The New Era, 1882-12-14, Page 6AROUND THE COUNTY: \VuI, Somerville, of \Vingham, has charge of the Brussels station-uu.til the new agent arrives. We are sorry to heer that Samuel Wal- ker, of Morris, has been laid up for some time with inflammation of the eyes. Let no one now omit to buy. The fragrant "Teaberry," and try Upon the Teeth its cleansing powers, And gain a Breath like scent of flowers: Jewel McLauchlin, of Grey. recently sold a thoroughbred bull calf; 7 months' old, to Jr. Alex, Forsyth, of Morris, for $175.• . If Catarrh uas destroyed your sense of smel and hearing, Hall's Catarrh.Cure win cure you 75 cents per bottle. Druggists sell it.' For (isle .by J. H. Combo. Mr. and Mrs. James Magee, of Bluevale, having trod the' road matrimonially for 50 years, celebrated -their --golden wedding the- other day. LADIES who sufier periodically from pains in the back will find immediate relief in'a few doses of Dn. VAN BUREN'S KIDNEY Cu'RE, It _-__ was_never___k.nown to -fail •n'ry-it_at once Year druggist keeps it. • - Mr. Reuben Clark, of Hulled-, met with. an accident last Saturday by falling ,from a load of hay and injured his 'head and. face. Mr. Oswald Carey has served his cin nection with the Goderich Star, and in _tends going to New York to perfect him- self in short hand, • 11lessrs. 1Y. Young and Anthony Allan, the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of Colborne; respectively, have consented once again to stand for their old positions.. Or ALL the ills that flesh is heir to kidney disease is the most distressing. To we can only say, take DR. VAN BcaEN's run NEY CURE. at once, and thus: obtain a relief you cannotfind elsewhere; ' All. druggists have it. • That excellent farmbelonging to the estate of the late Skein Blair, near K;ippcn- has been purchased by Mr. T. Dinsdale, of Stanley, for thesum of $0,.500. Mr. S. Barr; estlie-4th:con, of. Morris, has rented W. Elliott's farrn 100 acres for a term of five years at $250 per annum. Mr. Elliott purposes moving to Manitoba in the spring. The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR: is the marvel of the Medical.World. It neve] tails; ,to completely cure Nervous --Debility,- Impo teucy, Mental Depression and alldisoases caus- ed Iron. excesses. The testimony Of thousands can be had by writing F. J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. • .Price $1,00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. If your drug- gist does not keep t.lie remedy, send to head- quarters and get the medicine by mail. Circu- lars and:testimonials ou application. Sole agent' or Clinton, J. H, Combe. • Lot No. 20, concession 6, Grey, "belong.- ing to the Holland estate, was sold by auction on Tuesday, _and_ was bought by_ Mr. Wm. McCutcheon, of Grey,-- for the sum of $2,325.. It is a bush lot. Ir you are desirous to obtain immediate re- lief from and kidney trouble, and thus pre- vent the fatal results that always attend the. neglect of these •.distressing complaints . (and who does not?) why take D. VAN 13UREN'S KIDNEY Luiot at once. It is safe, simple and: effectual. Miss 1-I. E. Waldron has served her con- nection with the Exeter School, and has accepted an engagement -with S,•S. No. 9, township 1 f Grey, at a salary of $285 per annum. •. ')n Friday evening, Mr. W. R. iMiller, priucipal of the Goderich Public School and. instructor of the Model class at;Goderich, was waited en by the . Modellite, pupils, and Madtt the reeeipient of a valuable family 1ibie. is no doubt about it, that De. By FENS De EY CURE is the only'lknown re- medy teat science has bestowed. upon wee - kind that will positively cure kidney diseases. Ask your druggist for it. Last Tuesday afternoon a lamp',chiinrrey in the ho )se of C. M. ' Parker, Brussels, cracked, and in an instant fell . into* a thou- sand piuces. housandpioces. On picking up some of the. fragnlen ts_..th.ey,co.n-ti.n..usd__to._crutnble__al_ most into dust. The lamp was its a. warni' room at the time and not lit. Bess riser,}ial r, is one of the most strik- ing and pleasing of characteristics, and clue' easily be obtained by the use of the;'Cingalese': .Hair Peuewer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle;' by all druggists. . There were last year 359 nietubers, 'to the Soaferth Mechanics''Insttnte, but this' year, the membership has only reached 318. The library contains 2,137 volumes, besides the magazines and periodicals 'for' the reading room. The billiard tables' of the Institute have been sold.:: A few days ago, as Mr.Gordon:Mer\darn; who resideson the Mill Road, Tucker-: smith, was leadidga horee'out 'to :water,'. the animal kicked up and struck him ori. the side of the face, knocking himdown.,,.; injuring his jaw, and loosening several of his teeth -which -had -to -be remo ed:: - A BE.te'TLFUL H'LAD Of IIAt1t There is nothing more pleasing in the external appear.' mice of women or men than a beautiful head of hair, and it is possible for every "person to possess it by using the long and well known'. dingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. . . ' John McMillan, M. P. for South Huron,. who has so ably represented. Hullett as Iteeve for so many years will not stand for re•eleclion. In the rotiremont.of Mr. Mc- Millan, liullett will lose:an'able repreaen tative, and the County Council will, suffer the loss of one of its ablest and hest men.: His translation to the "higher and better sphere" of Federal politics will be keenly felt at the County Board.—Signal FREE 00 A.11 persons suffering from Cougha; CoIds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Lose of voice,- or Any affection of the Throat and Lung3i.'are re- quested to call at Watts & Co. 'end J. H. Combas' Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince them of ite wonderful merits and show whets regular dollar-6se bottle will do. Cell early., ' STREET TALK. " Yes, I have gained 32 pounds, on Hall's Catarrh Cure, Have not felt'ao Well' in 20 years. It has made a complete cure and is. worth 850 a bottle to any one that has the It was only 37' below zero,.at.Winuipeg last Wriday. LITE IX TEXAS. To Mx Editor 6,, f �`� 4 ' %}y Nell; Era Droit Sat,-Uaving been asked numer- ous questions in regard to the State of Texas, as to its climate, productions and inhabitants, I have concluded to give my friends and the many readers of- your pa- per a brief deact'iption of the Lone Star State. First, the climate ie `warm and pleasant during most all seasons of the year, with the exception of a few months in summer, which may sometimes be op- pressively hot and dry, but the drouth generally cornea too late to severely affect the growing crops. , '.Corn is usually ma tured by the -firat of -August,', which is aboutthe time the dry. weather seta in, sad as for cotton, it will stand mere drouth than any ether crop in Texas. Wheat is entirely out of, danger before it almost possible for the 'drouth to come, being. sownio the fall and reaped in May. -Corn is planted in March and matures in Au- gust. Cotton is planted. from tte,first to the fifteenth of. April and natures, or -rather is sufficiently opened to commence .picking,' by the tenth *of.$eptember. Cot- ton iathe-staple-crop-of-Peaas-the-east-ern- central: and southern parts..of the State being especially adapted ;to, its growth, the more northern; part, being better adapted to the growth of corn, wheat and oats'•than other, parts of the State. The western' portion of the State is- entirely, devoted to the raising of cattle and'ihorses there are, vastherds of -cattle roaming over the prai rig, as if no one owned them.. might travel for, miles without.coming•to a house, or rather a ranche, as it- is called in' that country., The moat of those cattle are al- : lowed to run at largo, and undisturbed, only during :marking and: branding time, which is generally performed in .the fall of the year, each stock owner having his own mark and brand.' Each mark and brand is required to he recorded in the recorder's office, in the -county in -which it is given The cattle in Texas are somewhat different in appearance to the northern cattle, for instance, their.horns are_ nuchlargor,some -measuring as rnuch as five and six 'feet from tip to 'tip ; they are also a much. &Mailer'. cattle ,than those -of rthe north. There seems to be but'little attention paid to improving', the breed, the sole object with. stock men' seems to be to increase•tle number' of their herds: Those cattle,` "when they arrive at the age of -three years. and upwards, -are ehipped.to'northern and eastern, cities' for beef, but 'I am informed', they sell for a tnuch lower price than the= native cattle of the north, but Idon't sup- pose the consumer• in New York city knows Whether he is eating, apiece,of Canada beef ora Texas' long" horn, when it comes on' his'tablo,:: ' Now a few remarks in regard. to the people of Texas. I have always found than" a warm; -hearted and hospitable peo.• plc, ever, ready to help ,tile stranger, who may chancetoca*t his lot amongst'thorn: =T--lie-mostofthem are---civil-and-law-abid-' ging people, .and not the desperate charac- ,tors a great. many , no'rthern.. people ; take them to be.2 As to their:'netionality, I :might say that: almost every nation ,on the 'globe is.represented'-there, but the greater number are from the States of Louieana, -Alabama, Georgie, Miseisaippi,North arld South Carolina. and•Arkansas,, There are still a -few Indians in the western part' of the State-, they are of `the Commanchie -Tribe, and. give but little trouble to• the whites. .Now, al I can give you nothing more that would interest your readers,at present, I beg to remain,youra.truly, G. McQoEh,,'' ' Brucefield, Dec. 41h, 1852. • EWe: are sure our- readers would "like 'these'interesting sketches" to, bevcontinned, and'would be glad to have Mr -1VIcQlueen -detail any of :the many. scenes ''connected With life in that distant:Stgte. ;-E• D. NEW ERa:1. Der Is (yr. •Ii In these braes of quaek,medicine.advertise- ments eyerywlhere it is truly..gratifying. ;t i find one -remedy' that is: worthy of praise,' and which- really doer as 'recoininende(1.. Electric Bitters we can youth for as`bcing true and reliable remedy,.and olio that will rlv'=as-recomlrrenderl , h ystassarialeiren;e- Stomach and: Liver Colnjilaints; • Diseeses '1 the Kidniys anil Urinary "difiiculties.';.We know whereof' we, speak, and cae readily say, give'theni a trial.. Solfl.t fifty cents a bot- tle, by Watts &'eo. and,J. H.:Combe. • 'English I .ibebals on-Fridaywere; grati- fied by a parliamentary lelectoral victory'' in the city of Liverpool, gaining: a scat from the Conservatives,'who µ`ere extreme- ly. coufident'4;idceess.4 . A -Liberal ;rain- ority,of::nearly, two thoueandis changed to a substantialanajority.;. The Tory reaction takes gigantic strides -backwards. Dotnin'ionCoubhBals-am; The great lung remedvie also a valuable antl. dote to croup. Mrs. Quinn, Wellington St.` I rantford,says:-' Ope,of_my children was siezed with an alarming attack of croup, as the child got black is the Saco I was fri,cfhteifed,and ran•roto-trig nextneigitbor's Mrs. Euglislf, µ1i0 hand nie,a bottle.of Dominion Cough Balsam 'Wliidh Mr. English had been usieg.for;sore itinge, I gays :riiy;child'a:doee'which gave mediate relief; soon after; I gave another, and in a short tan© my ehiid was all light and at. play. I sent for a bottle .to keep in the house, as I believe its -was the naevus. of • saving ley child's life.' Price 25 cents. ,S'. 21;41TSCOTT, d: CO:', M'a eras±tstilel•s, c c , Brantford.. WINTER :ARRANGEMENTS'. ALLAN DEllTkkIN risme Su>3SeltIB 1. Bt 1hLF3�z1 S-1siCJAL'm$ of this business and ki. p1 constantly on hand a large assortwent of COFFINS, CASKET COFFIN TRI,M1lM'INGS,'. SHEOUDS, line dna And everything In t}ic .Undertaking..d can farntsti everything sultable,:for a funeral • -• op the shortest notice and ates �pas�llable R Af the most r1,W111O SPLENDID 'HEARSES 1.l 1'1' A'!,f Tjlitir, 1tiEM.ESIBNR •TILE iI AC P, OPPOSIT E. 'THE. TOM HALL.. THOS.''STEVENSON. WHO 16 UNAOQUAIN,TCD WITH.T1A 0100..0APHY OK THI6.00I,N. TRY,WILLaei.eY CXAMININO TNISMAP THAT THE I. vu/t '4..� eoe I 1 (AVER TIER i XEAR S E\PEIUENCE I Ito\ L;'S, V the GEN INE SINGER to be the most durable and the besewing machine In the world. It is simply constructed, easy ,t0 operate, does not get oat of repair, and lasts a liffeti ne. Over 501,000 Sugarffiacime.e soiddlast gEar1 LOCAL OFFICES-, AT GODERICH, TF1117GHA1li,' BP,USSFLS AND EXETE Head Office for. the-Cauut of Nuro. OPPOSITE COMILERCIAL HURON ST., `CLINT N. - Iiltendiug".p irchasers will do well to test the SIN ER" before purchasing any other kind. .Tun inter 1s 110 CnisirseT: ; 011 and Needles for all kinds, f machines' alwayson hand. G. E. CRAWFORD, AGENT. Clinton, Aug. 3, 1582. CHICAGO,ROCI�ISLEIND &PACIFIC`R'Y Callstbe attention of travelers to the central posi- tion' of its line' conneeting the, East and the Went by, the shortest route, and carrying paasen ere, without change of oars', between .Chio o and San- • flea City, Council Bluffs, Leavenworth, Atchison,' Minneapolis and St. Paunl1. It connects in-Unien Depots with all;tbo principal lines of road between, the Atlantis and the-Paeina Oceans. Its canto --meatia"unrivaled-and-magni9oent-beingcompneed - o4f,'Most-Comfortable and .Beautiful Day Coaches Magnificent 'Barton Reclining Chair, Care, Pull--. mans Prettiest' Palace Sleeving Cars, and theBeet Line of Dining; Cars in the World:'. Three Trains between Chicago andMissouri River Pointe.Two' Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis and 8t Paul, via the Famous - "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A. New and Direct Line, via. Seneca and lCauka- kee,bas recently been opened between Richmond,. Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga; Atlanta, Au- gQuata,Nashville Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette,, and Omaha, Minneap-; • oilsand 86, Pani and intermediate pointa. • _ All' Through Paaaengers Travel' on Faet Ezprees, Tralns- Tickets for''enle at all principal'.. Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada. - Baggage .checked through and rates of fare n1- ways as low, as competitors that'. offerlees, advan- or get the' Maps and Pold- fro -of the - CREAT ROCK;ISLAND:ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Oeiae,,or address S. R. CABLE E. ST. JOHN, V1s Ire,. .L•ricell1gr, f i'I'1i tax.,. 601. '. H tiC a ..aN 4 Low. for $1.. a> Iibs for $1, -yctic.Iri. choice for .60:ceniti : BOOT'S $G SIe101ES `Vonten y dub s'S i apd upwards. oU, O LLLAS at eoYt � TL7aYt6 HIQYI 130Urd, goad, :828: EA, LSIiTS, $� „a - C. • CrockerGlassware STs ao �. B: 4 U_ Buy C. our Goods. APPLES PPL ES "WANTED --WE WANT TWO THOUSAND BAIGRELS OF PALL Alibj f'LNTIIR /�[i L Gl i1 J1 y' G Apples, for which the highest market price 'will be paid, • Don't sell without seeing us, • CLTbI'oN, .Sept., 1S82. THOMPSON & SWITZER., HAL awsommews Is Iloc,ointuended by ,Physicians. Catarrh of -the Nasal Cavity—Chronic and UlceratIvel Catarch of the Ear, Eye, or Throat. It, Is taken INTERNALLY, and' acts DIRECTLY upoa the Blood and Mucous Surfaces of the tiat is charged for 11, for THAT alone. ONLY INTERN41... GORE FOR CATA1111.11 vs, stARKET the use of " Sho now about W. T, HOUSE. -bottle, belieVert will cdra the most Stubborn case of Catarrh. if itA .113'; .in3 oentinuscl for' a ,.: recteonaLle length' of time. • GeLLor..-11aYn sol II Cnitarih bare for -the SV. siossoN, Druggist: • 'OTOGR. .rNeiglibbr.Jones, where are: you.: $21.; arid don't .you -forget .it, youl .'astonih .YO -14 to.. seP •hi -S stock- Of HE•AVY -AND beat the cotilty;in 'and* quality.. and see .• thew.. :The Usu.aldiScount of 5. per'cent. ItoomS„.9ver store to let.- • Bottled tor tThe traae It W. FlOBSON. 311.A.317VICI'ir -13E. ST'OYES.—Havieg bought a attic': of Stovee outside of the association, on very ad- vantageous terms, ain now prepared to offer COOK1O STOVES at a large percentage tinder the u4ual price. HARVEST TOOLS. Scythes, Snaths, Wheat, Barley and Hay Forke, Scythe Stones, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Glove3, Cradle Fino,ers, &c. TIN AvAnE. —A full assortment of Tinware in all its branches. Mao, Lastr Geons .GRANITE WARE.---LJust arrived, an iiisortrilent of TEA Poi's, Cptwtg Fors and PREsErtypia,Z KETTLEs, in Granite Ware. SAilttlp every'§eturday from and Ivory two weeks froth Portland. . • Persona wishing to owner their friends ean obtaie pissage cortfficatoeat loweet retell from Engle lid, he- land'and Sootlacid to any city or taitway town in Ca- nada. and Rio finsionut, ie roftindod less a small dodu Steerage Passengers oiro-Upoked to London, Cardiff 14ealer 111 HAS REMOVED TO HIS NEW PREMISES, irect °site t e owii. a eas.a. AND BEE ram. alencia AISI he cheapest because the best. ' NOTO STORE FOR' CHOICE FRUIT. - EAV s. PALLISER,. -BLOCK CLINT° You may talk about your TEAS as you like, but tell yau it you want good Tea go to For he has a large lot of Tea on hand of all kinds, which he says must be sold in 60 days, and in or- der to do so he will sell the very best 'Teas in the inarlcet at the very lowest prices. His Teas range in Price from 15 to 79 ccrits per pound. He also shows the fineat lines of Sugar in the county' which are all selling at a -Very Sinai" ..AL.clvaittee 4Ciote. Call and be convinced that .his motto is "Best Goods at lowest Robb the Grocer, Waterloo House, Cliriton. • 1*.14euso. • Stoc.k.... ristinas: ahealjest Inn