HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-10-26, Page 5Hello ! Neighbor Jgoingones; ?" where are -376u - ' re --you" Ipm going to TWITClEINS Boot allE Shoe - store,,, - Where I can get a pair of good boots for $2, and don't you forget it. You should see them. His stock of Ladies & Ohild- ren's Boots and Shoes is now complete. It would astonish you to see his stock of HEAVY AND LIGHT HARNESS. Oh, say, do you know that you can. get BUFFALO ROBES at Twitchell's that - beat the county in price and. quality. Call and see them. The usual discount of 5 per cent.. SHINGLES"1200 bunches of G,EGRGIAN BAY SHINGLES for Rooms over store to let.. cts. per. bunch, up. sale, from45. . J' -S_ TWz2'C SELL Victoria I31oek. Clinton. finery We have just received our 'FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY of French , . and American fashions, consisting of :Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Birds, Ribbons, Laces, Plashes and Velvets all at such pried that cannot fail to attract attention. Having>urchased a large and_well-selected stock, we feel confident in pleasing all I. and givingsatisfaction. We also call attention to our stock of BOUILLON JOSE- PHINE I � o. it PxnxE , KI1) GLOVES=keopmb a fun hue in' all colors. Full line of'DRESS TRIMMINGS,, HQSIERY, CORSETS, S;c, always on hand. STRAWS, FELTS AND BEAVERS done -over in all the newest styles of Bonnets &I -fats APPRENTICES' `WANTED for'the Straw work. PRODUCE taken in' exchange e • for: o FARM PRg g ,ods. TWO DOORS NORTH OF .THOMPSON and SWITZER'S, BEESLEY, Beaver Block, . Clinton. WAl DR I Albert Street Clinton. The public will find our' tock'of medicines complete; -v arranted genuine, and of t e best quality. TUILET SOAP S, PERbMERY, SHOULDER RBRACES, TRUSSES, SSESi C S > ANIT-ATT K-IKDSUE-�D 1?GcTSTS4-StiNDRIES USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG 'STORE. AROUND; THE COUNTY. A Christmas cattle -show will be held at Goderich on the 20th of. Dec. .Miss Watson and Miss McKay, teachers in Brussels school;,ha!e resigned. Mr. Jas. Felton, of Walton, has° sold his property there: He intends keeping hotel in Winthrop. The trustees of sphool section No. 6 Grey, have .engaged G. 'E. McBain, of Elms, as the tedcher for that section; at a salaq of . Miss Fo5375rest, who has taught the Har-• purhey school with much "acceptance for the past year, has: been re-engaged for anOther Term. Robort Morrison, weaver, has sold his house and. lot in Belgrave, to Mr. John Wrightman, of East Wawanosh, for• the sum of $650, Dr. D. W. Fairchild, of.New York, says " Personally I believe in Phosphatine, Isue, it myself, and in my family practice. I pre scribe Phosphatine";;with confidence that I cannot -attach to no other remedy. Ibis safe,. it is effective." For sale by all druggists. Robert Martin, a well-known breeder of good stock;.Grey, sold a splendid year- ling heavy draught filly 'to Mr. Grigg, of McKillop, -for the suits of $200, . Mr. A: Elcoat, of.Tuckersmith, recently sold a' ten menthe old bull calf to Mr. S. Brookenshire,•of Stephen, ,for- the sum of $200, This is a good price., Mr. J. Merklinger; shoemaker, who has resided in Blyth for the past- five years,• loft town to be a tiller of the soil. Mr. Merkliuger will remove to his farm in Wawanosh. When a disreputable female �:ets a -. .®1 P , 6 J g d" • the`° cyst, a• her fine in ge at ;Myth, b y p y order that 'she may be released. The ".boys" are evidently as much,lost,to self- respect as the female. Mr. Thomas 'W'ard has sold hie house. and lot on Goderich. street,Seafortb,to Mr. Wm. Hammill, of Hullett, for the sum -of $575. Mr. •Hamanill having sold his farm in'tende going to Seaforth to liv.e., iu Delays are dangerous, particnlar. 'Kid- ney. ney'Diseases, so take at once Dr.Van: Buren's KInsEr CURE and obtain relief from all your' sufferings. • Your druggist keeps it. • We understand that:there is a movement; on 'foot in'ttown .to. erect a' monument in the cemetery in Memory of Capt.. Savage, of the Asia. He •was a favorite with many': of our citizens.—Signal. Mr. John -H. •McCasey, formerly of Sun-, ;shine; but who has been teaching' School -near. Owen Sound for the. past itwri years,' has been re-engaged, as. teacher for next year at a salary of $400. • Capt. Dancey's. schooner,-, the Jenny Romball,;of Goderich, which went ashore at Pike Bay, has gone to pieces, and 'the vessel is a tetal lose. Part of the, cargo may be saved. No insurance on either. Why 'go on day' after day suffering with splitting,..headaches when a bottle of Dr. Austin's. phosphatine' will cure •yon: If you do not believeit_asky-our-druggiat_for_ a cir miler, and read,what those who have .used it: say about it. Price $1.00;sold,byall druggists. Mr. John Troyer, of Hills Green, is one, of. the most .successful onion, growers in this section. • Front less thin 'one•fifth of tie acre he has this year raised over 40 -bushels of; as tine'onione as -van. anywhere. • be seen. Mr. R. Henderson principal of Blyth public school, and'president sof,North Hu- ron teachers association, has been re eti gaged at.ari iucreased salary of $25. This is certainly a commendable act on the part Of' the .trusteee, as. Mr. Henderson is in •excellent teacher. • ' On Tuesday last before. Ai' .Msllough,`; J, 'Dr. 'Tennant, of Lucknow•, wascorn`-, milted, to stand hid trial at the next juris- diction for1? ei •ur in the 'West. Huron J Y election. The case against Robert Mc Rory for dereliction of ,dity, as deputy returning oflicerwae witii'drawn. HUMPHREY S HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, •CIUTICUR.Y REMEDIES,-. •KENDALL'S.'SPAVIN CURB. , • And all' the recent patents kept in stock or'procrured to order. A large stock Of WIRE HAIR 'BRUSHES, TOILET -SETS 'SPONGES; PERFUMERY, &c.,''very cheap CELLULO-rnTRUSSES at reduced rates. PHYSICIANS' PRE S CRIPTIONS and family receipts' accurately' compounded' with care and despatch: OMB , CHEMIST AND. DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT- Bueklen3s ,Arnica Salve- - The best Snlve in the world .for Cuts, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt I:heuw, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corps, and all Skin Eruptions, and rpositively cures Piles. It Is guarranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or moneyrefunded. Priee 25 cents per box. For sere -by J. H. Combe and Watts & Co. A painful accident occurred to Archy, the eldest son of Mr. A. McCurdy, lot 16, con. 13, Uaborne, on Thursday. They were engaged in threshing on' their own farm, when Archy, who was endeavoring to 'dis- entangle some straw that had .become en- tangled in the md%hinery,allowed his right. hand to eorne. in contact with the cylinder, thogreater part of the fi eb Se,of the pal le being literally dug nut and torn away, to gether'with part of. oue ef the hones of the' thumb. Medical aid was at once called in, and at first amputation at the wrist seeth- ed abe�opletoly necessary;' but on further'. consultation the &eters decided to remove the fraetured bones of the thumb and give the hand a fair: trial. While William Campbell and J. Braith waite were cleaning an old well 45 "feet. deep,' on the farm' of Michael Murdie, Jr., of- the 7th. con., of McKillop, they found foul air accumuiating in it,and had to leave it twice. Shortly afterwards they returned to complete the, job and burnt a 'quantity, of straw in the bottom, but were then ,un- able to work from the smoke and gas. On Friday Mr. Campbell again descended and sent up three pails of the -cleanings of -the-well to Braithwaite. Being longer than usnal;with the next pail hie companion. Looked clown' and beheld, himwith his feet in the pail, .his .Bead leaning on one eido of thewell, his eyes staring, and appar- ently lifeless. Mr. Braithwaite immedi- ately took in the situation and ran fur as- sistance. He placed'a duan at the wind- lass and descended therope and fastened' it around the unconscious Mr. •Campbell, when he gave'. the signal to pull up. A Seaforth physician was `then ;sent for and it was'fnlly two and a half hours after hie arrival before Mr. C. returned to con sciousness STREET TALK. "How Much'' better you look, Mr..' S.'• "Yes, I have gained 32;.pounds `on Hall's. Catarrh' Cure. Have not felt so well in 20 years. It has made a complete cure and is worth 00 a bottle to 'any one that has the,. Catarrh." • After many years of patient investigation. 11r.Van Buren of Germany, finally -succeeded in perfecting,a Kidney Cure; that would per manently;relieve all cases of Kidney . Disease. Be sure and ask •:your DruggPat for Dr. Van Buren's KIDNEY CURE 1 •' . Mr:' T. Brandon, of Morris, who has been farming in, Manitoba, for the past. few months, has {returned'' home, looking' as if the ";far, west" air, had agreed with him. He speaks favorably of the country,.. but thinks the old • land is, just as good as the new, and intends making hisfuture home here. • The Big, Spring' Creamery; of -Grey, has shut down kr this season after a very suc- cessful run. The amountof butter Bold for July, August and September was, 7,495' lbs., at 23 centsMade forthe--patrons=- 432 lbs., tuta1710,581 •lbs: Next year it is expected the amount will be a great deal larger as the creamery works well. A drove consisting of one hundred and thirty head of fine fat cattle passed along Ontario street •yesterday.afterneon, They came from Brucefieldinthecounty of° Huron, and were; being driven to .Wash- ington station of the Great Western. ;Mr. James 'McNichol, the owner of'the herd accompanied them., --.Stratford Herald. A simpleherb found on the sunny plains -- of La Southern clime has, under ,the skillful manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, proved one :I of the greatest blessings ever ;sent ,to suffering -humanity. Dr.Van Buren's KIDNEY', Lung is acknowleged all the, world over as the only perfect remedy for kidney -troubles. Your druggist has.it. ' ', . The Farmers Advocate Chicago. corres -pondent -speaks-thus' 'of -our—welfi--known- horsemen; D. & J. P. Fisher :—".Farmers are realizing the value ofbreeding from improved stallions on light and medium weight mares of the common breed. Mi- ring the past few years there has, been a: very " strong demand for heavy draught horses. The Fishers, of (aoderich, On$, can testify to° the growth of the demand for improved horse flesh' in the Weat." • The people of Goderiohr without excep- tion, are deeply pained to learn of the deatlt,.of"Hon, John Hibbard, U.S. con cul at this:' port. ; He has been ailing slight- ly for lightly.for some time, and during the ,illness of his son William,vrho died a few weeks ago, had contracted'cold, from" which he re- covered slowly. On Monday of-laat Week Mr. Hibbard took to his bed, and since: then his illness took the form of kidney, and liner troubles. He suffered .very se- verely until yeaterday morning about two o'clock, when death released him. -Star, Let no one now omit to buy The fragrant "Teaberry,"'and trb Upon_the-Teeth its-nleansing-powers, --= And gain a Breath like .scent of flower,: New Maple Sugar.' A few gal. TinsMaple le S • ru P � p p p Fresh . Oraligcs, Lemons ail Bananas. G0O d Man old f r esh Sor hum Seeds. Cuning home, Cli'inton• iton Cabinet Conn In order: to meet omr increasing 'trade -••-we have bought the Factory lately occupied by W. B. Crich, and after getting it under way we are prepared to manufactur Everything �... in the Furniture . line, From the cheapest to the best sets, with the latest styles and No. 1 finish and workmanship Ordered worka specialty p y andsatisfactlon guaranteed` 1 U -D N ERT A KING We have . also added this branch • to our business, and in it at all—tiMeg will be found everything to meet the requirements of all. - A HANDSOi1JE HEARSE, KEPT. FOR, ' HIRE: By strict attention to' business and an eye- to abeom: modate and please, we hope to merit the confidepee of all. GEORGE DIEIHL: & CO aria',:' CALL AND SEE. IT AT COOPER & licKENIIE'S PLANING MIL; rRE'subscr(bers, while thanking. their, many; cos- tItcniere for the patronage' extended to thein, desire to inti,nate that in connection with their factory Near the Grand Trunk Railway,, They have erected a Dry Kiln, 'which enables them more promply than ever to execute all work in their. line of business. COi�rFT A4 For buildings taken, and material furnished at the shortest possible notice, and at reasonable rates. ge•We'nlaays i.eep on hand :first-class' SIBS; .andmakea specialty_ of. LIME,. which will be sold at the lon-e'st,prb es. - ` Clinton, July' 29, 2882. COOPER & McKENZIE. ht Harness. Ilest.v_y 1J rne�sr3, TRUNKS 'VALISES &c. 1VHIGH WILL BE SOLD''' AT VERY 'LOW RATES: wtonDennl HARNESS MAKERS, CLINToN. GEO.SHARMAN, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY TR,OCERIES TEAS, FRUITS, CANNED GOODS 'CROC.Is:ERY a. GLASSWARE,' &C.. EAS JUST `RECEIVED NEW T SPLENDID VALUE. CURED MAT, F1LOUR, OATMEAL, &C. ALWAYS ,ON, RAND.• Farm Produce taken in Exchange. NE$T DOOR TO JOHN HODCENS' •`DRY GOODS' PALACE;, ALBERT. STREET, OLihToty. , Cily Ca6mol \Vrerooffls. FURNITURE ' STQRE, CLINTON, TH MM AND lothin aAR1- I desire to express m sincerethanks all custom r p y hanks -fo my e s, but •'to the ladies especially, as I am confident that the rapid increase in my business is in a great measure due to.. the fact that the ladies have spoken well' .of•g'oods purchased from' me; and advised their friends': to visit "my':place of business. , LAT)IES, YOUR KINDNESS TS APPRECIATED. W. L.:OUIMETTE all stock new e1t: ����e��sE Quaa�i�y; S�i��rb 1e�ali�y. ��a�� �ssartl�e�t Special value in the following lines, which have been ur.- P y1. chased at prices much lower than cost of production. CASHMERES, full range of colors. CLOTH AND FANCY DRESS GOODS,. Fine MELT0NST nTEDS. aches Cl �'akin in WINCEYS, Plain, Twilled and Fancy. UNION ` FLANNELS, -Plain; and Checked. GREY ALL WOOL FLANNELS, very Y heat/ . TWEEDS,range of o. SCOTCHpattern S'. g l' THOS. STEVENSON Having moved into his new brick store Car OPPOSITE THETOWN -TALL; Begs leave to state to his numerous friends in -Clinton and the' urromidh g country, that.he keeps on. hand a stip tor quality of Furnitnre of all kinds, such: se: BE ROO M ,& PARLOR SETS Of 'the - latest styles, alio BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS,;. BUREAUS, ` TABI1ES, And everything that eonetitute furnishing a house hi his line,. which he will tell at the lowest'living profit. I ask a share df the public'patronagge, being ,thankful for pastfavors•and hopeful for the future. The public are invited to call and see for themselves mp•4S.rSTEYEiISO•N, Clkitoti, July 6,'1882.' The above mentioned ggoods are, without doubt, the best value ever offered in the :;county, and are causilig quite a sensation pure urchasers of dry , goods. y In regular sto;have''all that is -require('-in STAPLE AND. i, �. " t, of Dry Goods hANLY GO' � make a Firs Class StockD � complete. the Tailoring De•partra:ent We have this season had unprecedented success, and are now g ..>' offering . ' sonic s et<ial lines yin. Scotch nods; ; wliiclr'sell at sight. SUITS' at $16,.wortli $20'; $1'8 worth $22.. • Fall range OVER COATINGS, also OvERCOATs BEADY -MADE. n : Boots and Shoe We are ,.well - to ;,the front, CHILDREN S ;L:ADIES_.. AND :.GENTLEMEN'S. I IGHT: AND-hEAVY:—GOODS:— --Large --st O cat-- great variety,ancl reliable'goods:Some special' lines. in Boors AND SHOES at prices .that make: the people ;smile.;. lassware and Crocker Department, filled to'overflowing, -some beautiful lines in GLASS SETS AND -COLQRE]) (;HINA TEA SETS. 'xi,o0ery Dep artrnen Has received due, attention, .ansa contains-, some •. sT.ARTLING VALUES:' I am willing to have my 50c. Tea put on trial against any tea that can be purchased elsewhere at 60 cts' per pound: Owing .to the lar :�.e. increase in mylist: of 'cus- tomers, - Owi g gsus tomers 'I have purchased very largely,and am therefore anxious ' to convert goods; intoff cash, and have marked all goods at prices that will convince all who favor me • with their patronage that I serve them well. Londesboro, Oct ,12, .1882.