HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-11-02, Page 114,..A.2414111iG & scorr
arristers, Solicitors
, —
Commis..ioners for Ontario and 31anitoba.
R. &MRS. BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vocal and
ImAnnuental music, Rattenburiatreet, near Or-
, gari factory. N. 11 --Singing Class now forming.
Vioin Lassons given.
Clinton, Feb. 16, 1882.
SL: • •
ONEY -to lend at 6 and 61 per cant -Private
_funds. SEAGER & MORTON, Barristers.
40 000 FRIVATE FUNDS, ,to lend on* Parrn
• Property, at lowest interest. Apply to
C. A. IIARTT, Solicitor, &c.
1Clinton, Aug. 24,1882. Perrin's Block.
.1ate of Belleville, will visit Clinton quarterly in
August November February•and May, for the pur-
pose of tuning PitillOS and Organs and repairLag the
pate°. , Satisfrietion given. 'Prices low. Communita-
tions from the country attended to promptly., 35-y
..i3lITY.•,:.BAR'BBR'••SHOP,"'::-.: OPPOSITE'
airiTrssin, slawing,shampooirig, &c.; attended to
(Dykes ! 13. one
Jl'HECIIASithe above in trade, along with papers,
old aikidos, shovels anti' other steels; rag carpets,
old sineand old rubbers, all at same prme, separated
from the cotton rags and other woolen rags, also
Lake all other Sorts of carpeting, brass, opper, lead
and iron, in trade.
Good pasturage at George Bently's
Clinton, July 12, 1882. MM. MARTIN.
Guelph pivestillellt Society
rrIrE understgned have been: appointed. Soli-
citors, and borroWersi ean have mortgages
drawn-, to Seat thetuselves. No delays. .Low
DENTI8T; ,c1r4INTOI:ST,; '
Tate of Toronto, Honor 'Graduate Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeon, has removed to the
Coats Block,over %Taylor & Son's
All work first-class; Charges ntoderate.
PARTIES who have Farms, Mills Or Town pinpertY
for Bale can have the same advertised in the pam-
phlet published monthly by the "Canada West Land
Agency Co" free of charge.; a cornmission charged on
Bales. -• -These panphlets are circulated largely through
Great Britain and Canada. , The object of the Com-
fany is to induce Old Country ,farrners and others to
Attie in Ontario. Parties wishing to:purchase.; please
•Tall at -my -Ala atal-examine lists-of-proPerties -for
sale. Parties wishing to sell,please call and give de-
reriptions of their proverty; terms, &c.
M. LOUGH Agent Clinton.
• VOL. 17. NO. 44
TERBIO1 — $1.50 Per Animus.
THURSDAY, Ng -Cr. r2, 188,2.
KJ 1,, 10 EN
Our AVEKP.-illr, rvleths, atorekekaer,
of this place, who has been out in IVIani-
to ba all summer, is expected home soon.
He bas been fortunate in securing $20
acres of land just out side' of Regina, the
copital of the northwest territory, !which
will make h_is propertyLT:luable.
Mrs. Jenkins moved into her neat rest -
I E. moEm s s dence on Dinsley street, last week.
publishers. Mr. Bawden moved into his handsome
frame cottage a few days ago.
%flu AtIvertigitttentO.
-L't signed will not be responsible for debts Contracted'
in their Blame by MIES ELIZABETH EMERSON. _
Clinton Oct. 30 11., W. EMERSON.
(YAMS; into tha premise S ofthe subscriber, Lot 34,
V Huron road, Ooderich tOwnship, on or about Oct.
lot, a Black and White Pig. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay expenses and take it away.
Holme.9vilje, Nov. 1; 1882.
FOR the third; and I trust, the last time, I return
my sincere thanks to the friends who so kindly as-
sisted in removing my furniture on the night of Thurs-
day last,.when it wag threatened with destruction by
Clinton, Nov. 1, 1882. .11
THAT desirable Cottage en Isaac Street; lately oe
eupied by Albert .Rurnball. Seven rooms, good
woodshed, pump, first.class garden'. • Terms easy.
Apply to Annear RUMHALL, or the undersigned.
ALSO'COTTAGE AND LOT, lately owned by J.
G. Crich, .convenient to the New Railway Station.
Will be Bold cheap and on easy terms of payment. -
Apply to Vir: C. SEARLE, or the undersigned.
stones, two acres of land. House and other
buildings. Apply to •
Clinton, Nov., 1882. • Solicitors.
• ..We continue ,to act as solicitor. forpsitents, caveats,
trademarks, copyrighte, etc.., for the United States,
and to Obtain patents in Canada, England; Franco,
Germany, and all, other countries. Thirty-six
year' pnctice. No charge for examination of
models or drawings. 'Advice hymail free:
' 'Patents obtained though us are noticed in. the.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has ,the largest'air-
etiation, and is the most.influential newspaper of its
kind published in the 'World. The advantages of. such
o notice every patentee understands-• • .
• This barge and splendidly illustrated newspaper is
published WEEKLY at 3.20a$, year, and is admitted
to bathe best paper devoted to sciance, mechanics, in-
ventions, engineering *arks, and other departments et '
industrial progress, published in any 'Country. Single
copies' by mail:10 cents, Sole by M1116414 dealers. ,
Addrers,Munn '& CO., 1MbliSherS of Scientific
can', 261 BroadWaY, 'New .York. Handbook about pr.:-"
tents Mailed free.." ' •
• . •
Prom the i e3a1 Cdi18le orcrafirmary Stirgeons of
England, begs to 'inform the inhabitants of Loades-
hero,. Clinton, Blyth. andsurrounding vicinity, that
be has commenced business as above, 'and hopes, by
strict attention to business, combined with Moderate
charges, -to Merit a share of their patronage:, Cases
• -undertaken will be treated on the most approved And
modern principles, that veterinary science excels in at
the present in England.' • Residenee rit;Lon-
deshoro, and will attend THURSDAYS, AT IRWIN'S
CLINTON. Telegraph rieipatehes rittMitled to at once.
Londesboro, Aug. 31, ,1882. , •
A. O. U. W.
I *ht
envy .1H1=11.es3s,
THE:R.4.01er Meeting of olinton,Lodge, Ancient.
Order etUnited Workmen; will he ,held in their
rooms, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3., 4. full attendan ce, is
This Order' disbursed among the' widows and or-
' •phans,of.the deceased ineinbers;. the ,sum. of Alone
1111111on,,, Five • illundred and' Thirty'
• . Thousand Dollars during the past year.. ,
. Eabli member is insured for, two 'thousand, dollars.
Only nine ,assessments'of oneitlollar, each; thus far
- in the ninemonths attic present,year.
Parties desirous of joiningtbe Order 'can learn full,
• particulars from any, of theusembers, or from
D ,
Examining Pysician. .Seeretary.
. .
dbna Protpt
cliNton, May, 25111, 1832..
isoe _
wincit \vita:BF...sou)
ew is
• , ,
For Sale
ASELi-blYMPIN.G.-SCRATER, cheap. Reference'
IL 10,x8s-cinn, Statileton, Apply to '
; • aNO.,P. MARTIN, at the Foundry -
Chilton; 17, 1882. ' '
, • ,•
J'OUSE, containing 8 rooms and cellar, /1490 a guar -
ter acre lot, fruit and flower gaBtlen. Apply at
LIMITEDItamber of.bearclers'can acconunedated
at Mr. Watterson,s, ,'Rattenbury ,Street,
two dOors •west, of the Methodist Church. All the
comforts of a home at reasonable rates.
, 1inton, Oct.'25, 1882. ' . '
Farm thr Sale.
ripHE Subs,eriber •oflers , air sale Lot 1s5 eon. of
-L Tueltersran 21-, mileS of.
the TOWit, ,of Clinton, and ale f-roin Brueefield., This
farm contains 100 acreS of 'choice taint W011 'watered
by never -failing springs .% No • WaStd land. Good dr-
-...hard mid outbuildings. ' Terms'easy- For further
:tint-tit:Mars applyto .; • , . , • • .
118 ti • Clinton , P.0
r •
ii] d2er.4' that • cOnyenientby situated
wittl%e CadIiiittetibury treet; a few lots
• west of LbO Methodist -Catirea for ,Bale., 'The house
contains seven roomS, and 011 the lot' arc ft largo num-
ber of' Inu it, tress and -a well ef.,geod water. Terms
made kinavn on ;mph cation. '
Texammation to the Clinton High
School Will be held in the Ahniel 8ehool on
T1JESDAY Aso WEDNESDAY, ,r1IE 261H AND 21sr of
Dadember, 18821 beginningeach day at nine o'clock..
Applicants Will semi in their names to the undersigned
not later than the 1512 of November. •
1 rineipal High-Sellool,
"Clii nh t 2 ' , e . 6, /482.
i TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. / been eisstigja.geHdas oneELYARfth
' of theteachersisplacefo
• ' has •
r 1 S°Ln.-Mr. John Avery last week sold
__The_Rey-.-M, rfaugli of Gorrie, is suf- -the-Exeter. school -,-for next -year. • - • a splendid Berkshire boar -to-Mr. Johri
fering from an attack of neuralgia in , one
e o e o
Efforts are being made to held 'union for Egmondville schooL at a salarY of 2nd con. EStaSnAlLeyE,SCsft1/$12wr0.e.ekr sold a two -
of his legs- ,•1 attending school here, has been engaged
Miss CaAwFortn, on f the M delites Dixon for the stint 0 m. McQueen
thanksgiving services of the different $2`0)5•. ••year old steer and heifer for $35 each and
churches,in the town lialirnext Thursday. A Goon FIGURE. --.Mr. E. Gaunt, of a two year old heifer for $50 which is a
Quarterly meeting services will be held Wawanosh, last week bought a bull calf Very good sale.
in the Clinton Methodist Church, 110-Xt six MO1lLbS old, from :Messrs. 11. Snell it SUDDEN DEATII.-On Tuesday morning
Sunday. The sermon in the evening will Son,f�r ..‘ ' . Mr. W. J. BigginA lost his eldeot on aged
be on"Keeping the .Sabbath 15a37." ma. A. DewAn I. P. S attended the 15 years by convulsions after a short ill-
, ., t
• A social will -be held at the R C. par- Model School here, on Monday, and de- neSs. He was an unusually promising
sonrge this (Thursday) evening, No ad- livered the last of his course ofiectures on youth, being a natural artist of superior
mission will be charged but a collection School Law, to the Modelites in at- ability, and bis parents looked forward
will be taken up on behalf of the parson- tendance. a bright future for him. In their be -
age fund. -- ' reavement • they have the syrnpathy of
FOOTBALL - Th association their large circle of acquaintanees
., The members of Willis °hutch ch°i•r match for the Cup_ toOk place on -Saturday •DEITH..„___Laat week Mrs.'s. Blair, who
intend. giving a parlor concert at the last, commencing at half -past two. Clin-
Manse, on the evening of the •17th inst. tonHigh School having won the toss resides near ICiPPeu, died after 11 short
That it will he a good one is a foregone chose the 'south goal, thus securing theillness. • It will be remembered that her
conclusion. , wind, Ivhich was blovvina.." very heavy at husband, who had been -committed to the
We are sorry toheathat Rev. Mr. that time. Pposiig team having
asylum, made his escape, and periin
Hamilton, of Londesboro, has not I been taken their respective Planes, PlaY was
' r oi
tt oh ehawvoeo dwso rnearkedSetn. hTehronini jansd. , aTuhdiabrsoeuegmhst
would ,esire, the exertion of being pre- tatos a lively -contest. Although many dN
so well during thepast week as his friends commenced, thus exhiloiting to the spec_
meeting here evidently attempts in the first half, on the illness which caused her death
indeed. •
•• Rev. W. 000mbe, (B.0.) of useorne, Seaforth obtained the .firet . goal, then
being more than he was able to 'stand. • scored a game. After chaneing sides sent at the tea neither side Her funeral onEiTtuheurzsdpianY:s. a very lar,ge
whose health has not been of the best du- draw.
High School, thus resulting in a
• ring the past few weeks, is at present tak-• jr.,•w2will soon have -his IPP-V-ricink.coRttaatgteenrbeuard37;
in.g a holiday, and has gone to visit his ,, _, . 0 s _ _
friends in the neighborhood of Bowman- ThWatistA.hTe seatTHE at
Etoher•LfEobtAaonf ecathYiKlaunn.-p-- LorwtrouELtinp:,tutronrI.Inn._Thia village hag no
yi . • His appointments are being sup_
post will be a splendid plane for loafers- less than five stores, 80 that in 'Chits respect
plied by Rev, Geo: Cameron,.of London. That the weather is good for farmers but people have a4 the acconimodationene`ees„,
Quarterly services 'in connection ' with Poor for business men. • That smite of our
the Methodist . churches of. Londeih. Oro young men who have. been carrying on aiinE mill, „_
. , .::.work on this •6' tru cior
Circuit, will be held. at 'Londeahoro; on protracted courtship; for years, should get
Sunday., Noy. 12,•:Rhy. Mr: Smith, of Mati-:. married. ' That . a th tees:plank . sidewalk, does not progress verti.rapidly, and unless
chester, officiating:. •- The.buSinesarneeting 'instead �ffour, would haveffipuili
been su
will.'be heldstt•the: same place on the fol -to the new station on Maria street. That fere iect forward ,it will be :some timh-be-
t, an be used. •
lowing , Monday. '' Rev,. .Mr.: ' 1Vakaelds 'the nail -heads stieking up in the sidewallee
ilergOoRrI:Ti'de18°Atsp-,;-arlOinng,T,Chau.nra.addiaan liMrercl. sMtacl--
Chairman ofthe District, will be Present. should be knocked down. :That far
ers Mr.
to James .13rophy,:oMe 1. teary,
On•Snnday,evening•Rev,.Mr.McDonagh ' shouldhaie their ivo*, 'done q ,in ' good hon
delivered a vigorous sermon in behalf of time this year; That the military con-, for 'th•e-sdin of $400. -- . • • ...-. , ''.'-':: .
Temperance, affirming that the ..Whole cert in the town hall will be well worth- , Grei-risto.Rotesn.:--•-.MC reter-2,111eGre,-
. . . .
,teaching ofthe Bible was in OppositiOn4o .attending: . -Thdt .bicycle ...riding will be ger, 'w.bo some, time since' received a had
the 'liquor .traffic, and declaring that it - popular. next''3•-ear.. That the..niur looks .kick fiern a horse has nearly. reccivered
Was one Ofthe strangest things iinaginable nineh better since improvements were from • the effects thereof, though still Some -
that 80 many young and old Were cbiatin- made on it.. That if Thursday evening's: wh_riEt 1,naNnnitiA.unn.±Mr. 66(,.. . • • • -
gaily going :down to destruction, : and no .fire had occurred in a frame buiiding it lia:t.b . . , . Baitdjr".,- has
one, comparatively, raised a voice against, wonldlia.Ve beertell lip. with:it; before the been ie,engagecl as teacher in his prp-
the traffic.' , While ,he - placed the -blame. enginecould have been ofany service..- n !as The trustee know that when
for the, prevalent drinking habits• -on• the. That the hinalganiation Of the railroadsis' 'rtsehetely.' i`niehti°•rn°a1"g'',',,'-a-'.te'acher it is WiTia(,iiii ' t 0
shoulders of the PeoPle., ll'e was' patticular- ne.t.goieg to.de anygood in the long run
ly Severe on those, Who engaged „hi' the -.-,-exeepelcithe Shareholders. :'t• • :' .' : ' . ,..,e,-:,,.: t• • : - . ____
business and also strdngly censured these ,_. - ' ' ' •' ,.. _carry. ' '''''. ' : ' - :.• .. , ,:E...t., i' ----c., /17.1T,..9w/1/p-.,
lv.hb; :while professing to be •ChristitialS, ,1 LITERARY so -In the House_ of _ .• .6°D
devil .in this nefarious -business- He SP3tE,•Rne'rs.-,Mr. John Middleton, of
were, ,as he termed it in league With the Commons last Thursday evening Mr -Gal -
had ten acres in Man:golds:
braith meniber 'few Quebec, was intro-4,thia tewnship,,
cOmplimented: Grladstone for, t,he stand be dtin6d1riY MeSsrssBoster and Taylor, ' and I.-whieh Yielded, hien an, enormous: crop.7-:
took 10 the intereits of teinperance,, and took bis Seat 'upon -the oppositionsi'de efl The ro'ot crop generally has been'a•large
the subject at some. future time. ' •
closed by. stating his intention -to take, up, •• traheetil-Jstait,sees'o, idiiitdie'tiilitee:,dieebtarteedoenethtebegoVBeirit il Mite, :MA stock shivo;iild Tfahre We.411, :this fall.
. • • .- • • • ' , -, inte the Public Schools as a text book was sold his ,fiirin Of 40 acres on .the 1411i. -corn,-
, ,A.Rtit °Ina.-- r., , oa. Connell has
•. .
' • • •-- , . , • ,•• resume , e venera e - twister of tistice.,1 ,ot,credertelt_ uwnsbip, toiM -Jos, Church-
' Nigh School BoardLournsio.a;..,,_ _
— ti7eircr th-eliftt"speaket He spoke strong : ill, for the sum r of ••$3000. The -stint 'paid
' - ' . : : ' `' ' " •
it 'Meeting in place of theregular Tv 111 faver.Of the billapde•ieeply impress-, j i' a good one, and indicates that farm.
•.. ',was
held in the Council-' room, on, ore . y ‘ e4 the lfonie with the extont•of his bibli- i prePertY. it rising in Valtie. •It-ieSaii.21,that,.
evening1 resent the chairmand ,ca ,. knowledge. i 1.. agerma.n rep Le , .' Mx. Connell has made a lucky strike in
.•. ,,, an
Dakoth;the Tail•way, running, right through,
Messrss• Irwin, . Dowsley; . ,Robon. „ And verylircibly;putt leg his aeoeurnents agein et
Jackson . , . .. ,, _.: ,• . .. . . . tile resolution. The .inember for Winni-, :his•quarter-section, and a town beim,. lo
Moved bMrRobson) secbyitr. -
peg is certainly. t ) be _collo°. lattilated u.roa cated thereon, • ' '
:y, . . ',:
jaer)nthat sih?fcii°wingac°1nt1ieboa wonderful genius a.nd hssTuPPeri4n ,B:aits.'-:.1\11,GabrielElliott has got
pai,Vi -Mail Punting Co$8.10cforce of utterance Mr.JohnSnith,nelnpaltl;•:ettied
in his . -new- house. tie has
/edge, $3,25.-LCarried.. , • . ' .. ., , • •
Moved , by Mr. ,• Jackson, sec.,. by ,Mr, . *as we receive • mr• L TUI-er'-den°unu-. %elm has been visiting in Dakota for seVe'•
FiSher, thatthre,corittiaittee orr,StUdiesaM1- Cu. the.'veYerninent• as incOM:Peten.t- and ral .weeks, is expectcd, home in ,a...day ,or
Discipline be instruCte& to. draft circulets.„
pickams, Se,80;•G. PottS, $250;. J. 'Emit_ ber:for s„ Huri.3n..next; spoke 4n . favor -,c, • not bee,(1, enjoying. the e, best. of. li, ealth late-.•
advertising:the Clinten:High School' and with tlieleextravagant Profesehies. This insincere; contrasting their. deeds with
A. Churchill•.:, in ni o a, s noticedin
twe. . The. marriaN.of a.daughter of :Mr.
'•- 'Ma •t b i" •
:the bill, making his Maiden•speeeh, which.,• ly, .,Ithough • able,to go, •about. : His ion,
sent to the.different:towne to be circulats dheir fenoctintatlenta-neflib.isecrolfloeragotitetasisaroitiwgbhot,i,ino another column It is said that mi., El_
liott;will be re-elected foi•the reeveship,
ed.s:-Carried.., . ' - : ' ' . - '. : ',, .
inell):Pnilt,e•ndteciliairlfnugag.6thdisefbliialledtethbee'aolvne-tr'cons; 'cvltiklut opposition,but thr"'14r• Whitely'
Will retire: froin.the. position of. dePtitY.--.•
. Notices from the,'Depariment,,.ehewing •
the usual allowance to the-.1ligia-School,-
eqUal. in importance to 'his Own .heloyed. ... . . .. .
viz .:--Fixed' a.IIMiante,'$225,;' av.erage at
,proltdbitiOn bill, and throwing into eonfu-•-' At matriculation examination in con-
rage,_181,, pupils, at $3 15 130..49 eion. the preeoncerted plans of the oppo, liecti" with Cehel:ii.g- •I'jl:'i-ver4Y' alratmg
teridance, $65., AlsoTJpper• Sehoel ave-
sitIon and. caving ., em m 0 utterly de a ninnber of others, who obtained -sidteis-.
sion to:the:Freshman Class was Mr. M.
was laid before the board. • ' ' , -
,A large -number 'of application's for . the moralised e. 'condition that none , are raise 0. it,,Ixnbaileo.4. of mr. R. Riimhaii, : of
position ,of second assistant in -answer to
a Voicein reply. , The Hon. the leaflet Of' this ivw„shipy • , ' • ' ... • , •
the government continued the debate arid , . . ..
, advertisement were reiseived, -arid laid be
in a comprehension speech- continued, to .
:fore the board., Altera :careful considera--
,io.e.oeur,rysebe. beyn.gmagr.cd-hasobfisoisrit, astiliataMntr.teaTe4h' Je;
tion of 'which,, it was anoVed 13,Y Mi., JaCk-
called forth the remark that he. must be
:lash -the writhing opposition and,departing
from his usual. brevity of expression,
. .
speaking against time. :The- Postmaster
for 1882,, at a salary,of$950.-Carried; ',
General next took the floor, and Was pro-
. . The board then 'adjourned_ ' '
ceeding:to address the.•House-iiherithe cry
of fira.causecl-a„speedradjournment of the
•work now is to set the bulbs for early spring
flowers. The Subseriberlms forsale Hyacinths, Tulips,
Credos, Snowdrop, and Narcissi's, to be planted,,this
fall for spring flowers. Also, Strawberry plants, Grape
Vince, and orders reeeived for all.kinds 01 Fruit trees.
Ibis evident that fresh supplies of bulbs must he pro-
cured e'er V year, in order to have the finest display!'
of their 'bright blooms 10 LIlO spring.
Clinton, •Oct. 19, 1842.
epee suisstriber offer; for sale int the rnoetadmhta-
geous terms, Die 'machinery and building tit pre-
Siat.tistid as -the Clinton Planing MW, whlch embraces
a 35 beirse-poOdr better and 14 'horse -power engine, • a
large planer, moulder, tennoting maohlnc, poiver mot,-
tiser, shaper, bOnd slat machine, all in tiret.clase order.
The establishment aelt., stands will Se salcl at s,heitt
halriii9gfiiiii-veUit;'Itid la a deeided bargain, and
has_ heretodons a larg8 buaines4. Only reason -for
selling Is that the proprietor does not wish to remain
maphittery win. en Soldsisparatelt desired.
. sr. kyrrrass
.tNbetesq seat 51 1882,
Mn. M. Louull, who has so loeg Isecta
gives up his position as manager, and will
present agent in Exeter.
connected with the Mol,soras Bank here,
at once be succeeded by . Mr. Brewer, at
IlLartrroisa.-Mr. Neil Fox,' - writing
from Nelson, Manitoba, under dhte of the
17th Oct., sayi They talk about their
fine fall weather here., but if the experi-
ence of the past tlaree weeks has been a
, fair specimen, then I don't wapt much of
it, for it has been raining and'snowing all
that time., This is a great country for
machinery -they have self -binders for
every 25 acres breaking, and fop every
three or four farmers, a thteshing ma-
chine. , This town is growing, but badly
needs a railway."
SWitzer have a quantity of apples stored
at the Great Western freight shed, await -
ting shipmeet. On Sunday last some
boys opened several :of the barrels , and
helped themselves literally to the_contents.
The_owners,would mot...complain-if -they
had stopped at this, but the boys juniped
in the barrels, and wilfully-. destroyed a
quantity of apples. Such conduct should
be severely punished, and, if discovered,
the perpetrators will wish they had not
carried their. sports() far.
• HOUSE !:4E1). -34r. ISaa-c-Jaarsou has
sold his brick cottage on Townsend street,
behind the Model School, to Mrs. Wright -
men, of Belgrave, for the sum of $950.
This is considered a very fair price. ,
- The house owned by Mr. John FOx, on
James Street, has been sold to Mr. A.
Ginn, for the sum of $450. '
Mr. John Folland has soul his ; house
and lot on Maria Street,„just to the rear
of the new Grand Trunk station, to Mr.
5. Pike, far the sum et $800 'cash. This
is 9, very high figure, .:tit the hication is
the cause of the price, We believe; it is
Mr. Piketintention to treet a new 'hotel
on -this place, as the leak) of his prosont
'premises oxpiree next
Manitoba Correspondence.
• To Ow Ettifi0'-of i,lc MiHt041 New Efiz:
Ter Relit Moroi:Ass,. Oet. 23, 1882.
The pleasant autumn weather is ono of the
many -surprises which await the stranger,
especially after he has observed thp occasion-
ally low teinperature, which ocetirs for a few
evenings abont•the end of August..'This year
the thermometer fell,' at thatlithe; tO
eight, but came up, again 'to ,almost •stinainer
heat, until the night of Sept., 18th, when a
frost occurred, .Which' put an end to cutting
will bay, and froze water in a horse pail to
.the depth of about jr. ineb .h acl no effect
upon water in creeks,or ponds. It was 're-
peated the two following flights,- very slightly;
and the left us until- Sunday, 15th inst.,
when we pet about four iuches of a fall of
snow, very dense and heavy, and followed by
h very slight frost at night. By the following
Thursdlieeiery,sign of ,it was not only gone,
but prairie_ fires...wore ,lifirming freely,* many
places. This day has been a rare specimen
of autumnal beauty. In this country the Te-
dian summer is no myth ; all its traditional
glories :and accornpaniments are here, in
The first acirioulturat show, in this•part of
the country, took place on the 18th inst.
The,abow bill differs some from our Ontario
bille.: The stockwoe good,' eeveral animals
having herd book pedigrees, but Were,(1f
course, • the production Of Ontario. chiefly.
The grain was of very superior quality. The
tarnips, both Swede and yellow Aberdeen;
were ahead of the' Ontario grade. Onions,
red and _yellow, White beans, blood beets,
eitsons and garden -carrots were superior.
Mangold' and field garrote showed that only
deep eelture was wanted for Forfect samples,
Potatoes Were a great variety and large size.
The ladies' department was well 'represents&
and showed that, -although in a new country,
they had not forgetter utility or. refinement.
Th. yield of graiu,hers i wheat3. fifteen to
forty bushels per acre ; 0111, thirty to sixty
ar ey, twenty to forty, ,
• PLENTED.-Mr. R. Hastings has rented
his fa ree of 150 acres, on the 91h con., to
his son. Be, h,as taken up his residence
in the live (?)T town of Wingham.
ACCIDENT: -Mr. James Haugh, who
• met with a sad4dcident in Manitoba ne-
cessitating his leg being amputated above
the knee, is now home; he stood the jour-
ney well but is only recovering
HYMENEAL -Mt H. Parker, of Ore-
gon, U.S., came over and 'succeeded in
eisuading Miss L Taylor to eccomprinv
" for better or for worsd," OD his
homeward journey. 'They left for their
honae,in Oregon on Monday. Two young
gentlemen, of the mune- of Caldwell and
.1enkins, agreed to eXchange sisters. The
'siicl parties with a' few of their rela,tives
drove to'lleigrave last Thursday morning,
and there got a reverend gentleman to
draw up the writings for them. They re-
turned to Mr. jenkins',' of Bluevale, for
°ten. The happy four leave„ for Ariehigan
some day this week. '
PnicseNr.-:-The friends of Rev. J. S.
Loughead presented hini with e fine horse,
goat robe•and whip, on Monday last.
CUTTERS. ---Mr. John Bruusdon has re-
ceived word-from-the•-iNorthwest -that if -
his cutters vvere not Shipped he ii.da better
keep thertrat home:, Not being, able to
get a car before, he keeps them at home.
obseree a great-- many
strangers in our village ''o,f late,and as
they all drive Up to W. L. Ouimette's
store, we , presume they are attrected,by1
he immense stack and close prices for
which this store, is becomingnoted.' [His
change of advertisement will appear next
'iVeCk,DE announcee ep,ecial/value in several
lines of goods.] ,
FianEsTEP.8.-.Couit Pricle' of thalVest,
C. 0.F., hae at present about M members.
At the last meeting they were visited
by several of the ,13lyth brethern,. The
election of, officers took place, when the
following ,were elected -C. R., A. Wood-
man; T. O. R., T. 'Lawson; R. Sec., R.
Admits ; F. See., J. Brunsdon; Trees, J.C.
Adams; S.'W., D. Foil; J. Wo .Meyer;4:1
R. B., Wm. Li ttie A ;Coiling ; Chap.
„Rev. Mr. Hill preached in the Episco-
pal church, on Sunday afternoon. There
was a large attendan-
The-re-viVal--ier-,AC-e-s -go-i-ng -on- at
Sunshine. On Sunday evening several
presented themselves at the altar.
The Quarterly meeting services in the
Methodist Church, on Sunday, Were toler-
ably well attended. Rev. W. W. Leach
was to have preached, but owing to the
illness of Rev. Mr. Hough, of Gorrie, the
services were taken by the pastor.
FIRE. -A portion of the property owned
by the North American Chemical Com-
pany; here, was burned early on Sunday
morning. The derrick, office, tank-, wood
and coal, together with a:large stock of
salt in a large storehouse, were saved.
Owing . to the unusual delay in getting
oat the horses, the steam fire engine did
not reach the fire for a long time; other-
wise the damage would have been much,
smaller. The loss, apart from the stop -.1
page of business, is fairly covered by in-:
:surance ,in the North British. Cause of
fire unknown. •
• Mr. P. bit was called away from town
on Saturday by receipt ofnews of the death '-
• of his father at Barrie.
ANOTHER FtuF..-On Sunday a fire,'
broke out in Peter MeEweres salt biock-
Saitford. Owing to -the uninflammable
nature of salt and lumber saturated with
it the fire was quickly -arrested. During
the night it broke out again and was
noticed by Mr. Wm. Lasham who,quickly
had 3fr: ItIcEweir and 'other help on the '
spot. The total damage is only of a tri-
fling character.
' The, naissignary,.:Meetings of the Bible .
Christains were held as follows Ebe-.
nezer, on -Monday, Oct. 23, at BetliegZion
and Lake Shore on consecutive evenings
respectively.'• Revs.. J. Veale, of Feller- t
ton,•'. and T. W. Blatchford, of Clinton,
were the deputation.
kpublic auCtIOn.s'ale of farm at,pck and
implements, on the fatna, of Mi. H. FiSher,
last week. Prices were good:.
The .-----7-'---*arwnews Monetary; ,
. , •
Times'and, the Journal cif Commerce. con- -
tain account:4. of a good . ineny. busines
failures.' The editors -of those publica-
tions cOmment.upon the intelligence front
.inerchants to, the effect th'at..thete is -a :
general demand .for,-- articles if luxursn-
stieh as a satinS; 'velvets and plushes. At
the end of lest .treinth the banks hadleans -
rand disconuts out to the amount of4.1.81
000,0700, and some merchants had beenno-.
tified that farther expansion Would not he .
perinitted. . -Meanwhile. the far -niers,
sotisfiecl with the rulng. price of wheat, .
have' marke„ted•little grain;the.retsti,loner-E ,
chants find difficulty collecting. cash, -
the ivholes.ale, merchants. are •ask ed. to„ re-
new • the retailera', notes, and, banka
are aSked to further accommodate :.the.'
wholesaletswith money.' Thebanks.have
not.c,asii-to 'spate; and, on: acepunt of trte
Coinpetition of borrewers . for what there -
is, the rate,of interest is going up. Retaih
merchants'..shelve6. areT.feli of goods, and.. •
the.:Weather has not So farsconipeiled,cus-
tomers to buy new clothing for
A great deal. *of,_ money.. from Ontario was
locked. up -in Manitoba during the past '
year, and when :th.e liciom was In full blast
ofit was .dissipated. in- chant- .
.pagne'rind the other iteceSseries.of a Wild-
cat specula,tive Moyement:'
Farmers are holdhig.theirgrairt for bet- -
ter, prices. 'They hate to Sell at -'95 'ceitt.s
a bush. after getting:$1.30,a bushel a year "
ago., They hope against hope , that
price maygo up,hut there isnothing in ,
the, report's of the world's supplies and de---
rortnls to furnish foundation for that hope.- .
If they stand firm in their. 'determination,
tn 6, itlih athe grain till sPrfieTiwg'
a .
bushel.... We thi,nk '• ,they. will -lose,: by
shrinkage,by loss•ofthense 'of their money,
, and pessibly by a thither fall in -price.
However that 'May turd- out, • the general
effect back ' the 'grain is bad:.
If the firmers..do not sell.their.'grain. they
cannot pay their debts. th.the retail mer-
chants ty,ho:have , been: serVing, them
credit, awaiting the returns from the'har-
veSt.• Theymust either cease purchaalpg*:
'froin rhe retailers, or they mist keep •dia •
buying on credit. In the first 'case the ,
retailers' Will be thrown into • insolvency
and their stocks of goods, will lut..;,e to go .
to the auction -room' ' 'in secend'' eaSe
tlic wholesalers will he greatly'. burdened
by thenecessity ofcarrying the retailers.
The wliolesalers being elattorons for ID0118y,
the rate of interest niust go up, and farmers
who, not having' sold their' grain,, 'have to
borrow money ' must Pay' the high rates of
ihterest. The interest on, pie public debt •
held in'Erfrope, has to be paid,•eithei., mo-
ney; or in -produce. If grain is not sent' for.
ward; gold mast go in its plaCe, and the itls'
drawalof seVeial tnillions of gold from the
bankii will add to the tightneseof money;
send the=rate Of igaprest and 'thus
itieorivenme-th7larrnertis-Welt as the mer-
chant. • In. VlOW of all these'bircumatances we •
urge the .farniers' to •httlp their grain iuto
market as fast_as_they. can get it threshed'
and cleaned. There is wealth,onough in the
chuntry (not in money but in: grain), to grease
the wheels c.d.' trade and make the machine
run .smoothly.• Let the farmers turn their
grain into money and pee their debts,, buy
for cash 'what goodstheir families require,
-a-ral give 'the merchants welianoe to live.'
:Unless they de so, there will be hard times '
in the' midst et plenty; aed every insolvency
Means '.robbery. rtOw,-for•tfrere is no law on
:the Canadian statute book to provide.for the
fair clistribution.,of the assets
Hamilton Times. •
Complaints are made that the St: Paul
Ifanitoba railway Mennpolists have
now directed that eommereial :travellers'
samples". will mit- be carried oeer, their
roadailiaggege; but must be 'seut, by
press. his is the only railway in the
United States or Oatilscla Which refiatese ti ,
itecepts-awrples--arbolgagss. • •