HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-12-21, Page 6E.a ;t•7AR AND DRY 10.11 in " QQ t D S IQ TRUNKS, VALISES. &c. Our stock. of Boots 'and Shoes dor the Fall' and Winter 'Trade is now complete, and for quality and style cannot be excelled. rket, e the very best -i� the �a Our s eciallies are a handl r➢ foods b prices, sellat the lowest possible ce . And to them AP P 5 per cent discount yor cash _ li W Block Clintof.. - _ ; SfJAT Gots . T.A�LOR-B�-. • We have just received our FALL AND WINTER' MILLINERY, of French and Ar}1 ,,Ican ,, er-fasllrops;consistingb of Bonnets, Hata, Feathers, Birds, Ribbons, , Lsi!sb, Plushketrid Ye1; " "ices that cannot, fail to attract attention, veets, all at such Pr,, elIatiing „Ilurchased a large' and • well-seleoted stock, we feel confident in pleasing all and giving satisfaction.' We also call attention•to our stock of- RouiLLox JOSE -T 'r'•ie1;N>tl<KID GLOVES 'keeping -a• full line in all colors. Full line DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY CORSETS, d;c., always on hand. ' i%maws, FELTS AND BEAVERS done over in all the newest styles of Bonnets & flats •'—---APPRENTIOaS-WANTED -for the Straw- work.- - - FARM PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods, TWO :;000RSNORTN OF THOMPSON and SWITZER'S, • .` �. 'BEESLEY -Beaver. Block, Clinton. rin CHEMIS'TS: DV'GG1 Albert 'Street, Cliltton..''. The public will find our stock of medicines complete, warranted genuine, aud of the best quality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER`BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINDS' OE. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY KEPT IN A I+IRST'. CLASS DRUG • STORE.. CENTRA: HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIO REMEDIES, CUTIOUR.&REMEDIES,' - KENDALL'S SPAVIN I UPF. • And all the recent patents kept in stock or •procured'to; order. A large stock of WIRE IZATR BRUSHES,. TOILET SETS.i SPONGES;. •P1ItF1ml:ERY, :V cheap. CELLULOID TRUSSES at reduced - rat. 'PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS andfamil3 receipts acccrately compounded with care and despatch.' .: �A'V T-r.1'S.. H.' CQi'VI 31 , CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, • CLINTON, ONT. OUR LETTER. BOX. The New Ea• does not hold itself responsible for the opinions of its correspondents . Letters are cordi- ally invited from all who have a grievance or anything of public interest to discuss. Write on one side of the paper give your name and address as a means of au- thentication, (not for publication) and be as . Wet as the subject will permit ;'and our columns will always be open to reply to anything appearing under this head. GODERICH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MATTERS. • .To the N(lilor o/' the Clinton 1'ezv Ela. DEAR SIR, -- Through the columna of your impartial and high spirited paper :I should like to give publicity to a few ideas and facto. Our municipal elections are drawing near, and the time to choose new councillors,' and criticize t.he-actions'of the old -ones is drawing near.' The Goderich township' council,:in timespastranid of late years, have been (chosen • for their fidelity to political principles, regardleas'of their fitness Qr;qualif cations ae ceuneillors;_this role has been observed- with 'one or two -N ow Mr.Ed iter, tions. 1`Itor if the P council tc1d by t their seats 'virtue of heir i ;political leanings, c r in niter word's rd a the th more rabid the Tory e more eligibl,e. he, is : fora Seat at our council board. _ In f o -proof-t}re aboi FI may stile tlaAt11 our T municipal officers, ,clerk, assessor, treasrir er and returning officers are Tories; -except one ; there ' -is one, iteformer, and.gnly bee, who holdsthe position 'if returning; officer, and of ly because his house is convc nient for -holding the, elections.We fancy the re- gret that isshown, by some must be bitter indeed, to'see What they, consider theirs ' handed Agai bybirthrighted psn, we have . an assessor ';ot -the blue blood; ap-" pointed to'do the work of the party, ; four or fire -years ago we bad somewhere about one, hundred appeals, 'the most of them'. sustained, besides about ,twenty :others who refused t� take the ♦ath ; dnring this. year's Court of Revision we had about fifty appeal sustained:. We had -One indepen-: dent'aseesseir three years :ago, the result' was not oue-single appeal, but in order to damage. the said- assessor,'. the clerk and' our present deputyreeve spread the report that he had left old TConser+t ativee off, the;'. roll. 'he humiliating speprOjef-those twos worthies, afterwards' :apologizing to' that gentleman, for spreading such reports, - was rich in the-extrerne. During last. .year's election we had the party, just be- fore polling day,holding meetings in every polling division, in order to consolidate the vote en three who could be depended Mon to do.the work.of the party ; "they were successful;' hot our'late C,onrt of Revision rather sat down. on such mean tactics,:and showed that thebest laid schemes of mice and- Tories, aft gang ,agee.. ' Mr. '.Editor, Our : representation at-the.County Council, has become: a by word, to all liberal minded: men. The remarks passed' when our re- presentativss put: in .their' -appearance at. the: first meeting, Of County Cowin.),' each year; ' is -.that this is not a Conserisitive:, convention, buts party :to look-aftercthe,' well being of our -county. „Those Worthies areal.ways•at the beckl'and nod of any po-' littcal scheiner, such as voting for Warden.•- They are alwaysready-made reaves'' and deputies, if only. good Tories. •- Look at Tuckersmith, more Grit than Tory;.,and she sent a leading Conservative -.to the County Council for years; and other. Muni-' cipalities-have been 'liberal and generous in : choice of representatives,. but never.. Goderich`_townahip: ;The result :of- Jusch. actions have been disgusting to every lover uf.feir; play.. •Liberal •minded Conserve tiees,. ed. area as Reformers,, look upon our ,principle of electing councillors as a farce; and injurious to the rising -generation, as.+ they should be taught; th•at -merit and- , sound common .sense is,' the motto that •' should guide our representatives• men,, and not as it is'..now, the Iran that: does most for ,,his political party. I., remain,>i yours truly, FAIR PLAY., Goderich. townphip, Dec, 20, .1882, .• Backlen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cute, $ruises= sores Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, ,and positively cures Piles. It is guarranteed .to give • perfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For eale.by d. H. Combe and Watts & Co.':. , New Map legSu r: . a A fewa1Tins :Ma le' S ru' g, . p p; Fresh I :° (', i1 C dl 1 O i s Lemi)ns and I3aua»as Good fresh :Mangold, •Turnip &;Sorghum Seeds J Cunin hams, Clinton. Clinton Ca bi �, tC p In�, Olticl to meet -rl ulcleasi ng trade we liave: bought the Factory lately occupied by W. B. Crich, , an after getting it under. way weal'e prepared to manufacture -Everything in the rurniture bite;' Prom the cheapest' to 116, best' sits, With the Intest styles and No, 1 finish and' workmanship, Ordered . work a specialty and satisfaction guaranteed UNDER .TAaI ITC -i - W -e -]lave ;aliso 'added this branch to our business, and in it It all ;'times ;will be found everything to sleet tho .requ.i.rolnents of all. A HAN-Psoaii?, HEARSE KEPT FOR EIIR,It. By strict attention -to business 15 less and an' eye •e to accom- modate andplease, we }lope to merit the confidence of all --Thousands ofgravesare annually robbed .of their victims, lives' prolonged; W Y ■I r rhappiness and health re- stored by the .use of the great _ GERMAN INVIGORATOR ahieh positively and permanently cures, Impotency (caused by excess of any l aid,) Semina 1Weakness, and all diseases! that follow as a sequence of Self -Abuse, as. loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lassitude, pain • in the -back, dimness of.vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consuntp- Lionand'a- premature grave '.- . - Seed for;cireulars.with testin•Anials• free by mail. The I_NVIGORATOR is sold at 01 per boa, or six boxes for $5, by 111 druggists, orwillbe sent Nee bY-mail, se etirely sealed, on receipt of price,' by addressing': - • F.J.-CIIENEY; Druggist 187 Summit' St:, Toledo Ohio, J. II:.Coutbe,,'sole aeentfor Clinton. . *1,000 FORFEIT.. " Iia -ring the utmost confidence in its superiority over• all: others 'and. after thousands of :testa of .the most 'coniplicated'and severest cases we 'could find, we feel jilatifed hr. offering to:forfeit One Thousand Dollars forany ease of coughs, (colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseutas, bronchitis, cmisuntption in its early stages, whooping cough, and all diseases. of the throat and. Sings, except asthma', for which dye only claim relief, that we can't euro ,with, Wes1's Cough Syrup when, 'taken according to directions. • Sample:bottles 25 anti 30 cents.; large bottles.one :dollar:. Genuine wrappers: only in blue. Sold by '•al i druggists; Sln t lY ex- press on receipt of pr ices John O. West & Co.,81 • &' -83 Km t.' East, 5 1'.•fist Te r n' n o ,o Ont, For ul l o sale at Co ties :Johnr n/lcGa va SALT MAN U:I['ACTTJTRER,, AXE Di. tLEll.T.N GROCEfil S AND FROVTISIONS, ALBERT STREET, Oliposite the Tirwin Hall, Very ANoice Lard, Nems'& Bacon .Corsale at lowest pieces. '1 Cash laid for Farin •l,'roalticts. ' J.` MIcG1,ARVA. Clinton, Api,il 4, 1382,• Moving 'Buildings• &C ITAKEthla means of thanking all those who have favored me with their patronage in the past, and ,beg to say that, as I am leaving the oonntry tor Mani- •toba, Lle%ve disposed of my business to my brother Jona Sxertifisori, and hope that you will favor him With the smile liberal patronage that you have given ole. • JOSEPH' STl21'liLNI1011; TXTITII regard to the above, 1 would say that as 1 V Y nm n chip from the some 1/105k, and haying been brought up to the business 'of :moving -and raising buildings,•lfeel ooutident'that,' can give entire satis- faction to all who may favor fne with their, pSatronage. And further, 1 would say that l nm Still malting those P "y�uss la't?E�axN" 0000 and cheaper than ever. A8 TOm ST1SPUENsON, Clinum,, WOIITli1i11E11TIONI gi , • 1Ylltn u1lytliitg Idiot is worth paying is spoken in that terse and pointed way that bears the impress of honest conviction, we like to have people know the nature of the communication.'' Of such a .nature • is the following from Mr. W. F. Heist, Camden P. 0., Lincoln Co., Ontario. Mr. 'Heist says: • "With great joy over my restored health,'I would write a few lines concern- ing that wonderful remedy, St.Jacobe Oil. : For the last -six yearn I have been using various medicines internally and external- ly, but nothing, would help rue. Finally I procured a bottle of St,' Jacobs Oil, which cured me' after a few, applications. My mother -in low, who has also been t great•sufferer front rher niitisnl, was also relieved by the use of the Great German Remedy. St. Jaoohs Oil is a great :bless- ing to suffering humanity, and 1 shall do everything `in'niy power to make known its merits, $500 REWARD f A D We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, e m dl eSti01 con- stipation or c,ostneness we ca>,not cure with West's Vegetable psis when the directions are strictly complied with They. are purely vegetable, and never; 1ail.to_rise-satisfacaton , Sugar -coated -,—Mike -boxes,. containing 30 pils,'25 cents: For sale by all Druggists, Beware of'couuterfeits and imitations 'rite genuine manufactured only by John C. West & Co., " the pill maker;," 81 &82 King St.. East, Toronto, Ont. Free triala 'a'• p ch as cent by mail prepaid on receipt of d three a . a o 4(1 -oat ROBES. �1�]f t i LrnesS .-. TRUNKS; VALI ES, tic, WHICH. IV/ GL:BE SOLD AT VERY • LOW R'ATES,. ARNESS-MAKERS, CLINTON. ' S louse fferiis at low prices LADIES FUR SETS. for solid ay . Season. LADIES FUR . CAPS. •FOlt ES Crockery, oGIassrrare, YCa. Oafineal and : gorfinOal� aIAvay's ae hand t, ALSO Petty's cclabrated:`Eaglish 8rcakfast 'bacon; Long Clear' Bacon, 4ei)ar Ctreri Ilarrs, Alid:11'o. l'1 A.P.D. At prices which Cannot be. Beaton fe fawn. HIS -GO -C TEVA SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT' FOR Dobbins' ELECTit•IC-SOAP. THO,N14S COOPS]] ,. AGBER'C STanet.,CLINTON • WOOLU S AP;E • Q. S, all sizes and colors. • WOOL CLOUDS, all sizes and colors. 'KID; GLOVES AND MITS; lined. SILK HAN'DKER H•IEFS • i C beautiful -goods. PHOTO,. AND AUTO:. ALBUMS. FINE '' UNDERCLOTHING. SPLENDID LINE OF SOOTCH TWEEDS., Large assortment of FINE OVERCOATINGS. A few READY MADE -0V r . E ft.CU ATS, �. el y cheap, CALL RANI SEE IT AT COOPER & McKENLIE'S PLANING MILL r \HE subseribcrs,.while thanking their many, sus JL tomero for the patronage'extended•to.them, desire to intimate that in connection tii•itli;:their factory 'Hear the Grand Trunk Railway; They iriive ereeted'a-Dry Elfin, which enables'., them' more.promply than ever to ioxeeute'al P: work iii' their line -of' brisiners. CON `T R Arr For,bpildmgs taken, and material: furnished • at the shortest•ponsiole'matel,.and. at •reasiluable rates. d?1Ve always. keep, on hand first-class. SIIINCLE S, and.make a specialty of LLMC .which 'will be sold at the lowest trittete Clinton, July 20, 1882, COOPER'SiMcKENZI-E: HEALTH IS WEALTH. n F C 1•Yf-S ORA( N. • R EAT ttg. Dr., E. C West'srNerve and B'raut Treatment, a giuu• anteed specific -for hysteria, dizziness, convulsions, tits, nervous neuralgia, headache, nervouaprostrati(irl cans-: ed• by the use of:alcohol, wal;efulnese, mental -depres- sion. softening of the brain, resetting hi insanity and: leading to misery, decay and death, premature' old age, barrenness, loss of power in either sex, involuntary losses ands rmato rrhaa caused sed byover ee rtio» of � , e the brain, self-abuse. or over -indulgence. One box will euro recent cages; Each box: cont•tins one month's treatment , 'Ono dollar a box,:: or six boxes for five dol- lars, sent bynmll-prepaid•on receipt of price. We tiara teo si.ir'boxes`t cur g P . • 6 e any case, . 1i ith oitefi76r derrrceeivod'by us;lorsix ]loxes,aeeoinpa.iod with,live rlollara W'8 will sent] the purchaser our written. guariin .toe to'iofnnd'the-money If the treatment does nob of-'. est a t,tue. • Guarantees issued only by,.J II Combe,. sole'lt out for Clnton,'Ont.`"Jobn l West & Co ,sole proprietors, Toronto• • l�: X11 W��c�oo��, F UlINI'i iJ] :iu S k`C11h1, CLINTON. • THOS • STEVENSON '':110(1 (5 Droved Into' ;hle new brisk storo • l;)P0Si1'1�',I'.T tr: TOWN H.ALIL, Begs loitt'o to state to ala duiuerthis h'ioiidt,in Clinton - and the aurroitniling country, that he keeps on hand It superior quality" of l iirniture of all it l.ntis' sftbli ria. BEDROOM & :PARLOR .SETS, Of the latest 'styles, 'also li 11. S 11 rtD Si SIDEBOARDS t x Ds 1111.1;1+A1Tra TABLES, And everything that constitutes furnishinga house lit his lint, which he will sell nt the lowest livilig p oflt. t oak a share of the public patronage, being "thio ltful for past' favors aud hopeful -for the future. Thef)ub110 are invited to call and gee for themselves. TIIQS STEVENSON.. Chnio, .1ely 0, 7•582,. , izr�cmzirmn OF` The largest n best ,: h ges and st assorted of Cookin..°{{yy�� • Box, Parlr, Parlor Cook Hall and Coal. StoYC. S. ever; brought into Clinton, At liar/and' Bros. The latest designs and improvements g'in Stoves, A/ Harland Bros. tov;es• St o a -Pi as Elbows, St bve,Boards rock bottom races. at �. A i':Harl2nd BA os. A largea assortment ofL am s,Bur nens Chi rnneYs , Shades & Tubular Lanterns: •� r a r . Byes large Just a a e lot --of;. A >f e is m n a Ero �' S5C'U SAW'S : and .AXES, - Az" Harland Bros. Builders' and Shelf HARDWARE always on'hand. Harland Bros A quantity of second hand Goal & Wood :Stones very cheap. AMERICAN 1ANn,CANADIAN COAL OIL: SIGN OF THE PADLOCK, RED BRICKSTORE : STREET, CLINTON. AL$ERT.S ARAN- Oii Tc )R,E M 'BEAVER BLOCK, NR\'e °po TuomrsoN ac S , WIT2$� s. ':1:60Fis