HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-11-02, Page 6JUST- AS 1 A.21. ",Just as 1 any, without one plea, But that thy blood was stied' flit' me _.._ And that thou bidet me came to Thee;; 0 Lamb of God, I come." 'Twas thus a drunkard tried to pray' While bending o'er his baby's clay.;' His trembling Lingers, anguished, grasped The little hands that death had clasped, But failed to change the crunihy stalls That rested on the fame the while. " `Just as I am' --I yield the strife The record of my ruined life ; The curse that made my mind' a wreck ; That neither prayer nor pride could check No other place have 1 to flee— • Ob, let me hide myself in Thee ' Just es I am' --weak, weary, worn,. The relic of a hope forlorn;.; A thin; those worthless actions tend,' To every weak and wicked end ; 'Whose faltering footsteps daily. trace The path of pain and ,deep disgrace. "' Just as I ail' -a weary soul O'er whichem roll Tl • p o • The-dermon-forms-that-round-me-Creep,. The horrid dreams that banish sleep, The craving fiends that'o'er me ride,' - With calls that will not be denied.' °" Just as I am'—O Saviour ?"some And save me from the rage of rum ; By memories of this little form, That Thou haat taken frog] the storm,• By all the hopes thy Scriptures give, .`,'uppolt my vows and let•me live."., The clouds were rent, the darkness fled, And fell upon the burned bed A ray ofsunebine, soft and warm, That glorified the little form, And shone in promise fondly there, As if in answer to his prayer... And ever since hi's feet have trod: In light and life and love of God, Devoting ceaseless work to win The wandering from the way of sire. " Just as I ail, without one plea, But that Thy bloodwas abed for These the the grand words with which be Go, weary one, do thou the same. fearue,. AROUND • THE COUNTY. John McIntosh, jr., has been engaged as teacher in Shine's school, 'Grey,£or1883. Mr. B. Sparr has sold out his hotel' at Crediton,'.to Mr. John Connors of Hain - burg. • Mr. James Auld, of \Vawanosli,this year sold about 800 doeen eggs, the Liru- duct of about 70 fowl. Mr. Wm. McKay, of Seaforth.,has been engaged to • teach a school in Waterloo county, near Berlin, at a salary of $125. Delays are dangerous, particularly in Kid- ney Disease's, so take at once Dr.Van Buren's KIDNEY" CURE and obtain relief from ail your sufferings. Your druggist keeps s if. 6 bb 1? On Sunday evening. the house of 'Mr. �. Sippel,, of . Zurich was entered and the sum et 8200 removed: from a.'cheat.. The Morris Plowing 'society will bold their match on, the :farm of John Wheeler, lot 10, con., 5, on Tuesday, Nov. 7th, competition open to all, • Why go on day after day suffering: with splitting headaches when a bottle of Dr. Austin's phosphatine will cure :you.: If you 'do not believe -it -ask -your, druggist for–a'_cir.- cular, and read what those, who: have used It' say about it. Price $1.00,sold'by all druggists While several sportsmen where hunting at the Grand ` Bend ''last .week,; .they: suc-. eeeded in ahootiog a cormorant, a very rare bird in this part of the country. Mr. Henry Beadle, of Huilett., has "sold his interest in the imported stallion "Luck" to Mr. Lawson Moore,' of Ganda - rich township, for $600. Mr. Robt. McGee! has' bought the, black-, smith shop and lot owned by. Mi. John Ferguson, at Auburn, for $125. Mr..Fer-: gusen intends goingto the Western states. After many years of patient 'investigation' Dr. Van Buren, of Germany, 'tinnily succeeded in perfecting. a Kidney. Care that would per-. nianently'relieve all cases of Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask your Druggist' -for Dr;' Van �inren'8 KIDNEY CLYDE. A. family`b'y the name of Ireland, who Iive about two miles from Gorrie,,are fering trom typhoid . fever; and .there are five or six of them prostrated just now. Mr. A. Me alley; Of Exeter; who has• been engaged in: the painting business dur- ing the past year, has removed. to Blyth, where he purposes going into :the carriage. business. • Mr. "Wm. Walker, of East Nissourii,'and formerly of I1ZcKiUop, nlet•with his death, by being run over by a train, Nat weelt; while on hie way home from' dig town' of St. Marys to his own place ; ' '. A simple, herb: found on::the sunny plains of a Southern clime has,' under the 'skillful:' manipulation of Dr. Van. Buren, proved one of the greatest blessings ever sent to suffering, humanity. •`Yir.Van Buten': KinNEv, Oueea,•is acknowleged all the world, over, as the `only perfect remedy ' for kidney tronles. Your drdggist bas it. Mr. Robt.K.nechtei; who is attending the Model School at Goderich, has been engaged to teach in. No. 0, Morris,. for. 1883. His predecessor, Mr., Jno. McLeod, goes to Ann Arbor, Mich., to study rriedi- cine. Mr. J. P. Brown, carriage builder, Au-. burn, has purchased the property of Mr.. A. Day, on Main street,' for $950. He intends carrying on the blacksmith busi- ness in connection with his carriage bust nese. • Robt. McLean made complaint before a Goderich T.Y. against 'Lewis Elliott and Alex. Chrystal, owners of 'two 'dogs which • he charged with worrying and killing sev- eral Iambs belonging to him. The trial re- sulted id the plaiutitf being'' awarded $18 damages. ' Mr. Archy, Carrick; of . Ilay, who rias committed a short tinie.since'to stand Iris trialat the fall assizes,on a,charge of for- gery, preferred by Haggart Bros., $ratnp-' ton, has been discharged, the Grand' Jury finding no bill; .-w.- '`` wenn/tom 'true friend. A friend in need i5 a friend indeed. r,This none can delay, especially when .assistance is rendered when one is sorely afflicted with die -- ease, more particularly those cow,plaints and, weaknesses so common to our'female ptiYMla- tion. , livery woman sli,alcl khiow th t;:Blfid trio Bitters aro. wolnani9•trtte friend, and'titian _positively_restore.lter_to_heaIth,,,exeambellell.other remedies' fail. A einnloltrial always proves our assertion.' 'They are pleasant to the. taste, andonly cost fifty cents l bottle. Sald$by Watts cG Co, ane1 .l; 1I. Combe; 11r. David Dorrence has been re-engag- ed for next year :by the trustees of Win- throp school, at a salary of $490, -.:being a considerable increase over fast year. Eli Symonds,, of Goderich, who has lately been working in 'Coleman's sawmill in Seaforth, had one of his fingers cut off on last Wednesday: while taking heading freer the saw. r "Samson dost his' strength" with hie hair. '1'housande of men and women loose their beanty with' theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time' by using the fern-. ous•Cingalese, Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. Mr. James Gallagher; of, Carlovr,'has. Gold hie farna 'of '100 acres to Mr.Bell; of Aslh6eld; fur $0,000. Mr. S. Ivy, of the 7th ci?u.,, has sold bis fury of 100 acres to Mr. JosephTeesley: While :tishing''at the pier at' Garbraid, one day "last week, Mr. Geo. Little Met with a peculiar accident.' 'In hauling up a large 'fish the poke'• snapped; and -he :was precipitated into the water: He waa-not, uch the-wtrae for.-.hie-duokfno The GREAT GERMAN rINVTGIORATO RIs the: marvel of the afedlcal World.. It never Mils ;to completely , cure Nervous' Debility, Impo- tency, Me atal Depression, and, all diseases caus- ed from excesses,, The testimonyyof thousands can be had' by 'Writing F. J.Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Price $1.00 per box, six poxes for $5.00. If your drug- gist does,not'keep the remedy, ',send to head- quarters and get the. medicine by mail .Cireu lars and'tcstimonials onapplication. Solo agent for Clinton, J. II. Combe. Mr. Calvin rCampbell, having. sold his farm on the,2dcon.;of Tuckersinith to Mr. Geo. Sproat, removed his family and ef- fects to rWinghani last week. Mr. Camp- bell has, purchased .a snug property adjoin- ing' the town of Windham;' and intends re- 'siding there. hereaf ter, .The members of Huron Lodge and Hu- ron Encampment I.O. 0. F., prat: week presented tl, S. Holmes P.'.G. and P.O.P. with a handsome combination jewel, suit ably engraved by C. J. Newman, as a token of the appreciation of his past ser- vices in: connection,' prior-., tor his 'removal! from Goderich' to:Thedford. & µ'. Mr. Z. Beam has purchased the proper- ty ' roper-ty' on Main street,, south ,of the railway track, Seaforth, from Mrs. Wm. McDou-' 'gall, for $600.• The property consists of a frame dwelling -house, two :large stables,` and two ,lots,, and originally, cost r.$1,500. A- depreciation'of more than one-half is a. big,fall,.even for Seaforth property. Dr. 1). W. Fairchild, of New York; 'says "'Personally I believe in, Phosphatine Isue,, it myself, and in my.family practice.. I pre- scribe . Y P p. scribe 'Phosphatine with conhdenoe_ .that I cannot attach to.no other remedy.7 It is safe,' it is effective." 1~'or f salerby all drug gists.,, . • The following teachers have been engag- ed in -the respective schools'in- the town- ship of"'T'uckersmith for the current'..ycar, at., the salaries named :=Sec. No. 1, Mr,',' Hackney, $450 ; N` o. 2; Mr.. Scott;, '$330;. No. 3; Mr. F. W. Sell'era, $450 ; No. 4;"' Miss Landsborough $320 ; No. 6,'Miss Gilpin, $400 ; .No. 7, 'Mies 1Perot-.$275 N. 8, Mr. Hicks,'$450; and assistant, Miss Crawford,. $225 ; No. 9, Mr. -B orlon, $450; No .10, Mr. McGill, $ Y.I No. 11, Miss Wilson, $340•, Let no one now omit'to buy The-fragrant-"-Teaberr-y"-and try U pon the Teeth its cleansin ewers p Sp , And gain,a Breath like scent of flowers: The.property in Seaforth belonging to the estate of Killoran & Ryan has been disposed of. The' .briek•atore'and the ftame, building . alongside and' the residence at present .,occupied ;by. Mr. Ryan,: together -' with' the:land upon which they -stand, were 'sold for $6,300,. and :.the stock, consisting of groceries• and liquors, was sold:fcr 70 cents on: the dollar. The purchaser was, the' Hon. Frank 'Smith, ofTorontp,, who'. was ione' .of, the pr'inclpal:creditors%':of. the LAND .ON TI3E SABLE. ` DIr Thos. Claydon, ' Shelburne, Ont,.; writes "1 have been suffering with a lame- back' for the past thirty 'years, and, tried everything ;I heard. of , without success; -Not ton, ago ',Was ;pera:uaded to nee .St.`. Jacobs r 'I purchased,a bottle,' and, strange tor say, before I had used it.all; 3. was perfectly cured. • I can' confidently` recommend it to any;onesffticted. No one:. can speak too highly of its merits." Mr. W. E. Weeckle•y,also of Shelburne, thus mentions a matter of his'.experience : "I have been me sufferer' with rheumatism. for years. :I :was laid up with ,o severe , attack a shnrttime;ago, and I can truly say that St. Jacobs Oil 'produced 'the quickest relief t'aat I ever experienced.. I cheerfully „re eninulend it to every sufferer." . Counsel for the Reform -candidate,• in the protest 'against Sir John Alacdonald's election in Lennox, thinks'' he is confident of ,proving ,bribery by agents, and showing how the chieftain: manages alwaya to be, popular with the people. The Provincial Board -of Health n'opvis- sues maps; illustrating the ,sveel.ly,,;preva:' lence of disease throughout "the Province.' For this purpose the ;Province is 'divided into ton dlatricta,and the character and ex- tent of the diseases prevailing in each of these are collected and tabulated in..a way that enables one tosee at a glance the san- itary condition of each locality. The effect of climatic changes upon the health of the • people can also be determined by this means, and much valuable information to the_public.and to the medical profession is likely to be the"resulf The London, Advertiser is responsible' for the following :-On the 17th of Octo- ber Mr. cto-berMr. W. It. Meredith was met on the street by a well-known.Eeformer, who,be-. gamchatling, him on the political situation: 1Mir. .Meredith gdod=riaturelly retorted, and 'the exchange of" banter was closed;'by' Mr. Meredith saying, " Now, nark my words, whatever is the result,to-morrow. will be the, result of the twit general elec. tion.": The result was that, out of seven cnustituencies Mr.'' Mowat carried'isix:'. Wo shall be pleased to record Mr .Mere dith's succead as, a,prophet. - $1;000 ,'F'OR TEIT. • flaring the, utinostcoiufidenee in its superiority over •all others, and niter thousands of tests of the most cdmplioatld and ses'erostcaies we could 'Muir we fee! jttstrfied in offering to,,forfeit One "9'lionend• Dollars- fnr: llrp ease of donghs,' colds, bort' 'throat, influenza, ittbitrseriess, breath tis, eonstrtnlStion in its carlystages, 'w ioo`ping.cougli,'aiud glltdl§eiteB of the throaty and hrnger,•bxoeptndtlimtt,foi°rvl;illi We only 'claim relief, that we cat't cure with WV'ost's Cough S,sittr,. when ...takehr..accordingite„drrietions. 5arupde bottles 2"a and • (10 cents large,bottdec pile o11`ai"`,gtrattiTg rappe •s- anly in litdc• .- 11,td livrsttl'iltuggiote;-errsend• tiyy Alt press en receipt of prices .John b. 'West plc G'O.,• 81 Gt 83 filing 5t. Past, Terme°, Oait. Pot sate at 'Combo's Drug Store rIr --Thousands of graves are annually rolibod of theit victims, lives prolonged, /happiness and healthre- stored bythe use of the great GERMAN INVIGORATOR which positively and permanently cures Impotency (caused by excess of any kind,) Seminal Weakness? and all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self -Abuse, as loss of energy, loss; of memory, universal lassitude, pain is the back, dirtiness of vision, premature old age, and .nany other diseases that lead to Insanity, or consump- tion and a premature grove. Send far circulars with testimonials free by mail. The INVIGORATOR is sold at $i per box, or six boxes for $5, by all druggists, or will bo sent free by mail, se- enrelysealed, o,t receipt of price, by addressing F. J: CilENEY„Druggist, 187 Summit St.. Toledo Ohio. H. Combe, sole agent for Clinton. OYIllgU lC�lil S, SLC 7' TAKE this means of thanking all those Who have 1. favored me with their patronage in the past, and beg to say that as tam leaving the country for Mani- toba, I have disposed of my. business to my brother Jona. Smaeifsivsoe, and hope that you will favor him with the same liberal patronage that you have given ane. • JOSEPH STEPHENSON, 1TH regard to the above, I would say that as I r h sae aMock i ax n leen_ �hm"a-chip-f oma e- ) ,-a h, S brought ,up to the business nosing and raising buildings, Ifeel confi'dentthat.I can give' entiresatis faction to all who may faver. ine with their patronage. And further, I would say that ham still :;making, those , Boss'Cismeans" as, GOOD and cheaper than ever. ' - JOHN S'OEPHEISON, Clinton:' John McGarva i SALT MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN GROCERIES AND. PROVISIONS, ALBERT STREET, Opposite the Toiwi Hall. ': Very. Choice' Lard, Hams & Bacon For sale at lowest. prices.' Cnstt paid.for Farm Products. - .J.. McGARVAA. CIititon, April 4, 1812 0' to '000: ror. Cfl AP GROCERIES • Crockery, Glassware; &c.• t ' it ; l ahva t ' R lanth. Oa mea 1,C. �maa . o I � , AI so Patty's `celebrat'lisp Broil{fast aeon, I oiirJ: G'lemi J3cicoit, S2 qar rgriWeLd Mails, And':1\'o. 1' LARb. At prices which cannot be- beaten town. t. HIS 60 :C ` TEASPECIALTY H A SOLE AGENT FOR, Dobbins' -ELECTRIC SOAP THOMAS_ COOPER, ALBERT STREET, .CLINTON ENERAL 4 Lbs. f r $1. 3 L Vis. fox• *14�1, Extra, choice for 60 Cents. UVER THIRTY YEAR'S EXPERIENCE PROVES the 'GENUINE 'SINGER to bethe moat durable and the best sewing machine in the world. It is simply constructed, eusy, to operate, does not get out of repair, and lasts alifetime. hp r Mullins: sold dant ear, Over 681;000 S nLd q LOCAL OFFICES AT GODE RICE, • WINUffAM BRUSSELS D EXETER Head, Office for theCountyof Huron OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL' HOTEL, HURON ST., iCLINTON. -” Intending purchasers will do well to test the SINGER before purchasing any other kind. Tut nnv is T11.5 CIIEAP'EsT. 00 and N:eedtes -tor 'allcinds of machines always on hand. G. E, CRRAWFORD, AGEI1T:: Chalon Aug.,3? 1802.. ALL' RRUR.E, :..1s lte'timmeudeti 1$y Physieialia.. C LYRES Catarrh of the Nasal Cavity–Chronic and Ulcerative:" Catarrh of -the' Ear .E -ye or Throat, at is taken INTERNALLYand_ act, DiRECTLY. upon the efosd'and Mucous; Surfaces of:the System, It is the best Blood Purifier in the W(JRLO, and,is worth ALL ::at is charese for tti,':for THAT alone. TIT f • � 1 ONLY INTEfl CURE FOR CTitflrill. alai-r{L•T.;