HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-12-21, Page 7flow h ristmas olida' Christmas comes but oncea year. 1�7 s1ca� Ill.strllme.111 . CHEAP FOR THE HOLIDAYS.. 1IL11i TOX`FI¢IKKETB. Wednesday, Deo:_20,1882. SMarket matters are very quiet just now, very Tittle change baying taken place. Wheat is slightly on the decline, and it is not likely to go up much during this winter. Barley is also weak, but that is principally caused. by its inferior quality, the low grades being slow for sale, and tben.only for feeding purposes. Oats are in good demand at quotations. Pork is on the rise and sells readily at from $7.50 to $8. But very little good beef is coming in, iqut is wanted. Owing to bad roads and other difficulties in travelling, hay and wood has been rather scarce. Poultry is in good demand, and but very little re- maining in the hands of provision dealers. Wheat, scot - = $0 85 a 0 87 White wheat, • - 0 84 a 0 86 Spring, 0 85 a 0 37 - Oats, 0 35 a 0 36. Barley, - 0 46 a 0 55, Peas,0 64 a• 0 65 Flour, 4 50 a 5`00 Potatoes, 0 35 ' a 0 37 Butter, 0 20 a 0 21 Bggs, 0 21 a 0 22 HaY, 11liisic :mporiui , Perrin's Block, (Clinton, Are selling their large stock of Music and Musical' Instruments cheap,. including Violins, Concertinas, Accordeans, Flutes, Mouth:Organs, Violin Bows and Strips. Book and Sheet Music,; _ g� • Instruction Books, &c. your Christmas _C Gall and: -.see -their; stock, select presents,your` homes bright -. make and and cheerful', and your children bright and happy. DON'T' FORGET THE ADDRESS MUSIC EMPORIUM, Perrin's Bloc uare, j •i. splendid assortinent df . 211. the latest styles of OF ereoatil)g, 7 �,• .,.1 ., , . � - rrfect fit �lial'a1< i.: h: rt' notice:. A. ) ar1,,11r�ec.tnmal�ell�ox 5.o ti reasonable. teed. Prices re�lso �s8 0-0.01:06. 0aD DR t1 ere � Fancy� l Wool ,., 1. ed� as hm s Black and .Co or C Dress' Goods, Brocaded Silks, Black ',a'nd :.- Colored Moires :for Trimmings. Our Stock of Hosie .oves Will be found very- eoni fete and well a seer ted. Mangles dor fall and winter wear 1' ITTED: r'GC 4C. pt 'in.:'.great variety. 1113. I is conceded--tlat, as a cutter, OLE no rival in town. Has iEnglish andIrish • re t importation of Scotch, En hs ur d>< c�' p. 'Tweeds ofspecial ecial attention. itiveeds and Ser es are worthy p attention. PS and. CES HATS ti BOOT.S : and'' S$OES, CROCZRIES. L other t Owen to the rapid increase of ;our _business in for our t�ran.ches, we find that we have not room �o A:RE and offer our 'CROCKERY and-�.C�LASSw ate Cost.. whole stockC CoATS ilTito Z - 8 50 a 0'00 Hides, - - 7 00 a, 3.00 Sheep pelts 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins, 0 75 .a 1 00 N:oo1, x -25—a--0-2-7= Geese, - 0 50 ;a 0 60 Chickens, per pair. - 0 40 u 0'50 Ducks,' per pair, . 0 45 A 0`50 Turkeys, each 0 50' . a 1'25 Pork, 7 50 a .'S 10 COMING! T15!{ J6BI6EE SINGENS :i+ itIIDA ,. Beeeinbei, . Jth TOWN .171ALL, CLINTON. (r?oa rile Il:rou SuuooL:) Secure your seats at once at DIettsoe5'--no extra charge for:resery in .Seats.' �dn+isaion,50 cents, R BOA D O031('OI lAr'LF Roo31S AIIY e ab,,:at the • 111iou;e of 111E i; OA :L ,Ai D in ELL,fiox Sz iiz;r;z' I 9. . .7 ,,. � Nott occupied by MR. JOHN ROBERTSON. Ciiaton Nov. 23,:.1892., , TO RENT. Two stores in the Carson Block; Rents low.'. Apply to MANNING' & SCOTT. G. Also the.'. store owned Mr.G. H e bY. Wright, lately occupied by'Mr. .Bayley . Notice to tiie C-retdilors • OI!:''. EOWARO MOORE & WIL1iAM. MORE. 'Trading, under tile firm mune. of MOORE SON, -. of the Town of'Clinton;'in the County of Huron, Grocers. . j�� O:TICI is'drer-eby i ire,, that the above-named .t. tirrn of Moore* Son have made an assignment of all their estate and efi'ects,to the undersigned', for the benefit of his creditors who are:to be paid pro rata, -,- Al I atsAll parties having clanns against the said firm, are to" send. particulars thereof, with the usual statutory de-. claration, t� ripe ac once. ' After the FJFTEENTII DAY OF JANUAPY,"A.D.,'1883: the 'assignee • will. •proceed to distribute the proceeds of the Said .estate'' pro ..rath amoog.tt those creditors of whose cairns be leas Qotlee. 'All parties indebted to the .said estate, arc to settle'' the amount of the said indebtedness with me -forthwith • J.PENTLANDTIS1)ALL, Assignee, Clinton, • IL,NNI\C Br SCOTT Solicitors for the Assignee. Clinton Dee; r; Int', (he. matter: of the 'estate o,%' ED if < BD MOORE ' iznU WILLIAM MOORE, t, ;C d iris nnc7,ei; the f 4-m•,l.u:ilie c f.. 1Moore Sow, of the TOW7i of •C'liiitois, 'in ('otcict;/ of lien oil,'Crocc.rs. TENDEt S: {T -1i1 .'be 1•eceii"ed by :the nildarelgned- up fir 12 o'clock, noon, of the -,29th day .1• Decern'Aer instant, for thc,purchase of theetoek Of •receries �Crocier Glassware' e G G &. the. iliCd aleutirtol: rlehts'belonmin^• t0 the'abo.ve estate. The Inventory shows the folliming a nrtrunts Oro -aeries, • ...':. A. ,nl 63 '', Crocl.'er3+ and Glst:ssware: • 298.3e Shop Furnitare, Bet., ,. .- 153.20 Total 813.f.1.62 Tenders will he reesgvcd at so 'much on.; this dollar. of Inventory- now In the': hands' of the undersi nett.;. No.tender' necessarily accepted.. Terms t nsir All. u1l'or,ua,tiuit w1U•bc givers by the Assignee, J. i'ENTLAND' TISDALL. Assignee trttst for Creditors. Clinrirn..11th Dec., 1882. . Nuran �i Middiesex� insurance Company FHLAD QI`I+ IgE, LOti U0N. t, uicrah bnsitles4 done '.'Invuralxie effected'ei� all classes l l 'Property.: l ATR0NACO SOLICMTE» 14 RITT, AGENT, CLI\T011 BE1RI, :STIIIEE BOAR. rill al subseriller• will keep for service, ou Lot` 12th, 2nd con. of "Ilnllett,.a first-class.Iierkshire Boar, 'I'crfns: --3t, with _privilege of returning, if necessary.. ' 1fC,HI4T FREEMAN. ' IlulJstt, Dei.',, 1992,' BOARS FOR SER3TICE: TIIE subscribe,•. would respectfully inform ttio•Pub: lis; that be has two very Superior Boars for ser- vice this season,' one a thoroughbred Chester White and the other an improved Berkshire ; bothwininers of first prize at Clinton. fall show, 198`"'. , 'IFairfa' = •.OU cash. ,, Lot 26th, 1St con., London Road, Stanley.. JOHN srANItIJRY, • Stanley, No . 28,1982. TUOROUGHBREI) BERKSHIRE BOAI: 1IiE undersign ed will keep fair service at Lot 23, ,,13th. con. of llullett,a Thoroughbred) Berkshire Bear. Terns, S1; cash, with the privilege of returning if necessary. STS PILIN GRRAY. 7lullett, Nov., 58. FISHIFISH1 T1111 undersigned boas to inform his,eusteniers and the puLlic generally, that he has now on hand. a Very:la,rge Meek of.No. t Fish, consisting of 30 131i13, of I hire it & Trout Noi l lake Su ax or W s Also,' 75 Bids. of No. 1 ZaieBaro Hernias 7 „viii be sold at the loweat remunerative rates. Witch, • THOS.: COOPER, '(iroter. GSip6on, Mot / ' • )iULLETT. The eldest son of Mr. Baer, of the Huh lett Base liner was taken down last week with scarlet fever, GxeNQ1:,--'The next meeting of Hui- lett grange will take placeonWednesday; 27th inst., wheli officers for the ensuing year will be elected. NOT A'PouLTr.Y RAISER, --A certain farmer on the 13th -con., who is noted for the excellence of the stock lie raises, has resided here for 30 years, but during all time has not sold $5 worth of poultry. He believes in raising more profitable stock. CURIOSITY. —Mr. lid ward Sibbone Hu- ron road, has a curiosity in the shape of a cabbage stalk, on which are twenty-three well formed • heads. Twenty-two are close to the stalk, and on top sits a Large head covering the smaller ones as a hen would cover her chickens: 11IUNICIl'A7;.—It is :said -that the- >Jtilu- ber of candidates to be proposed to morrow will surpass all anticipati,ins. The nomi- nation takes place at the Temperance Mill, Londesboro, and the election at the fallowing places;-In:palling suh-division No, 1, in the temperance ,hall, Kinburn • Iin polling .sub -division No. 2, in school ' house No. 0; in polling sub division No.3, C. C_iIT; TOKSIIANK, BUJ 11_11 cL N- AIS ho Makes You a �T- { a. TH E BOOT MAKER. DEL1;R, IN ALL KINDS OF •MIerr, e>t�nen din Gili�d:relri' ' r(if)ts S1e�res..0 Spring Stock .well assorted, and complete in all departments ALL coops SULD CHEAT-}, I+'OR, C ASTi i s tool House Nti ?- iii poll-ing-;-sub ell vision No. 4, J. Brunsdon's carriage shop, Londesbor'o; in polling sub -division No.1, in temperanee•hall, Londesboro; in poll- ing sub -division No. 6, in school house No. 9. CouigeiL a meeting of the 'council Was field at Londesboro,'on the 14th inst.; all the members present except 3:Howson, deceased. Minutes of former meeting were -read and confirmed. • The reeve made' a touching refe- rence to the late Joseph Howson, When it was proved by J: Britton, sec. by J. mason, that this council hereby desires to express its pro- found sorrow on account of',, the removal by death, froth their council board, of the late J. Howson, for the last eight years a very highly ; respected member . of said' council board, and also their sincere sympathy, with Mrs. Howson, his now Sorrowing, widow, and family, in their sad bereavement, and that the clerk be instructed to communicate -the same to Mrs. Howson Uarried Moved by, T: Britton, sec: by -3; Mason; tb`t the account of Darrow cL 13roadfoot; for defendin& •snit. Williamson •vs. Hallett. and TuckerstEith,' $40, Hullett's share, bs paid: --Carried, the by=law, appointing polling places and deputy returning officers for the municipal 'election, was read and passed. Moved by J: Mason, sec. by 3, Lashaw, that theclerk be instruct- ed to write to Mr, Waiter Liddell, pathnies- ,tar, for an explanation respecting:' work al- legrft-ta-be done in his road division, under his direction,' and an. account rendered to this council for 'said work, amounting to $i for Ening gravel, -Carried. . Moved by, T. Britton, "sec, by 3. ?vlason, that the following accounts bo- paid --7 Sprnnu, plank anciare pairing bridges;$35.5 t , f . 'Huber, 'plaul;'for . bridges, $0; trustees temperance hal] use of hall for voters,' list court of"revision, i$2 ; W. U iimette;".postage :for one year, Cgrbeit, clumado to road in tearniti gravel` $2 Oen Clark, -onus building 118 rods wins fence, $35.40 i+.:Yowler; gravel, 820;:%i r,ancis Little, bonus for. 57 rods wire fence, $17.10,—` Carried. .: Moved by J. Lasham, sec. by 'J. Mason that the sum of $18 be refundeu to the Roman Catholic school section, being the amount raid'' by said section on aciount of: county school tax for the present year:—Car- ried. Moved by. J. Britton; sec. by J. Mason, that the sum of 8120 be paid to the trustee's of R'eutu, Catholic separate scliool:seetion,' Hullctt, being county school 'taxes refunded, purauaut:to the amended award• made by the is1inister of Education, said'sem to be pay 'tient iii full of all claims by the aaid school section, in the above disputed matter —Car ried. Moved by J. Lasham;. see. by 3Brit- ton, that the councillors' be paid for their ser- vices, for the 'present year, at the rate of $1.75• per day,' as`folloirs;'viz •••-J; McMiII>tu, reeve;; 23 days, 51:0.25 ; J; Mason, deputy -reeve, 22' days $38.50 J, Laeham, 21 days, $36.75; 3. Howson, 22 days, $38.50; J. Britton, 23 days, $40.25. ---Carried. Council' then adjourned to meet again atLondesboro,''on :friday, 22nd' inst., at iO a -m. JAS. P r; ArenvitiaTs, CIerk, not, life is sweeping -bas go and Bare, before -you die; something mighty and`snblinre Peeve behind- qGCr"ie week is'• tocon uer ting e."'1 youronn83 outfit free. 'No risk. IEverything'! new. Capital; not reenircd. We will 'furni h.you' everything:.: 'AInny are making fortunes ,Ladresmal: as much as -risen, and bays and girls make' gest pa,y: Reader, ityou want, business at'whi ch, you Jan make great'pay.all the time, write for particulars to 131. Hat, -, L ars & Co ;;Portland Maine, • =CATTrE- ( 1A3W into -Subscribers 4preinises, Lot 20 (at•. • lidllett;:three Heifera and'Tno Steers; lill cnpr- ng two yearn cid.. Came in about 1st November - he owner. ie hereby netrfied to prove. ProPartY, 's' charges, and ;take therm away: 71311N FI l N1. llett, Nov. 28, 1982. STRAY CALVES.: %'1 AME into.subseriber s prorntaea fat 2.1, Ind Cos,. lJ of•Hnllett, about the'middle or -October, rive' need of.young crttic-last spring's calves Theowner is hereby notified to prove property; t} pay charges, an,;; tike than.itsraYi O.LO JOHNSTON'. ttullctt, Dec. (3, 1882. - . STRAY; CJ AT'T.1, E. ITRA'iEbl) from the premise - S:4 tui scriber, Lnt 11,, -Maitland.coneession, about the 1st of t)ctober, cue 'dark red Stier coming two, and; one light red Bede!) (mining two.': The steer's tail and left ear is a little : short. Botha good'siae, Any information concerning said-animeIa will he sditably rewarded. W£IL1A3f BAER.... Colborne, l8ec.6,1882. - IIC3ITSE FOR 'SIE. /' J1tl.iuiilersi 'nod offers fo3 wile that hell -situated l 'louse on the conger of May Street, at presrent oepupied by herself 1.t io,i -new two-story frame, with four rooms and ttvo closets down stairs, and five rooins up. stairs, "well finished in every respect, Iia11., sero lot, good stable,' hard and soft water, good miller and stone foundation beneath- the houu-. Will, be sold on reasonable terms At1x5. A. llcC Aall NI;Y. , Clinton, Nor ..,0; 1852, inl FAM FOR SALE r !UE uruler5igicd offers for sale that valuable farm • • .L composed of Lots 40, 79, and 90, in the Maitland coneeesion of the Township or Godericli,' contaitning'. 220 acres, . The lanais in a good state of cultivation; 40; acres sown with fall wheat, 80 acres seeded down:; Well 'watered and well fenced. Try() good orchards, largo frame, dwelling'bouseand three good' learns,- This firm is, situated tree colic from HolinesbiUe. .The above lots *01 ire sold tegetitar or separately, to suit purchasers. 'perms easy. •For partieulais apply to MANNING & SCOTT; Solicitors, Clinton', or to the proprietor, .10,1IN McCAii'PN'EY, Ifohnooville, ',m'' SPLENDID FARM for SALE rin115 subscriber offers for sate' his arm consisting. -I- 01 Lut No. 13, hi the IlOi enneeaiion of Itullett, 1215 acres. Over 100 acres cleared and undcrdrairled, and in a high state of cultivation, • On .the paemiseat are a „shod frame liousc two frame barns, frame atnbl'es and othcrouthutldings, orchards, with Twit every variety of fruit. Well watered by spin creek running through the lot. Situate 2r miles from Loii dc:;boro station, and b miles from the Town of Clinton. School and' dturches quite convenient This i5 one .of 'u n the county fInron. the best -when t farms I 7 e of I Also, ta'ront, O. 'good farm ,! 100 Beres, in North e 1< ra -Perth 7 even last � r 9.rnr4 and i culla eli ai lleatrc t''• 1 arts las fit,NRY ILEi11i Nov, 23, 1532. ,'3Yn , Ldudesh0m P 0 ILra�.araT►T. Theundersigned ilav,inr attain opened out ..a:general stock. of (roods, take 'this-op=- ortunite'of thanking their old customers for tho liberal patronage afforded them p g p p when 'inybusiness before and trust that by`rlYlrlo'Special Bargains to get'iall their old customers back, and many new, ones. We intend to keepfull lune' in tltta following Dry Goods 1— Blue and Gre.. •Cottons, Sheetings, Ducks Denims Tickin s Cot on.;,:t t'. >Yarn Carpet Warp'Flannels Grain Bags, Wince s Tabun s Dress Goods and Trimmings Small wares &c. _ Tweeds Coatings; Talloi,s rimnnng s, ea Ya e ul, s, an ver—coats, .f;I1ti•ES 15IIAL•L :'' .E l,P'1'• Dec al value' 2n'. l ea• �.APr ANIS C:1Ps, b'1TI,.1, STOCK IN THE 1 11'14:BENT MAKES.. LAIIC;E ASSC.MT.1tlENT'3NItiIEN'.rS, WOMEN'S;4L-- CHILDREN'S, •„tv>.•;.•f1s c< <.1 (, ” lu a ;�CBI 1ar1`laYca51 fol•out mood s,.and met them attire loYa,st Possible Iri•ice, parties buying froth 1isrn1iy eapesto ry et bn1ry a ns :as aiir zlotro is "'small ;profits ant1 il,uiek :i ergo ns:" o',sett.r, 1 ars are 'e' )act . t0 'call, and.c nr s .an -' c prices,::.ia 1 u .glias, e i sl fully requested ,all) �,00d <I b t vv (i are bound to sell nt •tl:e `lowest,paing prices F Y � prices 9clens -old tanned Brick Block Clinton, Sept.; 1.$82. Albert Street are Call in. Call ie. Call in. Every Parson come in. We are offeimg; SPECT"AT1. PRICES fair; the Holida,, -trade antdWill /14 q be iuctersold lay any house in town, _The ._finest lines :.of Valencia -Raisins finest.-1_,ond7on.__. layers; fine 'Sultanas Dates, Lemons, ,Oranges,' Figs, Grapes, 86e.' ' IN All at bottom Aging: 3, for 't�i.holiday 'trade. Our. general Encs, :;ooh are ' TEAS, ',SUGARS- and C:rl$i 311.AI1 GROCBIIIES, need,a recornrlienda- tion,'for every Otto knows that '(.'�, sells cheaper : than the cheapest, and .''ways ;