HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-05-26, Page 7.. , I 11 'm I I � F I ti �." . i 2p . I - 4 AP , Teachers In Iowa., , IIURON'II/i�PENi1tiGS. + 5chooI' . , I I I . mr",ANEI) FliOAI OUIt E%CHANGEe. f When he had finished with the cli- � f �� - mate soil, and productions of Iowa,' . , ' 'F �1''01 S, T t i'lte ZVIc$illlop Hotel liar been"tak. xs►ns UAss• o'saexaion of by Air, Jus. McGonigle._ oue of ihe.gro'ug.asked 1. ` a . i1 I3ow about education facilities? apo I Mr. Jamas Tobiai, of Dunlop!" Las., .t • I i Tliat s the Only thing we lack, re- t �' ' „' ' the finest held of fall wheat in that Bec= plied the old nian with a inouruful `si"gL. -: SPH" OT AP'1�t- ER4I bort.' tc We have trot: ,schools enough, but we I s•c � Mr. P. D. Wiicon, of Seaforth, has; can't peep no Iteachehs." . .� I P r)qt over $30,000 for eggs during tt What's the (trouble � 't., ►0 i�]�` - �r�l� ® . the past moil£'i. '( Well, take � my school for illisiance E,:' i' The furniture' business;, of Mrs. —only two (miles from �ttte nearest11 �' . St,ut'hsrs, at DunE'aunoui has been par- hour(:,""eti iriently situated ou the top " �� � � �.� T7 . � SI T` T STYL . chased I y NTr. Sproule. of they hill 'and ;Ixyu)g tlia ll�ighest �� u � ,:. � I Mr. Paul lliuedel, of enl>liller.,"wh0 sala.ryl.' `Wei can't keep owes two s has recently. suffr,rod froth• i.11uess. io weekr,'1. - r7� p1C -1 able to be about a�si�.. " Do they die 4" � �" ��� '� `�' 01. u,Soirle diel;'thouorlt It is'.no place I � �" Brussels is .now_wiah2u,f a ehrltered r l- �� P ro' � b tIe branch of th(l Un�tariJ lank dYing'., we_had a Youun Fellow front:: -`• - fa!:1��'T snit l Td�GREAT` EMI , beigt� closed last we k: " ,Qhua; an�i_1l,eJuieta grizzly and whistled � ' ��I" " b - for I1i1aI-, lka' grizzly cunt: We had EIRNMR0 t GREA T,MRTI1-W. ,ESTEI[iv1� `fi'ESL:$:cat,41�Ujol�r,�.l'Im, _- 11 Thus B.. rilif�er leas Sold leis farm allobL'er, ars a, wilder run li,iin doryti. //�� �y ..�pp.� ry� �'1 �+ !� h' ^ �r1 „' -pf one buudreii aere,s OJ7 -the -7tll con. A L X3 R t 'Y Gel � R �.� =Y'. �d � �' 0'I Y "�' Itlap ' �.i MSM ll ''. 1 sun 'u 3 @---aui1,,2iia�Ii'rn iusi(d.e a 111011th. ".The —.°. , - a�oR.1. -' 3 I .. - �,' • ornrt, ttv t ,. t tlirrd oue v�iRs; _ante; an -tae l uus A !- F nnsnNI.4oss,m. Shawn,a, TNI,_ l,ldooshipped cvertook !lin:. I Theiwe tried w.oilian - 1 - r Dru /�,''as ili;ad of cattle! which avera ell .1,493 . 1 r PU" e gS, �y : stn s, .Pe Umer' [xet`16fr19e i'lr t?�l '''�61eQtXt;i!?YP. , YJ $ g , foll:a.hc lxrst oue got "inairried the U g down there l I tool the, Neural is a'%catlCa,-L'u»Iba o, Floras+�'andCattle edicin;es,.and all, sold b Dru l.lount , frolU pViugliava station lcrost n'lgf alis "lig , g g y, Y I ggjsis. U ems• second abo1.slt the •c iddle of the "third llackacha; Sorreness of the Chest, _ _ o 3'Welh , r .� �3r. Tennant,' of Luc;knoc>., .'lraH 6011d week; and the'ilext. wds abducted :by a coout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, PRI:SORI. TI ZITS AN , T'";- ,� , ' '' 1, - !las faith of tiff acres .ill 4V..'.Wawahr "statexobbor..1".I 'inys,�"and -Sprains, Burns and �' 0. D lift I_.T.Y R1 (APES Cali EI'�i ,I i IP EP11.f,Ta.D,' �' Y' e, of LUCk, sl" ' lie u 1ie5t SSC 1ds Soneral,Bodil A�'erctt:s•!'oat 'llarrisf. Glow ICleo,u'er'.' ' I ash, to iifr. W. S. llolul , c t why, don It you , get t g ,_ ,. .y , liow, fix X3,000, homeliest >$,onian you can find—souse I "ainS, - 1.- _.. ��� 1. � 11 �1�T•r, •John S•htr torr or, lMe that; lau.tern Yooth, far and' Headache, Frostod ` pl,rd of `' ucker5ul 'tri perfect, old Y '� j�]` e.od s eY 1l Weihu.es� "awed razoii-faced:felnale over try" the Foe#and Ears,<.and:ail othor %'''"7''! :yam/ ST „ tic(reE�l� 1(1+.et : " " . Pains and Athos: .; Id a three y I r o i _ day hart• wlrkrl2 turnlsu,.tLa scttle� iLt . 'tit before 'Oil 0'0 st an I y t�1�'UINK t • TWIT'9 . '': Why .doii�t we. ," ":'Strait' er � you n arti'tion on ettiah egiirile Sr: Jero'he. OFf• � �0,.. Q� c . sly a JL :KL t.l Z. `Ct � (, X,],; j. � I tt $' �,, Y Preq ;1,h � JtI11Q1,,, Y .I ,C < + av' a xnjej s}ro•r, sifx}+Ge and AIterrp Eit.eruul.' �1 {{ eastern folks y;lll never �Ullflel•5titrld U� ltetrtells A 'trial entails but , the compath:ively NL' 1111111enS0�•'toc1� ! sof. _ . r. ,dlaW 's AIcLeall, of elle'"I 01)(�On i.rftlfug outlay of f,0 rents, nrid'ev ry=one nnffering ; IOileerS ill stile lvoelcl—never: TlJat'ti :W.ith uiu,can ttavti cUesp-.and posittvo ,priwr or iG- Aoad, h*4 r+(atu (�ti'er( d, ai l rr3fused to P 5Jaimo -, /� -p fe,i Lis lati o- 'ear old )>`, wife- -the lclen-tu.al sohool tt ocher 1 btrxtsopx in Eleven r zn ,tag a:1. � �' •--�- - � =r"�' -�3- ,,accept N00 ) I .f nlarriecl . atild sbe ryas the Lall&omv,,; OLD BY ALL DUUGG18T8 AISD'Dt'�LFSO . tltooughbred Durham T;r ll, ' , I ciS-- -11St - �l l'riVB l; " <llatl ILl'C t1iC Y"f!( St 00fltl"t11fU1 CVO( .bI'O.Ug,llt . oue.'In the ditto', e t -- . ' IN'.XEDICINE,: .. Solite dissatistnetiou exi,its as to +the -- ?. I ]�; �L �.Qn� 11toµ. olvil. �ilii�ii�TES-i::t0 Siiit•itlle'iM 11` - ��?•IIIi . s, I til ti.t t' 1>o has -.�_ _--- A. VOGI;iL�ei !. I Dizaimorey lid., 7T,. & d.. (Y . t0ci itualtner ill : ,l ipl, e . aiu'e,.la r , " IYtense prin 8 Of ((III^ 11hre n been distributed in" HiltlbPrt; anal fate far(, orf t I;r'ce ' _ _.. --- —�'�ii RRTT a .ers are a'i�le for tli,c,ir•time. e1ii .,�li iiiii,>1a6,'i'Q61L3. B® �tvs� -' 1�,� I .I 1I • _. ... p rile bec:6 feed' for a'b-eeding mare is .lZr.. J.'Glen of L'arloxv, Ila...k tain-: , Canada,ltithodist.-S�rucesat70fi0 a: m.,and . + e ct.i1P.3,:t, bt tl1,. ' all( oats, t'SLL iia Old 8.30 in. Sabbath�School tit 2iNq ur. RSV. 14:v. - 1 " ' !las us :arrived: .ed a Ixeavy' lois in tilt, death o.,`his • lie Liie ou s,t>lJould k,e ivund awl, "the feed MCDOV�an, Pastor. P 7 ' e. .,. e .: ..: -.•'r',. 'Cat�,ada l'et's vtcrie.r..--Se_,ti.;ces.'atll a m: and G,30.. . •`';,:Ly,�.. r�J - 1.,; ... ,,,. '�e.� , . y .. .. ..Y. ,..r ..H.' .. _. •ice -__ L. !)rood;tllare Jt.a,le, whleh. carl.t. off LL.vxel halt and"lla,lt: If ill:good vlgol- 1>_ in. saJtuath•settoor;'2i3U ,'ur.'Ilac,'A tx:trnw-. �� --� .one of the prizes at tbo Crnten,trial. nus "couditioil .'ultd not tyt)rl eel two .+6T: pastor.' 1 " -� -i"' -�- _ St. PwJ':y (Epis •olan,i),-Serriu,s at.11 a, m. and r -N. 1;,—i 00 bunches of Shingles for saie cheap: y, 1� lli lc but if required !lir. bt. iluhert , secticiu noss at Cluar- a (lay .). A '+ n Put. SaUbath1.Schobl audL3h1vCr.1iss,"3p.ni. 1Lsv. -.:, '.. Blyth station,, has,.r)ur(:lia ect 'ttvent " to labor should, be iincreased to fight or w :(9mato, hector, ' � -1. 1 . Y _ __ _ 1 1'1 ` '1 6a V111' P.- cr j .p,thlc.Christian. o-rdices"nt 0.;70 a. ui. and 8.' 0 (three acres (ix a d 1 r ,tLio_ ag ,. twelve.quarts per clay, accox(tiltu to c 1 y 1 aN. I , .. . •r' .. •� � .lz. ni::.- Sabbath,8ehool, ?.30 p. m• . _•Iti:.v: tt. 2uouas, ".�' ' �, I � L �. �- °' ' � fxatlt I'YIr: tyatnH6 i1lhwLrr_ful_y�i1,. 0 _____.:_Mrlistance., IBreedlua manes will ' en- _L 1, n. - 9ee -y._ ....._a ti 1'aktnr. ..... .. tihle�e9 r t Ol} Nltll u � '1 ll''-casli erall'. ,:d0 i5e1:1 Whorl ft,'d,0ii 141"tay.El.!-015'e, ''�iijitist C'hurch•.- cit ice at l(5;20 a.m. all (I 8.3�p.m. _ , — O - %O - .. Y. ', Sabbath School,: o a:.nt. Rrv. J. Gic V,'pastb', ::. "-_ .11.1.11 I ti gi tr �. a' • <i" en but`tlie 1ta�`! sltould'always'be free from �)elUnl,lllr, t0 .,TC. P1 n, of pp It „ : "The.°nliscribrr hereh)� t}annks Erie Yt 'merou&. custotnErs anti-. friends, for til - .I '' nl phtr Waxed r,nt, if,,, tan r - dr lilrtir o v ,, Wa-,taken Out his bed w.l ere it had' over ha tri- the befit, all'i(1 , '11 live )•ears;, twit h6o bN, stilict tnte,.rat%*:tnd closoo-attention to bitgtuesy.>ol irwrittheir cuntidc hoe alis t vY , t , ❑10u1(1.1; :.. Y .,.,it..h ..'i -..., i. ,.i.i. a-,.r� turn tr_,•:; i _.- :.. (. ac , p�qd' p� 7p {p �( pr ( w.uio tt efuture. ifavingenla&dhisl,reuuses turm),thisltutte,l,hc s owpreparWto a '•breed laced -for 'safe -keep ltlo•_'•wh11('_11(1)- clover alld-6ullothy.liex be t -„a 4h_annt ADMINIS11�TRACRIX-.NOTICE! •-.vas asleep. to straw, if free f om rust avid shut, is; _` °� Q � PaA®STO EER •0 N E"TS, &IFR r�}jq�� t At 8'barn CFLi i3ti� At hTr. Cavil&fi Johns, L19 11 I:t1J1]L'L'1U9; and: when IlOt Worlilllg1.1. ��1. �� `. • "` T "o or. t k.. r; t, e t taarri.,.i , "' i)ent;tlCtal ted -OLiCe a kIa "as. it telld,� .otters; of ,Achniuis'bnition ,haAng been -granted by }V r]c t hut,d n s at'the chegpest'rate and of .he best dor mn.nshi , as h. buy:;till'r�.ecil-iroln, ilei b s y li last week,. Mr. J(�h.. iiriri..I I . e of Y. F s - _ 1? e ,,. - , ,. + .I r..: tilt burro gate l,ourt,nffiluron`. LoahtS iu,dersr•aiad :0.B tp Aatertt,a. Eris 3I�Itt3LN: arid GitANITH]'is the bt.ut ,itiY4•E•. .1s'Etie''Gitiie"io. a + titat:hii,�� tor,uli•cUr�" , , • -to niiiinta1.11 a good a etlte. A. ware, �. , .. .. ,. - �! S rderi1. :.) 1'itnville !flet w.,th, waver painful ac- . - . : PA- ddmu,.stratrlx of, the* estate and effects of .henry.... : ; .tang tttegrave.5pf }onrdepartctl:. frfu78e, lose,nn bine." ua:9c<'.i�irlg JouS` Gt.dcrs retau!-Lo br: ;.: - ' f✓ Y t. "' ` ltorlep,� deceased, notice 'is �tvot): that all :_ Lit u , tli•stthiugin S- rin tr nl foal'shoi11d.11e allo.vetl exercise danly:" s' P 1 . _,'e b A";l work'Igiiarttttreed.. .' ,I 6,Idetlt. ,1'le tot. il,ts foot ul;let' a Loll.et'. :..r delity now due; ur to grtiw lac, rcnuet be. r;tid'.'to the.'.. ': '' .` - - 711 the! barnyard to ,YC'op ortun)ty to..unciersigned,2cw•lio.istite.:trtreni- tin'eredtgA"i Chaa•re•' '' . 1 "lid had it bad.ly,•cnushea. Y. I g _ p. p p ),.. .' -' �•. . ttie'siune,an'd"all"persons h:n•Inr:clnints,akairistthe�•..' pp����Qy'''��@• I'. : '�'p ,"^' I and it would ,e better to u)n(lu( .Jl�lf.. - H - ,I "':ice & V, , There IR A 'rQ )OVTti011 On .foot. 171' Soni' estate are requested to send; in their cll(tn,s, -: 7 . ' . 1. . p 1 her loose in a box•stall rather than tie daly p oven, ivttcll the saute )wall belmid .and dis ' I (�Orrle t0 urclan. otic of t}re HC01VS Oft` charged. , r 'cr x h °) R ' " A, l . Ler up Gel tie driving ori the road, or (: WI C li, Vit,., Deee'in er 2(tlt, 1885.. I 1 the mill World .and by placing a small even lv0rk' will not iu'ure her. 1$an ' - — - en ine . - it' and"makin,r other chali`es ', ! J 3. - I . g 0r1 '.. ::, � ' ° persons work,thelr t>ree(]:urc,:. mares Iu 5�.�� �ZOIihTI, cictln,nletl.3trla: ® 8d", ap uonvt:rt it wto . ra; pleatillrc stealiler. p 1 ill i. 1-1 t v, • x res wistedine' a team up to'.the tirrre of. `foaling; and P>etgrat•e,3tarch2lnt,ts83. I2 k. , . , , , . , , � I �euera lea e e p . seal " a ss (lave tl cull ilo we1G. This :i5 a uluch :. A 1.1 ' to subscribe forstocic ill' lie leu re. t . ' G ' u better Mali ,tll'an to. keep thern tied lip A few days.ago as::�ir."h7o ers.'of I r, 1,31 �i hot }1. . Y to a 'Htal'f': i.I kept t :`a b (edulr� ul;il'e111�0 Pi �CUU'llol . 3ayftelct, -,was passiri " f. atri. Ilia. barn z .I eleven ears wiiteri.ng her l hay'left . itis llo.use he was suulewhat 'su riseci 5 , o - _Ya,, I I h f , , , tp . by the ."sheep; and .she had a colt each I and not a little frightened by a riff; " year, ;every otic being, nari<;ct ul heaith `III I, ball passing through the Jinn of; his hat. '"anis,. form: ! This mare clid rto work ,1 igji 1 •-,_ t, __-__ - I.. ••rhe, batl_liad-been._fxredAi --Ome_ care- e T and `' I 1 I .. .Y -+--•-.--,.--:-atld-_d.l(1. IlO t",,jg et,_a Ily. t'raln`:..Llt.,` nl3t Z..., he ,, ecst.ned, Lt returning. ins. sincere thanks .-:. '�� f III `\ .. !.--'-----to-the-:,code-of-(111+t 'on-and�sur:ouridi: .R'0'`tahP : ' less sportsman. It cai?ne w7tfiin about .,should n.e.vcr when advanced in:foal :hie.. 1 t L r ng u t pl ': ._.__.___ �__- ( II .. ;.. , ,;r their literal pstronal,u in tho past, bevy to miot•ut , - ' -- - + t euttha4he isandnitfauaulin *.,tllte- •stir . an uich of 11ir. DLuyers. head. " turned in a i�yard or ti(dd,, ivi ,.i other u , y l One day last weeis'a-gefitlemawfrom,' horse if there is -it, scanty 'supply of1. lj. l J r. .60"e' •ich'tied hit horse t0 this post, of. milk --when tho•colt is born,. the Mother lir. HAbk•irk'a veranda in•.1, arlches-`.should be 'feed wheat lniddliiiis.at the PUMPS' & 0I-STER�•S I a ter. .The ailialal fob fla�htened at "a. , -: t 1. g rate of eigl)'t or twelve quarts a dad, wbeelbarrow arld starb cl tr'inn tliP' be rinninnl with fou and increa iinm tll.e ilial cannot tali loiases sa111. 1,tton to sii. ii ; l:F"'; . f n r,c . r e .. . Post wills lltnl _The buggy wisi left at fua.'dally.'! F,xcei., v fe(:( , :mlgLt i`' x> .harness shop i:n a demoralized condi- lend' to derangewent of the ; oowels, IlIp1{'1 I ,Iy'' . . _. p' rich " ,1 be ilijlirions t.o the colt. -11 ;,'a tion. Lhe hnrs( esea cd with a few w w0u1. plight scrwtches, ' • At very,Iittle salt sLoiild be; given ata : p� } y I - . .-. •Be-sd•ness-- roaiises.,-_t-o- __Xi_K(+1 at time, and cairo shoilld be. taken to aVoid �'e �'s ", Du l®. 4Q'd��i r°. I .,"I ' Il Y _-,_ _ ._.. III Port Albert during tL.e•cotnt,llg qum:: export ire, oiottllcr' stet 0r "c01(t.-"-It:-n "° „' �I t -- - —_ I. " fitter. Mr. Lee, of Goderich acid obi ors always best) to lc,t,a'mare •nave ,a : rull - . - - _ . n., r t '.Al1:nrdersprornptlS.attetdrd to: Parf, e's, :.intend-" _ - - -I — = '';•- ,C' will buy hark and 'wood olid' :Khip;, if .to grasv, if It Is toric enont h for a alts , " ,, - Ing tri. purchav0 Yuntp�y.1.during th(:'.rontitlg,'satison, 'fronl.there,. and trade, in that line wi1.1 :before, "foaling It will Delp t0 Make K:outd 3o'a•et7 to CotnnucJticat.e with rne, -$ ' '' - --. I. ` r10 doubt he brisk. lids, 11I'ahatty .has mlik'•an(1 to -put the systeni" in a health' PI;ICES MODERATE lila first loatl.,of lumber for export laid fur eoixlitio,i Co meet the'wnitts of .iia- r iloivti ori lite clod. attd:es sets s 'vessel . lure, illi tight she tcLoulri lie 1)roiight '11-31n D': 11UI IaOI„ Cllntou. E __, Tfor >t.i.n at.few docs. ile will no doubt 'ins . drY yard or suitable enclosure:— r� _t' - 'i r do a"1Arne busili in liiinbe'r this sung_. 1i'eia York Tribtep,-: - --I. _ ..1. '� _ . .. p 1 .-. _ Innr. 0ROQOET SETS �. b Y t Mr, Wm. 11TcFarliLrie of ills. Ba field h Proutiiiiteut` �ctarfs lUtelief. w,. _ _— - _ ,P.oad, Stanley, has sold since 1. st Feb-' • I<fi•: Tony Pastor, of New 'Fork City,11 . i N° ruar 185. dozen eggs, Por" which lie .;h Y, ggs, .. the reat-Ilutooaipt and actor, was sl l" ' has received •tile, do"til of.ove2 $27.• nally'benehtted'in�an attack of rlieu• TOT CARTS t This is the product of, 46 hors, besides' mat sm byf8c: Jacobs Oil, atsd' s6ronnly 9 • what was used by g ..fttntily of PirItt. testified t0'it eilicRc:., for.'tlie benuFit of' Ty r Y. �. U 1. 1, ,­:. "I Prsot 9 Tine hig'haht a price. received � other., suffering in tilt same way. I �% • . was 18 tenth pet• (sown,. rtnil thH loweat, , - — and ;' WheC-,Ib=6r vs' Perrin's Block Marl.et gquat e Ll 13 beats. "Soule: farrnr-rs Fa a hens . ilo n , I intoti )� y - Three requisites—penis, ptnit and Wa 0I1S . , . { I . I not ay. Tl1IR' 19 ALil ixan+ te:.tci. the' }3,1;5e ba115, : �iibber l)etlls;"; Se. T • p A necd,les. J he two;'latter you cola get of �, - 11xv,e ,a stock of . first-class PI -A O r7 f2ot71,. t}1C. Xe.il11#l0 1�.Illr t l- . contrary, which farmers would do weli wal V?. nod Sholls � 1Gt11re. ilTi(1 Photo �,'' - ry I to note. any maha', brit y0q' '� 'Call all(1"'Gtna(llan Inaufactut'er. Lt.:111'od4ate prices k raines of 11 kin(Is ; "Mottoes ! . k l c 'oi I 11 The �weiliti hoose And soli ents bo , ` g I I We'calllll tine attention:of our -readers All . WoQ1, G11Cap Jewelry. fttt3tl j _I t �� Also ills c, �� I', � AN`� ' ­, ]nti m to .lLr:. J jJlidertvuod' . tlx+ 'dvertise tuciit' i'ti anJtii,er onlulnn . l : : S" ' to til© at township of ixrPy, Bear Ethel;were de 'of the ISwith Medicine Co., We are ' ' � �I ' " v I . , ''._­__'�_".�:r' stro ed b fire about three o clock oil that thousands of 'mothers ,will , :' _ '. . • i. - _ I I„ - , Saturday cortaln Y y. hail with Joy the advent of aucsh,a com- .- The Sn Te111aC of . $l e ” Dohert '';.. 0-Y'oax ls1 lrrevo(''T',Uy t^ 11 g, a` it w n me(lio no Ilan !leen h y y t? i wood wad in thefieldAworktnr wDPn i P, pony:" ,,T{Il<.tr or l tiLIl11S110(l IlaV1Y1(r b©En d'WdYCIE',(l �711St i11LP;y •]Vec1a1S ::Cts IlOt1CP.d t}i0 fire, Atld lle£Or9.h(, liltd time .tested Anil-.fOU'.nd ati d(:HCCI uE!d,. a great ,:.' _ i` to get. to the,hoti�te, it was so Esti' •one' boon ofisufferin humanity. In carie of I7iploznas�, at t11e Pri>vincial ari(1 InC111Str1i, I E llil}it10tl.R ttf that nothing coahl 'ire clone,. ' If'e onI v , I I g I �I ' v t. tapeworlIV wA have been shown one T.,ys and ponos Goods ate of the`new- A- U1rtreal 'incl `-l�oronio. . saved a few tnAll articles... `I he 4t,e measuring $0. feet one of 32 feet and g est.kutd iitld the iirist quality. ' tai ill Alar�e stGc iif Vir,lilis Strinne 73owi Canceat,ittaH Fllutea, I ifee filieet ltilil=-1;, t't g __ t P A - one 14'.' feet which Have been nssed •o^ r o Stringo, , ort mated froth a defective stove r e, 6 �, f A ors ices and daul,ltters dole t for et h[uHie oil handl at the Iiloyt r01 .011)a,l',le (ices, Ali tliltl, Ill till;( lt, a linvii: 'Ilii[ ut ' Mr. Underwood iliI as •building' inr• 1'' S' _ ,g from the (bowels of three different inti- 'that I take trade.`: ' Stock, nroilurcd on the shortest I)otice:" ; utediately: No jinsurilI oidua;s after takin n few doseH of Dr, I Smith's IGrerrnan , Wormt Remedy. . _ I .i I Why stiffeF'fIrJIIi'intr'giistion an Dy>3 ' .Thousands-ofr testimonials are In pos-" qq. ^-��t� t0 e,a,Ellt for ills, C81CkiIatPCi. ..t�3 �,' _GLJ papeiawhen Burdock blood Bitters will session' (if these !men t?hov+lug .clearly. a L�, yr"�Tm�f ay' �1�7�^�� '��'/ry /p ,� ��. i positive] cure Lliese:ailmemts 4 A trial that their worm ' ntedicine are all that : victors fitreet, 2'do,re south of 8eeelo)'n, WHIT- 1•,L"J IJ.CI Y If �;L�f 4�' is *" Jt�'tL. !bottle on y eostW10 dents, alley c+laini tliefn to be.—Mnitjlotal post. clinton, mayl1�th, Isola. l ' OLI�T�OI�', lllaich 2N20.. I' ; . _ . ., , "" � , l . _ . . r I , ,...., �i j s . , ____ __ • , . I +. . z , •� . . _ -_ I. I