HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-10-26, Page 4P.
r.eiu Illuertxo.et xr321$.
Specialties -W. Jackson.
Cigars—Chris. Dickson:
Keep feet •warm—W. Taylor & Son.
House for'sale•—I. Jackson.
House to let -Miss Mountcastle-
Entrance examination—Jas.' Turnbull.
Boar pig—J; Avery,
Boarders.—Mrs. Wattersou.
Consumption oured-Dr: Raymond,
Auction sale --Mrs. R. Callander.
THURSDAY, OCT- 26; 188`?..
The elections to fill seven constitnencies,in'
the Local House came off on Wednesdiiy last,
and,resulte4)u the return.of five supporters
• off Mr:'1VIOsil'at'''Jiii!iT one independent; who
adopts the Rivers and Streams bill policy and
favors the settlement of the boundary goes
tibia, and one for the Opposition. The govern -
,anent carried Soutli Essex and Glengarry, for-
merly represented by the Opposition, so that
they gained two seats by the election; The
Conservatives' had anticipated an altogether;
different result having•putforth a. desperate'
effort to winsome of the constitbe cies, and
now their only consolation is. that " the coun-
try at large is with them," and all the satis-
faction that they eau draw from this election.
no one Will 'begrudge them.- Qne thing is,
morally certain=wben the general election
for the Local comes on, it will be found that
the Mowat administratian has lost none of its
popularity, and that the people are with them
in their endeavor to administer the affairs of
Ontario iu an honest, economical .saitcl straight-
forward manner.;
One of the worst blunders committed by
the 'Conservatives c£ Ontario. lately, was the
raising,for party purge
es, of cryagainst-the
Crooks Act. Every intelligent Oran will ad-
mit that any -legal measure restricting the
iise of alcholic liquors, no matter bow imper-
in detail that measure maybe, will have
a tendency to reduce the amount of;;liquor'
consumed. People'may have violated the
law, as they do almost every other, but it,
neverthelesr, operates to .3 greater or less
extent in the direction it was 'intended it.
should. Every observaut'person can most
assuredly bear testimony to the fact that the
present License ;System is a decided improve-
ment of the:one"it snperceded, then under
the control of :the municipalities..
The blunder perpetrated :by"the Cinserva-
tive party was in committing themselves to a
course which the thoughtful and conscious
Cone men of both parties could not endorse',.
These persons knew the evils of an almost'
unrestricted liquor traffic, and some' of "these,'
of their own shade of politica, were notlslow'
in;•showing ,their disapproval of • the -line of
conduct their party leaders pursued. That.
the public were not with the Conservatives -in
their line and cry against the Crooks Act, is
now evident to the most obtuse, and while
there may have been some temperance Con-
servatives, whose; vote and influence were
given to their party in the late elections, we
have reason to believe that not a fewshowed:•;
their disapproval of party tactics, by either
not voting or else voting for the Reform
sET.r-co VYi I1olV:
The following paragraph appears in the
sof Saturday := ..
"There is a peculiar feature about Grit
electoral victories which is worthy of note, and
is well calculated to excite';enspicion. It is.
this: The majoritywhich the'snccessfnl-Grit
candidate gets is nearly always secured in one
township. At the' West Northumberland'.
bye -election last year the Conservative can-
didatemasnearly defeated:becauee a majority,
of the electors ina particular township.
` changed their opinions between sunset of the
day before theelection and sunrise of the day
of the election. Now, in the connty,;of Glen
garry,•there. bas been inone: township a res
markable series of conversions. Cbarlotten
burg gave a Conservative majority of 19 in.
1879, but on Wednesday last_, it gave .a Grit
majority of 136, or 72 more Grit votes than
the entire Grit majority in the county, Have
our Conservative friends allowed the centrali-
zers to gerrymander;the assesssment rolls and
the, voters' lista."
Though it may not be the case we :will ad
Bait, for: argument' s. sake, that the voter's lista'.
have been gerrymandered by the "Grits" in
this particular instance. In the ,very next
column of the same issue.appeared the'follow-
ing paragraph:--..._
Orillia and Matchedash,' in East Sincoe,
gave, 371 Grit votes. and 291 Conservative
votes in 1879—or 'a majority of 80 for the
lviiniaterial candidate...' On. Wednesday the,
same places. gave. 262 Grit votes and 392 COR-
E ervative votes, or -a- majority of 130 for the.
C onservatiyecandidate."
;Vow if the Mail's reasoning in the first pa?
ragr aph is correot,it follows just as reasonably
in th is instance that the voter's lists were
gerryi'andered by the Conservatives, or how
did the Conservatiye candidate obtainthe. in-
creased., majority ? What is sauce for the
goose, Should certainly be sauce for the gander
TIE We et Huron electionpr8test, and seve-
ral others, \were thrown out Court on Fri-
day, on the ground that theyhad not been
properly eiitea ed; This decision was appealed
to the Supreme Court which mot on Tuesday,
but a decision there,.has not yet boon given
If many more bye-eleetious are held before'
a dissolution of the Local .House the Opposi-
tion will be almost wiped out of, existence.
Tun following paragraph from ' the Mail,
contains both sarcasm and :sense:
"Childen were positively -refused admit-
tance to an organ recital given in a St. Catha-
rines church. Perhaps the trustees did not
wish the rising generation to know that sacred
edifices are used for concert purposes.
The Expositor has an article on appoint
menta to' office by Mr. Mowat, contending,
that he should appoint a Refornxor to every
vacancy, as Sir John always appoints his sup-
porters to office. We not only endorse the
principle, but as the Evening News (an edi-
tion of the Mail) lays down the principle that
if government is by party, then to the par-
ty belongs the spoils," we see' no reason why
Mr. Mowat should not adopt this policy in
Os entirety just as well as Sir John A. Mac-
An exuberant politician of the Grit persua-
sion bas been found'.guilty at the Norfolk as:
sizes of bribery during the last general dee:
tion 7'ivo distinct charges:. against him have
been proven, His mistaken inhere on behalf
o£ "Ontario, Ontario" will clout him $100:--
And doany ltofoirn paper;i squeal and say`
that " it is a vindictive prosecution" 01 Not
much. 13ut because Mt; Cameron is punish-
ing " exuberant politicians' of the Conserve-
c_1_ersuaid a nsilLiede: cif oldi1Sct s.a,xe,.,a.l
plied to hiin,.
Tna Christian Guardian finds that "chnrch
debts are becoming more and mere-Unpopu-
oreunpopu-lar every -year." We ranch doubt if the
ever were popular with the masses, but it is
a position many church bodies were coaxed
into bya misguided zeal on the part of some
ministers If there is any place in the world
where the principle ''owe _no,_man 'anything"
should' be acted upon, it is in connection with
churches, for otheir influence and example is
far-reaching, and should::' be in the ,direction.
of unimpeachable right°and honor.
e most complete
IN another column will be found' a •commu-
nication in which it is asserted that the Can-
ada Pacific Railway Company are ,tightening'
the screws cu the:farmers;of'Manitoba, by re-
fusing to allow storehouses to be erected along
the aline of railway, which means that the
farmers, will, have a: -mighty poor chance of,
disposing of their produce 'at a fair value.. It'
a fair computation could be made'. of till ex-
tortion practiced one way and another by the
company, it would
be seen t it is s rise most
gigantic swindle and outrage ever perpetrat-
ed upon any civilized people.
The two political parties in Manitoba have
issued their platform prepraratory,apparently,
for the _approaching local elections. The
liberals comb out plainly and boldly for the
rightof the province to charter railways that,
will connect with foreign railways so that
they will not suffer from the monopoly of the';
Syndicate:; an increased subsiby and apguisi
tion of all Crown lands ; which means a de
mand'for better terms, which John A. will
not likely grant unless they submit cheerfully
to his terms; the "use of every legitimate in-
flnence to remove the excessive ` burdens laid
upon the people by way :ofcontributions. to
,the Dominion ;exehegner," a plank, which
clearly shows that they seriously; feel 'the -in-
jurious effect
in-furiouseffect of the proteetire tarriff, and do,
not intend to bear it anylonger than they can
help. _.They also advocate the encouragement
of those who are willing to undertake ' the
construction . , of railways promotion of
edication ; regid economy, and the ` extension:
of the boundaries of the province, we suppose
westward only. .As they have given evidence
of being in the majority the weight, of this
platform, will be to'a considerable degree
at Ottawa.
Tiistr'are no,puapers'in AmiGie.couiiiy,•`
Mississippi, the, superintendent of the poor.
farm has resigned • and the place ;is shpt up.
Formerly, when out -door relief was plentiful,
pauperism in the county steadily increased,
but since the poor -house test; along, with
abundance of work for all able-bodied�recipi-
ents of aid, was inaugurated, there has been
a steady decrease, while now there is no long-
er any need for the establishment. Those who,
on the ground of economy and supposed ,en
couragement to pauperism, have been eland-,
sed to the purchase of land and the erection'
of a poor -house in this county, should make
a"note of the result of erecting .one in the
above-named county. There are unfortunates
who deserve the sympathies and help of their
fellows, andtherefore provision should ,be
made for them in the erection of; an house of
industry, where all that are able 'will have an
opportunity of contributing as much, as pos-
sible to their own support, and those who are
_striving to sponge a living out of the coinmu-
nitywithout labor, 'given the option of .work
or walk.::' Systematic charity, operates bonefi-'
cially—promiscnous charity is a-curse—so <it
has been found in this town, for now that
beggars are told' to go to Paisley, who will re -
Have their necessities, take good care to. have
a necesaity to relieve before. presenting ;them -
The full returns of the election in South
Bruce give Mr. ;O'Connor a majority of
505 In the gerrymandered constituency;
of East. Bruce, which forms 'a portion ; of
this riding, Mr. Shaw polled a majority of
500 votes over Hon. Mr. Blake for the
Commons. in 1878. So great has been the:
revulsion of feeling .among the electors
since then that in this district Mr. O'Con-
nor at this election, polled a majority of
10- votes ;over his Tory opponent: In
South Waterloo at the bye -election of 1877
14Ir. Master was returned by five majority.
At the general' election in 1879 his major-
ity was increased to 68; which at the
tion a few days.' ago was increased to the.
Handsome figure of 381.
MONDAY, OCT. 30.—Farm stock of, Mr. Jos.
Grigg, lot 2, con. 14,•Hallett, "at.1
Howson, auct. -
SA'rusfrA.Y, Oa. 28.—House„lot and house-
hold furniture of Mrs. 11. Callender, Huron
St„ ,Clinton, at ono p.m. 1), Dickinion,
an 011. •
A Vexed Ciergyuian.' -
l;ven-the patieneo of Job would become ex
hauste1 were hq'a preacher and'encleavoring
to interest his atidien& iVhrlc they were keep
ing up au incessantcoughing, making it im-
possible for him bo heard. Yet, how very
easy eau al) this be avoided by simply, usiug
'Dr. King's Now Discoveryfor. Consumption,
at 'Watts & Co. auclJ. 11. C,otnbc's drug store
k-• , S F A SUl�T.
�e Dry Goods Palace
oods Stoc
gin", the count
Zhe stock icor the season:is'_at~the Dry Goods Palace
Go P! ,
r ods_ eco
t a of throughout will be at..the Tho `assortment for. h� sc s
li �'
No store in this county carries a stock so complete.
The dry goods "business for the season will be clone
at the Dry Goods Palace.
The prices : are . right. The attencianee`' is
good.The principles upon which' the busi-
ness is conducted are ho .ortable and just.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
a ace o Hurons
The undersigned having again opened'out,a general stock of Goods, take this op-
O b again
customers-the':liberal' patronage afforded them,
port;utlxty.of thankxni, their old costo forI ,,
when in business before, and trust that by giving Special Bargains to get all their
old customers back; and many new ones..' We intend to keep full lines in the
following Dry Goods
Ducks, D. aims
Blue and GreyCottons,
Shootings, e
gs •
Tckin s�-1;otton Yarn,p, ,
Grain Bags,, Winceys, • Tablings, Dress Goods and.
Trimmings, Small wares, &c. Tweeds, Coatings,
Tailor's Trimmings, Ready Made Suits, and
eclat' value in
�+ R. and O'`' "I]E.SHUES.
•Aa we are iii;, ii position to.pay cash for'our',goods, and get them at the lowest
possible price, parties buying from'us may expect to get bargains, as our motto
• *IS. 1, small profits .and qutch returns;"
Purchasers. are ies iectfull •sec nested to call and see our "gooil,s and get prices, as.
1�' 1
R m price's:
weare �ba'uncl 1. e
y Op
old " stand.', . Brick Bloch, Albert' Street.
Clinton Seit., 1882.
The grand Fall andWinter
o enin
g .
of Millineryand Mantle M t e Show
Rooms, took place Saturday last
o n �
now wthe are ® o�e�.-forseason.
1od 11 !ird
New =cashmeres` New French Foule Serges and
Cloths, New Brocades, New 'W nceys, New Plaids
for Children's dresses, in great -Variety.
Rich Black and Colored Silks, Rich Black Velvets
and Plushes, Black 'and. Colored 'Brocades' and
Moire Silks. 25 percent. blow regular value.
r�et Departmei
See our special lines. of Tapestries, Brussels, Wool
and Union Carpets, Oil' Cloths, Mattie s,: Rugs,.
Curtains, etc.
epar trne
Scotch Tweeds, Canadian Tweeds, Over Coatings?
and Suitings at Lowest .Prices ever offered.
nderson is our cutter.
J)e artmeiL
An immense assortment of South Sea; Seal and
Mink. Sets. Misses and. Children's Grey Lamb
Caps. Ladies' -Dogskin Mantles. Men's Coon -and
Do skin Overcoats.
Cram, acwhirter
The :Grew y'00041S .ltlei