HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-11-02, Page 5Hello ! Neighbor Jones, where •are you going,?" I Pr i ala to TWITCHELL S Boot' and .Slice store, � ,`, • - Where I can get a pair of good boots for, $2,- and dont you forget it.• ..You should :-- ;see theth.. EIS stock of 'Ladies & :Jhild- 1-rein's Boots and Shoes is now complete, It would you. to., see .. °his stock of •HEAVY .B N:D LIGHT. HARNESS. Oh, say, do you :100:w that • you can get BUFFALO' ROBES at Twitchell s that beat'`the county in price' and quality: Calland'see them:" The usual discount of 5 per cent. • SHINGLES --1200 hunches of . GEGRGIAN BAY SHINGLES for ::sale, from 45 • ets. per bench, up. • Ro9ms ever store to let. NTictoria 1810,61c. 1 We have just received our •FACT, AND -WINTER MILLINERY, of French' nsistin of. Bonnets Hats, Feathers, :Birds, Ribbons, and American fashions;, g co � s that cannot Tail to attract attention. Laces, Plushesan�t•°Veivetg, all such ,piace elected'stock we `feel confident in i Having purchased a large and.wells pleasing all and giving satisfaction. ,We also call attention to your -stock of BOUILLONJosE- ' .pii•INE KID �'rLOVEs-=;-.keeping. �:a. full line in all colors. Full lineof DRESS. TRIMMINGS (HOSIERY, CORSETS,' &., always on -band. e over in :all, the newest styles les of Bonnets & Hats STAAWSJ FELTS AND 'BEAVERS don 3 APPRENTICES WANTED for the Straw work. FARM PRODUCE taken • in exchange for goods. TWO DOORS 'NORTH OF THOMPSON and SWITZER'S, BEESLEY, Beaver Block, Clinton. WATTS CHEM Clinton. Albert-.StrE..e>t .0 l-finr-our'stocki `of .medicines Complete,' warranted genuine, and o • The public' wil h t the :best.quality. TOILEI SQAES iERE ERY,SHOULDER BIo ES, T USS ES, . P NG E S ,•. AND ALL KINDS OE -DRUGGISTS' Stiripnis USUALLY KEPT': IN A FIRST CLASS' DRUG , STORE. '.... FROM OUR EXCHANGES. Itis said of the Democratic party in the United. States that it may always be count- ed on to defeat itself,and:this is beginning to be true of Mr. Meredith and his follovr- ers.—Winnipeg Times (Tory).' The Christian Guardian condemns Sun, day funerals and Sunday Volunteer Church parades. ''No minister," soya the Guard- San, "should, except in -a'_ ease of extreme necessity, withdraw app .service of his .church for the sake of a'Sund'ay funeral.or- a church parade. On. the contrary, these desecrations •ef the sabbeth alaonld in a"cry way be discountenanced. It may be that the flood of wickedness ebbs and 'flowsike•tneoceantand^that tire. are now afloat upon the high• ti`de., for,"a ,hundred Years ago,Cowper'8 ear was pain;; .ed and his heart sick at each •dity's report of wrong and outrage, If so, let us pray that the `change will come soon,' for it seems at present as if the:powers of dark ness were holding high carnival in the world. -Kingston. News. One of the vote Cast against Mr. M. C. Cameron in West•Huron<was' Ithat 'of 'one_ Sturdy, a former Goderich hotel keeper, who committed perjury' in' order to 'get in the vote.. For this offence he was• tried at the Goderich assizes and sound guilty. With black-mail,periur gerrylnanderin ,_ &nd . manipulatio` i -'ol' assessment rolls; `against them, the. Liberals were heavily; handicappediu the;last Dominion election. But time and justice are on their side.— London Advertiser. ' rt The'toronto World, which 'has of late s,hoivn considerable hankering for ,the Con- servatives, iu viewing the late Tory defeat. *at the• -bye -elections, says:. Throwninto Me• re- dith scale as against Mr. Mowat, Mr. is light, 'viewing g either the ',men or & their parties. Mr.Mowat is esteemed highly by the public. -His administration 'while not brilliant has been fairly free, from blunders and the sins • of dominant. parties. ;However he may have succeeded: the public have faith in his integrity and''. intentions to further as far as he can the interests of the Province. The London FreePresa .informs its • read= era that"The.portion ef'.Dakota wherein the terrible prairie fires are raging at pre-` sent is largely peopled by.Canadians, a 'Considerable number of, them. having. 'for- merly resided in the county of Elgit."" The F P. not long since prided itself upon:. having. proved to its 'entire' satisfaction. that Canadians never left home' to settle in Dakota or -any, of, the. States. If the V. P: makes anymore such acImbisions as the one above gnoted, we will call Minis- ter Pope's attention to its heresy and .ask. hire to send the, backsliding scribe, some Deputy Lowe's reports to read.—Sarnia Observar. It Was not"to'be ezPected that the Mail 'would toss'irp• ata cap and cheer over the elections: 'This,time the boot was CD the other lig. But if it cannot cheer it can at. least cogitate, and the outcome of its .cogi- tations; i ogitatione;it may be hoped, mill be a resolve, ;to behave itself better In the future. Tb'e people of Ontario are not to be induced by Vulgar, attackson; a Governrrient to tarn' but the:. men'• who compose it. ••'Phe lan- guage thathas been used in theorgan in dealing With', the local cabinet ministers has been:disgraceful, and no donut there is in the 'returns from the polling booths something in• the nature of a rebuke for these who 'are responsible .for its ntter.' ances.—Toronto Telegram,.. Independent. r- r. • HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC 'REMEDIES,. CIJTICURA REMEDIES, •ISEND ALL'S 'SPAVIN -CURE. -And all the reeent.=patents kept-iri -stock-or.-procured to.order.• A large stock of WIRE-1HAIIt BRUSHES, .TOILET' SETS, SPONGES, PF.IIEUAIERY -°&C. .ver, �.:eheap. CELLULOID TRUSSES at reduced rates; PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and famil3 receipts"aecnrately "compounded: with care and despatch. JA: TNI VIS` ]EL:. COM I3 E CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, OIvT. New MapleS' i Maple : . Sprup agar. A few gal. Tins p p Fresh Orduaccs Lemons and Bananas. Good fresh` Mangold, Turnip & Sorghum Seeds a rni nton• e � unin. ` lin C ton Cabinet :Comp'y In order 'to niieet our' increasing . trade we have bought the Factory* lately occupied by W. B. Oriel), and -after getting at' under way we are prepared to manufacture • m - line; ,Ever Y ohin the Furniture1 n ,g e Fronl'the cheapest to the best sets, with the latest styles and No. 1 finishand workmanship. Ordered work-, a -specialty and satisfaotion uaralzteed FNDERTAimoI: We Irate also added this branch to ,our business, and in it at all times will be found •everything -to 'meet the requirements of all., A ,HANDSOME ' IIEARSE KEPT FOR IIIRE. By strict attention to business and an eye to accom- modate and please, We }jape to )merit the ,confidenee'f of all. GEORGE DIEHL • STREET TALK. '17klow' much better you look, Mr. ,S.' "'Yes, I have gained 32 ,pounds on Hall's Catarrh, Cure.' .Have not 'felt so well in 20 yearn. It has ,endo a complete cure and is worth $50: abottle to any one that has the. Catarrh" •htblllitob1L ;Correspondence. ::Pilot Mound, Oct. 18. Threshing isnow in full operation and nothing but the. hum . of the.:; several ma- Buckles's Areiva Sabre. `. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises: Sores, Ulcers,' Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Blends, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin: Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is gnarranteed to give perfect Satisfaction or money' refunded. Price 25 cents per pox. Foci sale by J. II, Combe and Watts & Co. ALLAN LINE OF ' ltt)VAL Sr AIS, S'pi•:A,stsitrrr'^7.. LIPER POOL-- ` 1101DERgtY- BASOOW,_ SROETEST SEA PASSAGE. eablu,jrnteruaediateand vteerage'1'IcIcr . ets at Lowest (Rates. ,5a bliss every $aturday from Quebec. Persona wishing to send for their friends can obtain passage certificates at lowest rates tram England, Ire- land and Scotland to any city or railway town in Ca- nada. andthe•amoont is refunded leas a smalydedn tion if the ticket is not.use1. Steerage Passengers are booked to London, Ca`rdifl Bristol, Queenstown,: Derry,Belfaet and'Glaegow,. wt ante prices as to Liverpool. Porhhrough ticket sand every information apply to • A. O. PATTISON,'Agent, G.T E.., Clinton. eautiful Hair' F1OR1` oue's'own comfort, as well as the plea•' sure'of others, amost important pointas a Well preserved Ihead 0t inti:. Whenahe scalp getet dry , and feverish, and the hair becomes faded and prematurely gray, try the • Dominion Hair Restorer It doesa -its work well as' ' preserver and.beau ti' tier of the hair, and tlxorefore•possesses a well- earned reputation. It keeps the hair fresh and natural, is not offensive ar'ndurioue, but plea- sant and'•.refreshing. It cleansthesealp, And gives tone. beauty and naturalness to the Lair; promotes luxurious growth •anis prevents pre - Mature ;decay: . Prise, 50 :cents.', • S: TAPSCOTT' c : co., Me itxitac tti tl s, c&c. , - • Bl alttf aril. Jas. Combe, Agent, Y AND I desire to express., my sincere but to the. ladies especially, rapid increase in;ray business the fact that the ladies have sp from me" and advised'their • business. • thanks to all my customers, • as I am confident that the is in' a great measure; due to oken well of .goods purchased. friends to visit my place of LADIES, YOUR KINDNESS IS .APPRECIATED. W. L. 0UIMETTE: GALL AND. SEE .IT. AT COOPER & McKENLIE'S PLANING MILL r0HE subscribers, while thanking their many 'cus- 1 towers for the patronage extended to them, desire to intimate that in connection withtheir factory Near the Grand. Trunk Railway, They have erected a Dry Kiln', which enables,. them more promply than ever to execute all work in their line of business. COT :le XI, .Al10s {'ot,:biiildinga taken, and'inaterial ft rnn.hed at the shortest possible notice, and at reasonable rates. IW We always keel: on hand .first-class SHINGLES;• arid make a specialty of. LIME,.which will be sold at the lowest prices. . Clinton, July 20,:1882. :