HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-05-05, Page 41 -� �mv . - :1 ,rte -, � P. ,�,, � ,;� �,�, , �� I � ,� -I to '. ,, ,.,_,,'y-w°^I,.'""'.°-F°°Tr`y°'�""i.+- r-,7"*'sm•'w+.4....,%­,7-", C�. 7 1 1 . .11, 1.Y:i 119"1'-W 4 r 1 I sckt����ti' i ,S'Nfiyb. 4 M111, Oc`-,4 : - y y,' 'gti• f �v - - - _n_. - -. . r. . ,. w; , ' end e. e; olasses. e. were U 01:6 Q.F. THE 's x for pu�j#tihrj•ele titins tulyw, Our,' were to art sub ` T;h , 0 1 , � 4 ... ,. y Q 7 '� , r::... .n. • -' :i b YZV 3^' �'j" .. J,..1 I. Y V. ,1 ... stee I?rin, c , ,.e .F ,. 1, examfR; b M" J, If P,.cl�t L, M -,, r»ember Mt►' M. G',. ,C. will ltavtj:; a Y i ik� , , �;tt, ._ ,r.' ci,pal •teacher and lVSisr,.. ,�tton, A, -else i �1 harder. road tgr trgY, ,)use now. The alit, assisted 11 , tiler fcll)owin�� �I ,111V Of 1�IOIIr y � ,. .1 . ' Iluroll is. I'll tit . . - yiFi- o111Y ck§an tQ> i>(.Rdg 17i Nortli viessrs, .,'$. Cdiuherd; tPscher No. 6, A'1`11�1 R B', -E'R, & - fl,,�. ,14 P. t, tl e Yal'la e,ofi yc1_sngw, is_taken from CollYorne,:;G. M. Kilty 'tYacit�r, sum- a ' , w, . ,, _ nkerblll ; 1hos, $;lli(ibt, teacher,. Col- . �` tt and added, to, Bruce. T11is will fi��*-� t,� ..M, H a bor.ne.,,R,, Cattteltiri, C. Dickson,, 1Yook- .c -' hake it ear re.D,for.Mr. Farroly, 3' ". an, date,fpr,tfye. Local 7xlgiitn- -. seller aF�d`E. Flnady, Rrseo 1, Clinton. z , 1-1.1-11 ' e c r 'n eleetit�n i 1 this Ri 'n 'file' pupils; iq their'' variouti;, (}asses were H E re lit o u> g t 4� b• NEY'ER was,thezesuch a hazalt nkyy I � y ,,/Z"1 - ,: ` -� A, stxl eI your vote and rutluence- ' t y. , l ' s;rtUjcc,ted';to a tory urltt(a` ex rutlYYa11 - t'y ;: wibble Qvubl�le. institution, t►s„t� e,,let z1-, tion, but t'he au:y«ers ,,i ell to the r t�r ; iogr a}�gidientleervautt .. ". organ of lireforup,• Noyr* it will, .and questions ,proposed vtert cc tittulJ° 1. , 1. it w 't. Tlr:ereisr o ]eAsing it. oreditable,tp ther"p at,d tL Yi t(,aelfet5. FRED. W. JOHNSTON- again pt ,. • 1 P' : �'he school{is'evitlPntly 'tn;,kitY�: g ood k I V "I'12t1t„15ss. 15.4 On the fiisfi(of March it cond6umed the n do ria will corYtinu , r d' �iio, u er ` o r ss ' 1 .. P b S• fat � I I �GO�o , : , - holiiin of the ache, g general election. this to do so under alke pre5t nt .e•i � �l' course;- Atthe close' •of lit exatinuatt�t'i o -id-. rsuirrmer as, an unprecedented �* , . URO_N. -"'E _ O D. and said the Opposition had 11 just dresses were deli+,ered by 'the trastct>s," _+ 'Ciiia� otr, Frrrn�}lr, Ml�r 5g'u[; 1$82. cause of co lair' :iii'the''£aet that,tbe I'°ev. J: ,A. I urnllull, of C7(alerYch _ _-_ kt and other visitors, hinhly eomldi, nealt-1. - u.t' 'THE 1:' �.D,7�TRII3U2'IO1V BILI.. oxrnGry-is-to be_fctreredrut lue trouble -ary to-11rt+�stre-fie ha(3 nearly. � -11 11 � A. and expense . o£.; a generltl election a 01111tted t -q t�'dltl Oil the 111nllrY ss (1f rite' - 4 _ :, It was so cely to be a*peeted or whole, year before'the' prgpari, tiiile. ladies oi' tlie,.;ection irr providiu7i•lunch '' I �,.,�;” h s tion Bill, Amo n has no, els se `a►td•tity walls for' the vi itoz a;' which; was seryeW' upT . . hx►ped that the Redt, trrbut „ot t, p , , .1 first class sNJet.: ;' ,' S 11 '' ".-* •ivanl.d . give satisfaction to our. G;it; it) this fP.11o%yini.p�thetie st't•ai ,.�"• nll1. I I a ,H NT,, , '~ I , , , {: .b il : . � , � . . i "." .I ,�­­ " friHnds. That it sLou�d be coq for m speedy election to„p,ut.a'stop 't(i ` _ -- - - , � , 1.J d ai .0 on th u,1ia. urse �� .. � ''I ..'', ,;;4. I ._ ,g�, ;was a, fgregone . cpnclusion ; • the corr,trpt. > ti p e p k P SA; , hed fxa►cn tlnc t,rave.: �'.' ,u . r t� brpity., vgas, er;ough i to bring it at Oita*., k,', l t, T were is po,relia e to •be li Mrs. Helen _,liarvii, Na 331 Day i U lder,tjle,ba{.of tho.oppostttoo 111r, 'placed u,ponrt-:�eePress,.' tori Vit., Cltica o,: I11., is': now ill .her. ti a� 4 9 Y� e� 1. e� 1.�°w n} 11�3 ] ke �>Zd;11�r, Mclfenz}e,follow,ed by --. - sixty-e�gll�li year, and sures that She II W� ” w S ' v I,sJ �L I I1Li6en V u Y, l Y P, a ,red with C.D,$Un)pti a far i � ,. . µ `tile' swall,fr haye,.a read lost their Mt ,, Blake s,, lea• th Allere 'is not allioutu en years; a,ild w, (reatera t y ae o Engsh,.c®teh . d. �an- ,, yteulper rn'the discussion and all are.filleil, trwe'for dicu slop', of, th:e Kedlstrtbu- '�p•� rs nine hys.Ganti all pf tliep . rououi>cin,: a�`C�.;a1"�'ee0i�SIO �+ with malice and all uncharitableness,. tion Bill is a,ulost•aiuusittt one to stew P p �s� ' C�r ne l e . of ,.. 11ta case h;ppeless:. 1,) ' :grad riven up p �. R lsecsyWee:thecltan„es. re notr,in;t ,.,clic,, of his speech It ia. abvioils `titer his a I hopes,nf ever reeo,v;r.ing;. .Seven ';� �CB11C�1 Worst �� �j�;1.�,' �e�%eS�j $ per "tion of securing more Grit„majorities. -speech has.'been, xe area; -for weelzs, bo.tles of Dr*. King5Iv�ew Discover ' ��T p, 9 y �g� g J.P R J,�terS..''.. V9/"�i 1Ld�, �: ” • y'• All friends of Cot st'tutional Govern- It is clear 'that be bas kaki -aid, in, re- for Coll. ilrptiou conlp.! •rely: Cured .her. e P Pi `Ckrti..4.SL ,e `CZr - w..'v. ,•(� } 1. P Doubting; ones, pie s,, drop hcr.a.,posL,il :,�s rn,"t much rejoice ,at,, the etibrt:s made paring it from meinbers:'from. •all- the _ .6�.nc1 th"� e '•' a' � � �'�` d _ a y' v }1 skid satisfy yourseives,,:Triul .]�ott,les n' e . f r;, uz,'the,Bill.1 carry out'�Representation provinces , rt.rs not his speech at free' at Coulkbe'.i Drug ,Store. Larae'I Sergces o lir. a j h,X. population and the attention paid it,is•a,.composrte 'aflt>ir, every ntemliet size 51 OR.i ' a `y' ": - tjtEyein, to the equalization of consti- ofd>tis'party having con'tribu'ted hrg ui:ite �i __ _ z tuencies. This in the nature of thins of,inforuiation l He rotests • he Lias i_, , h b • - P TR -t a Medical Profession and all;�r✓hom1. S, could•not be carried out. with ntathe;, no time fotrop,p-,jieratW1),,.andttben,lic, jt,,jmay concern,,• _ ms#ti recision but the . 'Bill. show alis his cv. ' ten s ' pltdgx'ofifiu' ock- z fix;; cal precision, s P p: .p Pbdl phatioal, or Nt rve.F,00cl; a,P:t,os ;:, ,,' 1 4grew: care, and .skill In this direr- et, and,we . hays,r ,dou4% reads it to ti b d u,•017-. c ehtitic „? ;ha l Eleuls t a, e p `i �. tio}�. Any epactu}� qt coreriug suGn, the house.. Let anybody, ,look;. -aat his: 'Facts' Forniulatetl'1> Professor• P#.ustiu Y wid, s r ad chau ea must necessari s eegh in the . Globe, wall its_ arra of M`. D. of`Bofitoi% 1lZass. cures ]3ts•ltxYa,- f . , ... e, F,,@ k F. Y, , -' , `` touch and in some instances„ touch fi ure , i(s detailW,cgnsideration of the. ary'Cons' I tion, sick IJteadache, Net ,+ _: , g , r '.e cater s b r r wote b constituencies and :the: circurn- vou...Attacks, .Vertigo. and . Neui:igtti, roughly, a .tr alar„ interests, uta (Tate of . A. G. McDoumall & Co. �11,of ' Seaforth) as C.. T.CER. . • and .a11 w.attiug djseases of'the liunlan. , _,- :: un„ las. ed observer, will r aur! see st$rg;ea»aietmg;. them, .acrd 'then say NYr., Andersons .re}utation is s� widely known as to need 'nt� ,, , ... q , . t �'... Y _ .:..: _ _ •. s :sterol. Pho hatut( i5- not a . Medi11 I . that t ius and loss, s a e ver ,if Mr.. Blake ia,, not, deli'beratel .=h,um- P e ease it c n- hrzfl from say.-.- - Gei'>tiemen,..time.. �t�ar�intee::: eels#aetion:,.:n] _eyl r _. . ,.. h� a 1F $; ; Y erne; Uttt a Nutrtuteut,. h c o 5 Ut when ha; says he:` has• notal d tailla Veaetabl'c`'or Mini cal Poisons dr' iic' llar. Ever oar egt�,balanced, and„ here again we, ,buggipg,•, ,, u otl , y b g'u 01F11J t ai anteri f'aslii. iy.,' I :•, ' .' rcoticg' and no'Stimta al, es t ::W11i ,- UO b. ,.,.' have an,, rnscauce o£ the Justice and tirge,fer eonsidel,ption. 1je.,•.h1.as.; a ii1. Opiate Na ,; ; , Cut,.wellrt, de, and fir$,t-class �tlal.u1nin s.thloughOut:.,. . . „; . _ b�tl'sl pl "Phosplt�kt•tc and tixastr.Yc .Ele . t : ',' 'u't ' c cteristic o the m a ure. i3 Haider ri�`it-for three `rnoilths art least., _�L_t •,• _ I ,.� ;.1 beta f , e P t i,;, ,' men;ts ,gqulid In . a}lr clay send—A The Pram n of such a Brll is a theL,r a gat g _ , .--'--:»• . singbxbgttle sutlt�ic nt to c(?nvt ice. Al] ' , - -- t r'+ least a tlimakless task and mp t a>}l a ry lfzemio4iller. Drtaggtsts st.11 iij{' 1.Ofl,>.per, bottle. -o'`=r 11 1. - r.' ; . rtgn}c, dergrae create,, dissti,isfartggn a Gle s ' Low,oz:$t &(•C,o , SolelAgents for the Do- . 19kys .,M*ria d,iti,r . layd , up whir I a F�, amp fri” p and op tents. ° d' r ells min'i'on, 5ra nt ,Street a+;asQI Toronto. I, . Mr., S. , Mitchell .has:dit;posed of his - -r. iL"S, FURNIS�.NG DEPRTE1� B I�tI' co,b, fay,uls•aL,44,acres, tp a Mr. Opson from -- ' • f11 r. near Toropto, for the sum of,$2,800: Y , ' ` =N QS iWe a offez° g ' fi� ;selecti�n,o 'the newesL-s1' es: in -,Sir ", . . 1.{„tlle,neart w,eeu, or tvro,,w,ersh11V 31X SM Platt has a ntim,�er of men �. .. ,To, Drsstises C nrrLAmTs and'Acemtetrr•s 1 ': ' �u r ,° ,.. a, ps. t deah of «i�tter ,4p gf1},p enema Pd'-iu. (r'etti11g_o t Liim.het f-or.-al>.� Tw • , q Alld S`tkt� '; i4t � . p. �., 1 1 C :, � TIR^�1'•e'pg. 4 g � O [,'. � - ”- _ }iich,}A,AGYARD S'-YELLOWg _.::.._ .._...._., . _. ... ;Ii "Atrocities" erection of an., extensive• saw 1 l tecd.So fure.or.celicve` either in ig. mor' _ ' the atrocities of the Ited•istrr' „ ,l'' :BBAs> ,.,0WQ - Who ea s,Ben LetF� halt,trot rm rt�:� ed US ' , r ' '_ " ��, ti !fill, Wt we must endgavQr,,to y ml! p.TI►KEI1.tMTERNIILLY FOR' ' '" I .' ti since tllp'N. P. hau•came into force. enoV r:: 'coy ere,` , xl I, N L H �� r sembering tflat in. I$x'2 - eRlfarrs f $on�:raRoar �,i�`� A'. � � � "" . SeverA farme fii ara,,Lhlt ;vie nit have >N:. . � 11 Bir J`y1.* introduced the . Bill Y a's _ I coiiDs, , / '' htid;a,pumber. olr; thgir shcep� killed : by `t: :1. yj 1 ;Wl1iC�1 the''electior►e fbr, the, last d0 a I el W APPLIED EXTERNALLY'■49' f': I :J _; g... h .Y, . , .a 1 L. Rstone bat irs,>rsar�ir xt,v ,: i $town .Nut za'4 Fawn, 1 �' all. - have,been heed, the C rets .made rn two shee sled srw' amps. I4Ir, ser, nA, f " , Iir;Bla; a d. , i,, q; +. P„ �.. cIiILBLdINS, (dLcllgs tx, fi'$', r ;outer ,• ro hes in all, man- James ,Lon a " 441 ,•r•�s' Wart have aiYEiTnv(is, rrFF r;ii[NTaT.;, L, . Y► P P Y g' _ g tkd cglr tetytioual difficulties .at, . al{;o lost eomq�., adnLs, Freest irlrE, r , , �. , ... IUoRNa, :; th4y, are now doing and Mr. J4mes Stsvenp' haa,.dis' $ed;of . P oNMAC2roxs BRarsFs, ,,.",_ Three Das �f�trat gg Q� to, d until the close of hie• farm .of 70 acres.. ln. Colborne. fqr v xEes' L.�x,urr acg "^''" ;, l l � „ t7U ��eap e P,, , thtr.eu a r wion. lel! of $4,50Q Thisi�conc�idered eP$arxs, 'c'' a,►ooii, figure and certainly s bows that r.>t1Nu -10,0 �4i �,slEnulated ,cry would £arms in Colb'o.ne are not. deterior. ' Every'bottles=rantcai to Atte utufit tion or money re ended. d,4tArgngth could they acing, ,in value. Mr.• . Stevens i,nten& t , -- lie:. S r r utREmors vrtrrt �cx eorrt .pmt • T a so tment of ; whi�;c �nc r; egatta.,Sh :res, Collars, Cuffs, dPiMret�e ha,l}ds, aro.elean._._. - _ `', , , _ a movin . to his farm' near C.rnton -in T�dxLBU'Rit; CD. Pro �' '1. " ' . .'- _ CQnt s S>lk 1 <es,. Silk„al. teen; Ha�jkercheis, Gent s It t tit. .co trar : as wit the fall. ^- -- _-._ - iotcorrT70 �q) , -p� r-- - t- - - - - -- — --- - e,..,lnfi .. Qt �,, ,a , ,y .1,1. + Kid; :Gloves, 8.os e� ; &c , is most com, rete: -- 1.- - ss-tlxeiry atlemj�;gan, Tuckersmith, or of the til. �E�c CI arch fertileen s - P t)lia;,,ts�,"y no,,na�@ls au lsplated last three years, left for liiii new field 1, 1 uli, T1le;.C;�•it,l ea 1*' pq�,�t the �,. - rP l� • k Y,��i of labor; St. Marye,,on '1'liatsc7ay last, u u>t ,Fg>Vday, last•; ltrg., ho Qr,, at followed by the:well''' wishes 'of a large. , {11 oil {ski ,;tor- iii{ fr n' 6kp�, r 1 circle of friends. , Hiv-> suacetisor,:: the C T. -•'l , .-W - 1' ,. , .df,.� Th.+. �{t'i ' "1,. ( ! fAN".�' , , X11�111 Rgv, Mc.' 'Ulordan. preached• °his first j itistrfgt 'tq;add,,,to,A-1.19 444%. Ski JOR sempon here' on Sunda9 last.:.: ' said im answ r :” h t % , b a •rt`f`a 1�6>�+ ; A, daughter' ofIr. ; Backwell ` is i "*F+Rt'u ke xpiit , tfltyil$rrt, tt�tq , tyo, •Ile w t� tr, dangerously il'l with croup:. A. silver; fr J M I1 1,e vd.lagpp into, t,tw%. , I ,. d96,,nol;,.,. rq- •tube 64 bneu inserted:' to ; enable the t• ` ,:.. etre to, o�,FalC,?to,fjr ;{cf,v Ja".-1splitu ohi�ld. t'o„brpt►the.. Slee --is I der<' tLe '+ � „ t ��. We "take pidq' i;rshgwanb o:aat Goods in th s . �epartme�nty; be.� o', ” E t ;i;xl bt}rgy.,o#fin. D tgDacrodgh, , of. Goderich;_4 Ir I ,t� . 3 1►t F ' t. l F • . lie . c u � •cu els :ever time. r r ark ilough.tli$ rs; ribt mac hop a�lit� }�' -r __� ... r4'i d•P h e viug ,ius�or.: �tQx . 11z rQlfj dli ;NOT Fr' of her ®,every, slip re,:dQliiigKats: well as INI r 1, 1.a CQuld,,pp expetrted . , ' , ,,. ° f'' t eill, jy ` Tk,Bpg� illert,,.Silmer•„�'orriet' Band. 1 I Tcupe t�jF�CO /p>� i, � ;i ll'1�t.4.., , Y'RL,ie,x98 ]t, 1 �� f t14,•tl gt„>tilse, Iraye •e tie per �,[� flf Mr.� F,� 8 9,Q18,. Ca7r Ql( ,0,0 i R 11• { men , +f41; liep�per ns V net+ y. ATnYgjrlPs?gKca of , , i� , e7crs 1, ak, band, W001• ��ta 0t�;�,:: y ' r i ,, f ri' revjtii6' , , 8 mp}ster and ach.;,npw niaktrig;�pzg � ra- i I , � `,� �' � . ,. r. ,' F ,.P ,_ W9 Fry lute Ca> pets '„ e`' v l , �'. 'fieri •.e; g;: ti s for .givtelg,a grand piens-at the �;,,' _ . s:� . e 'i la' ail L.6 ue".n r da Stair Ca t�.:. .�., t _� :,, Mbit, 9ld;�t . s v>} Ft.r 4u .p_$'h tli Y. ,?,, �, A e is 'of` �di'ffe ent . ki ids wi I Hem C;a et i k !�itl$r.ui .p „ r 1 F `Aztc. p 1� s•' FIs .it: renew ;� C$ a'.(,,> �' ). it e, , ., OlOn" r :.:' to placf.du ag,,the:day, .'Therei:wili Uniot � a ets... r ; s sman t; r ... - 7+ihe Nboe Coat .`dMid, its won• C •. + s ,t+�c` n; ay+ .111 .rptp;r�,,.pvar rs, b� tf rm erected. an ;ever ,thin pp rr� ,. r; - P , „ . d,, .,, ' g` F it t•'; tb +rhes • ! #gestivs g Cocoa��Matting t, u,er}t IF 4 i tthp;,� s . • ie, . n for. ,co #ort,; w L -he.o Lhe - dp **n , pe Mver:increase I R 4 ,. �• ';;a, y,.: -� �1° Q i .. •., ,, •... til...: .A,. ,!".•`. r r. t • , ., , f 1 �' s�sot, , J. Yces,: slier 1 , : , Steri r and Floor Oil C'loths� : n I u., Q�u ]y . ,. . . r,. groutydp T)lose. 16A ;brr}lghia „b:}skeit s ' �#;7 yyn ,] fit - ^r. d'•w11"' J+.. ' �L "�'(, '.:' a-:. , "•': 4{ ,fi yy `IY ' �'• t, .� i.f 4li.Y .4• titii l[�. � fir. I - I{ ., -R - I a a f' l r , 1 v . „b WiG{�lt tlLem can hake .meals fnrnlshsd' res1i < g' eps roar eta' , ,I} X4jry� A 1klr.&6hAc ,M�,Pt' I ns cn li4,g+lo+tr)d$tat n rensona�? Q •Price•' aid :f ;z ID',�.DYER, memos r. •y.l 'W" - a PA A, �•.� . r'•. iq� , r� pry y i T ii trilled ,w' r lrt av .,been ha d,. `e e-. n... '&"10 44 ' wr 0 siL,x to i 7.:3i 1 th,�glhe� ,a. h :p . H h a kir .I 4 ., :..., 9oe,V tee. ti Car , Md ; 'at da � 91 �0rte,st •n6 y. t �;, tofo►e b r;.tlwybapd, ;ht4vtl al.wtt' s, beaxr. t t'��' ler olb:.: .T y I f sc a s e eta M a' y y carp M . Y,.. f W�st,..q�k .sucGeesft as AWLS pnrnl:-, ilL,,•.,bR„spQrefl Bflridu L'� St ,,.S� -- 8d I t �,1. Ills tl. j 1�.,.. n1t4g 9 s 11 cl M + ,.. o } s,a , ouq..co �, to m k' Giii _the,;:best et..he d acliti, c t`li?.§k , , , it # r4 b . ! , Y > t is arid' ld „ , ' ter, a ae, ` ; . ,, � ' ..t ” t • Y . �` Q, � �.' L A;cornet r.•:Rpgsi;,ppcos:Mats, Lace Cpx�aicln, ,far_, Ne , C wA Oo 11 I I 11 a ;. a Ail tNho w w ,t . „ p .. .. aP. • h , is ..: cn, s end a d were, ,. m, ', F ­11 �. r :q s „8esrt ,r... ftie-,tsps I �Tew Cretonnes . L4clieir,;;yqu eiioiilde our Stock tr .rite rR. a rtyt.ton ,Foil„ ,q.:thc+ Iqn, eriJo. ; t iuNe1'vt3s .ehgpl ,ut: t9 „y K t lC . ,..:. •. , Y .. . , },y , ,�•q QTS , , ... t • , A , r .. J ,t }� F.r 5.J 4.,,.n, tn� l '--, AV �� `T , ;,' u� p"��lIA1 M. Il'.4 tl, , y, R �lil � 1 A , w t ere l(l :; hs rci ac .uihc 31e t "Will .: 1 ,. ti. t�telr uof�7 1. cul �s� n.e: r i .t p. i1. sr.- 6,.V b94�,.,, ..,,i,. Enc :,: % : ,.. p , ., r ? ', xis T ts,� i pm 1• . 4 I I I 11 x ;.6 t x ,a ,•b '• a a:. ,,,f. 1 I •:al „ take fa° id :of: li bz;n x e# F• aCh:� It=3n ,: tea e'.Lxp� ;qac . �, � gg ry ■�}p� g 'cY ,s�. ti, !L d r t 11 ••.MSk,. U';G„' fr. -t,<, '1ti'y p J- . ,,�,. 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