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Huron Record, 1882-05-05, Page 5
xr Seaforth. tits Sablatn last, Rev. Mr.. Cobb, is itaister of • the 0:.141.. ' Church of'th is place, preached. ,ts ui3 Matt., 22.ol ap.,, and part pf 4 '`+'ersi--.What think: ye of Christ-" 1 e :commenced kis say- ir�g that any. pervon, who gave:attention to the 1i,teratuue of the present •day would' see clearly that it is antagoniik. tic tolthe Christian religion_ when; such 111eI1+ as. Goldwinl -Smith. and- 1..!penoer and' other writers of liteeattare assail the religion, of Jesus.. However discouraging the fa, is may appear superficially, yet when we come to more solid facts, and takiug.the statis tics.of the whole. Dominion there is soinething encouraging ,• • take for in- stance the census of '81 compared :with '71 we find in the latter there - 540,499 Methodists in 1871, 7 in 1881 ;. Presbyterians. from 54t1,99.3- in 4' iii '71 to 676,155' in '81; Church —14.14g-iancl 494;©4, m -'7'1 --to ,5f4;8i '81, and, other branches of the Chrisstiau (Murcia in like properties, whereas there was given in the ceusus.:of'71 .557,5 as no religion and in '81 the nuui= ber fell to -2634, or to use otherrword, l . OI SON. 0 We take pleasure in, announcing to our customers and the gblic that we have removed, to- more commgdioule• piemises 1 we will keep and extensive assortment of in. COATS'BLocx ,w1�era For the Spring. and Summer' Trade.- 0 sero • TRUNKS AND VALISES. 4;9$1 of We have in stock' a full assortment of TRUNKS '&VALISES` i� whkb we will selPat close prices.. .PIER CENT. 'DISCOUNT FOR CASH. W:' TAYLOR . & SON, Clip on:: increase per cent for the Dominion Methodists, 35; Presbyteriau4;, `L4 ; Baptists, 24 ; Roman Catholics,' • 21 ;: Church of England, 16• ; increase of population in the whole country, 25 per cent. Province of -Ontario: Methodists, 28 ; Baptists, 23; litesby- terians, 17 ; Church of E i;lanal;.10 ; Roman Catholics, 17 ; population of the whole province, 18? per' cent. • It appears from this that the Methodists are increasing at a much' greater 'rate than the population in the Dominion •;' that the Church of England. acid, R.: (;atholics are not increasing as 'fast as the population -in the Doininion; the Presb^tei•ians are increasing faster than the population of the city Of. Toronto,. and ata slightly lower;rate. thau,the population in the Dominion.' nes. same remarks of the latter de- nomination may apply to the Baptists of the Dominion. From these . midis puled facts taken from the last census there was no reason 'to fear. fur 'tlie safety of the Christian church and the religion of Jesus, and closed' his •most'' sili.ying discourse by repeating. the text, " What think ye of . G'lirist;" and exhorted the congregation. .to -stand firm .ogether, and although it was not as: strong numerically as he would 'l'i'ke to. --sees-such:,-fit ane ebure!' as the present csile••we worship -in, yet there was- no cause for despondency, • only a •full'con't secration of ourselves to '(xnd.. . • DEATHS. • R0Pa.LL.—In Clinton, on the 4th inat, Samuel Rum ' bull aged 50 years and 4 months, • I:mr.-1n Clinton, on April 30th,' Andrew BayaT'j.Li S., late county surveyor, aged 71 years. , CLINTON YIAItII&ETS , (Corrected every Thursday afternoons) %heat, fall white, per bush., - in 30 2 9 -'to .1.3. nal, - - 1 300. to 1 32 Spring, Rcdchaff, • '1 3a. to .1 32 I. - - Oats, 40 to 0.41 Barley, - . 73 to'. 0, 80 Fess, : 0 70 to 0 76' Flour, 0.00 • to '6:60. Potatoes, . - - - 0.60 to 0 05. Rutter - 018 to 0'20' Eggs, 0.•12 to 013 Hay, - - . 13:00 to 14 00 Ylides, - - - -. 5'00 to 0 00 Sheepskins • 0 75 to 1"00 Beef, 6 .00 . to 7 10 Timothy - . , .3 25 to .3.50 - - • 1 30 . to 1 32 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLINTON MECHANICS INSTITUTE. The Annual •Meeting of .the subscribers to the Clinton Meehaanies'•. Institute for the .election of ollieere, the reception of the Annual .Report of the Directors, and, the transaction' of general business, will be held in,the• COUNCIL CHAMeaa, THURSDAY EVENING, A1ay,18th, at 8 o'clock A. H. MANNING, J.A.S. SCOTT,.; President. ' . , - Secretary; a. OOT & SHO.., MAKING. • The-aubtteriber, takes this: means of thanking bis numerous frionds for their liberal 'patronage for She past twenty years, and also would ,beg to say that he has engaged thc,best workman and is now prepared to t111,a11 orders on the shortest ndticeland in first - clan style, and hoping that he may sincere asllberal e share o1 patronage in the.tuture. SEWED WORK A SPECi;ALTY., • 18 H. , B ACOM.. , Examinati n-1881. (1IR$T CLASS, GRADE "0" NON -PROSES SI0NAL, will begin at the Normal School, To ronto, Monday, ,duly Ibth, .at 2 p. ,m Intermed, tet at the High Scheele of the County, Mondavi 441'. ' zrrd,,,ct 2 p.m. T $sir tdSsional+exaMinatibn}Rir.,flrst-oiaea-Der � h 'MU at t � " of •he.• ' d•' i a "n one! t c eserou oxamrn,t 4' " - /°.t. 0.4 The examination for first-class,. grade " B," will begs.' arter,tlte conclusion of thea, sloped examitiatidp-, it is indiepeneable that candidates should •elotifyr the Secretary not later than the let of June, of their intention to presont.themselves for examination, and furnish the nee esary cortiflcates of character ;and service, . 'orinObtgotice..to,be given by aaeh,,,se,aandd,4at,.o prp• v1euo1 r; den brr.obtained en app jentiMi,,,tath1... 0 retary. Teachers desiring( to pass the :Intermediate- -Exam•. !nation must be particular to state the High School °Xiewhieh theydesite to write a,Yrs e.n, o tt o»aL enit• est which thin' intend totaled., xd • • • • Special . Notices. Phospbatine;is,a'WOnderfulThing, I'Iit so'naturalli:so refesonnile. • W h'y4.; you '.have feelings. goneness';,too weak .arid dragging to rally ;too nervi •ows fo sleep ; •'an, appetite hardly stiffie; 'lent to keep body and-isoul together•;• headp.ohe,i,withrpatrx%across the back the '.`whole 8Y 01:11 .relaxed ; perhaps .coughs and sore• lungs and ' will ,use one to sit bottles•of.Dr, G. L. Austin's Phosplaatnnerass'theease may demand,' tt.w�li�n'l{f'1�;0 aY}iu in:renthu "iae Olelen'1tYia' .x..4+hy.rxdo''k4e i,huR1 Bedituse Phospipetine supplies a want,. the very' properties the system Is lack-' ing And; yearning for,' It is not a ined- Icine, ,,Uwt nutriment: instantly convert-' ed•into"blood, bone,and; tissue. ' ' . It is t sQ biciut,t9:41104atei Tay, it. `-*11(1'. ' mous citriia>n'a h .e ase , rid' u, ofgik/liand in hand.'' All druggists: 'vD,EN r'i.+C!o.., Sole,r_Aefents. -for the ohiindor��.,55 Fibirt,St: East;' Toron• to. s 'qaR WANTED, . • , ` `P' K.i•1 q+r !`,� �u, •,,rap 44.1 ., "ty $Sna_ APplyr., sen nedlately to • Q r 5{� t 4 s i. v, �, S4^TAaC B 44.-O3tt t 'PETER A43 igabt arc.. ,a t:.: �, M, of 1 1r Secretarl,,(iaderlch 1' 0 l OlisigrA IL1ai23rd hgetl[<., ,. 4,tl: atQ.ris9t1 1NANTED Case of Americana. Prat BORDERED AND PLAIN: Am. r.icain Ginghams, American White Lotto B.QR:DE.RED P.RINTS'now design ood geperal, servant.. Apply immediately to MRS. Din. DOWSLEY. Selkirk to 1Edmonton.. NOTICE,: C.l ealod Tenders will lie received bythe undetilgited 1,7 up to Noon on WEDNESDAY, the 17th ,day. of. May next, In a Lump sum fot, the purchase of:,thd0. Government Telegraph Line (embracing ,the Poled Wires, .Insulators and Instruments), betWeen r8aikirl 1'. • spd 1 dmonton. , - e The conditions to be.thit a Line of tele:04,1 �i coni• • n Winnipeg, Hum-, munlcation is to lie kepqup beNcee i ped, f bolt, Battletord and Edlnonton,�atid that Oot'erninent messages be transinit4ed free of ehdrge. 0 • The partfes.tenderine• must•oinme, in addition to, the lump sum they are'preperedv to give,for the tele-, graph, I1i,e ,the us, imum rate,ot,ohaigelor the Rene mesion of messages to the:public; . FiBRAUN, Secretary.+ Giipt: orRalltda nd(,Ceenals,-1:;• ri •wg (!" r, `,Otbitva AP �hj'lte2: ;�i.: 172't ""cIv,ENli' AAI AY. ',Zimmerman Fruit, Dryer, 141MERNAy.FRUIT DIVER seams;u. EW : LIGHT AAD- DARN DRESS GOODS. Di I RINTS. 1 ui1yv equipped:' ' Call' and leas* ur ,ii tiers- early. SPANISH NUN'S VEILINGS-1ovelyaggods an,`2 h0.4B1 , Creams Light Fawns, Dark Fawns,' ENGLISH' NUN'Stwee ,q u€ilft es,+ izi+ .>tg 'Blues;,, Fi' 'Cross; Blacks: FRENCH NIi S-:• ILII S hath is above Hfndoo. Ciothsi nglistl , Befiges $nfeens, Cashmeres, India ' Beiges+ with M'dirs-a Silki4 and'iShtin>4 • f 'Tinsel D ress:Gonda, Brocades, etc., for triimfninge. CAS l . Magnrticont goods 0 l Scotch Ginghamd,CFrench 'Oambrin Prints.•. illildoense varitj*, sterling value. • DRY:itiOODdi,POS,m°Ci31 'litl.Et0M..Ax='', }1a1]uiJ,i >CJ • ;t 'Tr. n 'sl�' cu olr ,s�.�►nt� � P �, .P, g•. burin Tapostr{ai; Aga Oar] , +I illi .tI.p. ,,< 14 F,.3 na ;�fi138eis�La�pets„all 'woottWorii ld.rthePt.;v .r, ts, .Unionsfa.trif H'ei tti ea pe.; r if K 'v,pfto W=. _. 'leo .0.L:o:P et .4 , Y;si z n t.,t Xt1 .'p i tkf rtl:' 11' S q i l ti1pA 91'!' .,ta t N dBs.: k t J 45.. i, f I q ,�,, l„R Ser..,;{¢' i. ti' 7� 4, r rt'e