The New Era, 1882-10-05, Page 7" ! Neighbor Jones, where are you
going 7,
rill 10111 to TWITCHEpiS 'Boot al ShotaP,"
Where 1 earl get a'Pair of good bPots for
$2, and don't you forget it. You should
see them. His stock of Ladies & , Child-
ren's Boots and Shoes is now complete.' It would
astonish you to .see ,his stock of HEAVY AND
LIGHT HARNESS. Oh, say, do you know that
you can get BUFFALO ROBES at Twitchell'S that
beat the county in price and quality. • Call and see
them. The usual discount of 5 per cent.
SHINGLES -e1200 bunches of GEGRGIAN BAY SHINGLES for sale, from 45
cts. per bunch, un.
Rooms over store to let.
House and Lot for .Sate.
Tundersigned offers that fine. convenientlk
situated and well-built two storey BRICK HOUSE
on Joseph Street, just south of theFoundry, for sale.
It is well furnished with all conveniences, and has good
lot in connection. Will be sold very cheap and on easy
terms of payment. Apply on the premises to
Clinton, Aug. 10. 1882. '*4i
House and Lot for Sale.
IIJE subscriber offers that eligibly situated house
and lot on James street, nearthe 0. T. 13,station,
for sale. The house is frame eontain, five rooms,
with wood shed, and stable. Good well and cistern,
with several fruit trees on the lot. Terms made
known op application on the premises to
Clinton, Sept. 0, 1882. qm 'A.'WHEATLEY.
Farm, 'for ,Sale.
mile subscriber offers for sale Lot 45, /st son. of
Tuckersmith, London Road, within ee miles of
the Town of Clinton, and 3 from Brueetield. This
farm contains 100 acres of choice land. Well watered
by never -failing springs. No waste land. Good or-
Mard And outbuildings. Terms easy. For furthea.
particulars apply, to •
la tf • .Clinton P.0
___ • •
q11-11. subscriber offers for side that conveniently
1 situated farm being the north halt of Lot 23, 18th,
:soncession of Goderich Township, containing 40 acres,
more or less, on which there are a frame house, stable,
and granary, and log barn. Good clay loam 8,11(1 young
orchard. Neve, -failing spring creek:running through'
the place.
Goderichtownship, Aug. 17,1882. ,
MHE subacriber offers for sale. that Conveniently--
1 situated farm,'Lot 1, 4th concession, Eastern. di-
vision, Colborne, containing 50 acres, :eleafed and ,free •
of- stuippa;„-on-which_there_a_a_kricli and fraine hOuse,
frame barn, horse stable and drive house; with stone
basement ; good orchard ef all kinds of fruit ; well .wa-
tered—good spring and two Wells; 300_ recta of Under
draining ; well lenced with cedar rails and boards.
Soil, gOod clay. Also, the north part of tot 4th
con., being 20 acres 'of bush. Terms. reasbnable. Ap-
ply on the premise:tor to. . •
July 25. JAS. STEVENS, Clinton.
FtrTn fi )11' Side.
THE subscribe offers for sale that valuable
farm being lot 19 and east half of 20. on the
8th ,con. of Flullett, containing 150 acres'; 90
cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the
remainder well wooded. The twin ia well wa-
tered. and has on it a frame house containing 9
rooms, large barn and stables,and small orch-
ard. For particulars apply on the premises. or
11 by letter, to chnton post office. Also for sale
a 50 pre farm in Brune, '
Flullett, June 21,1882,
rpHAT conveniently eltuated farm- adjoining the
1 village of Londesboro, being lot 25, 10th con.,
Township of Flullett, consisting of 01 mires, 70 under
cultivation. The place is well watered, good bearing',
orchard, frame house, good frame barn, and other out.
buildings. itis situated on the Winglattn gravel road
opposite Huber's mill, 6 miles front the toWn of Clin-
ton, half a mile front L. R. St B. railway station. For
particulars apply to • ,_,
- Clinton, July 27, 1882. • Clinton.
Tar' undersigned-offers-for-sale,ton,easy-torrna,..ithe-
FRAME HOTEL and' premises in the,•14illatre' of
Kinburn. The stand is a good one 'for business,:beini,
the only one in the place and bi a first-class locality.
Sir. Brownlee, the former proprietor, did a yery-protlt-
able business here for 'several years. The furniture
will be sold with the hotel, If *anted, and. immediate
possession given. • , . • . • , .
A LSO,. AN I3IPPIDVE1111, being lot
-CIL 18, Concession :1, Hullett. .100 acres, -.mostly
cleared and coltivated, with dwelling and bafas thereon
This land is of good quality, and situated near Clinton.
Easy terins given. . •
. ' .
on Huron Street, Clinton, next west Of Apple -
ton's residence, heretofore occupied by.J. Upshall,V.S
•. :W. FAR• RAN'
Aug. 31•, 1882,
• ROVAiL 1011X1f1.
. .
Daltio,lintermetillittettnel fiteerageTlik.
'eta its LOwest 'Rates.
Sailings. every' Sattirtlay frOm Quebec.
• Portions wishing to amid for their friends can obtain
Oaesage.ertfiloatais at loirewt rates from Ecigland,Ite,.
land and Scotland to anyeity or railway town in Ca -
hada, and She amount is serum:led leis a smalldedu
tion it the ticket is riot neel. .
IS.teerageTaasehgers lira booked to London,-Crdiff
Bristol, Queenstown, Derry', Belfast and GleiegOir, at
, atria prices Off tO'Ltve,rpocii. • „
Po rthr ough.ticket eancl. every in formation apply to
- .
A. O. l'ATTISON, Agent,
C.T.R., Clinton.
WEDNESDAY; OCT. 18, 1882.,
And the following day, if necessary, at the
Huron' CountY, Huron, Canada. •
Horses, Huila, Cows,Gfeifers, Sheep and Swine, all
'front the best herds in .Canacia, and the property.of welL
-known breeders. Seeeatalogues for particulam. • Sale
months' e'redit will be given, with interest at the ratio
ot 7 per cent. per annum, on furnishing security :aatis-•
factory tb the Beller. Entries will be received by the
Secretary until the morning of the sale, but -all cata.
logue stock will be offered first. Catalogues can be
procured•on application to the President, Secretary or
any;of the Directom. The Secretary will beat Ratten-
bury's, Hotel, Clinton, ow the evening previous to, and
the morning of the sale, to receive entries. It is ex-
ist:toted-that reduced-railway-farenyffl be given on the
Grand -Trunk and' Great' Western Railways; both, of
which lines enter thetOw-n; JAMES BIGGINS, Clin-
ton, President; M. Y. MeLEAN, Seaforth; Secretary ;
JOSEPH P.: Seaforth, AiMtioneer. , •
Woman's Tide Friend.
friendin need is a friend indeed.. Thia
none can deny, especially when assistance is
rendered when one is sorely' afflicted with di -
ease, more particularly those complaints and
weaknesses so comnaon to our female popula-
tion: Every woman should know that Elee,
trieRitters'are woman's tr'ue friend, and will
positively restore her to health, even When all
other remedies fail. A single trial always
proves our assertion. They are pleasant to
the taste, and 'only Cost fifty cents a bottle.
Sold by Watts•dt Co. and J. H. qordbe.
A large deputation from the several
Evangelical Chinches in Ontario will wait
Attorney -General Mowat, on October
24, in reference to introcluciug the Bible,
into the public schools of the Piovince.
The Secretary of the Interior, has re-
eopen-ed forgettletnent ten Million acres of
agricultural land in Dakota, Withdrawn
from settlement several years ago.
Tn •the King's county election court,
counsel for Foster, M.P., (Conservative)
adutits that, money had been spent thy
persons who might be considered agents
of Foster, and he expressed his willing-
ness that the seat ehould be declared va-
cant: Doinville's counsel made no at-
tempt Co secure Foster's disqualification.
The judge, said he would repprt the:seat.
yacarit 'end the proceedings' then, tenni-
Cotnacea.-A meeting of the council
wise held on Monday, but we have not
heard what liminess was.tranaaeted.
ILLNEEKI. Mi88 Ida Crydernaan and
Mr. D. Cox have had a very severe attack
of typhoid fever, but they are now re-
FARM SoLp.- Mr: W. H. Brownlee, of
the 10 con., has sold his farm of 40 acres,
being the south -half of lot 38, to Mr. T.
II. Cole, for the SUM. of $2,525.
RECOVERING. -ML Geo. Cox jr., who
a short time,ago by an accident broke his
leg, is slowly recovering, He has Many
well-wishers for his speedy recovery.
Srocw..-W. E. Whitely, of the 6th con.,
and D. Parvis, of the Huron road, putt.
chased a thoro'bred Leicester -ram at the
Western Show held in London last week.
Seneseo-On Tuesday evening as Mr. J.
Beacom was driving his separator from
the farm of his brother, the horses took
fright and upset the machine, damaging
it somewhat. '
sold his house and lot, on the north side
of the Huron road, about two miles frorn
Clinton, to Mr.T. Jenkins, of Flohriesville,
foa the sum of $650. There is about an
are and three-quarters ofland. Mr.iCole
intends to move to Clinton.
MRA. Dune lately teacher imS. S.
No. 10, Goderich townehip, los-been en-
gaged for Tipperary. school-, -for 1883, at
the sarae salary. .4s the latter is tweamiles
nearer his honae that is his only reason
for changing, and the trustees' of No. 10
are very sorry to loose his services.
The South Huron Fair held here on
Monday and Tuesday was a grand su6ceae.
The stock was first-class; grain and roots
were excellent. fruit was very good. Taken
altogether, it was the best show ever held
here. The weather was all thet could be
desired. The attendance was large, be-
tween five and six thousand people being
on the ground. The receipt at tke gates
exceeds those of any other fair in the
county this year, being in the ueighbor,,
hood of $650.
Tj the Editor of Clinton New Era.
DEAR Sen, --Would you favor the un-
dersigned with en insertion, in your newsy
columns, of an interesting phenomena.
While digging a well for water we came
to some very salt water, as salty as brine.
The well is only thirteen feet deep', quite
near the Sonde river, and the S.W.branch
of the C.P.R., from Brandon to the coal
beds. There is coal within eight miles,
also plenty of wood on the sand hills the
other side of the Sourie. We invite capi-
talists to investigate the matter. The
said place being ,section 20, township 5,
and range 23tv _est, in the Turtle Moun-
tain district. W55Ledsome dWfia-attnele
got a very goodsaraple of salt.
Plum Creek, P.O., Manitoba.
. .
'Oct. 4, 1882. .
.11 is certainly not an encouraging fact
iihat farmers must sell their grain . at the
low prices now going, bet there is, appara
ently, rio alternaeive'. forit, end notwittn:
statiding the low figures, a very large quan-
tity is being daily:marketed: •This :may
be due to the fact that'prices are likely to
cote° lower yet. ;The, world's supply o
harainis this year enorinoue; ,and..nhere is
-nothing that will likely came much 'of :are
a,clyence in prices. • Our quotations will be
, ,
found the very highest buyers areevarrant-
e, •
ed in paving, and as the markets fluctuate
• hourly, farreereshould bee their judgment :
in disPosing of their stock...,
ipte a good crop, are like& to rule low.
Betteris iMdemand at giestations. Eggs
enainteie a' firm price, andage likelytodo
so aii'llatig-adthe season ‘lasts. Cord Weed
ielseginning teS come in, and generally.
--fiir:ds readyentle, as. the weather is such
'that tarps are now neceeeary..
of Das 12 d 10, on the03th COM of Hullett;
containing 100 acres. .Giracres .cleareil and under,
cultivation and free from stumps; •40••,itere0 of heavy
timbered bunt Through th e el eared. porton there 10
laid 500 iNla 1 indsr-drbini. This is one of the rieistat
and best farms in the county of fluron, 'thecrops is
enormous. The buildings consist of a. s.nutll frame
hotnie, log stables,:iind framed barn, -3-8--X 56, nearlY
new, There is an orchard of about 40 trceiof superior
grafted fruit: .
Price $4,500,7117/79 or mere dIwn, balance ti-i„.be_.s,e,
cured by 103 lffertgage,-With interest at,61. per cent,
Mortgagor to have the privilege of paying a part or the
whole of Mortgage nvoneY la the end of any half-year
without notice. The purchaser 510y30 On at Once to
prepare for crops. Apply to
clinton, Sept. 7, 1882. s, 'FISHER.
ROBB victims,
robbed of their
victi, lives prolonged,
-Thousands of graves are
happiness and health re-
stored by the use of the great •
which poktively mid permanently cures Impotency
(caused by excess of any kind) Seminal Weakness, and
all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self-AbuSe, its
loss of energy, loss of memory, universal tassitiftle, pain,
io the hack; dimness of vision, premature Old age, and '
many other diseases that lead to insanity or conaLimp.
tion and a Premature grits.1• , •
Send for circulars with testire:onials freeby, mail.
'rEe INYloita47,911,15.m018 st peraiox, or Six;bOxes
for 85, by all druggists, or will be aent freeby Mail, se -
cicely sealed, on receipt of price, by addresSing .
P. J. CHENEY, Druggist,
187 &mina St..., Toledo OhiC.
J. E. Combe, sole agent for clinton:
Agents WELp,ted:,
NVANTED several good active Agentsi to sell the
Dominion Fruit ltryer., one 'of the
simplest and cheapest inethods of Drying Plata yet
-Invented. Stams os•SIOnv.' Liberid commission given
Apply at once to
witAirAyr SMITH, •
in JameirStnitiVs Tailor Shop.
Clinton, Aug. 17, 1889,
Title is the montheitgeldendaye. These
who stay in the cpuetry: will be amply re-
phicl':wieli the sight of: masses . of tinted
• foliage and chanehie foreSt liege This'
leaves will' becomeesensititte to the s4r.$•
rays a -elite sage begins,to r n -to theroots
and by -arid byeWilt fall; bearing photo-
graphs of sunbeams, inottletlwith, picturee
of passing clouds. eThe air is getting mere .
bracing, and eeeryday geese' beeter suit-
ed for tcheerfel betel work. Thesewho
enjoytgOod health and 53tead.y labor tney
lied many, a splendid clay itt October. ..
The Edmonton Bulletin gives a notvery
titicing picture ofthe land belonging to
the Temperance •Colonization Company.
"For the informhtion of all parties Con-
cerned," saere our little, bat vigofous, con-
temporary, " we may mention that we
have it op the best outhority that the
greater part of the tract of land granted
to the society 'is absolutely • worthlese.
The river at thie point ie very wide and
Shallow, full of' sand, bars and islands.
There is a considerable flat on each side of
the river which is partly wedded and ma-
.6onably fertile. On the upland there are-
grovesof small stunted poi:mile:for a few
miles back from the river, but beyond that
in ellt directions there is abSolutely a teee-
less plain for upwards -or ,over a hundred
• miles. !The land on which the poplar
grows ichearly pure sand, in some places
drifted ittto great heaps ahnotit hiding the
groves. Of the 21 townships the part con-
tained in the flat of the river is all that is
of any value, the rest is absoletely and
utterly good for nothing." The collapse
of senie 280 colonization eompariies would
seem to indicate that a grear many people
other thnn those who compose the Tem-
petanceeColonizataon Co misanyell ad feund
their North-West Bonanzas nothing but
sand -drifts and swamps, '
' Wheat, fall, -4? hush; o1d$0 95 a () ,87
Wheat, scot - - • - 0 85 it 0 88
Spring, - 087 ,,a 0 90 '
Oats,. :' 032 a 033 .
Barley, • - 050 • a 060
Peas, •0 60 a 0 65 .•
,• Flour, •- 500- a 5 50
Potatoel, 0 29 a" 0 90 '
Butter, -• o 15 a 2.) 15
- -- - --- —0-1-0 --a,--0--20 -
Hay, - •• - 701) a 800
H:ides, 7 00 a 8 00
Sheep pelts -, - 020 a 0, 50 T
Latiab 8 kis,
0 e0 a , 0 50 t
020 • a .0 21:
8 A.LE Iludts'y
00r. 13.--Farin: stock: and Miele.
ments of Mt. Thos...Brownlee, lot sp,' lOth
con. of Gotlerieh toWnship on the 13th asst.
at 1 p. ni. Jas. Howson, auctioneer.
Partees getting their billsDrinted itt thO NE',W
E11..0frie0, get a notice same as,above free.
McLAuclaurx.-In Aber-tieen, 1)ak., on Sept
28th, the wife of Mr. David McLaughlin
.fortnerly.of Clinton, of a son.
onnaIDGE-MA.Y.-On the 26th August, 'at
Jasper; House, Edmoutoii, N. W. T., the
residence of the bride's bother -in law, by
the Rev. A. BrowningBaird, M.A., BD.,
Mr.Henry Goodridge, of Edrnontdn, to
Miss 'Fannie May, of Clinton, Oat,
DREw---OonSINS.—On Sept 27th., at the 'resi-
dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J,
A . Turnbull, B.4., Mr. Geo. Drew, of •Col,
• borne, to alias Eliza, second daughter of
Mr. James Cousins,, et the same place.
FLE,rcunff.—At his residence, Keppols,
• Scotland, ott Saturday,•Sept. 30 in the 94th
year of his age, Hugh Fletcher, father of
the Rev. 1). H. Fletcher, of flariailton,' and
of the ,Rev. Colin Fletcher, of Thames -road,
, ,
Usborne.• •
There is considerable anxiety manifest-,
ed throeghout the country about the in-
crease in the rates of interest which has
taken place during the past few weeks.
There comes' the news from Montreal
the commerCial metropolis, that commer:
mai bills which were readily accepted at
six per cent until lately,are not discounted
now under 7 per cent., unless in very ex-
ceptional,instances, when a quarter or hale
per cent, less is taken. For call all sorts
of rates are demanded, and seven and a
half has been the price, and brokers in
Borne instances were asking .,e_eoretand get-
ting it.
Financial men, who have , been ' asked
as to the causes which have led to this
stringency. explain ,tintit-i-co ggeat was the
demand for money, and especially from
the West, that they had no alternative, in
order to lreete it under control, than'to ad-
vance the rate. They all agreed that from
the present outlook both in Canada and
other countries motley would attainea still
higher_premium-than at present; in fact
it was beginning, they thought, to rise.
lhe loan companies are also advancing
their rate of interest upon mortgages.
little time ago money could be procured
in abundance at six per cent., but the last
circular sent out demands seven per cent.,
even upon first-class security. What will
some of the farmers think in this district
who may have to renew loans, or borrow,
this fall at the increased rate charged, and
yet are supporters of the policy which in
•thee country gives es dear living and dear.
money. A reporter of the Toronto Mafle
a few days ago, called on several of the
leading bankers of Montreal and, asked
their opinions about these matters, and
he summed up the answers 'he received as
All admitted *that the present tightness
of money has arisen exclusively from the
over apeculation which has occurred in
securities and stocks of all kinds. The
amount of capital now locked up, it was
urged by those whore in a • position to
know, was simply enormous. One bank
president said that from seven to eight
millions were Out in Montreal alOne in
that way, whilst a general manager esti-
mated the amount at tem or twelve mil-
• lions. The latter was certainly not the
extreme limit to which some of the wisest
bankers there put the amount at. • There
was but one opinionamong all consulted
that in the West the speculation has gone
out', of' all 'bounds as compared wit 4 the
East, and they adduced the rage in that
- qua teener ow-for-Oceonenodati on-as-evide-
ence of the fact that cannot be gainsaid.
In Montreal bankers of late have been
gradually gathering in callloans,and have
succeeded in reducing them considerably.
There is certainly no disposition to do
anythige -thastily to_nreate_oneexcite__a
panic among stockholders inthese very
promising times, but bankers,it is evident,
'are resolved t� curb excessive speculation,
and turn the capital now employed there-
in into more legitimate chanetels than
they were only too glad months ago to
entrust it to.
Model School Inspection.
„ .
. La ,last week's issue we merely noticed.
briefly the'visit.of G. W. Rossi Eec1.,to our
Model School,and believing a fuller statement
.would be interesting to our 'reade'rs; we now
append the .following, as a summary of work
donein the afternoon of that day:.
• . T116 first business was. his •eiamining, of
note books dri thediands of the' teachers in
training. To a novice this:appeared a waste
of :time, but when he (Mr. Ross) launched'
out and showed the importance of cultivating,
the faculty of observation," all were pieta
santly .disappointed at his chetige of tactics.. •.
That familiar line, "Is itais me?" now en-
listed greater attention from those. present
than _perhaps , it Over had before. The 01(1
system of reading by worda id' a high pitch of
voice was well mimicked by the • inspector,
whiela created considerable fun to; all. He
dwelt long en the iinportant'fact of our hav-
ing, the verybest teachers ine but primary_
schools e sending it home to. those
the old adage ''Well begundialf done:" The
"look and .say" method of teaching reading,
:was fiighlyeeuloeised, yet one conld • gather
'Iron:Lids remarks that he preferred the phonic
A8tognantity for adessen,- he highly re-,
commended. a spoonfiri-at• a. tithe: .1 -Make
haste' slowly," says the:old .l'prove'rh. '
inodelites .were row peseta by ti;L.' question,
where shall- webegin-to-teaCh ahie-lessontenan
it an ox. The inspector held welitto the
drawing out, process', but fiIaaiiyllad to give
way and answer himself as follows: -From the
concrete to the abstract--frorn. the' word ox to,
the Word airfedin the known • to the unJ
knOwn..- . That, the child may 7.eti*O.
Make:the smatter SO piatu thiti h 1
he eneompessea bytits mental horizon -ob-
jects before ideas—ideas before words,
begin :by aelcing questions, 'tell' something.
Of:419E130111k called the " teiling process," after
which comes the "testing proceas.":- These
two:. pians,. among the teaching fraternity, •are
slthown'ae lllll teaeher'aphiloaopher's stone;.
Remember not to he top pedentie. with tbe
ltttle folka .;• get -down to their level, if pos-
sible, .Use well. and, constantly the black
board, cultiVate assiduously the child's-cura
osity, for it is the most active element.' Never
stop -the liCwing river, rather Ceacleit.weere
to go.' • Proceed from thegeneral to the par-
ticulert. and .(1.8 b 'nave, said .before; ," let the
10690118 he 'short,',1 •now add. let. them be
fregont o141.:
• AS to the overnment 'of small chi
o•ldren the
.true Secret ils to.hc sure and keep them busy;
glee .thein cc,...).Liatunt employment, exam-
ine their Work regularly, look carefully, at it,
scan it 01esel:3e .for by .this meansthe.habit of
comparison .is cultivated; inestnech as yoti.
should display their imperfeet work. en the
black boatel': , • • .
Regarding. the criticism, • when teaching,
you will be judged according to the Order,
attention, interest, Manner and progress of
class, as to year own style, 'animation, pre-
parationeselepossessioe, adcuracy, prontincia-
tioii, etc: • .
In'coneluding this most interesting lecture'
he seeks of the high and noble profession ,
they were entering, arid hoped that 11 they
Succeeded impassing the :necessary exernina.
tion they would do honor to. themselves and
it by dilligeritly cultieating the best of gifts.
Several' of- the visitors how spoke of the
pleasure they hacl in beieg present to Miters
to such sound advice on the matter of tach -
ling, which, being over, theclass Was dismissed,
Toronto is talking of establishing an in-
clustrsal school for the education of street'
boys. The idea is a good one, and at the
first lante there does not appear any
reason why it is not feasible.
O Makes Your. Boots
Women and Children's Mists Shoes.
Spring Stock well assorted, an
• complete iii_arl_departnietits.
• „ ,
Fall Stock Now compkte
Black and Colored Cashmeres, Fancy All Wool
Dress Goods, Broca.ded Silks, Black and
Colored Moires thr Trimmings.
r Stock ot.11osiery oyes
----------------- -
I-KINarrrlMEILI -6403DS ,in great vaxiety.
It is conceded that, as a cutter,
Has no rival in town.
Our direct inaPortation. c:tf Scotch. English and Irish
Tweeds and Serges are worthy of special attention.
Owing to the rapid increase of our business in other,
brancnes, we find that we have not room for our
°ROOKERY and GLASSWARE and offer our
whole stock at Cost.
The subseribers desireto return thanksto their nemproits friends : for the hearty
patronage accorded them., and i
:also to nform themtthet they •haye, laid imp. large ,
and ,select stock of • ' • - • .
Groceries China Glassware Crockery &c.
For the fall trade. As competition is keen, gods will be sold at the lowest posSilsle
--price, and no pains spared to give satisfs.ction. '
The "cheap -est Tea 111 tlie Market.
1110 -ORE & SON.
rlealer in
irectly opposite the Town Hal
C &Zia Alvm SEE Inur.