HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-06-02, Page 5Is
O. isIanorning
ircul ti on - our Wali
might a expected in
eat stot1k, as one of
.., erfnl .eompataies'ever.pro-
ii Canadahad ,been foruiecl to
buy railway• lands in the North-West
from the Canada .Paei(ie syndicate, in
•payment forwhicli not t nlyall the land
grant -bonds now. hely 'by the bank
would be absorbed; but a further issue
of some six millions would be required
uaaisiug an aggregate of fifteen millions
to pay the purchase for the land, and
on which, the commission to,. the bank
would be siwply enormous, At the
first session .of the BXchauge the stock
• of thbanlrdvaneed one and 'a half"
per cent., in t fternoon one.per cent.,
• . the closing Sc. l' being at. 910. On
making enquir• . at the Bautc.of Mont=:
real for iifornatiozi On the subject.of
this large purchase, your c.orrespondeut.
was. courteously -referred ,te the office of
the Canada Pacific railway syndicate:
-Hre'oflicialsilr4, t erred .te be as pinch
myatifyed by the"repoit_as the Manage-
meat of the leading batik. 'They pro
fessed to know.nothing of rhe platter be
yond the current reports, wirier) had 411
come iuthrough reporters,they Said, wl; o
were seeking 'kuo*ledge on the subject:
The. next pursuit•..wasto trace the a
. • tlior of the rumor, and 'that was •.iu•zb easy
matter., I. ant ,assured, .however, that
be is an •Ottavva banker wlio arrived
here this morning. HIis state•a ent is to
the efroct that: a gigantic syndicate has
been formed, i ith a view of taking the
. greater portion of the land lit the Nortlr.:
' West off the: hands of the iailwa.y, syn
• dicate to do.all'that is necessarv�;,in tr
• colonization an d-settletiiebt;lea.ingthe
railway directors nothing .to do but to
build and operate the road; The Most
influential'part-of the now laird syndi-:.
cute is composed; .it is asserted, of Om
i)uke of. Manchester, in !lis official
• capacity .0f president era itondair eo1
,v-uization'company, : the•I1artford.Lan_I'
Cempauy 'of •8cotland•, ::.which; nus also
1,e a new enterprise, a. number of Eng
lish nobleLuen'and prig^ate cap talists in.
treat Britain, 'With .the audition- of
.s rme Torobto capitalists,;repr•esen:ted by
-`,l.essrs. Scarth, Cochran •& Co:; -of that
-city. 'The' capital of . the. 6yisclicate is
• mill to be tifteen•tnillions, of which',six- i
million:; has been suesceibed by,Toron
to 'nen alone. .Mr. Sbarth is..c.r.eilited'
with being the Canadian manager and
. projecter of the great . enter In iso.
Messrs.. (k urge Stephen and Il,; B An..,
gus left here last .tight- yob .cktcoyo
where, they are 'to. Meet° of.,
• Manobester and 'other. r-.eI)prerentativ;s,
• of tltc l; ynnd$eate and the eonsurn tura a-'
tion of the transfer is: exp.ectetfto take'.
' place in :the great city of ;the' west.to-
morrow. i
Honr,ISi e ticcrni �x.—i. .i orrible
accident occurred at Walkerville ou'
:lonclav by which an 'Old • eniployee of
the Waikerville Sugar Ilefiniiig votn-.
'pang lost his life.. He was .a n aeliiliist,,
. named Sam. HamrnoeK, and' vas -eu4
ployed•in making a donriection:liettveeri„
pipes an the_four.thl.00r_i;Ltheurefinery '::
While thus tugageci. he rea4hed.over. a';
piece e£=shafting for soiiiethitig a id the;
key 'of a wheel .near by ctiught;in bus:
loose blouse, when the revolving shaft-`
ing commenced •vdiiiding.. bier;up, J-te'
made no noise, . and'. was riot . seer by'
anyone until it was all over;: and hi
. arm tarn .from his body. • 1tnn ediately
on his being diticov eredr 1)r..Coventry,.
of -Windsor, :was; telephoned: for; but:
before he•coukl.get.here therman was:'
dead. Deceased. leaves ` a wife : anti a';
son about fourteen •niontha old: Hc:
was afraid of the Small -p9;, and hubd.'
sent .both .his .wife and child -to seine
place ialllinois untfi'all,daiiaer•on that?.
account' slio'gld be over.
' -Cardinal McCabe;' .replying,. to ail.
• dresses after his–en_tliroiieinent as Carr.
uinal. yesterday,' expressed" the belief
that in .spite of the ominous :shadow's:.
-now cast on.: Ireland there was `yet'a
bright ifattire in store:for.her.
Special • Notices. '
Phoaphatine is a Wonderful 'Thing,.
Yet so natural, so reason�,le • W by1
If you liave.feelings of goneness; too..
weak and 'dragging. to rarry ;: too 11ery-'
ous to sleep ;• an. appetiite Hardly suint ,
ient to.keep body and, soul `together ;.
headache, with pains across: the back ;
the whole •systen ..relaxed..; perhaps
coughs and. sore .lungs ; .. and will _use.
one to six .bottles of Dr. ``(x i ..Austin's
Phnsphatinr, as the case may, Cli mancl
it will not'fail to male you an. enthus-
iastic friend. • Why do, vie say thurr--
Because Phosphatine supplies 'a'.want,
the very uroperties the• system is lack
,Ing and 'yearning for.. lit is notsa med-
icine, but nutriment;instaiitly:eonvert-
ed into blood, bone and tissue, It . is
alan ch;licious to the. taste. Try it. 'The`
• result is as certain as that cause . and
,•oaffeet go• hand in hand. All d'ruggi'sts:
.T.owrr v Co,.., Srjle ',Agents for the.
;c )ozvi»ion, Toronto,
Nine I'hysicans Outdone.
It is generally considered a pretty
difficult task to outdo i pbysican, but
the 1 following. will conclusively prove
where nine were completely outdone.
Mrs. Helen Pharviz,•331 Dayton St,,
Chicago, 111., was treated for Consump-
tion by nine physieans, and all pro-
nounced her case incurable. Seven
bottles. of Dr, King's New Discovery
for Consumption completely cured her..
Doubting ones, please drop ber a postal
and convince yourselves. Trial bottles
free at Combe's Drug Store Large
size .81.00..
—A tramp named Cooney has been 1
arrested at Limerick on, suspicion of
being one.of the Phcenzx Park murder-
ers. He answers : the description of
one of the -assassins, and refuses to give
an account of himself.
—The ;Star says the unanimous:
opinion. among Land Leaguers here ap-
pears to be that `Parnell should be sus-
tained in his present attitude in the
House of Commona.
A fenian leader . made a speech the
other day without •making use of the
expression, '' languishing in a British
bastile," and the club to which he be-
longed expelled him forth with.
14S�iLl1�� D!
.The;partnerslzilzbetwe€n the undersigned and George.Sharmati
having bften (lissnlved, T w Leant nue
AT THE 'OLD .STAND, Where niy friends and patrons will find
an entirely new Stock of Goods, consisting .of.
Crockery , Glassware,'
&C.; •&•C.
cannot be snrpassefl in•quatity, and are as opleAr as
OUR- - _ ! they ciuL b' parchased.for in any •stoie.,'in the county.
jai Don't'fbrbet the Stand-33rick•Block-N,nx{r liooic jo HnivLArD.Baos.
lu consilqucnce orthe -die lntion of the firm of."MOOi.LSTIABAIAN, I have re-,
'n o'vi d ri.y stock of GttobEniits, ,tc , to the Store l.+t.ety occujdsd as a ,hookstoro,
Where F Bops to receive a shame or the pulblic patrol -11474., it will bendy aim.to keep °ori
• hand a'Well assurted.Stock of •
Groceries, Teas Fruits,
Alt ui which will -be Sold at Lowiwr rnicnas. All kinds of•imodnee taken in trade, at
•u,.u•kst:prices, for goods.
Ozve me a call- 'Next Door to the -Dry .Goods Palace.
P. S-1hu books of late film are in my posseasioii and all ti°counts tiro to be pain"
to uie
Clinton', June Snd, 188 .'
New Dry Goods
eady-mad.e Clothing,
a,ts gild: Caps, :.•
Boots . and Shoes, an
m .
or selling off regardless of cost
at 7779the
o:public are cordially invited
to cal ,and . ,examine goods and
prices. .
CLI NTOI�T,Nay ,4tlr;
Before you give the casting- vote
Light Colored. Prints,
Printed P'ks and .Muslim,
Black. and Colored Cashmeres,
Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets,
Parasols and Sun Hats
Beautiful range of colors in Nun's
e excel in thin lepart ;ent.
make • a it
t specialty. Hence
our u... a-ralled. success.
The Dry Goods Einporitim of Clinton.
orders have b�:ee coining n so
ra d1y_fo:. Clot mg that Te , were
na,bled to . to .•';thy work 'out::fait
e aoug h o acco .nt of ` not basing
b .t secu•e . en•ou h .ha• .ds, • •fi•b
we have .o o rercome t :at di,
e .l.t and" . we a -:e :ow over
.ay', t 3 .keep up.
.The'r°eason we-can.sell :'cheaper 'than any other.11«,u5c',,iS
becaUse,we;_,ha've no rents to -pay-; 71o• large. salaries ,to pay.; to'
Gutters, (as ve.do all .our own cut1;int) and in fact all o-ui t \:-
penses are very light,. tl a :Savin•;; a:,veiy :titi
',large amount :Whin
otherwise would have to ,b�e,et then out of. l'he;,custonic ' lido c
anything is made:
�n account 'ofto double ;increase
in our business, we were compelled
to double the stock at first intend-
ed, and :have a large and .magggnifi-
cent stock, which .is beingsold ; at
very .tow;prices.