HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-12-14, Page 1,
Barristers, - Solicitors
"commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba.
11i411, &MRS. BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vocal and
al/Llingtriuccoital music, Battenl)ury Street, near Or -
gait Factory.„ N. ,B --Singing Clyiss iow forming,.
Violin Lessons giyefl.
Clinton, Feb. 18, 1882,
.ONEY to lend at 6 and •6i per cent. ,Private
IVA funds. SEACIEB & latIBToN, Barristers.
• Goderich.
$40,00on Farm
01117Jri'tleW1rop Propert', a lowest
Apply to
C. A. ,114RTT Solicitor, &ic
Clinton, Aug. 24, 1882. Perrins,Bleck.
. •
• TH.4. YOST OFIelt,tETCLIN 1 •
Hair dressing,Shaving,Shainpedig,attended,to
Gfielph & Ontario Illyosiment Sociotv
/11HE undersigned have been appointed
titorS, and borrowers can have mortgages
irawn to suit themselves. No delays. Low
Late of Toronto, Honor Graduate Heyal ;Col-
lege of Dental Surgeon, has reinoved to the
Coats Block, over VW:Taylor & SOn, s
All work.first-elaes. Charges moderate.
A. O. U. W.
T. HE Regular Meeting Of 'Clinton Lodge, Ancient
Order of United Workmen, will be held in their
rooms, FRIDAY, DECEItlitElt 15. A full attendance 1.
This Order disbursed among the widows and or-
phans of the deceased members, the sum of One
Million, Five Mildred and Thirty
Thousand Dollars during,the past year:,
Each member is insured.for two thousand dollarS.
Only eleven asseicanerits.of 'one dollar each, thus' far
in the ten months of the preMnt,year.
Parties desirous of joining the Order calllearn full
particulars from any of the members, or from
Examining Pysieian. Secretary.
. Tickets caii I e purchased to
Manitoba Dakota and all points vies
, Local Ticket6 to all points on the G.T.R. and G.W.R.
division. Toronto,,Ilaroilton, Chatham, St. Thomas,
or any point on the Combined lines. Any infOrmition,
, maps, time cards, &c., freely given on application at
any office Toomisost Itt' SWITZER'S GROCERY, Deriver,'
Block. . •• '
' Town Agent, Clinton.
Ticket Agent, Clinton.
. .
, VOL. 17.
— $1.50 Per A1118[111101
14, 1882.
E. FifoLmEs st- SON
, Publishers.
tw gkilrertiOtmettiO.
2"1- Apply to 'MRS. 11. RANSFORD,. Huron Street.
Clinton. .'
ALL debts due the Estal'e—OrMary Marten must be
paid by Jan. 1st, VA I do not intend to travel this
winter, and cannot be all time running after, small
debts, as I have done, we Must meet our liabilities,
others must do the same. I shall make.one more call
Only, on all after thle notice. I take all kinds of rags,
-butresTpa-fier, clothes,. sockliTiiiits, carpets, woollens,
rubbers, iron, copper, brass and lead in settlement. A
few good White Shanghai and Bantam hens for sale.
Painting, papering, &e., &e., by G. neatly.
'Clinton, Nov: 16, 1882.
ra-iid Entertatimeittl!
Oche°, Houso near the. Cemetery,
On Friday 3Evening, Dec. 151h.
By MR. H. MORGAN, and his little' IMINieal prodigy
Flails, assisted by other talent, Readings recitations.
Choruses Duets Salim &c. A good time Ls expected.
• ,
'Ildeatssion, 15 c.' Children, 10 e.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
,,e,Tic.is hereby given that the paitner,,hip here-
tofore subsisting between us, the undersigned,
under the style of AL MeTAGGAitv dr, Co., as Fanning
Mill manufacturers, in the town of Clinton, has, been
this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing.
to the,Partncriadll are to_ be paid to M. lifcTaookRT
Clinton, aol all claims agai1it the said par nerclup,
are to be presented to the stud 16. MeT trionar, by
whom the same will be settled.
Dated at Clinton, this 27tb day of November, 1982.
IN connection with...tile above,the undersigned desire
announce to the public that the 'bosineSs of
manufacturing Fannin.- Mills heretofore 'earlied on by
the said firm of M. ?JcTaggart & Co.; will be continued
-and carried on by them in the Sante premises arid in
the same manner as hitherto, under the Min' name of
A. McMmicni6 & Co: .
.A LEX. McAlliltuIllE.
frit 11017011.1'ICKETS' isslied.to any ,nart of
A- England, Scotland, Ireland, l•-rance or Corniany;,
Sailing* front New, York once a week.
For rates anti.all information apply to
• ie.
Ripairing done Promptly.
tialnton, May il5t1i, 18+32.
Crosscut Saws
Dated Des. 1st, 1882.
In the inatter of the estate of EDTVAIZI)
trading grl:tder the firm tee4sui ef' 3.foore
& Son., of the fl'oivt of Clinton, -in lite
Cio?tuty of Hnron, Grocers..
, be • received by tile undersigned sup to 12
o'clock, noon, 01 the 29th .day..of December
instant, for tlielinrcliase of ,the'fitcrek- of '
. •
Gructries Crottery, 'GIassitaro &c.,
And also the' book debts belonging to the aboie
estate. The. Inventory shevis the ',following,
$-5916a •
Orciekery tied Glassware.. 2.94.16
Shop Furniture, Sze.. ..... 172.20 • " •
• • Book . .....,. 297.43,
• • • . 'rota! $1359.62, •
• ,
• menders will be reeeived at BO flinch on the
dollar of- Inventory now in the hands . of the
undersigned. No twitter necessarily-apcepted.
,''Eertos cash:. ,
. All information will be given bytee Assignee.,
Assignee in. truskfor Creditors.',
Cfiliton„,1,1th Dec., 1982. ' • • •
183. ioth 883.
Fag ?tsro ((al t()ir.ao ecds ss(lzvre?ek.'i y%.tit'i<x".1 111"
contaieing in each iSsue the.trealmof current
original Munoz., by pen and pencil. '
, Grip is as well known from end to end of the
Dominion as the Globe or Mail, mid 'wields as,
influence second to neither. '
Giip's cartoons are 'famed not only t,hrougli-
out-canada, but' in _America and England...and
in the opinion of good judges, they- are uniform-
ly-6111AI in point of .wit and power' to those of
any COMIC paperin the world:. '
;Lord Dufferin (who is still a regniar reader of
Grip) -with 'his, subscription -well paid, up in
.id,ra,ni..c.---testilleFi his -warm appreciation orthe
ability "displayed in Hip paper frony Week to
week: and avows it a ina.tter of atooniehment
This opinion of England's leading diplotnat'is
endorsed by'Sir John A., Macdonald, Hon. Ed-
ward Blake, and other representative public
men' of Canada. ' ,
Grip has no politics beyond, the public geod..
it seeks to deal fairly and fMthfully -with both
parties, antl,is 'never afraid to pat the plain
teeth'isa . black and 'white. SVC are, at- Vallee
happy to receive suggestions Tor cartoon's on
all political subjects ; provided Such suggestions
are founded on fact and of a suitable nature;svo
sban use them, regardless of which part -y they
Grip is pure tn.tone and -sentiment, and te;Tii
every reepeet a family jominal.Aliindro,tis of
parents'throughout the Dominion declare that
the:weekly vinit of Grip ,is look -ed. forward to
by thelr .ciiildren most joyfully, and its 'power
"n13 an •educatords heartily aelrazowledged. • •
Grie,as no -win -its tenth year; audits circula-
tion is large, though not so great -s it should.
enjoy ' as' a recognized National - 'Institution.
This grand young Dominion si`aould earnestly
. support. its only Illustrated COOTlie Journal,. ea-
pecially as that,journal'is in MT respectsa a
dit to Canada, -and its , ,
:Subscription Price only '2.
TrYou,are not already a substiriber Sena in
yOUr nano) and suliecription at once to the Pub-
' -of Torontit.
Notice to tIIC Crethlol's
'9'rading nyder the firm Mune of MOORE & SON,,
',town of- Chilton, /T1 tile' Cellety a. ,
l'N,TOTIC.E is hereby given that the aboTe-nalned
11 firm Uf Moore & SOD have made 1111 11651,1111101lb of
s . .
benefit of his credliors, Who are tO be .paid pro roto, --
All parties bavieg claims again4t tlie aid firm, ard to
send particulars thered, with the usual statutory de-
eieretion, to inc' as 0110e. After the FIFTEENTII
DAY OP JANUARY, A.D.; 1883, the assitimee will
proceed to Oistrilitite the proceeds of the said estate
prdrata: amongst:those ereditors of whose elaims he
has notice. ,
All parties indebted to the said -tate, are to•settle
the anithint of the said indSlitedness with me forthwith
J.,PENTLAND TISDALL' .Assi,mee Clinton.
MANNING tfa SCOTT, Solicitora for'tlic Aiicignee.
Cl Mai, c. 6, 1882. • '
Two store in tile Carson .13166k. Rents
low. :Apply to . :
-- Also, the 'store 'owned' mi.., G. II.
WrighteintelY oceopiedley-)1r. Bayley.,
Rey. W. McDonagh is announced to
take.part in a tea meeting at Auburn,
next Monday evening. '
The annual meeting for the election of
Officers for the Bible Ohristain Sabbath
School, will be held next Monday evening.
The special services are still being eon-
tieued in the Clinton„ Methodist Church,
a lively and, earnest interest being.mani-
rested theeein.
IREy- Mat,,,3,,T,Bilan., of Peieley '(leo
ther of Mr P Straith of thir town) has
given his position there and- intends
to take a short respite from active labor.
In the course of his sermon on Sunday,
Rev. -Mr. Craig made reference to •the
.death of Mr. Whittington and Mr. Apple -
y,. as showing the shortness of time and
'uncertainty of' life.
Rev. J. E. Bowers, a minister of the
New Jerusalem Church, lectured to -a fair
audience in the Temperance Hall, on Sun-
day, on " The bible, its inspiraton, divin-
ity and defence against skepticism."
WE believe that it is the intention of
the Methodist church choir, to go out
serenading on the night of Christmas,
(Monday) and of the Willis Church Choir
to start out about 1 a. m. the sante day.
Rev. Mr: •McLean, ef Blyth, conducted
the Friday and:Saturday services
Church, and. ihe Sabbath eervicee -were
taken byoRev. Mr. Steel -hitt; insthe morn-
ing and Rev. Mr. Gray in the eveiting,
Mr. Stewait preaching in the Baptist
Speaking of Church Union; a, well in-
formed gentleman in this place, the other
day remarked, -"you are safe in stating
that a majority of the member e of the B.
O. Church here will go against it, While
the Methodists will be in favor of it," arid
this opinion Prevails with a nuaiber.
In connection with the anniversary -ser-
vices of the Bible Christian Church, Bey.
Mr. Stewart will preach on the morning
of Sunday, 31st inst., and Rev. Mr. Mc-
Donagh, in the evening. Particulars is
reference to the tea meeting on the follow-
ing Monday, will be given in a future
Tint entertainment given by Mr. W. H.
Illeeke,profe.ssor of elocution, in St. Paul's
school house, on last Wednesday evening,
was a, great success as regards attendance.
the recitations and pleasure of the audi-
ence: Mr. 3leeke's abilitiea as an elocu-
tionist are by no means oversrated. When-
ever you find him either in " giave or gay,
lively or severe" you forget the -Elocution-
ist in the character he iu representing
this was especially noticeable is the recite
ine of "The Raven," mid the humorous
piece "tJrs. 13ean's Courtship. Mr.
Meeke will be sure of'a larger house the
next time he vieits Clinton,
THE - A,N,,,,,a;AE, missionary meetings in
connection with the Methodist chute:An of
this editee, were held an Sunday and .Mon-
day latit. Ort Sunday Rev. Mr. Wakefield,
of Goderich, preached two able sermons;.
this was the first occasion on which he
had preached to a Clinton congregation,
ancl, those who heard him express the hope
it will not be his last. His delivery is
clear and-oatural, free from the'affectatiori
common ivith many ministers, while his
remarks were thoughtful and inspieing."
On'Mond aY evening a public meeting was
held, therebeing a good attendance. Mr.
S. Walsh was -called to the chair, (a posi-
tion be always fills with credit) and briefly
addressed the congregation. Rev. gr.
McDonagh then . read a report of mission
worke giving his hearers some idea of
what was being accomplished by the Me-
thodist Church in this respect. Revs.
Messrs. Clappison, Wakefield, and Rice,
of the B.C. Church, followed in admirable
ancl timely addressese---The-choie-of- the
church sang a number- af pieces during
the service, which materially added to the
pleasnie thereof. The total amount sub-
scribed and the collections on behalf of
rnisSions amounted to the sum_of$_2_80.36,
Which, it is expected will be still further
increased by subscription.
Recently the Secretary at the Clinton
Literary Society was instructed to write
toieverel prominent lecturers, to get their
terms for an address under the auspices
of the Society....• Amoug the rePlies receive
ed -was the following, which we give ver-
batim, omitting the date and signature.
The Society did not accept (he" perposal"
of this gentlemen, and our readers, after
a perusal of t,he letter, will undoubtedly
• -
conclude that they made a mistake.
" Dear, sir your, letter duly to hand saing
what would I cutne and delitaver a lecture in
your town Oalld elinton enteric) this ,i8 the
Perposal-that I -write to you you to pay my
travling Exspencee Retell keeping and pay
me the suncrof fifteen Dollars and secure the
Hall or me to spake in .this is is verry lowe
sum in deed as the lecture is for benevolent
-iferpeuces I will lecture for you as cheap as
posiblely'can -if this perposal snits', your
_Approbation ,y'ou will please to let me hear
from you at your Earlieest conveanenes as I
hacie,a greate many calls atetheRreseset_if. the
lecture is well Publisbed-I never fails to Draw
large audience if you will doe Right in get-
, ing the lecture up,properly yoa ought to make
not leas then one hundred Dollars if you will
Will Except of this Perposal when you wrif
a gaine then I will give yeustheesubject fei
Publicationl Can mewl) you -that the subject
Will be a grand and important one I will send
you one of my ceiculars with the subject in
full Print M theological style auch a one
that you never seen or heard of in you -life"
-Tett Seaforth papers are boasting of
Some work done in, the foundry there for
the woollen nail's of .11Teere. Corbett &
I3oles, of this place. . The 'foundry here
was shut cloven for repairs which was the
only reason they went to ettrorth. The
Seaforth papers were evidently " stuffed"
about the Work done, 115 the proprietors
of the woollen mill do not feel very much
elated either about to work' done or prices
It Was mighty cold up here on Iliirsday
a.nd Friday last.
The minstrels laat week- did not take
well Our people are becoming fonder of
Hemet ing better.
Good men 'should be,selected•to manage
the civic business carried -on below inc.
Give us a vigorous council for pest year.
Did gnyone remark that Me. Corbett
ild not-efillo-the—Maysorlseehoir-? He -
weighs 120 lbs. more than Mayor Forrester,
Why don't some more of our young
men follow Me. Foster's example and get
married? only don't eo out or .iown for
wives. -
I hear that some parties are fattening
up a thin young man in town fot future
honors. require considerable feed
te do it. '
'Mr. Searle should not be allowed to re-
tire from the Municipal Board. He it'
the fifth spoke in the wheel and cannot
be spared, •
Messrs. R. M. Racey; John Gibbiries
and Wm. Cooper 'ought to haVe seats -at
the Council Board; The town can ill f -
ford their absence. ,
As the result Of a god deal of study I
am coneineecl that bald -pates are paused
by the.reckless way men have of pulling
some unmentionable garments over their
heads, '
_see a country • correspo'ndent writes
that .the girls in his neighborhood- are.
sporting fur caps and red stockings. How
does ,he know about this ]atter? whose
business is it anyvvay:?'
It has semetimes occurred' to me that,
'the et:Mt:tell-who sit beneath me -are not
bleesed with a superabundance ef good
-looks, nut what -hey lack in this respect
they makeup ire general Utility and use-
fulness.. '
The bell watched the proceedings of
that young couple who struggled home
through the- storm Thursday night, with
ineffable sympathy. Never before did it
seem so meet to quote
Two are better far thaoue,
Fpr counsel or for fight, ---
..Eor bowican ona go home alone,'
When A snows like all possessed on a cold
, winter's night —Patented.
Some yourig men. think, it Manly . to
stand OD the -street and leer at and -insult
n--71-aely passing. Did it ever occur to such
otie that in the future some scoundrel,
might insult -his wife, .or his siS,ter,- or per,
chance his daughter' in the same infa-
mous matiner ? Howwould he like that?
'Would it be manliness or blood? , The
'young men who do it'on- our streets ought
to be, booted from one end of the town to
-the other.
*raw. -
-L-- ' -
That an effort should be ITIRcle- to have
a skating rink at once.
That some of the street lamps should
be lit at night, especially en the front
That it is Eingolar the Re:I:ord.' never
Inentionett th e di.sappearan Ce Of its editor,
even as -an item of news. .
That,' more friendly relations exist be-
,. , • ,
tween tue ministers and menmers Ot the,
different Clinton' churches, than in III0St
That -the storm or Thursday was a ter.-
ble one and that the business transacted
that day would not keeP one from the
poor house.
That -the "we" of the' Record, in smit-
ing the NEW L'oe last week, used a similar
weapon t,o that which Samson stnote the
Phi I i Sti n es. with.
That suell 'men es W. W. Ferran R.
1 .
Irwin James Fair; atid eeveral others,
sheidd -petmit. theinselves to...be...brought
4ut_Tar_ni.unieipal_honoxs '; •
,..e,REsr...NTATIo, N. ,
On Friday night' last the teachers in
training at the alodel School ' completely
stirprieedMf: ltlifiton; -th-e pninsitpal, by
'eallingoippu him in it body:and present-
ing him sevith Chanther'e Encyclopedia,.
Simpedn read -the address and 'the;
telurnes were preseoted by three Of the
'lady, teachers, Misties.Ielyar,,Collie • and
.CalbiekLelVIt. Malloch made 'a very •
,Propriate •replyiarter Which ereantes of Many'
kinds were indUlged in -asevell as singing,.
.0) the evident -pleasure of,all present. -"At
-an early hour all 'separated. to their -heroes.
having taken a farewell of their late teach-.
IOW friend. 'The fidlowine is the To 1). D. M..MallOch, F.sq.,.ITead Master, I.J. M. S
now come to the eonelusimf af
our professional training, we deem it prudent
te'place on record our Ifigh.and just appreeia-,
ti on of the very excellent and' thorough course'
01 instruction received. by us at the , Clinton
Model School. 'That it is worthy 'of, nuch: cow-
inendation is mainly due to ;your efforts, for
had you beeis remiss in the least -of the mani-
fold and laborious duties perforined by you
from, day to day, naught else chuld 1111 up the
void or eompensate for the' loss: Should we
therefore, be successful ,in gaining that, for
which our tuition under you was, essential..We
shall ever feel it inemnbent to Ascribe the pros-
perous not..to our own industry ahd -per- .
-severance, as the-manner,of smile Is, but rather
to you who guided ifs aright, -as we wended
'slowly alon'g,thatMoSt.,intricate of study
-which alone reads 8UcCEI8S, T lO profession,
eliosen by -us as our immediate avocation., In;
'deed, whether we expatiate on your masterly
methods of imparting knowledge, YOttr,jrifit And
tinlely critieisme 61 errore .ald -faults, or your
well-known and well.ettiheil reputation for
suavity. ofinanner, Ave are forced to .acknow:'
_ledge that yen' have- iv 1011 peititsdisplayed'
those traits' of character which only emanate
froxia the erudite and cid:hired itentlenutn.,
Under these eircumstances it 18 not gt
prising that -on our minds and hearts havelbeen .
inscribed indellibleimpressions,whicli. by times
ev111 up arid spur us on tol,'drinit new
draughts' of that knowledge whieli Ps beneficial
to ourselves and all with whom we. come 10,
contact For these many benefits derived, dip
ring thiS short sessioii under your supervision,
and instruetione„,,,,w.e. „giadio tender „yen our
thanks, and wouiderate very respectfully scuir
itecepttince of this dopy of. Chanibers' Ezityclo-
pedia as it t,ORen of one regard and estimation
bedy may. ever unite to enable you , to stand
aloft as 'a burning and shining light ,fenong
your loinlieers in the educational world, there-
, by :continuing to render profit and pleasure
to cabh succeeding class of studenas vs they ap-
year annually before Yon. ' •
Wishing you and -Mrs. M0110011 the compli-
InentS o i! the apprOaching festive season,
ren111111. Y0111.$3,-,k,t.
• • ,
• '1110 ,:),..01)11,
ON Monday morning the wife of 11i.
James Smith accompanied her son Alfred
in Detroit where he is undergoing medi-
cal treatment.
' ()unitive' CouNent.---There was little or
no business of public interest transacted
at the last meeting of this assembly,which
accounts for no' feport of the same -being,
NOTEs.--01; Monday, Arr. Stew-
art Plummer, of .the 16th con Goclerich
township, weighed an 18 months' on
the scales here, which turned 1380 - lbs.
It Was gos by Bell's Wliat's Wanted, and
is one of the finest colts of its age in the
coilrity. Mr. Davis, of Michigan, is buy-
ing horses,here.
11.1.ametNG SCOTT-, winehanagiltareesole
-tlii-Record since the departureeof-thelate
proprietor, are-libki advertising for tenders
for purchase of the plant, which will most
likely be responded to, although it few
more publications similar to last weeikivoillvl
soon take all life out of it. It WOLIksh
a much better policy if it would not find
so much to say against it cotemporary.--
Cor. Goderich News. [The sentiments of
many more.]
ciety made their first appearance upon
the stage- on Tuesday evening. The boys
have shown a lerge -amount ofenergy and
taste in securing a quantity of very good
scenery. The public career of the society
was. commenced by --a -representation-of-
" Claude Liarnand," and succeeded in
making it very creditable show. Mr. J.
Jackson, in the role of "Claude 1)arnand,"
prolied, in his conception of the character,
to be possessed of dramatic ability. Mr.
J. Cook, in Adolphe De Briancourt, would
have done better if he lead displayed a ,
little more dash, but of course it,is diffi-
cult for an amateur to display the spirit
of the anxious lover. Miss Hattie Lane,
as Victorine, while being a little nervous,
yet showed to advantage her clear and
distinct voice, and in the robber scene
carried the -audienee with her in her ar-
tistic discharge other pistols. Mr. Ed.
Racey, in the character of Siinou
deserves to be especially mentioned;'and
astonished the audienee by his amusing
representatioif of the character,and:elicited
deafening applauee whenever he appeared
on the stage. Taken on the whole, the
boys may feel flattered with th'eir success,
seeing that it is the first attempt, and they -
had not the assistance of an instructor.
The entertaipinent cencluded with the
performance of the comic farce entitled
" Phoolish Izak," in which the various
parties sustained their Characters very -
well. The audience was not very large,
but'' -it wa's noticeable that- the greater
nitenber took reserved' seats. -The receipts
amounted to -about $40. "
tenet week:Air. Alex. Watt, of the, 13th
'con. Hullett, sold two year old colt to
Mr. (free. W. Dyke; of Goderiell township,
.for 5150.
Mr, Thdmas Afoot' ie to be brouebt out
1113 10 candidate for the deputy-reevesehip.
Opposition maybe- brought against him,
bOt it will be Uselese. '
The Literary and Deba.tino Society met
on the 6t11 inst. After a number of
lengthy speeches, the affirmative was de -
el it red victorious. -.qr. G. A. Neivton and
T. w. Sloati led the affirmative and nega-
tive respectively. The. next debate comes
off on hist M. Floody au& Witi,
Amos are the capta.ins.
Owing to the severe storm etime of the
schools had holidays on Tlitireday and
Fridey last. No, 7 had no scholars at all,
No. 8 had, oulY one. All the side roads
are verybadly blocked, and tile benefits
of wire 'fences, where built, are very 'clear-
Mrs. Alex. AVotte jr. of I-Iarlock •
it is hoped she maysoon recover. Mr.
John Brown is at Goderich this week, 118'
a juryman.
Everybody is agreed that very few of
the old councillors will warm their Seats
at the council board next year.---'-Coer.
11 VT ff.
Mr. Trewin's house has been ratted by
Mr. Anderson, for hie partnef, 'Mr. Elder,
who moves to Blyth shortly.
The annual teanieeting of the _Metliod is(
church is to be held ott the evening of
New Yeltr'e day, in the Watson Hall.
Mrs. Coulter has sold her property ad-
joining her residthice to Mr. Leyy,etgent
'for the Ayr agricultural implements. -
At the council meeting, a weelr. ago, the
hy-law,4:in reference to fire protection,
was quashed, on account of the opposition'
.The entertainment/of the Presbyterian
Sabbath School Camel off on Monday evert -
lug, instead of next week, ae we reported.
It was quite it succese ; aleeut $30 were
The snow is very deep and very much
drifted on the roads ',Funning north and
south. Shovelling snow wee all the go on
Saturday, and the tracks were filled up
again ,Monday mornino
The funeral ef Mrs.Masters; of Morris,
took place on Thursday, notwithstanding;
the storm. The sermon will be preached
hext Sunday afternoon, in tile Methodist
church, Belgrave,
Mr. Nogent, blacksmith, has moved to
Sunshine having bought the shop and
house from Mr. 0,aistor, Be and his bet-
ter half will' be quite ap addition to the
village and the church.
MissimiarY sere -ions were announced for
Sabbath «ldSty in, the Methodist ,church.
Rev, L. 0. Rice did not appear for the
morningeervice, but Rey. D. C. Clappison
preached in the evening.
Mr. Wallace, of the 7th con. of Morris,
and a boy, bad a nairow escape last Satur-
day, in crossing the railway track on line:
One horse was killed instantly,. and the
other So'11that they out ne throat
Ce(l In1SOry bid, they
ON A Chris. Nesbett, of the
16th con., iptends to oeke a tap to the
Mr. Neleo» Haney is on a visit to' Me-
lancthon township, combining pleasure
with, business.
Mr, E. Bateman,. formerly of Mariposa,
but now of Dakota, is on a visit here; he
looks' hale and hearty:
. The 'Clinton Now Eget is in great de-
mand. here, on account . of, the amount of
focal news it contains, and spicy editorials
and advertisenients..
. It is Ithought in this township' that
Capt. McDouald.evould tnalte good reeve
or deputy, as he is a practical mechanic
and farmer, well able to fill either,.
Treanitiemote—Mr. W. Perdue has Put.
in about seventy-five days threshing this '
fall, With an average of 600 busbele a day.
,He has threshed' saver 900 bushels of wheat
in nae day, which is v,ery toted work.
flOme Walgate 'Telshutt
returned feoni the 's itorthwest last week,
his SOU 1111Ytha recovered somesilist from.
.'ButAt 1 -i -feared -Mr. Tebbutt
heti contreeted the fever., aahe is Onivell.-en
, . ,
Lossee-A few ,days puce Mr. S.-
-Phipps,Of the, 9th con., met With . bad.
loss. .A.youegtcow; valued at t$60; got in-
a.drivino house and -gorged itself with ' •
'corn, -which'eaused its death shortly after. ,
. . , ,
, , Mt. John -Sturdy, sr., an old- resident of
the•7th con., is about moving ieto Gode-
rich. He has been it resident -for upwards
of 46 years, entfwilt be greatly inissede
he was it good'•neighbor, practical fat:mete
and good citizen ' . • . •
A correspondent ,says • Mr. Whitely's" -
letter In the NEW ERA„ tivo. weeks ago,
announcing his "iu tention to inn again,'
was no eurprise, but thanking, the electers
for their supper t last year WRS'a-little late,
Mit-such' is huirtan nattne, thanking 'you -
for one favor if ainithei is required. •
iSubleoo- Doe:Tn.—One day;las.t week a • ,
12 year old son of Mr. ' GeO: Green, of the
...BayfieldeLine, leee-taken Soddenly ill; and
although 'medical assistaticetves ealled.in,
it WaS". found tha't nothing ,Cotilcl be done
fOr and he died on -Sunday evening,
-his :remains' being interred, :at Bayfield.
He was a. very prolideing youth and --Mr.
Green has the -heartfelt. sympathy of his •
.thany friends in ,hes bet aye ent.
, .,12-usesec INGENHITY.:—A. *farmer on the
711i con., on.accoun of ,hat ,e thinks are
exkleitanttroteS eliorgecirbY atearn thresh-
ers, hasinvented a machine 10- thrash his .
grain hiniselit 'which 'is reesuposed of it
roller, pot in 'a *frame. arid --drawn by .two •
horOes, Ilimaelt, and liorseetean threSh
.ten bashele in two ,lionys. He: -con 'do so
ndig, 'while -he., is unable to . plow, which is
a great of. time,. besides- 'the straw
morepala,table to the stOck.
Mee on, the stth inst.,.
persnent to'adjcietument ; members all pre.
sent;ininetes of last trieetingreadAnct. passed. ,
:WM.:Mini; indigent WEiS greeted $13- to bity
'a -Suit of winter 'clothing i'Mr...Wen-Medabe:
a,geeed .to keep Wm. 'Pun ni for 51 'per- weeki,
Messrs, Wine'Crooks. „Geo.. }faking's,. Robt..
ACheson, Jas-Connell'and 'Rol:St. Hodge were '
each -refunded- $1, dog taxi dege.killecl fir lost.
The' following. acceunts were paid,. vie., Janes
Intriee stationery', $10.58 ;• Clerk', year's post.
age, $11.25 ; NE* ERA, printing, $1:70 e•Htt.
rim Record; printiegi $1.50 ; Jas. Alexander,
.gravel, -$.7.20 ;Jas. Fair, luinher18.0§44-1. ,
Cole; per.. j.' gravel forelfeRi; .$8 ;,
Andrew Stevetts; errer in'aeseeertient, $1.re- :
funded ; -James Ellicott, nrevele,52.88 '; Wntr
'richt/Owner' gravelt $17. co_ ; 'Jos. Miller, in-
digeneee$18,75 ; Arther-knoe;- Vent for hill, :
$50, -do; two due sittings Judge's enure:re-. '
vieon Vofee's $1.0
SS.; ;Fos.' Milier, indigent, foi'. snit ,of 'clothes,
510; Clerk's 'salary, $100 Reeve, year's Ser..
steeps ae'etichoDeputy.Iteeve, john Cox, ;
counallnr, Jas. Laitheettee' and Jas. 'Peacocks
eapli.522e. Robt. Bray,,in.digerit#$.14';,"'Stuait
PlanunerOgrieel, $$60.; gravel, -
`$16.32, :do., .,repairing...culyeet ,and..opcaing,
gravelpit, $5.7-5; Sainuel'Wattefaegravel,ancl. -
tworls.;,517:04; John Elliott; teatfOeo take for -
greyer, ,SO:60e Star' office, Printing, $3.55 ;
Jas..NODOLifild,'griLvel, $1-7.30 jesi
toad, hauling gravel,' $.10. , Council:adjourned
to •ment ;again en. the 22nd 'inst., at' 9 a.m.,. .
moraiug, of tiommationi ;
• 'Jeete's ,Therrote-
IA, I e.iter mOtiAnnicileal , Matters in- .
, .
'6 oderieth township, wi,.11 appear next wee. k.
,It did rotten:lye in tinee for th14.-issue eet
-En. Etteel .-" - .
. Sawlogs are coming 'we:1,0(1-1y, aacord--,
Rev.. J. Philp ,preached a sermon' in
-metnoey of the late -Mrs. Atontgoniery, of •
this'pl-ace, to every large and:appreciative
'audience, on Saltbath• evening. •
, Mr. McLellan, merchant, bought Wm.
Greenwborl's house and lot 'for :$160;about •
10 w,eek. tote, and haS, eV -old it to. Mr. RobtO
Forbes, ofeltlerris, for $210. Mr. F.otbes .
intends t� live retired,- and he, has gat A
irettt desirabl,e PlacC000. . ee. • , --e
. A missionary meeting was held Sun -
'shine, On- Monday night, .addressett by. e;
Bev's. Messrs..- Cuyler and Philp, of, Bel-, s.
greve. The meeting wag very iritereste
ing boe,' and 'tile' subscriptions were %bent
double the amount secturedset. the meeting' ,
les,t. year, *hien speaks Well both for the
:effective addresses delivered and the •in-
, creased liberality' of the people.. •
The Methodists a.t 'the , brick church,
Easit-Wawanosh, intend holding their an-
nual tea meeting ton WedrieSday, the 27th
O'n the folloWing evening .tea will'
be served to the S: S. scholars, af'ter Which
the choice and' valuable • presents off' -a
lila Christnaas tree will distri-
bitted among them. This Sabbath school
was., never so prosperous is it has, been
durin,, the last six months.
SA.111151'11 OIMERVANCE.—A meeting cif. the,
Society for the promotion of Sabbath obser-
vance was lield in Mr.,Ross's Church, on
Weeneday evening Deer. 6th; at which the -
following resoletion was passed. Resolved
that this 'Assodiation renew our petition to
the Doinipion Legislation to enactouch naafi -
sures as will prevent the running of railway
trains on the Sabbatloand other rood& of
Sabbath desecration—and seek the e�-opera.
tion of the people of the vtliele Dominion by
mending them a form of petition.
Misstoneote —Sermons will
be preaehe connection with the Me-
thodist Churches of this eircuit, on Sun-
dayllext, by Rev. Jos. Philp. .
Hon: 'Lewis 'Wallbrige, of Belleville,
.has been appointed Chief Justice of
Manitoba. ` '
, The odal Legislattire. niet yeatorday,
and was. opened by the tient.-GoVernor, ,
but too late for us to ,.give