The New Era, 1882-10-05, Page 5• eassameaselailar flea,1e>l. @. in A Vexed, Cierlryeetn. Even the patience of Job would become ex- hausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interesthis audience while they were keep. ing_up,an:incessant cotighing,: making it ina possible for him to be heard. 'Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's; New Dlecevery for Consumption, { Coughs and Colds. ; Trial bottlea.given away at Watts & Co. and J. H. Combo's drug store. TI LINKS, VALISES. 5 per cent discount for cash. Ibert St.. Clinton. c.; We'bave' just • received our FALL AND WINTER: :MILLINERY, f French and American-lash/ens; consisting ot. Bonnets,. Hats, Feathers, Birds, Ribbons, Laces, Plushes and Velvets; all at such 'slices that cannot fail to attract_ attention. Having purchased a large and well selected stock, we feel confident inpleasing all and'giving satisfaction.. ,'We also call attentiori to our stock of Roufiiosr JosE- PRiixE KID •"GLOVES—keeping' a full "lme iri all. colors. Full Ince of DRESS 1 TRIMMINGS:HOSIERYOORSET;. &c.,, always on band., r5'i'Raws, FELTS AND BEAVERS done Over, in all the newest styles of Bonnets its Hats APPRENTICES WANTED for the Straw work,:_. • FARM PRODUCE taken ,iii exchange for woods. TWO DOORS MIRTH OF TH3NII'SON and SWITZER"S R: r-Block..Clinton. BEESLEY,Beane , Clinto Wish most respectfully-to.return their sincere thanks to their friends and ' customer for the very liberal patronage'bestowed upon them in. the "past, and at the same; time would say that they will in the future (as in the past) do, their :utmost to'"slipply, all entrusting themwith their patronage for Hardware, Stoves, &c., with the very pest -goods at the very lowest possible prices.`` We would also take this opportrininty of informmgthe public in general that we have the . " stock o�'tlardti�alre, Stoves, &c., in' the store In h Opened' up a sew. f � . Beaver BIO k,<neut d"oor'.to Tohmpson "&. Switier's'Grocery,,, -.Where we will:kee on' hand a grand stack of STOVES, HARDW_&RE, TINWARE, &c. Oar'stock at the old stand in the l:'.,ed'Brick.Store will at all times be,found replete in'assort- ' : Iso -1, e f and -cis low sa-an •rt-'tl --de: solicit .iuent-und-clushty, : O�tir�ri�es-will-a s Y. �7olisez ing' a continuance, of public patnoniige we Ale, yours &'- • BRANCH STCJRE _ BEAi/ E BLOCK NEXT • PC Tit OS1TSCS, �.a°t, • S\i'IT/LF, S.r� 1R0 - 'OF THE PADLOCK, RE®`BRICKSTORE k E 111 . STREET, C T,Iti 1'U v. New Maple Sugar. A few gal. -Tins 'Maple Sprup Fresh nti asP es. Lt'lmorls and : Bananas. Good "fresh Mangold, _Turnip :& Sorghum- 11ghame, int FROM OUR EXCHANGES. The Toronto Mail with that elegapee of diction whish has,heenits distinguishing feature cf late, refers to Holi.:Mr, -Crooks as "the uusanctitied ass of the ''Education Department.' The " sanctified -ass" nt the Mail,'' no doubt, prides. himself . on being different 'to other s.anitnals.of his species.—Sarnia Observer. < • The Gcelph Herald, Tory,i after count- ing on the tip's, of the fingers of pue hand, all the,available;talent for Cabinet making in the,ranks of the Ontario Opposition says i -" We Must, have new materia- It. is only by presentiug material ,fora ',Cabi- net superior 'to that -of the Mowat .:Admin iatration that the Conservatives; can hope- forsuccess." New prance out ;your, new • material, or perish. , ,:'If Mr. Moveat is convicted of extravag ance� jobbery-slid=injustice;.itTis-oio*rigiit .that he should be deposed.from place and power,and his position given to a'nian who will not indulge in anysiinilar wrong -doing.', But it would-be mord seemly for some lees. extravagant,' bobbing and.,unjust person•` •than Sir John Macdonald to lead the pro- secutioc'in the case. " .There never was a more striking instance -of the man with a beam in his owneye presuming to pull the mote out of his neighbor's optic. -[Grip. ' The Flesherton Advance' (Tory)'anncun ces that the party in East Grey, in caucils assembled, has declared a dissatisfaction towards A. W. Lauder. A local, man will getthe' conservative nomination.next time, and "-Lauder must go." That's - right, ,if the Conservatives: want to rule : Ontario, their ' party must iirstbe purified 'frpm within.. Bounce Lauder,keep shy .of Boultbee, let Morris sleep, and preserve Meredith from contamination by Macdon- ald.; then there will be a chance ; now there is none " .Under the Liberal ,government of Mr. o h . t:: 'iin is a. Gladat ne,, the outlook in,Grea Brlt 'becoming more hopeful. The .harvest has' been satisfactory. Ireland is showing 'an improvement in the state of affairs,, and the harvest -will do much to create a feel- ing of confidence. Egypt is in a fair way of "becoming tranquil, and on the whole the Gladstone Government has reason 'to feel satisfied with recent happenings. -London' Advertiser. The proposal'to put Mesers 'Meredith, Lauder, Morrie, Sell and two or three other incapables in the places of Mr: Mowat and his colleagues;,is the :coolest aad moat cheeky thiegever:made to a body of elec- tors. Who are these people whom the Tory g so loudly ? What extellin " 1 organs are evidence have they given:andividually or' cellectively that they could manage the af- fairs of "a village, corporation /Much leas govern a Province like Ontario?—Stratford Beacon. • . Sir John. Macdonald Sir Leonard Tilley and Hon' ::John, Costiganmi bt be engage g g in a better business than .dabbling in_ the polities of the province of Ontario. The maritime people would not like to have dominion ministers frotu;• Ontario ' inter-' ferin'g irrtirerrleet ministers, nor would the British •Colnmbiapa - . The' ' next ,thing" we will have the Mousseaus and the Lan$e,vins coming up, to Toronto and, telling; 1't11.e peo- pie of Ontario' that they do not know how; to'run their own province, and that they will be, only too hapov" to show them how to do, it. =Toronto�World; - eeds Oiiut�nOab.metCompy, in order -to meet our. intcreasiilg trade we have bought the -Factory lately _occupied by W. B. Crich, and after getting it,iliader 1vay we are prepared'to manufacture Everything iu : the Furniture: "line, Frain the'clleapes :to the best sets, -With the latest styles and No. 1 .finish and workinanship..L Ordered work a specialty aad satisfaction guaranteed `Ve and UNDERTA'KINC . have also added alai"s' branch to o'ur business, in it at all times will be found everything to sleet the: requirements of all. • A RANDS(; IE IIEARSE KEPT E'Oft 'TIRE y stlrct attention" to business. and:_ an eyetoi, accoxn - lodateaticf lipase, we. hope to merit the confidence ' of GEORGE DIEHL & CO. I¢ackleu,m Arnica Salve. The b istSebvoin the worliltor ClltP, Bruises Sores. Uicors, Salt Rheutn Fever Sores, Totter. Chapped Bauds, (hUb1aiup, Corns, and all skin: lEraptions, and ,positively aures Piles. It is guarranteed to give tI'errect satisfaction; or lnoneyrefunded. Price 25 cents per how. Po sale by J. }Y, Combe. An, ;elaborate review of the Liquor Act has been put forward by- the Mowat Gov- ernment, showing that matters in . conned: tion with the liquor system -are', a great deal more satisfactory iiow than they were under the old system, when the'municipal- ities had control of the traffic and issued the licenses, It is shown by the pamphlet' that the Crooks. Act has reduced the num-. ber.of licensed ,drinking the Pro- vince by ro-vince;by no lesa:than 53 per cent that it has done much to arrest and permanently stay the constantly increasing ",'tide of drunkenness, which has increased between 1869 and 1875,: no less than 37 per "cent;, and that it has in conjunction with better times and few.erlicenses, eauaed'.an actual decrease in the number of comtnitals for. drunkenness, turning an increase of 87 per. cent between 1869 and 1875, into a"de crease :of. 21. pet cent betwen 1871 and 1881, or taking into account the increased population, into;a decrease of 30 :percent during this latter period. It must be ad- mitted that d-mitted'that this is a very good showing.,,—, Toronto'Telegraui Huron at :tile We4ern Pair DRY KILN CALL. AND SEE IT AT COOPER & McKENLlE'S PLANING MILL rYIIIE subr,cribers,while thanking their many gena JL towers for, the patronage extended to them, desire. to; intimate that in connection with their, factory Near the Grand Trunk Railway, They, have ereeted a airy kiln which, enables thein nune`promplp•than ever to execute ail work in their line of busine e. Per buildings taken, and material furnished at the shortest possible notice, and at reasonable rates. 'for,' a always keep on hand first-class SIIINGLES,- and make a specialty of LIME, which •will be sold at -.the lowest paces, Clinton, ,,July 20,.188.2. CO-OPER&I3IeKENZIE. keeefved this week. casesBoots& Shop tl Vii'. LADIES A'',tl CTHLDREN'S WEAR .eases Fall �we�� •0 ig;lit Y3 urness a rri ess, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. WHICH "MILL 13E SOLI)' AT V.3EZtY 1;':iOW RATES.'; D nal s �wta e HARNESS MAKERS, CLINTON. Ciiy. Varerooffls. FURNITURE:. STORE, .LLINTON. THOS. STEVENSON' (laving moved into his' new brick store. ! r 'OPPOSITE THE TOWN H:ALT.L, Begs leave to state to hie -numerous friends in Clinton and the surrounding country; that he keeps' on, hand . a superior quality, of Furnitnre rif all kinds, such as The Prize takers from Huron at 'the' Western Fair are as follows :— Bead work, 2nd Mrs. Rudolph, Egmond- w'ill's Cretone work, 3rd ,Mrs." Rudolph. Woollen mitts, lst Mrs. Swaffield, G'ode- rich'townshi- . SHEEP. Shearling ram -3rd H. Snell & Sens.. 12am-lamb; E. Gaunt." Two ewes,, H. Snell & Son. ''}L Snell & Son, would also have taken lst for ram, but it met with an accident, and the judges de- cided not to award it.: Shropshiredown, two ewes, 2nd H, Snell & Son, Caukra01'Holisus -3-yr old carriage stallion". -3rd 1." Hunter., Teborne 2 -yr old carriage stiil]ion, L;'Yuntcr. RoADSTERsa---Roadster stallion in har- ness, tat Post & D'ulmage, Winghan. 3 -yr old roadster stallion, 3rd 'A. Gonin leek, McKillop, 3 -yr old roadster geld- 3rd.L Hunter. 2. -yr. old 'gelding or - filly, 3rd L. -Hunter. fair of roadsters in harness, lst T Bissett, Exeter. GEIi'EBAL PII,Arpt,E --2 yr old'stallion; list Lawson Moore, , Clinton •, Yearling gelding or-,f>,lly,`. James: Tabb, ; Auburn.. Matched team; let James White; Rodger-. villei ] EAVY 'BRA ria 3 -yr old stallion, lit R. -J. Turner,' Brucefield. ,2 -yr old stallion lst Lawson Moore, Clinton, 1,:yr old gelding or filly, lst. Jas. Tabb. Best mare , -any age, let and diploma, H, Snell BUTTER.—Firkin, not less. than 56 lbs. Mts. W. Herbison, Goderich township. Butter in crock, 3rd Mrs. W. Herbison. r'R1liT.--Seedlings, 1st W. Herbison. f3TRBBT' TALK., • "Flow tnnch'''batter you look, lir. S. . ages do " Yes,;I"Lave gained 32 pounds., on Hall's Catarrh Cure,- Have not ,telt so well • in 20" Years, : It has made a ;complete cure 'ailed is worth t 0 a bottle to any one that hub; -the • • . catarrh." ' BEDROOM & PARLOR "- SETS Of the latest styles, also BEDSTEADS; SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS, TABLES, And everything that constitutes furnishing a house in his line, which he.:Will sell at the lowesttivingpiofit.. 1 ask a share of tiie-publie patronage, being thankful for past'favors and hopefulfor the future. The public are invited to call and see for theinseh•esT THOS.. STEVENSON. Clrntor; July C, 1882. Painting, Glazing, &c. ASO A SITZ P?t:IENT OF THE.' 1Z 3R.ATh anzer ew'l =achines The .riri t , oint p c.p�l sof this Machine are. P The large and roomy : space; under;:arra. The d' l a A tabs t of, its s y pzrts,` the principal: ones being of hardened steel: A 'steel feed on both sides of the needle.;- Nickle plated balance "wheel, with loose pulley. Positive take up; Extreinely built, running, with little'or no -noise. The Wanzer hes ' carried " off highest honors: wherever ex- hibited'. A written' guarantee from manufacturer will be given with every machine sold, also instructions by: "compe- tent operator. C1-NS 1F3.4 11 u THE undersigned is prepared to execute Ip, a satis- factory manner, 'all kinds of 'AoosE PAYSrnso, GLAZING, IIALsOMININO, PAPER RANGING and ROOT TAaai50;On the shortest notice and at the most reason- ablerates, 1lesidenee--llattenbury Street,.4 doors west of the Methodist church . May 18. GEORGE POTTS: Clinton, May 18, 1882. sf S ,T Properties o Fars aid owe er p GOOD BARGAINS. 1. That well-built three-story brick store and -dwell ing, on the corner of Huron and Orange Streets known as the Mounteattle store. Would be exchanged for other property,!or sold cheap on long credit. , 2 That large, and 'commodious trance dwelling house near the 0"W: Railway Station, lately oeenpied by ,the Station. agent. (las parlor,: dining irooni, eight bed- rooms, kitchen, Pantry; &c. ' Large stone cellar:. ;FIerd and Soft water in building. ,.Suited' for a, large family" or aboardink- house. Lately finished, and ingood con- dition.:k. Apply to the owner, Mn. 0.' BENTLEY, Ur ,to the undersigned.:•. • 3. Lot 825 Mary.. Street (oppositeMr.. C. Helyar's re- sidenee) with neat cottage of three rooms and summer kitchen,; good 'well and pump chores fruit trees in garden, &c. 4. Tho valuable hotel property Dir Victoria Street,, Clinton, known ne Lane's Hotel, now'. occupied by Mr Oee. Knox, contprieini;+a large hotel building, driving' house; tour choice town Iota, &O., 5. That elegant; two-story, frame dwelling house on Hurau Street; Clinton,•formerly held';li-yr`"J. C. Mailer,' now occupied by.Mr John' P. Martin. ' 7." Lot 21 ori Huronr"St. with the dwelling housenow, 'Occupied by,Mt. Simson, 0.. W.11..station agent ;,also lot 40 on Mary; Street. abutting on the above let: "The tote Will he sold together or separately, Apply; to the owner, Mr., Thomas Jackson or to the• undersigned: "' 8. The house and lot; No. 845 on'iitary Street, now occupied Mr. Win. Davis. ,:,The..house contains - three rooms below;"and one in: the upper. 'story. ; has: back kitchen, garden, well, &c. Terms Rasy.1 - 9.• The store and dwelling on lot 113, Huron Streets=. formerly belonging to II. Noreworthy, and now' oceq. pled by Mr A; Bennett Ake, other,-iots"and buildings for sale. Apply, to • H. DALE, ;Huron Street, Clintin Machine 2 s McGOLL EROS. & CO.,. TORONTO, , Manufacturers and dealers in T—Ii11.Y'( 111e 011, Cylinder _'401, Wwol (1►'il, 1347.1t C11tti,2l' V1Rlr L Fon, Medias and Three Diplomas awarded them •last year at the leading exhibitions in . the Dominion: Fartneirs, Threshers' and Mill men will save. money by Using our Lardine and Cylinder Oil. Woolen Illititardeetprers wili save money by using our Wool 011, it equals lard and olive oil, and costs but halt the price. ' Satisfactiongusranteed. Prices, &c., on application to McCOLL BROS, " & CO.. Toronto. °LINTON- BAKERY R., -M'LENNAN DESlRas"to intimate to the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has re -opened his bakery -en Vic- toria Street, and will be pleased to supply them with anything in hitt line. - - - ' Bread, Cakes, die., of all kinds kept On band Breadarold-at the -shop at the following prices: -4 lb. luaf-12 cents) 2,1b. loaf 0 cents:' No orders, hooked; Patronage respectively solicited. Remember the place -Victoria SC, Clinton, , r� lid ait� OCA �It�0� e a w MY 5'fOCh OE SPLENDIb BABY CARRIAGE$ EMRRACINO THE LATEST ti'1'i'LES,. CON1INITES.TO :,AR IVE, AND' WILL BE. • DISPOSED .TII-E. VERY: LOW7 ST.'PRICES. CALLAND SEE THEM... TRUNKS FOR THE' MILLION, n:d S il HARNBSB,s goo AT -GREATLY REDUCED ;PRICES. MONEY TO. LOAN --Pith A'rF F u sr , r I.0w R t rl: OB INTBREST. HING- LES-1204)•bunthee;.(1EG:IIGIAN'BAY SHINGLES for sale, fromi45 S t;f,per heads, up:' Roomsover store to let. : •. . B _ TWIT( c'.tc* iz. Cli!11tomt..., TTTTT •