HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-11-02, Page 7KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY YLOR De:41er gill Q ,7fr • IBES. C V AL TRIJNK - Our stock of BootsandShoes for -tie Fall and Winter, Trade is now complete, and for quality and style cannot be excelled. the' r best:: gods i the Market specialties are to handle . , Our spe Y And to sell them at the lowest possible prices.'; I'ALL , ASkZES• Among the cases disposed of at, the fall assizes were the following:-' McLennan v Farran—Action on account. Both the parties to this case live at Clin- ton. in- ton. Plaintiff claims damages for a house ., bought of defendant,which he considers was not as good as represented. Referred by consent to Isaac F. Toms, junior judge of the County Court. Garrow & Proud - foot for plf„ Cameron, Holt & Cameron for deft. Black v. Sheddon—Seduction. Verdict for plff. for $100.. Cameron, Holt & Cam- eron for plff, • Garrow & Proudfoot for dft. Crich v. Sallows-Action for seduction. Parties reside in Tuokersmith. Verdict for plff. for $500 damages. Cameron, Holt .&Cameron for ,plff.; S. Malcomson for deft. The Queen v. John L. Sturdy—Indict- ment for unlawfulvoting at an -election. Hodgins, Q.C. for Crown. Doyle for deft. On the bringing up of the case of • unlaw- ful voting against Sturdy the prisoner with- -dr -es his girls=off»etuiltryr_and—pleaded- guilty to the indictment. The Crown Counsel then moved' for sentence oh the two-countsof perjury and unlawful voting. 1 In'.addres s ing His Lordship Mr. Hodgins stated tbdtfthe prosecu'tion,having-obtain ed a conviction; were not anxious that a heavy penalty would be enforced against the prisoner, and he hoped the "strong re commendation for mercy made by the jury would not be overlooked by His Lordship in pressing, judgment. The case had been brought so,that.othera in future elections would be taught that the' oath. could not 7 - be :falsely', taken' with impunity. Mr. Cameron; the member•elect, had also re- quested the Crown counsel to urge Upon, His Lordship the hope that clemency would be exercised in the ;case; now .that the law had been vindicated. His.. Lord- ship, after addressing the prisoner on the consequences' of hie offenceand showing. hini that a serious offence had been : 'corn witted, stated that he was willing after_the, recommendation for mercy that, had been made to hial:to inflict a light sentence and accordingly sentenced him to three days- imprisonment and $50 fine on• each count •(making his fine 8100) the imprisonment to be concurrent: • The Queen v. Dr. Tennant.—This was' another case arising out of the West Huron election, in'which it was alleged that de- fendant had been guilty of ,unlawful. vot - The judge decided him not guilty The: Queen v._Archibald Roberertson Prisoner was charged. with .pasiing-:a Do-, minion note, knowing it to be changed. frena,. 1 t r to a. o. H e. lea urlt'>ai d was plead Y i sentenced .to one year—in ,the Central. Prison. Gardner .;v. Austin el cel.2-Action for breach of -lease. Plaintiff resides in Gode- rich:township, anddefendant, who: now resides near Blyth, had leased .plainti'ff's 5 per cent discount for cash. YLOR S& SOFT Coats Blo,' w. TA ck Clinton. J cyst', RFJO£24P12J TWO CAR LOADS OF STOVES T The largest and best assorted stock of Cooking n. Goal Stoves Parlor, Parlor Cook Hall and. Box, Pa , , , ever bro u ht into Clinton, , At Harland z? d .Bros. The latest designs and improvements in Stoves, At Harland .Bros: Stoves, Stove -Pipes, . Elbows Stove B oards, at rock bottomp rices; 1 ylzz zd B as:. met p of Lam. s Burners Chimneys s. A large assoi t - :.- , Y Shades & Tubular Lanterns. A t I-larlai2d Bros. Just received a large lot of American Crosscut SAWS and AXES =` f 1 t _.IarI nd ` Bros 1filARDWARE alwa s on hand Builders and SY e Y Ha t 9-lcdBros. • ros. • -1 nCoal hand & Wood Stoves of second nd A quantity very cheap, AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL OIL, SIGN of THE PADLOCK,, RED BRICKSTORE ALnEtrII S'r2EEr', CLINl'.o : t:larlazzd Bros. BRANCH ,STORE., ..:_ p BLOCK L®CK iv i r. 'ro C>lo}LPso & :Sri rTirr.'s. L ROB. 111.A.1 T 3I (oils 1 '. 'farm, and when lease expired a dispute•rose as to the exact time when 'agreetnen•t_was entered into: Verdict for plff. fpr 2O cents With full spits by consent. ' Cameron, Holt &Carneron for-plff; Garrow .C& •Proudfoot for deft. The following was the presentment .of the Griud Jury:— "That we are sorry to, observe that se= duction is becoming, very common in this country, and we believe the ends of justice -wouid-be-better served-awdthe,morwl-tone- STOVES.—Having botight a stock of Stoves' outside of the association, en very ad- vantageous terms, 1 am now ' prepared to offer Coolcrro STovxii at a large percentage under the usual price: V TSAR ES7 TOOLS. - Scythea, Sraths Wheat, I.arley and Ha fr' ks z.:Sc the Stones, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Cloves, Cradle Fingers, &c. W AIDE. a r v' TIN A, full eso tment cf'I.lns ale io all its branotros. Also Laafr Goons GRANITE WARE.—Just arrived, an rassortment Of Tthi Pots, Cograaa +:Pols d - E v KE*LES,.W PR .HEF. [NQ; h TTZL+S, in Crranit8, area HIDES, SFflfE',P ST(INS F :RS-1l10H ESr' CAH PRICE ,PA1D. ;>. ]J22V v 1C —r crta TcTN of the community ;improved'+by making it criminal offcnce;upon'our statute books. "In `Ell aggravated cases of rape see -be- lieve the free=use of the lash should form a part of the punishment. "We strongly recommend that steps be taken to have witnesses!in all Crown cases paid the same as in other cases. "tt is lamentable to growing tendency to utter carelessness' both in the administering'and :taking .`of oaths. i!Com- missioners and Com-missioners•and others empowered -to ad- minister do';not do so. as a• rule in a;,; man- ner calculated tci .inspire parties taking. m nibs wort the, r on,i'llit o. i gravity, andresponsibility of such acts. Politicians in the heat of party strife too often rashly. advise their friends, who :maY. themselves doubt their legal right to vote, to take' the oath pres- cribed by statute if''their votes are chal• lensed, and thus we believe . many. a` man is made to perjure .himself through his confidence' in the advice and knowledge of his political superiors, • We visited• the gaol and found it neat and clean throughout, and the prisoners expressed tl ernsely. es well pleased with, their treatment at the hands of the.offrci- als, There are only five Persons at pre- sentin gaol. One of them, John Moose- head, from Exeter, has been incarcerated our:, LETWER BOX. The Naw ERA does uitt hold itself responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Letters are cordi- ally invited from all who have a grievance or anything; of public interest to discuss. Write on ono side of the paper I give your name and address as a means of au- thentication, (not for publication) and be aS brief as the subjeetjhilrperniit; and our colt}mns will always be open to reply- to anything appearing under this head, OUR FIRE ENGINE. To the Editor oj' the Clinton New Eryr. Silt, --Having had an example of the efficiency (?) of our fire engine when re- ally needed, allow me to, throw out ono or two suggestions that this example pro- vides. In the first place, I understand our City Fathers expect to secure the ser- vices of a competent engineer for i125 per annum! This reminds us of the farmer svho grumbled at the, idea of paying a parson: $600 per annum! "just as though a par- son chap can earn $600 a year?" Why, the wages of many first-class engineers are $125 per 9no21th.'- Now' we pay :a -mato to ring the bell $70 per . year, the engine --.`125; ruEl-t)} mtirket-scales-ale->;'`-grill -tom fees, at least, say $300 a; year. Put this all in one; hire a fist -class man at a ,sal- ary al-a y of $500 per year, let him live in the town hall, attend to the scales (the fees of course being the property of the 'town). ring ilie bell and take charge of the fire engine. :Always being on haled=tire will.. be ready at, a moment's notice. :This; of course, is if we still keep the fire engine. but.would`it not -be well -worth ;our while to consider the advisability of establishing proper water works like Seaforth. One re sident of that town informed me that the works there were now a source of revenue, and that the amount: he saved in insu- rance now, paid his water rate and left him a nice little sum annually: One thong -is certain, our present fire protection is a farce. 'It I have failed.'. to suggest any- thing better, let some one wiser and more skilled propose;-', something better. As things .are they could not well be worse. 1 am, sir, yourobedient servant, "EFF IC>ENc Clinton, Nov. 1, 1882.... vI.I11TON MARKETS. Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1882. Grain is coming in. freely, brit it is still evident farmers are holding back.. In this we think they are unwise, but that is their business.' By selling at once they Help to set the wheels of commerce, moving more freely. Prices remain steady, but rather weak. Good butter is scarce, and finds ;•ready sale'; Poultry is corning in slowly, but it is a little too early yet for much. to be done in this line; although the price ,is good'. ;,Very few potatoes have yet been disposed of. They are not likely to be any higher -until spring. Almost" any amonnt of wood codlcl fincl ready sale. Wheat, fall; J'bush, old $0 95""'a. 0.9S. \Vl ext,' scot - - ` 0 Sb ti` 0 90 • Vliite wheat, '• i Priam, Oats,:. i arlc , Yeas, Flour, , Potatoes', Butter,- --gg s, flay, Hides,;, Sheep. pelts - • Lamb skids, • 0 87u-D93i:• ,0 93 .0..1,0'06' 0.32 a0 33' — 0 50 a 0 65 060`a 065 500 a.: • 5.50. 0 ,3 .'a 0 35 -'>0 16...a u 17 • 0 20 a 0 21 1 00 a •S 00 _,7 T 0(F : 00 '0 25 a •0. 50 0 50 , a 0 75..' - b 20 `"a"..0 21 If Catarrh Ilas destroyed Your Sense of smell find hearing Hall's catarrh' Clue will ,dire you. 73 cuts perbottic. Drr.,•gistssell it. ..For sale' by J. H. Combe. li L1KNnx•—In Clinton, on the 21st Oct., • the wife of Mr. E. Kenney,.Of a daughter. Hr ar.xNoroxTn Clinton, on the .25th Oct., the wife of Mr. G. Herrington, of a daughter. WALKEr,-Iu Clinton, on' °the .18th Oct,1the ofan hter'' wife of 1r Jas S. Walker, a d f N J Sg BRowN.—ln Manchester, on the 21st Oct:, the wife of.Mr. J. P. Brown, (formerly of Clinton~) of a son, CAntLon-1n Mitchell, on the 23d inst. ,Mrs. Wm. Cantlon, (formerly of Clinton) of a son, 'MARRIED. MASON--JOHNSTON— In . St. Paul's Church, Wingliam, by the Elev •Win. Hill, Rector, .George Mason, Esq., (late of. London, Ont.) to Miss Hattie Johnston, only daughter:. of the late A. Johnston, Esq., of Weston, all of Wingham. GrrEN—G'taDNL'ii—On the 30th Oct., by the Rev. W.IBaugh,'at Rosehill farrn,l'Colborne,. George Green, Esq, of Goderich township, to Miss J. Gardner, of Colborne.' since March last, for using threatening I C,opren Ciztxrnii.L—On' the 28th inst., at language: `He appears to be ,idiotic, and we recommend that he be transferred to a suitabld. asyhun. Althou'gli his parents are said to be in .good circtirnstanees, they have not 'supplied.. him .with sufficient clothing. Mrs. -:McLean, 'an, insane old woman, is to be removed' shortly to one, of the asylums The Governor kindly re feared us •tri, his books,. from which we find that'thofe: hive been fewer prisoners in the gaol during' the' past year, than in any., previous year, and the majority, of these were confined for short periods for .petty offences. "We thank your Lordship for the lucid manner in 'which yol explained the chief points in the cases; before cls; the Crown Counsel for his assistance ' so cheerfully given, and the County Attorney for cour- tesies." • JOHN ESSON, Foreman. $500 R.E AR,Di We will pay the above rewaid for.any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia sick headache, indigestion con- stipation or costivcneas we cannot cure with. west's Vegetable Livor pills, when the directions are strictly complied IN ith. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfacaton. Sugar coated large' boxer,_ containing 30' pills, 23 cents Por sale by all bruggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine; manufactured only by John C West do Co., " the pill makers,': 81 6i 82 Ring St. Nast, Toronto, Ont: Free trial package sent by mail prepaid (en receipt of a three 'cent stamp, EXECUTORS' NOTICE.' ypursuance o1' vection 24, chapter 107 of the ovi red Statutes of Ontario, uotice is hereby given that the creditors and others having claims against the estate of the .late 1Villianr. Turner. of Stanley township, in the Vonnty of.Euron, who died on or about the filth day of: October, A. 7). 1876, are requested to send them to the undersigned, w:W. Barran, Clinton, Ont., o ori or Before the Oth day of November, ro , A 1882, for adjustment. as after that date'the si). said Executors of the last will and testament of the. -said William Turner, will' proceed to distribute Who assets of the "said deceased amongst the par- ties entitled thereto, and that tho -said ^Exocn- tors will not liable for the Bald assets. or any part•thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by the undersigned as aforesaid. • Dated at Clinton. this stir day of Ootober, A.D. 1882: NEIL MATT-E90N i rx4cutors W..1" ARRAN' Elton, Manitoba;by the Rev. Thomas Law- son, Mr. l obt, Cooper,to.:Miss Margaret Chiiechill, of (toderichtownship..' DieD. !Z'tr urea --In Clinton, on the ,1st: October, Isaiic`Waldron,•agedSJ.yetrs 11) iironths. `BIOoris--In Stitirley, on the llist Oct Chosi'' .Tames, eldest sou of WV..' J. 'Biggins,`. aged' 1•57.3, rs air 2` nod-ths. lio Makes Your Boots? THE BOOT MAKER,. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Dien Wo,nei rind hildren's • r oots:: & ha • C ._ S ek Spring Stock well assorted, an cornOete in all pa s ALL CI GOODS SOLD .._ I r1I' FOlt (,ASH ORUIOKSTIANK, BRICK BL0CE, CLINTON T il.!TTGH GAN LATA+I 'r '1111 S'UI3SC}LI13ER pFFE h SALE A VINE tarin of 201 acres, situated' in Sanilaeeounty, ;Vlach- igen,,on:the Wild Cat road, near Jeddo station, on the. Port Iluron and North Western railway. All cleared except 40 acres, which is good green beech and maple timber. Frame hottsc, goo.d' frame outbuildings, fine orchard of bearing .'fruit trees. '1,3est:ofrneiter.This farm is in the est a rieulturat seetren in ificbigan, and it is e geed opportunity to buy. e first cl tss: plaeo nt t low 'figure. Well fenced and in godstate of, cul- tivation '1 rice 53.020 half down; reasonable time for b ilande Such a farm In the comity of IC'uron would; be worth at the i ery'low est $12,000 .Agi Also, several 40 acro improved farms for sale cheap,• and thousands of acres 01 wild lands in Michigan.. References can be made to' C. Crydernran, 1 orttr's Ilill r Lurl e 1s 7. Paisley or 1 Twitchell Chiltern - , T. L. CAEN, Croswell Mich. Oct 7a>7v8o jm HEALTH IS WEALTH,' B'RAI N r rr t CATat is tdl r e J Dr. 11 .C.West'a NerVe and lirain Treatrt out a.gi, ar'- an eed Specific for hysteria, diw•zinoss, convidsieiis, fits, nervous neuralgia, lieaclache, nervouslirostrationtens- ed by the uso'of alcohol, wakofulncss, mental delves"-, 016 i, softening of the brain, resulting in insanity .and. t g.misery, v leading toins decay, , d t ' 4 ,y, 0 flea h,>rem>tturc old -age, barrenness, loss of power 10 eithersex,, mvoluift$ry' losses and spormatorrltaa, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-inrltilgence. ' One boxiwill euro recent cases. Each box contaihaone month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five'del- h rs ;'sent by mail prepaid on receipt of 'price. Wecu guarantee six boxes to re any case, With each or- der received by us for six boxes, aceorepao,iedwith flve dollars we will senor the purelittser otir written guaran- tee to refund the money if the treatment does not of- 001 a cure. 'Guarantees issuetl•only by .2. II. Combo, sole agent' for Clinton, Ont John C Woot R Co., sale_ -proprietors, Torontor IN; CLINracON. The undersigned having again opened out• a general stock of Goods,. take this op- portunity of thanking their old customers for the liberal patronage afforded them' when in business before and trust that bygiving Special Bargains to eget all their: a P g , old customers back and : man new ones. We intend,tog full lines) in. the Ykeep following Dry' -Goods : Blue and Grey Cottons, Sheetings, Ducks,Denims,, Tickings, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Flannels: Grain Bags, ' Wince s Tablings Dress. Goods and w Trimmings, ' Small wares, & _ c. Tweeds, Coatings, Ta1i Trimmings d Made Suits,and 10 S 'S, : Ready vent) ats. GENERAL LINES ITSUA.LLY KEPT. ectal value zn ea C Sig ar A AIN D (-APS, FULL .;STOCii I1 ' T " DIFFERENT 111:AKES. LARGE ASSORTMI.N'.1. IN MEN'S, WOMEN'S 4; CHILDREN S. iEtIEt CO V- IE]Et,SI-3E4C)1ES. As we are in'a position to `l .cash'for-our goods, 'and get them at the lowest' 1.. P Y. b _ .. . possible price, parties buying from us may expect to get bargains,`' as our,• motto is "small xofi'ts and uiel..returns '' p ,., `l Purchasers are respectfully requested to call and see our woods and "get prices," a we are bound to self at tlp•aying p .e lowest in rices. Hod ens' old start( rick Block; Albert Street Clinton, Sept., 1882. NE DOLLA ' 1883: A • ,-4•11►+" THE LARGEST - THE CHEAPEST AND ...:. °he Best General Newspaper IN THE DOMINION., ti THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES - M Contains Seventy-two Columns'of Reading ' Matter arrd. is admitted to be'the beat author- ityupon Agricuitural and Commercial matters in the Dominion: . 1 now, GET . Subscribe for ., 8 8 o t «an E LA.N'C OF-.'' 1882FREE.. A ' :>B -Orders and remittances to be addressed, I , GtUBE PRINTING COMPANY, TORONTO. L