The New Era, 1882-10-19, Page 7STOV J CYST R, CEIV EID TWO.CAR.LOADSH AT HARLAND of stoves BRO The -largest and best assorted stock of Cooking, Box, Parlor, Parlor. Cook, Hall . and Coal Stoves eve broght into ;Clinto; A t liar/and Bros. The latest designs' and improvements in Stoves, 14 I arland Bros: Stoves, Stove -Pipes, Elbows, Stove -Boards, at'. rock bottom prices. At .Harland .Bp os. A` large assortment of Lam s Burners,Chimin„eY� s. Shades & Tubular. Lanterns At .Harland Bros. Just received, a_ large lot :of American .Crosscut SAWS and AXES, '. At Harland- Bros. Builders' and Shelf HARDWARE always on hand At HarYland Bros. A quantity of second hand Coal & Wood Stoves° very cheap. 'AMERICAN AND CANADIAN' COAL OIL. SIGN OF THE PADLOCK, RED BRICK.STORE ALBERT STREET, CLINTON.' t Harland Bros. BRANCH STORE, B:E,AVER. B LSCK, NEXT` To TtiOiffrsoN & SWITZER'S.. Flello ! Neighbor Jones, ,where are .you going e,. ?" ` I'm Rolvg to TWITCHE�,II S Boot gild S11o! stoic , . getpairod boots for - S2, 'I can -a " of o b. g S2, and don't you forget it -You" should. see theta. Elis stock' of'' La dies '& Child- ... rens Boots and . Shoes is no v 'complete.:' "It ,would. astonish you to.see :`.his stock of HEAVY ;AND .� Oh, say, doyou know that LIGHT HARNESS.y, Y . you can get B UFFALO ,ROBES at'Twitchell's that beat the county in price and quality. Call and. `see. them. The usual discount of 5`pet cent, f r from 4 o NULLS o .sale v L;eiie of c�1;JG1��r.AN B_�'�, .s13I . , , .-1..00 bungles. �iili�ii�a'�.�� cts_'per bunch, up. Roams ovtolet..zr store l C I (Clinton. The BestOeneraINewspaper! IN THE DOMINION. THEMf� ' • D � ��RC� ("ETRE WEEKLIES Contains. Seventy two' Columns of Reading. Matter, and is admitted to be the best author- ity u on A.1riculturatand Commercial matters in the Doininion. Subs*ibe. fol' 1883 now, and GET BAtANeV OF. 1,E432 FREE. Orders and remittances to be addressed' COMPANY, M, TNE :G! P i T N 08EflN f TORONTO. T0. � 1' DOLLAR. H a BOKnl, BuLLEN.-On the base line, on the 1Gth.inst., the wife of MOW. Bullets, of a daughter. MARRIED. HOLIES—CauERON.-,An the 12th inst., at t All Saints' Church, Collingwood, by Rev. • L. H. Kirkby, Chaa.E. Holmes, Merchants' Despatch Transportation Co., Toronto, (nephew of Mr.E. Holmen of the NEw Eae.,) to Belle H,, eldest daughter of Chas.Cam- eron, Esq., Collingwood. DIED. GonnoN.—In Clinton, on the 16th insti 4 kris. tina, relict of the late. Angus Gordon, aged 79 years. HORTON.—On' the 16th Sept., at Frame, Somerset, England, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. John' Horton, and daughter-in-law of the late ltev. John Horton, Rector of. St. George's, Southwark,' London. England, and sister-in-law of Mr. James Horton, of the 'G.W.R.'Clinton, aged 74 years: Dr, D. W. Fairchild, of New York, says " Personally I believe in Phospbatine Isue, it myself, and in my family practice. 'I pre- scribe Phosphatine with confidence :that 'I cannot attach to no other remedy. Itis safe, it is effective." For sale by all druggists.. (,LI11f'Y`0111111[ARHE Wednesday; Oct. 18, 1882. The most important thing in connec- tion with markets during the week is the fact that wheat has slightly advanced in price, and is firm at present quotations. A lar e quantity of grain has been mar keted`" lately, but farmers are_ evidently only selling -when absolutely necessary, as the amount in the country would warrant greater rates. Many have not yet taken up their potatoes, which may account for the fact that so few have been brought in; they are in good demand.. -at present quo- tations. Pork has not yet made its ap- pearance, but will likely rule high. Cattle have dropped.; in price—in New York and Montreal considerably,' owing to the large influx of Western cattle, and those who have, more on hand than they intend to. winter,should sell without delay. • Poul-; try is: just beginning ;to . come.. in, and if nicely dressed, finds ready sale. Butter, eggs, &c., keep about the same price. Wheat, fall, .IR, hush, old $0' 95 a 0.98 Wheat,'. scot _. _ __ - _0.:.90_-_a -•0-92 White wheat, 0':88 a ' 0 90 Spring; 0: 93 a 0 96' Oats, ' - 0 32 a .0 33 Barley, - 0' 50. a 0 60 .Peas, 0 60 a. 0 65 Flour, 5.00 a 5 50 Potatoes, • 0 30' a 0 32 Butter, • • .0 16 . a 0 17 Eggs, 0 20 a 0 21 Hay, - - - 7 00. a 8 00 Hides, ' 7 00 a 8 00 Sheep pelts' = 0 25 a 0 50 Lamb skins, , 0 50 a 0 75 Wool, - . . - 0 20 a 0 21 Why go on day, after day suffering -with•' splitting headaches when a bottle of. Dr. Austin's phosphatine will cure you. If you do not .believe 'it ask your druggist for a cir- cular and read what those whohave used.it say -about rt-Trice$1:OO,sold'by aildrngRiat57 A FALSEHOOD. To the Editor of the Clinton New Era. SIR -A person living in Goderich tow•n'•.p,' who exhibited fruit in the same class as me,-at_the_ ll nton..sliaE has made aState- ment p to parties that -the fruit exhlkllte by. me was not gr6wn-on my premises. It. is a'.bare-faced falsehood,` as I exhibit nothing at any time but what, is" grOwn by me. W. C. SEARi.E.. WEST HERON TEACHERS' •ASSOSIATIO.N, SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING. Reported specially tor the CLLYTON Naw ERA.. The half -yearly meeting of the West Huron Teachers' Association was held in the High School, Goderich, on Friday and Saturday of last week. From the large attendance of teach' - era, and others not so closely connected with education, the attention paid to the discussion of the different subjects, and the enthusiasm raised, it may safely be inferred that those present derived much pleasure and a great amount of information from the subjects un- der discussion. The benefits accruing from the..Meeting might be more practical and hast- in if the interahaa a of ideas was more ens-' ra8, if a greater number would tell their ie`ws. Melt . Women and, Children's ' Boots & Sys. 0 :akes Your Boots? THE BOOT' MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS' OT' or describe their:methods as ,the subject under debate might require. ' . • The meeting was. opened by the President;' asking Mr. -John ' Elliott" to offer a prayer ..to God, asking the divine guidance and 'blessing. on those present and the purpose for which they were assembled. After routine business the President de- livered a short eulogy on the late :lamented' Dr. Ryerson, and recommended• that the As- sociation' take some action to show the high esitmation iu which the late reverend gentle- man and -his -noble work are held bytffemem bers of the society. A committee was formed to' draf t a resolution embodying the sentiments of the association towards Dr. Myerson, and'' their great sorrow for the' loss to education of •so >kind"a` friend. • The meeting was adjourned to meet at one o.'cloek, when the prograzione was taken up as. arianged by'the business committee. The .president called on Mr.'"Freeland, of London: to explain" the Tonic sal fa system of teaching. music: This gentleman seems to he: thoroughmaster of his subject, and as.far as time permitted' explained in a lucid and in= teresting' manner the benefits of this, method' of teaching music. He advocated the method because it was simple., easily learned, did:away. entirely with the .difficulty ::of learning the staff notation, and the 'different •keys end characters used in the ordinary System of. teaching singing: He: wanted it distinctly, understood that this ''method . vas not intend- ed to supplant' the old system;, but; to 'be introd uctoryto it. He seemed so thoroughly imbued with a love of the system, as a simple: method, that it his opinion it will super Cede the other entirely, as an introduction to tbo teaching of dinging. He strongly:urged the teachers present to.introduce Singing into. their schools,'using the'1onie sol fa method, and he assured them that they need not have' any fear for .the, consequences, if they used: the exercises • recommended by'tie system ho was advocating, and the pupils would'bless the teacher who gave then- so simplest mei thod 'of'using "their vocal organs with pleasure' to themselves -and to others. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr..F reeland, with. regret that he could not have spent twice" as mach time on his.subject. n _ . . "IVIr. R.:D Cameral; then,; took' up the sub- . ect of""Monthly Reports."" He drew on the blackboard a blank: form of the monthly reports used by him in his school.- The report is very neat in form, and besides has the advantages of .being',economical,- labor., saving, time saving,' and' convenient. 'A lively discussion: ensued on the Subject, in which it:was evident" that -in ;the opinion'of every speaker 'msnthly re ports are' beneficial, and although', injustice. _may be_done_in,some-cases, the good pro 'needing• , from their useY' far ,:exceeded any. evil .results' which might arise.= Their use in some form was recommended to' be tried in every school. -.Mr. Cameron should certainly receive ;great praise for bringing the subject of reporting', the'punctnality," regular; attendance, conduct and profioioncy of the upil.to his. parents; as a means of ;informing: I the ]atter-ofthe-stinrdnsg-of the pupil i'n ins. or her class'. The. subject has been,too,long negleeted,.and any individual; whether he be teacher or otherwise, who:advocates the adop- tion of asystom'of- reporting :in our schools, should be considered a friend and a helper to education. It may Mentioned here that le Catarrh.: bas destroyed your sense et.:smell, ancl•heartng, fulls catarrh cure' wilt t.sire.you.' 75'cents per bottle Druggists sell. it For sale Let no one now: omit to buy Tho fragrant "Teaberiy, and try Upon the Teeth its 'cleansing 'powers, Anal gain a Breath like scentof flowers,:, Sanson . dost his 'strength with his, hair:. Thuusanels of men ane women: loose their beauty with theirs, and -very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the ,fam- ous. Cineatese am-ous.Cineaileso Hair Restorer. Sold, at 50 cents per :bottle .b}* -all druggiate.'"• -$500 REWARD'!. : IYs will) -gas tile: above' reward for any ea"se'0f liver complaint; dyspepsia, Sicl:.headache., indigestion, ethyl- stipation or: costiveness caOirOt'' erire with \Vests Vegetable Liver pills, when th-a dlretitimta are strictly complied with. . They are liiiroly }±getable and flew erg; ttilto•gitesatisfacaton. Sugarcoatod,-]arge;boaos;. eat ,•1 er salebyall Dru • nes.. t'i' pills, 5c s em1 w im 30 1.t s66 Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine nitnufaetured only bylohn,e West & Co the pill makers, E 81 & 821ung St. tSt, Termite, Ont.:•: i roe trial package seirt by mail prepaid on receipt of a three cent stamp. P tin tiro y, Gl 17111 g, ��.c. rgiplliE. undersigned is prepared to execute in a a ttis- JL factory ritanner,.,uII kinds of 11058r. PAINTING,., 'GLAZING, Ii'Ai,yomixixo,-• P.nirar lienneo. and_.:1tOos -TARtutie{3irthe: shortest notice and nlost reason- able. rates Residence- Itattenbnry Street, 4 doors 'West` of the DlethodiSt chirrcli May 15.G olioE.1OTTS: Winton,Dray- 19 1282„ . EXECUTORS' NOTICE; N iiur su ruse of section 2t, chapter 107' of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, notice :is hereby. given, that the creditors incl others having' el•577ns againstthe estate of the late William Tutast o.f, Stanley,township,`in the Oonnty of lhtron,.wbo died on. of alien} the iftir day of ' October, A.:1): 1870, are: reel nested: 'to• send diem td' the nndersigned,,`tr.W N'arran,Clinton, Ont., 'on .or before the S1%t day •of November; A. D. '1882; for adjustment, as after that date the said Executors of the last will and testiment-of the said William:::Turner, will proceed to distribute' the'assots'of thei Odd rioceasod anion get the par- ties, entitled thereto', and that the said Exam - tors *Ili not be liable forthe 0 $ailcl'tiasCGs. or any part' thereof, to any person or porsena of whoSoo claims notice Shall. cc she not have r � t5d been et,eiv by the undersigned as aforesaid.. . Dated at C:Itntehi this•Oth day o!Odtober,'A.D. • 1602„' t NEIL MATHESON i W. W. F E:cecutor$ AXIRAN 5 Beautifu1.11air1 i.OR oise's own' comfort, as well as the plea - .11; of othera,:a'ittost im or'tant point is a Well preserved fiend of hair 'When rie scalp gets dry and ,feverish,: and the hair lioconres faded anal)rematurely gray, try ,.the Dominion Hair restorer. It docs its work well as a preserver and beau ti fier of the Bair, and ,therefore possesses .a' well- earned reputation. ,it 'recipe the halt froth .and natural is notfensi offensive 'ro ori us but plea- sant 1 0 1 lea sant and refroshtng.; It cleans the scalp,.and gies tone, beautyt and naturalsosq to, t e hair, proniotee luxurious growth, and prevents Pl'p- inature decay. Erin, 50 cents, S..T I'SCOTT cl CO.,_. ; A2amc acttw•es's as., as, Com_ e Auent; Spring Stock welt: assorted, an 1, corn Ste in all de artm n pe ts. p. ALh: GOOD'fi SOLD CHEAP FOR CASki C." CRUICISI3ANIi, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON, 2 ll tock 1�o v ��m lets p Black -and.---Colored Cashmeres, -`Fancy All Wool Dress Goods Brocaded Silks, Blackand Moires ' Moi sTrimmings. Colored for Our Stock of 'Hosier WILL .BE FOUND .VERY: COMPL< AND WELL .ASSORTED:; doves some trustees 'are so penurious. that they will'. not pay for the.printiug the blank forms of reports. 3t is a 'pleasure to your 'correspondent to .write a report of the, evening session of thee, association.' "re may safely say that every.. individual :present enjoyed :the programme so thoroughly' that the audience were 3oth to leave at the end of the entetttainment. ;,Among those who took part. the Misses Trainersnay'.' be, specially mentioned. They sang' fu their usual effective style, and 'm'any of the Audi-: ence remarked that they could, with unalloy ed delight, listen forbears to the s*,veet"voices: of .the. two ladies. . There Was, as there always is, 'a certain amount” of sorrow mixed with the: pleasure, when it was announced' that -Miss 'Bertha Trainer. intended :to leave:-Goderich permanently. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the two ladies for the readiness and obeerfulness• they alwaysmanifested taking apart, in the many entertainments' given by the association, The singing of Mr. 8. P. Hall was appreciated, as was also a dues, by Mrs: Moorebotise and Miss Cook. -.The, readings by Misses Harris, l3ond and Oliver, received` their due' mead .of applause. We cannot pus'S over another' interesting feature of the entertainment " Mistakes in Proniin= ciation;" by Mr. Johh Elliott ,This, gentle - Man showed that he had.takee a great amount of'labor and trotible in, collecting iiia lists` of, conies only,: •misproi ouoed';words;"'which be, wrote on: the '.blaekboard''for the 'benefit of the audience It Weald be wplhif; all, df our feachers • took °cine trouble to' improvo their pronunciation, and ,of this wo',are.certaie, that' if they oily dirt they Would be amply repaid by the 'improveuient 1n the pronunciation of their pupils, and we should .not.be aceuseil of murdering the pronunciation' of the: Queen's English. The entertainment ended by sing ing the. National Anthem: • On Saturday forenoon a. peper,on;rho "Use -fug and 1Jseless in teaching" was read by A. Cresswelier. A somewhat length' and dry discussion was :the. outcome, and it ended by all the speakers holding 'their own opinions ,on the p'oints.diecussed. '" Interinediate Al- gebra," •by D. l-gebra,'.'.byD. D. Yule, was 6ery'interesting, but was fruitful in nothing only in showing the gentleman's knowledge of the subject.. The. programme Was drought to a close by an explanation of map drawing, by J. 1:. Stuart,'; of Bayfield, who set the benefits of map draw,- ing clearly before-the.teach'ers present:. As this was their businoss meeting officers were elected for the year, Mr, George' Baird, sr., -Leigh, being 'chosen' Presidents; Mr. J. Vice ,, and Mr: Cressweller, 'Secy. • The accounts Wereaudited, with a balance in favor pf the association' of $107. The .meeting was ad- journod to meet in. Exeter, in February. if all the meetings of the association could' be made as interesting and instructive as the one just adjourned, we are of the .opinion that a 'greater number of teachers would' be present. The former meetings have been, to a great 'extent, held for the purpose of allow-- ing a few members to show their fluency and erudition.. At themeeting just passed the sub-, jests taken ter werepractical;'and had a direct bearing on the 'teaching in the .eohools; the discussions; therefore, were more lively and interesting,o enefit to the and f far rester b g , teachers present, It is to be sincerely hoped that such"rnay be�" the case in every subse- quent,meeting A greater akttoiicltthce of the members 'of the teaching profession, an irn provemont in the teaching, and consequently a greater proficioncy shown by the pupils;in our schools, would bo some of the benefits' .ariein fx:om auoh meetings.-„, _ W . FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR IiNITrrEDGO0D,_ 'in great variety. It is :conceded' that, as a cutter, CO Has norival in town. f cotch English Irish direct importation artation r� ti ,, li and Ourg ... Tweedsand S�e g'es. r are worth special. attention.' :'yof SATS a224 1y H C.` Owing to the :.rapid increase .of our .business :in other bran.cires, we find that we have not room for our CROCK t: ERY and GLASSWARE and: offer .;our w ' 110 lre�StOCk at Cost, , mmenionoommeselto J1jntoi lLAS DAVIS STOVE—Having bought a>8toc S`li of Stoves 'outsido'of_ the association, on very ltd- 'vantageous :terms, rani now prepared, to offer, COOE1N0 STOVES at alargo per,'contago under'the usual price. HARVEST TOOLS. = Scythes; 7natlis,' Wheat, Barley • and Hay Forks, Scyhe Stones;.Rakes,'Cradles, Harvest Gloves; Cradle ringers, cite, IN's ARE.—A.full assortfnen£ cifTinware ;in all its branches. :Also' LA IP Goons I GRANITE WARE. -,Just arrived; an .assortment, of ILA PoTs, COFFEE PO Si and PEESISRV INC . KETTLES,' in Cirr'+ini to Ware. - 'HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, U F LIS'—HIG HES'p CASH PRIG�E 'PAID. S S. LiA.•`6%IS, :CLINTON. FARM. ' F.OR SALE: IIIF'aubieriber'offsra f(ir saie that , conveiie titly-- sitrnt edftrm'Lot14th. concession Eastern dt- vliinn; Coborne, cintrinirg 50 ncrcc, cleared and fretl of.5te:nes, on which there is Is brick and frame' house, frame barn,. horse stable and' drive house, with stone. hose tient; good Orchard of all kinds of•fruit ; Well Iva, terctl- 000 spring. and two wells; 055 rods of udder cir.tinii)nr; well fenced with codhr ,radiant boards .- -Soil, Soil, good . clay. Also, the ,iSnrlh part of Lot Op 4111 con ,`hoing en acres of bush,'. Teats reasonable: Ap- ply on the premises of to r J'uly25 iA5 STE I,\S Clinton. • ilS1;000' FORFEIT, lfnvin ilio utmost confidence in its superiority over all ethers, anti after thotisnntis•of testi of the most rind , ev� ' '`c so. we could find `w complicated , q crest a v o fuel. jus'ttrled:`in offering to forfeit One, Thousand Dollars for, any Zile of oou s colds sorethroat, inf 1 t ren err bronchitis, coaxon tri n in its early stagCs, ' Irhtjopm5 cough, and all diseases of the throat an rt lungs, except asthma, for which we only claim relief, tliat,tl e ean•t euro with West's- Cough Syrup; when; tokenaocordiva 10 directions. Salmtle bottles 25 and. 5'0'°cuts,"lserg+o bottles one dolln.r, Genuine itrappm.s. only 'i0 hill 'Seed by all druggists, or sent by ex.' .•' prod mi receipt of,price: 'Jbhn 0. West i.eo., 81 Fc' 8S iting St.i liost, Toronto, Ont.: For sale at 050dlc'a i3 rte.; Store,