The New Era, 1882-10-05, Page 37--ada
Cfretoei. 5
Ornoial Iratrestagaticsia at Col -
MANAGER CA.IllEliV.t.t1'''.1"-tStIMONY.
The investigation into the Joss of the Asia
'before Captida Scott, 11,N., the Government.
Commissioner,commenced at cullingwood yes.. •
terday. Important testimony was presented
regarding the ateamer,and her equipment; also
the forge and directiem of the, hurricane in
'which she thundered, The ; Manager of the
Great Northern .Trariait Company was called
and testified SS tailcoat,: ".. . •
I am manaper of . the Greatliorthern Tran-
sit Conipany, thelessees of the steamship Asia
air. Beatty, the President of the companyrsigned
the charter party„ The boat 'has been enariloyed
for the company for which lam manager since the
1st of luly,.1.8a2; I kue w nothing 01 tbe liefore
we chartered ber; as far as I e,oult1 judge I con,
.sidered her hull sound, although:I never bored
ber, but she was always considered a 'safe boat. I
did not think the cargo she teak- ei;it this port
was exces3ive ; the lanl(keeper told me it was
from 85 to 10 tons, when she Asia left this port;
the Asia never carrie, any . grain whilst id our
employ ;1 was on board the boat after ,she was
laden and noticed the manner in which her cargo
svas stowed; I don't usually go 'into the hold of
our Vessels, Out on the .13th or September whilst,
the Asia was.loadieg I w ut dowh into h'er hold
. •
10 600 how they werestowing, the' Cargo; aro,
what wood she had ou board for. her owiitfse ; I
remarkeeltothe second mate that they appeared
to have a'great u eel of wood on board, and he
replied they bad four or five tiers forward.
besides what they had in the fire hold for imme-
diate use; they hal the wood fora ardfor ballast
to keep her lame down .aud steady' her; 1 cannot
say exactly what cargo was on the main deck,
but noticed it was very light v.1 thought her
properly stowed for the voyage :when
she left this port; I. dan . not aware -of
the inuceber of passengers on board when
she was 1�t. the 'full, complement of crew 'can-
asta of from 22 to 24 ; can's say'. liether,the Asia
was shortlaanded. or not ; the • Asia had certainly
three boats en board, each of svhichoaght to
carry abut thirty persons; I do' netremember
the number of life preserver, on ,boercl; the Asia
also had as freight threexed .Ottawa'Boats and a ,
Feterhoro' cam e stowed o the wain deck; she
bruDalso a large; fishing boat in tow; she left this
port at 5 o'clock on the evening cif the latlf of
September, tiles, ether being fine, the wind I
think being from tho west,- made a trip to ttbe
Sault Ste. Marie tugl-returned-omboard the Asia
duringthaltitterimrtof July of the present year;
I noticed naffiug --ligiTtir`iier •
but understaud she :steered' very well ;.
I never heard she was, ever leaking; I have been
engaged in tbe steamlanit business a IfInCillerfot
years, and although L know nothing , to the con-
trary why the Asia class ofvesselashould not sail.
without couiparutive ,afety on our inland waterS,
still if I were buillieg nes,: veSSels I should have
them built of broader bealir and finer lines than
the ordinary canal ,prilpeller, bearing in mind
that our vessels must wit be too great a' draught
on account of the shallow waters; some boats
running from this Port aro untitale to touch at a
great many if the bitermeliate ports on,account
of their drawing tun inucla water; I ,never saw
the inspect ;l.'s .cercificace, and am net aware'
whether it was un loaro the Asia or not; I tun
not at all aware of tie u giber of passengers she
-was allowed by law to carry, but I .understood
from the daily papers tat it Was 400. ' •
Former in. nibers of the crew of the Asia .were
called and testified g, her band and 'career, and
vile of them tin/tight; - that her. upper -works
showed signs of \realm 2 eSs and that at a rule the
upper works of.the.ste,Liners-plying on the tipper
lakes are defective in omegractimt. A former
II:Laster testified, that thelost vessel when deep in
the water it ..not ; isivor b,o111tij as she 'should
. have done. The 01 1U wita; 'alto offere11 by
another while s. chat she' wil,S,coo high out of the
water to be a good:sesta:in g' boat.' '
Vpivu veil 11 g1.21iencies.
new the W•rid Wttea* late tits:
News at WI 11 agIish Victor*: • ,
War correspondents lead exciting --and
adventurous lives. They can never be
certain Of a pee.ceful 'tea -hour at home,
and whim one campaagn is ended May at
any mornent expect to be dispatched to
share the trials of another. Nor is it only
that they are continually on the move.
While actually at their wok they MUSt
prepared to face dauger, endure hardships
mud , exposures. More theta all, they
must, • if they would give loyal
'service' to the journale they repre-
sent, be mem of iron couetitution, with
boundless energy aud powere of endurance.
.A. new proof of their value has -just been
afforded by one ot the most dietsuguiehed
of tbeir number. , Mr. Cameron; who has
loeg been on the :staff of the Standard,
which paper he repreeerite iu Inclia and
tlieTra,nevaal, is now in Egypt adding fresh
laareles to bis reputation His report of
the light at liabSitSiD on the 28th was one
of the fineet things be has done, and
rivalling,the•exploits of suchmen ti,s,Mc- Scott met may be forgot. In the 'mean -
Osamu aucl Ferbes: 'With the ,sktlful time it will interest our Edinburgh readers
prescience which is uot• the least of the and eehessto be remanded of Sir Walter's
gifts 01 a true .°°rresPrmdtMt, he. had account of his interview with his "elder
attached himself to the cavalry brigade
• 0,13071.1C AMR Ilatlisaallta
Tose lacause In Witieh the reels lanfr.441,1r
Only Meeting to be ylloonsrayed..
A local link between Robert 'Barns and
Bir Walter Scott is about to disappear.
The two great Scottish poets met only
• •
once. Their meeting was in the house of
Principal Ferguson, the historian of the
Roman Republic, and a leading spirit gt
the literati of Edinburgh in hie day. The
house was a large and, hamdrionse mansion
at the south end of the Seiennes, with
coach house and well stocked fruit and
flower garden attached. The dining and
drawing room floor were approached by is
double . outside staircase of broad steps
guarded by ..a massive balustrade. Uutil
lately the house remained the finest in the
neighborhood. But a few years ago
tbe garden ground was fenced for
building purposes, and last year the
house itself, with its three fiats asatt
subdivaded iu Workmen's houses. dbe
west, gable with the drawingtroom window
still remain; but now this gable is to be
closed in by a tenement rising beside it, and
in a short time the place where Births and
wider, Drury -Lowe. It had already been
actively eugaged at Metheataieh, and was,
so near the uext advanced: peat that it wait
certain to Chute in tor any fighting in. pro-
grette. •Cianeron was not dieaapointed. He
foetid hirneelf on the spot to aeconariaoy the
cavalry through all their mOverneatsou that
arduous day, and rode With them in ,their
flank march' which so °omelet:el), decided
the fight. Realms wirneased,;the charge of
the Household Cavalry and .ite successful
results he •ktiew 'that the wortit • wasover,
and that it, was new his ousiocas to gat
the good news home. He, had been in the
saddlethe whole of a 'trying tropical day •
it was now night tied itwentsdfOurmiles of
trackleee desert atiterpotted ,beteeetm hint, was, I saw hirciorm day at the late venerable.
and , the ppiat front which . Prof: Ferguson's, where there were'several
-could best telegraph to England, „Nothing ,uon000kaaa of literary reputatipaa among
'daunted . these l'tremendenS.d?ideditiet" when' • I remember the celebtated 'Mr.
Ile set forth to ride back to the canal alone.
seugaAct Stev,eart. Of course we yetingsters.
The king jourpey rouat have, sorely tried sat silent, 'looked and listened. The -only
his Strength ; neyerthelees, at the teed of it thing I remember which wets Demme:Irate iu
he ,penned one of .•the meet inaeterly and Burns' manner was the effept procluc.ed.
graphic' diepatches. over , predueed by a, upon him by a print of Bunburyal repi•e-,
war correeliondent.e-Londoirlaome.Nelessenting s soldier- lying dead on the sapw,,
--- .' Bitting in misery 00 0110 side, on the'
atJI(JI�If AT *Calli' other nifi widow, -,with- a .child in her arms.
These line's. were written' beneath: :
seraeant flanlis Hinisaif Orhews out ot
Cold on Canadian hills or Minden's plain
s • _ er apsthat parent wept,her soldier slain
Niage.ra, ..desPatelt. nf yesterday's ..Bent o'er her babe, her eye dissolved in dew, •
A. The big dropsmingling-with the milk he drew,
.(Tuesday) date say e : Sergeant J'eMcEifin, Gave the Sad presagaof hiatuturayaa,rs, ..;
I. 1 CoMPac Y. 591,1i Batealion, Alymer, Tao child of misery baptized in tea*. ;
committed by hangieg', himself 'Burne seemed Much affected by the print,
about 8 o'clack this morning.' • 1.2he miler- or rather the -ideas which it suggested to
-tut:late Mau had been sick. ever since -he his' mind. He eactiially shed tears., He
cattle LO cewp. Slid .011 :Wednesday last 'asked from w,hotn the 'lines were, and it
WttS taken to Mrs. 'Howard's ;boarding chanced that nobody but mYself reroem-
house, suffering from congestion of the berea that they Occur in a half-forgotteu
lungs. A Et3Uti ' was detailed to Watch, poem of La.nghorne's,• the uoPro-
lin night and, day.,This morning about raising title of • The Justice of Peace.' I
• o'ploca the watch was :instated by -hear- whispered ,nay information.. to a friend
itIg - erS811'. and awoke 'Just' in time to Present, who mentioned it to Burne,who
see his patient spring through the a if?doW.• rewarded., With 11. look arid a word,
The. watoh ,foliowad; but could find no which, though e of there civility, 1 them
'trace of ....the uu,foatunats.' malt,- although • received, ited still recollect with very great
several pereons.were engaged in the itee,reli.' pleasure."--EdinburgaDdity
About daybreak .a girl found: him hanging . . • a
-that-plumatterairatifys. C urry'VT-TreMd-, Cornering a "Witness..
brother of the muses." • Writing te Lock-
hart, he say: " As for Burns, I may truly
bay, • Viral/aim vidi tantunt.' I was a lad
of 15 in 1786.7, when he came first to Edin-
burgh, boa had swede an feelingenough to
be much" interested in hie' poetry, and
would laave given the world to know him ;
hut I had very little acquaintance with arty
literary people, and eta ' less with.
the gentry of the west country, the
two sets svhom be much frequented.
Mr. Thomas Grierson was at that
time a clerk of my father's. He knew
Burials and promitied to ask him to hie.
_lodging§ to dinner, but had DO opportunity
to keep his word, otherwise I /night have
seen ruore of this distinguished man. As it
A Lad It .Seikepi °Ibeisciscr
Sullies* lUnteltf Misery, ,and
tkeini,leas hfe IStiti,..YOltit Itcsluoved.
Something more than a year ago.s eon. of
Wm. Beatty; a Portage, a boy not then a
11 years of age, was punished by his
teacher for some slight offence. From then
until last Monday the bright, patient little
fellow has been racked by the most excru-
ciating pains, and mOet of the time'he hak
.been confined to hie bed, and beten under the
care of physicians allthe time. He was
drawn out of ehape, and his poor bones were
,left almost fleshless. 4, nataith ordigix weeks
ago lie Was brought to Milwaukee for treat-
ment, and in time was placed under the care
Of Dr. T. Crooker. The doctor's examination
couvinced him that if the boy would live
the hip -joint must be removed. The oper-
ation occurred on Monday, 'Dr. MeGuffin
applying the chloroform and Dr. Mason as -
'dear% Dr. Greedier." The decaying hip -
joint, besides severallinches of the limb,
also decaying, was snccessfulyreMoved rina
the little sufferer is mendtng rapidly. A
perusal cif the aboveatem will make every
humane -parent think that perhaps it Is as
well to put a stop to 'corporal punishment
n schools.--Mitivaukee Sunday Telegraph.
There Op, peet of Many; uprejmdice
—againstatregsa-leas,-its au-artaeleaef. food,
until they have 'ace 13:1.1.r(31.0iu disguise and
, found to be as el SA' all p0150115 of ,
taste promentoo thew to Ire.t: Gaaeehopper
soup was prOilouoiril &tiring the
• plague of taiiise ithseetti.1.1-.Katatiits, and
.,-,-----Nbahroaktiaatel, fir teN,-A,y6±-6;i1,1Wiiyti pleiett
ful, would pee 'eably
article of diet.. epicuree,
have discovered t i:iiS 66t1.16.001.1 'eitrad
worm, has. uses iliCh D.-Li:W.311, in his latest
.book oe that trthje..-it. -0;14:: 'bet iirearu cf.
He is good for fix el. put fifty of the
weenie io 'vine:03r, theri , there, in,
butter, frierl.ihe;ff, Olthihored,
for more.. Ti e y eelit. that there is no
dish like them. ' • • •
aset.toe. isaieratritioas
. .
About 4. eachieis tai Sunday...afternoon
tbree youria 'Mee .3:11.ttlbiS01:1; 'aged%
17, of Smoky Hollow ; 0101 1108 Gregor, aged'
19, of Loom, lasig•,6•4 'S•gedd5, were
sa a sman aow haat, the canal level a
short distance oe 'ow lack nettreSt.,Cathar-
ines. tiet eht, et tlhatiging
places -
the boatdipste„ thro.eiteallieloecapaats info,
the canal. Mr. VVever, back, :driver, Saw
the occurreeee, etid nobly pliinged hit° the
canal*just in tithe to eat eialloganiwhe was
sinking for the tined eituee andleueceeded
in bringing Mut sefioro, and. after Sa good
deal of ruin)) le e br0A-IshL III ill to life. Hallia
eon and Creigoe., itftsr seriiggling , in the
watef for a fey,' IDOI.IteIl • sank, and were
,drowned. la:dile-5 were reccivered.
shortly atter.
In the military warneuvres this.
year, the Cro•air.P.ruateet, rode at tbe head
of the regine Ea:stare Of Whiolaithe is
bouortiry 0011 -1 She , the tegtila-
tion uniform, exeept. !bide' a Skirt teek the
place of trothiCrs., and anetesid. of a.sseord
she carried a cal Ine add p Swerdwise..
A Londe', Meaty.' 21.ditys,, and
then died, alite, witti being ;forced
down his tlitoes, of 'exciferueut•and exbitue..
Forluncm DI•pooeill OA. "
At the last meeting of the Corporation of
Trinity College, Toronto, a letter was read°
I e
front Mesars. James and Nalrnes Henderson,
Toionto, intimating, on behalf of the
relatives of theirlate sister, Mies Millicent
Henderson, their wish to contribute the
bum ot a10,.000 towards the erection of a
college chapel -the Same to be it memorial
11110VIIVOIAL IEX It 0 mit'SaION.
Conspirrottve Failure at Ti.ingstett.
A. Kiugstuu , : Tbe Pres
yincial Fair ie 'a that& of the past. The
receipts hese ibe'eu 'very light, M. 00056.
queinte of the inciern,eut weather, of course.,
Whey were the follows Tueeday, 6156 90;
Weduesday,,...a2,520 la ; TautaditY, 'a2,827
Friday, a498 ; 4 Mod of $;6,002 65. The
association did' 110 banking, but prompt/
paid out all the mottey taken in, beeides
dispeisiug'pf the einpluta,froin last year, 'At
the latit meeting of dm dine:tent Mayor
Gaskin presented reclaim for 52,000 towards
Ibeal expense§... HO hoped Kingston would
be treated- as Loudon had been. Mr. 'Mor-
gan, Of Ottawa', 'Moved that tae' matter be
left over • uotil rha mesa meetiag of the
aseociatione and Mr. 1",egae moved tbat
Kingston be ' granted\ al,pou. Both tne
resolution . mat iitnenqiiibt were lost.
Quite 'a tilt occurred beta eeu • the, Mayor
laid. Mr, Mdigsrt. ,lit‘Stsr claimed that
he itadalieeu iguured---ahat. Ottawa had
silent tde ' 'much \id boildings,
and - reoeil•red up. catatideratitaa: He ssaid
Kingston's guaaetitee had 001. beea carried
out as be eapected it Weald be, arid the
hotel" attootimiedatipi, witt, ledkiug., The
Mayor defetate,d the slit se puietaug out,that
whereas the fair here had been titifortunate
on aceount:of ram; notasuacens wite due
to other 'ceases ,iu Ottawa. He pitched -
into 'theslead-heitai eustimea tbee, lied: been.
epatictieed tbe capitata, seid teat such
had notexieted;liere. The Matter dropped.
of her.
1' e
en_ ties 119 11 fart' rd.
The following ladieroued incident is.
vouched for by Mr a Thos. Deacon, Q.' C.,
Renfrew. Last week (on .Wedzieeday)
Michael _Stack was being tried at Pembroke
for a,ssault. The Clerk wa,rned the'prisoner
that if bewauted to challenge any of the
jury•he Must do so as , they canie . to the
book to be sworn., The prisoner-regarded„
the Clerk with an air of astonishment and
then eyed the jury.- ,Stack was apparently
Mat dilemma, aml his counsel, Mr. Deacon,
went to his assistance. .
Counsel -Do you wish to challenge say
of those mei] in the box?
Prisoner did not answer, but coetinued
to eye the panel, surveying each man. .
Counsel -Well, Stack, tell me if there is
any of these meet you want to challenge.
Prisoner (thoughtfully and with some
hesitation) -Well, yes; I'll challenge the
best of them. Tell the best roan- to stdp
gave the alarm. It ie said ,he was quite At the. Clare Assize -a 'in Ennis, two
warm when found, but uo oumwoufd yen- -brothers named .1Lourigan were retreated
ture to 'etre bim ClOWn without authority:. for setting fire to a police barrack, -the
Coroner Mortutou wee pontied; but he bas • prophrty: of Darby O'Grady,' and it was
not yet decided to 'hold iotl inquest. The stated that the barrack had been ignited by.
ttoser fellow was s'iiareol tes,ohertand. bore =Me • ti_otaaattractLapitohaioued- hall:aeon-
an irreproachable. character, , and f must - sealed „Dear, the burned barrack. Daniel
.have been out of Lis mind when be 001)?”- O'Connell WaS employed .rfor the defence,
:pitted the easla act. • When , discovered his mend by his desire a skillet centainimapitch
ktees were almost touetiieg .the ground, was seeroily'plaped near the Witness; chair,
uiidin 0120.0f his Pocketadvaa.tound a letterand over this. O'Connell placed Me broad-
iu which be says: "1 am barning.with the labrimmed bat so as effectually to conceal it.'
malarial fever.". The regimental flag Is
flying at .nalfanast out. of respect to .the
deceeteed, the sad fate lit 'whom bus taist:a
gloom over the entire camp,
- The Ye:wig worneu- Of the West are
gaging in farmiug at, well as other .occa-
'stations. The Milveetaltee .flepablican gIves
the fallowing accattut of the enterprising
conduct Of two you eg, Wt:titieti (i'f that city:
"'Miss Eve, Ilit11SOTI,,Piliss Philme and, Mr.
-Saralee., the• party a•lio left this city oh
itesd,ay last for,. the . prairie laatle of
akeittearriaecl:bome yesterday mornieg.
They are well satastied Wittatheir trip, and
Bay 'the :seetion beiute rapidly ;filled op,
with new settler. Each of the .young
ladies took, up. 196'acres of land in 1vIiner.
county, on tlie ehore of it heantaful inland
lake.' They are Seveuteett . milestrona
The prinoipal witnees for the proeecution
swore a that he discoapred the barrack, ou
tire,, and knew it Was set no tire by i pitch,
for be got the ronell, of. it."
"You know the smell ef stitch then,"
said O'Connell , • " .•
• .
" I do well," replied the witness.
" You seem a titan able thesmell pitch
anywhere," said O'Connell. , •
" where .I fauna it."
I`Even -here in this court house 'if it
were here ?"• .
"-No doubt I would." d
"And do you swear you don't get the
scaell of .pitca here?" asked 'O'Connell.
"I 'do solemnly," replied the witness.
"1± it were here I'd•smellit." '
Then O'Connell, taking his bat off the
skiilet of pitch, which was placed beside
the witness chair, cried: •
gioft#Otlittat anti natty gards'
ate of interest. D. HALE Chinton
sum -i on good mortgage security, moderate
ilJa.entitdheerso jagrodoa. clef. seen at tile efficeet
, t, OD, . .
Shocking Vonte•tic
A Buffalo telegram says : Mrs. jarnee
fl 66-00, who had .•beeti aufferieg from a
feiet for some.time post, 'gat out of bed
on Friday.nialit while delirtous, aud,taking
her youngest child, a boy of, 2 yeare,awitit.
ber. went to the cistern i.ul onaped in.
Both their ,bodies were discovered by the
faintly' early next .rnOrtiiiig.. • Mre: Beuson
leaves a husbnd andesayeral chitdrep.
The fatally 'are frantic vsith grief. •
A._ wise. but. forgotten philoepplier, .bas
said that ,teere are . fear inaiertant belies
in the world -the cartridge box, the jury
boxatheebiell'it'bOx and •iisst, but not least,
the bandbox:
The wdoda are heli 11111' .to.-dou their
auturui, hueee--ruedet. sLid. gold... This is,
without a doubt., thepleaStillteSt eeason of
the year. • '
The prisoner Was in dead earnest.
- .
St. Vedaet °buret), London, in which the
Rev. Pelham Dale carried ritualietio.inno-
vations to an extreme, was clotted for
mouths after the rector's ifilabitiam The
Bishop' lately decided to tear it down, and,
as though to rid, it finally of the taint of
ritualism, had it opened for one Sunday
service, eibewing the altar and its sur rout id -
Mae carefully denuded of the beautiful
trappings which had broughtMr. Dale into
aelaeo fataie-Enghsh-Ohurclr;
Mission, at Tungela, Zululand, South .
-Africa, wrote on January .26th: "The
chief John Dunn has many daughters;
eight , of these 'were admitted as catechu-
mens last Trinity Sunday. One candidate
• is Very satisfactory; another 68 married and.
I have to go to her braise and teach her; the
others a,re tuider my triumeg at tn-T-e larlatiaisdrel.
I ant to publieh the banr.s for one' of -them
the beat three Suuday•s: , See will, 1 nope,
be baptized before rearrie-fl9,."- ,
. . , . .
EVERY season is a harveet time in sons°
cZTalittlaYd °Lahti:lie aguiddbeehroel:outhtilr8Coratilfitattieliseiwn
South America tho. harvest takes place iu
aanuary. In India it begins - in; Febauitry
.as coMpleted March.' In Mexico,
Mitchel. and foar tittles froru the nearest •• Now you may go down:, you periured
early Drthe sprint plat up -a sod Tails saved his clients' The jury dis
railway station. They will return to their rasaieei ; go down! "
ew hrne aro e .
se, and plant their fleet crop o c rn• credited the witness. '
olin render, M . P. for 'Wick, ia a •
vety prornineut: .figure anteing :Euglieh
capitalist, being cliairman of teu. com-
panies, director of four, and trustee of one.
These are of the • most various kinds. Six
are telegraPhic, orm is telephonic.
, ,
The London Truth says that a speculator
hi New Yor k.h as tesolyed to tem pt_Profeseer
Huxley across the Atlantic by the offer' of;
1.00 per lecture for a Beries Of avvo hundred,'
discourses on popular science, to be deliv-
ered during 1883 awl 1884. „
The venerable Marslial Cannabert lives
in a small house in Paris, in the Rue de
Marignen. It isailainly furnished, for, like
most French soldiers, be is careless of lux-
ury mai pay e little atteutiten to the fine
arts. . The ' Marshal, now 73 years
old, , is a Man of medium size, • with
curly grey hair, a snowy beardi a high in-
telleettal foreheai, and keen, brilliant eyes.
-Saye tfie New York Herald: "By some
'mental process that is beyond the compre-
heusion of any one who is mita lunatic,lhe
study lours of children in' most public
schools are longer than any mature mind
could endure without -Darin. rive hours is
the usual daily duration of echool hours."
-Abullet invented by a German chemist
is made of a powerful anaesthetic, which
breaks on etriking 0 pereozi, who Is made
unconscieus for twelve boors, and while
in that condition can be -taken prisoeer.
The inveuter puts forward his device in all
sertousness. •
A spectator 'Who StOod in the wayofa
NEttina2i.E1 Aka, Salvation Army ' procession. at Harwich,
England, was knocked down and kieleed by
Tlio .New Comvotznd, its vvon. the captain to command, and 'his injuries
dortui affinity .0 pd.c.osaaao were Such that a jury awarded him 1$250t'
Appara.tus and the Liver, 2ncreas. whitdi Gen. Booth will pay out of the army
Ing the dissolving juices,
ing almost instantly the dreadful - The Emperor William is a !Mil of iron
results of ..7,-;)-spepsia, Indigestion, if not of blood, He wus present for nearly
and the TORPID LIVER, makes two hours at a' grand reception in Breslau
Zopcsa an every day necessity in a fortnight ago. Ile occasionally leaned on
'ivory- boas°. - • ,, his groat cuirassier sabre as if it were a
It acts gently and speedily in stick, but ethersVise -showed no sign a of
BiliOnszteSS Costivene,ss, iloa.d- fatigue, thougInhe hadbeen the saddle
ache, Sick Headache, I) at= for two hours, reviewed 23,000 iroops,
for Eating,Wind 021 tile S50.222OC.72,.. received deputations, and presided at a
Heartburn, .Pains in the Sidaend , State banquet during the day -not bad for
Back, Want of Appetite, Want 0.1 a man of 84, ,
Energy; Low Spirt, Foul Stom-
ach. it invigorates the Liver, car-
riog off all su.tplus,bile, regizlatcs'
the llamas, and gives torso to the
vr.hole system.
Cut this out and take it to yozzl
Druggist and ,ret a 10 cent Sample,
o.r large beta* for 7$ ca2lt0,-and
ULU qorzeata1&bor about it.. '
er ISOM BRAZita)
Dr. Wickeeham, of Ls,naster,Pi.,TJni ed
States Minister to Denmark, has reeigned
on account of poi:Yr-health. '
Tee genuine Colorado beetle has ueide
its appearance in Pioton and Colcheeter
comities. Nova Scotia, but so far no serious
. . . • " _
DiJurseiteeep•orted. •
ext.year teed. Charles I3eresford will
pr the command of
the mew screw corvette'Camada, in vehiohlt
is expected that Prince . George of Wales
will make his next voyage. • .
To Pane Lasat BoMen TOIMS.-If the
leak is near the head, lite and drive in a
short ferrule; if theteak is ill the body of
the tube where a 'band calmer.' be bolted
around it, take it out and put ia a .i.lecv tube::
ilieton,Eluedis;latest predictiond are -that
Traime, Italy and Spain are destined to be
the foremost representatives Of civilization;
that the Turks will be driven odd Europe,
arid that the twentieth century will see all
Afriea, eivilized•by meane of the Mediter-
ranean pewers, Ineltiding England, owing
to her possessions at' Gibraltar,' '
A. girl 15 years of ege named Matianne
Butcher lefe her home in Stirlingtwo weeks
ago and went 10 Belleville. She hasnot
been beard of since and her parents ate
endeavoriog to obtain intelligence of her. •
Homesare like harps, of which olio is
"finely,carved, and bright with gilding, but
ill -tuned, and, jarrieg the air with hit
discords, while another j old and plain
and worn, but from, its cords float straine
that are a feast of music. '
Tbe parties injured by the accident • on
the steamer Richelieu on Wednesday are
improving. The coroner hag taken no
evidence so far in the case. The blame is
generally given to the inspector who certi-
fied:the boat. .-The Government has taken
up the inquiry into the cause of the explo
Mr. Gladstone if; still guarded bytt special
police force, two of whom accompany him
in his walks through his grounds and else-
' where. Hitherto his bodyguard have been
provided simply with the °raillery baton,'
;Wit since hie recent arrival at Hawarden
the authorities have furnished the men
with revolvers andtwenty thundsof ammu-
nition each. -
Physician, burgeon, eta. Office anti resetence-
next Molson's Bank, market square, Clinton.
00 Ontario street,Clintoli,oppositAthe English
Church. Enhance by side gate. 4'5. '
University)Physiciati, Surgeon, Ace.;residence at
tirqllanuing's, three doors east of the 'temperance
Hall,Londesboro, Ont.
D0. BEEV:E.-OFIIC1J, .A-1.131.11Lr 2 1.illiT-L-
intniediately north of Dieltson's book 1010 Ibear.
dence, opposite the Temperance Ball, Enron Street
Clinton. office heuts from 6 a.m. to • \.
air ne. "WHITT, TEACHER orattete. PUPILS
12-1_ attended at their own'reeidence,ifnoceesary. Be-
sidence, .Isaac' street. Clinton; Rice's new method*
taught if desired. ."
CAL Department of VietoriaDniretsitS,,Toronto,for
merly_of the Hospitals and Dispenearieu, "New York
Coroner for the pounty of Huron,13ayfield, Ont.
R. wTo 0 InVtioLltAv eArrsSilyil.rnem' bIle.rBot't(iheECIltiegAelo‘fEPh0y7
vdoiansand1Snrge00s, Ont. OEFIGE & RESIDENCE the
h,OnsefornArl,y occupied by. Dr. Reeve, Albert street
Amaineheur,Licentis t e of the Collet*elPhysician-
n d SurgeOns of Lower Ciiiiada,cind ProvinciaiLicen,
tiatS and Coronort or the Conn ty of Hunon Oftleeand
raBittence,-The building f orator) gconpied by Mi'
Thwaites, Huron street.
Clinton, Jan>10, 1571. a
Pareia And Syria it 'takes' place in Apeil ;
in Asia Minor, Algeria, Maraca° and. parts.
o± Chime and japan in Mar, ind atter this -
in- California, Spitip, Portugal, Italy,
Oeeece,.S.litilY and some of the, seuthern
departments of ,Frarieea In .July it bogies
iu Fratice, Amaral), Hungary; 'Poland,'
'Russia and:: the Middle United States.
The terra of GOrinanY, Belgium, Denmark
and Holland comes, in August, and; oaf'
ScOtland, Northern „ea/eerie/I, Sweden and -
Northern RueSia in September.
During the trial of, a disputed settlement
at -Leith One cif the witeesees was. asked,
" Do sermons that are delivered and not
read 'edify you tbe most ?",: He eioited the
risability of tbe Court by replying,," I"cota.
Bider that ;if ministers cannot rernereber
their own sermon's, it is Perfectly unrea-
sonable to expect their hearere to, do so." '
Mr, Catelin, one of the most celebrated
Of Modern cooks and resta,urateurs,is dead.
He was ,the owner, among many other
establishments, of the great Cafe Cham
peau Place de la Bourse. His pavilion in
the last Universal Exhibition Wali un -
'rivalled for good cookery. He is said to
helve died from the smoker's cancer, and to,
have for thirty years smoked twenty giant'
cigars a, day, 'costing 'We -franc each,
making.a total expenditure of £8,000. '
A hundred men make an enettnipment ;
and one Woman makee a home. -Front the
A Louden burglar , carried. a raOr in hitt
pocket whenever • he went out at night to
commit a robbery, not to defend himself
with, but for suicide in case he was caagnt.
His pals lotead of 'this habit, but did not
believe that he would ever ose the razor.
They were niistaken. Being captured after
breaking Mai a licataa;.he promptly killed:
himself according fo promiee. •
-Bed haired girls may profitably read
the' fallowiag .deseription of one et their
own.kind : A girl , with red hair looked
very uice iu te myrtlegreen skirtaWith gray.
and gran checked Woollen stuff for over-
dress,. Her bonnet Was of ' dark red striae -la
the brim being covered With, white beaded
lace, falling over white wild roses. The •
strings Were of dark [red ribbon andrcnind
her throat was a whitegauze tie. It is
rather difficult for tagitl with . red bar 16
manage colors well, but this .1,viis a • decided
eoccess." '
His Holiness Pope 'Leo XIII. has been
pleaaed to nonferthe degree of D. D. or" fo.ur
Professors of the University, of Ottawa, viz •
R. R. J. B. BeAletad, J. J. :Fillittre, J.
Mangin, and p. Proc. The Rev. J. B.;Bal-
land, Lecturer on Applied Science's, is well
knoWn,throtighoat Canada, as a 'musician of
more than ordinary merit, one conipOsition.
of his being the lavotite andmoat appreci-
ated piece played at the band competition
in Montreal in 1878.... Rev. J. J. Tillatre,
Professot of Mental and.Moral Philosophy,
*the author Of it a IdistatY ef,P1Silosephy,"
and is aloo, as well as the Rev..J. B. Bala
land, a ; linguist:Of hig,11 standing. Revet
Mangin and Fioe are Prbfeseors of Theo-
logy in the College; Ottawa. ' • •
a Salim's)) BY 1 Luanem.--Leonatd Stewart
of. South Colchester,lwhile laboring under
a 'fit: of ansanitd last week, visited a
neighbor and stalstbed,. 'several • mem
bars of the family with. a -pithfork.
Conettable Grenvilleal who captured him,
was badly,cut out the ,head • with an axe by
Stewart in the strtiggle . between them.'
Stewart was sent to the Sandwich 'jail,
from Whencele-will Probably he Rent t,o the
asylum at London, • ' •
M. Krupp, the .orettt gtin, manufacthrer,
is in Parte. At the ekpodifion In 1861 he
exhibited his 'great °Amon. ',Marshal Niel,
the Minister �f War in France, rejeceed,it,
bat Yon Moltke adopted. it, •and Sedan
endorsed.the wiedom Of the one and ,the in
capacity of the otliera'
Education begins , the -gentleman, but
reapieg good company and reflection must •
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Luin6ago1,
Backache, Soreness of the Ches
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
nPa sin$;
Tooth' Ear and Headache, Froafed
Feet and Ear,nd all other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparation on earth eqUalti ST .YAeorti Orr.
• iis a safe, .8fire, eimple Int chegp, External
Remedy. A trial entails but the, comparaiiVely
,triffing dutlay.of 50 Ceuta., and eery ono suffer-
4ng with pain" bin' bait, cheap and positive proof
. Directions in Eleven Languages.
Baltimore.Md. U 8.1r
, Cdege of Denta
, hs opened rooms in
the 'Victoria Block Afilerttstreet; Clixiten, where he
will constantly be in attendance, and prepared to per-
form every operation connected with Den tist ry. Teeth,
eXtraoted.,or filled with gold, amalgam or other filling
materials -1 artificial teeth itClierted 'from one to a
III/ a•11
d•.,,:-.-a..APPla to C. RIDOUT CI' t
*realer ro 40axe,
Good Securities Purchased.
Clinton, Nov. 9, 1881.
Incorporated by Act of Parlianient,1855.
'CAPITAL, - 2.000,000. °
THomAs ORKIMA.N,;..... „President.
J. IL R. MGI,SON,. .
Notes discounted, Collections viadf, Drafts
*19 (66-1. Sterling and A mericctn exchangq
?)auglit and sold at lotocat
WATTS 4,0)0 , A gont4, teeinton
. .11sh Remedy An
Seminal Weak- -
and all diseases
' that follow as a
segnence of Self-
, , abuse; as loss of ,
Bqfeete Takingmemory,I.Intivef•
f sal LassiAkeredung,
Painin the Back,1Dinineass of Vision,, Premature/.
Old Age, anttmany other Diseaseraithat lead to
Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave,
eM", -Pull particulars in our pamphlet, which we
desire to send free by mail to every ,one.' The
Specific Medicinelis Sold by all druggistat $l pe
package, Or six packages for $5, or will oe sent
by mail on receipt of the money by addressing
- The Gray 'Medicine Co., ,
' . Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists
lneanada and the United State's.
_ ...
M LOUCII Mann er
Feb.17, 1881: - ' Clint
. , ,
• .
!IE.( E31 /, (1 7YJ
1141i1,4kcic, ONT.
Fa:rniers wishingto ink:un:e. Will find tills Com
16011- 11101 -11iC, 1,Ct trtit. to insure 111
1,01i ill Ca 01..11 ( d (11 at 111cif 1cnee if dli/orma-
e be I Int 10 the At cuts' <thee. ' 4y
Jas. Thompson, Town Agent G.T,11.
. R A.T.TEN131511Y. 'ST.,: .CLINTON. .
MPneYnd'valieed on Nfortgagfel Uncl Notes of hand
Drafts i Belied payable at par, at all the oftloes of the
Merchant's -Bank oft Canada. Nesv.Yor).Crebange '
'bought iced Bold. V1101110T ATTBNTION, 1' ID TO.COL..
LECTI0N61lirpllg11011f Cada hnd.the United States.
, rates and money
advanced to fariners on their own notes,loranylength,
time to suit the borrc4er. All marketable B0C1.11.1.
ties boughtancl,sold. . -
AtEiRCELizer'S'13Aiiit oFCANADA.
, ,
Strathroy. Clinton. . • Elora
E 0.0 M. B
,Watch, mid Clock Maker,
Would respeettullyannoUneeto-hisenatOnitire-and tee
public generally,that be has removed intohla former
Where be will keep on hand a select assortment of
Clocks, Watches, Jdwelkry, and -Silverwar
of all kinds.
which he will Sell at reasonable rates'. Itenairing
every description promptly attended to.
Ciinton,Doc.5, 1878.
Descriptions of Property,
0 ' C. RIDOUT, Clinton
'YOUNG' MFN If you want to learn Telegrauhy:!
itt a -few dainties, and be eertni1.
of a situation, address:Valentine Janesville