HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-06-02, Page 4somon'imenicapainiourog7.7innalinesorigiiiinielmulmic,110,
Vre'itt -Western
Trains leave Clinton station as under: --
9.39 a.m.. 4.23 p.n.!. 8.25 p.m.
8.32 a.m. 3.54 p.m. 7.99 p.ni.
Grand Trunk' RaillWay.
• Lon1NG WEST.
10.00 a.m. 2.40 -pan. 6.30 p.11.1. '9.00 p.ni
8.00 a.ni'100 a.M1245p.m rJ5 p.m
New Advertisements this Day.
ti t'e to Ccrntractors--Trent Niiv4.;ation.
Notice to Contiactors--nurray
New Woollen •inillseorbett & Boles.
Stun:: to lint -B.
TO the Electors—Pay & 'Wiseman. •
Tine Clothing•Craili,•Maawhitter & Co.
Thunoval=Georne)S1.9-1raim. •rn-.-
-1)isliitioii of 'Partnership—Motile, &
• Mass mliet-1.. C.
t i,ceries &,c,., -÷:•Win, Moore.
Notice to Otniactors--.-Welland Canal.
()LINTON rarDAY, 2in, 1882'
• rtilE IgSIT• ES
•• • The campaign hita been fall vigor:
during the pastweek,..aiiii for tlieLext
month.the ocnite#:*Crill be fiercelywag
• ...Mr. Blake has issued an 'address. to\
his•constittients, which is most reinark-.,
°able fon its anitiigulty with r,4erelicO:to
the grent question of the tarilland Sir
John *B.tuedonalcl delivered 'his operiirig
speech -to the •cleetOis of. rlienripx. ou
.tiaturclay'laSt. • • - • n
Their is a Clear rigg tibeut :the sen-'
• tanoPs of the'cliieftan,-whoogiver:S no,tin- •
certain sound 'upon Lar4 Of the :issues,'
before the people, bait'slioNvs clearlY -that
• tltolor.i of the.partyretirnil:y
to the,"--.-nTot;--a1rt17i:fi—th-e---most. • con-
spicuousplaceen • 'the , flag: are en]:
blazoned the •WordS, ";-ProtectiOti' to
(J.anadian This ',Must be
tZ.e great question.te 'be deeitic-ddy.tt,e
electors ; .whet‘ler: capitalists ;are to be
tO .our..shores',to eonend their.
money in furnishing pin ploy Ment •
Canadian WOrk nien, • and in. Making a
homiei‘i market for Canadian iariiierS,, 6r,
. whether the factories already in oper
, ation are to beinforitied" that we, as a
•.people, are. ticiiii6ti•Of.•.being for. ever
deist:m.1mA upon our Yankee' neighbors
for all the manufactured 'goods. •We:eon-.
• 7 sumo, atidtliat the owner's of these work's
mayat ouee move and:
plant tteross' the
. We have •too utubIfith inthe in'
• ..telligence anti' patriotism of .CanadianS
to do ht for asi instant.:Wyat the reSult.
• Will be. • .J't is,..-alra,io"st,. a inatter"Of
certainty that...Sir 4B.1e1iard-'CartWiright.
and PaVid,•Mills :be let to
study-.13astiatat their .leiStire in 'ithe
retiri•berit of ,private life,iandthat the
• other leiderii -Of ...the•Dtiferin party.Will
be told; :o for i1i, that the peapleOf
Canadians, and thatourifair piaytafiff
• 'trust not give way :to' .the
' • old. jug-
ltandled one; •• •. , ,
-Mr. Blake has' attemptecl to drag in
• otherbi
matters t� 'the'attention'
• of the people.' He whines •about-
- trio haying hent robbedOf Some of it
° territory; though he -had not:the
- 11081.; to say ••anyin lug about this queStion"
when ti subject Was Up-ier:tliseuSsion
in the House; 4:lows":
' over that there is not.one1ota'of.... truth
• • • in the .cliarge.., The tounclaries
tario are fixed by ihe. Act of Confeder:-.
• ation, and only by:an Impel tat Ac't- can
tlioso boundaries be (1,(6(Tti
with the eoheni'repe*ol-botli the: .;Ped -
aid and I'royiticialGm'ernments
Conservative , party have, .ffered time
. after time tosubmit the. Matter to
the highest ..Coult, in the . Empire
fol.) decision,: but as the. object of lte
local Crits is, not to .,get'Ithe question
se itl ei I, htit • to 'use it .for• octiOneiting.
• purposes, this enorsedoes.sigt C'C')111repilcl
'itself to theni. „ , •
• Anotle'eriquestioniwlihiliisimentioned
in. 'Mr. the.
mice of did anthStreanis Bill, or,
• as it has beenniore acetirlftely, described,
7 "A. Bill to.rob1r.' Kti.baren and eon-.
fel., tile stolen proinn:ty, upon Mr.
Caldwell." No. Inure absurd, or in -1
'' "1.All 794s. evier passed by a
body of men calling themselves repre-
sentatives ,of -the:people, and if, as Sir
John said at Nalianee; the 'rights of
property are not to be 'respected, we
might as well relapse into barba:risai at
once °
The second syndicate fraud is also
'trotted out, but, when our people eon-
sider'tbat in five years from now they
will 'be 'privileged to ride over .a grand,
trans-eontinental highway, every foot
of which is built oai Canadian.sOil, and
that this °result will be solely 'owing to
the indomitable energy of the :present
tarinastitnent, they will not regret that
the -broken-down politicians who made
the bogus tender were defeated in their'
°Plithe whole; Mr. Blake's attack is
a -remarkably weak one, and deserves
to receive, as it undoubtedly will, ithei,
conclemnatiOn'of Ehetelectorate. .
• The Government Party are strong in
men, strong in a sound fiscal policy,
stong in their -able management .of
public affairs, ancl •are appealing 'con-
fidently to the masses of the people to
keep them intlie positions which they
have used to promote the best interests
of our common country.
Wr, are pleased to see that our friends
in South Id upon lire waking up to their
duty. It is true f hey have a _difficult
riding to deal with,. but they must re-
"inember•also that a very weak man has
beer* nominateft liy:the-Crits, a man
whol,•,' simply to keep the seat • warm
for som *of the defeated leaders of the
party. Thes.,good men and true of this
, constituency 40 not care to be used , as
foothalls*to be 1od hither and thither
a§ a ceTtain little c .1 coue may give the
WOlkl., and \.v•itli a popi, lar 'man in the
field ".Nir.,Catneron's litt ej.,,aine, may be
defeated by leaving Mr. ntqcMillan at
home -to study tIrculogy.
Mit. Snowball; who was 'elected a. ,an
Independent. Member for N.Orthinuber
Intel, dd. : and who, becaus'e the cl-ov-
... • . ,
it5rritimot refused. to give hid): the pat-
ronage of the county,: yotecl'. with the -
OpPesitien right through, has, come- to
•giief. Tbei? eliticah heat ItYbich his
perfidy had stirred up ameriggf his con_
stittients caused him to Melt:la:Way, and
become again a 'purveyor of 'Aeal•encls.'
is expected: that: the 1:1on. peter.
Mitchell will be ret.urnod by acclama-
• • •
. . ,
• TliE accounts come. to Us 'Of'
-the_canv ass in East and Worst IiUron
leave no room to doubt that' 1111Jir-
row and Mr. Porter will head the poll
by large niajoritics. Te only remains
for he ennservative in' the South to
bring out a strong. local Man and wa
shall have all thee iluren.s in the
next 1 -louse.
TinillSWIek: will, at the senting
election, reverse its verdict of 1818 and
. • . •
Tettirn a Solid phalanx to .stipport.tito
ationalGl.aulcetel tbe••
• ..: r "
party is so- Strongthat two:I.Conserya-‘,
tives.are rtnining againSt..Mr.:
The following shows the standing of
the pupils of 'Varna Public -School at
the 'close of the present month: The
five hest in each 'class are given :—Si.
Fourth—Win. Johns 316, John Keys
293, R.achel BeattyA.7,02?, NIary. Gal-
braith 120, Fourth jr;—Claris.'ereen,
146 • Joseph "'Colwell '118. Charlotte
Purdy 103, Robert Beatty 91, Maggie
Logan 73. Third class—Sara. Burn -
wick 192, 'Edward Green 187, Violet
Robinson 135'L-, Daviu Robinson 1301'
Lizzie Manless 119. Second class --
Wm. BeattY-, 74, Eddie Witalless '66,
Wellington Johnson 55, Mary- -Keys
49, Maggie Reid 33.,, SecOnd pt.—
Maud McLaughlin 117, Eddie .Mesh
113, -Maggie Danby 108, Christopher
Ward 96, A ggie Wiley 90.
The inspector • visited this 'school
last Thursday and made''quite a num-
ber of promotions. " • ••
1114iss Walker,- the .assitant teacher
is leaving at the close of this
month. -She has been'a geimiat'iraAT-
ite with everyone liez'e. - •
. • ttinley.
• ' Ynina May 27th, 1882..
The Council according to notice met'
to-dav as ten o'clock as a' Court of Re-
viion. All the.- ,members present and
made -and subscribed the ''necessary
declaration: As therewere no appeals,
it wasimbved by George Castle, sec. -by
John Torrance, that,this Court do now
adjourn to meet again_ on the last
• Ihriday in:june at two o'cloek- p.
Carried. The Minutes of the previous
meeting were now read and pasted.
Moved by Peter Doug'as, sec. by John
McEinley, that the Reeve give;:ati
order to Jahn Robinson for 2-00 tor
repairin,r, 'scraper ---i-Carriech 'MoVed-.
hy Geo:(Jastle, sec. by John McKinley,
that -the Reeve give an order to
1\Teelin for $:240, being.printing' acct.
for 1881. --Carried. Considerable- time
was occupied in: cliscussinr, the expend-
iture of money on the cLiqferent roads,
and • the repairing .,of cadvertS,' after.
which it was moved'by John Torrence,
Sec. 1.)y Peter Douglas, that this CounH
di lo .how adjourn te meet a,gain.on
June 30th next at two o't31ock,
• Carried. A petition was presented'. by -
'Mr. Cameron, but too late to be takin
, it was therefore laid till next.
' Meeting. A dee/ ait(,- to the asses:iment
for 1S82, for this tewnship, 'there
are -2,306. residents, Of 'Which 597-ar.e.
bete -eon the awis 02..5 and 16 351 be-
tvveen 7 and 13, and 267 between 16
and 21.\•.\ -There aro 42,629'. acres - as-
. sesSed; of inch are cleme,l.
Tho.assessecl• alue "ia peri
scita1,19.pipperty, ,p1 o,9 9,, acres cit
wheat,- 5,966 ;' ares ploughed,' 6;737,
numberof cattle, 5b ; sheep, 3,691
hogs-, 959.; '-horSes, 4230 births, 42 ;
:deaths, orh),, chi k....
electors -Of Larrbtnn•at, .1ratfor\d„--..and,
-in accordance with Ide :1.181:011.p0.:114c,a1
cowardice, has: refused -te•al-lt. the 'Co' .1";''
serVatii.,es a hearing. ',"
. • '..A34.,atteinPt1S being made to got. a
•:re,'ImEtring , of the; Giaiteau case Itit-)fete.
'the full beiich df judges; lift thechances
-ca3i Of' the 'critninal.:heing..
hung on:the '20th." of Jin. •
of Fergus, 'Will contestAhe. Centre' Rid-
ing •ei,f Welbngton againSt 'the mixer
aldiiud,lhir. If 'Sir Richarcl ha's any
closYire to conte within tWo'."Iiiindred.
vcteS.7Of the '',.clever.little.- doctor lie.
wants tci (Yet 'up' early.' and ri-ci to bed
late. •. .•
aed.they are making it.S9 eXbeednigly.
wartn.fer the ex-S-ie'a;ker Ivitnreference ' ..,,,,:illill..L YOU •
to Inc pri.ntiniz co, ritraCts.,tliat ,ii,,e i.s, , fed'. . ,•,-..;--5-::': ,,.t.x;,1613,11,epAs,,,.,.ta,i,'„.1.01,01,,, ....,.
to exelaini with the poet -i-- '.•.:. : ' •••r-------' '
'it— ses
''.1'.i lbaSe:05f
Palsied th arm. that reivess yo.kes. ,
And \ritheren 'be. the iznse.tbat.iiok9s
A TELEGE.k.Pn. oespatclx from. Mont
real on Monday, saysthat one thousand
Eualish 'farmers were landed' from the
S. S.',13a,risiari that Seven hundred of
them --will ireinitin in Ontario, and the -
remainder proceed to ',Manitoba. Their
aggi eqate capital amounted to F6600,000.
Items like this wore never seen in our
patters during the -dark and gloomy •
days of Cartwright and defieits. It is
a good thing fbr Canadatlifat the a4,7
mirers' of Kansas, and Texas, have not
succeeded in turning the whole tide' of
immigration .into Dlake's Paractie."
Tifp, Grits of Toronto aro trying to
keeptheir courage up by singing cam-
p,aign. songs at their meetings.' This
must be a relief fromthe dry monotony
of Blake's.' Speeches,, but 'the' irhyme is
execrable, and looks "toi Though 1it had
been composed by the Huron 'poet. wl o
, p -7•7• .1 •
1711139 1§9Ci . la 1131,ST a D. ,-.1.1e,111 8
. • ,
• , •
for 75 cents?
Tan-tyisia 10
63.C.7 the if nthiy
r-ing from
U'e/..)y,5,',.pciiSia, •
this offer is
Macle rta you
yOUlf own
:14/4; n
•with 611 abso/ute certainty of
,curing You.
ZO-PESA'071701n Brarinj'ettre.s
',Dysmensiaand:13,111ousness. A.
8ing•le dose rdieves saMplo
15,13itlecal:suinr::!coz:rd,.0..ing, "leg.
%bOitie. ConvinCeS' a, 75 coat
'Stomtich;Tiver,:and. icKidneys.
Jt acts' directly, 'in'tpon the
-Mating, ;lopesa wives energy
and vim to :theatratn, Nerve,
and Dinsiblo, simply by work.
ing wonders 'upon: the Dlges.
.tion, ,and glyingactiyity to
'Cut trtit,takeit to any
dealer inmedleines„ and get
at least one,15 cent Nnttlent
Zoptsa,andtellyOur neighbor
how it acts. .is warranted
to cure Dyspepsia and7•33d...
, .
,1!) -t• -•''-"•-•H--•••••'•••"' •• :•":"
' •
coot•n 0 (
mi (7)
. tausness •