HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-10-12, Page 10CLINTON- 1Y EW*BA THIIRS19AY, 'OCT.12, 1882.' Sown ?oriiCL LOCAL NOTICES. Dr. Rose~ ur;h, Oculist, of Toronto, will re- ceive patients at the house of Mr. J. R. Miller, dloderieh,:on the 14th inst. WOOD WANTED.—We wish that some of our subscribers who aro in arrears, would bring us in some good wood, withoutadelay. Either that or money: Mn. C. A. HARTT was last week laid up with a severe attack of congestiair of the lungs, and for a time his " recovery was considered doubtful, but we are gleaned to. learn that he is .daily "im- proving. - Acci Lora. --On Thursday last Mr. J. Murray, while working at one of the saws in the Organ Factory, had the mis-'. fortue to have the nail on his right hand thumb torn clean off, making. a. "very-. painful wound. PLATE "G-LAss.=W e understand that it is the intention at an, early day to put plate glass fronts " in -the store of Messrs. Pay & Wiseman,i."which will materially improve the appearance of their eligible premises. HOTEL SOLD.—MT, Farrah has dis- posed of the Kinburn • Hotel property, belonging to the John Upsliall estate, to Mr. Amos Goodman at onetime bar tender at the Prince of Walex 'Hotel,. here, for the sum of $1,500. . GRAPES. -Mr.. John'Folland has left with us a good sample of.:the Champion grape, of which she has sold -50 lbs. from, one vine, besides using what was want- ed for his fancily. Sonne Of the 'bunches' weighed nearly a"pound. M1LL PROPERTY SOLD.—We under- stand . that 117r. Alex. • Monteith, .of Kippen, has sold his niil:l property: in. Hullett, consisting of 26 acres, with saw and woollen mill thereon to Mrs Robt. Morrison, the present occupant. MR. M(CLENNAN, of this -place, who; has been engagedin baying grain along the the. line .of the L. H. & B. for sex -es ral seasons, 'is going to Stratford, where' he believes there; is less competition than in this section of: the country. BREAK uowN. LOne ,of. „Wilson's egg waggons broke a wheel`h'alf--a-mile east of Clinton, on "Thursday, and was-.delay- ed elryed two hours until another:waggon was Lent from Seaforth'; there Was about'' $400 worth of "eggs on the • load, hut,.' fortunately, not one was broken. FARM SOLD.-1Mr." A. S.: Fisher," ,of thisplace, has sold hi farm of. 100 acres:` on the 13th con. of ullett, to „Mr.'• W Herrington,. of. t , township, for the sum of of $4,40 Q :cash. The farm has - GO acres cleared, the a-emainder being bush, and the price is considered' a fair figure. , UNUSUAL: -Mr. T.' Cooper,'Sr., has ;his garden on Princess street,a crab tree that is in blossom and also loaded with ripe crabs. MB:`. MEREDITH,' I. P., . P., passed north ;on the. Great Western,, on Thu a day, to take part in a political meeting in South Bruce. Donato the past summer : Mr. Robt. Craig (brother of Mr." W. CJrai& of the Bayfield Road) bas been :preaching in Westniinater—a suburb . of ,London.' 'Last week his, services' terminated, and'. priori to his return to college, he was waited on by two several deputations, one of which -presented him' with a purse of over. $50, and the other with a purse of $26. The recipient•had no expecta- tion of such a gift, and, of course, duly expressed his gratitude therefor. SUDDEN DEATH.—Many were painful- ly startled on Thursday morning last• on learning that Mrs. Mark Townsend had suddenly expired atan early hour, caus-.. ed bya violent' fit of reching. Deceas- ed had only returned from Dakota about `a month since, owing ,to illness, and al- though she had been ill more or less since her return, her death was not an- ticipated for a moment.. She, was the eldest daughter of the. late William Row- ell, formerly of this place; and up to the time of her marriage, which took place about six months ago, she had been a resident of Clinton.: Having been -a member of the Methodist church chair,'. and taking :part more or less in all Servi- ces connected therewith, and being ofan agreeable disposition, she ' had made a largenumber of friends, who deeply regret her untimely death. 'Her hus- band usband'. had only returned. 'to Daokta about:a week; .when•be was called back: by the sad intelliaet ce of ' her death'' arriving here .on Sunday evening after, -driving allthe way from London. A. notable feature in connection with her is the fact that on her appearance ,into this :'world, ' Mrs. E. Dinsley dressed her for the„.first time and the same lady performed the'Iaat sad rites in the pre- paration of bei body for the grave. Her remains were kept until Monday, (Mr. Townsend not being able to get here sooner) and followed to their resting' ,place in the cemetery ,by a large 'num- ber of •sorrowing friends. Mr.Townsend has the heartfelt sympathy of his muny' acquaintances. I/ Briars.—Mr. J. Leslie ships a .ear load of sleighs etc., to Manitobathis week, and follows them himself in about. 'a week. Messrs. Plumsteel & Co. have put up a set of splendid b'linda'. ' lir. Thos. East is-putting;up an addition; to his' brick house on .: the "gravel road. The fancily of Mr. A.` O. Pattison, G.T. P agent, whohave been laid' up with scarlet fever,we are pleased to learn are l recovering. Mr. J.' Butt has,nioved in- fo his 'new House on the base. line. ' A shower of rain on Monday, only heavy FAR' SOLD. -Mr. E.Chesser has sold enough to lay ;,the dus, . was 'the... first. his farm of 70 acres, =on the Huron' r'aili experienced:berefor weeks ' Road, a short distance from; Clinton,' to good, soaker foil • on Tuesday, and the Mr. James Browli, of•Hay, for`the sum:' of $3,850. This is considerably more than Mr. Chesser paid 'for the ;property a short time since, and shows that farms are again raising in value. H. B. A. S. -A meeting •of 'the' di hectors of the township of Hullett Ag- ricultural Society was held on Saturday,/ to wind up matters•in connection with the late show. Nothing: 'svas . done be yond the passing of a leis aceounts, •and the awarding of: Mr. Maiming's .special prize for best collection of, t egeta:bles,to Fos. Allinson. this year was held on,a Wednsday, and STALLION Som.—�Ve learn that as that is the day on -which • the;NEW ERA goes to press, we were • tinable to take them ;all in. The thermometer went as )nigh last week as at any time. tinting; the summer. ]Ir. Searle has. been aiding the work of the Salvation Army, by distributing • papers contain ing ani account':of their work. Several. towns have lately 'had to •pay pretty heavily for accidents:. arsiing from de fective sidewalks ; although the walks here are generally in good repair, there are a few holes that might ;be looked after -to—1 edent xccizleirt In tenting off, 'the, front of Fair'smill about >40 bushels' of wheat were, found,- ,that ,had -dropped; through -,--Eales, anti-- thus got, lodged in there. Our eXclranges are fill od with puze ists,thrillmg and exciting' reading, but the only persons troubled 'with' the nightmare on account of them are rile poor printers who ,fail to give every Tuan a prize that thinks ."himself' entitled to one;- A farrier .on the base- line informs ns that some of the ' roots are so large this year, that they have fall wheat, which has been showing the effects of the contiriiied• drouth; already looks better: Mr. P, -Robb 'has ,added another sign to his store, it reads "Cen- tral Grocery" and is a credit to the, painter, ,Mr. Jos. Copp - Business has•. been' good in town lately lir Austin 'Callander sent off "another car load of bob sleighs to Manitoba this week:' Cattle buyers are hindered in their op- erations just now :by the scarcity of cars and low price of cattle in -the east. Nai-ly' every fall show in the county`, John Mason; of Hullett;' llas -cold his yearling stallion Gal field, which took first prize at the Clintoir show, to Mr. Walton, of Belgrav e, at a good figu e. l.t is Mr. Walton's intention ';take to Ilhnors. The price' paid' was, $825.' During the past. twelve, months Mr: Mason has sold.. about $$5,000 .worth of. horshflesh, and.•has.two stallionsleft yet worth about the sanreamount. LivE STOCK .ASsoc:IATioN.—Tie cata logues-for-the-coming sale-on-thelSth inst., are now out,, anti 'coiitaiu the pedi: grees of some splendid short•horn stock.' Parties- wlio wish to obtain ,copies tarn: get them at this 'office, or frail :any of the membora: of the aeaocration:— We hope to see, a large nu •ber`at 'tlie saile: and many animals change Bands at good. agures. It altogether likely that n' number of animals not embraced in tire' catalogue, will be offered • at the same time. PRESENTATION. At the'• regular.. sheeting of the: Clinton. Conservative Association, on Friday' evening last, Mr. Corbett on behalf of the association, presented Mr. W. H. • Cooper with a splendid gold chain in ireCOgnition of his services on behalf of the party'. The ” recipient, who did not anticipate::any thin of the kind, briefly' acknowledged the gift. If anyone deserves .well :at: (he hands of =.their political friends, "° Bill" certainly does, for lie hasrlabored early and late:'in the cause in ,which he' ,is ata enthusiast.. • ' AN uCLY WOUND.On: Thursday last as the eldest daughter of Mr. :James Young was returning f'orn -school alio met with an accident of a serious nature. 'WVhile passing the store of S. :Palliser & Co., a number of school boys, hurry ing past, gave li'er a shove to olio side, and she fell, striking the hack' of her nock on a largo stone crock, which in- flicted a deOp cut on the neck She fall with such a force' that a large piece was broke from the lid of the crock." Had she .not struck just , where she- did,-, she would have fallen on, the atone, door step, and probably received more serious i"iaj�i� y than sire did. got to be taken up with a pick axe) • if we thought he meant any other •kindof "roots": than' beech or maple, we'd send him a medal as the champion stretcher. The Conservative 'association' have changed the time:of their monthly Meet- ing from 1?riday"evening to,'Tuesdayr_ The regular meeting of the •School Board will beheld next Monday. evening. A. sitting "'of the Division Court will • be held on the 20th inst; there arenot many cases to be disposed 'of. A full' meeting Of the members of the Philhar.-. monie Society is requested for this evers. ing, at the English Church school house, to transact; business of -importance. Mr. D: Dickson has bought Dr. Wil- liams',driving"horse; the Trams splendid so lel , figure paid was more than one hundred. Messrs. Thompson &.Switzer shipped a car load of ~apples from Goderich this week. '`Mr. A. Bale has recited .Mr. Murray's 'store :on 41ber•t street, where. he intends" to move his stock of fancy goods. Any one wanting some good' second-hand furniture cheap, will have an opportunity of getting some in a few days; as Mr... P. Martin bus decitled on giving up housekeeping ma -1's -vsnan332� e -are ' showing one of the best selected stocks in. fhe County-.,, le our Dress Goo Department complete. 1ALS., This , Department in full blast. Buie F:Jt ti 11t�>�. Hats at 75 cents. ade _to order, with every antee of a perfect fit. -The Dry -Goods Emporium, Clinton. .�: wo_pLJn Itt nick To R Susi arrived and will be sold at an average of less than Send for a catalogue RIS. DICKSO •t - ion 'the BIGGES'�_: �3A►R,GA.IN _ WYtlrout -except .-.ser offered. Everybody, ibor Justice to:Ahem-, y y� .i selves, sho ld rave a pair. . l+a ye• patterns an ',good good". iatch for our great Overcoat CKS.N,'" CITY BOOK; STORE, CLINTON. CRAIB, MA"CWIIIRTE1I cGy.; CO'S OLD STAND..., O'DC ei Einl:Zb Victoria 73loek, Clanton 'T�