The New Era, 1882-12-21, Page 3- Deceinber 21 1882 LATEST IIORTIRLIIVL!STEllifil NOTES
A Budget otGmip front Ibis Prairie Pro
Tbe Stolen ,Cuetord.
Bu.Ger-toothed Dick
For daisitibe was sick,
Seibe slyly crept into the likken,
• Snatched a cup from the pantry
And darted out euia,
Unnoticeii by mother or Gretchen.
Whisperedlie, " There s no cake,
For to -morrow they bake',
But this custard looks rich and done -ions.
How they'll scold at the rats,"
Or the mice or the cats;
For of me I don't think they're suspicious.
They might haie tilled up
Such a mean little cup I
And, for Want of a spoon, I must drink it;
But 't is easy to pour,, ---
Hark, who's that at the door ?"
And the custard went dowa ere you'd think it.
With a shriek he sprang up;
TO the floor crashed the eup ;
Then he howled, tumbled, epluttered and
blustered, •
Till the terrible din
Brought.the whole household in -
He bad swallowed a cupful of mustard
A. Brilliant !spectacle. ,
Passing mader the "Rialto" and round-
ing a curve, we ;suddenly -see a. spectacle
__brilliant beyond description. It is the
Sunday. evening "serenade" All the gon-
in one spdt. Literally, there are aoreseof
them. The whole surface. of' the canal is
one. solid mass of boats in almost inextrica-
ble confusioe, but, as by oonamon impulse,
moving slowly -along. In the centre of this
masa, drawn by six large gondolas, each
manned by eight gondoliers, is a huge
beige, about a hunered feet long. fantaati-
(Ally Shaped and resplendent with thou-
sands of lights of every imaginable dolor.
At intervals firework' are discharged, ren-
dering the night brilliant and brineing out,
for the time being, the beauty and quaint
originality of the carvings on the • palaces.
A fine band and the prominent artiste from
the theatres execute instrumental and vocal
music. The dulcet strain's. softened by
distance, &tea upon the senses, until one
nearly loses his individuality ,and lives
ouly in the harmony that euvelopes him,
exerting its sof toning and refinieginfluence,
and inviting the senses to complete repose.
Sometimes the strange procession halts
before the palace of some official or patron
Of the fine arts, arid amidst silence almost
oppressive the clear notes of some noted
soprano will warble forth in rippling music,
or the deep tones of a bass. voice thrill the
hearts of the listeners with sampathetic
emotion. Such in tlie Vehiee of to -day,
though but a remns.nt of her former
grandeur, when
Her daughters had their dowers
From spoils of Lotions, and. the exhaustless
Poured in her lap all sems in sparkling showers.
-Correspondence Philatielplzia Bullertin.
There is good sleighing in Brandon,
At Neleon dry oak wood sells at $3.50 to
$4 per cora. -
A bank is expected to be opened in Crye-
tal City shortly. )
It is proposed to erect anew brick school-
house in Minuedosa.
A line of omnibuses erona Brandon to
Rapid City has been started. I
A large number of deer have been that
around Crystal City this season.
A Court of Queen's Bench will be estab-
fished in Portage is Prairie next spriug.
Mr. W. T. Adatneon, a Portage Nimrod;
bee, shot nearly 600 prairie chickens' this
Selkirk Council has just paesed a by-law
fixing a rate of taxation at 5e mills on the
Steps have at last been taken to illumi-
nate the streets of Emerson. Coal oil is
to be used.
A road is being cut through the woods on
the south side of the river from Tiger Hale
to. the Portage.
A man named Carter was followed by -
to Minnedosa last week.
The Town Connell of Nelaon have struck
a rate of one cent on the dollar, and the
school tax will, bring it up to five mills
more. •
Nelson farmers axe commencing to bring
in pork and beef. The former sells at 8a.
to 90., by the cazeass, and the latter at 9e.
to 1.0e., by the quarter.
Game is plentiful in the neighborhood of
Pembina, Crossing. Oa Friday Mr. R. N.
Lee hot two deer and Mr. R. D. Foley
seinered another couple of the antlered
What ffIlade a Minister Laugh.
"Well, brethren," Field a Maine minister
to some of his fellow -evangelists, , " I never
was guilty of laughing in the pulpit but
once. Some years ago I had in rey-congre.
gation an old man who universally went to
sleep in church and snored' very loudly
throughout the whole service. One Sabbath
raornieg, glaucing in his direction, I EttliW
him enjoying a nap, and right above him
in the gallery it young man was 'rolling a•
large quid of tobacco around in his ,mouth.
As I looked he took it and poised ,it care-.
fully over the open mouth below. -I
became so interested in the proceedings
that I forgot to cantata -lie the sermon, but
stood watching the young man. With is
wicked smile be took careful aim and
dropped it squarely into the old man's
mouth. " With a gull:pep lp the sleeper
started up and, it face as red as it beet,
rushed frona the house. The pepple np
doubt washorrilied, but I could not have
kept from laughing if it sword had bung
over my head ready to fall. The old roan
did not come for several Sundays, and
when he did he changed his seat and re-
mained wide awake.' '
" Only fEceentrle."
• In Pilot Mound Mr. George- Pleyfair,
5-13, hee 1,900lnishels of grain this seeson,
the average yield of which was .5a bushels
to, the were. -Mr. R. Blaoleburn has Golden.
Drop wheat this eieeson Nvlitch yielded 42
bushels to the acres.
• The Enierson International says: "It is
very proliablealiat Mr . -Justice Miller Will,
det a few,daes, be elevated to the -Chief aus-,
ticeship: The 'appointment of Mr. Alfred'
Boultbee', to 'the puisne judgeship '4efine
vacated is rumoked. • • •• -
lail down there, but sells all the way up to
36 aud even 35 (lento per pound.
• .
At, Itrandonewood has taken a fall
per cord, on acoment el the market being
over-crowaed. 'Wheat hes inaprovea garne-
t/that in price and new brings 63o.; pats,
60e., retail; coal, 10;0potatoes, $1.25.
Business good.
Mr. R. R. Joynt, of the Oak River Mission
Settlement, reports the crop ia that reaction
of the couutry to be an excellene yield.
His threshing machine made a pretty good
record a few days ago for an old thresher,
haventhreshed 1,200 buehele •of •ovals in
eight hours.
A syndicate has been formed at Morris
for the express purpose of preherving the
real estate of the town frena being
sleughtered.• Recent sales, Under in order
in chancery, were not productive. of much
good, hence the forming of the sybdicate.
It is not intended to hold the property tet
high places, but just sufficient to preserve
the market. -
Mr. John Burnett, who has been herding
cattle for Messrs. Moore & Maodowall at
Carleton, sincethe 1st of August; arrived
in Prince Albert on Monday. He seys it
snowed for _sixdays in SUCCeSSi011, the
depth averaging two feet. This is the
heaviest fall of . snow ever kieoten in this
tity-bf wheat still in shook. -"Game was
plentiful on the way down. -
• Mr. Ogilvie, who has built a .large mill
at Winnipeg, complains that by far the
largest part of the whatwhich reaches hitaa
is so damaged that it will not grade No. 3.
The injury is done by bad stacking, Making
elee wheat da,nap and dirty. Three-fourths
of the wheat purchaaed by Mr. Ogilvie this
year was damaged, and in such a state as
to do injury to the reputation of the Pro-
vince. The farmers 'of Menitoba should
see to it that this reproaca is removed.
People seem to think thee an insane
person is not dangerous until be or she
commits some deed of actual violence, says_
a New York cotrespondent. I know of a
woman whose family say that she is not
insane, but who goes into the parlor when-
ever her daughter has company and drives
the terrified guest out inte the Streets.
This singular woman has taken an aversion
to pie, and for a long time there -has been
none ou the family table; but one day
recently the Boni a young man of 22, felt
a longing for pie that be could, not resist,
and he had some sent home from the
• . beker's. The waiter placed it on the table
with as great unconcern as he could
muster aad stepped back to await
reeulte. • The mother's eye fell upon
the offending • dish. "A pie," . she
eoreamed ; " who ordered • a , pie for
my table ?" • " I did, mother," said
the young man in a cioncili-
tory voice. " You did ; and you
know I won't have a pie in the house 1"
and with that she sprang from her chair,
and seizing a carving knife from the side-
• board, chased the young Man frona roona to
room, and would have done him an injury
if he had not escaped to it room where he
could lock himself in. But the family says
she is not crezy, she is only eccentric --
Philadelphia Racer .
Terrible Seene in nu Irish' Chapel.
Perticulars of a terrible accident which
occurred in the Roman Catholic chapel of
Waueherop, one of the wildest districts of
the county Sligo, have reached Dublin.'
On- Sunday- morning week, -while -ti vMlent
thunderstorm was raging, the congregation
were on their knees during masa, when a
flash of lightning, struck the belfry and
tore it down through the roof. Asdreadful
panic ensued, but fortunately-onlyelastede
it sbort time, the priest leaving the altar
and calming the worehippere. The heavy
stones covering the roof came crabbing
down into the centre of the meeting, and
injured many of the congregation. One
heavy stone fell on to a farmer and broke
his back, the Mitred man dying soon
afterwards. The other sufferers are now
doing well. ate the rtieli nattde to leave, the
building some injuries were caused. •
. •
The French Chambet of Deputies yester-
day rejected the motion to increase the tax
en personal property.
• A Kingston gentleman, who bought it
thiety_dollar lot at Rock Lake City, received
a tax bill the other day in which he was
claerged with three dollarsfor statute labor,
which it was answered,' he had not -per-
formed. He thinks it would pay him to
tramp up and do his statute labor, as other-
wise he will soon lose the value of his farm.
Dice threteing ibne of the prevalent
sins of Witinipeg. The gamblers som&
times play for high stakes, bat gent3rally the
• drinks are the only incentive -to this form
of gambling. A- few nights ine° Andrew-
Colquhouns a retired liquor inercliant, and
Mike MitIoneyea Toronto spert, played, for
high sums., At .a late . hour when
Colgithoun desired•to stop- the'game he was
about $1,600 ahead. He was, • however,
induced to play on, and at 5 'o'cloea• in the
morning be Was $1,500 behind'. , He shows
no -disposition to liquidate -,-. -zeiad " the affair
will probably be ventilated in the courts. -
Frightful fate ti Tao Train 11 nes on tho
&high 'lloilWay.
'Flaunt*" Attendbax the_ Explosion et a
Propeller's Edifier.
, A New Orleans despatch, says: The
boiler of the propeller Morning Styx
expleded this naoriung at Bell= plaeta.
tion. There were tweetyone persons
aboard. The fireman ituct oeven colored,
roustabouts were drocvued, three others
and one child were killed, the engineer,
boiler maker, a colored vroruttil paseenger
and two enaploy ees ‘aere badly, if not
fatally, tilded. & atettnier Went to the
rescue and brought tbe -wounded to this
city. '
' f
An Elmira. (N.Y.) telegram says: A
hideous accideut occurred upou the Lehigh
Valley Railroad today itt Ruminertield, it
small station betweeu Towanda, thud Wya,-
hieing. The horror consisted not's° much.
in the loss of life as iu the terrible menner
in,which the lives were Lat. Train Na. 8,
due se 'Elmira at 5.25 a.m., owing to a.
misplaced switch,. ran Auto it freight
train standing on the south -bound
track ae Rummerfard, and the
engines, crashing into each other, were
reducecl to ruins. The baggage add express
cars were thrown from, 15 to 20 feet from
the track. The wreck, was complete. The
baggageman and expressman were thrown
on the top -of the oars and received serious
but not -fatal injuriee. The first sleeping
car was thrown upon the tender of the
paesenger engine, and three freight oars
laden With hay were piledup promiscuously
on the wreck.- The debris at once took fire.
Then ensued it most heartrending -scene, -
The engineer, N. Faunae of Waverly, stood
in the 1:cadet of the burning mass in plain
*law of the spectatere, but could not move,
as his right leg was caught ha the iron
and timbers as if in it vice. • All his
•efforts to release himself from. the 'fire
roaring aeouncl him were vain. Hecould
only stand there and look death in the face.
It came slowly, surely, and cruelly. The
crowd did .what they could to reach and
save him, but the heat was too intense.
The manwas 'gradually -roasted before his
friends and companions, who were unable
to give any succor. There was no flinching
about the unhappy man; however. He
stood -up and calraly directed the efforts of
' Anew church was dedicated in Regime'
the other.Sunday in connection with the
pastoral charge of _Rev. W. J. Hearitt. of
the Methoaist Church of Canada. The
building is of frame„ 24x36 feet in size, with
a shingled roof and ceiling, and inside walls
of matched lumber, and lined with tarred
paper. Peculierites ot interest in connec-
tion with this church are the facts that the ,
fast timber for the new building was only
drawn upon the ground 10 days before the
struature was opened,...also_that_the
• when dedicated was free from debt.
-Winnipeg : One of the biggest
„eraeasactions,eas_far ter prices go, that has
been made in real estate'for some tinie.aast
vves.effected yesterday by Messrs. Ruther-
fordea Cee They sold the lot, No. 5, on
-the:corner of -Mein and Logan streets, for
the slim of e65.e00 to Mr: A. 'McArthur, of
the Manitoba Loan et Investment Com-
pany. The lot, which is about 66x 132 -feet,
has several wooden buildings on it, erected
Mr. Meofee, of Brandon & Macfee, who
bas just returned from Regina, states that
a joint stock company has been formed -to
build a new hotel there. • It was originally
intended to ratse $10,000, but the applica-
tions for stook came in so freely that it, was
decided to raise the amount to e20,0001 A
waterworks corepauy is being organized to
bring water from Boggy Creek, about three
npiiles, distant. , There is said to be good
spring water. The Beginians intepd app y-
ing for incorporation as a town. Woad
•sells at $10 per load of le cords and coal
from 1$1.8 to $20 per ton. A number of lots
were sold last week at from §600 to '$1,200
Per kit. Mr. Medea sold one at e1;000.
There is now three feet of water in the
oreek.-Winnipeg Sun. •
--At Nelson, the price of pork has dropped
8 cents per pound. • '
, a a
, SHOW iS eighteen inches deep in , the
vicinityeof_Penabina Mountains.- - aase- The weather has been soniewhat colder
a.t Regina, reaching 20 degrees below zero.
It is expected that •the daily mail per -
vices from Brandon to Rapid City will be
extended to Minnedosa next week.
• The Plum Creek settlement, comprising
toWnsaips 7 and 8, ranges 20, 21, 22, by it
large vote, seceded from the County of
Brandon a few days since.
The Britieh ship Prone haa' been lost at
sea with all hands •
A collier foundered off Berwick. Ten
persons wer drowned
Rev. J. B. Dixon, rector of St. Jude's
parish, Montreal, bas returnee from Eng-
land, where he was s eacaerul in raising
e10,000 to pay off the debt on his church
and $5,000 towarda the work therein.
The annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
wae held in Montreal on Tuesday evening.
The total number of mernbers is d44,147
being added during the past year. The
institute ossesiee it library of over 240.11
vo urnes. The work of the aesaciation-in
providing situations for strangers and -heap.,
ing theta otherwise wasadescribed in the
report and -cousidered•cheerina. There was
a small balance on - hand after paying cur-
rent expenses. - .
A despatollfrorn Troy, N. Ye states that
a new horse disease has broken out n
West Troy andthreatene, to become
epidenaio. • Many ,aniraels are suffering,
ameng them the elated trotter Chieftain,
-dawned by Captain Sweeney. The stallion
is valued itt $10.000; aria it, is :believed, he,
will die. Itehility tomasticate and rapid
fall of ' pulse ancl temperature are the
symptoms of the malady.
glrOftgifiOinAlb othrt
.131. mond OH good-' invim
te me security, oderato
ate of interest . .if. HA LIL,,Laonton.
the Cana da ompan y, may he seen at the office
heundersignod. H. HALE Clinton '
the men who were trying to save him. The.Gerinan annual report -on the execu-
T111. DOVVISLEY, M. 13., M. 0.11.8ENGLAND
.11 Physician, Surgeon, ete. Office and resident*
next eaoleon's Bank, market square, Cliutt)n.
Ontario street, Clinton, opposite the Englisit
Church. Entrance by side gate.
Even .while -the scalding steam was time of the Socialist law states that the eon
stripping the flesh from his bdnes, as dition of the Socialist orgenizetion does not.
he was being cooked alive, he shouted warrant the conclusion of he being extm-
to the bystanders to cut the cab gaistied or even wore out. Tbe .Freiheit,
'away, but this could not be done on account Social Democrat and other revolutionary
-of the fearful heat from the burning haypapersare beiug amuggled into, the empire
Flames • frona • this ignited the .express On as large a scale as ever. Thirteen
baggage car, and next the Bleep n' that had thousa,nd copiesof the Social Democrat
been piled on top of the engiee.took,fire, so have • been econtiseated in the last three
-that Faulke .evas speedily be d -months
human aid. . The spectators could only hesesiasemeeesersta•-.
turn' their heads away from the horrid
sight. The firemen' of the freight train,
Leander Ringernan-,- of Waverly, was
missed 'from the first. His body was
subsequently foured-under the charred tim-
'bers of the trainee Both men have wives
and.children. No passengers, fortunately,
were injured.
A dvlie. re causumpieves.
by olErAe tin thsa
c pual dg'o ,nd li
ghnboth the
01°1 t I On the appearance of the first symptoms,
s general debility, loss of appetite, pallor,
4.a -et a large advance on the original Par- chilly sensations, tollowed by night -sweats
chase price.
A. Bed.illot Critic,
A new reporter frona the wild and bound-
-Mg West came along last week full of hope
and New Mexico aquadiente and applied
for work. The 'dramatic critic was hick,
a.--,Terthe managing editor. sent the new
'acquisition up to criticise " Unele TOM'S
Cabin." He dropped in about 11 o'clock
with the following:
_LeeThis new and thrilling drama was
played for tea first time at the opera house
• last night, after a run of one consecutive
night in Harlem, to an inamense audience.
• The drama i3 founded on stirring incidents
which were unusually interesting about
twenty years ago, and would be
interesting yet but for oue reason -
they are not. It 'is very sad, but
it is a fact. The prinoipel characters in
the play are some inoffensive bloodhounds,
and it very savage donkey. The denkey
chases it colored lady:adross a river full of
iee and water, but she encceeds in getting
previous and making the fierce pursuing
'animal quit subsequent. The ice is not
real, but the blood -hounds and colored
lady are very life -like. Uncle Tom is a nice
old dlolored man, with a VOiCe like it bass-
epinger in a coal hole_and_a_seate_oLintoxi..
cation.. The heroine is a very dizzylittle
girl named Eva, who becomes too fly for
her years, • and goes • up in the
flies in the third act and a state of feli-
city. le is said theatre managers charge
_troupes playing this drama double rent,
beoause everybody cries so much- that 'the
cerpets are ruined. It ill'a :vary eleVating
drains, and eornewhat cheerful in some
parts, especially that part when the curtain
goes down on the last act. The eaters
have played their parte so often that they
die very naturally. Some CritICS seyethat
the /reddest part of the play is the thought -
that the actors donot really die. Uncle
Tont is not really a colored man. He was
born in Ballynaslough, county Kerry, -and
is therefore a German, but he has the
dialect down fine and keeps up hie end."
,The reporter was told he wae a cynic,
and would never make a dramatic critio.---e
Kansas City Journal. '
Mr. Wm. Jiox last week sold his 160-aore
farm, two miles north of Nelson, for the
euna of 23,000. The purchaser was Mr.
Duncan Campbell, of Ridgetown Ontario
The C. P. R. well near Regina station is
now about 220 feet deep, but no increase is
perceptible in the quantity of water. It is
said tobe the intention of the company to
bore 600 feet, unitise a Sufficient supply is
The Council of Emerson municipality
• have this year expended upon drainage,
completed and under contract to be com-
pleted this year, 245,685.65. • They have
also expended 220,000 in bridging upon ,the
leading highways, and boast of a cath sur-
plus in the treasury of $1,500.
s There are eome marriages which remind
tic3 of the poor fellow who Bald, "Mao couldn't
get any husband, and I couldn't get any
wife, so we got married."
-" I guess there is no need of niy nant-
img the value of this parcel," fiaid a sharp
countryman to the clerk of the express
office ; "if it is lost you have enough pro-
VIPOti en the back of this receipt to tender
-s-dozen lawyers from 'recovering anything
rom the company."
A horse and cutter belonging to Mark
Adams, of Norwich, were stolen from ' the
hitcbiug post at Clare's Hotel, Otierville,
on Wedndsday eveniog about' 7 o'clock.
The thief is sepposed to ,be an Indian, who
was drinking around the village in the
afternoon. The horse was brown, and -was
tracked to the east of the village, and is no
doubt eafely sheltered in the Indian reserve
on the Grand River,
There are forty applations in the hands
of the Postmaster -General for new poet
offices in. Manitoba. The number of
effitee already in existence there is 210.+ In
the future there will be a weekly mail
between Winnipeg, Prince Albert Mid
westerly as far as Edmonton.
wiNmera NB -wean/ TE8B1t8P11.)
and -cough, , prompt MeaSUreff of relief
• should be taken. Consurripticenie scrofen•
lona disease of the lungs ; therefore use the
great anti -scrofulous or bloodpurifier and
etrength-restorer, Dr. Pierce's " Golden
Medicel 'Discovery." Superior to cod liver
011 as 'a nutritive,- -and uneurpassed-as -a-
pectoral. • For ' weak -lungs; spitting of
blood and kindred affections, it has no
equal. sold by druggists.. For Dr. Pierce's
'treatise on, Consumption sendtwo stamps.
Buffalo, N.Y.
- Here's an item for the ladies to gloat
'over. At a recent examination for the
degree of Bachelonof Arts in the Univer-
'laity of London'. there were 237 candidates,
of whom 21'. were men.. Of the men; 90,
or about 42 per cent., ,gained , the degree:
Of the 22 women who presented them-
selves, no fewer than 16; or 'about: 73 er,
. cent.; 'were successful: Further, miry eta
of the'216 teen; or 27 per cent., were placed,
in the first division, whereas -15 of the 22
women, or 68 per cent., succeeded in ob-
taining places -in that division.' The aver-
age age of -the WOMen was slightly lower
than that of the men. ' • •
'In the civic elections Mr. Alex. Mc-
Micken wee elected Mtiyor.
A telegram from Toronto containing it
real estate speculator in Winnipeg laa,d
allowed 2100,000 paper to go to peotest is
publiehed 'here,' whereupon theerree Press
remarks i " Assunaing that the reference
was to' Mr. A. W. Rees, we hate, taken
special trouble to thoroughly inVestigate
the matter,' with the result that we are
able to declare the allegation wholly • and
unqualifiedly Pelee." ,
At an auction sale in Winnipeg on the
5tla inst„ Regina lots sold at from $275 to
2625 each.
The rapidly growing Methodism of Win-
uipeg demands flee building of two new
. I
, ,
Deserves it Well.
.Nothing ever introduced for the cure of
any ailment deserves the high reputation
it has so -rapidly gained as Putnana's Pain-
less Corn Extractor, the great and only eure
cure for Corns, Bunioes, •etc. It Etats
promptly, it acts painlessly, it clots
efficiently, it acts in the most radical
•manner. No pain no discomfort. Put-
narn's Coen Extractor is the aercie of per-
fection as a safe euro and painless remedy
for Corns. Beware of itnitations and sub-
stitute. •A. C. Poison & Co., props.,
Kingston Ont.
A friend sends us the following for inser-
tion : A few evenings ego we called niacin
the wife of an old-tiraa friend -a police-
man: The wife had only recently presented
the officer with a junior, and our, visit was
to fondle the baby and praise the mother.
She is afflicted with partial deafness, and
just now is else struggling Nvi,th the pre-
vailing influenza; so celled, beceuee the
sufferereiannOt prevail upon it to leave.
The infant is about Si% months obi, and
--when WO' asked low -the baby wan -bowing'
on the wife must have bad the baby run-
ning in her head, as Wadi BB the cold, and
got them mixed up, -for the replied with
animation :" I usually have themevery,
winterebutIeermiet-eity- Ojai-eathe ivoret.
one I ever had. I managed to get -tid of
all the rest in less than three days but this
one sticks to me like a tick." " Madame I"
we exclaimed, with horrified feelings. " It
just worries" me nearly to death. It keeps
-me-awake all night. I expect will have
t on hand all wmter, and I can tell you by
yourbooks that you are going to have one
just like it." -
.Over 40 teame went from and passed
though Rapid City on Tuesday, laden with
grain for Brandon.• ,
• Mr. -Campbell, a Mosquito' Creek, sowed
bushel and a, half of a new wheat cei two
acres of • ground, and the result was, 92
bushels of that-clase grain. ,
Mr. Hunter, of the Oak River Mission
Settlement, on thresbing big wheat it few
weeks ago, found it yielded an average Of
45 bushels to the acre. '
Capt. W. Meaeillot and it gang/of exper-
Mimed ship carpenterti have arriaed,itt
Brandon, intending to begin ' at once the
rebuilding and enlarging of ehe stectraer
About thirtylve tons of Ontario butter
are estimated to be consumed in Winnipeg
every week. It is worth 22 acute per pound bare yes e er.
Co.:Education of the Sexes. .
The difficulty at the leingEiton Medical
School in reference M the professional co.
education of the Boxes appears to be
growing. The ' faculty have -addressed
a, letter to the students 'respectfully re-
minaipg the latter that -they have nothing
to do with running the school, and that the
female, students will be retained. The
male students have therefore decided not
to return to Kingston after the Christmas
holidays. It reanaues to be seen how many
will stick to their resolution.
Beitani leader of the Radical party in
Italy, took the oath of allegiance to the
The body of Hattie Haight was found
yesterday • floating • pear - the stranded
achooner Midland i Rover at Toronto, on
which she' had been eniployed as cook. ,
The barn and, outbuildinga. in the pre-
mises owned by Win. Boyd, on theist Con.
maiden of Biedillph; occupied by Istiao
Hutton ae tenannevere entirely cOnstiened
. - .
• +
A divorce was granted on Wednesday at
Brooklyn to Mary Hervey., aged .16, who
had just discovered that her, husband, Win.
Harvey, ie it thief. Her parents are wealthy
and objected to her raterriage, which she
contracted secretly through the instrumen-
tality of a fortune teller: Harvey is in the
penitentiary. •
Sligkino more, Ladles
for Dr. Pierce% " Favorite Prescription "
is a prompt and certain Remedy, for the
painful disorders pecu no to your sex. By
all druggists.
Kossuth writes to the leader of tlae rade,
cal party in Hungary that the very exis.
tenoe of an anticjewish agitation there is a
shame and a disgrace to -the nation.
. Invalids in estimating the relative value
113pophosphitee, he treating debility, must
avoid strythebeinaprepa,ritione, since -this,
transient feeling of buoyancy, which is not
the result of pernaanent restorative work,
but over- stinaulatiou ..of the nerve ganglia,
Which must be. kept up or relapse follows.
Phosphates area ready-made brain and
nerve food for constructing tissue, and
• Hypophosphites cannot be Substituted to
do their work, '
*iTniversity ,) Physician , Surgeon, do., residmarce at
Mr, Manning's, three doors east of the Temperance
Hall, Loudesboro, Ont. '
flrail.. REEVE.- OEFIOB, ALBhBysa-naET-
iramediately north of Dicksou's 'book stors,
dentie, opposite the Jetoperauce Dail, litirou.Street.
Clinton. Office hours from'S a.xu . to lip.zn. ,
attended at their own residence,ifnecessurs. Re-
sidence, Isaac: street_Clinton..1 Rice's new, mettle*
taught if desired.
-11-JCAL Department of Victoria U V ezeity,Torento;for
reerly of the Heapitals and Dispensaries, Now York
Coroner for the 0ountyrapaaexi,lia,yileld5.01.. .
oTbronto University; member of theCollegeofPhy
'Melons and Surgeons, Ont. OrrdcE & Bnpron NOE the
house formerly occupied by. Dr. Reeve, Albeit street
_LJAceonchour,1..icentinto of the College olPhysiciap.
and SurgeonS of LowerOanada,and ProvinCiaiLicer4
tiate and Coronorfor theCountyollauron. Ofilecand,
residence, -The building f,ornier13' 060tPleabY mr
Thwaites, Enron street. "
ClintOn , Jan. 10,1871.
ii11 for-
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario, has opened rooms 1.11
• Ore 'Vic toils Block, Albert 8 Greet, Clinton, where he
, will cons tailtly be in attendance, and prepared to per evbry operation connected with Dentistry: -Teeth
,extracted,o r filled with gold,amalgani, or other filling •
Material. Artificial teeth -inserted from one to a
fall set. '
AT LOWEST RATES. to •0. nii)ou'r
110X4' '7 FQZali1P•
Good Securities Purchased.
w. W.1' A
Clinton, Nov., 1881.
Incorporatedl3y Act ofParliarrient,184.
Head Office, Montreal.
J. II. R. MOLSON,...
F. WOLFERSTA N THOMA S, General/Manager.
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
issued,' Steriia& and, American es:charge
' bought ,and sold cr( lowest
- current rates. .
Feb..17, 1881.. Clint
Near. c. ,71,. 64. 6,-.0
ings'.and .8prains; BUMS
Scald,s,Ganaral Bodily
' Pains,
Tooth, Ear and. Headache, Frosted
:reet.and, Ears, and all other
• '• Pains and Aches.
Ni Preparation on ,eartli equals ST. JACOrs_OIL..
as a . wife, nure, einzple and ,cI.teop Eitenr.:
Remedy. • A trial entails but.the'comparatiyei:;
trifling 'outlay of t* Cents,, and every •orieliaffers •
.'ing• with pain calf bavo cheap and positiveproof
- of Ito elaime.
Directions in El- even Tonguages. •
. -
. A. 1700ELER; &'
•' Baltimore, Arel.. if. A./ .
. .
At a Moab:lab wedding feast on Wednee-
day night at Sabato, near Las Vegaii,-N.M.,
Francisco Nota,n, a drunken gueet, shot
and killed two brothers named Rowan,
then went home ands amused himself by
cutting his wife's ears off. He was arreetecl
and is threatened With lynching.
Woman and leer Dria
ia the title ota large illustrated treatise, by
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y„ sent to any
address for three stamps. It teaches stun
cassful selatreatment.
If you Etre really " carried away" by
music be careful lest your wife may hire a
brass band to serenade you and' Bee it is
really ace •
A Hong Kong despatch says there are
centinued tiote in owing to the
deadly fend between the Military and
civil officials. A large part of the toopula-
tion lies deserted the city. Several execu-
tious of °bales° soldiers are reported from
Corea. The offences in most oases are 111.
treatment of the native.; One officer was
beheaded for eteating.,
And for Purifying the ,Bleati.'
, It bas been in use for 20 years.:anci has
peeved's° be the best preparation in the
market for SICK HEA 1.)ACHE. PAIN IN
DYSPEPSIA. 'PILES, and all Diseases
that arise from a Disordered Uver or an
'impure blood. Thousands of our best
people take it and give it to their chil-
efran-Mysicitins:prescribei tdoily.. Those.
Who Use it once, recomniend it to ethers.
It is made from Yellow Dock, Hondu-
rasSarsaparilla,TWild Cherry, Stillingia.
Dandelion, Sassafras. Wintergreen, and
tither well-known valuable' Hoots and
Herbs. It is strictly vegetable, and can-
not,'hurt the most .delicate 'constitution.
It 1.5 one of the best medicines id use for
Regulating the Bowels. '
It is sold by, all responsible druggists
at one dollar for a quart bottle, or. ,six
bottles for five dollars.
Those who cannot obtain it bottle of
this medicine from their druggist may
send us one dollar, and- we will jsend it
to tee= - -• •
) :POSTON Is CO. Ifsaniactutore,.'
aiele 'Caere.
WATTS slic CO Agents, canton
Farmers vvishing-to insure' will End this Coxa
_puny one of the best and ,cheapest to insure id
whowill be waited on at their homes if informa-
tion be sent to the .Agents' office. Ay '
701ADu I04K.T.,rilie.,GT,i,,rei.:1.4twEenagir: T.1_/...I.E.,.....4" A ft tv...'
• lista Remedy 1.0 • '
neS.Spermator- '
that follow as a . r*:
,. _ ' Abuse; as lose of ."'''''''''1'.;•i-"' '-i'
,:+,,, seqUence of Self- ,
' 1,:efer0 TakingslYlacroLrYa,BUE4aitiuvd1:.•,.kci...,,...,-, Tua../..incl,
Pair. in the Back, Dimness of Vision,' Premature
Old Ago, and many other Diseaties , tidt lead to ,
Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, ,
r.v-ron particulars in our pamphlet, which we
deSireto'send free by mail to' every, one, The ,
SuecitIc Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per
paeltage, or six packages for $1, or will tie sent
•:by mail ea receipt of the money by addressing
• Tho Gray medicine ao.,
e. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
orsold by ail wholesale - and retail druggists
inCentela and the United Stat.* - ' '
• . ,
. .
A Moneiadvanced on Hortgages and.'Notes of hand.
Drafts hisned payable at par;,at,allthe Offices of this •
Merchant's Bank of Canada. 'Nevi York' exchangi,
boaghtand Sold:. PROMPT ATiESidri PAID TO'
DECTIONs throtigheat Canada and the United. atateri...
. . ,
SALE NOTES BOUGHT at' close rates, and pion,ey,
advanoed to farmers on their ovin•notes,for anylongth
of time to suit the borrower., 'A marketalale secnit.
. ,
tiesbonghtiand sold. .,
stratbroy,Clinton. Elora
'Watch and, Clock Maker,
• JEWELI;EB, (kc.,
Where he keeps a Select assortment of
Wilich we' will ,sell at reasonable rates.
Repairing of every description promptly at-
tended to, and all work warranted.
On Every Description of Property
C. =OUT, Clinton.
...When I say cure 1 ao.not mean merely, to s op themrar.n
Vino andthenlisiv,e Omni return again, I moatio,ratileal curn
thavo niads,tho diseaSo F1TS, BfIDEPSY orF
SICKNESS, 11(04008 study. Iwarraut ,mg remedy to cure.
the worst,CaseS. Because others haye fallettis so 508500 Tor
net floov receiving acute. Sondes oneo for a treatise and a.
Froo Bottle:of n3y Infallible wnnody.• Clvo:Eipross and roa
mese., it coats yen netbing for a trh11,,500 I wiacure_yen.
' Addresa Or. H. O. 0001., 163 Feati St., liesrvorlo;
m-fildtirtabv:tetta,niideatiltivteeraeemarictl toor,r). thyporttlipeAtviiiiidafitoRrp,ilixprIltga
standing brive•bo en eured,, 'Indeed, so strong le try Jalth
in itatilheacy, `that twill sandTWO 1107TI.ESPitS
gether with a VALIYABLE TItIlATISE on Nild disease, '
onyionfrofero. 41.11.,5.0 A:Et snLeiloscuo p1.810t aedord4ese..11.;t0.,....a.a,
YOUNG,.ME111 itt -a few motttbB, and' be certil 111
of r4tnatton. addrent Valentine Brea, 18