The New Era, 1882-11-30, Page 3KEEP Y� • D ea ler in 30oT ACJ t� T• RUNK• S VAL.JS - c. Our stock of Boots sod Shoes for the Fall and Wiutcr Trade is now complete, and for G Oar specials are to 11 quality rind, style cannot' be excelled., • ha die t ory best ow s l the 11ar0.1, And to sell them at the lowest possible prices. 5 per cent discount for -cash. ... W. TAYLOR & SON, Coats Block Clinton, •- [v2'' i A CONSERVATIVE ENVOI T. The, Daily Manitobian 'contains a, letter, numerously signed by Conservatives, ad-- dressed. to Sir John .Macdonald, declaring their inability to support him or vote for candidates of the Norquay Government, ahould he persist in the policy of disallow- ance. They further pay. that if Sir John Macdonald insist on dlsailowange, it will, afford such a handle for those,ptoked Giriti, . that it will be allfaopt '0po004* tq etch` •.Conservative candsddtep to;; the Local te- gislature; The 'Vest Lynne Tidies says. "Th:; letter Nall written in. harmony with the• views and apiritof the people in• general On the .' dioallowance question, and was signed by • nearly all- the -loading Coneervntives in town t'... ' ' ' 1 • Sir John's reply is a recitation "of the ter-tna of the syndicate bontraCt, to which he adds that to permit construction of coin- peting linea "would give the company a fair claims for the abandonment of that portion of their line ; whioh is the most difhcitlt and moat expensive, extending from Thunder Bay;to Lake Nipissing. The. ' Dominion Parliament would never hare consented to vete' the largesum of .. mnney and quantity of lands. they :did, except on the aasenrence that the line should be colo structed'froin'end to end.through Canada." In conclusion -Sir John .preacher 'patience and says that `ultimately" both the M. & S. W.' Colonization Railway and the Em- erson branch of the C. P. R. '`will be,com.: pleted " • "Everything cannot fie done'in one year "and more to the, /anis effect ' Doubtless, it will be very consoling, to the settlers in Manitoba to learn that they • are expected to sacrifice their small for-' ttinesin'order tosecure the''vast fortunes" of the monopolists: The plea in -ingenious and coo • -o -o uan ld nl -have cc rred- to" a roe y like Sir John who had arrived at the .con clutuon that his followers are sufficiently '•ub.erv.ient tosubmit to any loss and in- dignity 'that he may choose to inflict on, them. Putting the letter and the , reply together thelManitobian pertinently, ()User yes: "It-iaeasy-to--make-the- We6t�L' ynue- 1 circular" signera prophets. Theyteve had . their answer from the `boss.' Now let, them verify their own prediction and ren- der it impossible toelect a Conservative from Southern Manitoba." We have just received our 1?ALL AND WINTER :MILLINERY, of Ftench ani American fashions, conal tlntl of Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Birds, Ribbons, Laces, P , 'lushes and Velvets, all at sueb prices that cannot.fail to.attract attention. Having purchased a large and well -selected stock, we feel confident in pleasing all and giving satisfaction. " 'We also call attention to our stock of ROUILLON JOSE, PHINE $ID GLOVES -keeping a full line in all Cohrs. Fill line of DRESS TRIMMINGS,' HOSIERY, CORSETS, &O., always on hand. STRAWS, FELTS AND BEAVERS done over in APPRENTICES WANTED FARM PRODIJQE taken in exchange all the newest styles of Bonnets& fiats, .for the Straw work... for goods. - TWO DOORS NORTH OF 'THOMPSON and SWITZER'S, `Block Clinton. R. BEESLEY,Beaver VT.A."2'S 8z 013.E.ISTS 8z DRIJ Albert Street, 'Clinton. granted genii e anti of The public will find our stock of medicines complete, -wa e b the_best quality• TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SIIOUIJI)ER BR -ACEs, TRUSSES, SPO'\ ES, AND ALL KINDS OE„DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY IN A FI1tST CLASS DRUG. STORE. j .CENTRAL DRUG' STa HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, CUIICUR& REMrDIF,`, KENDALL'S'SPAYIN CURE. And all the recent patents kept in stock or procured to-orttei, A Large stock of WIRE •HAIR, .:BRUSHES, TOILE'(' SETS, SPONCES, PERFUMERY, &C., -very cheap. OBILLULOID -TRUSSES-at-reduced-rates.' "PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION'S and f,xaitli receipts' aceurately-compounded with care: and despatch.' - J'A M.E. I3 : CO iVt 13 E, CHEMIST'. AND DRUGGIST, CLINTWIN , T. • New Maple Sugar. Afew g�1. Tins Ma P1 eSpru p. Fresh eslh Or ans.. es. Lemons and Bananas. S Good fig esh Mangold, Turnip. & Sorghum See J.. Cunin. hClinton•` erne, C linton. Clinton C.abinetCorn In order to meet Our increasing: trade we have bought the Factory- lUtely oset l ied y W. B. Grin l; anal after getting it wilder Way we are prepared to • nlauuf 1c;ture• Everything. , in the 'urnitureiine, From the Cheapest . to the best sets, with the latest styles and No. 1 finish and wdrl:nianship. , Ordered work a specialty and satisfaction gnarantee4 TtNDERTrl $INGI We Pave also added this branch to our business,: 'sift in it at all times will be found. 'everythin r to meet the requires eats of all. A HANDSOME HEARSE strict attention Sy t t to tius'lness and an eye to accolle- rnodatt3'aid please, we hopeto merit tire confidence of X11... GEORGE DIEHL & CO• s The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR is the marvel of the Medical World. It never fails to completely ,cure Nervous Debility. Impo-. tency. Mental Depression- and al 1 diseases cane:' 'NI from excesses. The testimony of thousands can be had by. writing F. J. Cheney, 'Toledo,.: Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Price $1.011 per box, sIx boxes for $5.00. If your drug= gist does not keep the •remedy, send to head- quarters and get the medicine by mall. Circu- lars and testimonials 00 application. Sole agent for Clinton, J. H. Combe. ' • It is understood .that Hon. -Mr. Mac 'kenzie will shortly be tendered a• barignet` by ;the Montreal Reform Cluh - Thei e H no' man in the Dominion more orthy of such am honor. His life is one. which has' been nntringly devoted.to the highest in- terests, ofthe country, and he may•proudly point to' numerous of -the,;u, oat prized 're- form's which have einanated from the Ca- nadian Parliament as the result of his. ef- forts. This tribute is a fitting one, coining at present time from the Reformers of the Lower Province. t UO NOT,_1IE .DEEEIVEb. In these times of quack medicine advertise- ments everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one, remedy that is worthy of praise, and which, really , .does as. ree)mmended;' Electric Bitters. we can vouch- for as being a true and reliable remedy; and one ' that will. de ' as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach' and Liver "Complaints, •Dieeeses• of the hidneys and Urinary difficulties, We know whereof We speak, and;cae.readily say, give them' a trial. Sold at fifty eente a bot- tle, by. Watts k" Co.'and J. H. Combe. Sir John .ia cunningly• paving the way .to' an' event which .will -possibly .transpire be- fore 'very long.. He has his ergara all over 'the. con ni ry•warning the people that if the c iotract•with the Canada Pacific syndicate is broken, the people uf this country will have to pay heavy damages to the;syndi catefiir.the abrogation of';the' monopoly., clause. : The,syndicate den't carea straw:. whether, it fills its pockets by; " damages", from the Domiriior treasitry;,or by extor- tions from settlers in Manitoba and the Northwest.; hitt they nitist. he filled, Sir. John moot do and_Sir John is evidently' " shaping ,hie,en'ds" to do -it in'the'way'.of damages::. -Then h'e.will.say • You fore-' ed me to, break - the. 'contract ; ;yon must bear the. sonsequences. These panda are clean." -Stratford Beacon.' Ruclde's's. Arnica salve rhe beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises' Sores, 'floors, Salt Rheutn, Fever Sere,, Tetter;' Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corus,:and' all Skin Eruptions, and 'positively cures PIIda. It 18, gnariauteeti -to give perfect satisfaction. or moiley refunded: Pricola' dents per box. For. rale by J. If. Combe and Watts & Co. WORTII MENTIONING When atiythuig tl,at is worth g is spoken in that terse. and pointed waysayin;that beanie the impress of honest conviction,' we like to have people know the nature of the comtnunicetion.; . Of such a nature is •the following from Mr. W. F. Heist, Camden P. O., Lincoln Co., OntarioMr. Haist' says: "With great jog over my restored health,' I would! write a few lines concern- ingithat wonderful remedy, St.Jacobs Oil. For the last six' years I have been using yArioua. medicines internally and external- ly, but nothing would help. me. Finally, I procured, a bottle '1,f St. Jacobs Oil, which cured rnei if ter a feu .applications; Mvmother•inlaw, who has also been a great sufferer from, rheumatism; was also relieved by the use of the Great German Remedy. St. Jaoobs Oil is a great bleas- inglto_snffering (humanity, and: I. shall, do everything in my power to make known its tnsrits. 8500 'REWARD I We will pay the above reward forl any case -of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, con- etipatiun or costiveness we cannot cure -with West's Vegetable Liver pill`;, when the directions are strictly compiled with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satistacaton,-btigar coated, large boxes, containing 20 pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists.: 'Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine ruanufactnred only by John C. West dr Co '' the pill makeivi," 81`& 82 King 6t. 'Eagt, Toronto, Oat. 'Free trial (package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a three eent,'statup. • • aloCoa ROBE$. .. 7 Light. Hai x*e�lt�` L 3. t TRUNKS, VALItE3,._&�. WHICH WILL '13E SOLD AT VERY LOW RATES.' HARNESS MAKERS, .. CLINTON. -.431 000 ,'''FORFEIT. elating tire utniost'confidenceivi its superiority over •.all others, and after thousands'ef tests of the most complicated and severest caseti'we 'could .find, we feel justified. in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars fpr any case of coughs, colds, sore throat,' influenza; hoarseness, bronchitis; connuniption in its early stages, w•hoopiiig cough, and all diseases of• the .throat and lungs, except asthnia,foi whieh:we only claim relief,' that we can't cure with West's Cough' Syrup, when taken according to directions. Sample bottles 25 and , So eents,.large bottles.elle dollar., Genus i:p wrapperg• only in blue. sold' by all druggists, or Sett by ex press on receipt of price. John C. West &'Co., 81 & •St3,Ring St. "East, Pronto, Ont. For sale at Combels• Drug Store., M n Joh Gar a i • SALT ' �vIAN urA � V LTRFR ANI) DEALER IN" GROCERIES AND. PROYISIONS, ALBERT STREET; Opposite: the Town Hall. For sale at iowest prices. Cash paid for Farm Products. L�.1IcGARVA. Clinton, April 4, 1882. very Choler Lard, : Hams de'Bacon; Moving Buildings,' &e. ITAKE this means of thanking all those Who have favored. me with their patronage in the past,;and beg to any that at I' am leaving the country for Mani- toba, I have disposed of my business to my brother Jona Srsrtieyeov, and hope that you will favor him wlth.the same liberal patronage that lop have given m8: - JOSEPH STEPFILNSON. WI'r11 regard to the above, .i would say that as 1 ,am a chip frons'the same block, and having been brow ht up to the business of =moving and raising buil dlngs,.1 feel confident that f can give entire satis- faction to all who May farms me with their patronage. And further; 1 woald;say that I ani still making those "•Bose Cisseegs" A8 boon and cheaper than: ever. �., JOHN STF,PHENSON$ Clinton.' FOII C1IEAP G toC_. KITS Crockery, Glassware, Fcc Oatmeal and Cornmeal always on had, ALSO Potty's celebrated English Breakfast: Bacon,;' hang,. ()tear Bacot, Sugar Cured Hama,'` And No. 1 LA1:1). , At prices which' cannot be beaten io town..,: HiS 60 C. TEA'A SPECIALTY; SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins'-ELEtTRIC SOAP THOMAS COOPER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON THIS WEEK AT THE I]BBOS `RNILLING1 GLOVES, CLO ,,,1 OL • S R E S SSSGOODS,• LAIN- �T�NCEY. f' LI,E D I WINCEY, FLANNELS, COTCH TWEEDS, 1' J RCOATs 7 BEAD LETS, BOOTS and SHOES.' A 11! of thoso biantn1 Cashmeres it 21c Ic. ' .CALL; AND SEE IT AT COOPER & McKENLIE"S PLANING MILL 11I5 subscribers,: while. thanking their many en - 111/I5 tomer for tfie patronage extended to them; desire' - to intimate that in connection with'their factory • Near the Grand Trunk Railway, They Ihave erectedaDry kiln, which 'enables them *ire ,promplythan ever to execute.all work in their CON T]Et. _A_ )sir For buildings taken',ma 'material furnished . at the shertest possible n hies, and at reasonable sates. t l We always keep 00 hand first-class SIIINGLES',', and makea specialty of LIME, which will be sold at Ithe lowest prices. Clinton, J'u1y 20, 1880. • COOPER &,McRENZIE. HEALTH • 1S W,EALTH. Pr. E.'C.West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guar- anteed specific for hysteria, dizziness, convulsions,; fits, nervous, neuralgia, headache, nervous prostration caus- ed by the use of alcohol, wakefulness, Mental depfos- semi, softening of the brain, resulting In insanityand leading: to misery; decay anil'death,premature old age., barrenness, .loss. of power. in either seX, involuntary losses4and spermatorrhma, caused byover-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence: Onebox will cure recent eases. Each box contains one • month's treatment.' One dollar a box,,er six boxes for five dol- lars ,'sent by snail' prepaid on :receipt of price. • We c guarant e six b oXe_s t0 cure Au sue.:. With each or- der recelved by odor six boxes, accompanied:with five dollars we will send the purchaser'our Written guaran- tee toref i he 'pure.: d t money if the treatment' does not of- ect •t cure. Guarantees issued only by J. Ii. Combe, sole agentfor Clinton, Ont, Jan' C. West& Co.,; sere proprietors Toronto r - City Calitn'et r\Vaftrooins, FURNITURE: STORE, CLINTON. THOS. STEV.ENSON Having moved into Ids' new brick store Or OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, Begs leave to state to, hie. numerous friends in „Clinton and the, surrounding cotintrV, dist he keeps on hand asuperior quality: of Furniture' of an kinds, smell Sar, BEDROOM '& PARLOR SETS 77 Of the latest' styles, also BEDSTEADS J k,DSTI+ ADS, SIDEBOARDS, "BUREAUS, -'TABLES, Aid everything • that -constitutes tarnishing. a beuse in his litre; which ho will sell at the. lowest ving malt. 1 ask a shard of the public -patronage, being thankful tor past fat'ors and hopeful for -the future: The public are invited to call and See few themselves. TIIOS. STEVENSON. Olintt n;,Jaly'Ni :1t8E: ' J LIST TRAE10311I771013 AT 4 The largest and, best assorted stockCooking, g of BoxParlor Parlor. Cook Hall ! � , and Coal Stoves ever brought into Clinton, At Harland Bros. The latest designs and improvement s in Stoves, 4.t (Harland Bros; Stoves,Stove=PXe E l `o ws Stove- oadsa rock bottom prices. t ' 1 t Harland Bros, A large e assortment of Lam s B r u ne>< s Chimne ° Ys , Shades & Tubular Lanterns: AtHarland B os. Just received, a lar a lo. t of American Crosscut SAWS and 'AXES �v._. At Ilarlcznd Bros. Builders' and Shelf HARDWARE always .on hand t IJlarlaud Bros. A quantity of second hand Coal & Wood Stoves very cheap. ; : t4t:Karl a. nd Bros. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL OI:T�: I - : BRANCH. STORE S GN OF . THE 'PADLOCK,.. , RED BRICKSTORE; BEAVER• BLOCK V j :NEXT :TO .l lI ;FI , �v 'ALBERT STREET, • CLINTON. / 0 15011 A7 V�tT E,D 9itCIIN, ITA 'v2:AaNTD