The New Era, 1882-11-30, Page 1•
MANNING & scarr
Barristers, Solicitors,
Commissioners .f or Ontario and Manitoba.
iLFR. St MRS. BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vocal and
1111 lastrumental music, Rattenbury Street near Or-
gan Factory. N. 13 -Singing Class now forinifig
Violin Lessons given.
Clinton, Feb. 16, 1882.
___ •
MONEY to lend at 6 and GI per cent. private
.111 funds. SEAGER & MORTON, Barristers.
— • -- —
$4o,000 PRIVATE FUNDS, to lend on Farm
Property, at lowest interest. Apply to
C. A. HARTT, Solicitor, Lc.
Clinton, Aug. 24, 1882. Perrino Block.
I..... late of Belleville, will visit Clinton quarterly 71
August, November, February and May, for the pur-
pose of tuning Pianos and Organs and repairLig the
SMI1C. Satisfaction given. Prices low. Communica- i
t ions from the country attended to promptly. 35-y
:lair dresiing, shaving,sharopoeing, &e., attended to
. .. _
ALL debts due the Estate of Mary Marten must be
paid by Jan. 1st, as 140 not intend to travel this
winter. I have the following, articles to sell at prices
mentioned :-New set heavy bob sleighs 620, nearly
new iron beam plow $6, second hand cook stove 8.6,
parlor stove 63, box stove $2.10. 1 ,take all kinds of
,ago, bones and paper in settlement. Painting., paper-
ing, Ste.; Le., by 0. Bent ly . Good blacksmith mon and
ene hens for sale. W. MARTEN.
Clinton, Nov. 10, 1882.
Guelph & Ontario Invoslinont Society
_ .
THE undersigned have been appointed Soli-
citors, and borrowers can have mortgages
drawn to suit themselves. No delays. Low
— ,
Late of Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeon, line.removed to the
Coats Block, over W.Taylor & Son's
A71 work first-class.Charges moderate,
pA.RTIES who have Farm's, Millis or Town property
for sale can have the sante advertised in the pam-
phlet pnblished monthly by the "Canada West Land
Agency Co" free of charge ; a commission charged on
sales. These pimphlets are circulated largely through
Great Britain and Canada. The object of the Com-
pany is to induce cold Country farmers and others to
;bale in Ontario. Parties wishing to purchase, please,
all at my office and examine lists of properties for
sale. Parties wishing to sell please call and give de-
:cri ptions of their proverty, terms, Lc.
M. LOUGH, Agent, Clinton.
. 9
From the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons of
England, beg i to inform the inhabitants of Londes-
bur°, Clinton, Myth, and surrounding Vicinity, that
he has commenced business as above, and hopes, by
strict attention to business, combined With moderate
charges, to merit a share of their patronage.Case's
undertaken will be treated on the mo8t approved and
modern principles, that veterinary science exoels in at
Ike preaent in. England. Itegidenee nt Lon-
denboro, and will attend Tnettsnays, AT IRWIN'S
C'L'IsToN. tiespatelies attended LO at mice.
Londeshoro, Aug. 31, 1982. • ,
_ a • -
• A. O. ILI. W. ..
— • .
. .
r1111E Regular Meeting of ClInten Lodge Ancient
1-0i'db-r-Of 'Iiiiifail-Wirilliiiierc W iTTlie lieTie-Iii-t-lieffi
rooms, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. A full attendance is
requested. .
This Order disbumed among the widows and or-
phans of the deceased members, the sum i if One
Million, Five 01 n ntll red and Thirty
Thousand Dollars during the last year.
Each member is insured for t wo thousand dollar8.
Only eleven assessments of one dollar each, 1,11118 far
in the ten months of the present year. .
Parties desirous of joining the Order CS.2s. learn full
;.artieulars from any of the members, or from
Examining Pysan. Secretary.
Repairing done Promptly.
fi'll iiton, May nth. 1882.
_ .
Crosscut Saws
• .
, „
Icov,100 2
VOL. 17. NO.48
TERMS -- $1.50 Per Annum.
ONT., THURSDAY NOV. 30 1882.
gew ,t1;riertifiettttitt.
Tgisebseriber would respectfully inform the Pub-
lic, that he has two very Superior Boars for ser-
vice this season, one a thoroughbred Chester White
and the other an Improved Beplcshire; both winners of
first prize at Clinton fall show; 1882. Tgase.--4_-00
cash. Lot 26th,lat con., Ismidon Road, StanleY.
Stanley, Nov:29, 1E82. • • ,
3E1 07.72-'0 LIMB
THE undersigned has been appeinted agent for a
largo inaunfaeturing firm, and parties who Con-
template the purchase of a Bicycle, will 11rg1J to their
inte-facto purchase througlihirn. Machines warrant-
ed to be as good as the best English make, while prices
are somewhat lower than they can be laid down here
for. Roar. nonmEs. • ..:
Clinton. NOT ,Era
Two stores in the Carson Block. Rents
low. Apply to • -
Also, the stere owned by Mr, 0.; H.
Wright, lately occupied by Mr. Bayley .
TTME undersigned offers for safe that well -situated
House on the corner of Mary Street, .at present
occupied by herself.It 18 a new two-story frame,
with four rooms 3.04 twe," closets down 'stairs, and five
rooms up stairs, well finished in every respect.", Half -
acre lot, good stable, hard and soft water, good cellar
and stone foundation beneath the, house: Will; be
sold on reasonable terms. . • ',
Clinton, Nov. 30, 188'2, • Int
IAIIE into subscriber's premises, Lot 20, Con..11„
Mullett, three Heifers and Two Steers, all corn-
ing two years 'old. Came in about 1st Novomber.---,
The owner is hereby notified to prove propertypaY
The special services in the C.M. Church
are meeting with very gratifying success.
Rev. -Hr. Rice is away at Toronto this
week, attenditag a meeting of the 'Union
committee there. '
The entertainment in aid of St. Paul's
Church :Sabbath School, on the evening
of Dec, 6th will be well worth attending.
See posters. -
The B. C; church of this place has no
ss than esght local preachers. on its staff
of workers, Mr. James Stevens being: the,
_last-sadel on -to -the -nil m her,
The anniversary services of the B. C.
ehtirch sgill be held on the -31st of Dec.
and 1st ofs. January, further particulars"of
_which will be made known as arranged.
• .
Sacramental services in connection witli
1Villis church, will beheld on Sunday,
Dec. 10th, and there will be preaching on
the Friday evening and Saturda,y morning
The 13. C. service previously held at
Mount Hope (Hullett) every Sunday, has
been discontinued, owing to Alma and
Clinton churches being close enough to
meet the requirements.
Missionary sermons WI peached in
the Clinton Itlethodist church, on Sunday,
Dec. 15, by the Rev. J. Wakefield, of
Goderich. A public meeting will be held
on the following Monday, to be addressed
by Rev. Mr. Clappison, of Brussels, and
_Mr. Wakefield,
On Sunday evening as Rev. s r. ills,
-of Seaforth-,--was--descending, the --steps et
the Methodist' church,' here, :where • he
had beeir officiating, he slipped dewn,,a,nd
struck his head, on the edge ef the step;
his .fur hist •featunately, weakened the
charges, and take them away. foree of his fall or' -'he certainly would
have Sustained serious.injurf •
T,he sanniversary: Serviceg trt ;Willis -
risz 311BILtB S:111
FRIDAY, Dei.‘,entbet
Secure your aeats at once /it DiCkS011'9- no ex Lra
charge for reserving Scats. . •
Aihnission, 50 cents., , '
Ticket Agent, Clinton.
rpii ItouGH Ti (111 urs issued -to any part of
-L England, Scotland; Irpland, France orsGermany,
via ,
Sailing from New York once SI week,
For rates and all niformatiothapply to
PBOARD,,,by am:frilled couple, in alionse
1 Where no other boarders are kapta Good' board-,
with a suite of two eomfOrtable rooms indiapensable.
Address, stating terms, till Nov.. 27th,
BRA office. •
, A,
ITED number of bordera can accommodated
at Mrs. Wittterson,S, ,Rattenbuiy Street,
two doors west of the Methodist Chureh.. All the
comforts of a home at reasonable rates.
Clinton, Oct. 26, 1882.
MITE council of the ,Corporation of 'Om:County of
_L I hiron, will meet in the Court Room,' in the Town
of Ooderieh,. on Tcrei4day, 5th Ilkeeember,-
next. /ill accounts against the Council .ninst be sent.
ir befdre the first session of the second daY ofmeeting
r slat undersigned will keep for serviceat La 2t3,
-L 13th con. of Mullett, a Thoroughbred Berkshire
Boar, Terms, St ezahrwith the privilege7oriffit11ifiiiik"
if necessary.
0 tit I ett, NOV. 23. . `fit
Yorkshire *Vc Suffolk Boars.
T11E subscriber has purchased' . from
Guelph, the first-class Yorkshire, Boar, Champion
of the West, and hat also a Suffolk Boar, wniell he will
keep for service on Lot 41, con. 12, Mullett, Base Lite.-
ffiERMS.-+-$1.00 cash, with privilege of returning if Ile-,
.T. GOV1ER,, Nov. 14, 1E32. .
11311 subseriber keeps for service', on his preililsea
-1- Lot 5,1Kniron Mond, Goderieh iown-
ship. the thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, Serfatcsr VII.
This pig was putimp at tlie Thoroughbred Stock Sale,
but was not sold as reported, TER308:-$1, at 'tithe'
of service, with privilegeetrettarning neceesary..,:
sisoot, Suffolk Bottr. •
Goderieh Township, Nov, 6. 1882
csomeoarsstra: 1100315 AND BOARD; at the
11..../. -house of
Now occupied by MR. JOHN- ROBERTSON;
Clinton, Ns'. 23, 1882: '
Huron & ,I,Iirldlesex Insurance Company
kissers] business thine. inseratics eaccteit (O, 1511
,'•, ,,
• . ClaSSCS of property, , : -
We feel sure that the citizens 'generally -
view, With satisfaction the work performed
by the Mayor and council during thepast
Its general tendency has been in
t ireetion of permanent improvement
an f.:00oripply. Fault may be found with
rATtioNitek scnitcrrfin. ,'-'
church Sabbath School will be held en
Sunday and Monday, 17th and 18th of
December: On Sunday sermons will be
preached by Rev. A. D. McDonald, _of'
S,eaforth, and on Monday a peblic meet-
ing will be held when :addresses will be
delivered by Mr. McDonald, and, others,,
and music furnished by the choir and
At the annual Meeting for the election
Of offices of the Methodist Sabbath School,
on Monday evening, Mr. James Thomp-
son -was unanimously chosen Superintend-
ent for the fifth time; with Mr. Hodgens
as assistant; Mr. John Stephenson, who
has been the efficient Secretary of the
school for ten years, wassreleased froth"
that position at his own ,request, a,nd:
W. Beesley, who .has been his assistant,I
was appointed in his place, with My. J.
Mulloy as assistant: Mr. Isaac Dodd
was,appointed Librarian, Mr.C.F. Pashly
Assistant. A. fI. Manning, Tet.
The teachers were -re -appointed with very
little changes. •
. ,
`The time is fast approaching far.the se-
lection of repsesentatives to serve at our
municipal boards during the ensuing,year.
So tar there has been scarcely a ripple
upon thesurface that would "indicate the
Intetitions of it-idivi ua,s, or of the piiblTc.
It,looks as if the latter were so content
with" the work accomplished by this year's
Council that they have no "desire for it
change, and, would be well satisfied., to
have our town affairs managed by the
same hands that 'have conducted thews so
-well during the past year or two. But
while the public may be satisfied in a
general sort of way with the existingstate
of affairs, it may happep that some .of-
thoses,vho have been devoting their time
and energies tdthe sei vice of, the inuei-
eipality will feel that they have done their
share of:public "duty, and that: it is their
turn to enjoy a season of repose. We cans
net expe,ct that men who have their regu-
lar business to attend to will dentinue to
sacrifice their time, year after yearfor
the benefit of ,others equally' able «fo fill
the positions and quite as liable to bear,
their share of the respOnsibilities of °office.
It is only nataral; therefores that'sothe of
(he older beads may conteniplate retire-
ment, and it would be as well , for. those
who take an interest in municipal affairs
to leols to the younger, Members of the
,community to come forward and assialie-
their share of the burden of government,
Mayor Forrester,, it is said, wishes to, re-
stires_whilesthere ,aressa- gooel-many who -
insist on Isis continsiing in offide. Should
he insiSt 'on retiring thereare some Who
thinkAhat Mr. Corbett should be offered
the positions di 'that Mr. Searle should
agitin ' be brought into harness, but :Ms.
12abett states, that he will not accept the
pessition under -any conditiort,'buthIe will
again be a candidate for Reeve.: 'There,
are a "somber of men' in town ,viilio are
qualined. te :discharge the duties of this
office, butthey will not accept it.
. ,
For the positions of Reeve and deputy,
it is reported that it tontest willtake place,
but who will be the 'opponents' ,of. „these
officers, assuming that they will run again,
it is impossible to say. One or two names
are mentioned,but they are regardedmore
as improbables than certainties. As there
is alWays more or lesichange in the Coun-
cil Board,m
it is safe to surise that there
will bethis year. , - '
It would be advisable to take the sub-
ject of municipal representation_forstlies
coming year under consideration in time.;
ascertain the intentions of the pserientsoc-
-cupants of office, and be prepared with
capable candidates , to :fill the p pasi6s of
those who may, from one Cause os other,
feel ist necessary 'to withdrasys., t n the
council hoard. ' ' • " . .- k...: ": .. ' •
W. KITT, AGENT, ctINTON. soifiesortheminor'details but taken as a
wlAite We% co un cil have doh e fairly well.
JuntLEE SING-Eng.—It will be seen by RE-ts.stetAGED.--The many friends here
advertisement that the Fisk--JobileeSiegH of Mr. A. M. Taylor, Prinetpal of -Inger-
ers have been engaged to give an enter -1 soll Model School, will be pleased to learn
tainmendshere on the 28th of Dec. Thisi that he lias beets re engaged at an increrts-
is the same Company that'sangat Sea -9 ed salary, ,
or a short time since. 'est 61 pfirti-11 Wis x..1.7Eastso our icongratulations to
culars svill betnade known in asubsequentr' Mr. Horace Foster, who has wisely left
, se state celibacy by taking: to himself
ENGAGED.—Mr, Thos. Nicholson, ()Ili,: up'alitifeouPsubrteninere' rel‘tfialayntil.lecai.iriZe.atest'
of the 2.1odelites in attendance on t
school here, 'has been engaged for the: wE see by it Rdehesteriaaper that Mr.
school on the 6th con. of l'urnbery, at a • Isaac weig e o city was ately
hs 11 f tirat • I
salary of $300. ife Is a young man well badly. bitten by a dog. Many of our read -
qualified for Isis position, and we feel sure__ers_will_rernenthershinas__, farmer rem_
still giie-sati'sfiletion-te-ails---Of'ths-0723 dent nt. cii t f
11 0 1, one whosee epai toe front
itIodelites in attendance here, about 20 tow, was more hasty than polite.
have already secured eugageuleuts. 1 .
' TUE chancery "ease of Marsh v Hag-
gart was op in chambers this week, at To-
ronto. The plaintiffs solicitors, Mannin,g
& Scott, made application to have the ac-
counts taken before the Master at Godes
sicb. To this Mr. 3IcDougall, who acts
for defendants, objected. But after hear-
t g sides the master decided in favor
of Goderich. It Is likely the eccount will
be taken in the course of a ssiee,li or ten
WE ARE sorry to learn that Mr. John
Hddgens, who had been making good
Progress, being able to be up and take
reasonable:nourishment, is -again confined
to his bed and very iveak,having somehow
contracted a cold which has settled on his
lungs, and spread through his system. As
he has Ito relish for nourishment he con-
tinues in it very weak state, and although
his condition is one of grav_e_anxiety,sluss
friends are yet hopeful of his coming
through all3 right.
between Seafertli High School and Clinton
High School was played off at Seaforth
on Saturday last, resulting in. a draw; as
the ground was in a verysbad candition
it rendered the playing diffieOlt,„ ibr both.
teams. But although: flie-Clinton team
was by far the lightest, itoltad a decided
advantage over its opponents fer the first
,half time, but in the second it was evenly
cOntested, the ball'being in the centre of
the field at the close.
.„. " ; - otherwise hurting herself, so that it laid
.filECEIANICS' 1 NSTIT UT U. --- As a result he fo76 evb,it we are glad to here that she is
getting better. '•
4,114soNiC.---sAt the hist regular coinmu-
ierition. of Ulintoalodge No. 84, G. I.
A. F. & the following, OfIreers were
elected for eirsuiog yeaS 13ro:' john
Macstrh.irter, W. M.; , Jas. :Young,
S. W. ; Bro. WM.:FOster;:j.' W. Bro.' 1'.
10 11 Li LETT.
brOOD \VOUS:. —On NI edneseray 'oat IVIr.
W. Little thrashed 33 busted, of wheatia '
i i3raitliwaite, 1 Ith eon. The %okk VMS
15 minutes, on the fares of Mr. Jameg .
done. sri th horse powers Can auy Ond beat it.?
Postai:islets U1!L.
,Mr, E. McLean is able to be rironnd
again after a prolonged and st:vere illness.
Mr. .John W.:McDonald is home again
frees London where he has beeu pursuing
his studies at the Commercial CollegPe.
contemplates removing
Mr. D. Roberts, our tj::1;LIvoultsileaschkosrnol,itittor ..,.,
enter into business there, As Dave 'is: '
jolly good fellovv he will be greatly miss&
in our village, especially by the fair 1363
May success go tvith hint ; he will hai
friends wherever he goes- .
chuOnrch7Lnodal::,:ov. 1241tiilit,:4-31: .1'.' -E'4i
by Rev. Mr. ;4eitIr'lls-
terson's pulpit, at Bet, /soy
last 4 v.ersesStS
livered a pr ic lk,,c
comfortingflet. stir
-Pt. iRs liEegc1 -°a:IfflisIL-1:el '-'yn
, osss '1
the "past- threcil:Sse4
our, - enter.
sulf,t7t-slio has
u,Ps. shfess hero foe
-'fehioveel . to
sl3racefield. Hos and"'Tottgling.,
, .
trianner has succeeSeled in ,buflais.e. up a
good trade, and sYb-have not the Slightest
hositation in saying that shoold the peo-
ple of 13rueefield patronize him, they will .
find him ...just and neright, in all his
Cooper, Treas.; Bro. T: L. Fortnne, Secy: •
The 'above officers were n11 re-elected.
STREET PIC1Cpws:--Oh,Friday 111011liag
all the ,street lamps showed the effect of
the nights wind, as, they hung at an angle
of forty-five degrees. The roads are pret-
ty good just new. , The hand -sleigh nui-
sance,has now fairly begun on the streets.
McCormicks peddling:rig s came to grief
near the Coniinercild, the other day,whsle
turning, too short, and confectionery took
a tumble. The time when caws are allow-
ed to run' at large expires °Otis° first of
December, owners: Of - animals should
"aTter the snow and ice'cles on the roofs
oe the front street ; they are dangerous.
Foneszetts' Couits..---The. Foresters of
this place are getting along well, they now
number about twenty members.
Recovoinsges --We are pleased to hear
that Mrs. Elford who has been laid up ill
for about two weeks, is now able to be
around again.
1-11LikT Hisoserr.--Mrs, A. Knox slipped
and fell last week, spraining her foot and
of the evening classes taught by Mr. Scotts
at . the institute rooms and by Messrs.
Robb, Manning, and Taylor at the schoolS;
the Institute has become" eutitled to-
special prize wi ich. will be it complete'set
Of Chamber's Eneyel'opedias 'and :$20 :in'
oath. , new . selection of: hook -s has re-
cently been niade and. added to the .Li-
sbritry, among "these being 'quito. as nuinber
for the young people. We are glad t6 find
so many of that class attending the, retie).
...1t:N A trIA NS. ABR0AD.-,Messrs, Williain
and Matthew Watt, twe :talented' Young
'Canadians, well known:. arid'
teernedthronghont Hosea connty,:a"fety,
years ago. established.... theinielyes:-:',1sii.
Crookston, Minneseth, the -former in law
and the -latter. in. • ntediaine,, and -,at the.
late 'U. 8. elebtii.)u contested' Polk,eounty
for County attorney and pounty coroner re-
spectively, William leaving:his oppeoerets
758 votes in the rear,"an4.111atthesycarry-
ing :the election by ansajority of 27: Votes.
—Exchange-s-siTheSe young' Merl are 'sons
of Mrs. WatL of. :this tesstiri,, Mrs::' 'John
Bel .behig Ho el t. ster , Ssitattli eirsf4en
'here wilt be pleased to learn, that they are
So sticcessfisliy:Cliadripg
western horrie. : .
-A- NEAT: 'Monist•s—A_ visitor in the
, foundry any.: time lately. would havefennel
Mr. W. Muir engaged in getting up a.fine
piece'ofWorkmanship,-,,being ,a of
.aaimprovect,horseTower ;khoWn
ward'eCompensatit4r Gear horse -)ower."
Elward, (Who -is hear on a: -visit) is,
the inVentor of the principle tied -desiring
to get it patented in Canada, got MeTtluts
-40 make the od 01 feorn drawings, , and
any one who saw it .could not but saythat
he had succeeded All theparts
being. sniall were difficUlt to: make and
had to be constructed with thatheniatical-
preeision,' which -was accomplished. to
the satisfaction of the inventor,. showing
that Mr Muir 'is as much at home in the
:manufacture ot small articles ,ofthis
, as he is, in making larger ones.
in the Heroics- of,ConirriOns 611 Thursday
:evening; the Opposition members. were
.yery inquiktiyo,-but-coTITT-Wheedle mighty,
little information from a gevernment To-
toriorti kr havingeverything tinder- ite
serious eoeSider4,0104.'„'. '.When the " orders,
s-ofsthe days Were palled,- the 'minister of
justice, Mr.. Scott; 'rose to a. question of
privilege, read' a . letter. from Malcolm
Hooke,. coMPlaining. of a statement 'made
bY the member for Mentreal,. r and thelion.'
,gentleniatito Tetract' the statement:: This
he declined:to do; and it Was -moved that
!a: vote of,censure betiassed. • This motion
'gave rise to an 'animated discusgiOn parti-
cipated in by, Megsys. Scott; Beesly,, Arm-
strong; Fosteivis,Tiwton and Manning, No
vote was takearalrMarining holding'the
fiber till the adjournment .of h» -House.
To -night the nietion to greet a Mobionent
to CromWelt will come up for discussion,
Tlit CLINTON FOHNDRi.-0Wino:.1.0.
the death of Mr. W. Glasgow, (which oc-
curred some tinie.since) it became necessary r
todisPos,e of the foundry' businesS here -in
order to•wind upthe affairs of the estate.
gessrSa, W. W :1Farran,-D. MaCiAesson
and • C. E., HoVey-aecOrdingly,,
bought the business.and preniises, and'
-intend to continue the businesswhich
has beets, so silecessTully established here.
As the near firm haveoafirple capital at
their coMmand, they intend to push :the
businezS tb its fullest extent% and in ad-
dition 'to' the manufacture of 'thiefibers,
Which has hitherto been a specialty, -they
contemplatemanufattnring steam engines,
.at an early date,:which. Will require theta'
to largely increase their Works and staff.
We have iso doubt bitt:that the new firin
;will do well -as it, is composed Of, men of
enterprise stud ability. Mr. Earran will
still retain his PoSitiou as Division Court
Clerk; the new partnership makihg , no
diftbrence iii this respect.
, Tian:Bs:a:as-Thai. Bear has been , sects'
by some and heard by .a gi;od, inistrys.eince
last:report-I- is-saidthatthe heststiOng:
to chase as bear with is a firesbrailelset,the
latest is of .,a Baer: being.i eliOeti: by two
1 iv e , Coles. W e , are' Pot surd On what con --
cession. it is, but it was'nt -on„,the
, a meeting held in.'
:the basement of the 13; C., cllisrcll, by the
:truSteee and,oflicOrs-of saidschuschs Sit,Te-
ferebeete continuing the ,special '1gervicets
ouster the saine arramierneneas,theY.start-
ed ender, it was -decided. not to hold, tlieth
this :Weald „be.: mere 11," 'fa'
said the Itietheiliaie"Were f
'tinning nn4hr original,'itraniz,entent;
rind the. eltiroatcoresultswiltslikely he that
each obis telt Will separately - efftily 1th e
serv ices ,59.-asisoiciopalsi started., -
but our sports have no dogs to sisn''..thern
dowo...„ .
The .Mareock bridge has heels: coinplet-
. ,
ed, 'Mr. R. Ticishinan being the first to.
pass .over
. •
13Tr. C. -Hamilton is giving up the .bit)-.
jog of 'Wheat hero. , is an :opening
for,sonieone.. •
1People talk oforresenti and gifts,Thill,1
,the best kind of st present. was, that 111rS;
,Jaan'es'McQalluin.gave her shugbaed:: last
.1Week. It Was a'botincin,g,boYs:
& 'Taylor, in order to keep
the boy g off their 'counter, 'hove arranged
number. of needles, so that those whosit
Suffer the, eenseqoences.
:Mr.:Da:VW Robertion; .of , Varna, and
daughter, called, here ,on their way to
Wing:Imre, • ,Mr. R:'etfirie feign ,lItissito 27
years age, and looks as active as the.
he first set foot in• Stanley is one el,
the prosperOpS:farinerS',of thatt0w11811.iik.
3fC0P8.0' ,had .hiS'' straw stack,
blown •down, onTlinrsdaY night,but never
thertight-of‘anYS,of Isis 'cattle. being braied
betteath. it, . :On SaituditY ite,gatbeted :up'
the stsaws aod. Wit§ stirPrised to fled enie
Of lifet"OlVes'tliatsliad got,CoVered u ps: 13es
yoricl'heing .tbirsty, it Ssigtailiedno injery.
istaorst:. 1
.1 The sleighiug is..very good, and any
ani,otint of teams With grains
'wood, &et.. „
,, Mr. Jones, linteher,;has Moved his busi-
'ness•Stand , to Mr. Thorne's. Instead Of
nieat is being ,sold on the premiSes:
Mr. W. 'Bilks (seri• Of 'ReV.1 Mr.,. Birks)
hasta'en asituation ip., the drug stoke -of
Schofield & Co„ Torriito and. left there.-
fire.brolre'out on. Monday afternoon
:t,.110,-:flieteiry of .,MesSrs', .Latvrence &
C4racy, -11 Started :at :the futile:Cpof the
kiln' where the hiothersis dried, Fortu7
oisitelY„ it: WAS', got ,Aintler .syny'lbeferesit
spread. Some of themach,iney was taken
out of the adjoining workshop. !. A little -
while before, Charlie . Jones' spilt , some
vanish ipthe-finishing shOp down town,
near' the shop, and it commenCed to blaze.
Ile -rah for :Water,: but -it', youth named
,capvbeli, got Some: esinvaSs and spread.
OVet.4 the' flames and put it-nt. Then -in
thei evening 'the' Council' Sat,,, and the ,fire
proteetion met with oPpOsition.still." The
:Selfishness of men is .a.nriaiingi's especially
,thoSe whose houses are se 1situated 'that
11hoy need.root.'oe,afraid.' sSernesare using'
thmr iefliteace euisideof the-eoinacil; and
have taken legal advice Open it. „1 Anether
party,: hisVe' also started- oaside'of the
cosialeil, bat in ,favor of 'tile 'bY-I4wi and
they,xnet to -night: Thy are goirgto take -
legal advice upon it, , and iePert text
-'1%,feenday tet the:cents-tett. .""
' BEressat.."--salis Leibb, of 'the Maitland
conceision who has' heels sfifferhos front
asthma and ailing affection, is now some-
what ,better.
.-Prastson'TNC BEE. -On last Thursday there
was a p/oughing bee en the farm
Jag. Peacock. About' fifteen:teams ,put
an appearance and the: hearty manper in; .
Which they worked was a practical tribute :
to the. Popularity of Mr.:Peacock. '
. ,
Visgroiss.— Hiss Watson, and Miss'
Churchill, of York., are -ori a visit to' 11,1r.. ,
FL -Carters -of -Garfield; to tvhoin the are •
related: few evening's' since about
thirty of: the 'friends' of.,this gentlest:last
front Clinton, paid luarhvisitand enjoyed
themselves until' a late hour.
' COLTS KELLED.—One . day last week
.three.colts -belonging to Mr. Thos. ,Lavan
broke into the barn a,tal got- at a bin of .
wheat, when they ,ate $0,111011 that all of
then i were killed.' it as a- serious loss
to him, as theywere fine Dries, and Were
nearly ready' for use. '
This place is getting almost, as notorious
as Biddrilph, noton murder, in slander.
Some women, not it thousncl lodes front
s Porters Hill, .deliglit in slander' sg their
' neighbors' characters, ler it bo stopped. A
Word to the w iseos sufficiees.
. . . , .
. Movitio.,--s--Mr. John McCartney', of the
Maitland COnCe8,81 WI, expects'. to reneov,e
the, remainder of his family ' to his farm iso,
the 7th concessioe, in -the course of a few,
...("1.1.6anrisiso;,ya- ,11:.{e, hag lived' en .,:th., e-‘,11,Iiiitland. fer,
friends in that time who will" regret,- his.
About ,20 years, haying-anade hosts. est' ,
: Isiroovisro. --- The: safest inforiroutions
from Mr. Eelivard Tebbutt,, ("son of W.Teb-
"Isutt,o,f the Maitrand), who was geriernily:
ill itt. the northwest, is ter ,the effect. that .
he is improving, svitli:prosiseets of ulti-
mate :reesoverss, -arthorigh nert lyet out Of- ,
'slanger.. He was, able to recognize .and' -
c,onv'erseeith his father on his arrival
'there; although up' to that time he had
been.tincoeSeiouSs • ' '
.. I.A.- FINE Pi..ACE.-3.11r. John Gardner, Of
the ,..Cet Isieeslitis one ofthe.finest, places ,
I6 he. foniid' in 'Ciederich township. .',Ifii, -
barns are -built net only substantially,,bot :::
withsevery:iniproyertieut,•ssillitei:hierhous,e .
is :neat andattraptist. ge hiio. pleet,ed
lipibef of arisen when
trees, Which, -
ethisiderable..W:fr-e----fertifig-itrPl_ 11'1)4'M-ta
'. grawntea reasonablesize-, will add Ms:- '
t7erially to the appearance of the place.
. .VVI,NCUIA.Itt. , ,
AN INTEitESTINO' Casg.---:A peculiar cons-
viction was made at liVingharis :some time--
, ago, which is.liew coming. before the Su-'
perior Courts . Ae auctioneer'
'of the town of' MiliOireendecteil a ,.Chan -
'eery Sale at .Winishilin,. outs ::of. Isla 'own
county, and was for se doing . fined by two
,Tustices.of, the Peace at liViiigham. It ,is
alleged thats.the Magistrates-. were both. -,
auCtioneers. themselves, -esiidsthat- the; re;•
striction . upon arictioneers deed, not apply
to -sales of hied, but only' te sales of goods.
, ,
Otrottoit Notross-s-The :G. ongregation' al-
isti held ,their first:services in their. new •
-eliiireli lasiStinthiy. Nisi kteugh tea leader; '
and organist' o f the Englis-Iischureh ehoir,is
is orgriniliegatid training a, Iftlnilser,child- -
ren to sing in her choir. Special services
are beingsheld in the C: MS ,church every• ...
Weiltreiday and Thursday evenieg,s with .
goQii 811lCOSS. The .members of the Bap-
tist church here helci a business ineetin,g.
on 'Thursday' afternoon, ' ' '
1,rinsolsi4.i..4.--7•111egsrS. 'John Gregory, ,
George 1V,ICKenzieiand,Richard, .Anclerion
I,Tlitatislatesrettnuritieseli,fryoin4iit- iti.liige fI;q:itie-in'tdlissveit.' 't:oraw1.11:: .
so is 'Miss skrinstrong.. -of Drayton. A.
Small,:', for :soma time har-tender .' in the
Brunswick- baS gone t� Pascoe's, Tarok -
now.: Thos, Humphries is also ',I, 'yittg
11TeClymotit's- to work in Itick,a-
W. C. Mesier left or' Wirinipeg•la. tek., : ,
Mr. E. J. Bla : "-t. ' pbtated his,tin:wed'cling '
on Thurstla „, pg ; quite a'nuMber 'a
friendigather„-e at -the, honse,and arlsifty
enjoyable „evening was, spent; maY.14:Inot
Only live"les,emhis silver but also his .
golden wedding:Thog, ' Hicks has re-
terned home, looking.nsit miteli the, Worse
. .
of his reeentilliiess. ' . .
1RIEFO.—C100d Sleighing, but no skat-
leg. Clean your. sidewalks or the Chief
Will be after ycm. Christmas goods are
showing sip itt abundance. Dr. Wild lias
been arranged with to lecture in nearly
ail the neighboring towns ; Why can't we
git him to come to Wingham ? The pre-
sent directors seem to be infusing, new life
into the Mechanics' Institute ; with their
new addition they have new over 1,200
voluines;-and-it is proposed. spending, $125
in papers, &c., for tbo reading' room; 10
course of lectures wi Ilbe delivered through
the winter; how w ould it be for them to
Lake the hint given above? BusinelS
rushing just now; a great ainount of grain
corning Id. The directors of the rink are
late in getting thinge ready this winter.
Municipal election matters are very quiet.
There willthe an entire change on the
staff in mit Ossitral school this y car.