The New Era, 1882-09-28, Page 10.CLINTON NEW EUA. THURSDAY, SEP. 28, 1882. gown 'tofric . MESSRS. H. Snell & Son carried of six- teen prizes for sheep alone, at the Gude- rich fair. / THE ELEVATOR STOREHOUSE is. the Ir name by which Mr. R. Irwin's mammoth grain warehouse is now to be known. FARM RENTED.—Mr. Henry Carter, of this town, has rented Mr. Ben. Switzer's iarm of 80 acres, on the 10th con. of Gode- rich township. for a term of nine years. The rental of $250 a year is a .very cheap' figure.. Mr. Carter takes possession at once. Miis.C. W. Ross; of Whiten oath, Mani- toba, has much pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of fifty • volumes from the Willis Church Sabbath school, for the use of the Whitemouth Union Sabbath school. She alto begs to acknowledge, with many thanks, the receipt of a large number S.S. papers from Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. McLeod. STREET LAMPS.—The Committee to whom this matter wa eferred have_de-' cided to erect -about twelve street lamps, to be placed at what may be considered the most convenient points in the central ' portions of the town. They have estimat- t) ed their cost and find it will, not- be, so' great as at first anticipated, and will :pre-. sent a report at the next meeting of Coun- cil recommendinrtheir erection at places to be named in the report. A MARRIAGE ASSOCIATION.—lt is said that the unmarried .young men of town intend to form an association that shall be calculated to promote marriage. The principle upon which it is to be worked is that Oa the marriage of one of the members, ail- the others; contribute from $1 to $5, as'may be decided upon, • to go towards housekeeping. They should hurry- and get the association formed, or it will be of no benefit to several of our young men whom Dame Rumor says are -shortly_ to "double up.". HURON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. -The. next regular meeting of the Huron Medi- cal Association, will be held in. Clinton,on Monday, October 2nd, • at one .p. m. - Dr. Graham, of Brussels,- will show specimens of the Tubercle Bacillus. Drs. Stewart & flurlburt will show (1) a case of enlarged glands: (2) A well marked case of Pelio- sis Rheumatica. Dr.Mackid,of Lucknow will exhibit some specimens' of diseased bone. Dr. Worthington, of Clinton, will give an account of a peculiar case of ca- tarrh of the bladder, FINE MONUMENT. -In tile yard of Mr. W. H. Cooper's marble works stands a very beautiful monument about ten, -feet High, which is intended to mark the rest- ing place of Mr. James Sheppard's late, wife. It is of Ottawa valley granite, high- ly polished, ighlypolished, and well finished; theletter- ing being exceptionallyivellidone. Mr. Cooper also has an order for a still more elaborate monument, which -is to be made for a well-known and a well-to-do resident of this place, who bids fair to live for a number of years yet,' although the mon- ument is to be erected this fall.; U. C. BIBLE SOCIETY.—From the ';an- nual report of this Society, for the year ending March last, we find the Clinton Branch is in a healthy" and flourishing condition. The amount colleeted here for the -Society was as follows :—At •public meeting, $3.67; by 'Misses Burchell and Gibbings, $10.25 ; ' Misses Ruinball and Washington, $12.75; Misses. Oliver: and Reeve, $17.01;' Misses Hine and Worth- ington, $13.42 ; - total,: $60.10 while $38 was collected_ in the country,' making a total amount of over $98 collected in this neighborhood. The total amount collect- ed in Goderich was only $17.16' MILLINERY. OPENING. -Messrs Crain, Mlacwhirter & ` Co announce their.: fall opening of Millinery' Goods for, the 7th;`of October, These special openings have be -- come a feature of business that people an- xiously look for, and as this firm always Make a superb display,' we may safely pre- sume that their exhibit this 'season mill be •equal to that of any 'previous one, and: well worthy of inspection.. Mr. John Hodgens also announces the opening of his show room for Saturday next , and . it goes without<sayingthat the display; «ill be a credit to the establishment and:one difficult to excel.. •• THE VOLUNTEERS.—On Saturday last. the volunteers returned from their annu- al drill at London. On arrivalof: the special was atClinton, Goderich Coin • pany was escorted, to the Grand Trunk station by the Brussels,band. and Clinton Company. The men were bronzed in app-. pearance, but none the worse ;apparently for their exposure. After the departure of Goderich Company, Clinton's compliment of men marched to the: driil shed where the mueli=appreciated 'ceremony of paying them oft was performed, by ' Capt..Mac- whirter and Lieut.' Ransford; when tike .nen; gave up their arms and dispersed. • PRIZE FARMS.—That Iiurou is "the garden of Canada" has been asserted time and time again, and experience sustains' the assertion. The committee of the Pro- vincial Fair association•offered a number of prizes for the best kept farms, and 'Huron has the honor of taking the .lead, among the many competors from the dif- ferent sections. of Ontario. The highest prize, a gold medal, was awarded Mr..Ias. Dickson, of Tuckersmith, Mr. John • Var- coe, of Colborne, getting 'a_bronze-medal. These gentlemaiiare to be congratulated on their success, and we hope that, on a fu- ture occasion, there will be more entries from this county, feeling convinced, that if there were, there would bemore prizes - . -fall tothe-16tthe-cotinty . - ECIInNiCS' INSTI'TUTE. — A special m ting., of the directors of the Mechanics' Institute was held on Monday evening to consider the propriety of purchasing Ap- pleton's American Encyclopredia for the Library; while the immense Value of the work was conceded, it was deemed inad- visable to expend so much money on a single work as would be necessary for its purchase. The book cornmitteeil-ofthe Institute have made a large selection of new works, Which, are to be purchased at once, and the possession,of which will add to the attractiveness of the Institute. Strenuous efforts arebeing made by the directors to4ilace the Institute in as flour- - ,ishing a condition as it was before being burnt out, and the public should give y ppo• their cordial � s r ort to"the laudable of forts of the directors: Goon PRICE. -At the 'Seaforth Show last Friday, Mr. John McMillan, M. P., sold a sucking foal for the handsome sum of $195. Tbat's the kind of stock to raise. LAST week Mr.Jas. Hearn, of this town; bought a pair of two -s -year old steers of Mr. Benjamin Hunter, of •the 8th con. of Hu$130llett. ; at the unusually large figure of - Goon LoAn.—, On Tuesday Mr. Baer, of Colborne, drove his team up the hill from. onl..tli selakk•: side of the river, near Holmesville, with 24 barrels' of apples, or a load of over 4000 lbs. Considering that so little las been spent on the road, this is a big' load. ABoutr TO LEAVE. -We are sorry to learn that Mr. L. P. Davis, " who has for some time past occupied a leading posi- tion in the organ factory of W. Doherty & Co , leaves next week. He intends to go into the organ business with others at London.. "L. P." is -a " hail-fellow-we1T met" ,a good vocalist, and though quiet and unobtrusive in . his dispositon, has made many friends here who will be sorry, at his removal. However, we wish :him abundant prosperity and recommend him to the " merciful consideration" of the Londoners__ CHARGE of EMBEZZLEMENT. --011 Tues- day;laseMr. J.T. Marsh, of this place, was arrested by Constable Gill, of Exeter, -on a charge of embezzlement, preferred' y Taggart & Cochrane, of St. Thomas. I is examination will come off at Exeter, on Saturday, but it is •more than probable that the case will be dismised, as he was examined before ,Mayor Forrester , on a similar !charge, 'and honorably acquitted. The charge of the St. Thomas company is that he has used funds derived from the sale of machines, that should have been turned over to them, and Mr. Marsh's de- fence is that the company is largely in- debted to n-debted_to him for his services, and as they did not advance ;him the necessary funds for his expenses when in .their employ, he was justified in using some of the money, and giving the company . credit for it. These are the facts of the case as far as we 751-11earn, and it is supposed the -Object -in taking the case to Exeter, is the 'errone- ous supposition of the company •;hat jus- tice wasi not done them here. BRIEFS;—A delightful and much need- ed rain on Thursday night. On Saturday Messrs E. Watson & R. Fitzsimons ship- ped from Blyth two carload of cattle and two of sheep, • representing about $4,000 worth of stock ; they were for. the English market; ;;ithis 'firm has bought a lot -of cat- tle during the year, making regular week- ly shipments ; in three days' drive, Mr.; Fitzsimons bought up 2Q0 lambs " Re- gular meeting of the town council next Monday. During the fair week the NEW ERA used fully 125 lbs. of paper for job printing alone. An English gentleman, who visited the Model school last week, was particularly pleased at the readiness with which the pupils answered questions in English history, and stated that in this branch of study the Canadiansknow more than their English cousins. A greatmany of our townspeople are attending the Western air, at London, this week. If the pages of the Clinton NEW ERA be a criterion, . Clinton merchants know the benefits of advertising.—Exeter Reflector. By. the .publishedlist of convictors for the three months ending 12th inst., we see there was not a single conviction in that time by! 'Clinton magistrates. A. stone. foundation' is being placed beneath: Fair's •mi11 ;-aLas:a very large. building_ to. ,raise. Mr. f'z. i0udrnore went to Montreal ,on Fridaywith tworcar loads. of ,cattle;'.lie and Mr. N. Matheson have shipped to that city -an average of two car loads'a week during the season. ? According. to "the re- port of the Bureau of Industries for.On- ntario, Huron raises more fall wheat than any, other` county, in the Province,. the. amount estimated this' year; being nearly three -million bushels.; ` Middlesex ranks second. !An Exeter paper . mentions the fact tha'rof.• Holmes recently called on them ; i wish they would just: remind the'Professor, (Prof. in more ways` than one) that! he owes the NEw Eu.A an ,ac count for, printing—as he: has. evidently' forgot i.all about the matter now: The Oddfellows'picnic Which • was to have been held at Goderich on' Friday having fallen' through, members of .Clinton' lodge -did not go up as they; 'had intended. On a dahlia plant.in the garden ..of Mr. Searle '.may be seen f lly one hundred flowers and buds.' •Messrs. Thompson & Switzer and D. Cantelon are now shipping appley'east, three-. car. loads' going last - week, and several, this. Mr.W.H.Cooper , of this place, has an'order .fora headstone -to-be placed-in-the•L-ondon.eenetery, and - two stone fencings, for the sameplace,•, The"Goderich youth ,who drove ,through town on Sunday in a covered buggy, and gallopped his liorseat its best speed,should have been' summoned before the; mayors and doubtless would'lia re -,been, had the Chief of Policegoth.is eye ori-him---About- 37,425 lbs'., of maple sugar 'Were e made'. in Huron this year, so says :a report:" ° of the Bureau of Industries. Why' is it that boys, in ,climbingafter- nuts, are -allowed. to= break large:branches.'.off .trees •in, town,?'` there are •several places .where it hasbeen. done, a.nd';a little punishment would have asalutator'y effect. Mr D.,13ickbison has sold his bay'drivingho.se'toJ. Rennicks,. for the'sum , of, $180., :Master E. Holmes jr., lea es :this. morning for London, going by bicycle. Boney Campbell has a hand- some new chair iii his barbershop. Messrs; McTa girt & Co will this -season dis pose of'over'four hundred fanning mills,' which ispalarger number :than Usual. The Conservatives have taken a room over Cantelon'S grocery, .Where their meetings. will be held. in future John Cowan Was, up. before the Mayor on Tuesday, ; on the old 'charge,' drunk 'and disorderly, and fined_,4L ran cl costs:: Slight frosts -have- been experienced here• lately. Chet up about b a rn and 'ace the comet in the eastern sky. A 'number of persons are attendinglI the evening• classes of the Mc ehanica Institute. i1Ir, Josiah Rands, of Hullett, moves into the property h'e -has purchased in town;' next week. There are a few holes in different, parts, of the side walks that should be repaired ; a broken limb might pest the coiincil much mtire to repair than the Wal k.Complaints leave been made to its that whoever orders the water ing of the streets might have more judg- ment; it is Said that on thed��y ofthe fair,! when the dust was very bad ' no attenpt- was made to`layit,but on other occasions, when it WAS not absolutely necessary to' Have the streets watered, the . cart was at work 'who is to blame? A match will take place here. in a -few clays, under the auspices Of the 1iuron Rifle AsSoCiation.' ail and Winter P,robabl the Lar est an Y g d: most co;m ylete :stook of Underclothin. is a MERINO. SCOTCH LAMB'S WOOL CASHMERE. ALL. WOOL.. ARCTIC: UNION. SIZES RUN FROM 34 TO 44 INCHES. oy's Underclothing, in all sizes alto mo tita4 Hatted-, Clinton. • : - TSE WORD D -A TIT'S WEE.x WO ' are • showing one of the - best selected stacks in the Counter •7 gee our.- reS Goo 1lepartrnent complete. SHAWLS WOOL G0 D _ 0 $TLE This Department in full blast.. r a wee s nne ets, Made to order, with every guar- antee uar-antee_ of a- perfect fit. The Dry. Goods' Emporium,'. Clinton." sur Great dust arrived and will be� sold at an average O lesst.. han pend for a catala CITY OO K STO R CRAT13,.. 11IACW.IURT.PE1I J CO'S `OLD STAND. TON. re selling "Zt e ilia ver body shouts have a pair. T= -I —000- S. JACKSON re 1\TOTMID Victoria Block (�1',inton.