok 000 III -, - . I M ERATE.' losin& 66 000 per all u beciJidse, ieir word. : - I break '��decided -the G'T. R, Will take faith With the peonle in the promises, Mr. Mow,,t ould nob -0 to the hiafiefzt- Me tiliz of Counjuil; 'The rbev over in a oil they had made 7 'Not ti �all The -judicial tribunal in the7Empir(-Aom '.DAVID BARr, - fa.vorof iotion, 'No acc6unts.were Paid, the tr easurer the 'el6ctioll, was tIs ..-Additional new HnOs thiS:we' e a, o thlrew to?� 11z' question upon which bein�r ednesay, June . th IIfairl y out. a jlirl.t:, tilat tile Onta-io Gov6rll,�, BIR, -L-01-11 you inform us and1fie, Mary ed, to arect Alain OR T­SETSI,�,� fought in .1978 has read6rs of the 11ilJou'D hat. caused, Mr. OLIllcij OQUE Dy gultir train tq, inent Woul.try.W, b'ribo' the! coustitu carried �Out, �So WeIl,bdq;.'it been Acne." thetIfirct'lib idily' in June, -as t -�th e.n6es wholesale fi6;y M-cMillan to get so vxcited on,the plilitorm -it P A - - . � e 7Ej r -R (Dj: rT and so satisfactory. hits'bee.-Ii the r6siilt Hall on* Mon- 'J,Am js. P Clerk. A" -th ITo,,y I fulid out of e proceeas L 1 1) 'ht last. �.&ll or Ills jitt6ralices Could "I' be- C Ay - that Mr. Cameron did not, even inci- of timber sale.� hie wtiter saf,, bUit w�ie not be heard. where e S tI s TI i',- w"ll be -a good opporbluity for those. Coale pos 'ib sessed.of the t' The Concluded ;age aIjCleSLUrCS that, 4eiltally, refer. -to at'Pubject.', coun ry, by !its '.Tll going � to see the re -union o tliandied,. someone had TOT,�. CARTS -bisallo.wance uestionwasnex been -Very -ilatialli ty to him., Armyofthefi6tormic. Tickets goo� to re_ 'fle w, t We 'could gather however, e The,Count ouncil -6 on Tu ndered �off into. the.-Bouildary and in connection With th I is he trotted Fruin:Iwil, y hel es'.- turn on.. any re-tilr tr I ia.uP t9' the 16th asserted :tllqt Ontario bad Ws, annoyed because cif a lot ti award ftnd a ing rutnor, day last, an(j,was� wellattended. They are- in,,:t 'out th e u f French d61nination, (lish .rrit6ry 1je- as to his. pX I elil f in, It,- Supreme ala, jolly good lot, offellows. been rob bed �of. it.%� to -it iace, ceased 'to. h4ve'� 'Being, whp..�ylll Cll all ln�il to iccoUnt wr knows full well that it is" ]lot, within :.Two of' our. 'e'n terprising- to,;v6-men but this z FARE., �$9, r the Round.''Tip. avernien . t any. on. ll, i1i.46.4iligent audie t1)e,.11 Deeds done in the body," and wIll re- Messrs. C. A.. Nairn and W. L. Ilor�on, oils 111 EV erYbody'.should zee our, Scotch the power of the 1'ederal G I? n.ce, qb their works� w�ere arouUd this week , bs Iward of puui- according to his r�,lnar s off!tbis �sub�ject I o criPl,j011s X. STEPHEN,�O ib of 1 iave tich on Dok-min- S, III Sea and .11 Urc state to ro.b'the Province of one foot'of I f t CVt txistence. I for the 'purpose of it' celie6r. ee.d Suits at in oi�, On tjie G. P. e a: G: ger;. W to wli;cli'it i8 faii ly e. eHIN. 1 0 1 t aspore lot, I)Ily. They in geltln6, About, ye, Shells pi6tqre and Photo that the bounds,of Oiftfirio are defined icy to propound from he c 0 po and �Could 0 r andknew. soniething of his ante- !idzens, nd7ille council -11 Alottot's only rail a:,t everS,uhing that ha� been 6�claiit,;4 .. Did.he not, on- i(mviitlid another 100. A I�ili)lic 00�M F�.ajn6s I'RIALJAIOTEL.� I,, called by the Mayor for' . : - I " I ­ . . � I 't ;L. y 0 t and, Wo -e,e S me years ago -bodly shbuld by -I, I act of . the Imperial'. -1 0 M r �brky ur,'Serge I . '11*er' It' e�ly and wickedly de- f tl' ol, Jewelry rjV .0 . done by, the e op 6 ie -citizens .and that it is only 1) n6thler -let of the � , 1.1 hled iri,.the sacr,�d. JI , in a y. 0 f L I p ninitteeto deci(le'on i�pvvar IIif ally Ivilo, as'a fra'LicQ 'And did,h6 not de- is d d Same body-. fhat 'those bouilds can e programme,- t4kc. for tite day. A grand ti'me 1VT �, � Ls 'it- InYth ? -is expected and''our townsmen ctiollss -ills. t ad bee its at.'12 the �:tne,God.of the'BilYleti I dq, Of tile kra"611illi, Illiblic. coltillo-. bill 116 rejpc�L'Ited of file Un"Odly,'&CdS Govern III t's h'd policy; and a gentle- titived to have a reat 11 resurrection" in- .,o kepb;tt the best sNki- land yet I , mail in tile An.d-114S stead 'of :1 1) i I, oil �that occasion . oaudiepce, -who has just r.e-. u s a as. Cliuton, 1into 1,.1882. d tors.by Ontario,b6ing rbb- lie pii�blic-].,3,�cltiiiotitieL�,[iiifidelity? -Ifso The'Schobl Poaid tell Monday las.t JAB. IllOQ11E -Pr6pi ieton­ front. prouipt.1y all- me a a ep e WIlLn, aild NVIlere 9' If so,.�,fs lie now and was, well represeilte�l. sid, Oan �,d Suit 8, low, bed a COm' Coil, eral I T. swered, as, no. �olio :sdid Jlley �olnc evngelica c U nsact6d after. which tb��; He also speaks ofan it) ustice. lia,6n g 1 ? y -bc� pro- Board adiduirne( e -triot. Mr. nieroa proCeed Xnless,Proot to.tl IF wer ed ic contrary call �been done ir.;i Ole of the Y 7 sav that 14' liadj' .0 U Wq -AiGH AP' m6t one, reiltarkably'- Ucec., We Th List believe th!it-he holds "the A* hoy ��hifc walking backwards on the 7 iew''lle promulgated so �y Ane r`� o f the,! PeW7 Streams Bill.. Every membeir of tile Aamw ar'f on Monday,�tepped offinto the jVater.. d':not arm - 0 v 1) tj e qua I y. OOOL le t�`Ict committCd by him"quies not. thilij�g"'be; before leap;nk next, <e tra e.,:- unkortuliat,indivi 'y 1 #9 He ws qu I c k i.y .'r�e S CU ed, bia't itGrit party kndws hat -Mr. McLaren mialouL ago. I -lis. sa procureasolitary400tof lan1d out, a th e:'b �t was, by that Ale asu re., o blyd6pri lied excitement, and don !t '0 6 256,,�O ' 066" acres in _J1 North casc.l, . -e I mo Ali ol, !of propert� that bad $250,1 . . meet tl ve the�stigjha.: 4t 1�.tl �At, this poi'ut he.was� rp,que'sted Pc Itime. ef that lie cleties tiny deaf of.. nol! se fillt Cris v v es a n d He was as much atL th.e niercy of TAI�� may firld that his belief ivil! Tie Town.Council�mct of) Frid-ay last to.s."at's llow� lich 110 al and, 'was. Alowat as file unaxinl6d. traveller. is at. his leaching 'It positioll l�icll lie rno�4t ofthe',officers we.re present. wport8, T coaipelled,,to adg)it:that he� had (unike ercy of the thief, who stops lihn , . .- I , 1 to it: it be generally kn'oivn that fie ortile different �hows the hSP e, c i ntion to- BorS �his In spell views, 'arid to anccondition of th 1 "atte ])aid lu� y bolding a pis frienti) ben ble to secure, liok:18 and to be in a, 77 C_ 0� L SUj' as a ai cisil Clothing poll the hiidiwav, six sections f�oai; the �Gbvernment and hs;60CI stand so 0 it) lid A"fair. rplus now 111' 'to his head,'aDd the- act Was in no sense f Ith q rani --sep ble .-b ,gj�., .tian-tity ands n e­tban� Use of'smooth :ta- pa avtr or a exciteawn frevai. s. over lie, corn-, in It ice, t .1 CPT 1. fty 1 J.t I, S of his PUI.Se' While placed C and Uta(le L116110y itrid, el .. I I . a .a -more-honest'or'Aloilor, I lie had ol 1 0 1 tal.�tau, the �T I N perio(I y-succer. In. iding into, of ies Irobbing, a man c �stone IL in of. The poli,6 of th le'GovO but Lill lessis tich ' an denoutices his ipll� isgenr- in tllat�positiou. ::-Siy W113.* Bill. ll� )yrou g, b at 1 �c the s Ucces . shii i. jing delity Nord's th�q, lly helievied to be C &casl ­ I I. n g I n 1)1.r. a tS S by his 20' 06,eniineut au016ri,fy.:6n�.lBrii!igli.laNy., OVry,fOr.his�yH:dieds.'h " b - �els, t le 'comin, t b of J III I) ar �W IIC,� -7th (�b 1 11 IS Inore 43?t C.'s pocket w9 I I " I 'A f ten' s'tat- -Is at 'NY, , S a 19 o make, A.-aew iron bridge is being built over the,, rig ti, dij. not a few ortarld ..Will clearl eln out �says busare man Ao place over us t such iws�for the gbotl governin nt or our cotia� Itive a Only' at,,* 4hiell WilPbe ompeeditity And is. do tibl e. t h at, of is ye r. n oat is, �as to -great improyerntInt It is a rule' founded, -.In Eq t ry be a, laid don by -jurigits.as ari� acknowledged, a'6ce of the du on the f I or- I n . ic . r o U�. -fie - pr6ce�Oed" :to �idicule �gir, of any office tck�wllicll�& principleof.univeisal law that,a"pravision on, ry per,_ I elected or appointed, lie,is�. ever Offered -in ry attendant Richard.'.-Cart,wrimht- nAlbeson has Bugineqai nsittion is. a.,,necessa' b6omicig. T e� or four Ty weec, eavinz anc� I or weari r reo r, of the t i Ielaq ppel PO boats -call li�eie vel 1 1 hre I lto n. RS. d to affirin wit a.,sel I NOTLI C E M IT litities of fre lit,each t�uie, ; tilea o settle of �jru of lilitij It S1lALrD TENDigii�, to, the un- �s entis v�itli the words of' o help, '�ed le- 'Cie "Tender for Post .on the due exer fse of file Povv.e I b 'stsl' God "of � the tak I ii 1 ar[4e q' a I:Iwgiv6r to deprive. of,, III .,,,a U property witbout ties a(V such Oaths I, a d tion 'L&esl Impro expencil U1 n I o It U, :�, . I Office, Chth r . e n 131 Th I' in.6 Gokl,11� ',Suppose all itifide is requlred:16 And vet 'the loqIll-F 41iais6lf "t' lnea�ure can6ot be. a X.0ing ills -Grave. anik'Oi,�t yvill be received lawy4j . atteiiipt6cl by (soleinl)?) at thls Until IVEDINE.S.DAY the lith' ttora salo:o act, to', talcP bad one ft( all, because lie a It is.tO b6lioped thalt ag-,iin �direc n - ------- (lay or:July next,. inclusi . vely . , the , ree- away forcibly'' ari(i God, ie nELD 'pensation pi 'erty'tl y C it, I i6 11 ri 1 '18 leaVy C -ink, not:.,4o mucin. b his, )at bag. do,, �t ie who O,f ch, -6� VPRE CE WANT 0 e a' vie e appetite t OFFICE: alio'n:of Reforin rs wi-I t be :rerturn d, to owner-,a,qual, er of it mi e thi'llity,will lend th influence to 'e'l�et ap' 08T� biicill clangel-ous I., but'for tIje.artifi- 1 i P 1f. Such aleasures 1:is thi`ar� Ilok0`4 to' M. Canieron. then closed ikv�ithout al" tit a, -second! 13yadlauli case in g: n tionot wL i,t after, bbjy 1.), at o �Arf un'c -d _O no -y' %vord' during the pass ballQzige the '0 wiier.! TO 7 TH E INDE'PENDFNT p exy, ;having said a so ita,i 'whole inan in Ontriod afe.: If Mr. :,of,:: harangue! upon the ,to Ill' I' ctors tile' CAATITA Al;�, ONT. 0 e e e , M reddfu can serve its p principt, I question a is Lie mitti W __- r ' - .-re ';:.it is ��tllis �,d ends -to alec an-d--spe- -d tions, tan�-bi ab sell(i Ing 611(1 belief. 'As Practice lousalic s, the D'elpartment'Of PUbl'iCrIIVorks, Oftawil shoold lie the I ron wou I a say 6 U I'll - hb' f bI lowed a( ejector ol� 8clutil j_1U, :A �renledy for all thl an& ffl66 now prelmiref berin n? OU__ on an Ci a onot "Llo, aijytIIIIl,-�:. 0 fair is ofa(ter hursday: S of.the, fields iii Whiel �&l "to' the' elec� 1, .4 '1 ll at edi 'ders in it- deprivo to appc 0 jljg� best aild�:pttresb of t 1 IJ y Of J k be made on,the tirinted p,b, the ses ,y.have worketit and Apon the p I ay. i hs tead o1bink bsA Er S IT. f lie' of L Csode a S ITullett, June Vli, 1.852. bJ. must Waccompanied by an sion: of which their living th ad been t enZ, _ ­ �:, -I �_ onibe; Aie(jule,' made pporl: ix. A(fCJ1A11TKD' bank �I Lble t'o one wodl'(� e t 'its �0 10 od. tic III Urn, I s e was 0 theorderof thg1lonorabte to-foll _,Uj� opijo,�it'jojj friend8 L' TO FIVID I'LlIt CIL,'T. . Of tender 'will6li'-,vill, be Such treasures nilly comhiead ron q I " 0% Mr: C�ulic Of \Vorks, '0 �Hl Velves'to.the'ulind of a 'law)"or of bil't wouild as ulany into thiq.colltest'as MARRIAGil tile party decline, to enter in to.a ik:N not be like, but to all filtikin-nien it is;'a. or, (in Ole 13th hinself ab on.ce At the, ll,�rsoflage, NIAlleliest 'ry li)`,gl�,Iy icif Y 11 c th e n w o t a t Sonic (Illgtll Ujjon,th.�, tindall 'CT A-6ntraCt when" called,; up6i! to do.so or it 0. I I (I in it s t -, b e, a uestion of Q, jo 1)�- the rov. ',. F,. Sia) -di, Nir.,G D It' E AT' y . t4 e 9t, u r d r i. 1 j thougbt In el h1o:, ditilgilter 61. Ilk. Thos. Iloar, zill 'of L�ast 1,141 fail to,coMpl6te the Work coutracted.for. It r 'I'll e L y� V variou.4 industries that had 150-11, If the 'be not accepted I In 016 U. k&.: takes Oil the 24th Af v., the resickm'okl of the Farnic' ; y.�xr ar',e upon :to'dc- fitted'and' bilt'Vp' undorhe i�Ttipna� llal,'of bile r6ii I the c ieclue -Wil w: Chit.9, or r you: give ot6l -1 to anayWfkwano�h, to Efiza Jane, d6ughter'kii Ivir. W th 5'ti 9.,V. a. nial _,o icy, 8low- tbb*L al] this, view of th e h.,The Department will not be''bound t o you -wil[ elect Ing concl of fll� sLalo place. bupport a pe6p'le at. stkb aredfundaulo.l,- John SI accept, tile lowest or tiny tender. hLO derlived bone i of ,,Ir,,i, t1i 0 SEE, OUI� F r. e Shall hthp Z.0 R'E; VHJEz�*. LEAD which brin gr' t to th mill f the fits froat 'tile chalI&O 14 R NN Chancery to i -I theL , I I . . . . I : .1, ect�a inan. wfio the principles of protection rf?ipresel� od: in rulla�foln, A, wife of Air Lewis he slecr, ary. will i lje� Notiotial. PQiicv hlid, laborcr - - Clinton' receive'�l itsArar' by, flie,present 'Minitry be adhered"to' ina, w; xy -61 -1 3 11 ark ot of, tile illdu.9tries th't.colild lic ert to 1he Ottawa, 24th i l o the Ivnio in, liat you now Possess, to elect a 111.1n. b( Ot tio, 'former cnd.ition of u'll(ler wbab" inclioton, on the 2 d inst;, lie infant daiigmer of ce I b" I I . ... , BG I LE DI: rous with hUani -%N,Iio Will ta�* off the (Iitio, was t lit is- On� the. dtfi inst., Rob�rt'Landdrs, ot T,�iei Pl;iblic'Wo -k, OS, Tt, r6yenUe a 'R 'A Wbfhtration, _,1'6� 1878 7 ,This F R, E prior of %Nli S, H a nir.bl Mr. Porter ;howed that quest y per-cei ho rail3o a 1, ve flr r ion' t OF y U. Will" eleob a nian f affecting tl e�,fubure polio' 'D, 'L a r-Muction in th6, price r, ion is:of the first 'importance au y,"qf C� Dda own ranks, V. O_" I -s e x e 5, dolestie and rela- t tat, -1 1 filerner lik it %I.)Sol Ut6ly 0 1 IIIII)OS( P your raq ive. t-lia- t.1 aild fli(,Ilel. to duirell t Out iderg see oil y - this - one ;the of warni� woittbe� VARNISHM9, i-ght olored rint . .. V S IOU Iand w Is TAS are b li ca.,itig"Iti,on w noll Allk. lthe Barley oli Wheat youl he -q and. "030.90, Into -I i ti' The a oux own people sea'' ideiltic,,*d your own, to represent Camer'oti recoi�,cd- -on, t6ou' Will not n3ake, �ho of �puttini­ SlijS ET -M lit of his, receipts, are very light. rop,of 1881: Q LAS S �O Printed P�ks' -n, d U you in the.council:9 of tl 1) ers in po%.� er alid snecirs At tiltod tyentle nwl Nl, 10 d i 1, 0 le ati6n. Ac -t insolcil f, so - revert., to s a b on' t it ihist'' S� iCt..r C I, RTOPC the the distress and -de was Sequent, upon t i'o. fino wea e h e, redhevelfare of ;t . 11 1 0 .6oulltry -,Pf our belved Queen will no:b-soou r pol, - "Qd app I I Blac k And o 16 re"&Caslimeres, 'Pornpous wyer 0111ise of an,abUndr!ftt'crZ)p in, Europe: 4 'NES I i-voguoyrio' to jtjie�chango of It A C Ey., ICY C. ja I;lqe. of oi'r And flie of lionest' go,v- forgotten by thW r from, W I LIA11 Pa,.tt6rson of Brantford , is ern.niont, Hie'Coumdw, t,own. Al r Porter , col I , clud- t I I i ye, r, ap e -on and r port thr . , a pricet still k,ela asinZ down. It w., re Met WASH TA 0, ts a biff ut' wnona�t the, pietnbers0 osle yl, the H Glov s''Corse -e barely 'enough It hedistress and des Tit ,rb Ill. pota oes,com- rit r. ty., Ue is lbot-ed upoti-As due poll( ndaingin fox, local consumption, prioos.,are A LFvrmt fr6h0,1r. of, nd 113,iin Hat' cf�tll6iLr i�ppl ,r the position s the Close of' Mr. p CLINTON.. CeL t Till r outl,00h: for. the. 0. tration, the hyivitkg ;state into WO( ance �Iiiiite --in tile csq of tha, t Sli ang& in another wifli refern )I crop is t pool- one,��very e e- J.unu4tli 1.8.812.1. Ivery rem,� Washita Pis) four PrIlinelit: tj�je 11 1 � I �. I u iful r of c lbrs i, u.n. s Col- .'Of grood, iydv Ul"lua I -SL nQ)v Bea 0 " iliade fTon. United Urn �of Alkrits to Povver. Af r. Pa;t- borile. We do not of t for our:coarse wool, manufa:c Ainer grade Oil hscol, R -0 'Bilre (Yes, the S. TO' _T_ E N �T', ''Turk ' Stone' dic, ree Clio., ll preferring' the .S �E_7 1400, froill of whie,h' Ile. tos b hV 11ln S) A few been oir 8jr J,oh.n ld'aiid 16 t In arid speaks, b' t ijb i' Uflabltlib �,?hould cor- - i U; V c0untryl IS In] - 0 --0 wil .18'to 20 rtq,'. Cal V ice thilost dn-nooi i0 Blo,c,'k,, C1 i o 7,�;. .ItRinly be go at once 8 X11. 0 14r oe ftina down of flip, hills., I fitll� porjjusil�, to i 2ri ,vgon the cu It. go 116 ll;., 11 r. T�ld to not a long-whife si6ce .1 20 to I m seems to I I g too'llilch of ally 01,1e close tbe tll,e(,tla)g for him, Me- Oats, 42 to 0 :1 -occi of $10-1000 f , tI for 1wal,T1 0 1 -ies Dry be a d cries f roll' 00 -to 0o e man to (10 tile vivork; requii -0 o -,o to 0 8o bus n 16"ood thBradlaugh oil taking the �fty,of 13rantford,, 'to, aid. hitp� in -,050 tor inty� 66tton.factor In, that plce., His l'otatoes, 0 0 �601 s tn d. t Iout I, y ylace by and', cor a i1ly. Sali-flie to r'.b Interesto worth. fifty caht,ill 0 to W6 0. I I 11 by th,� of o111ce: ]to 0 1 f,,j 0 16 vl­,P�y to ut IOTI 0 00 to 14 0C R._�'.M, RACEY. e exce. n this D'epartnie hAving 'the road The, to 6 010 AriR�. I.RMN M -s roan 0 00 'ito .11 ib a 601! fOr'the S Uth I Ak" t ence I � i 3 'Col.. lot of fl"uro,out of.t to ch�it� Campign :3 25 to 8 .110 ron ardwa'ro Merobali6 and P y of tllq;t go it ,Ctioi) of It woilld be b(�t 0 18" 6o 0 20 sheet with refor 10 the ter �oli, NOTICE. OF the duty of illo or ODl,',R It. to for or poolliloll'qcs f, �P- .. - CU TON,,.� success, 1 1 1 D1SS0L-U-149--,,01 ARTNEMMP. ar 16d' ,Council to s o th6 a Cif 011,111Q],on to two 1 1,,7 pport I'll fill, Woman ol­ehild or '1 :10 '1 .10 �julle 7t1f, .1882.. -rilioney I.tn '0 'to �t o libor is oil tht" old of Nvoolt�b, dottDll� and than to have 010 National �il'lsj 0 �i, 1") 0 So (y _NT arb0 0 5 0 0 to 0 65 tSERVANT Ir to kir alu hope for to GIRL WANTED.' to Ar o0. 6 r; Who t qi(l, n �m h d 10 t, f a fo(t f;� III), L be i; cmid Vc.Iod I' -8. ri o" it! P, IV., Ili( A y,�� im t Will liq S'i-',A PO T, V f, A",n 1 1 h 2r, T 30 wi),8 h, NY �t, Ilia0to ots :� 6 to a f3 MRS,, TAO S. J,;� e, of U naur''. The, Dry'GOO'ds titiporluni of "Clilltoyl, r,t' of 8(g 6 fir to 0 7' &Ii tq 0 80 A� IL T� NT �7- et