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The New Era, 1882-12-14, Page 5
KEEP YOUR' FE ET WARM AND DRY ostlers 111 TRUNKS,VALISES&C. Our stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter Trade is now .Complete, and for quality and style cannot be excelled. ' Orr specialties are to handle- the very ` hest foods in the Market; And to sell them at .the lowest possible prices. 5; per, cent :discount for cash. W. TAYLOR -81 SON, Coats look Clinton. Min iltine • We have just received our FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, of French and American fashions, ;consisting of Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Birds, Ribbons, Laces, Plushes and Velvets, all at such prices that cannot fail to attract attention. Having purchased a' large and well -selected: stock, we feel confident in pleasing all and giving satisfaction. We also -call attention to our' stock' of RQUILLON JOSE- PHINE KID' GLOVES—keeping 'a full line in all colors. Full line of DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, CORSETS, &c.; always on hand.' RS done.over in all the newest styles of Bonnets & Hats STRAWS, FELTS AND BEAVERS Y APPRENTICES: WANTED for tho'Straw work. . FARM PRODUCE ' taken in exchangefor goods:- ' TWO DOORS NORTH OF THOMPS:ON and 'SWITZER'S, R. BEESLEY Beaver Block, Clinton. wArrrrs CHEMISTS & DRUGGIST Albert Street. C121t011. of: medicines completewarranted 'guTn;e, and of the best quality. The agile ; will fled our stockm p eu b _-..,-:., P TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SFIOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. USUALLY KEPT A FIRST" CLASS DRUG' STORE. CENTRAL, PR1J G ST HUMPHREY'S'HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES; CIYIICURA REMEDIES, KE\DALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Aud all the recent patents kept•in stock orprocured to order." A large stock ;of ��TI1lE HAIR-PRUSIHES,-.TOILET SETS, ,SPONGES,, PERI IJ1/EI Y, &O., very 'leap. CELLULOID TRUSSES'at "reduced, rates. PIIYSICIANS' •PRESCEIPTIONS and family receipts-aceu.rately compounded: ,wit'hcare•;and: despatch ' TA\ATJON; IN Tilt ADC. There is no exaggeration in saying that kings have perished and. dynasties have been overthrown for leas despotic acts" than private companies are guilty of with the 'sanction of government in this nominally free• country: We have on several oca- 8i0fl8 of late pointed out the entire collapse' of the competitive argument under a re- strictive tariff. The'ateel, woollen cotton, sugar, coal and oil trades ;in- the United' States, and in Canada, too, for -that': mat- ter, are all . worked; out on the plan of combination among: capitalists, BO that there is .absolutely, no competition. Nor 'is there -the slightest chance far men with small capital entering ,into' the field. -- Corn bination among manufacturers to eld.Cornbination:among,manufacturersto keep• np and increase pricesis the order of the day, while agriculturists, laborer' and the salaried ',classes -generally have to 'contri- bute' . from their earnings to create'. and augument the eporaious fortunes that are continually turned into new engi_nes .•for,. still greater oppressions. :As a- case in point, let us take a glance at the rubber trade. Five :years ago women's, plain san- dals sold wholesc'le fur 45 cents, 'dew they coat 65. Men's plain rubbers at at 'isle cost 65 cents; now they cannot be had leas than 00. ,Wool lined rubbers that form- erly"sold for SO cents; are•now $1 10. Last fall 'men's snow excluders were 'bought wholesale for $1.80, row thele command $2.10. This increase + f pric. has notbeell daused by any advance m th,. cost of iva- terial,which is cheap and abundant as ever. It is owing estirely to wont p ly. At the same time, be it Observed, the hands em • ployed in the ,trade have -had no inert a 'e of wages, -while the cost of lining has in creased thirty per'ceiit, in five:years. The upward bound in prices of goods' in "Cana- da • dates freer. the time when the' 'Mon treal company absorbed their only camps titor n Canada—the • Quebec company:, Having the Canadian market all to them selves, the.Moutreal company has advanc ed wholesale prices to a point jest below'. -what; the•Same goods can be imported for, so that every one w1io,wearsrubbers.act:u ally pays 25 •per cent. to the manufacturer. Will any man in, his right senses pretend that this is right, or that a:governrnenr which makes so great an outrage possible. is Worthy of anythinig but condemnation and ,Speedy destruction '1 Canadians will wake up some of these fine -days to the: trite nature of the tyranny that oppresses' thein and send the whole pack of political and industrial'imposters that now hold' sway into the hobo of exploded raseal';ities' Were to serveas a'warning for all' fetote generations:-Ottawa'Free Press. Trouble has broken out•at'_the• Medical College ;at Kingston between the urate and and 'female etidents. The latter • took of • - fence; at remarks by •the professor, and ab= dented themselves- from. several lectures. The. male students tri retaliation 1» ve ask- ed the faculty for their expulsion Diptheria carried off at. one fell swoop four children of Mr: Thos.. Shields,. ;Div sion Court -Bailiff,, at Vankleek,. Hill` Three of them were buried :in one': day, andthe fourth died, an the night following` the burial. . The dread disease is said to have raged in that neighborhood with nn- equelled severity. A telegram from Grand ,Forks, Dakota, says: -Terrible suffering froni'blizzard's is•, reported near Adler .and Mendelson set; tiements; in this 'county, where Russian refut;es.are living.. Many fainillea suffered intensely, and a man named Seliuger, who Undertook ' to remove his wife and child to mere comfortable quarters, ` discovered to his horror; on arriving• at hist destination, that the" woman and child` had both frozen to death. • 'A cablegram front Edinburgh announces the death of'Slr Hngh Allan there. He had''.beeit ailing for. some time past. In addition, to the shipping business he was. president of .twenty-three public Com panies, to the interest of which he devoted a:great deal -of time • Deceased was knighted in 1874.'. He married' early in life a. Miss Smith,: daughter of a merchant at.Mon-i treal:. Be'.had 13 children • 12 • of thein suivive hiiii: Theecstablishgient9;.'with•. which ke was connected hace`dra�ied their fronts'with mourning. ftncklen'sJ�A•r afca-5nive. The best salve in the world tor.Cnts, Bruises Sores. TJIt ers,Salt Rhoumi FeverSoros,..Tetter, Cliat>hecl LIauc1s Cllilbl,lrus, Cotrfs, and an Skin Eruptions, and positively, cures .Piles.'Tt is guarrantecd to •give' perfect satisfaction or. money refunded Price 25 cents per boy. For ,sale by J..14. Combe anal Watts & Co. • J: ::i`lIiS : :.scolensui , CHEMIST 4ND 'DRUGGIST;CLINTON, ONT. New Maple Sugar. A fae_ W gal, Tills Maple Sprup Fresh 011111;4'S Leinicas and Bananas. a Good ' fresh Mangold; Turnip & Sorghum See. nein hare` linton. •Clinton ,Gab nei Camp Ill order to 'Meet' our ificreasing' tracks \ve have' bought the Factory later - Oecu )iedb T. 1' ,ri b anti after getting it under I'Vay we arc:prepa•ecd to'. manufacture "veryU ing •Furniture lire,' 1+vole ,tile cheapest to the best sets, .with the latest- styl'es-and No. 1 finish and tivorkinansh,ip.=' • Ordered work a spebialty and satisfaction guaranteed rn ERTA KING We have also -added. this •braocit to Oar busilteys,'. and in it at all, times will .be found: evei•,ytl irlg. to' -meet the requir©mcrtt's of aft A fIANDSO'Al t IT, Ti`, A TI,SE KE1,'T FOT.t, y to ss � � i"ICt'atteiltt . T1 kill 31Ie�- and ail C ] 5t os st, to assent'- moiiate and plenst wc hone t,0. rntlt'it• tire,soul:[deice of all. lagGt tE rr wr,,S•4a sSaxcza . �r_x"9 _kM1ul:+ar at fld w<z1 5 .4-AWi?a>hzx cc a0 Heron. dInsurance• & Middlesex x Pan 'Company I-1EAD•OFF-IC.:, LONDON:. General business done. Insurance effected ou ail • classes of property.. PA.T11ONAGI: SOLICITED. W. KITT,:AGENT , ,CLIiti T:ON.. $1,000 FORE: IT. flaying the,litinost Confidence to .its superiority over all otlfers and' - aft after ro t1 nsands of•. ,tests -of LIle'�:m •L r most, complioatea and 'severest „cases we. conld find,we feel jUUAtitied in offering to forfeit O'ne.'Tholisand names. for. any ease of con hs, colds, sore throat, iniftuenzci, hoarsens s, bronchitis, eonsuntpticu''in its early stages; whooping cough, -and all disea3es', of, the throat and* longs,. except asthma, for whiel>. we oul5 claim relief;' that we can't cure witlt.alVest s 'Cough Syrt,p,, when taken according to directions. Sample bottles 25 •awl • S0 cents; large bottlett.oue•dotlar. Genuine wrappers only in blue. 1 Sold by all druggists,- or sent by ex- press on receipt of price. 'i7 nim C.:West '.Co., 81 Ra 83 Bing St. East; lan'o t l7n r s ie atCom e Drlg• Store • n Joh McCaa va SALT , MANTT'FAU;1'LTR FR, A\D; DFAI ETI:' 15 GROCER E$ AND PROVISIONS, ALBERT' STREET, • Opposite the Town. Hall. Very s Choice Lard, Hams -&' bacon i or sale ab' lowest prices. R s CaKh paid for h"atm Pintlnets. NeGA.i VA. tilinton;-April_ 4, 1882.. 1,VOItTII MENTIONING . CIAL EN•t'IONING'- irite,.'anything that is worthsaying is 'spoken in that terse and pointed way that bears the impress of honest conviction, we like to have people know' the nature of the communication. Of such a nature .is the following froth -Mr. W. F. Haist, Camden, P. -O., Lincoln Co., Ontario. Mr. Haist says: ',With great joyover my restored health, I: would write a few lines concern- ing that wonderful remedy, St.Jacobs Oil. For the last six_years I have been using, various medicines internally and external- ly, but nothing, world .l',elp me. Finally I' procured a bottle > t -St. Jacobs .Oil, which cured toe after a few applications., My mother-in-law, wliu leas also, been a great sufferer front thet,tnt.tism, was also! relieved by the use +>f the Great German Remedy.I, St. Jauyhs Oil is a great bless- ing to suffering humanity, and`I shall do everything intnypuwvr to make known its merits. $500 REWARD ti Wewill.paythe above reward: for any-easeofliver eonipl tint, >tyspepsta sick headache nidigestron con-: stip ttien or.:eostiveness we ea>uiot efi e. with West's 'egetal5le;f Iver pills, when the (lireey,>f,tis- are strlctlyy complied with They are purely Vegetable, and never bill to give satisf leaWu Sugar Gated, large boles,, containing- 30 pills,' 25 cents•: ,For safe by nil Druggists. -Beware of counterfeitif and inlitation5. The genuine nianuftetured only by John c, ,West �CCo.. the pill makers 81 d 80 but:� St. East, Toronto., Out. . Fres atrial pack sage scut by u1.ul prepaid on receipt of a three cent Stamp.; ualoo ROBES. 0 JETai•iiesog.; TRUNKS! VALISES,; &c. WHICH 1VIl.L BE SOLD AT VERY LOW R A.TES.. swim Dennis 'HARNESS.MAKERS, CLINTON. GotoOQ�PER'B tp.itocitAtit Cro:ck.er_y.,, Class.war-e, Cc. �lietil and Cor meal aI\l a .S ..G1 hated;' ALSO Petty'' celebrated :nglish. Breakfast Bacot, Logi Clear Bacon, Segos• (lurot :Homs, 4>ul No..1 LA PD. At liriceswhich cannot be beaten in tuwa. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY SOLE -AGENT . FUJI Do&ibizis' 11]LEC IUIC, SOAP THO:YIAS-C00PER A.we P scREET,' ct INToN. A ::DRY :KILN M( CALL AND SEE IT AT COOPER '& McKENlIE'S PLANING MILT subscribers, while thinking their ";ciis-- JL .toniers.fcr the p'ltrunageextended to them, desire' to intimate•tliat in connuctiret with their fasters Hear`'t� a Gran."..dT runk Railway, l hey have erected a Div 7 iln; w hiu}>enables theta• 'tnore•pronliily.-than ever tri u�eetite .•ill work tin' ,their. C0N''>T'.T o �F S nit vl at the •I Il Fenn l,cc 'Por hniidilil, t.ektn; and r ei shortest pnssible,notu.t, and it a sonihle rites: 'We always keep on handfirst-class $MINGLES, and make a specialty. of LIAIE, .which will lie soul at thc 1 1 i est lritcs I Clinton, July 29,1882. UOOPf R C\IcEIN/.IE.. Iovrn �ui1dirj chic, avoix., dila rushes of thanking alt those who !MVO o I favored 100 *With theirpatroisako in the past,:, and. beg -to say that as 1 atMleaving the genetl'4 for AIa»i- toba, 1 have disposed of in} business tn,ialy bretOa0r Jetn::STi1rnsuosoa, tinct hope that you will favor him With -the' lbmill patronage that you have given pie. , JOSEPH S1L1IIi.JS%N.' :,,/ -NAT' mil regard to the above, 11 would ,ay that ,as 1 VV am a cilli f uni the sante blocks; anti h;tvin been brought 'tip ,itotlle bil:rii0ea5 of moving iind raising •• builtli e.1 e give ng, , f el criiifidentlthat 1 ran we entire, sans- faction to all -who may tailor Inc ii'.itit'ihuir patronage. And further, i' iroulil say flint lam sti11 making Obod'c •" t3oss 01111.105 aq'ctaon dud cheaper than over. lrlOtN S[EinJENSON, Clihtar• H-EALT6•i IS WEALTH. 11ERV'C II ',i' B-hf'•I;N- n: : y7nEPiA.t':Etr j': O., E.C.-11•est's Nerleanil Drain Treatuler>t,agilar-. antl.ed.vpecifie fol l>pi00rria tliz lues, cgtrnulsio>is, fits,_ nervous neuralgia,' headache, ileriousprostr tion ca is-. ed by the use of: alcohol, wakefulness,. ivteatil depres- sion, softening of the brain, resulting lit insanity 'and leading to misery; decay and death, premature old age, barrenness, losS:nt power i>Y' either" set:, involuntary hisses and spermrytorrbaa, caused by over-exertion of the brain, Self-abuse 'or over -indulgence. Onebox syi11 oure recent cases: Eich box contains, one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five>l»1- has ; .sent by mail' -prepaid on: receipt of price- \Ve guarantee sixboxes'to cure any ease, With 6Rclt or- dorreceived 1>y us'forsiv. hcece, accompanied with five dollars .we wdl.send the pnrrhaser our written,guaran- ,i the mor the reatm' nt " does not 'too to refm d e soy if tl t e d ef- est a mare. Guarantees isstred only by •J. 11. Combe, Sole anent for Clinton, Ont. John 0.west A Co., sole •t>ropridttery; Toronto. City :Cijl11T\\ro6ffls. PyTATNITTJRE SI:i0l P, CLINTON. • THOS ST EVENT OS ,N 7[te.rir , moved into his .new brick store • r "0T'P()SET E'.Crl t TOWN HALL, Ties 100),eao state :to lib; numcron f li.iids in Clinton. and the surrounding country, that he keeps sir hand supCrioY onitlity of k urtitm c of all:lailds,snch_as BEDROOM & PARLOR; SETS Oh the I test styles, also 11411lSL1.,A1)ti, .;:iIJ1,BOA Tiufi', . BLYR,1,,kJS, -TABLE;,' And nvOri'tlual:; tliate•lnstltiitcs furnisihin, •i'honse in his line, which 150 w'i11 sell atthe lowest living iirof>t:. I ask a share of the piihlie•pst1•obngo, lining tiutnkflil for p'i01favors;uld hopeful fnr,tllo fiTh e._ Phe 101>110 .aro invited fo c; I1 rind See for themselves. T1i:0S. S EVEN S() (;beton, •1u 3, 1882, CIAL V. THIS WEEK AT THE IBB N FR A f C-I..,tVEs, CLOUD CSL -A.�ES • E ..S.S.:;1'.:c.+.()..C).1)P..., • W' LL;ED FLANNEL SC OTC TWEED VER A:T ELAN KE T BOOTS a ::S OEC 1W 0s1 0:111 asMC� Ivori ICTS'T TRiaTOMIITM3D The largest and best assorted stock of Cooking, Box, Parlor, Parlor Cook, Hall and Coal Stoves ever brought into ,Clinton - 1'1 t I ar/a7�d :Pros. The latest designs and improvements in Stoves, Ai .Harland res: toves, Stove -Pi es Elbows Sto-B oards at >f J a1 1 � land Bos, rock bottom- ri ccs: lai a assortment of L am s�B' u- r eis Chimne s Shades & Tubular Lanterns. tIalndBros lot meric nv-Cl o Just received, ' a lay a A. a sac .u Yd AX ES SAWS as/and Bros. Builders' and: Shelf HARDWARE always on hand A1 ,Harlau A quantity of second' hand Coal I& Wood Stoves very cheap. . Al HHavland AltTtttICAN ANA.) (51NAI)IAN COAL 61L.•'' ,SIGN 01' THE, PADLOCK, q�► �. t4ndr' 9or •'0 IRAN SII L STORE, BgAVER .6400K, A,L3/t:R'r' STRga`I' �l3,Ti'