HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-05-26, Page 8r .-c- , ,er. 4 -a.z Fc. r� `• "':+a ,�,' 3'-:"��rs''y"t ..0 '1 :f : "4 f ;F ,.'e�.: •'� i _ 1�. ( :. e * w t �. 4. , I {I , ',.. -ai y ,`F lin I�, . .. " ' �ti , s S 4t,i','il f ' , H. Combe`• pirectorq Me r A :; - I I;r,t , 310e iliauicA �'nstituae.. ,. , . I ) ssrs J., C' I�><RTli�i a °+ i °k., "s ° ,,.fit- , -. , y . r ":,: :8 Penson 'rr.a-•�'.);•cGar a ,.Rev. ''''- �s -.,In Clinton,'dn.May;24th, thawifeof Mr.'Baer,-oi a .. MaGn ',il.: C B, 2:. .,,' Y. t .µ T yluughte,r. ': ': - .. Y ir,; � The annual -meeting of the Clifton• Craig, Rev.'lit Mcllouogh, R.,Holmes, 1It''', lllechanics'• Iustatute was'hela iia ;ill's F. Whitton lialn i1d, all. Scott. 11IAlCRYAGG -_ f 1M s c ; . it -_ J At the residence oi,the bride s ifatlier, on the 16th '' - 1 LoLliiCll +Chamber Ori'Tf luCSda, .,last, elle i�Zr, I•;Urfbllll, WOUId IlkO t0 have .the... of play b Rete. A, Leslie T. Fitrroty; F.e i1I.P:, to . , _.._ : .- .',- It rr :3 t1 inst:', clerr ;nen resent Five eX ression. td ,Mary, se and daughter''of' James Thompson, Esq.,. ,, I � i by P P Newtonville; township of ClarlteI „ r , j1 4 Them was ;a very aeras turn' out of Their vidws, andV,tlie. Pres'ideut called DEATYIS. a e' , I lin o t';, the members, and throughout the mee upoh Rev, Mr. Graig who^said, fte,lead nc t zi o hzn 2zna Annie sitter mother'of -� _ ing the gr�atGest Interest was nmanifestedl beef" director of the Institute in Sea- ,,Yrs. E. CorbetE aged J't_years. .' li' ' - 1 ' .in the affairs, of the Institute. forth, as he be;ieved,the clergy Should - - ,{� 4 ,, . The first order was re .diri the rr- encourage thNse institutions, and en MARKET REPOR` S. ' I - "• ' rv, . orts for :theol,past year; following i d'eavor,tq, extend their ,usefulness: He, I ; _ a �� ',., ::the .thought it a miss omen,,! to call it a eLlrrTox: 1' r'i - DIRECTORS REPORT. Mechanists' Institute; if it was intended, � considerable quantity of wheat ' ' _I Tile Directors have inucii pleases ill . -iltg be- tor''tbat the should . eh u evening. acid oats' are cawing lin.' The rices : i r',? ::fore the:supseribcrd their• r:epurt lux the year,ending ° y g P e a : P - , • .• , r 1, . lot;,lay; 16s> 1'uuugh not do successful,, a maintained oIl: ! t enlist the s m- for the latter are welt To an olnt •>n Dakota•''or 14Ian1toli { year:as classes and'eiideavol• to y �. he !)uc�tors,u,hed roi, on the whole theLlgt,tute `athies of mechanics. . . account Of the demand froth the other Y p` , 'I ,;:.: . is in a, good pysiwr n and is doing an excellent woEc, p , � . I , '. ; L, , - - - { via Chlca� o Grind Haven or, North afy, no one who vi.ics tate reading �ruom' freguentay, and Rev. i1'lr. McDotlaLh salt' he hast al-: SId,9. r y, r '1 '�, k. witnesses night atter night, :the large•.number of c - v i'- %I • Pts mane a little urt' T D��+,�+.. young perauny-e,pecially..cf the labgrinj, clashes.- so been associated with othor-� instltu- T Outside; mark. • p- , YF• est. Trans ortation : 'Go.: s Steamers: . i q whospeud'tueirevr-nwgsin reading theiiewdpahers tious'of this kind ] he'adylsed'the'In to during the.lwee,, but prices have:dro p, ._. .j g' `.' . and periodicals pupplied,.oan' for. a moment uuuht h- I y,, ttie useful6,, gl.et t;ueli ttn ii,atirutioriln our,midet. iii• s>tt all books anti see that no ed bavk agalla . to the girl lexel: front C odibrich or' I�1nGaT(llne. '1 J P .<... ...this one artie.uar Gne llireutprs.havo reason to be- Obrt'.Ctitl llalJle li terature'�was tillowed to. „:.� : `} " P''..., ''.: - .:. ..,':. p ) } relghts: to. L verpool coutnllle: escep. 3�r't laevo tl.ac the securing of a-guod central position for . l,. 9s the room of c40 lttdtr ate, a„d ,fitting the sante tip be placed ol> their shelves; .`In Paris it . tioiaa: I y low. r - .r �. £ r. ;+' properly, lLv, Brought the rooms into store frequent ' r C '� use, and; maids .coeur .rho resort of 'tlnoee'tvhounder w°aS•:tile Custom to get thetltles ofgood (Corrected erery Thnrsilay'attorrZoon,)• �.-�raVCl�el',S to all'' point '01 t�1(' WO �, '��I .;• '. , ., ,.,,,, - Other circumstancts would spend theinevenings else- boobs ill the librairie5 of'.. the -cler Wheat, lall''wh�ite, p'er bli,sh., • $1 26 � to 1 90 ' • .•: 7' � 7 . I .. ' �'' t�Y" � .'. , where, Thu �lireetore bodeve it.extreniely desirable 'y' 'Spring, - 1 30 to. l 32 - � Should.' call .and See: tom;-..'....... , to afford;.•by ,the uU;ie readin room `ttie means anti use the Rt for'.e'.enPral 1'eadlnk. He:: Oats - ::'' 42. :to 0.43 Fi . Vi i,.. •. P S a whereby a large number, who have no other facilities would be leased t0 (108:13 thil7ry 1 his` . Bafley, . 75 to 0 3o '- - ,f y�'i':1 . , , may keep themsewes posted upon publti: matters P'... , Y' a' 'Peas, - ,0 70 to 0. so - +"' and the current,ncn: turefof the slay._ power to advatlCe irks illter('StS Of the, 1�1'our,, s so': to 6 50' ;I, . It hae-been iiuted with great'pleasure that amongst, :• `; - . Potatoos, _ . . - 0 65 to :0.05 " I 116tltute. ' : - tl • ,µthosupporters'uf.-tied'subsorfoersto'thelnstitute I, ,Rutter - • - 0_'S, to 016. - I� ���,���� • there are all classes of the communitv.. "''honied- -IlAr. Searle thought they "oil hit '. to, 'Eggs, 0 14: to 0 14:' '.,lir - ,y °!i, bership roll embraces the farmer, the meohanic, tile '- • ' �' - Ilay; -. ~',= . 12 00.. to 14 00 r� inerchant, audzile professional roan alilte,;those who eI1list the aid of'trll;e farmers by send 7jides, - - 5 00 to 6 40 it r - - gain their doily Bread by Glia sweat of their brow, ns iCJn' Ut C1TCU1 - Sheepskins : . ' _ - : - 0 75 -to ..1 40 i 11 o ars' to thele.: He also Town Agent G: W. R r":. those who i1Jw Live ret,red 'upun.their well earned Beef, - - 6.00 .to 7 10" r ''! �_�. r.;, , a win'seances. The names of a large number of the' said'that quantities: of Vicious .'littera- . Timothy - 3 25 to �3 50 . • ! clerkk , apprentices,' and young pcople_attendin .. our ' : t rculated :amort-st the'boys - GODE>rzcii. � .. ;I _, P! P .,, . t. tore were gl a n -school's naso a war u wi .the hst. ]n this respec i .the Directors G-ltece tuat a roll of lbu m6i tbers is not , p '- $1 25'. -to X:27 T� T� - la uou h fur.. .. :. ,,, , In town an,( the Dlrebt;6. Sl]OU1C1,. eC� }Vheat,, fall, er bush,,. - ;k �'1 �'...L'V T 0...L.V. - - " i rge e g a cow., of l luitun S pretcusiuns, and li heat, e i iA , 1 30 to 1 30 i - deavor'to. et boo:ks.of interest for the .k c t -''- h tlw.unnuat messing will be asked to consider pdme g Oats, - - - 0 40 to .0 45 1 i'' means of eiStal%. inn, the number, and. thus addim•' to - rr ...->. o s.' Barley, _ . 0 70 to 0 8.0 I,1.!: ,be-numerical,ana financiai strength of the lnsilruic. , OU17.� lad •., ' :..il" .' 0.70', to .0 75 y Peas. , ` : 4r. 4he. Direocm•d regret to observe in the fiiiunciul ,ra- , NIr. lSiCQtt CQ,n ra,tnlated::Ithe'-DIr•ec- ". , q`i.: . port, whim will be sa nutted to-yut( by • Clio Trees= g Potuteer., - - 6,g7 ' to- '0 06' - tors:,Gn the im ro'yed ai'iunclance at. the !<: nisi, loge cue town guuneil have Sttiuek off• t u.suin P SliAF,a,%T1;r:,., , . ')_ 6 y i i'll .r,P,art117P" T'O,OnI, and:that t11e ,1],llmbei'S SFheat fall erliusU 1 23:•to •� 30, ,' oY ,:75 from. the annual. +•rant' of this ear 1 iv', r .rI .;.be remeiuberyd chat last,,iear. the graut..of,sl7a-i. e: .... :1iheat' s ren _' -.' : f 28 to 1•.:32. .G were_lanr e} made u , of .ounn Then. Iib,, $75 tai lieu of rent, turd $100 as ,si g -rant -was mate g y, l) :,; - b -Oats, ' , 0 49' to 0 43 • . .. - ,�,.,.. - .ri upon;,cert.un -. c.,uditione, proposed Uy the council, DIr. Corbett. had . invited; his alaltldSs Bnr]ey�, � . 0 70. to .0 160; ' .' . - ' z.. , wuich, �ui thepait or.tha lnsticute,•was strictly coin-. - - '. Peas : 0 70 to 0 75 - :. • ':. ' plied with. B;; compelling the I i_stitute to keep to. V1slt •the:',room, au,d he was . pleasedi.,.. Peas, ! s ' > '0 79 to .'0,05 ' •'ti ' open a free reading rooul,'and'gr nting�the use'of its � ' � _ • , ,..,.. � : , � ,: - 1 t' uewspapei•s and periodicals, the `council was' rias t0 Say tiler- they, tient largely " .., ..:all- ... - - ,:� dimut means of causing a cousiderabledecrease lu the valltage Of it. Meehallles M1VeI e'•a very til'.' rdvuuue of theiusticute; and `also of forcing_..the � lntellineliE' `class of men as 'a rule and. lliructord i-nto g'rantin;; privfleies'which th,ey'fnd _ b ,.. ___-_-- - - __ _ _ �'< ';groat didioul�t.i in note taking away.. Further as rias � the '.DieeCtors should -set more 1lleehall- 3'� F�O LES � �. � . I� - j:' ' ;{rant uuw _tends nt smiply aniouints. to :;F•L5 a };ear, :. s,..:•. b .. '.:.,s. .. .'.' V +:• Our the. other �i5 wits given'Sulely in'likii of -rent. • lual`bOOkS,tO e11t1C(:.:them t0'�01i1. ;:.,,.�: The Directors can hardly look upon-tho copncil's �'idll•va5sine' C6n]n71ttP.es W.eYe t1+10n�-J'O"^, 5' action tistAother tliau a breach of contract, buttUey 5 • are' hopeful that upon furtller.reprexentativais the alppointod,. r For',S.t. George's'�,'W, (i, - present votewili Ue supplemented.Lr.. J, C.. Stevenson £or'St. Ji)1'lu s 13ST:STQG'Fi: OF - Thu state. at uh _iibiaiy , ill be shgwn;by the ro- , - „ rY pport of the Uoutuittee appointed for that pufpose. . W'ard, RIr D'.' IVL Mal,loch,j f6r St. James ' ` , 'r . . ' ' ': Last year due rinmber of volumes ,w:as 936' and there ' - has been added the' uumber of 261, ntakin - in _al] VVar(l, 14IT. alas. 'Turnbull ';. fOT 15't: ^,AR- . �W a� ��G 1137. Qa.u�ew nt.'udges pronounce the' collection - `. , .: I: - ...1 .one of cne be�c iu the Province,.. In the: domain of r, .. , . ,: .. 1 i drew a Narcl, ,4117. •A:. TII..a'lanning. -history mud biography the volumes '.iiuiuber over. On motibn'•the than%ks df'-. the Society _- � li ` • 2:i0; in ac:arice'and art, about 118;'p oetn uU' vo _ I1i-TOW",. ' . --___ p S' >. ' were„ tendered to the Secretary, Mr. agus and travel., S5; pliilosuphr,.essays:and•roligigii, „ ... :. -,_ .. .. •:.,. ,. r .6u , and iiucion, about 450% fiesides these there are . `Vatts, the'Treasure'r, 11Ir ; CO inbo', and : : ' - ' - a lur'•e-nueuucr!-:of-books•-of-.reference and-.--uascel- ... ; . '_:.:. ..- _'-_....-:: _ L .. :. _.: .._ ._..,__: - _.:...'. 1;.� ]aueuus works of vslue: ih'kthoat lioastintr, we -be- t}le '"retl'r13]:�-Dfreetors ; 'also 'to .. the -. �' �. �' .. • . _ , °' lieve that.our Ilhititute shows.b . its librar and th:e Y y council for the use' of°the'rooln. 1> � � Uook-s-most frequently takenout, a memocrship'of ��- , .,. '�� , •.cultured readers; Snell as would compard very favor. a t a n10et1ng,Of.'th0 :1D'''irCe`uOrs pend' "' �. -: '.. FI SLATED ��RD, T , �. L.. _ uUly.•with any' lustifute ui'tl+o'Proviiice.:' This tipster ":: ; •;, ...' v � a ji : . rb _ __:...,yubs(, uent....alle.:follow.in -.. entl�men. . - , P �1+ the Drreccors haFe tried to culttvatc. Tiy. the udditign:. .(1 y ,l' a. .-.:.:- - _-: _t_..-..�0•�, .,'S�1�;U�O';Pjr'�'�.'C- y y' G�oda ' : � Of such new works to the library as deal with the iia- W.P,re adCled 't0 rile .board, "'hI'1'., Col'bl; tt,'� - - - - " .:portant topics of the day. o .. ... .. Inrcgaru t., the depar•tmentof fiction, cthe Direc. ,,v.:T'1,r. ;;Stewart,,.'lliil'. D:.,4. F.UrI•eS: :. ,i .. .. .: 7 tos ieul a pride in .being able to state that it. .is,com -_ - - ,.. � .. ''. (r - W�•t til � �11'C,'t - ter and bar. F. W. , ryVatts,, .wed lair. : I� I1,0\Y ,;,1.1L l Unnllh OT,(lel, `'a71(l 1SI.flttCa� US, ] h C • F 1 5 y prised, for the:most part, of theliiglm.chouofworkis 7-' F.YV.g �,'',�� l: 'I . riti f< •if•, • ke ... ,` a,tts was? elf-etea to. t}ie OSl io71 of �aiil 1101 }Phew obs. o lite rs,scott, :1'hac,cry, Levert . P-. f"St • C.hea est anf�^'.�3est:Selected," toeh�i lL tl1C WC;St, Trollond, Irving an -d Cooper will be found hors, mid .. <.. :.,-',:-.: • .. ).., e No�'v 7•� the• book cummittci:�U-trv-�ti;;orousl e>,cludtti• ::Till ^�'CCetary Of-t11C 1]Oar"1 -.,•'� n,r 't ' Y, ' < . Ilawln bon ht my stock: fc,r GASH I ani-reT�are I.to,. . wurhs horny to the standard: - ,'T .. ..___T , --- ._,...�._ : • �: -y .. :, . Y. r .p .l The average of Uuoks issued ha - Ueen somewhat ' � 9. � L. � R P 1' . SaTT1C at • r1CG$, hilar 'wi I to toTllSh: tl) e eo -� f in advance of other years, and inahis; iesliect-the1111.1111Crhill. '; •., S .11 tl e .. p. �rr, LmticuGe stands far alicad of silunar institutions Tri it:lr.- D.' .5''t'C;Yellainn of:.v1'i71tOI1 'hag `riao,vc,d: - .: ,m. dile 1: have Plar�.e rstocl. of Bei'li•n.To�ls ,thisdidtriut• the•decretaryhaskutdly,furnished hue lir 1�..i1IoIPve<:n�s'h(r..ise aliollt'ttvent. „ ,-. 7,, ;' .with the following table'of comparison :-.. : _ y' 0 _::. -' : T I . ,'.,-' �1V1n� S �eC>laI 1Je11'mal'n.S 1�...' ��:,^: - :averagebooks :issued in .tbe'. foliownq ,llectianic' ..^.... 1V11 ch alxl b ,.7. , ). , rolls onto a Stolle foundation: The horse 5 ': t �F,,, - .inSthuted in 1a81..3•L, per member!: •,' -is Holy m a:;nlnre :convenient: lace ^:ane , als'o Several thou l�sancl rOl'1S�`of,.V.�.il-1). ;. 31einUeis.�,.Volnmev q P Re airi•n or��° 'Pro 1 Stratford .. ,.:. 1U6 42k- , ts'lsei,'prescilt, a more,pleasing 'aspect ;than, P g .d Qh�t.y 1 f1Y e< tS a POI! U ), - ortner y Frank.. has now .a splendid, Paper.ron e c x1 - bagful tin .. . r .... 3f1 •id - . 1, , r .Clinton, hiap.8f*th, 1332.' ..; '..' .. . - ^ t.. - ] �- ) cellar so7netliin much needed but slid! 111-,611 'i;he l,lteSt atteiu,_S ,l . .tlitchell ......... 1'10 •i} , , � � y : � p . . - London........,.. 30x- ,, .... oi� Ilegle(A6(1 by>farine2'S'. ,. -..n- : 4: " Guelph .....:... s5� 9.} M.:lgsh,•H.ill ha(l hiv hoose n]Overi 'by �i�TO u. Ciotiermh,........ 7(i2 4k .:. !P 1 . 51 r. John l�I:cLennan,_ of Goderich :Tp: a alio 'a 'lot' of ! the total emu to of members-iS.14,,ci*mposed of i•;.' - - rn : r. • l Inc nien,uer .>lt pyving' animal-subdt.ript}on+u ,,3. shn.t.tlme,a,�,.,,and a•• Georl,e FI111::had a .The .Cot'Lnr,ll of.tll�.; ,corpornt>:,oii-of the; • ., ; .. Allnatrts,.. Hvinn. I3rioalc.,, Bltl , .•..p,ty,ud sub.u.ipttons ands.. n,ech,tnrcy..,Tllo�v11 aria.11.hruse moved to the rear.of: ins reit- ,COu17t of [3uron hill niei.t In ttie Cour;t.. •-.. ' v �r ut institute furniture is 30,a • the librarv..,abinvorte .. . ,. y'. - . - . . .. Purses t'. w]•nd0'w' 11i,7nC1S e,l t]r.. s : " dance:to be'':iised.•as , 'kitchen.. Jack un� Rsorn in• tele Town 0.... _rodelich ,oil -_- lr�ces a1,3_u.-�. Cllr dart} newsnapeis have bene „1 - --' ----- ,, _ .t, . --- - - --r - -- Pi es mew leiy Easter'GardI I ..t. tl.ctt duitu„ lee year, 0 ttc.e6lma�iB: fnabazmes'mit7. du.gt'all7iS 11Is:.:1)1SS]711:Ss� �C1:1�1�,Y,,.t11C ..�t11. Ut•,7Ji+rI1'i,.... 1�.Cl,O,iint3- ':•: p , i f .. +"'.,, v0 periodicals. ':, .• ]Fi I'aCliets Plotter Vlsi tin I -''' �1he Sunday S,chooL'm .connection with a .unstPthe: (e uncia must be scut in .b(.fore. �, ' The evening elasses were more;.extcb9ive this hast .: .,,•,• -.. _ ,• ': t.. . :at' >;"t h;'rrh,,h'ca < , r F r t i7 , ,V 'I Pictu,b Ft amen ., L,ab Carnia aq . f,,, ses sloe oL the sec 7.d day,uf, nL et al ses,. y g • ,: j,.. 4l'0.4e11 tIi:Lll ui an,y previous Vear. Besides the con -t.. Le. Cr S C I , ,...e 11� y Otn T,fl(,,I),Ced for th., its __ : r i-- r. - '. ' . ''' - _ ...... ' ` ,.tinuatnonof„the classes taught by Dir..scott ad .'nl'.r ala .1n�. '.,..-, O g .'..1f111s1Ca1 hlstr meets :. - •. L+tC. ,�fC..,.: .1;:.,. �-.; :ifiss 9lountc;istle elasses have Ueem.'conducted•.-on the;�6n1]]mei::,, ,T,lme•i OCloCk.,p y , n ,l,.y ,. . I1''s dalomistr h ill r.'NcUU;natuiatphiloboThy b hl'r the.,00dtvorl,prosper. 1'ETII'D�MSON,Co::`Clc1'k. fi . • S S I. Y. u i ,;�.,. ' 1•a)lor; and eommerciallaw.,andUook-keeping',by :''1'hCI1:eV.::`�,�:'MCI On3n11 tF.^. ,. U_ �'-------- ' ` ]. sflchrd"1n'the iloderich1 May 9. nr1, 195 . t,,,; 11 r. Manna, •. Lhese classes wero'for 'thee' most -,enc '::' n . . b . t 8.'G-.c,lhlritch a;e7•e last Sli.nt3a at: 2.30 ;.: LTi o : lli3nes Til Cl all:,kiTltiS el ��l dlvl ant k;ncls of Se n Mac t • noel Y 1, A1Srl.:,SC` .. b: r . �•. sell attended,. -and • the Inspector.: ur his an e : .. -. - _ ,.. , - .: n : .",•`ae. ,.9 ound, expressed. hunself as .well pleased with the ar- (ny :nnu .2ZGV.,!(�Ctiy-Otflclatell ;211, the', eVkri-. ., .. ; ' ; : - ,... ..; t 'I r: ha a,id i a n R'�AR �ITIC.E JI�ANTED. ,of TTac.hlne Needles ke, t 111 1St6e'k. Gail ; n� , et�tlnine - ,,,.., rrwlge ieut, and t _ g tbjeots n n er of teaehirib: in'r,at' Fi 3ft:; 'The +Gli7rich' eves well filed 'rue Board of Directors feel that special thanks ' � - on ?l oth .ocoasions.` -Bon gentlemen are Goods - as`�1' d( COiTI et3t1011. " � , '.. • . " ' Shoulii be tendrredr'to tlic Secretar;v'e k;1r \i acts, wl o _ -..: n.. :. r..... j?t7•flntgd at t11 S. �O (Y7Ce' 11 Sinn t.,.,lute tl«en't - -.. �- p has s' lon and abl - acted. irr ;that.'ca Tacit' • to' -rias 'h'oln,!l;hnton�.and t6lrT S'es yeCt1 Ve. al)11 r• .... ' ': ' '' "'' . 5 .. +''.' c 4 y . 1. 3 , 1t1.9 al! r, - - w l'w':1 r1 inns for hi:ir "kind!.': refereiices'�fr il : " 1 :.1703-, t0 aCat•i, ti1'1nt1'..n. '::Apply Tit:'OnCC tU '. �, te. n t e 1 t t y om ale five 1 l.�l lwn. Those avho.were tvntuu]_ 'P -,., .,me to time , to the -school boards1orahe:;free use of _ ' -E' & ,. V L . . : ' .' . e.rl in the 'heart not in rile ':h :sd h ;'4 she chuot none for the .^eyenmg class , to:.tl,e e .) y,the „�13LAGItihi33 lI � I1 ALL BINDS=OV PRODUCL TAILEN IN E�C111li�CE. ' a:. -" Treasurer fat•' his continued sit erintenHeue • of-.tlic � ' cr - 1.n} 2oth,,138y, � ' - .. ,. p y u 7» rI `. Ctiiiton D hnrnw elo Hence .of 'the' �ftern ion r ,. . a. ��st;havr ..neem ed'ahun(iant' b I I ;t.nd I`ss - ituancesof the Institute ;u.nd' to the LiUialien hf I;',' _ Scott; for pix �..,tT rind eaistancy rn all uiattc�•s. oftlie r g T�1�,f�.: 11l! '1/� 1.�1, T r:I,:nstitute;.unitoW.Scott'andMissllountcastlesfor 'C�nS(latiOn.vi'ii9J11'the' uletel6' M- co6f`tile :11r1PER, 1'�'-`I Q 'LCL t7ieir su, t.,ecs m the «,vwmri„h-cl, 9ses. _.__- ___...�..--- _..__�-_._.__.-' --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - -- :ta� d - it ' �C .00 te� i.•.. - Che Diructucs trustthat the subscnh,erswili pni, � r. .-. "'''G,A:L7.'.'.O.NIARIO. '. }. I�' 'fortb Gbeir bunt endeavors to 'maltc'tUe �cou,ing.year Ti tea-hC�ld 1n Cp neCtY(/]I :R Ith the 13. • " " '�c:'- one of gre.,.t prosperity. The Inembership toll should C:. ChU1'C' -' • ' ll'011 MI)p&iV: evening w'1S:a:�randl - ',; -- _--- _ - - - ,.__ _. r{ be lar4Wy increasers and the fhrids augmented. ,. ". - '. .I! . -I' s(zece9s,.m] alt. departinentr;. :The 'chur'li Ti,is ss;.a `ti'andsoine new Ilotetl; situated ,gppositc' r Thr re ort on the Condition of Glia ;Is filf,d from duo tO ill: itste q.`:Tbe-the'P. b., nthe.cehtreoF.thet wn:'' rtectricBe115, : p w �, p, • "' '.' (las ria.. •Gt'uinds eciih tribe rahoiit thine gores bL. + +*"' !.00hs iu the librar rshowed.that''T8$ s remit- was', aceil'ent. ''12ev: E. li�Oierts .1 1: • P. l .lanai Ueaiitifullylaid,o,ut;;aud with a strearh of ureter ' , n 'eVCrP, 111 eXCellP,nt* condition, and 34 lecture entitled a The,l'ews:". W'IS aln'LtSln t*'. �•ruhtlici' �thtdu h. ®� ' �o() , ,M•'` hyena s<)nlz�whtit the:worse for wear, and `hi hly';insirlretive. 'Tlie' ticlyiccel ISIDORE E. EI3Y, lit ', +1 Ven �iy tlle. �'ReV gentlenian wI5 ScaT.eC y Lessee and Yrgprietor. � �, tl en read .._ Otu]t, bfny,l7th, 14*2.•..:..:- .'.: 20 _ _...:. ,.` T}.ie i;reasurer s report was necessary for.,the ggod::1I '1e: nt' Svm'iner- - i s. Sas follo�i . t ,.. Ill'] yet care hope glgcerely :it map ,be of -- r:,:. ., , RrLLIPTs. . benc;fl to " aome.t' ,present 7iho carne L�®� �Y� , '-1;.' ;I3ltlanae, frriln'previous j*ear_.... 147: 8'� iron' othci :n aces. TIIe choir of Ehel2'. E 0 'Q_ �jQp°'�y�, . ,•. a',�•° ;..;41Overnln<.tlt;;grant._,-,:--.:._'. 400'60 'sizer C.:ar. Clinich.: eery :lzlnrli xovilc:d ��� �' Y r.,Fn .ane Rd hi :f� .6i k r r ]O0 C!q u,i wIt'h 5onle;evicel]eni, music`yvl]ich, was ' ,'sea,evrtli4igclasses ---_:,;: Y02 O(t lei'h!.,,tnrrc�;c' . , o'' tile'iLurlience.' 1t :o: y .l . y . ftiletµbers•au])acri Gigue.. _ 8t 7:1 lyes :i su a success filianciatl the a7uount 1 1? _, , Y,•. con_; Cit i1 i�tl' �.� ( realized being 'l 1.. $4- At, th.e• . r t y�� r roi� l'otihdur an l;.�faniifacturets of all;IrindsoY I hEy. 1: ESV' VV Oi�I:I EN /IIr L. .Will 11C 111 _' Tgtal, .-:_ __-:..- ..'. x$81 71 clusigl votes of thanks were aiyen' to the 1 . ' . DISBURSEMENTS, � Wealteis of shilclav, 'the' liedies wlio so �.y '� �- , ,I Q � I fvel:ing Classes= , am 7rovided for'tlie n<tint'_. f the' inner ' .. ,. Y hiss M;ouutcastle' E92 0tl _: i Air. 'air. J_ ` cott. 3C7 00 2 0 man find.to 1:he choir for the .u1 noble 3�r b p ' -� � ,._ . - P �r8, r vices th(S s Ye.ra ]y,h�d rendered 1u con. ti�itb art thetatest �mprovcutonts,,,, W. J. ScottSssilaa- -,_. ,1v8;,,)ii .nestion lYlth the anniversary and tea. - 1 I •• ST E A M E::6Qd:C� 11lB E�.S , ry .: E W DAYS. I eliclhi(alti,inn News Ia]sig 136 (i3. Thr, red. R. Tllom7s, ppstOr; occupied the 1N '�`,(� C®U-RSE Q1, ¢� i l'nrchaee of hooks . _ _ _ . • . _ _ - -. ' 128 55 chair. - Portable' a� ` I Haut ...-" 61„g u ,id SGationar}', with YryuaUle; G t•O$,' ".' CO<I I Oil, I31c1. oil'tode, ,&c 19 85 Itcitilliller. - _ :r.' :O: ' s �11�1..16tcrs Et'ca )l Wier • Fuel acct.,---,.-%_-_.._ :._. '.f 4' 10 - A grand,_ prenle under the ausplceg : ' } . _,r ;Annival It(:e....:..._...---:. 20afiO,: of the Peniii�.11er brass band was held' �Q,7_T - ®6�!-P.-;`e�4�fira�� - ,Anntnitr pact.._,.. _. 18"7a ,': , is - a at tile:..falls near this place on Wed• �`G�� .�i l�j ' �✓ j �Q Ur VY .; , l . eiP, t �r ' Fittrnns for Toon. 7 GA' nes(1a A 'largo number .of lPasure fi,00li binding, &c.. -- ;)(1.40: ' P., : WA14T � •I JJ Insuratrce , _ _ _ . _ .. g 5,( seekers,avere,'preserA ,from all .parts , of they', gill b ' y it : I 'Y the eou37ty. Vario.u@ . ': aIDUSeraeutS . . Sitndgiea; freight On pools, &C., 1. 9. hgaodgenernlservant. Applyinimedi.�ttily to. • , 3alanee on hand..__ ____..--_. 34: 'were indulged'in •amoil thein swingingiy .lots. Dl . wowsLl:V.'.. < � ` _ �t 1] , g 7 b � , ' ,and :dancing:, ', Large platform was fUl� pLiYZ`p "' tri t'' Total --. s8z U:f '� ��t �C%S 'a llI80 a _ �� erected for'tiie epnvenleilte of talose'ER9IAPIT, CARL' �fIITE :;,1;'- •-• . ,I 1.... LI ,t 1 , ;, P wisb.in io t''t. the 'light gai]ta L I„ Yh'e election of officers wastbef ro a. Apply imwgjIltely Eo • . ' h ;,eeeded with' and resubted,=as.Jojlows : " musk b( ng uppl•ied by Mr. ;and 11Irs.. I'reui. . ) M'r. A. H. N[annifig;; Vlco R.; McCullough. ,`At. a . lilts lioi r'iu.. �MR,S;'T TC1,5. J.I KSON.; Uc+n'� -� \/y;\y � , Pres., Ir.; n: M. 'Malloch; ',2nd Vice- rho evening,_the party -ret,WP94 ,hump, t ".4. > re . * r: J. Tu bu Mr. J: 1; : •�4• _ lt, ' s,,rID! Inn. ll, a`�'rW"r wet ,Rlc�sed,�vvalh.#; a d�y.s,Ap"U,,Wmexlt, afnwn, ",asxa; CliiitA�la a� ��t�� 1gS2, µ ' j `!j qet� j. _ t 1.. - _ 1 ♦ •. f" . '�M1" .. •' , TEMP , , : _ - ._ ...- * �.. . , 9 r , , ( ' /. ill ' • I • n er a r a, l • ., .. tk1