HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-10-05, Page 1MANNING & SCOTT Barristers, Sobeitors, •coal-vYANCERS. Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba,. OFFICE, ;BEAVER ' BLOCK, CLIN'XON. MISS FISHER , . . RS PREPARED' , 4o GIVE LESSONS IN COIL 1"-X1.11%.4 ri.raiGs. or partictilan4 apply at . the residence. of A. S. FISHER; Clinton. 7 MR. &iittis. BLACKSTONE, teachers.ef Vocal and Illstrulnental mind°, RattenbUry Street,near Or-, . • gan Factory. N. B -Singing Class .now forming, olin Lessons given. 1 Clinton, Feb. 10; 1882, MONEY TO LEND. Mi,m,y to lora at ar, ,per cent. Private funds. • SHAGER &brORTON, Barristers. Goderich. --MONEY r.r() LOAN. $40,000 PRIVATE FUNDS, to lend on Farm Property, at lowest interest. Apply tO C. A. HARTT, Solicitor, ..he. Clinton, Aug. 24, 1882. ' Perrin's' Block. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. rphar conveniently situated house on IffattenburY -IL Street, next to T. Stiinhuty's, containing 8 rooms. The lot is one-eighth of an aere,with a lane along, side ot it. Apply at the Naw ERA office. • - Li R. HUFFMAN, PIANO TUNER,' WINGIIAM, O. late of Belleville, will visit Clinton quarterly in August, November, February and May, for the pur- pose of tuning Pianos and Organs1and i•epairiog the same. Satisfaction given. 'Prices low. Communica- tions from the country attended to Promptly. 35-37 BONEY CAMPBELL CITY BARBER SHOP, - 'OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON. , oar esssayle,:shavine,shampaaeg, ac• , attended to Sone*: _Dories TRQUISE the above in trade, 'along oleLspades, shavels.and other steels • oliLzinc_and_olcLwittherS,_alLaLsame_a_ic from the cotton rigs and nther. woolen „take ell and iron, in trade. Good pasturage. at George'llehtly's • Clinton, July 12;1882. -1AVId. with papers, , _rag carpets, c,tAeparated, rags, 1 also upperlead • , MARTIN. REMOVA L. • TEOlos"-16411.570. PlgeOr° A4tat . ume. CLINTON, ONT., TER7118RAY, OCT. 5, 1882. I gttv AdrertigtmentO• WANTED, A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, by the mid dle of October. Good wages to.a good girl Apply to • MRS. RICHAFtD IRWIN. HARNESS FOR. SALE mioR SALE, a splendid double set of GoLD sl‘ollcluaNtrr batif,gtiNnESS, perfectly new. be ; W. COTTIER, RattenliVry Street. • .:TEA0IIER; WANTED: F?,1t,'Sili°1°Elefile'LlNo'oggeli0sa?DglorOnl. class.prefered: Apply, stating salary; to. . I'. COLE, Seey,Treas., Garfield, PURSE LOST, 1,1OMEWHEBE on the lOth COnCeeSiOn of God - t...7 rich Township, near the Huron Road; a lady's BROWN pURSE Containing a strum sum of tooDeY and a few* tickets.- The tinder will be •suitably rewarded on leaving the same at the office of the CANADA SALT ASSOCIATION, Clint011 AT ONCE, WANTED' TEN (10) COATMAKEHS and FIVE (5) and VEST MARERS. Highest wages will -b paid and permanent employmeatgutu,anteed.- a.daress, • 1). CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor. WINNIPEG MaIlitOba.`,. • Guelph 81,0lltario Iiiveslment Sociaty _ THIS COMPANY 'LOANS MONEY CIN GOOD SECKRITT, AT LOWEBT RITES. . r'HE undersigned have been appointed Soli- --1-eitors;-and-borrowersr-ean-have-niortRa ges-, drawn to suit themselves. • No delays.. Low charges • - - MANNING &.8JOTT. E 111ir K E EVER I- S ' DENTIST, CLINTON, ; Late of Toronto, Honor GrinlAinie Royal Col- lege of Rental Surgeon, liiis remoVed-to the - Coats Bleck, over W.TaylOr & Son% All -workfirst•class. Charges moderate. CANADA WEST LAND & AGENCY CO. ARTIES who have Farms, Mills or TOWn property 1 for sale can have the same advertitied in the pam- phlet pubil_shod monthly by the "Canada West Land dqkency Co" time oVeharge ; commission' eharged on ,uales. These pamphlets are circulated largely through Great Britian and Canada. The (Nee) of the Com- ' pany is 60 induee Old Country farmers and others to • -Nettle it Ontario. Parties wishing to purchase, please .all at any office and examine lists of . ;properties 'Icor sale. parties wishing to sell please. call and give. de- ecri pAsons of their proverty, terms,1&e. ' ' 31. rionou, Agent, JOHN METCALFE VETERINARY SU•RGEO, ' From the Royal 'Ool'ilege of VeterinarY,..Sureems of England, begs to wiform the inliabitantio!of lbondess boro, Clinton, Myth, and surrounding yicinaty, that he has commenced busihesS as above, and firepes; hy etrierattentiorrtirtrusinessTcumblitli. moderate - charges, to merit a share of- their .paitsonage., Cases undertaken willIbe treated on the'rnold'appraVed and modern principles, that Veterinary' acainice-excelsin at the present in England. Reildearee- sat Lan- „ iteshors,, and will attend Tetinanwts, Itovix's Horst,- litran, and SAVIRDAYN, Al ,QUFaia'8:,HOTEL, Citsrox. Telegraph siespitches nutemled atonce Loridesbore, Aug. 31, 1882. _ A. O. Uun'W. rye E Regular Meeting of Clitidon Alwient Order 01 United Worklowc,, will he 'held in their. monis FlaDAY, OCTOBER A Intl attendance is This ender disbursed, awsparg the 4itiows and Or- phans of the deceased, notrarliors,1Whe' surii. 40,fle illi.19111, Five, Illeardired..ttud - Thirty ThoicsandDollfirsdaring-the(tgoit year. ” Each -member Mauro/A:ter lavo, datinsandL dollars. thilyinine asseasinents.of one ..do(lar '.each,', Gins' ;far in VIC nine inonths of thie present:year: • " PRIT.MIN desirous of joitiiing the E.1rdor can learn, fuli. particulars froth sny.'of the or from . MR. 'WILLIAMS,. POLARTIN,, Exatnining ;',Seeretitry.. - . • St 'FOWLER BEAVER BLOCK, - CLINTON AGENTS WANTED board, and ,the committee had arranged Town Connell, The regular meeting of the COlinCil W$S, held on Monday evening. Members all present except Councillors Thompson and Moore. • • FINANCE C011IMIT'I'EE'S REPORT. • • • 6.7 The committee recommended payment of the following accounts :-D. B. Ken- nedy, unloading lumber, $3; Charity Com- mittee, $4.75 ; W. J. Paisley, lumber for sidewalks, $1.25; W. Steep, street water- ing, 12 days, $365 J. Ryder, brickwork at heater, $11:25 ; • W." J. Paisley, work at heater, $9.46; Cooper & McKenzie, lum- ber, $4.59; the comraittee:also recommend- ed that the collector's bondsmen be the same as last year, P. Cartelon, Sr., and F. 1 Rutriballa On motion of Coun. Jackson, sec. by Conn. Stevenson, the rept was adopted. , •• • Mi. Searle' called, attention to the ne- cessity -of making some amendments or additions to the town byslaws,-particularlY the general wellbeing of the town-. It was understood' that the by-law cainunittee with reference_ to,.matters Ala: lated to eet and makescime changes •. HEaritif comatirree.' , . Mr. Se,arle said the'eonaniittee had done all they could. to prevent' nuisances; by throWing lime in sorhe'of the drains but it was impossible; to prevent smells' aris- ing 'until there AtiRS ;Proper, system of drainage instituted. 'CITARITY COMMITTEE'S REPOR'r Twitchell said that in reference to j_eferreflaat ea them they had'aeen hisinephew, who agreed to contribute. 25 c_enta..a._ week . towardsaahis__ E..)ROLNnEs de SON IPuniisneirs: Mn. ANDREW 'WHITELY, formerly of ammo. .1 I 1 , laid up with typhoid fe"Vela but is now, re - 1111111011 Medical Associalioll i . this town but now of D t 't, n The liuron :Medical Association met at coveting. / the Commercial Hotel, on Monday, the . LITERARY SOCIE 2ticl inst., one day in advance of the usual - x.--A-meeting for the timie cb account of Drt aTt beini ary aud Scientific Society for the winter purpose of re-organi ing the Clinton Liter-- obliged to leave onAlle ardS' r catch the' will be held at the. r,00nis of H. Foster, steamer for EaroPe. There were present photographer, this (Thursday) evening; ' et BsDerrpusistsS:itsen:dv ascri toaa7lan dbBei iyEri iei nal lsr; fuorrrt, h ; Brucefiebl ; 8 o'clock shatp. All hdesire to obi OrahaM, should make it a pointwtoo be present. AlcDod,aVngs ham ; Hyndman, Exeter,' and Worthing- FALL IVIIE.A.T.-'-ft is feared -that unless teni Clinton. ' • this section is soon visited -with sofne rain, Several very interesting eases were pre- &large amount of fall wheat will:Suffer by sented for examination, one being general • the long -spell of dry, weather that hits - glandular enlargement of the -neck, on 'been experienced, end many are becoming, one, side of -which two or three glands _bad anxious at -their prospects, though the ina suppurated. General 'appearance pale jury might yet be overcome -this season. and -apparent loss .Of innsculgr power. -A case, of enlarged heart (9r hypertrophy) LIvE SToolt A'ssociatfox.--ThoSe•\vho - intend to enter stock for the saleto beheld vvas; examined, in Nvhich the first sound he the eete ot-oct. should send in was. lestby the regurgitation of the blood,. paigreas of thesame-to this office . and; tbe second sound very,nearly masked. , or sig- nify their intention at once, aS "the, eata- There \veg.:also-a case of cancer -which re- quired an immediate operation. • One of ovarian dropsy, also needing immediate attention, and one of incipient consump- tion. A well marked case -of rheumatid purpura was shown; and what created NORTH HURON 'TEACHERS' ASsociA._ miach interest was the exhibition of the TIoN.-The regular semi-annual meeting tubercle bacillus, or the .parasite which' of the North Huron Teachers' ASsociation, causes .consumption. An account, was will he held in the Central Shoot, Sea - given of a very peculiar Case'of catarrh of forth, on Thursdayand Friday, 'Oct. 19 & the bladder, which has existed for," 27 20 -.-----The folloWing is the programme: - years.; and hs been graduallrinereasing Thursday--Presid,ent's Address, Mr: R. in intensity., ' • , Henderson ; 1-listoty to fourth form Mr'. ' Alter', the'business of the association D. C. nominee; Eesay lilr; K. McKenzie; was eoricludeda_a_yety_ainterestingLeer - -QuIti-v.atiOn-ofalmemery--aHfr ath-Coneolly ; mony was proceeded witle whiCh-Vas•the Delegates' report, Mr. 'J., Fereusao_Le;', Elea_ -presentation-of a -valuable. gold-watch-tn" -injelitall'irithnIetIC, Mr: W. H. Stei6rt ;* Dr. jellies- Stewart, ,prior to his -leaving Grammaxato fourth form, Mr. J. Wallis; foaViennas; to -spend- thewiuter in -Adding 1Friday-Ietroductory Euclid, -Mr. A. Mc:. to his medical' and surgical knowledge. Kay ; Intermediate liter,ature, 1883, Mr. J. It vias accompanied by the following ad- Turnbull : Book-keeping; Mr. J. -Ferguson; dress a-. Compesition lair.' A. 1-1. MuSgrove ; Ob- logues are now being made up. Several of the most prominent breeders of' the county have entered stock, and the pros- pects for the sale are decidedly good. HEROES OF T'HE PLAINS. Embracing the lives and wonderful adventures of Wild Bill, Binfalo Bill, KiiCarson,LCapt. Payne, Capt. Jack, Texas Jack, California Joe, and other; celebrated Indi- an fighters, &coins, hunters .and guides. A true his- torical work of thrilling adventures on the plains; and •in western,progress and Fights with' In- dians. Grend buffalo hunts. Desperate Adventures. Narrow escapes. Wonderful shooting and riding. Wild life in the, far west. 100 illustrational--lb full-page colored plates. grind book for agents, outsells everything. 548 pages, price $2.00. Agent's complete outfit .50 cents. ' Outfit and copy $2.00, Write at once for agency,tor terms and illustrated circular to N. I). THOMPSON Sr CO. Publishers. N. W. cot'. 8th and Brest STOOK OF VIOLIN STRIN IN TOWN: FINE _PLATED- TRY 1:10.MINION R air es orer Egjptiao Ifedin's Cholera illecture, Dr. Troele's Worm, Syrup, BonziAion Coqe0, 'Balsam, Clark's Baby Syrey DerftiOn Foldtters, EraSive C'ompoultel ianperial Lever: . Agents 'for CROCKER'S PILE PILLD, CRO,ORKIR.'S STOMACH The Above preparations are all guaranteed.thoroughly. reliable and efficaeon, • NEWEST DES)IGNS IN JEWELLERY I Repairing done, 1Promptly. MHY :I A8-2. CAR PRIME WATE _WHITE WHOLESALE. R.M1 RAOEY; tatIN AND HARDWARE MERCHANT, , Sep, 1882 CLINTON YiAPSOOTT r.6 . 4-1a,nuaiicturers,' rip.; .L Bporttford: CANADA'S FAVORITE WEEKLY Western Advert' sei' for his board with Mr. 'Marlow, at therate of $3 a month, for the present In refer • - ence to Wm. Devine, he had returned to ••r•,;., .., 1-, , AJr.AB. Int: :A'EWART, -- Yeur professional jeCt lessons, .kr. McRae; Cube root Mr. brethren, both in and out of this association, T. S. _Reid. - , cannot hell' feelings of regret at your intended town after bink at Stratford for two weeks ,thought he Was: soinew,hat .better, and :it was left With the committee to make -some arrangements for his maintenance. -Eaf•PORT OF COMMITTE ON LAMPS. Ypur committee beg leave to report that they have looked into the matter of street lamps, and find that the cost of 121amps, all complete, will net exceed- $50. They asked for private tenders from the dealers in town, and .cart. get 12 ordinary tin lamps with glass sides for $20; and can also get cedar posts turned for About $1 each, making a total of $2, 'leaving the putting in, painting, &c., which in all will not exceed, $50. They Would therefofe recommend -that 12 lamps be got as above and placed on the streets, one each at the following places :--At-Cantelon's cOrner, near Alolsons Bank, at Combe's corner, at .the Model school house- at--Graila, Mac wbirter .& Co's corner', on James Street, somewhere near Kennedy's livery stable, at Kerr's corner, at-Beesley's corner, near- ly opposite Wilq is ehruchaeatner of ham_ and Mary -street, at Mounteastle's corner, corner of Rattenbeiry and' Orange streets, near Mr. Pay'sresidence. ; Asto the light- ing of said lamps, Mr. Paisley hae agreed to attend to that to the end of the present municipal 'y,Car.. The committee has ,not estimated -the cost Of it, but feel confident that the'expense will be so light that we have great pleasure in recommending the above for the 'consideration of the council. E, -Corbett, chairman. - -Ott -motion of deputy -reeve °doper, sec, ; !IoyCoun, Jackson, the report of the com- mittee 'wee ;adopted. • . a'Cotincil then adjourned:- • WEEKLY LIBERAL .,r_o•V LONDON,. - N.a'AilIO. , Altaportani Iteductioa Sa IFPrieeliahtnee Mt. .1882- Free-,Vainatae Pretnieim for the • The Priiie of the Wi,Ursau ADVERTIE;ER & 9retALly'! LIBERAL heibeen redirced te tor 1883' (bala'n, . of 1882 free to new subscribers.) Eight immense pag sixty-four : columns.. Tbe latest news, valuable • De- parts;`; -of 'interest te.eal-canntinueil And Complete. stories, Mimic, piettares Sin. For ten cents extra ot copy of 450 pages,,emittled liBNE AND Ibiatni,"4.111 be mailed; in strong tag .cnverri, or, for 15 cents, will be sent i11. heavy beard cover.. 'C'ontains informatian, hints'ind receipts awi 2,000 -subject& hitherto tinpub-L. tithed. The latestoand best. EveryOne, Will want this' pOpular and useful swerk.' Illy renewing at once, pre- sent stibScribers cm secure " HOME AND HEALTH," .on above-mentioned T.EXIIIK•,..Without delay. Agents Want- ed everywhere,. 'Forty special priZDK. SCIld post'card 'for 'particulars. .011res . CAMERON ,St CO., Ailve4iser office London aid For. Sale,: Ak Sh:LF-DU3'PA141. SORAI'EK; cheap. Ilgfeethce • .0NO. •,P.• -MARTIN 'at the Foundry,. Chilton, Ang.'17., 11382., . LOT FOR SALE. nil it subscriber offers for 'sale that'eligibly-situteed '1 Lot on the south -sand cOtner of.Huron and'Erie streets; contaleolhag about one-third of an acre. 'For, terinsapply to Z. 11. 0011111W, or ' . • L . E. S: HOLMES, Blyilk, Sept. 14;1882. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE., • , T1113 SUBSCRIBE.% wlierting hi move west, °Mos for Sale his property on Erie Street, Clinton, uonsisting,' of Lot No. 090•;.on which hi erected agood . franfemhZdise. stable, 4c.,:hard and soft water :the premises. The iot is one•quarter acre, well situated, lad will be sold on very reasonable ternik. C.linton, Sept. 14, 1882. VOTER'S LIST' COURT. • HAYFIELD WIILLAGE. NOTICE is hereby givenitikat a court will he hold, pursuant th the Votcrir tiot ACt, by His Honor JoOge Toms,.of the County Ontirt, County. -of Huron, (112315 TOWII iltoll,Hayfield, set the,19th day el% Hetober,1882, at the hour of two o'clotk porn,, to 1 hem- and determine ,the senora complaints of errors and omissions in the Vuterg' Lisi of the Municipality ef Llayfield, for 1882, All persona having business ,at the Court are reqinced th attend, at the same time and plane.' H..IIUNTER, • ' Olerk of Municipality. BeTrield, September 20, 1882. , . ' MACHINERY AND MILL .0011, SALE. ratite DllbstribOr offers for ertile.00 the most Advanta goens terns,. the machinery ziad-,hoilding at pre- ecid heed as the Clinten Planing Min; which embraces a 35 horse -power boiler and 14 horse -power engine, , a , large planer, moulder, tenneting maichine, power mor- tiscr, shaper, blind slat machine', all iufiiwt8lilss order. The establishment is it stands will be sold .at about half its original 'cost, and it.1 a, decided' tetgaie, and has -beret() done a 'large business. Only reason for selling is that the proprietor dries not wish to remain Inisintic • ' The machinery will pe sou separate it dm:sired : - STEVENS, Clinton, Sept.. -.28, 18.82. : Clinton, departure rozn emote; Ala at id possible Oat notall; or any of us, inay Meet von again, and ' we desire, before you leave, to express in scone degree our appreciation of your unvary- ing courtesy and-hiudnOss-Of your enthusiasm in and devotioutomedical and surgical science ' -ami of your entire ainseurshuess and willing-. ness;to-render all the aid in -Your power to the members of the profession. Mainly through. your efforts this association his risen froni a dormant state to be a, succeesful and.- well kuown mstitutionwithin and even beyond the, boundaries of , Ontario. Our desire is that our meniories may be stored away in your heart, so that you can ;occasionally commune -with us in your ahaence.. In tbe name or and by the wish of your professional co-workers, we beg- to pre- sent' to yen this Memento as an; indication of ' ourregard. We :wishyon a happy d' and pros- perous journey, -anentire Suci cess n the line of study you Intend to pursue, and more than all We -wish you safe return that'we may again On behalf of•the profession', • John Hyndman. W. Sloan, , , R. W, Hurl burt, Ww. Graliani,_, W. L. Varne, • S 80014, • P. McDonald, . J. Campbell, 0. /.1. j: li, Dapcan, growing up are pretty hard Seenips,.an'cl. wortbiugton. ' that it.wmild be Well, in future to make . , , ' To which the doctor made a very,' Liapp_y; • birch morepleantY-,_.._ -Lreplys-J/eLSairl. he was quite- taken ; by ; surprise at the Idea that his,pr.ofessional .noLmEsiriLLIE. brethren should make hina anything' like A .NNIVERSARY SERVICES. -Of all the a presentation, before going to the eonti- Social gatherings we have had the plea-. ;nent of Europe. , He felt very gratehil for' sure ofattending, that of Hohnesville, on the; expressions of kindneea And regard Monday night, stands at the head of the contained ie the address, it was always list. Talk, of; a "SuitiPtuons•_spread and pleaeute to him to meet his ..medical the cup. that cheers hut' not ,inebriates," friends at ,the quarterly' meetings of the such -may do for the common social. but-, association, and he thought he had him- here we had such a tea as ,We shopld,rea self. derived asmuch benefit from these ceive at the best table in; the , beat -and meetin-ge,asIbe, other members, and hoped wealthiest of our hoines. When we: saY, the rneetings•'. would be continued. 'He there Was .a...erewd, we "do not "say so to thanked them; _very kindly .for the senti- underrate the 'vast numbers Who almost Talents expressed in -the addiess, and for 'cleared, the tab.tes, and More than filled . the . valuable 'present • made"' him: AS he the large and. commodieue church. There would have- to look at it Many times in were ministers, in . abundance, indeed, a the day, he wee:Id-ever keep his friends in larger number than -we -ever remember mind, which 'Was- to him a very great Seeing on a siinilar platformaRevs. John pleasure. ; • • . Wakefield; of Goderieha Alfred Andrews, Dr. Graham, of Brussels, was'elected-Kineardine •7 ''Wm. McDonagh and. Mr. secretary -treasurer;: in the place of Dr.; •Blatchford, Clinton; Johifigills, Seafortb; SteWart. ' • ; • ;Alfred E. Smith Manchester, and L. 0. , Rice, Dungannon. In the aaidience might RIFLE MATCH. -The annual meeting have been seen the lawyer, doctor; farmer, of the .Western Rifle Association was in- grocer, .teacher; photographer, tailor, in augnrated-at London on Tuesday, and short all kinds and sizes, and all enjoying; among - those from this section ' who took theinselve.s. 'apparently- to their , heart's prizes were.Capt. Willson, Sergt. Wilson, ,content, We said the tea was good,. so-. -Wilson, all of 88i 'Young, 33d‘Battation ; apd amount Of forethought and preparation, Sergt. Munro, -Lieut, and Private say we of -the speeches; ; they displayed an „Robson, of the Hilton Rifle Association. erudition ' and eloquence not often met with on - such an ' occasion. A: most no-, tiCeable -feature ,of, the proceedings was the singing by the Revs. A. E. Smith and A. Andrews, the latter's 'rendering of the .tnetapdninei.iigexceptjonalIy; good, also: that of Dr. Williams, of Qin- ton, Whose ' singing is 'always' accept- able.' ' 'The ,Rev. A. Edwards,-siiper intendent of the circuit, and the- trustees 'limy Well feel proud at the resell of tbeir efforts to clearoff' the debt,. the receipts being in eiceeSs by $32.50 of the $132 re- quired. This,. • the . most successful of all theit tea, meetings, Whe brought to a close by Rev. John Wakefield pronounc- ing the. benediction. A brief but enjoy- able;afterpiece was held io, the basement of the church; when Is 'number of Clinton- ;ite's were the . recipients of the handsome bouquets which adorned the tables. You maydependtheya(tlag_aClirttonites) did justiento the bread and 'hitter, and felt fully; the lavish kindnesi -bestowed on them. -Cos., • • - • • COLBORNE. PERaoarae.--Itit, and Mrs. Leif -Snyder, ofWaterloo, are on d -visit to friends here. Mrs. Ashton, oftWhitby, and Mrs. Faegan, of Michigan, ate' also in the tow/mid/a.' , • A large number went from here to the fair at London; most of them voted it a failure. • - -e---Quatterly Meeting will be held in Zion B.0. -church, on Sunday, October 8, at 10 a.m. Service will also be held at 6.30 p. m. Meeting of quarterly board on Mon- dayr9th Oet., at lap,na, A full attendance is requested. .• , • ' Apple buyeri have hargainedlor nearly all the 'apples ,ebtainable 'here; thepriee paid is a fairly remunerative one., • WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE SAYING. - That a good fall of rain would be very ac- ceptable. That the Concil dicl wisely in deciding to erect street lamps. That eyen a bov over the grating of the Victoria St. drain does not alwalis prevent the aroma rising. That more cattle are shipped Clinton buyers than any others in the county: That much of the sueeelie of the Western Fair is due to the klitronage re- ceived from 1-luron That cuoice fruit is a very scarce article. ' That a certain male resident who has very little "business" to do, should be shipped out of town. That Clinton merchants carry exceptionally fine stocks and sell unusually cheap. That very little change will be made in the council board next January. That the collector_of_taxes-is-the-last-person-theye want to see. That a few of the youths 'High School Board of Trustees. A special meeting of the High School Boajr/1 washeld in the council cha,mbee Ori Sat rday -evening. Present, the chairman and Messrs. Irwin, Robson, Dowsley and Jackson. The minutes of the previous meetingevere read and adopted. Moved by R. Irwin, sec. by N. Robson that the following accounts be paid, viz: It. M. Racey, coal, &c., $35.64. Mr. G. Duff, examination, $19.34; and that the accounts of E. ROutledge and Geo. Potts be referred to next meeting. -Carried. Moved by Dr. Dowsley, sec. by Mr. Jackson, that four teachers be employed infeadcsfthieefor the High School for 1883.--Oarried. Moved by Mr. Irwin sec. by 111r. Riab- _ _ a1difjthaf-David -Robb be re-engaged for I-883, at a salary iof $800 per annum, as second assistant. -Carried. Moved by 1.)r. Dowsley, See. by Mr. Jackson, that -Mr. W. R Lough be engag- • LOCAL PERSONALS. ; Mits. Buowle, of Barba is the guest of Mrs. W. McDonagh. MRS, IIIFFE, Of Ottawa, mother ofMrs. Hugh Scott, it here OD a visit. MRS. E. DOHERTY, who has been visits ing here for some time, has returned to bet ltorne at Galt. " MIS'S LIZZIE REID • has returned, from JainestownDakota, and purposes remain- ing here for the present. 11,1"om-g 1 ICHAnD LANE, dirmetay of Clin- ton, is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, for Dodgevill.e, Wisconsin. ' MR.GEo. MoTAGoAltr, leaves next week for MOntreal, where betakes a responsible position in the IVIolsons bank. . Mit. Jo. PROCTOR, Of Goderich - town- shipaleft here on Tuesday, on a trial to Iowa, where he purposes purchasing land. Rey. Jas. Canarrceat.Ei was accorded aevgerna,innd81.receptihn by the congregation, on his arrival at Montreal last Thursday Mit. E. T. lotares late a teilchen in East Wawanosh, left on Friday for Toron- to, Where be attends Trinity Medical' College.' • Among some of those who took in the, Chicago excursion on Tuesday were Messrs. Alex. 'Taylor, C. J. Stevqnson, John Mason Mrs. J Ross and P. Laren. • Alit. Wm. Smith leaves this week for Philadelphia and other eastern cities, where he purposes taking lessons in cut- ting, in connection with the tailoring business He expects to be gone several months. Mr. John Joshn. of tills town, who has been working on his farrh 40 utiles west of Brandon, duripg the summer, seeins to be well satisfied with the country, and is "adding to his possessions," by procuring. more land. • • AlEssas. W. J. Paisley, J. Twitche11,1V. More, Jacob Miller, W. and J. Tiplady, J. Cornish and - 'several others, left on Tuesday morning for Michigan, where -t-hey-purpose speauliting in some of the burnt lands in that State, a • 'Alia. J. PINNING,who has been working ia. Manitoba all summer, has returned home. While he reports things' as being in a very prosperous condition in Winni- peg, he expresses the opinion that a ma- jority of Huronites there would much rather live here than there if all things were equal. Mae W. J. Rattsay, of Mariposa, who has eanted Mr. T. NIureli's farm near nolmesville, arrived on Tuesday with a car of effects, and will at once move to his place. Mr. Aaron Huller, of the same tewns hip, who hough t the Thompson farm, on the 'Huron road. arrived at the same time. His son and daughter have been looking after the farm since its purchase. Mit.W. CaNamapar,. sr., of Cliritonacan lay claim to beinki4rie of the eldest set- _ tiersin this neighborhood. • Over 50 years ago; when on his way to Goderich town- ship, he passed thr'oug,:h alithere was of Clinton then, which consisted of two log huts as plain and unpretentious as they could be....Litt1 did he anticipate then • that the • most flourishMe town in the TeOHTity--W0H4(1-0te1lprtirp-plice-e—e-1hoie two fluts,l)ut such has proved to be the case. 1‘111. JOIN Boi.Es, of the firm Of Cor- bett & writin from Crookston, --alinn„ where he is at, present stopping,-- • - says :-"A person here would not know there was such a place in the world as Manitoba, for its merits are never dtscuss- ed. I met five parties from Kippen, who have settled within 10 niiles of Regina, . the new capital of the north-west, and • they haye named it Stanley, as they were the first settlers in the township. • My health is ft little better here, and I like the climate, whiell'is about the same as in ,Ontario,,but cold sets in a little earlier." NEEDED IMPROYEMENTS.-'We notice that the Property Committee of which Mr. Searle is chairman are trying to make things orderly around the town ball. -They-have-been-moving-the hotait heater,- sit did not work and- was very little use for heating purposes as it Ives and are havingAapa,ved_water_table-on the north • side of the building, where it was badly required The committee are evidently ed as third assistant for 188:3, at a salarY determined to keep things right ' around of1$650 per annum. --Carried. the market square, if possible, and if 'tier - Moved by Mr. Jackson, see. by Dr, enants would keep the paper and sweep- Dowsley, that Mr. J. Turnbull be re -en- lugs from their stores off the street it gaged -at a salary of $1,200 per annuta.- Carried. would Idok better. • Moved by Mr. .Jackso», sec. by Dr, HIGH SCHOOL MATTERS. -Reference to DOWsley, that the secretary be instructed the published minutes of the High School to advertise for a firat assistantteacher for board meeting in this isSue will show. that 1883, salary $950, and to confer with Mr. the trustees are going to try and work the Turnbull as to the branchee to be taught, school next year with an increased -staff, applications to be received to -the -20th of 'four, teachers instead of three. ---Under the Oct. and duties to commence on the let of new regulations, this will be a financial January, 1883. -Carried. • gain to the sclaool, if it proves successful, The board then adjourned. and we see no reason why it should not, . and will eventually lessen the amount to TOWN CHURCH_CHIMES. be Paid out of -the -town -funds. We are -• glad' to see that the board have re-engaged quiarterly services of the B. C. Chnreh Mr. Turnbull, as it effectually and satis- will be held on the 15th inst. factorily disposesof the charges made • On Sunday morning next Mr. MeDon- against him a short time ago, and, also, as fighwilLpreach on "The hindrancesto we do not believe they could have done a the spread of the Gospel,". and in the better, We do not wish to enter upon evening he will deliver g Harvest -Home allY discussion on the subject, as we-td-dk- sermon- • •' no part in the last; but our own opinion is t A, traveller who lately had occasion tohat very much of the success of Clinton High School was (hie to Mr. Turnbull's remain in town a couple of SundaYs, management, aided, of course, by that of assistantsand we have reaso made a tour of the churches and after-. some of his „ n wards expressed the opinion 'that the at to hopethat under his continued manage- tendanee was larger than he found menp the school will make even greater moist places, while the singing wae ahead progress than ever. If there were any of anything he he41:14, otuotside. of Torontd. • grounds for complaint in the past, we feel LIST FOR a confident that 'every effort Will be made to OP FALL SHOWS 1Styz. _ avoid any in the future, and we hope Stanley, at Bayficid, Oct. 10 and 11. every one interested, and that includes Morris Branch, Blyth, Oet. 12 and 13. Grey Branch, Brussels, Odt 5 andG. , every citizen, will exert themselves in fur - East *awanosh, Be)gtave, oct, as. - ' ;therilig theintereets of this institution. 25 CENTS. TE NkIV „MIA will'13e sent to atil4 address, till the 1st of January, 1883, forothe abo-re Ma paid la advanCe. MR. JOHN fiODGENS, who had been progressing very favorably and was able to drive out, up to a, few days sinoe, we regret to say caught a slight eold whih brought on a relapse, attended by his for- mer ailments, and he him been confined to his bed for severiil 'days, being exceedingly weak by the waste on his system, but he is making as good progress as the circum- stances of the case will permit, combined with the very best 'of treatment, medical and otherwise. • VVe expect to see hini up " again before long, as th.e strain on his sys-- tem is well-nigh checked, andarre sure his, many friends Join with us in the wish that his long and painful illness will speedily terminate by his complete re,storatieu to health. BIA/TIC. Seen -alien t was administered in the Epis- copal church on Sabbath last. Rev • t bo dis.t P r ehTayloronwill in attic ho ititaah„e_ neixet, Appeals against the assessment roll are to be heard next Tuesday, 10th inst., in the Watson Hall. It is said positively that Mr. Tanner, the banker, will bring the good lady with him on his return. The council determined upon•obtaining a fire engine, the reeve giving the casting vote, and they are digging it plaCe for another water tank. There was a trial -on -Monday, before , Squires Wilson and rummond, for steal- ing wild grapes. No fine, but the costs amounted to several dollars, • Last Sabbath was communion day with the Presbyterians; Rev. Mr. Turnbull,, of Goderich, preached in the evening, and oh Monday morning at 10:30. The,abutments of the bridge are done, and the road_ a,pproaching it is being straightened and filled up, and the bridge will, perhaps, be erected this week. The funeral of the late Jgrnes Barr, who died on Saturday morning, after a short illness, took place on Monday. A large number of ,relatives and friends followed his rerriains to the cemetery. - On Menday_hight as Mrs. Gillespie a kid • Widow Hefferin were returning to the village, after bunting for the cows, Hig- ginson, a notorious scoundrel, attacked She former, and Mrs. H. threw a stone at him, hitting him; be then turned on her; and Mrs. G. run ; Mrs. H. held her own pretty good; he screamed and he tried to hold her mouth. A man came along, Bald then he `cleared, after bruising her fear: fully: She lies in -a critical CondTt,iOn. The trial of the villian was to come off on Wednesday before Reeve Kelly and Squire Drummond. Constable- Davies watched the lockup all night,