HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-11-02, Page 3- •
November 2 ..1882.
- ' , . „
- A.111IONG, :T111 ----E Cirfirj, B. CII168•-..
ere are et. un ay, a 0O -B,, WI, 3,,
na : ' d ° 11 ' 1 ' t' h" ' ' i 1 64
Ohl e
.-- ,
ar:ius . GI" ,O., ILL.,...L, nAnv, .., ;sT... .
cur,. e . ., 0 ,ery. 0 , e 8 sli. et Ian -
II' ''.11Ritold6illizitfliitbodiCg-"I " til
LATEST. "ER, ,0_,..:7,......_ "VVINNIPE. G.
GatolevhpaerIgnVaelmriisnatrCinnt' eahreeas'I-oeerevtei. jotningSloeutit:ehenabelPm5reelost-0,°e:
. way from the fert.., Old set,thire are, told
tohraitmtphreoyveanoreeturteaspf aaseseyrsk',hidandinpoehrthiiiiltdtiendg
., , -. • • •*--.
There, WOutd be qatte a gocia,eizea tetvn
there if Peolde "were` allowed to go on with
ismt aPnrrtei1.3ael , eanntde • s e vAeer ai tl ipse oepvl ee rhy at vi 3 ei elgefits t aht a at
eectien of the country. A petition is aetee
forwarded to Ottawa for redress: a 1 ,
An interpreter atEattlefoid reports that
lie hae induced th,ree thousand Creed. tel[
return to[their'homes nortli of tbe Stiekat.'
'op, ettaan. fr.enaethe Mieteuri Riveteand cane.
uian•Lrontier. , -.: ' .
The' Win',nip'eg, police . force" have been,
equipped with.rieW buffalo overceats. ,
[ Mr. Robert MC Neil, •ef Octane:la, 'writes
tthbaatt pw, bile engaged , in digeing ,• it taw' at
lace he diacovered strag indicationa
' Pie author.. of :the '" peser,ted., Village"
.. 4 tw lint ei rir.raee awl VI ieaelilt1 hat al tateutdoi 21a:0;a:ter:Ira:on dll Yi uhme eaennp• hrdeeeyc,saa y e
, . . .. Y.
This et the tree. Nove.a..dttys it,seems 4s
• ie ,ei. .
ealth ' were, everyth, Mg and health
•-nothmg....,But what does it benefit' a Man
if'..he has the wealth of Crcesus but has 19,
be wheeled aroltild 'like a child, a helpless
invahd or dies when all hiswealthhas been
elrned- lien of wealth ,bbut lacking, health
• t' 'IY we
171g, Li403./ driaffic%stitIts.,obroerteariiiattbhitss
greatest of blessings. by a, -little. care in
• repellingalie firet attaCksief diseatie. •Lung
-• i •
0011OD mats are the most ansiduous in their_
- . _.
aPproach and thp meet difficult "of eure '
i.i:sl 1 h DBruilaWt ilree6mn 'esd y Plual mtohnea r yv-i, oryda 1 a af oinr
throat and. lung diseases and if used
judiciously there is na ,need for•ill health,
thrOugh th re ' • •
:' e
. , „ , . ,
Action mai not alWaye ,bring happiness,
Bb Ile at et. ohn se rfied di §. 11 ,), haPPinesis Without a. ction.--
I t its. said that the invention and talkie;
quen improvements of the Anaerican Pion& •
ma,de a -Saying on last year's cropl' th-iit •
country of H0,000,000.. • ' - 1:1' ' ...-:
Robert Fergus:on,. a farmer living near
Allandale, Watl in Toronto yesterday,
asewaserychfialiognef-ear itahie iwitlepi?vathe' he ' siiyer. rali
, ' °• ° aa , n aY° . ... , ... _ea. .
-The NeW, York--Contntercial,-ildifertiiii:''''' '
Ties.' th2lates' ' t'i. tldvgk°11ncid" 0°41°p_r_ldi_B isf36,jel 91 ef aerk ei r° en 'C' - '„
reciter -off in theite parte, "if there as enough
of • it. ' I - • ' " '
- . .1
--Eight hundred dollare in•dainageswere, .
wiaabildpphe, yd mthgettri.'Mbileienelae, es cehhoeo el. 0. titie. dacnheetridewahnee, •
the , rule ' of graminar in regard to 'proposii
tione and the objeCtive O&M:. ' '
. --Jennie juhis sighs for a•scientifiedress-
. .
reanaa Latter,
f was sitting array'studY
Writing getters, when Ileard, '' ,
e Please', dear. maninat,',151ary told ms
- Mantilla Mus'n't be disturbed :
13ut I'se tired,of the kitty, ' .
Want. SOME) OZI'nt1111.1.g to do ;
Writin,g letters is pu,•marnma,
• t Tant a write a letter tWo-?"
'Not nOW,.darTh4g,[marnnaa's busy;
Ban and Play With kitty, now."
No. eo, mamma, me Write letters,
And o,u will Show:me how."
" ' • ., ' '
1 would-paintlny-darlines•Portrait- - ---- ----
,- -- as eis sweet.eyes searched my -face- •
Hair•of gold.and eyes of azure,
Form of 'childhood.% witching grecs.
. , e. , , • ,
But the. eager face was clouded
As 1 sloWly shook my head, .
Till I said, "rn malie.a letter
Of you, darling hdy, instead."
So I pakted back the tresses .
From his forehead high and white,
. And a stamp' in sport I pasted.
Indite wavas of golden light.
, .
Then I said, '-!Now; little letter, •
Go away and bear good, new s ;" •
And I smiled as dow.n.the staircase
clattered loud thelittle shoes. ..
. • • '
LeaVing me, the darling laur.ried - •
Downto Mary in his gleei •
.Iklanmaa's writing lots of letters, . •
r ee a letter, Mary, seer . .
' , _. • .... •
No one heard tne Little prattler ' .
As 0E00 more he climbed:the stair, ' .
Beached his cap -tad little tippet •
standing on the table there.
No one heard the front doer apenti
No one saw the golden --hair .. .-
As it floated o'er his shoulders'
On the crisp October air.
' .
Down the streetthe baby•hastened
Till he reached the office door: ••
' I'se a letter, mr.,ROstmari, •
. - Das oirroom for any more ?
: ,'Cause did lOttees goiag tO papa- -...
Papa livet with Gad,-ou knoWr
Mamma sent me for a -letter, •
Does ou.fink tlatt•I can go?" '
But the clerk in Wonder, anStrered, - .
se h[l pl. aSt 1
a r i n J1
The Icesbyteria.n, Board has. Opened a
. • . . .
MiSSiOnt in 'Guatemala. ..
• " WhAt Kentucky lacks in. churches,"
says the Chiistian at Work, " she makes up ,
in race couries." ' •
' , ' - ' ' ' '
Rev. George. Batchelor, • of Salem, -ivrassa
bas accopte.cl a pall to Dr.Colltfer's Church,
at,Chioago, at anesala4ay 91'65,000. ;
. . .
The, Guardian finds that the ticle of ,
'Olitirch ;feeling. is ',setting stronger t and
etror.ger'eVery year a, gainst Church. debts.,
-- . The ,naelitherelnp!... of the Moravian.
Church througholit the' world is 390,00,0..
There are only 14;000 members in the,
ptates, . , • . '• . .
The eery [lowest.' oasts in India is the
cobbler .dasteaand Wm.' CareY, aa English,
cobbler, carried. to them the first' tidings of:
, ,
the gospel. , • .. ' •
- • '
In Madagascar, out a a population of
2,500,000, there are 70,Q00 Christians. The
first missionary, vititte. d t/ie.island lees than
' •
sixty yeara ago: ['. '
'• -
A Norwegian miesionary in Zululand
reports that he has 'baptized twenty Zulus
since the,war and many othere are in a
hepeful ocindition. ''' l '.
. Of the '120,000,000 Women and airle in
India -,neit more than one . in. every 'twelve
hundred -hes yet been placed" under anY
• .. . .
hitld Ot Clitistian'hifillenae." . : ',
'When Mr. Spurgeon wad asked how be
succeeded ao wonderfully in keeping his
church full, he replied : " I fell thepulait .
'and 'let the people fill the pews."
' . The old .slave -market of Zanzibar, *hero
30,000-elayes wer,c formerly , sdld - annually;
has been transformed inth mission pre- •
mieee, With n church, andichool. • - '
- •• : , - '
A chnrch 'in . a -'cOuntry village recently
reirenlated a paper among the cengregation
asking, for [centributions "' for the pnrpose
•of • paying the organist and a boy to blow,
thp sante." t' " •
Young Men's Chrietian Associations are
ItillbdiAollnil r't nirdi
IT i" t a
', :V•e°P.Ie mirIPPinil ,the Peall* . .. ''
4.0 oteete sound deepatea iieye :' , The
PartY that: Was sent. for the, body of [1,Irt.
WOods 'and to .sea.rch for • other bodies of
victitne of ' the Asia.disaster' arrived here
early Yesterdayinornitig by steamer North-
ern Bellm; ofl. the GThieat NertdlieHrn TIrlansdit
-. .
,uotripany. a me. ey visite og s an ,
Wikwimikopg, Manztowaning and . cape'
Smith. At Hog island they found the body.
of Biliss, McNabb, of Sullivan township. It
bad, ',leen Ooverel' With gravel 'and boards,
but- there[..was,-"n0 reell-,aiten2n-at thiriak
The' PeartY: had, a, bdrial case with ,theetrea
which, they used [to „encase- the body, and
. , .
brought it to this place,„„,_. While at Maondiiteo;
waning theY were informed that the h .
of a man and woman had been- found at
2eadtoexSanareiitube,ato tvahhemiel! pTlahcee,.vvtheerayapiare;eidvaeei
to be Mrs. Walters who was' lady's
_ .
the ' ill-fated ' steamer. - The man
1°)11:41 ' n°t b,e identified at .KillarneY,
Hog Island or Cape Smith,. They exhumed
. , - . . .
the bodies oL those •that• were buried and
kund . that •in *every ,ease, excepting those
exhumed at Killarney, the -victims had
their pickets cet and everything 'of . value
abstracted; and in 801210 ca,seit even -the
shoes and stockings had been stolen off
their feet. The Asia disatiter appears to
lia.ve been a 'harvest to both. Indians aed
white peoPle. The Indians are spending
. - t some of the via
money rather,lavishlY. a .. . • .
'ages on the :island; ' One incliande hnoWe
to.[have paid: out §50 in, geld for a waggen :.
another $35 '.fer live stacke ,while others
have offered .eilver knives, forkseete., for
I • Th la d • • -
ta eil e 1, yet Mrs. Woods- will be sent
t : ' t he " f 'ends;
y t ''''?, ea..1:1•3,' , "'i° °-morrov! ° .r ri
in. Cincinnati • The Indian lighthouse.
". • : ' - - [- • h
Itee'per, at Lonely Iela,nd has ,given up t e
"watch; chain, and locket thathe• atole froth
theb d f M W ' d Th : ' ' - •
e yo. rs. oe s.. ey are pota in
the potsession of Mr. Bledea. The watch
is' in., ,geod condition' and had stopped at
ttveiity minutes past.l. . • • . ''
. .
1 Id U h' ' I f '' ' '
0 go ,.,. pen was ing a panfu o gravel
four colore Of gold, and sclthe silver were
found... Dlr. Adamt„ whO hat been, proe-
in e ou ana
tetelidtiterigi,:hfeere etalisreeeheyeecavree; 8 Et': wthhetUtei.ritluil...
. .• _ ____.....____
' ' - ' '
it is stated the British Ca' overnment haVe
decided to submit to the Conference of the
great pOwere a seherae for Egyptian piih..
tary organiz ation beforeits adoption. :
maker. What is it btit scienCe that calla.
ki ttventy-eight- •yarde of goods in ,a dress •
, , . .
ae tight, that -tihe, wearer, cant dravf a twig,
breath withont hearing buttons fly ?
There were' seventeen new. ,casilis -01-
diphtheria reperted in Detroit on, Monday
c-ationstha'n there area oh the P W' ta N
W. town plot ate Odanah, There is ; good
and nine neweases Of scarletiever. '. There
' '
deal of excitement over the disdoveries
• • ' ' ' .. ' ' '.•
' Emetson .1ntetncitiondl : ',S traWit cheaper
than dirt in Manitoba -a geed deat cheaper;
In fact;,the.fatmers atolitad',Einerson have
f it that therfind it a nuisance
sae'much 0 • , ,
ndburn. it to get rid of it. ItIs the seine
way aliever the Northwest. , Up at ,Faign
an enterprising capitalist is [gaing to.Miliae
the straw of tha,t secticin laY okanufacturing,
it foto Paper, and for that parpoee io now' ,
erecting . a 'large paper mill which is•
.• .[ , '
• expected to be in running otder by next
spring. • It is &pity that some enterprising
- . • ., . .. • ..
capitalist cannot be iuddeed tii 'establish a
a . , - . , , . . • , • , , . . ,
eimlh.Lr estalilishmantan.Emereen: . • .
., A. Saturday night's ded at h froin W..
. , , . p c . an-
iaipeg says : Mt. Charles Tuppea did' pot
return from Thunder Bay at; expeCted, but
took a •steamer for the °Bait bn Saturday. .
' , , ' • ' ••
Two important ' events .eignaliZed ,the
march'ef progrese in :Winnipeg last:night.
" I haVeNsleCnr::::LNpdese4oefd!dcalais for
• -
doctors' fees • and medicines, and never
found. any relief from theurnatieuli till' 1
used. Pr-"• DOw's Sturgeon Oil • Liniment.
Now I can walk ' ' Can or
witholit anY e
crutch." Thia,testimony, from Aa•O• l'ose,
.0hio.: N. S., is not an isolated case by any.
means. r, ow s urgeon i • 'Dimwit.
" ' D D ' St : '0.1 L' '
has eured thousands of [ almoet hopeless'
cases of rheumatisin ._ ,Ie eeme eesteeee •
•the sufferer had been confined to bed for
months and in a.eeee oases ior years tarok,
this remedy Was applied .and it effected' a
. •
complete cure. .So marvelloue have been
• , , . , .
the ,effects ef, this remedy that it has been
acloPt.cd 'es a .StaUdard ,ntedicine.by Many
phasimans, and - in , their 'hands at has
,relieved a very great amonat of suffering,'
made the lame. to walk and' given work:and
active empleyment to Many [who -had• con-
sidered their active work at an end .
' ' '' • •
The Amaranth
' te have cOmmenceil
clay *tis pbstponed
• '
request of the
of the absence
. ' The official
show .that.the.e,
.has been yearly
n a year 137
I'. th. t . , 2,
could neither read
.Pereencege.of illiterates
, At Manistee;
Blaidinis. Hotel
.Mtee Lena • Piercie,
ployedat the
Carleton, a-eick
had.not been
building, and
tOok•the sick
him tom place
-i: 11- e" twf;''' "
murder". trial, Willett.' Waa .. .
at Orangeville Yeeter-'
Until ' tci day- at the .
Prisoner's conneelon account
a se oral: witnesses: ' • • '
• . . - : [ •
loturns regarding [the army •
1 , . , . . . .
ducatton of Germ. an reCrUlta
on the increase since 1875. [
per cent. o t ta recruits .
' • : ,'' ''.. " . f ii, " . . " .
nor, write. • In 1881 the •
had eunk to 1.54, • ;
1 • - • • •
Illioh.; on Monday morning, . .
INS,,F3 ': destroyed. by fire, •
• a .yeuiag woman era, •
betel to take care of Andrew
man,.'soovered heir charge
irenioved from., the- burning' .
dashing through. the -flames. . '
Mau' it • he'r " arm's and bore .
of Safety amid the.
". Not to -day, my little man.". .
• notv establiehed inCairo,,Beyrout, Smyrna,
?Den ru find. anezzeraince,, .
• 'Caube•Initist I Can.". • Da -patient,. jernsalein, Naaareth„ Calcutta,
.... e . , ttfliBlITILABli., '
Main., .Street throtighout. was lit by the
trie li'ht •and was fairl •suectessful •for
eleo g ,• . . Y
T - '
heaSalvation„ Army holds.an a eren
' ''' ' ' * • '. "' 'Li t
paete ef the British islands 6 200 servicee
of the crowd Ofi ectii.tora' : ' ' '
[ .,.. :. ., .F, . . • .
' : : '' ' • :
goeif ..
, , ,
. .. • , Hong Kong, Yokohama, and many other
FaM the, clerk would have detainedhim, ,. . . ... .
ioreign cities. • : ., . .
But the 'plea ling voice was gone. , . . , . •
And the little feet.werediastening The Pioneee• auggetts that the MahonietEM
• By the busy erewd,swept on, •. ' . . . .
ebldiers' of the Indian army now serving in .
Suddenly the croWd was parted,. ' Egypt ehould be afforded eaery opportna
-, People dashed to left and right,• - • nity of peaking a; pilgrimage 'to:Mecca when
Asa pair of maddened.horses , • the.wer is ever: [ - ' • • a - • r.
At that moinent dashed in sight.
. . . . '. , • " . 'Many halferazy.beings, then. and7Wamen
- ' - ' • . . .
No one saw the baby figure,: ,, • budding for' madnees arising , onteof 'in-
. No one saw the gelden hair; , . . , .. . . .
Till a voice of frightened sweetness herited or physical Causes, Plunge zeitkusly.,
Mang out on the autffinn Mr.. into the etirring services. of the Salvation
-. : .. - • .- AreCY ' in England' 'andtevolve into. full,
' Twas too late -a motnent only blow.n !Mastics; , • . : • ' '• •
' Stood the beauteous vision there,
Then the little form lay' lifeless, ' • The third Gen'eral Council of the,' pres,
• Covered o'er with goiaan hair. ' byterian Churcheeof the. world Will Meet
- ' •
Iievereatly they raised. my darling, in BelfasteIreland, on the filth of . June,
'Brushed away the curls of gold, . 1884, and probably in the Assembly: Hall.
' Saw the stamp upon his forehead,',-
- -- . Great are the expectations Mid great will
GrTOWilig, TiOW 80 icy cold. [ • , . . , ,.
-0-eatb of A Velernat-,An American eon-
, . ,. .
aura Death. • • ,,, .. .. , .
• ,Ma John MeCleskey;a mernberof'the 79th
"Highlanders in .1829 . an officer in the
. . .3
UPPer'Canada[CrOven. Landt Department'
and ',Ton:jute's firat letter-ca,rrier„ in 18.41;
' . ' h 84th
died 'in that .city on Menday in. t e. •
year of hie age. He was highly respected,'
'and his remains' Were 'followed to St.'
. , . . . •
Michael's •Cemetery by. a large number of
.. .
.citizens. • . . . . ' . . , . ,
. ,A . Troy correspencl'ent..writes .• .0ii" the
aoth•instant, at the [residenee ,of 'Mr. 'A. J.
Joees, -bts . mother', rs. a nah jp ,
s, d PA's, -in the 8ond ear of 'her a e'
'Pe -sea -0 37 • - e•• y . - ' , g '
SheWas dim 6f the few survivina settlereaf
a . .. . . . e
'Bever] ' She•-litd. lived: w ere she died
t• . ' Y• a . 11 ... , .
shade spe was 16. years, old.. , • '
. • . .. •
a start . The. street railway • managers
. ,
taking adiantage of the brillla,nt light, as
- • .. ' . • • •
every week. '
. ,••
. ..
. . . . ,
well as• the moonlight, •opened the street
r4lway. for tralfita. Crewds lined. .'t.he'
, thoroughfare to•witness both' evente. . ,
' ..J' h L ' ' ' th ' ' ' ' a' ' 'th'
mop evesque; e accuse • in ' °
. , , .
Turtle Moantain murder -case,' hat, been
, • •
foupd guilty' by the j-ury her.e end'eenterieed-
to be.hanged.' • .. - • [
• ' • . .
,a.D...r • Wilson's Anti -bilious and Preterving
ruateetieee cenettaattee., euar.et. aeiaty...ef
the stomach, increase the appetite. so that
thecroaresit food ii relished, 'When. this ie.
accomplished all other' complaints. must
. yield to the .restoring influence of these'
- . • • • • , • •
' ' . t"-- '
a e
' a
3. " a
'V IPW.f.A,V ' ,
, a ,.
,,lA.A., 4
.a. atritemile 'Pastor' lifeals by the 'baring
„ . , , . ,. ., . ..
• - . ea ofetiands. : • - •
A NeW •York telegram says • Rev- F
- • • ' - ' '' - • '
Tho T.1 , 5: Presidept lias'appointed Larne,
Peekaef New York Consill at Fort Erie
Canada. ' ' • • ' '
Maack created a sensation heat (Sunday)
• A ' 1 ' i', ' .
'night at the •aapostoact ,hurch. Brooklyn
• ' ; - • • ' - '
Pie claimed to passeee the mitactilous power
. . . •
of e•healing, the siek by the. laying on. of
h k t ' 'ft 'd d ' •
T e mar a is. oo e with worthless and
• • ' dt - • • ' • • • '
•vile,compoun efer the tejuvinatio.n of the
hair, but Ca,rholine, the. great . pet:role-Urn
, , / ,
li.'.'0.:',Gt.1;12, .
,., _ , . , the preparations f dr subh a .gathering.
Not -it mark the'face disfigured, .• As to the hoSpitality.to the delegates:there-
Showing where a' foot had trod, *ill be no difficulty en -that sCoret - • ' :
lhit the little life' was ended, , •
- Papa's letter -was whin; God. An appeal to. Christendom_ has.been pob-
lisliedto 'for,
. . .
' Pie ?ftblic ..cha°11'.- , -; • .
Teachers in the Pablic Schools Of France,
are very seldom Oaid. more thtn: 5 a 'Week.,
hand's and requested all whe were sick and.
believed, in Jesns Christ [teascend the plat-
hair :renew.ct and dressing, •as now mat
PreVe'd [4d perfected, stilltakeethe frobt
, 4,, ' 1, .
. .1 . e -.•
[Ara,' '
, forth.. . Over . two .dezen persons came for;
Ward,. including- personea ii tete with
rankas the hest preparationover .offered to
, .
. , I ... , . .. -
• 2'alt. t . • , fir ,,.o. ct,i it-
42.L'on ',it
.. ' ''"--, / --aa, 'a --e a_aillaeata
,a_. ,:-...............L, N...—
rh euthatiana; ,deafness, chronic • catarrh,
• ••
-. .. . • • .. . • . . • • ,
A Black--
. ..,. e ,
subscribe the complete restera-
• _, • • -. . . .. .
EaSy Libel lilldhinirges. , , tion of the Castle' Church . 'Wittenberg.
., - . . .. 1 , . . . , , . . , .
. fLorationFree Press.). • tThit. is the church where Martin Luthe,r
- . .. , ' - -. • . • . . placarded: his ninety-five , theses, On the-
Th e • 0 ttawa [Fre'e Press •l.ias twelibel Bllitill 'door. 'The Prussian'Parlielment wonld not
, , . [ , . . „.
on hand, which appear .- to have -been pro- even tote . a . few ., pOunds for the. desired
; . ' , . meted more frona.inotives of spite than for object' and: thereforethe [Z30 600 required
,the acquisition' of justide or -defence . eV. is tobe raisedhY public subseription. -'
. character .Referrin” 'to this tlie: Free Press • . • . , - ... . .
- . . ' - ' "' • , • • • • 'Anxious to explanethe,meaning of hyper-
''' 89'51i ' • ' • . . • bele, a Presbyterian :minister eitid t aaPei-
If the libel law regarding..newspapera ue . net .'ha e ' ou do not understand the -meaning
amended, evert- repo, who 'fancies what ..he P 31 . , . .. .. _ ,. .. . ,
hyperbelm_.-This word,-mye
The,Publio Sehool work of the United
. . e . -
State invol es an • expenditure of • . o e
.. a • v • - ,• m .r
than •180,000,0190. Nearly 1,000,000, pupils
ate enrolled tnd - about 300,000 • teachers '
employed.. •[•"' a . a` • ' , ' ,. .,,, •''' ,
.. More than ans.:half . of. the teachert,[ not
only of' public but Of privateschcOls, in the '
United States' are women. Tine proportion
li Id ' d ' d , li ' ,:. ' 1
e s. too, in a vance as )1 a estie a emen,
tary grades. : • , ' ,' ' ' , ' . .
' ' The Principalship. of Pickering-"C011ege;
. .
d 1 v:' ii--eby-the-ileitth-of-Mi--:-S. la
-ten erec - ac a - - - -,--- ,
. - • - , . . • , -
kidney -diseases and dimnese otsialit. -After
. . . . - .... . . a a - •
prayer the preacher passed.hishande over
the parts 'afflicted „and comecianded the
newly -formed cou re %ton in
.. . . g g - .
heath • London have decided to„ -call. the
ae ' , , . . - .. . ,,
te v..D, be Guthrie of Liberton Edinburgh,
• . ' , e . ' , . • '. • .
ton late De.
, •• •
, , .
• . . -
, . , „ , •
disease. t6 deOart.; He ;tvrenchO,d. the nose
a of .the Outlariee• •
a a ue saionraer„. alliteliEsr: and,,,
ef those having catarth and ..blevir into. the
' ears •of. those ' deaf. Strange 'to ' relate,
mearltaall the afilictedexpreesed themselves;
• ' li' ' :c1 -1 ot abs lutel cared '. '
.re eve , 1,,en o y. , .
, ., . . . . .
, . . .
Inspirit tant to Travellers
e • • ' • - ' • - ' - • '
Spec.a. , , . • , a
- i 1 inducements areoffered you. liv
the [Barlington route. 'It wiil pay you to
read their advertisenaent :to be found. else-
Aral ' nil • "04 nESI'.' line ...to St..- JosePb. •
poiiii -1'1 Iowa A- Atchidon .Topeiia,..Dent-
• - ' 4 - • ' ' - ----
-Nebraslia,Alissourf,Kan- i son, Dallas, Gat- .-
•sas,.•New Mextco, Anieha, BIO . , ,
: a
tnait'aud.Texas. , . . ' a,
, ,' . . t ,
.. 'Pm Secrecy' , ot Irclegraints.,
' ' '
where in itiie issue: .
' (Cala- "*(Gia '
, • . ' .- ' - • - - '
Many will be-eurprised and,.some
- , . .z
, . . .... _ .
eateemehis_charatiter_haseb.een_injineadawila,b_e_ ...o.f_.the_word_ . . . .
able to gag •the press With -a writ. If this thing - friends, inereasesi er diminishes • a,tbing. Dayie, [Ida A., haa . been 'filled • by the
continues •newspaper proprietors win have to, beVonclihe. exact triith.. Suppose I iffirmild aPpeititment Of Mr: WaIl. Huston,.III. A.
form a union forthe.preservationotitheirliberty ••• .. , . , . . . . _ ,. .
and their .property. ' , , . ' ,,• , '. ,..•. Field latex shad Von .Moltke' endorsee the
, a ;,. say the -whole of thie, congregation, ni fast , • . ... .. .. • e , .
, As the law stands,"aCtions, for libel cati,, asleep. • h erbole for s stem of gymnastics. in ' the • urerman •,
Thtt weuld be a yp , , Y
hi h t h Is - The National .As Ociation
be instituted ;without aey 'guarantee for there .is• notabove Onlillialf of. yonsleeping." .gbe. SC (')O ... , . . s, - • , , . ..
• • , races". 2,300-echooling. :and gymnastic
costs being paid., into court. Hence . it is, , The Presbyterians' of the States,. have e'll''' ti rs 'v, ith more' than, 200,006 ,,members;,
that newspaper proprietors are' peculiarly; eleven churches with Over.a thousand corn -i• °°,?.1?,- ..._,. !
Open to be made -the. subjects of that 'kind municante each ,;• Dr.' Taltnage'e with, 2;747 xnee,.rkinoip'"al Of• 'the 0 ttaVia ' Nora:lel-
S h -I " ' t' eth t it ''ini lit. be Well" in•
of annoyanCe,. as our contemporary peints comMunicante ; Claidago.. (De:. At E. Kit- ,c op sugges s. : . a h .. , .
g • t A d
out. Some feur or five. years age an'aetion. tredge), • 4894 ; Dr.:John' Hall's, .1,867 ; schools, to- bave....teac ,C413 .protao e . own- ,
ard. ,'He thought the salaries ought , to '
of that kind- Waa brought .a,aainst. this ion*. Brooklyn (Dr. T. L., CuYler)s) 1.792 • Dr. 7 .., . ,. , .. . - . ...., ,
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' increaste in 'inverse ratio with: the alaeses .
nal by a county cense:hie en: account' of t "Crosby's, '.1,396 ;• Rochester. ' (Dr: • J.; B. •
and , Le r" th - , 1." ' • I ' th ' 'One ht t '
r • , e ewer :c a.m.'s.. ey . 0
report of 'a cotiveisation that- toek ' -• place Shaw), .1,321 ; 'University ,Place, N..Y.. (Dr.. . . 9 .
- have. teachers of .the _ highest mental at-
before the Chief of, Pohce, in which a•copi- 'Booth), 1,pos;'• Bethany, ..Philadelphia, . ,
i • t nd filled • ith the milk of
plainaut stated that the constable had wil- 1;180 ; New York, pt. J.B,..Paxten's,1,032;• - auttnen e a.. . , , w . . , ,.,
• • .. "hundan-kincitiess. - • If the . teacher had'
fully neglected to.' serve a.warrant on a r_nan, Sea Francisco (Rev. John'Henaphill), 1,02,4,; . .
ceea e : ae.gering' an e o . vv.
at Delaware• whe rhad conamitted a most 13rick; N. ye 1,001. ' , , • ' • t d it h ' ' ' d thir 't f r kne • '
' . , , , ledge he had .done_,..a11:: that a, teacher
for 'aggravated' ' The
1, :people
...will be alatrited••to find that the eecret' ,of
, - telegrams' is [ not inviehible• ' and ['that the
' - '. : • - ' .' ' - •-d •
..agiant.maylalwayebe subpoenaed. te.pro. ace
the originals in his possession Tbe .' tont
I:.'' • •
' • - ' ' ' ' ' r • '
was noticed atthe EiginAssize,C. ciiirta• few
C 1' '1 a ca -Mad bonen C B ' who'
o one • un n p , . te.....,
has coneinanded . the ..
let •Battalion Royal
Highlandere [(Black Watch) throughout' the
.. . d . E t '.5 ' 'bout: to "rettirn to
cratipinen ita .gyp , 1 a . .
.Eug.and, in view' Of bis retirement' upon
half- ' ay 'in'accordance with' the 'terms of
,.,, rtes,aoate has no'superlor for Albert ,
. %or , Lea, minnelipous anti st. Paul. '':
L ril versal-Nationally' reputed' as -•
ly aaneeded ia • fr:a 'a b lag , the Great
.1r-, uie[best equipped • - .3L-lk.lr.„eate Th . he .
- e. , , , . .. , roug , ar
i,ahroad in the:World for., , . ' Line
fin cilisse=3.0. travel, • • • , to
• d 'ys aao in th couree of the trial of , Wm ,
.- a ' • - ' • . e . ,r t ' ' • •[a. • : - '
Mantgomerye when a .repreeentative of tthe
''. telegraph agent here, Wee. compelled to :pro-.
• P ., - . . .. , ... . , . . -
. the'Royal Warrant regulating promotion
end'retitement in the arnaY. • COloner Mae-
. , .
t.itte ' • ' '.• ' . ' , . • . , .. '
' : ' . " '
dune an :original. tele.gram - despite ..his • exa
pestuiation • that it was ' regarded .as a
e • ' . • " - There donbt
phersonie to be simeeeded'in command .bY
. LieutaColonel W. Green. [ • ' ' [ • . •
,, - . • • ,
. : -,
• .0 .Ali eohneettons made
. , . ,
• 'In 'anion..
. , m ut is ,no
- ' ' • tthe o 'main 'of the' teik;.'
abont thelaw, bu , p . , ...
.graphic. agents as, to the ,Scaro.sanctity ,of
telegranis is' probably abated by thegeneral
,. - • - • • - : ' - - • '
public, ,Wlio think[that ,a- telegram ought to
- ' • '
f nd sec et a Means of cothiaiuni,
be as Baas a r , .
cation use, lettere . ,Thie,ctunot be the. case
so lona , as'. the' telegraph' agents,. :keep tins.
.6 'gi Is and areliable at any :mionnent' to
' ,.r.i fla . , , . .
be . compelled' to produce therri .. A letter
' - - ' ' ' - [ • • ' • • • ' [
. paeses :thrinigh ' the ' podt without leavina
• : ' t f • ' '
Salt. has been, dispoyered en•• eet below
.the surface On. Arnherat'Island., '. , _ • •
' - - -. • .. . • • ' . , - . [. ,
.. All the ,sobolastm seafkld nag -falls as e
rthnect edifice Wore one wheevvoid-Lfaitlii
[ • • • • • ' - -, • a .. • •
eaNapp/eo n. ' ' ' ' . - '... . ' ' ,,
- .
e [,. on on agar° says • , a • e
. r Th ' L d " 1," ' ' ' th t''' ‘i th '
Metiers'. Downing sent over 25„060 of Mit.'
L ' e ' t I t 'N ' Y k I • t [ • k
anetry s por rai .t.s• o . ew ,or . as . wee, ,
th '' ' tt ta th ta t f ' th Atn' rican
us[ ge lne e.sro ,e. e
., Depots,
' ' "
Throllgy r. . ' Try tt, [•
•aicecieVattais , and yen 'Nall
• [ • •
:Celebrated Line for olvit . .
find. traveling [ •a•
- • ' • ' -
••qiIIA'A alLoineeSia 4` • „hccury, iastean
-• ' : • • .. ,
ti,c w, .p. 'and • -of a die-
. ' 2
.bln'Ptia ' '''
.• . ,• • An' , • ' conifert,
, • Intotniatlen
''' [ avout IiateS Cf ,, ,
- 1141'6, ateeping Care,
,,,, [ etc.. teleelatillt• glVi:,n LY -
' •
uncalled, and assault.. ...' , . . .. .could
'be' eip oted to do. - . ' '' - . , ' " .
' . . ' ' . " ie ' F O . O . ' 0 '-••--
facts were . all with the paper and against. • Lai st -!-,n6 S ., aghl '1,11_ !Fs• • • .. , . ,„:„ :', - ' ; • • - • , . . • :.,''
.All American., contemporary acivocates
the: constable,' the-. truth 'being •:, t.hati . tpiight ruffs of :lace .and., net . 010 W off -the 1 "il: ' f ' h ` ' - " ' ' : : '
:ea ina o :t e -morning newspaper an
owitig . ta his delay the.' assalia:nt' get.. fair, and slender neeks.te adVantage: ., [.. : - chooleas['the• 'beat ' method. of ;teaching.
away to the States„ the man who:had:been - -
6 rintal. OlOth of' 'as ' ime;Oy•'otilors: 'as, "•:ecOntern ' oraneone bistotry " Thete - itrt nth [
severely ipjured .being left without redress. T . , ,, '
osepn 8.. COB is e rte es ,. a tie . or .. ou t .i a an t e • an s o a compe en
' 1 - la ' e . of •" libel " " t ' th ' li t -"f b - ' .f. ' • d ''b 'Ph t - '[. h •h d: :f - . '`'t t
In clue time , t ie ° arg • Mantlet.and cloaks. ..• ' - • . ,.• ,a. - - .. - '[and judicions 'teacber- the -studY might be,
came before the court, and ' 'the ' jiiry 'at • ,. , . , ... - • .• e ': ' ' ' " : d "i - : ' 1 ": ' 1 ' ' th ..f ' da
once broueht 'in a verdiet for ' the : .de,. . Raised flowers in velvet, upon geotindstof , ma 0 0 great ya ue in aying .e oun. -
fendants, . the iustice• 'of . which the late • Ottoman er, reppeclaiilk are the meat efaitly: tioniof anintelligeiat interest in the werld's
Judge Harrisonhearktily conourred in, That, and elegaiat brocades now imported. - • orogrese: It could.. else', he thade., very
, . ir r r . r "interesting. , But.so . many practical. diffi,
the County :cenetable', referred to • had' :no , ',Appliques of 'velvet on alOth-dresses take
cu., ies s.ugges ,enase mild. a J ,18 Cu -
Means of paying law 'jests, and the Outlays,. 'the feint of discs Of graduatedeizes in three. It' ' t th' ' lv th t I '' do lit
necessary to the defence. Were throwe npOn, or feurroWs on the skirt and overdress. :.',. ludo le iduet.'IttiOlthe.9Iiiiirdtboefingreae;leaeYc
our proprietors... The:Jaw...veva:les that'in • : Packet:handketchieft for childr,en : have .for Ft in[ the 'orewded. 'proaraninte ot. Mir
,some caste's security !should be given. for a printed herder 'of designt copying Kate s check. ' ' ' ' 7 , . , , ,,
COEltB. before an action can' be brought' This Greenaway'd Of Iquaintlittle 'folks • ', '
a • " - ' - • :I. ' • ' '
any traces.behied tt, and itte egrainastt are
' tO be •inade at safe in .thierespeet, ae, e ere,'
the 'originals Must. either be. destroyed or
ma eunavai a, ts in evi , eace..- . iotnas
'd ' • . '1 bl - -cl " ' 'St 1'1
7,6,es,, , . . ..
photographers:. . ' This eshipnient assumes
that Mrs'. Langtry it- 'the handsomest
Wondaa On the stage " ' "
, - - . , ,
Co nelin 'the Paris aCtor has broken a
, ,, q , , . . ..
contract with:a Feenoh manager for a •tour•
• T -1' POTTER,". '• .' ...- PERCEVAL LOWELL,' :
• :,•[. ',NO -Pres% d7,. .Geit'l -Manager,' 'Gen. Pass. Aut.,
t `,.,
' CitiPago: an. , , , ,chkage;:111,.
, 'd:.611.111i)SONT,..,igent.• ' . '•
„, ' ,Fr6,ntL Stteet-East, Torente, Opt:
, , . • . , . „ r.
.,., , ,, .
. ,--.....-e---.--_....„,.., et. ,
, , ittesiter ainfti-!.01,-Vnint• . .
b ' ' .6' taistrateste enimitatil '
• T o power . r m e . .. . ., ,, y,
COnV1Ct seryapts fot cle.serting their employ-
'ment,, .or. for, disobedience to orders, wae
called ae,.queetien at Osgood° Hall, yestore
day by , a .rnotion• to (mash a. conviction
made by a rnag,iettate fat desertion Of • ema
- • , , ,...
plo.yMent. TheAct which'giveti thie power
t a "strates 's Che ter 75 of the C.'S ITC '
o na gi , i . p . , • • . • •, ,
and the. contentioniethat this et atute m in
part repealed by* The', Blake Act," Doin.
Stet, 40 Vica, •Rulo Xis/. was granted,:which
-Will', be. ergitedeinaa. few days. .•it. ie well,
'known that Magistratee all over' the cotin; .
tfiry are, still cbeviothig tunder. the A i aid
: ,c - 13-: ''-,:,
te be repealed... , . - ,,• .,.
. ' '
., _
in- this 'faltuntry, on the grotind...that-ari
. . .,
,a,dequate eonapany wae not to'. aceempaey
,Iiim .• He will be com oiled to a al0'000.
.. , . . . . . P a .p .3' a
e Hop. Marke[Feancis. Napier,: the, counsel
itistrneted,to defend Arabi :Pasha, is, the
• sedond sint of . Lard .Napie.r, fortherly 'Her
, Majesty. a Ambassador , at St., Petersburg.
Mr. Napier lite not lona been called. tO the
. , o. .
„English bt,r, and. thit is probably, the -first
'' t t b ' 1 h. • h la ld• ' •
, impor. an ..rie , e , as ever. e . ., , .
' '
A docutinentliist unearthed sihowe that
, the lete Jan Robert and Hen. John Ham-
iltonefatlier, and. -sena BerVed their -country
fOr ninety .years in .it.legislatiyer',otipadity.
rn, g t e
J.'-u•O'Lortner'S Wilt of . appointreelat 313 daimu
.'at ,Kingston,[17tla July 1792 , the year. Sub-.'
7 . I
se ' oat: , to the ,diViSion, of Upper and
' till ' • "
.. - -
est selling..
. °t•• r
• •fast,
' Pi evanan
- -;41%,:.-vg.O.;i1P-IbEVoll7
' The onoreotriplew'aeObuntOf
'i The
tiees.ritar tausrre
b"IT' "ITTIellTaiisi
c ear. .
the peep e on
• - 1 ' ,
Je min
.1 Su
t i ritten
y, ,
e Y'f.i' d u
,r 0;1i%,
tte Agent
mr trf th 1
accoun. o e
" ,' _ataaieeeralopeaia
rthe .James
ette." 17.oi=1.1.7t.
and ' 10E LONG.
. . ..
' •
--axitP na•---' ,
. - ' •
. ' ks
scullion .
h '..1 ' Boo .
and the lost.' •
eieari printed online
tit 11 hound No '
11,jeoinp,,t..ition. ..
because they sell -
al 0 ' ' . '
r v a .. . ,,
.„?,,,izz,...tvw. ,:.
sur},... - ..,.. .:. ..... i -
Orothersai.- .
alltasoora out:nws, . ,,
J!‘.4116'• '' '
picturee .---- '
necessary precautioe • deco. not apply -be •ae play; . , • „ t . . • . . .,. ; . . . ., . .
1Droys ova le a LoCrd ot -Soap..
libel, and hence thoSe ..wha 'hate to •set t
Two bials folds of 'white crimPed CraPe ' . ' : . ' • ". •
. forth the public news of the day are alWays, • , [ A•New York telegiaixi says : 'The steam
d. inside the standin collar and . '
el the' mercy of : people. whe: fancy that a: ato-arraefgfe 01L.,r .. d .
libel consists in telling • uppleasaiat truths., ' ' g' f' dark- sh,ip Zeela,nd, which arrayed • yeetercla,y
e eleelli-lk and 'azatilan ,, raises_ ° .frona.Aptwerp, reporte that. Plenty, [Santa
It is Only necestarytentake the, .Statethent ' .9° °r . /2* ... . VelV-1:1• ' ' . • • . ' • _. , .ders; 'aged 32adrowned•himself .int it barre
in order to. show how tieedful it iethat the. -a-a-P-O-PPYered hi tin fashion for eclotlat and of, softsoa,p'iuring the :voyage-."teaaple '.was.
law should be'se • amended:. 'as to.. Cape', ,cashmere dresses, andanitortedblue. cash. apparehtly,insaie,0 [ • a • ., [ t •','
, r , • .. . - r sses' ate: tn. med with bande of
security for costs to vet given , in cattes . of -mere d e. , ria. , . . ,• . . , . . 7
action for.libel, ot .that some ' other &Ulnas. 'PePPY-colored volVet. e'. . , . , ..
. The ensiorant tourist. or. traveller bound
. . . . , , , , .
'such as•the con.currence of a Jtidge in the [[ Antique heads of hronze Or .dull silver, for the prodtictive Mines and[fertile prairies
validity of a suit, Sheitldbetolitainecl before cocks of cepper-tinted r'si,lVet• and dialm t;',1
0-a=,' Of the Great Southwest is imanimens in
it COUld be prOgrelsed with, , . ' • - • ' ehaped • dettigna Of Rhine brilliants. are the eelecting.the Tout°. vitt -chieage, Implicit
elatpst for Winterwrapsa , ' .: • '• - ' cenfideiace is' placed in' the. Kansas City
, • . - • . . ,
'' A -a '-'--A 'a ectator he
ton SALVATION -.111Y. . p . .
stood iu ,the way•''of a ' Sall:ration' •Army
proceSeion at . Harwich, England, N'alE3
' tain
k000ko,aovi,o,Ana kicked by , the - cap
in comptiand and hie in tines. were suoh.
. . , a .l . . .
'that a •jury atvarded.tbipi • 4250, "which,
General Rooth Will' payeant 'of ."..the' army
LoWercana,da. t .- • - , • •
' ' '" ' "' ' ' ' ' ''`'
:: The' Queen of Italy -does, not .speak the
Plednaoutetie 'dialect, which'. is the King's'
avorite, u . e es . an pures a ian,
. f ' . b t th . b t ' d t 'It' 1' ,
mploys a . orentme
d f " la r hit& . ' Fl '
ae or ,e ec . e ,, ,
, seivant With her mother she: uses. the
'Gcittin:''''''itlak' 1St& nage •andis•also 'familiar with
„_, e -e 1 -1 ' h , - '
exenc i and ng is : -, . ,
. . ' [ , • . -..• .' ' 9 ho onl cont.,
"Ir torial Family-Btble ' Ti to worYir,_con-
l'p9b0 h Ner9110S or thOrVaW4calament... NOM '
PgliVi:ees arta IlletratIons thaliankother edition.- . , _ ,,,
, . The MOat MUCH All' AlmallS'iiranted by any PILI:c
aismaa 'mousy. snore -pa pEaaavos. 0
occalis. 1 - - - ' •, ' "
' 'ars. and terms. Territory:in.
Write quieltly 'for circa
rapidlyb .i g_ lcen.,., :_.,' ' . '
' (JEdziliNT.ea 000ia PrisaisaaNG 00.. •
tan Block csIOACIO I'LL.
gSatsate er100 IletropolI , , . ... , ..
. Hussaithlueclo arcades are •niade with: •Pioneer Lite,- composedef , he C. ,B..,,,,a. Q.
' A. Good 9fter... - '' 't " " "
. .. .
' ' - a Plein aliirt bordered' with ,velvet, above and Old Reliable' 11annibal tfieSta Joseph.
The Chicago, Burlington, tte QuIncy.Rail. ,,whieh ia military braid and a plain redin- .,Railrbilds, . Through fast trains are"rii-ii•by
toad Company ,hasjeSt issued. an .illustrated. gote with braided vvbeels down the front; thitlineand the equipment ia unaurpiiiised.
a treatise, " The Heart of the Continept," 1 't d fiallnese behind '
• . a • •
, . -- . .
,. . ,
• TennYson 'charmed perhaps ,by , the
. • . ' • • a, . • • . -.
Shake earian associations of the name, in
...P , , ,
about to try a bold dramatic venture at the
. , . ..
new Globe Theatre in Loudob [to be opened
'- ' - f
in November under the management o
-• : •
Mrs • Bernard 'Beere. . Her first venture
- 'will be aii original drama o Eng 'eh rural
. .
life in prose by the Poet Laurea,te . -
At • the performance of "Parsifal2L..in...
Bayreiith;thettoner-Of the tom-tona arrange,
mente 'whichin the: finale • of the 'first act '
' • a - - • . [ , - •
took 'the 'place of bel/s,' was bighly utteatis-
fa t .- 1, is' annotinCed 'that four heavY
6 oty. , , , . , , , .
ells will b' tolled,daring t e performance
• ' ' • .
of thie finale by the SympfirMy SoCiet,Y•
Th. b 11 alit t ' be n improvereenti on
ese s op, . o a -
. A• solicitor.- in. England: has obtain.ed a
verdict' against a toWn for 0.0 000 as corn-,
. . [ . , . , . . a - a
pensa,tion for persoaal injuries caused by•
, , , . , , „ , , .. .
, drinking impure water supplie "
. 4 by the
corporation. The • water 'in its' passage'
• " - ' ' - " - " •
through the service pipes had• become so
: • ' --
ithpregnated as to produce in the plaintiff's.
ease eVery symptom of eolith letid peiaon-
'. 'g A pOint zieto the' liability Of the cor-
. pOration_ was reserved. . . ' , .
Ati effia - of Arabi has. •been Publicly
burned at HolywOod,in.the north of Ire-
land, It was.an dab:Orate and.postly effigy.
Eld'-glovet ,' a': watehOhain and a medal,
' ' . • . • •
. wereamong its Ott:lam:elate- :In the •miciat
' 'of s, large croVird it Was strung pp from the
I • f ' f ' ' • t th ' si-t o
p 9.,t aro) 0 a waggon o. e (nos rees f, a
• ,
' '
rP.,7 ch' 7-70 p:o . l'''' ' (r,1
It, ekig '4ialealatittdIalt
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' YO:11'n CAPIUPAL. a
e — . ,
• • ri.'hos ..•,105il'ille ill mac money' -
• oh a...11011 and naslit(111 ill1,01Ittr10/10
ia grain, proviSi, ate; And ' stock: -
ti spetallations, can 'do so by boor-- •
• sting 0)1 miep Inn. Praia may est; '
1,381 to tho proSent data, 'On ln-
a'ostia t. • f 910.001 91 iloo h
ur•?fiLs „lave „been., ro,-1,1170,1, and . ,
• • peat to eivrsters amounting to-
eaveraittema tro orif•dna itry6st- ,
• meat, atei lee vine" die original in.
voctment inaiiihe money. or vn,y....
able,no detwee I. E,:plIntafla'y en, ,
.. , . castes alai •fitatcnIont's of fund W ,
sett, frce Ate:, want i eseenatao . ,
. epauta,,,,a„ eee Tama; en crew,
• [ IL.reell lilt rod ,.I nt, tl: 0 id at'. „Liberal...
eisemiteeens r Wel . A alli•C..6s, , '
1.,',.P.',11?4,5';:t' 'a 11 Q f AM. C'Itt1e. '
desoribing•• the wonderful ' gtoWth of tbe ' -
NeW dreaSes e:re less' clinging, tci the figure Queen Vicitorit, , while. in :France - will
Six Great States.' The book is beautifully ' ' ,
th the ' ha 6 been for ears Skirteare spend her time attannesi. ,. •
" ted and numerous engravings, Of high au , Y. v • .. , 31 ..• • . ; , , .- . - . .. , .
Prm ' . , , . e• cut to' give a fuller appearance, and the 'England' has thirty electric tight corn-
merit adorn its pages. Any one see. ing , - . , [ ,,, a - . ' * ''th al ca ital of ove lt30 000 000 -
their name and' a roes . puffea drapery is very •iar,.,e,. as it is panies, _WI P . . . ; - , , •
- dd ' with' two three)
tin e on a CUB ion ,o hair sewn o e • ear y as min money is simi ar y sup in
cent postage stamps will receive a copy bY roe t il ' if '' f - - t -th N 1 h : ' ' ' 1 I ' k '
- a ir - ining. France., . ' • - . • - . '
return mail, by applying te, PERCEAL, . , . , ‘ • . . ' '
' LOWELL, General Passenger Agent Chicago, • , • . , •• It iS Teported ' that IVIrs Hamilton Fish
• . ,.. • ei • --There is no ou t , ut. a own man cs,n was thiewn "out of a Carriage on Monda
Illinois. . , . , POW .. -, . • -. . .. , , Y
' • ' ' enjoy eafat legacy. - -a. btoken
.0: , . , t. .. a ............ _and.had.two ribs and was othertvise
' ' - - - -- ' - - '---G- 1. --ii ftee :61-Clielieatieleland- Maine ' : •
• DiatLythan Abbotthitelltidtgat-a-tfoliime 00 g,.11 , , , g . , , . , ,badly Injured. , . • • •
`ti threat a few weeks - • " • • •
on '; The Life and Characteristics of Henry got aPeach 'stone in ha , ... .
• -It is a blessied good. lthitig 'to witnese a
Ward. Beecher." - • .ago, but a dactor visited it down,' as he
brand.ne* I • b ' e th r '‘• d
' I, an pcsed, into the Min% ' stomach. ROSS ' . p ay, coatis 0 e is no anger
• It is eaid that President Arthur .weig s . P . , . o the idiot be, in you ening,- hut friend
- • [ . .. • 1 since died, and an autopsy • s ows at e h t, ...e•••- • • ' I. • - • •
exactlY 250 Polinds. He is indeed a sta - . h ' th th
w a s g ing to happen next •
, stone • a cu enaire y , rong . e wa o , , .... . . , . ..
li d t '-'' "I' ' tli h th 11 f
wart of the Stalwarts.. • ' .,' ' : ... • • . ' • , • • • ' Mrs Slirader, a witlette of Shelby County,
' thethroat. [ • • . . . - . •
. ,
While John B. Gough lay sick in 'bed itt - Alabsaint tliiii yeir planted and caltiva,ted
- . . Amain an, s are , pro. er aa, , y, a n -. we , , , . , .
t ' t' " V,' b'' 11 ' le g l' d '
Worcester, the other night,' a large audience ' a '' " ancl 'those 'Who dra* every . year on alone . and unaided, ,''a,..-,orop of Corn and
, r oe, . . . .
. gathered at Tremont Temple, in Bostene tce ' ' ' ha ' f cot
" the iesaurces of a ,•gratefill country are bp cottont• . She wili gather ,three les o . -
bear hint lecture. ' a • eaceptiori to ,the rulm : Dnring the laist ton' and•100 buslielsOf Corn. , ,. '.-.. . -
It is said Of Frank Jareed that, he n.ever 'year over £120 has .been paid in pensions , • DID 10. Donglas . jorrold• really knew
killed a man unless • he felt that it was to the surviving servante of' Queen:.Char-• the Caudle' 1 amily ? One would think Bea
.e . . ,
the Itatyrenth: tom-tomf..3. ,. - • '
' ' " . '' t - 1.
'It was whispered.in some of be Eng ish
May -pole, •Whe're it was allowed [term:dein.
" 't ' 'autos '- Bein then ,ta,ken
about, we,uty, rm. ._ g . .
., .Vil',
riti..ion Ylc.1.(.:',1,1•, :d11,14): Itif..1k. '
calaere, te. • . • • .
' ' 1 the C'was a breach bettvedu the
papers tha r .. ..
Al" ry and: H la 11' of 'Teak who
Princess -it . . •• . . , , . ,
acCompanied Sir Garnet Wolseieyto Egypt
ds tvio thick letters
Ti4esie ilra niP 6.' 814ess? t' . t -'' a a -
S, ..,ee- -0 her 'hushan. ini . gyp .,, att. s,eti 'a•
them free of eXpense in the Wsta-Ohice De&
Sh looks steadil too, after his comforts
,:- e . , ..Y, , . '
B she constiAntl se da him boxes of ci ars
s . Y 14._ . , ,. g ,
by the same , means, as the cigars ef the
doinitry do not, suit hiseetene Palate. .
' 'Aremaaes, have had.iin eXceptiotally fine
seamen. :Outdoor' ' sportaehave illoarisliede
'''' ' - ' ' . b ' •'
-and batieball and cricket 'are still coming
down it was laced u on the to et a tar-
, , , . P P. ,...E.,... . .
bar -rel --and set fire tca amid • ymat 15.
- ... , - ' ' ,,
ioecl as " reat merriment. , [
desce , . g . .
, 1 .
TIILRE hAs lately' been; a • deterni E ,
' -nation
to spread CatholiO inetitutionsin thp est.
'The' Popp hap ,nist instituted. at Cairo .ti,
, • ' ; 1, - thicationof• oune.Contie
seminarY -or tee e . y e t .
' • ' ' ' ' Is are cihar ed with the
priests. The Jeein .g , .
ipreetiort of. the college. Another eentinary
,is to be huilt in Jerustilena by order of Hui
Holiness for the' •edtiOatien. "of Oreek
DOA= will be
,Melclaite priests. Tlaeir ed .
&nee • the
i te o the Al erien tobision ,-
. ntrue , d t . , g . .
' -I
, , .. . , . . ,
'N OP IVIA_1\1"c4
. - . • , , , .
., .., ,,, . .
1 • a. '
ELI:4 C ' T i? I' C B.FL
..., : , . . .
• - , ' . , , [ , , ,. •
4 ittu jig tispi mT.aiRib,71, igAS A , Temeinti 5
_ -, . . ,, . • •• , .
NERVOUS,. DEtILITY. Rheilinatism, Lam
Bctelt isTearalgia,Paralysid and all Liver an'd0hee
Conapiainte ,iminediately relieved , and perm& '
nently, cured by [using these BELTS, BAND . i
AND 'INSOLES • . • ,
e_., , ..
1 n a Consultation TeitiiiP •
uneu ars '1). ,, . . .. , , ,
' '
lively neceSsary.' This , relieves•him of lotto, who died sixty -lour yeare ago, and a No lOngerage'than •on.the. Ird.,of Ootobea,
posi •
much suspicion.... ' 7 • r , . .' . • BITlall sinm le still paid to „a seryant- of instant at the Petty'Sessions iia,Droafield,.
al. Eatheau, of Lille, an Pnthusiaatic George III: • ' - • ' , - a saburli of 'Sheffield,' England, gr. Caudle
' " • • " ' •
hortioulturist, left that town , 5200',000 on Heraldry in France bas i, vaded the ,appeared seeking nistice on his•wile. . In
.condition of its buildings, horticultural hall garden. ..At conntry seats th .gardeners thetale of the Caudles as told hY 'Jerrold
for flowe,r shows, with ,roerna for a torti-, form. a deeign of flowere repro tinting the ha Pitnch abatb tot& pitY orillreCaudle and
cultural societta and last month :the arms or Monogram ' of thp Master of the, sileneed his speuse. But this was a bene-
. , , . , , . .
International Flower She* was held there, ,house. IA sothe of the [. parks bekngipg,to Volent fiction, f Or Mr. Caudle 'at the Dron-
- " • "' " ' - '
which was a great stccesS, containing some Legitimists gigantic . deur:de-lye ••• tap field Sessionk a fortnightago declared that
teworthy.eilaibita, - . , . . deeigned, and while wall .fruit is growing, hie wife wasalyvays hectoring ahd lecturing
very no„ '''
All of George 'III.'s sons and daughters, the[gardenere cut 'out in paper the mono, him, that she 'locked him out, denfed him
and- their wives and' hustaaada, are., now gram and crest; and glue the deeign on to 100d, and had• -'even attacked 'him 'With a
dead, save the' venerable Diichese of Carn the pezteheeor the nectarines with:tome. knifee, got lack of. nuretiest, tai_keep the
:bridge, who hae survived. her:father-in-law light past.e... -When the, fruit- is lip& the. p'eitee,Mili. Caudletiais oemnaitted'io prison
oixty-twa, years. She lives in St,[ James' "paper . ig taken away and the ' outlinet fer.,-eattnoilit11,,,aaa--eatastrophe-lt:esaidathe-
' ho ' ' '1' ' "ttb 'Poee
Nothing s rt of a mirao-e can Preven- --e
young men of thit country from beconaing
men -of muscle. ' They are bent.eii, develop-
merit. 1?hysically they wirni 10 ' e4cel all
the world. . 'If theY would only striye .to, do
wolfid be the greateet.race of men. on 'the
rolnha.. . . " ' . ' .
1, s of Hie .Emmence Car ine.
r - fl • , . • , t .
t be '
Lavigerie.. ,,A third seminary.. is o . ,
ereetedtby erdler Of His Holin,etis in Moseul,
Mettopotamia, for , the educa,tien .ef. Syro.„
Chaldaic priestee [..4 latT been ititruetedltio;
Ibtrao-hiitubairFatherfi, It Will reeelve t e
ecelesiastiCal stndents of tho Syrian atia
7..---- . .--,- -
flhahlonn Patriarehfitl". • ' . ' • ' ,
° I lathy: h
may oUieron
'sp, ' -
S , T
P3filtlp refad,tlif ftoir the'altv
--taivohseprie and?. O. hair*.
PR, 3', Ao §LOOVAti 181 roan
dideasa. Iti. '' .
", • -- ...
. . .
, .:, , . '
ot„ Now York. ,
'alike, ihe -Charge of tier daughter, "the rerealo. imprinted on.. the velvety skin . of locat.repOiter, " that illl'elniost sufficient to
"n...1,- -...,. 114'n v.v.,' ra ritartir '.'''' Cho noneh. . ' ' rev n Ira lintiotstsa :rarrillA +.11rn iri hia ...Trek i, .
, •
9 A