HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-10-05, Page 6AROUND THE COUNTY. The pupils of Seaforth High School have organised r• footb411 club,, Mr,John ,Sinclair,of Tuckeramith,is con- fined to bed, severely ill. A two year old son of Mr. W. Soares, Gorrie, fell off a :bench, breaking his leg. Mr. W. Clegg, of Blytlf, is .moving to Wingharu, where he will engage in, buying grain. Why go on day.. after day suffering with splitting headaches when a bottle:' of Dr. Austin's phosphatine will cure you. If you do not believe it ask your druggist fora cir- cular, and read • what those who have used it say about it. Price S1.00,sold by all•druggists, Martin Moore is to succeid D. Frey in the management of the.. Central hotel, Brussels. ' The Conservatives and Reformers each have 77 appeals entered•againat the Code - rich voters list. Reformers have ut in 42. appeals The Refer 1-P against the Blyth voters list and the Con- servatives 18, Blyth Court of Foresters now numbers about 30. members, and has only been or- ganizedthree weeks. cKillo—pafe "nairred Noble --Gruff rm was robbed in Seaforth of a Sum of money •. on thenight of the fair. Dr. D. W. Fairchild,.: of New York, says, " Personally I believe in-Phosphatine I use it'myself,.and in my'family practice. I pre- scribe Pliespphatine with confidence that I cannot attach to no other remedy. Itis safe, it is effective." For i,sale by all druggists. Ewing's butcher shop•and, Cardno's store, Seaforth, wererobbed, last week, but not much taken. Dr. McLean, of Goderich; was the first professional man to introduce.. a bicycle there. Mr. Allan McDonald will conduct- the Public School in Molesworth during next- year, at an iucreased salary: - Mr. .Mex. Carson of Gorrie,_ has -pur- chased Mr. McFadden's atock,and intends to try tho mercantile busines_ Mr. Lawrence; of Tuckeramith; sold a grey horse, Ifivo years old, to Mr. ' T. A. Sharp for the sum of $260. Mr. Edward Farrel, of Belmore has. rented his farm in the township of Turn- berry, and intends moving to Wingham. After many years of patient -investigation Dr,Vau Buren, of Germany, finally succeeded'. in perfecting a Kidney Cnrothat would per- manently relieve all cases of: Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask your Druggist for Dr. Van Buren's KIDNEY CURE. Thomson, B of'� rucefield Rev. Mr. Zhomsou, , has returned from the old country and resumed his labors, though not fully restored to health. temperance lodge has' 'niember- Blyth imp a ship of over 100. Temperance evidently, has a strong hold of the young people in. 3. W; Hogarth-w-lto--i'or=a number --of< years has taught inSehool Section No, 14, Usborne has.tendered his resignation to the Trustee Board. Mr. \tlillianiaCampbell has secured the position of traveller. in Sthe eastern pro- vinces 'for ro-vinces'for the Iluron Salt Association, and has started on the route. . We regret very.much to. learn that Mrs. Capt. Sarna of:CToderich'is:ve y hhiw since the sad disaster. (wreck of: the Asi.i'which caused -her husband's death.• Drinys ill's clangorous, partieul lrly in Kid,' neyDiseases, so take at once,D.r.liau boron's, KIDNEY CURE and obtain relief front ala your,. stiffe'riugs. Your druggist keeps it 1'Ir. J no. C. McCabe, teacher of S. S. No• 5 McKillop, left here on -Saturday, for. '.Grin ,y School, Toronto. ;Mr. R. Hughes rills his place for the balance of the year. • M;- L. L. Itooper who hits been engaged, as teacher' in S. S. No. 4 Usborne, during the past ,year, has resigned his position. Be purposes going to Toronto to study niedicirlo. ' Mr. Jahles Hoggarth, L. S Toad, Col. borne, while riding one: of his 'horses ,in the field on Saturday, was thrown over the horse's head, and one of''.his 'collar , bones broken, Mr. Scott, a bachelor of forty summers, surprised the young men of Bleovale and vicinity by ivedding one of the' fair maid- ens of the village, Miss Robinson, daugh- ter of John Robinson, Esq. ` Mr. " Archibald Malcolm has sold his farm of 100 acres in the Township of Ho wick to Mr. Robt. Lang for the . sum of $4,523. Mr. Malcolm has takenup land in Manitoba near Brandon. 1 Samson lost his strength with his hair., Thousands of men' and women loose their beautywith'theirs, and very large'',nunillers restore. the rava-ges of time b using, the fa m- cte Cilgalesa Hair Hestorer co ldat 50 cents per bottle by all druggists LastTueada :a 'fire broke ' y o out -i in the house occupied by .Mr,L'. Toombes,Gorrie. It was thought at one time that the house would be totally destroyed, owing til lack of water, bur, the fire was finally .;put out. The roof is totally destroyed. An old and respected settler of Usborne has passed to his long home, Rich, Fish- er died at his residence lot 0, con. 2, on Wednsday, tho 27th Sept.. Deceased was born in Yorkshire, England, in the month of August 1705, and emigrated to Canada forty years ago, settling on the :above lqt, where ho has resided ever sines.' A barn belonging to Mr. Charles Dul- mage,of McKillop, was set on fire'by means of a train of coal oil. Mr. :pull -Ingo notic- ed the fire in time And went to put !it, _out . when he was shot at twice,one'bullet went whistling past his oar while the other en- tered and passed through his coat sleeve, grazing his arm. Ho then chased the man and fired at him, ,but he escaped A simple herb found 'on ''the sunny plains of a Southern clime bas, under, the' skillful manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, ;proved one of the greatest blessings ever sent to suffering humanity. . Dr.Van Buren's ICInNsv Cua1;;'is acknowleged all the, world over as the only perfect remedy dor.. kidney troubled- Your druggist ]las it. Mr. Thomaa Nett; nas Sold his,, farm on the 8th concession of,Hullet;Xto lllr. ' 1Vm, Dunlop for the sum of $0.500, The fartn contains 100 acres, is well situated and is one of the meet desirable in the townships Mr. Dunlop recently sold his own farm and intended retiring from buainess and taking ' life easy, but he can't get- over ,his old habits and is, going baok;io' work again On Wedn8day afternoon a very serious. break occurred to the machinery in Messrs, Broadfoot & Box's furniture factory. It appears:the governor belt of the engine Slipped off the driving shaft, allowing the engine to run at its highest speed, causing the main shaft, to away to such an extent that the hangers of the Shaft gave way and let it fall to the floor. The shafting,which is madeof two inch iron, was twisted and bent in almost' every shape. Happily, no person was hurt: This is the 'most serious break Mr. Broadfoot has had and will cost him' about $200. The Brandon Sun,,, published by a 'for - •mer Hnronite, thus sits down on Thomas Greenway, well known to our readers :— " We learn that the Hon. John :Norquay. -has received ovations in some of the towns. in Southern Manitoba. There are, no doubt, ;those in the • Ministerialist party from whom could be chosen a better Pre- mier-rth`a`1tTMr. Norquay',l dt even he is` to be preferred before Mr. Greenway, the leader Of the 'Opposition. Those who know anything; of the latter s political re- cord in Ontario would be the last to place ..the destiny -of a -Province in his, hands.": If Catarrh has destroyed your sense of smell and hearing, Hall's Catarrh Cure will cure you 76 cents per bottle. Druggiata sell it. For sale by J. H. Combe. • fellowinn rF om th'e�:tebon! Dal the b —•�., ) "Republican,'." of the. 14th, will interest some of our readers. We made a visit ` to the Elliott farm a few days since in coin- pany with several others, and were agree- ably astonished to find so large a trace of land under, cultivation. They ;had about 160 acres in grain this season, and will seed 500 acres next spring. The Messrs. Elliott are good ° specicnena of -the indus- trious Canadian: farmer, and. ere another year can -send back to. iGoderich, Ont.,..a picture, of their farm here, which willleave in the shade all the bonaza farms of . that province. It was 'a , very pleasant visit, and will be long remembered. [The El1i- otts here referred to are sons of:Mr. Robt. Elliott of the 8tk con.,Goderich township.] Let no One now omit to -buy • The fragrant "Teaberry," and try: Upon the Teeth its cleansing powers,.; And gain a Breath like scent of flowers: During the 'recent election contest in •West Huron a nuniber,;of cases, of derelic= tion of• dutyon the part of deputy return- ing officers, aiid several; cases:of;perjury on the partof bogus voters occurred' in the rid- ing, So many' and so flagrant were the cases that it was deemed proper by the the friends of Mr. Camerpn that that gen- tleman- should institute,prce,edings .against a number of the offenders, so that a ropeti- ,tion-of:the acts, in future would not occur. Several writs have reoently been; 'served, and there is a,feeling of consternation mongst the -lawbreakers'. in Consequence. Of -course a wail has goneforth from the delinquents, and some of them 'have cried Peccazi," but examples will be made of a number, so that such flagrant breeches of the law as were committed in the past will not,•happen in the, time . to. come. Mr. Cameron.has''the beat • wishes of the law- abidinglportien;•of the 'oommenity in�his efforts to secure the'hotieet working of the election law, and none will regret thatjas- tics islikely to overtake: offenders against We welcome to our eschenge list the Detroit Commercial Advertiser. This fine family journal established over twenty-one yearn ago, is a,weekly visitor' to. many Ca,� nadian familiesand those who wayyetb'e- unaquainted with its merits are advised to send a postal card to the publisher for ,a sample copy. The commercial Advertiser appears to he one of those few weeklies, which having once been subscribed for can- not be dispensed with, and the fact that it has more long-time subscribers thin any journal in the United States is, consider- ing the merits of paper,readily understood. Agents, and subscribers also, 'will find cer- tain inducements offered by the publisher, of which they can learn by addressing V H. Burk, 44 Lanard street est, Detroit, Michigan. ' lIovin Buildings, tic. T'TAI{E this moans of, thanking all those who have 1 favored me with their patronage in the past, and • beg to saythat as lam leaving the country for Mani- toba, I have disposed of my business; to my brother Joua S'rarttsseox, and hope that you will favor hint with the same liberal patronage that', you have given me. JOSEPH STEPHENSON. 'WITH regard to the above, I would say that as I YY am a chip from the same bloelc, and having heeu• brought up to the. business of auoti'ing and raising buildings, I feel confident things an-ggirn en1ire.natis:_ faction to all'who may favor Inc with ',their patronage. And further, .Iwould say that Iam still making those "Boss' Cisrsaes" As noon and cheapsrthan ever. JOHN ;STEPIIENSON, Clinton. John ' McG'arva 7 SALT NMANUFALTURER, AND DEALER IN'. :,1 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS • ALBERT STREET, T Opposite the Town Hall Very Choice Lard, Hams .& Bacon -For sale at lowest pricey. 'Oas11 jlaid ;for Farm. Products. J. MCGARVA. Clinton, April 4, 1882. Go to CO0PE r01 canto GROCERIES Crockery, ,Glass•ware, er i . IIS O�llij�al :end• Col�l>laa s >a Aba' ..SO Potty@'s celebrated .E risk Breakfast i3acob, Tio z j Clear' Bacon, -.sugar Cured ITailts , ' And No. 1 LARD., HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECLALTY. 130LEAG-ENT FOR Dobblii- T €7S:QA:Pil SOA . THOMAS 0O:oPER, law in the West, Huron election.=.Signal. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON At prices which cannot. be beaten in town. The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR is: the marvel of the Medical World. , It never tails . to completely' cure- Nervous • Debility, Taipei -- ten cy, nipei-tency, MeiitaiDepression and all diseases caus- ed 11ournxeesses. -Tile :. teytiuTO11T0Tt t11'oubUaId- OSu be had by .writing F. J. Clieuey, Toledo Olein; sold agent for the United.'States. Price' 61 00,per,box, six' boxes for 55.00. 12 your drag' gist does: not keep' the remedy, seed to 'head- quarters and gct,the medicine by.mail Circu- lars and testimonials On application. Sole agent 'for Clinton J:}.h Combe.' A WELL-liti0WN S'LtaarnaiAY. ." In-a''painpiilet, on Brandon. and its in- dustries, recently. issued, we find the` -fol lowing reference to a, former' Cliutonian.: To the subject of this. sketch,> (Charles Whitehead) belongs the'honor-'of transact- ing the first mercantile:: business in the city of Brandon. 1-hs,,arrival here dates back to May 1SS1, and on the 28thday of that month he, as a member of the firm of Whitehead & Myer, received per steam float from :WinniP g,v n . e a heav lconnment sig of lumber, doers, sashes, and so forth, which: was the Hirst moveable'merchandise sold on -tile• site`. for Brandon. For month's' thereafter' this firm was the leading lum- ber dealers in -the city- -but with-the-open- _ing_of .the, present spring Mr. Whitehead had to retire from'mercantile.life to attend to his extensive farming operations, which arecertainly on a larger scale than those 'of, any other man in, this .section of Mani; toba.'' The farm which he, now owns and operates; -,immediately south, of :the city, was lastyear a.stretch'of unbroken prairie.'• the 'sod ,of. which had -never beep disturbed. As; an .instance' of what cancaa be done '-in 'farming, inions year, we find 'Mr. White- head'has' now 430 acres in crop, ,, and has two self -bilis era on his.'farin.'readyI to cti�t. a harvest which will yield hini not less than, 32,000- bushels.. of :oats'; which con-' siderin<, the increasing`dernand for that grain, owing to the great' ametint of rail. way construction -no'w goingon will; net him' considerably, over::420,000. Sucll is a sample of what' can be, accomplished in two seasons by farming:'operations in this, land of, plenty. Mr. Whitehead, although not now connected with Brandon's busl- nese circles, is still close beside, and deeply. interested in the infant city, in which he was the pioneer merchant. 13'ACTOR'S.' ItESIILTI TI EAI . Whilst Moatreal•is a model city in many respects, it is not exactly ii -quarter section of Paradise, as Capt. „Geo.' Murphy, Chief -Of 'Government Police can testify: A re - .porter Of a Montreal'journal Waited_ upon this gentleman short time ago, and put to him the following query ft Chief, do you find the duties irksotne' and dangerous in your atrango 1,`Irksome," replied .Mr Murphy,+ l' L, seldom `find (hour; but that;they are at tendect ivitli,danger is very trues' There, is danger to be faced, of .course, from wind,• weather sand criminals,and' the least of these dangers is, not those of exposure and bad weather. ' The • heavy,` moist_atmos- pherethelt,gathers oyer the , water is very oondneive tb rheumatism, a i .many of my rues suffer from th tt,'- complaint more or less. 7 believe that our danger frontes pawn's) from this time forward .is past, as St. Jacob's Oil, if applied its -tine in eases l of 'rheumatism, has a'wonderfnl way of. knockiui; that malady out of, people. It i 1 relieved toe' ostia n el of' a ,s severe pain Yein My shoulders:" IN MON; WHO IS' U,.A000AINTEO HITH THE QEOORSPNV OF THIS COLLA:'. ,TRV WILL SEE El? EXAMININOTHIS MAO THAT TVI'.: , CRICAGO, ROCK ISLAND &PACIFIIC'R'Y Calls theattention oftravelers to the central posi- tion:of its 'line, connecting the Dant and the West by, the .shortest route, and carrying passengers, without change, of ears between Chicago and Ran - BUM City, Council ,nluire, Leavenworth Atchison,Minnen olioand St. Paul. It connects to Union Depots With all the principal lilies of d between the Atlantic ,arid the, .. ag Pacific Oceans.. bei Ito eposed mentis Comfortable Ind and and if, beingDcomposed .M Most ent Horton and Beautiful it Cars,. rs,CoPull- ..inon a Point Horton Palace, Reclining .Chair -Cur iso Bel- ' man's' Prettiest Palace', Sleep ing Cars; and the,nent .Line of.Dining Card in the World.': Three Trains between' Chloago.and Missouri River Pointe. Two Two • .Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis and. St, Paul; via the Famous - ".' "ALBERT LEA' ROUTE.!' • A New and:Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanlca- kee,has recently• been opened between Richmond: •: • Norfolk No portNowe Chattan00 g n Atlanta, tlanta' on Asa Pu udtia aporsae.Lo dveLziOmnh C ' ors andat. Paul an1ntermodiato'pouta. t , - All Through Passengera',Travel on Fast Express.., Trains, , .Tickets for, sale at all principal Ticket Dineen in the United ,States and Canada. Baggage ,elieoked. through' and . rates of .faro al ways. as low competitors that .ower leso advan- tnge9.. • • For detatled`information, get the Maps and Fold - , the - P ,CREAT ROCK ISLAND,RQUTE; At your nearest Ticket Office, qr addree0 R. R. CAOLE, 'E. ST.' JOHN, t'!e_•Pres, a Gi:v 1 tt'g'r,: Gea•t:TIct. " iATTE r to ® Eat sT & R _ 11 Albert Str,cet. Clinton. The public will findour stock of medicines" complete, 3rarra;nteri genuine, ;:and of the best quality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES,'TEUSS'ES, SPONGES,, AND ALL KINDS OE: DRUGGISTS' SUNDIUES.'USUALLY .KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. OVER THIRTY TEAR'S EIXPERIENCE PROVES the 44EN VINE SINGER to be the most durable and the best sewingraiachino m :tl i is g the world, It simply constructed, easy to operate, does not get out otrepair, and lasts .a lifethne, Over 5611000' Singer Indian no1d last,yeart LOCAL OFFICES AT GODERICH', 1VINGFIAAI, BRUSSELS , AND EXETER. Head -Office for. the County of Huron • CPPQSira CoM rEUcxAL HOTEL, , :1iUFLO d'11- 'd•S i - N4— d' CL NT -O, Into n mg liiirchasci:v will do Well to test the SINGE$' before purchasing any -other'; kind. Tris inisr 18 rile 'CitgerasT. 011 and :,11eedles for all kinds of machines always on hand. G. E. , CRA W FORD, 'AGENT. Clinton, Aug. 3,1882. ': HALL' • arARR R , u s® imminattstasauxanisn tomaintossa Is 'Recommended by Physicians. C LTREs Catarrh -of the Nasal Cavity -Chronic and F Ulcerative; Catarrh of the Ear. Eye or Throat, It Is: taken • INTERNALLY and -acts DIRECTLY upon, ' th`e` P,.lood a',d MLein^ Surfaces of the 5yste n line the hsst$lood Purifier In the WORLD and is worth ALL .at "is • charged for It, 'for THAT alone,` TH Id ONLY:IIIIER fii CURE EOR CATARRH . I '. IN 'i li";� ii t:tIHICT I � 1 (`1'Poo!rs:oo •iroseof t., March 23, 1882. : My little c , <�r•z ,;;ted with Catarrh for two yad t s si -1 ` inch boiiofltted by the use ot 1330.11'd.. i Cure.' She is now `Sbout curse W. T. ROUSE. WE LI, A- o; Ont.,:hlare1120r1882. I.havo used " hall's C,I l;tckh cure," and judg- ing from tte good results I"derived from one', bottle, believe it will c a eo the most stubbor. Daae of llaterrle if it n,:: be continued for reaeonai:lc'ler_gtl of thud, -, W. T. REDDENS.,', \L t)nt., Morch21,.1882. G}enta.—H,tw o- t , .11 - I' -i Catarrh Cure for the; -Itai year;.a-st Y...:• ,t9ra-:5a'ttofactiun. 'i„u,-S truly, - - H. W. ROBSON, Druggist. C ENT RAL D - RUG STORE HUMPHRE3i'S HOMEOPATHIC,' REMEDIES, REMEDIES `CUTICURA RED ^DIES,KENDALL S SPAYIN CURE, And all the recent patents kept: in stock or procured to order. Alrg large stock of W11.E HAIR BRUSHES,' TOILET SETS SPONGES • PERFu_i\[ERY, &c., .very cheap. G'EL-hB'LOID-TR SSES at reduce ll' rates. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS anti family 5 receipts accurately compounded with care-and'despatch. 'JA: 1 ES U. -•' COMBS CHEMIST` AND DRUGGISTGhiNT01\� T . . , ONT,. 0 I LA101'I1ZOT'8 -. I L - . C •, ..r .. STQVES;--Having, bought Steck of Stoves outside of the "association, -'on:ad- vantageous ad�- vantageousi:terms I am now prepared to offer Cooknan Stoves at ti very' 6 ,, .; t ; alar�e percentage under the usual price.. , I • HARVEST TOOLS. CLS. =„- Scythes, Smiths,' Wheat, eat Iarley andHay Forksl, Scyt he ' Stones, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Gloves, Cradle Fingers, &c. TIN A E.—A< ill ''a s' R., . f t e ortment of"Tinware in all its branches: Also L�tyrp Goc<ts N• W — GRA ITE. A E: ust R J arrived, an assortment of Ti ' PdT.• . .:,-.:_... A- 5, COFFEE POTS and PRESERVING KETTLES In Granite Ware, HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, PUPS-HIGHEST.CASH` PRICE PAID, :.. ... .FAVI G • L �INTO Hall'. C. pili Cure 79 Boldl't,y all R 1.iolel le and Retail Druggists and. Deals <. in 1 :tiint`1r,idicines in.• ileo L ca<t« 5. it,;'asnL Canada. 7� Con Ly $ lti' t ,;?.'T.00 a oz.. .The onic iu Ir9fit It'arihCure isMan- ufacturei by a ). CI.: CO., Toledo, 0; ra ire of iniitlitious, : Bottled•foi tha'i0:;til ,o trade by H. W `b,3'OC'SON. Weiland. Ont. J. El 001IBE, Agent, Clinton. �(11rt SIIL'SC1lIBl3R MAKES' A SPECIALTY l of this busioess'and keep' coiistantry"on hand li largo assortnieiit of COFFINS; CASKETS; COFFIN• TRI1VINIING1s, SFIBOITDS, Aoul a er1'thurg . in the 'Undertal ing like, ;mii Can furnish • everything 8uitabtc :for a funeral, • • on the shortest notice cud At e most riasolable Ratos. T\\:O 'SP.l.ENDID :TTI+�AD•Sl]S' Olt 111101. "I 1111 Pi Aou. t ' ALI'z Y\ 1;," , �lrn:.. o ITA L-12. POSI1 1 1 . 1 THOS. STEVENSON. COMMONSCHOOLBOOKS, �E'i,Yl1 Assort/Went. Also,very�lce o Stati oner In vholeGicaniTinted Antique, Fbl,el , n and fancy l z es I WI L NOT BE UNDERSOLD AND KNOW , IT' W. H. SIMPSON' Clinton GAl :fi b.Sq ' goy $1. 3 }Lb's. .jai. al : t ra, choice for 60 cents. OTS & .SHOE'S \\ Omen 5ht4 s ;,L ,inti jAw;t d .'..1?RUNC f 7".15 t cI ,I ltl.A. S 1C!CII 1i0O [ S,'goti,il TEA SETS, $2.23. rockery G asswar GLASS .SILTS >0'c: and i. 4 iy C our Gods. APPLES WANTED .. _ ES CLINTON', Sept:, ;1582.`•. \ ANT:,T f W) TF.I S OUSAN I?; BARRELS Ol 1'_4LL ANI) .1. 4 tI i [+,fi Apples, for which the highest market.price will b'e pals.- " ' .': Dont soil. without seeing us. ': THODIPSOX' & SWITZE . o You may talk .: bout 'your TEAS as you ,111 .e,-l'l�,t ' I'll, •tell: rou what, i't -oil, Want.mood Tea pro tc PHflOBBSjTHEGROCERJ ,c i {large lot f: roti on, hand of all bind., FOP -elle has a lLl e b z._ in � 0 :da and in on whcll 11e .5�ivs'musz'u'e sold G s, c 3 r,` o he 'Will sell the; very best leas "in the; to do s very market at the' very lowest prices.: H-is� leas"range. Y 'pP 5 i11 price c 'from15 etq cents per l0u11c1.7.0- He also shows the'. - finest lines, of Sugar in 'the county. whicli. are all. Selling ata TSTery.: mall ALA ance D. -('ost. Call and be convinced that hisniotto i,s:"Best Goods=a't lowest prices.i' Robb, the Grocer, Waterloo : I-I»iise, Clinton • ,� rn- G)