HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-10-26, Page 7KEEP YOUR 'FEET WARM AND DRY Dealers in &c ,, TRUN-KS VALISES:. Our stock of Boots and Shoes for tke Fall and Winter Trade is quality and style cannot be excelled. now complete, and for 'cs. ' are to handle the : very best` sods in the Marlet; Our s�eclaltle rY And to sell them at the lowest: passible prices. STANLEi. WORSE SOLD.—Last week Mr. Malcolm Mc -:.I Ewan sold a young horse at $185. SUDDEN DFATar.—Mr. John Stewart, of the 2nd con,, lost a daughter aged eleven years, last week, after an illness of only a week, by 1 ,congestion of the brain. RooTs.=Roots are a very good crop in this part, especially marigolds and carrots, Mr. Donald Ross has gathered over 500 bushels off three quarters of an acre, some of the roots weighing as much as 15 lbs. each. PLOWING; MATcr3.—A number of the lead. farmers of Stanley have formed a plowing as- eooiation and intend,having a plowing !match in the vicinity of Brncefield, or Varna, on the 8th of November. Liberal prizea will he awarded. 6p er cent discount for cash. ' W. TAYLOR & SON, Coats Block 'Clinton. STOVI--S STOVES TWO ORDS OF STOVE: A HARLAND The largest and best assorted --stock of Cooking, Parlor Cook, Hall -and Coal Box. Parlor.P _ a. ., a Stoves into "Clinton ever brought . J At II-al/land Bros. The latest designs and improvements in Stoves, .At Harland Bros, Stoves/ Stove -Pip. s!es, Elbows/ Stove -Boards, at rock bottom prices.. At '_ garland Bos. A large assortment of Lamps BurnersChimneys , Lanterns. . Shades & Tubular L t Harland Bros. g� American n r 1t"ofAn�e ca la e o Just received, a _ - ;ES" SAWS andAX � .. Crosscut is t.Igarlavzcd Bros. Builders' and She1f:HARDWA RE alwayson hand At Harlaucl 'Bros. & ,".; second hand.' Coal Wood Stoves quantity of . A q y very cheap. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN ,COAL OIL. SIGN or THE PA:DLOCE; TO FiEDBF�IG �RE__ ALBERT STREET, CLINTON.; Harland Bros. BRANCH STORE, ER" B BEAVER BLOCK NEXT T,0 TI10\IPSON SWITZER'S. BRQS. 0 O °W M M NZT. IAC S I,:. HULLSTT.' WELL SOLD.—Mr. M. Cade 'sold a team to Mr. C. Mason for $36O last week. WORRI W.—Mr. Jae, Cottle, of the base line, had four sheep worried by dogs on Sun- day night. - • - FARM, RENTED.—Mr. Thos. Nott has rent- ed lot 12, con. 12; for a term of years, from Mr. E. Lear.• • TANNERlsm.--Mr. J..Brown lost a yearling -heifer, whish :was pasturing rhis-bualrlots ; more than two weeks after being missed the •animal was. discovered entangd in a rail fence, and, •owing. to its position, it was"una- ble to lie down, and was nearly dead -;when found. It is recovering.-- RE-ENGAGE3IENTS.-Mr. Geo. Newton has begn re-engaged to teach in :No. 6 for 1883. Mr. McClinton has been re-engaged to teach in No. 8. This is his twelfth year in No. 8; and shows how he is appreciated. Mr. T. W. Sloan has been re•engaged for next year io "No. 7,`at an increased salary. DEAT}i.-We regret.to record the ..depth of Mrs. Thos. Carbert,of the. gravel road, which occurred on Saturday, after an illness -of a couple Of months. • We are also called on to record the death of Mr, Harry Bell. 'which occurred -at his fa- thor's-residence, 7th con., on Tuesday.' De. ceased returned from 1Vinnipeg a. couple of months : since, •suffering from consumption, since which timebe has been gradually failing: MAKING COnRECT.-The farmers "on: the 13th con. have had quite' a stir "among them by having a resurvey of; their lots,- and a general moving' o. f line fences has been the re- sult: Some of the lots varied eight rods in' width: One farmer has lost a:well and a row bf apple ,One from his orchard ft will ne- cessitate themoving of nearly two thousand rods of rail fences, "and several "hundred rods. Of board fencing. ' :GODEI[ICII' TUWN81i1P. CUT ITS TEIROAT.-A carriage"horsti be- longing to G. W: Dyke"was so unfortunate as to make an ugly gash in its throat, by. running against a; wire fence.!: TEisi-MEETING.—The tea meeting held in St. James' -"church, last Friday evening,: was a good success.,; ThereWasa fair. at tendance,and after ,the wants of the in- ner. man :had been refreshed from" the au bundaceisupplied by• the ladies of the neighborhood, Rev. Mr. Matthew 'took thQchair.•andcalled.upon Mr. McCoeh, of Bayfield, to address'them, `vrhich�ie dfllan:. a very happy vein., • He 'was followed "by Mr:: Hill,of Seaforth.' .IVIr. Craig" of'_Clin- ton,' was expected, but was not' able to be: present. 'The singing of the choir" of St. Pan1'a church, Clinton, was verymne'h•ap- preciated by the audience,who felt that it contributed in no small" measure to the success of the .evenings elrtis iiinment, • The proceeds amounted to about $35. • HOLDIE$YILLE• ICE. -The: first ice this fall was: to be seen last Friday "morning,`puinpkin vines, etc., were frozen and .wilted. . The Canada" Methodist Quarterly Meet- ing is on- Sabbath next at 10:a m ;Rev. T. Hadwen is expected to preach, A :large attendance is invited to this meeting. . LARGE TREE -= On Mr. T. C. Pickard's far, 'about ten minutes walk from`. 'here, ere,; stands a rock -elm tree,soundand vigarous, that measures 34 feet in cirouniferanco up, 'above any projection of roots; and to the- eye;is,perfectly round and strait and;about, -70 feet to the first limb. 1f there; ie a larger one in the county we would like to hear .of it. WINGIIAiI. SAD Accii;:ENT.—On ,Saturday Mr. H. Wheeler Was, taking up his,•potatoes, his children helping, on their way home ; with -the last load a bag sl'ippedo'ff, carrying with it his eldest daughter, about 10 years old, who,fell under the hind wheel, the heavy load passing: over her inflicted wounds internally from which she died:. Sunday ornthg." BRii FS.—Mr, "Thos Smith's • house is being rapidly pushed• ahead:" The• skating rink is beinglehingled and turther •braced. The big bridge is progressing slowly. • El- der s Jubilee. singers are to be d"er:E3a kin g. here next week. Ne.,Debating club or- ganized yet. Mr.. John Anderson of ,Sea- forth eaforth is talking of starting an "oyster saloon here. A' number of young• people were out to the tea meeting in, Wawanosh Mon day night- ;. STOVES. -Having bought a stocl: of Stoves outside: the association on -ver „ y . vanta eous terms 1 am now • n) prepared til oti•, • 1large g +1 1 , offer •Coo tit; :STOVES at a nta "erdee price under the usual p g price: HARVEST ,. . 1IA 1,V ,, E S'1, '1' OULS. --= Scythes, 5'nfitl7s 'Wheat'', Barley le d` Stones, Rakes, Harvest Gloves; Gracile i F` to<res rc': 'PIN .,' , 1.N � 1' A ft 11 assortment eat c f ',Pin rn r'are in : ii its branches, 4 '4 PAN T. �"�iV'- TE 1 1t tat 1 v�• ti c nn.�lus, tl"i1TtiiC`i'f 3 1a. • s.. v [or, l'itvishs.vtxo Ti7aTTLtLS 1t1'(''xCltt7itf: "Wale, Hay Forks, S Y 'cythe Aloe Lair)? ' C00vs BAYFIELD. DivisforT CovkT.—Nearly "the whole sit- ting of the court here last •Thursday _ was taken up with the case of Patterson Bros. va. Woods. From the evidence itappears that Dr. Woods bought a- reaper from Pat- terson Brom, but on trying it after its ••ar- rival was not "satisfied with: it, and refused to keep it. • The firm brought action to recover the- price of the 'machine. The case was adjourned, and is to come up at Goderich for argument. Manitoba Correspondence. CONSCRIPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from active prae= tice•having bad placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the fomula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure of Consumption,Bronchitis,Catarrh, Osthma, and all Throat and Lung affeetions, also a postive andradical cure for General Debility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful sura -- Sive powers in thousands of cases, feels it is his dutyto make it known to his fellows. The recipt with full particulars, directions for preparation_and use, and all necessary advice and instructions for successful treatment at your own home, will be reeeived by you by return mail, tree of oharge,by addressing with stamp or stamped self addressed envelope to DR, J. C. RAYMOND, 164 Washington Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. BORN: SMITH. -In Clinton, on the 23rd Binst., the wife o£:Mr. W. G. Smith, of a daughter. MARRIED. MsnLoy-BoYn.-In Clinton, 'on the 17th,. ins., at the residence of the bride's father, Eby tha' ltev VVm: MoDonagb; : Mr oho- Mulloy,` to Miss Mary Ann Boyd, all of Clinton. TaontesoN—RomE,—On the 16th. inst., at the Manse,-Goderich, by Rev. J. A. Turnbull, B. A., J. T. Thompson; of, Colborne, to Marian, eldest daughter of Jas. Rome, of the same. township. DAVIS -= GREENWOOD. -"At - St. George's. Church, St. Catharines, on the 25,th inst., by the Right Rev. Bishop of Huron, assist - I' ed by 'Lural Dean Davis, the Rev. '.Mr. Hall and the Rector of St. George, •Rev.:Evans Davis, of London, (brother of Messrs. Davis, of the Mitchell Advocate,) to Miss Louise,, second daughter of the ]ate W. Greenwood, (and neice of Mr. 13. Holmes, of the. NEW E+`u) DIED. ,I31("xs.-In Godorichtownship, on Thursday, the 19th inst., Chas. 'Hicks, M. D., fifth son of Harvey Hicks, Lsq,,- aged' 22year's. Cool:E.—Ili Winnipeg, on the 16th inst., Mar- tha Hannah, eldest daughter of William'. and -Ellen Cooke, of Winnipeg, `(formerly of', Clinton,) aged•"1'5 years and 6 months. 1:1noUr.-lis Clinton, on tlie 22nd inst:; Isa- bella, relict sa-bella,relict of the late Geo. llidout, aged 72 years . ' STtniART.—Iu Stanley, on the 20th inst., Eva daughter of Mr. John Stewart, of con- gestion of the brain, aged 11 years. Ca RL'Olid•.—In . Fliillett,; 'on the 21st inst., Catharine, wife of Mr. Thos. Carbert, aged 53 years. Ertl,—In Hallett, on the 23td iii»tu Harry Bell, aged 26 years, 11 months and 29 days. The GREAT GERMAN ,INVIGORATOR, is the marvel of 'the''Medical World: It never fails' to completely cure Nervous Debility, Impo- tency, Mental Depression, and all diseases caus- ed from excesses.' ✓The testimony of thousands can be had by writing F..J. Cheney, Toledo, ;Ohio, soleagent for the United States. Price $1.00 per box, six boxes for 55.00. If your ding gist does not keep'. tbe'•remedy, -send to head-.' quarters -and get tho medicine by mail Circir-. ]ars"and testimonials on application.: So[e agent', 1oL�lilitona, H, Combe. Men akes Your Boots' UTI.CKsnAN THE BOOT MAKER. - DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF women and Children's Boots & Shoes.' Spring eeeeeel p g Stock : well ;assorteds an_c complete in all departments. p p ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH C. CRUICKSHANK BRICK BLOCK, .CLINTON, all &toC1 v o)n: tete Black and 'Colored Cashmeres, Fancy All Wool Dress 'Goods, Brocaded Silks, Black and Colored Moires forTrimmings. Stockofosier e�Giov:e WILL BE FOUND VERY COMPLETE TS' AND WELL .ASSORTED: CLIN'I'ON MARKETS Wednesday,;- Oct. 25,"1882.— The weather- has been too fine (luring the'past•week to allow of ranch grain be-' ingmarketed, farmers .finding that • they caw, make good use•of -their time at home;" if -ker. -price not tempting theta to -sacrifice their time. Prices remain .pretty much the same, very little change taking " place in anyway. Dealers are not sanguine of Inuelradvanceinprices, and feel no incli- nation to'hold on to what theybuy. Ap-` parently-,very few peas;'have yet been threshed, as only a small quantity 'has been hcought m. There is ready sale for .such articles as hay and wood, nearly everybody being 'apparently out of -the latter' commo dity, - Eggs find-readysaleat 20 and 21ots; i "tte r a ears to be scarce good b ipp ice at quota- tions, there must be considerable. butter in the hatrds of farmer's ; apples are _more plentiful than anticipated ; potatoes keep low:'in.price -and are scarce `ln quan- tity, thoogh uan-tity,though the crop has been a large one. Enquiries; for poultry are frequent„ but: much of what is broughtin is so "poorly; dressed, as to be somewhatrepulsive in ap-. pearance; it would pay farmer's:wives•to dress poultry a little more carefully, as: merchants would more:; readily find' sale, for-it,:and the'pricewould advance. The general prices obtained just before we go to press„are as follows: - Wheat, fall, lebush, olth40 95 a 0 98 1Vheat,•scot - 0 90 a ” 0 92 White'wheat,,•• 0' 88a 0 90 Spr-, 0 93' ',a 0 96 Oats, 0 32 '. a "0 33 Barley, 0 50 "' a 0 60 Peas, - • 0 60 ,.a 0 65 . Flour, 5 Q13060* 0 a 5 50 Potatoes, 0 30 a 0 35 • Butter_,. 0 16' <a- U. 17= Eggs, 0 20 ; .a 0 21',." Hay, � 7 00 a 8,00 • '- 1Jid'es 7.00 ' a 8 00 Sheep;pelts - 0 25 ;a 0 50'.: Lamb' skins, 0 50 a 0 75 '. 0 "'a:•. '21, Wool, •- .0 2 0 PROPERTIES FOR SALE. CA PELLE," N.W.T., Oct. 16. Surveyors are busy surveying range 15. Weather delightful, light frost atnight; large flocks of wild geese 'are seen flying O'outh Prairie" fires are numerous just now, several ,lost their hay stacks, on Tuesday, by tlhe fires. • Gcor, e Scarlr•lias his tiie-w touse.almost completed,'. and is: much, Pleased with his new home in the west. ' - " • Ed, and Charles Lavis have .arrived here,' and are pleased with the ' appear- ance of the country. They have taken land in•Quapelle'district. Ir. 1+. Whitting ham visited tilt large 14 g m ( ,uappelle farm, on• Monclfty, ,and was much taken up with what hesaw, so.much so that on returning home he losthis way, ,.. and had" the pleasure of'a night oh the prairie. After -Walking thirty hours with - mit food be arrived home' safe, but pretty seedy looking; as the night was Bold. 'Difitrin,-t1llr tglit-ht-s<aw the–cane t-- nd- says it looked beautiful..', Charles Morrish also. tilts pleasure of: Spendini 'l,'liurs= 1 1 HIDES, In, -� 1L. rrIC11L51GAS�11IGi ._._..�,..caynl ht,,oi t. e- prairie, becausee le lost SA. '..I3_&`ti'IS; C'1-:4'1Tt77.!c', L. ' hi'S ivay, '• Farm ; for Sale. Fr HE subscriber, offers for sale Lot 45, 1st bmf:` of Tuckersmith, London Roid, within 21 miles of the Town of Clinton,' and 31 from l3rncefiold. T'fiis •form contains 100 acres of choice land. well watered by never -failing springs. No'weete land. Good or - .;hard and outbuildings. Terms easy. " For further. particulars apply to - MRS. ELIZABETH GRANT, 18 tf Clinton P.O FARM FOR SA.tE. milt subscriber » offers for sale'that cthveniently situated farm being the north half of Lot 23, 10th uonceCsionof Goderich Township, containing 4,5 acres, -more or_less, on which there area frameliouse,stable, and granary, and log- barn. Good' clay loam and young orchard. Neve) -failing spring careek running .through the place, WALTON .DODSWORTII, Clinton P.O. Goderich township, Aug. 17, 1882. • FARM; `FOR SALE. FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR KNITTED GOODSin great variety. : It is conceded that, as ;a .cutter, MR. J�� H s no rival in town.' Our direct importation, of:Scotch,' English and Irish. Tweeds"; and Serges are worthy of special attention. °, HATS and C.A.V S 4 BOO'T'S and,:SI3OES, CnOCER.IES. Owing to the rapid increase of our business"in other branches, we find that •we have,. not room for our; CROCKERY and GLASSWARE and offer our - `whole: stock at: Cost. TbSAT'.conveniently situated farm adjoining the village, of Londesboro, being lot 25, 10th .000., Township of Hullett, consisting• Of 01 acres, 70 'under cultivation. The place is well: watered, good bearing orchard, frame' house, good frame barn, and other out- buildings. It is situated on the Wingliamgravel road' opposite !tuber's nidi 6 -miles from the town of'Clin- ton, half a mile fromrf . H. & B, railway. station. For, particulars apply to, • MRS. JIAPPTIIA A. GRAIIA)I, C,lilitem July 27, 1882. Clinton, F ,T: .$1 000 R. llavjng the utmost confidodoe ni its;r uporiority. oVcr h es1 Of tests' of 1i nl:n all sill rs and after t o .nuts t st o ;g cgmlilicited nnd'scverast eases we caiiltl lintl, we feel justified in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollar) ter any e ye of coughs, colds;' sore throat, influx n0a., ' t •Lis as bronchitis, een5uin ration lir its earl stages, d enc„ 1 y whodpifig cough, :Ld all disease's of the 'throat Ind, 1ldngsy except asthma, fer.which we Only claim relief, •-that.nae»oma t cuT-c:-iuith �'.�csL'!n:_GOSSIgI'1.-.Sycuil,..lvJicl� tabid ab'0tordn t0 ilireetiotns::. $ample 1.)011155 25 and 59 cents; large bottles one'dollar, 0Genuinc wrspvers only.. in blue. Sold-.byall. driti;•gasts, or: Neth by ex. press on receipt. of price, John C West, Co., 81 & 81 King 1. East, Tiornnto,'001. f o"1:'talo at Cotube'S fling Store COAT Qi $500 -,-REWARD.! Wewih pay the above reweard for •any case ,of Byer complaint, d y e sis si le hea acheindigestion, con- stipation or costiveness we cannot�curewith ,est's Vegetable Liver pills, when the directions are strictly' complied With. They are purely vegetable, and never:. fail to give sstisfacaton. Sugar coated; large boxes, i ills 25"cent .For sale byall Dru i, ts. containing 30 pills, s gg s Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured Only by John C. West .4c CO., " the pill maker's," 81 & 82 King St. East; Toronto, Ont. Free trial package' sent by mail prepaid on receipt of'a three ENECUTQRS'` :NOTICE IN pursuance of section 24, chapter 107of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, notice is hereby given that the creditors andothers having claims against the estate of the late William Turner, of Stanley township.' in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 16th day of October, A. D. 1876, are requested to send them to the undersigned, W.W. Far"ran, Clinton, Ont., on or before the 9th day of November, A, D. 1882, for adjustment, as after that datethe said. .Executors of:tho last will and. testiment of the said William Turner, will proceed to distribute -the assets-of:the saiddeceased amongstthe par-. ties untitled thereto, and that the said Execu- tors xeou tors will not :be liable for the said assets.. or any part thereof, to.any.person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received. by the undersigned as aforesaid. : Dated at Clinton. this Oth.dayof October, A.D. 1882, NEIL MATHESON ] xecutors • ; W. W. PARRAN, . cH`EALTH" IS WEALTH. ' re, E. C.West's Nerve and Brairi Treatment, a guar anteed spetil10 for hysteria, dizziness, eonvuliiona, nervous neuralgg4�1a, hoadache,.norvonsprostration enus- ed by the use ht' alcohol, wakefulness; mental'depres. Rion, . softening 01 -the brain, resulthlg nil in;iainity and leading t Misery, g n,neery, degas and do,ith,premntttrp old age, barrenness, less' of power in either sex,. involuntary losses and sperfnatorrhwa;'caused my over-exertion of the brain, self•abuseor over -indulgence. One hex will' pure -recent. r sages. Lisch Wok. Cpiicnins ono inonth s lire:Bandit, - One dollar a box, wr'5fX Sd 'es ftirilV3 dols nus • Sent 1 mail Prepaid 1 lal(1 oil receipt „price, v of,lice,' e I l 1�� t guarantee sly .beNts inure any case, with tan ar.= der received by us for six boxes, a ecdnnpatiio3'13r3fS Itve dollars we will' send the purchaser bur written guars,,. tee) te'refund the n)0005 if the treatment dtiea not ef- tot 0' cure. Onarauteesissued onlr by J. II„;Qombe, aisle 090lnt for Clinton,, Ont. John C..lVnit & co.; sole, -prerfrMtl»:c,-'Wweinerr. — eautiful Hair 11°".one's"own comfort, as well as the plea-` suro ofothers, a most Important; point is a_ well preserved bead of hair. When the Scalp gets ,dry and feverish„ and the hair becomes faded and Prematurely gray, try the Dominion Hair Res weer It does its work well as a preserver and beautil• tier of the hair, and therefore, possesses, a well.-: earned reputation. 'It keepsthe hair fresh and natural, is not offensive or, injurious,'" but plea- sant. and ":refreshing. It; cleans the scalp, and gives tone, beauty :and naturalness to the hair, promotes luxurious growth, and_prevents pre- mature decay. Price, 30 cents. -. -- S. T� PSOOTT c€' ., blantif1ectn•rer ,' &c,, -B00rantforr1, Jas. 11. Combe; • Agent..; ALLAN Li -NE.' ROYAL : MAIL •STEAMSIIIIPS-- DSCERPQOL--- LONDONDERRY GIASUW. SRORTEST. SEA. PASSAGE. Uabin,IInutermediateaud-9t-eera5i eTiclk. 'eta at Lowest Hates. Sttiliogs every )jatsvrday from, :Qt0eboe Persons wishing to end _','r friends cauobtafq•:., passage cortffxcates : to '.;t rates from Englaod,Iro- land and Scotland he any y or railway town Sri Ca- nada, and tho anroti.t'isrob 'ded less asinalldada tion it tho ticket is not usoi. • StabragsPassenge s-aro bontod to London, Cardiff ISistI' i - 6 tot t • n . rr u r ,tl us o , l)o y,,>3.cltaaf nAc+laa owe aft Anne prices as t. iverpool. Fo r ° sig 3-hroghtiokotenvdei•ergintoXmattotiapPlyLo A. -0 PA UT1SON ;Agent, I (i1111t011... Lfrrl Cita has d ':4t `' of 1 smell y yOt s sa0 uetL' _a_nd heat?nn HAWS Catarrh C nis'vvill'srlvo your 75 "COntaperbOttio• 19rt1ggistssel11tor;'Per sire,, by S, Coixihc. .