HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-11-02, Page 10C.? Er CLINTON NEWERA. - :THURSDAY, NOV, 2, 1882. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS The attention of subscribers in arrears is directed to the dateon the address - label on their papers,which shows the time ; paid to, and they are ie- queeted to remit the amount without delay. The importance of prompt remittance Ariel be recognized from the fact that thd" total amount due is very large. We • want each .subscriberrto take the hint home and remit at once. There are a few who through "carelessness or something else; have shown no dis- position to pay. We advise, thein to settle at once. t�aiwiis at>>rc'. MRS. C. REEFER, of ;Thorold; has been visiting hersonhere. MR. W. SHAW returned from a success- ful trip. to Winnipeg, on Monday. MESSRS.WHEATLY &KNox have wise- ly re -united " their forces and are again onlyrunning one bus. 1+ ARHS SOLD. -Mrs. M. Graham, of this place, has sold her farm adjoining the village of Londesboro, consisting of 91. acres, to Asir: John Shipley, for the sum of $5,400, which is a very good figure in- deed. MR. JAMES STAYELY, of this town, has sold his property on the 9th .,con. of Hul- lett, consisting of lots 12 and 13, 200 acres, to Mr. Matthew Hazzlewood, of the lath con., for thesum of $7,000. MR. Wm. JENxaNs,of the Huron Road,. this week bought the farm of Mr. Alex. Watt, sr., lot" 9, 13th con. of.Hullett, con- sisting of 150 acres of splendid land, with frame house, two good, barns, and house for laboringman, at $8,000. It is con- sidered one of the -best farms in Hullett. DANGEROUSLY ILL. --Word has been received here that Mr. Robt. Henry, sr., (formerly of Clinton) lies at'I,'ortage la Prairie in a precarious condition, caused by bleeding of the lungs. We understand that an effort is to be made to :. send him home if his condition will permit of it. TEAoHERs.=The'"demand for teachers seems to be getting better than it was e, short time since, the severity of the ex - m' h evi ent ue a inati ons eying id l'k t d y pl a good many. We understand that. Mr. Miller, Inspector for West Huron, has Ladies=ink, Seal ; Astrachan & Persian Lamb secured situations for the twenty-three , Modelites at Godericli, and -'has vacancies for sixteen "more.. Ladies Astrachan "Mantles. " - Ladies Fur Caps. THE North Assoeia Mr. R. L. GALE' will resume his place tion held their meeting in ,Seaforth last here with Messrs. Johnston, Tindall & week, The NEW ERA, as is usually the Gale in a few: days, and Mr. Jhnston will casein reference to all public meetings,. go back to Strathroy. obtained a concise report of the proceed- MR. BARIRER; latean employee of the Doherty" Organ Factory, removes to .Waterford,wherephe goes into partnership with his father; in the furniture "business. On Saturday next we make our first Special Display of Ladies, Gentlemen's, Boy's,' Girl's and' Children's Fur- G-oods. ' We present one of the largest and finest stocks in this section of the country, and to .: all contemplating purchases we ask an inspection: Noe. SOLD.—The house of Mrs: Callen- der, offered forsale by auction, on Satur- day, was not sold, the highest bid • being $1,150, which was considerably below the upset price. M. W. A. CHARLE RSWORTH, .who has been living in Winnipeg for some time, has rented a house and taken up his resi- dence here, where he purposes remaining . for the winter, WM. 14IoRCAN,. of Goderich town- ship, left own-ship,-left withus last. week several "mon ster_beets, that would be hard" to beat in size, except by some two -legged beat. He also favored us with eehaekef of nice eat- ing apples. LICENSED VICTuALLERs,=Mr." Hodge, of , Toronto, president of the Licensed Victuallers of Ontario, was in town' on Monday, and attended a meeting of ;the liquor dealers of the counteewhen matters of interest were discussed. , - - MenteetONIAL: On Wednesday next. Mr. H. M. Cowan, the portly and jovial editor and proprietor of the Exeter Re- flector, will e-flector,•will be married to Miss Struthers, - of Goderieb.. We often wonndered what" business took Harry to the county seat so often, but we see now. . D. PRounrooT, of Montreal, treated several cases of eye ailments: here last, week, among which "was that of'Virs..Jos. Allanson, who has suffered from a cater - et -for -some me ater-et for -soiree -time 31r.-H,_Morgan,_who_ also underwent an operation, is now able, to distinguish objects quite clearly. Muse BE STOPPED. -Merchants should.. see °that refuse .papers, 'ez.c., from •.their 'stores are not along the street, or thrown carelessly into back yards from where they are blown into the". street by the first high wind. Besides littering the. street up in an unseeIy way, these flying _papers are dangerous in their effects upon horses, and many serious accidents have been known to: result therefrom: Thereis. a clause in one of the town' by-laws against this practise, and it should" be faithfully carried out.. BrcYCLJNG.-On Thursday last Robt., Holmes of the NEW FORA, made the run from Clinton to Exeter,' a distance of 19 miles, on a 52 inch bicycle, in exactly, two hours: He went from Clinton to ;Bruce - field without dismounting,: in 40 ininutes, Brucefield to Kippen in 20 minutes, and Kippen to Exeter in one hour. A great many teams weremet on the road, which made it necessary to slack up pretty often. The trip hack -took somewhat longer: On Saturday, Mr. Coleman, of Seafortb, erode. up here in 45 minutes, "riding `up every, hill except Stapleton. THE HIGH •Souo21L.-The trustees of the' High School, have engaged Mr. Perry, of Strathroy, as assistant master, fot the coming year. This gentleman' appeared' peirsonall-y before the board, and the trus- tees were very favorably impressed with him, as evidenced by the fact that his en- gagement was"unanimous He!not only comes well recommended, but has had considerable-experience,'and,it is thought, will proveas acquisition to the school. Clinton High School is the only one in ,-. the county that :is availing itself of the new regulation; and We have no reason to believe that the excellent reputation it has hitherto enjoyed as an educational in- stitution, will not be frilly sustained in the Suture. - Veen. -At about 11. o'clock Thursday night, the .,Record printing office was Ings, but the . Sun, published. where the meeting was held, had not. sufficient 'en- terprise to get a.report, and so steals oars, :without a word of credit. The Sun should stop lecturing other papers for this practice, and correct its own faults.", And, by the way, the Sun is not .the oly paper that ' appropriates from the' NEW ERA without; credit. -'• BRIEFS.-Mes'rs. Watson and Fitzsi- mons ,last week sold 50 head of fine cattle to Mr. " W. Craig. A neat: lamp -now:, adorns the front of Kelley's hotel. Per- sons who want to cross the railway track on-the,London" road' are often delayed a very long time by cars blocking the high - Way ; ighivay; the railway .authorities should see that the delays are no'longer than 'neces- sary. A- burning chimney on the house of Mr. W. 'H. Ransford; on Thursday, caused an alarm of fire to be given. Mr Robe is the first to introduceeausages this season; he appears to have the inside track of every one in this respect. The -improve- ment of the sidewalk in front of Robb's store was made none too soon. ,Complaints are made to' us of irregularities in 'Bel. grave post office ; we hope if- such exist that they will be remedied. , The ther- mometer registered "a difference of 45° on'. Friday, recording 75 in the .shade `during the day,_ and. drop -ping .to 30 0 . inthe evening. Mr. J. S, Walker is making ,an --addition-to-his-house-on-Huron, Street.. The winds ,lifted the dust'•. in clouds on Saturday. It` is said that a couple of Clintonians,'""who have been dealing large- ly in horses during the past season, have cleared nearly seven =thousand" dollars by their transactions.:' Messrs. Thompson & Switzer are shipping a car load of apples -ever-y-day,-andsexpect to keep it up for some time; they soip`Iboth .'from Clinton and Goderich. The complaint with• ship -pers is "no cars, no, cars,' and they' feel considerably annoyed atthe scarcity. The, sidewalk down"James Street; to the -new stationhas been changed throughout from "'a -two to a four;plank sidewalk.: On; Friday evening, while Mr. 'Thos. .McKee aie-was riding on the baggage waggon; standing up he was :thrown ;off and sus- tained several cuts about the head. ,'Mr. . Joyner is making improvements to his house.; Mr. Buggy states that his son did' not,die of typhoid "fever, as stated, last week. Farmers complain that they, never' knew the land 'to be so dry, and plowin such hard work. It is said that typboi fever, is so bad at Lucknow that oneof the, hotelshas closed' up entirely. lehe` H; Joyner has a carrot 14 inches -in circum ference, and a numberof others nearly 'as large. Next. Quite a number .of`Clin toaians attended the concert of the ,Fisk Jubilee Singers, at Seafeeth, on Tuesday. Business was better in town on Saturday than it has :been' for a very `long • time; thousands of•h'ushels of grain were Amar kettedy many of the deliveries running over .90 bushels to the load, and a. number being from a considerable " distance. About 20 cars of freight a` week are run on the Grand Trunk -here from the Great Western, fpr points east ; formerly this. took a round -about course to reach its, destination but now goes more direct. The volunteers marched out -on Saturday', night. The' Couneil will hold- its •regular. meeting next Monday evening." The Music -loving : public should remember the Military Concert which takes.place in the town hall next Thursday; :evening: Mr. Smithson is layingthe foundation for a new house ; :others should do -likewise. Prof.. ` Newman, : of;, Goderich • gave' the members, ofthe PhilharmonicSoeiety,their first lesson in voice culture,, on "Thursday evening • On 'Monday Mr. John Shipley sold his grey team to an American, for the sum of $425—a very good figure-,—. The party who took an untrimmed buffalo i;overed to be on .fire and the sounding of robe from the stable'of Mr,S`., Pike,on the the fire alarm quickly brought out a crowd eveniil of the 19th of,' Sept , will save' ex who soon had the ermine on the:square, liosure pend ,seem tlon'by returning it at q once. W,e'.uurliO a?id tlta;t,.R. Ransford, Esq., of Stapleton, iutends to, take up .his residence in'own There Was_vere little damage 'done i3y `-the ' boys en 'Tuesday night; owing doubtless to the presence on the etrccts of several special constables, who Were On the lookout for mischievous youths,and,did lock up several'tbr a'sheet but for some reason it could notbe got.to- 'r `oils. Entrance being gained to the pre- mise; by the front 'windows ,the 'applica- tion 01 a few Bails of water soon extin- uished the flee, but not before it had -d e considerable damage. How the fire origin ted is not known; but itis suppose ed this a tlamp been i le ft burning g. ' taking .fire. A.. tune. For trains running westward, the which exploded,the oilgauthorities should put up a finer. number of of type were completely "railway P g destroyed, the metal melting anis runningt hoard indicating apt tog their deon tingttrains parr .on the floor, the racks or frames on which lg :the cases stand, -being also burned. The' . that all leave' one station. .On Tuesday night' some resealsbuilta rail fence over the road, half -way up the Stapleton hill; if-any'oue had ,,driven right into it, they would certainly have been badly injured.. On Monday, while the waggon of Messrs.' Thompson & Switzer was being drlven-on. .Mill street,' the kingbolt carne out, pull- ing the oce{upan out On the road, and slightly breaking t e'waggon. Mr. Isaac Waldron, who has :been ailing a, good while, died on Tuesday night. While the - people of "Winnipog hays three feet of snow, the weather here is like that of June. A large number are expected from Goderich and -Seaforth, at the Military concert here, next Thursday evening.— Seine Clinton: youths got tbeinselves into. Wtron$le-ateSeaforthe-erl---Tuesday_nighti- trod were jailedthe refer, loss will be considerable, and our friends -bill be thrown behind somewhat by -the eiceurrenee. They have our sympathy under the circumstances ; we know what a fire in a printing office means.: There is an insurance on stock. A portion of Mr. 6tevenson's stock of •furniture was remov- ed, as it was feared that the building would go, and was more or less injured in the removal A., singular coincidence in. connection with the fire is'.Mentioned.— Just before the alarm was given 'Mr. 13Iackabr was speaking in the 'House of Commons on the introduction of the Eible into the public schools, and reading' from the 8th ah$pter of 1st Chrr nieles7 was re- ._Ser-rSng tri Bela,-.oBo-of-the4241 Dna dieter spoken of. The liteti l /keening of fire 4verd Bela ie. de>±AucWti>,' CHILDREN'S. ASTRACHAN CHILDREN''S FUR CAPS. Sets.: and LAMB SETS. GIRL'S FUR CAPS AND SETS. BOY'S FUR CAPS IN ALL STYLES. Men's Persian Lamb, Seal, Coney & Beaver Caps. MEN'S "BEAVER COATS. MEN'S -ASTRACHAN " COATS. THE FAMOUS llATTER; & FURRIER, CLINTQN. Boy's Shirts and Drawers. Men's Shirts and Drawers. BO sO Overcoats vcoats & Vlsters: Men's Overcoats & Ulsters. Women's wool Skirts Women's. Felt Skirts. Wool Blankets. Grey and Scarlet Flannels. White Flannels. Flannel Embroidery in grey, scarlet and white. Mantles, Mantles, Mantles 000 TIIE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM.: Received ' this week at the Direct from the manufacturers. Saincrii)tions ta1n for all ow: papors & Matiines The V.YEEI LY -GLOBE from-iiow to end of 1883for $1.00. Save money by getting all Your. newspapers a;t You ,can either get` them at the store,' or Iiavo' -them sent, to any post office you may ' desire. . E,: ARE RECEIVING W" GO_0DS, DAILY,' Uo ' and as we are''ge ting o many it i' .' (� m.c, a c see' them,getting " � so Y s impossible to enumerate them here. ' Our Goods are bestp ualit , and our prices are right. We buy � Y 5 Y: �ur_custozners`'f-- o bene fi-. for cash "and .dive h k fi P'f,i ,Di9,K8'0 , OM( BOOK STORE . CLINTON. `i t,.s:I't3 `.]1M4 CI HYY`til .0 1 R &i Ct M1 D STAND, z 19 7i, Victoria Block, "'Clinton. Now is, the time to leave your order"" r r o f O o an ve c at. A FULL �z • F O PL ,M %fors ted Overcoati.ngB. ®tom r Vereoat s: V c� m Our stock ::is " the . largest -and th1S , section. 1 -0x11• �olioito JACKSON, t��llit>�.O lit toria, �, , .. a.� ,, • .