HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-09-28, Page 7PROE'ERTI,ES FOR SALE. House and Lot for Sale. 9111E uudersigmed offers that fine'. ,Cotiveniently situated and well-built two storey BRICK HOUSE , on Joseph Street, Just south of the Foundry, for sale. It is wbil furnished with all conveniences, and has good 10t.in connection. Will be sold very cheap and ou tasy terms of payment. Apply on'the premises to 3, MORSE. Clinton Aug 10. 1885. House and Lot for Sale.' THE subscribee,offers that eligibly sittmted house and lot On James street, near the G. B. station, for sale. The house is frame ,containing, five rooths, with wood shed, and stable. Good well apd cistern, with several fruit trees on the lot Terms made lmown on applation on the premises to olintensept. 5 1862. An-WHEATLEY. . . Farm for Sale rpm: subscriber offers for sale Lot 45, 1st con. of Tuckerstnith, London Road, 'within 2J, miles of the Town of Clinton, and 8j from Brucefield. This farm contains 100 acres of choice land. Well lvatered by never -failing springs. No. waste land. •Good • or- chard Suid outIsuildings. 'Penns easy. For further particulars apply to , MRS. ELIZABETH GRANT, 1833 Clinton P.0 FARM -FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale that conveniently ,umessi,,titicIteodf_Gofaridin,n bk_ehinr&tigzsrli,cittlihantlfain'ef Lotju4%3 p, eletsh,_ more or less, on which there are 0 frame liduscrotable, and granary, and log barn. Good clay loam and young orchard. Nevet-failing spring creek rtjnning through the placc WALTON- DODSWOItTII, Clinton P,.0. Goderich township, Aug. 17, 1882. . • Farm. for Sale. TTIE\subscriber offers for:sale the south -half of Lot 38, 10th Concession of Goderich Township, con- sisting of 40 acres, about 5 miles from the Town of Clinton. Nearly all cleared and in good state of cul- tivation. Rough -cast house, frame barn, stables an other outbuildings on the. place. Good orchard and plenty of water. Possession given this gall. :Terms very reasdnable.. For particulars apply on the pre- 31.tf JAMES BROWNLEE, Clinton. FA.RW.FOR .SALE. rymia, subscriber. offers. for sale that .conveitientiy- 1 situated .farrm:Lot 1, 4th concession, EaStern cision,_Colborne, containing 50 acres, cleared and free Of strinmi, and-frame:IRMse, frame barn, horseatable and ,drive house, with stone basement ; goodArchard of all kinds offrnit.; well wa- tered -good spring andliii-Cr0tills ;: 300 rods of under -draining, ; web fenced .with cedar ,.rails and boards„ - Soil, good clay. Also, the' north .part of Lot 5, 4th can, being. 20 acres of bush. 'Tering reasonable. -Apr ply on pretnises dr to July 25. , :JAS. STEVENS, Clinton.' Farm for Sale. MITE.subseriber offers for sale that valuable farm being. lot 19 and east half 05 50. on the • 8th et)11. Illillett, containing 150' 'acres 00 cleared and in a good state of ,eoltivation, the. remainder well Wooded. The farm if well wa- • tered; and has on it a frame house contrabing rooms, large barn and Stables. and small orch- ard, For particulars apply on the.preraisais; or 10 by letteratoaffinton post office. Ala() ior sale' • a 50 acre farth in Bruce, , • . ROBT. CAlatErt. rlullett, June 21,1882; FARM. F, OR..SALE.. . milAT conveniently situated farin adjoining the. 1 village of Loniitisbord, being lot 25,, 10t1 -i• ,con., Township of Hullcit,, consisting of 01 acres, 70 itride'r cultivation. The place is well watered, good bearing orchard, frame house, good frame barn, and Other out- bliildings. It is situated On the.lyingham gravel road opposite 11uber's mill,.6 miles from the town of Olin- . ton, half a mile Rom L.111. &B. railway .stiftion. For particulars apply to .. .• • MRS. MARTHA A: GRAHAIrrI; Clinton, July.27, 1882. • ' Clinton. HOTE4.1fQ.:RsA4g:. ffE :undersigned offersJiir.salc,:on eaay:terMs, the • AME HOTEL and preMiseSin: the Village. of • Kinburn.. 'fhe a,good:Trre7fm-tirsinessTiieipg, the only one in the plane turd in a 'Pr4,01as•Icieality. • Mr. Brownlee, the former preirrieter,'dhl a very irrofit.: able business here for several ye0rs.: The' furniture' will be sold with the lintel, 'if .tranted; and .inunediate pOsSession given. . • . • A laSa)..A.1V-VIEPAPItt-vtED F!"•31 C1 18, Conces:sion 3,. Hullett. ' 11E) S.Ere9;" mostly OltNiEed and cultivated; with dwelling 'and barn!,;thereen This land i$ of good quitlity.,-anyi situritcdnear Clinton. Easy.territs giyen.• - • . . . A lIFS• 0, 2-STO 11111A1 o -P »14:' CILIA Nif-4- ticn Huron Street, Gliiitim,;neiret it-,St,61 Dr., Apple - 1005 residence, heretofore Oct u pied , Easy terms. Apply. to l • ' • ' • W 22, • I' IRV n Aug. 31, 1832, • A_ FIRST CLASS FARM FOR -D. aliT 00 Lot's 12 and 13, on the 13th cOM of Hullett, eCintaining 106 acres.. SO .fteres'Iiteared •turd wider cultivation anj free frozn'stunrirs 4 40) acres Of heavy timbered land.. Throngli the elearecIiior.tion there is laid 500 rods of:under-drain.. This is one of the richest and best frtrms in tit county of flurcitiOlie. 'crops . enormous. The buildings eroisist•:.rif frame bouse, loor stables, ;nut •fratried;barn,' '30 • 50, nifarly new. ThZre 0111'iiri.illatd of iii)Ctit.40 trees of •superior' grafted fruit.'" • 1_ Price $4,500, 31,000 or marc cidien ;balance to' be se, cured by lst Mortgage,' with 'interest rit01 per cent: Mortgagor tri have the privilege crf: paylitg a part or the. • whole of Mortgage Money at the pod • of any. half-year without notice. The purchaser can go en at OTICE 50 prepare-for_crims- 4P1114. :16 . Clinton, Sept. .18812'; ' • " 'vietifirs, lives pv11011E4.0; --Thaitirra n its of: graves ate aniirtally. robbed Of their 0 It hairniness and health re- stored by.the-nse: of the great ; • • ; • ' • • • • , , -GERIVIAN. INVIGORATOR whlch positively. and irermattently „cnires .linpetency ' (caused bY. excesrr Of any. ki n (1,1'S ern 51 Wcaltness,r'and all diSefiSCE 0'mA -001100 as a sequence of SelfAbose, as loos• Of.energ,y , loss oftneinory, versin as tude, pain ie the hack,- dimness iif preritature old ago, ahd many °tilt* diseases' that lead to insanifn'or constant, - tion and a 'premature grave. , • . • Send ior circulars with testimonials free • by The INVIGORATOR h. sold at $1 per box, oe six boxes: for 85, by all druggist's, or be seht free by niail, se- curely sealed, on receipt of ,price, by addreSSIng. • .03 CHENEY, Priiggisti, 187 Sunonit 85, Toledo _Ohio. J, If. Combo; sole agent for ,Clintoti. • ALLAN :L INE or 11 115.' a II' IC LIVLRPOOL--LUDONBrillaY—GLASGOW, SIIORT EST 'S A'S'S ACE. oat. 111,11In termeiliiiteand iteerniceTick, ets At 1.91v\Tit Mites. Sailing's from quebee. • rAittsrszi, Sept, 2. aoamaataN,,Sept, • Persons wirbing to send for their friends can obtain Passage oerifiloates Et lowest mum from Ilingland,lre land sm.1 Scotland ho. any 'city or r y town in Ca nada. and the ainroant relunded lase a small dada tion 00 100 tieketrie not iised. • S teerage Passengers' arre booked to London; Garr:lift Qftoonatoven,vtkoreyAlegil.1.4 and Girlairgow; amo prices as tb Liverpool. - " Forthrough ttokettsind eriery in formation apply to A. O; PATTISON, 'Agent, ../ ton A.g.euttratnte — WANAED seYeral goed active Agents, td sell th 1)01111111i1141 Fruit Ilryer, one of th simplest and Cheaper -it methods of 'Drying Friiit ye invented. SELLS ONS:Orft, Liberal commission gtvei Apply at oneo to . ,m,LrAm .in.. lE James Smith'4 Tabor ShOp Clinton, Aug. 17, 082. Tuckersmith Agricultural Society Show. -The annual show tinder the auspices of the Tuekersmith Agricultural Society was held at Saafoilli on Thursday and Friday last. , ning all Thursday night, and clearing upon laidtiy morning had a tendency to increase the attendance.ef visitors, which was very good. The show, on the whole, was -a 'toler- ably goodsone, but not equal to many previ- ous ones. There was a putt sbovet, cattle, but only mOderate in sheep ,and pigs: In horses the exhibition was not large, but there Were a number Of fine animals on the grgund. .. In carriages,, waggons.. butters, &c„ it was nothing, only one carriage shown, and very , few im"pleinents. Theindoor department was good, and better in 'fruit .than might have ;expected, considering its partial failure this year. PRIZE LIST' Haaya Data-uoirr lloassis.Brood mare, and 2.1 Ratteisbury. Brood mare and foal. 1 Dixon 'tt Innes, 2 J Malone, 3 Jam McMillan. Ca.nadian'heavy draught foal, 1 J McMillan, 2.not kmaivn, 3 JIVIcalillan. Three year old filly, J'AleMillan. Two year. old- gelding, J Malone. Two .year old filly, 1 W Finlayson, 2 J IVIalena, One year old filly, la A. Forsyth, 23 McMillan, 3J Malone.. Dratight team, 1 J McMillan, 2 • Mrs 11 Chesney, ,Imported heavyatlyaught foal, 1 Dickson & Innes, 2 A Feasy Us, Aaarareu arun-a-a-0-11-GERE-aaaaar-u-aaktaB.-4-0- sae.—Brood mare. 1 H Chesney; 2 Alex Mc- Ewen, a W Dale. Brood mareand foal, 1"J 'McMillan, 2 II McGregor, 3 R Martin: Foal, 1 11 McGregor, ` A Sproat, 3 Robt• Martin. Three year tild gelding, .1 and 2 Ja Shipley, 3 -J Mtirray.. Three year "old filly, 1 W Dale, '2- ItvieGregora 3 \Vm .Cooper. - Two year old gelding, ,1,W Ireland; 2 W;•Chesney, 3 J Staf- ford. Two year old filly, ,1 J MolCay, 2 G Dale; 3 J Fpwlcr.. Year old gelding, 1 'Alex, Sproat, 20• Walker,. 3 not known. • Year old filly, :1 J Averya 2 W Dale, 3 11 Crich. ' One year .old'entire cola, 1,J McIntosh, 2 .11 An- derson. General purpose' team, 13 White, 2, J. Thorpe; 3 11 McLaughlin: . , • , . ' Ciatiatacla HoESES.-Brood mare with foal, 1 A Davidson,. 2 J MeNevin, 3 not known.— Foal, 1 T. M Kidd, 2 .31VIcNevin; 3 A David- son. .2 -yr old 'filly, 1 JAvery, 20 R Coaper. 1 -yr old filly, John ,A very. .Carriage horses, 1 J Vanstone,,2 Js Elliott.. , Single chaster- 1 11 L -Stbra .2 T Peary, 3 la McLeod: . . colt, Thos Kidd. , . Mono -Bann Dtran5.m 0ri.Tri:E..-COW,'1'& Jas Dickson, 2 .G- Sproat. 2 -yr old heifer,' 1, aj.Dicason, 2 and 3 A 'Elcoat. Yeariing 'heifer. 1 and 2 3,Dickson, 3 G Sproat. .Heifer calf; 1 W Cooper, 2 J:Dielteon. BiiIl calfa 1 Theis: Govenlook, 2 A Elees.t, J'Dickson. Bull under 2. years, Jatorrapce.. Herd of four fe- males and male, 1.J Dickson, 2 A,Elooat. GRAD.E. CATiLE.-COW, 1 S Carnochan, 2 J. Dieksou, 3, D.Canspbell. Two year old. heifer, . G.F. Creswell, 2 1) Cal:It'll-fell, 3 -0 Sproat. 'Yearling heifer, '1 J,Diallson, 2 G•E 'Creswell, 3 J Dickson. Heifer calf, 1 J Dickson, 2 0. 'Stiroat,.3 G. E Creswell., Steer two years old, -land 23 Dickson, 3 D Campbell. Steer one year old, 1 JaCarnochan, 2.1) Campbell." Fat' ox or steea, land 2 T GovenloCk, '3f Lands. borough,. Eat cow sor heifer, 1- and 24.Dick. son, .2. I) Catripbell. 'Best pair of shipping steers, -1 T Govenlock,' 2 ariclaJ Landsborough: 1_,II.ICESTER.,..ARBEB.----Ageclaani, 1 II Snell -at Sonia.:2,W Fenisale, 3 SSisaillie. ' Shearling ram,' 1. H• Spell sfs Soils, 2-W Penhale.,3 Robt Charters. Ra rd landa, 1 W •P.enha1e,'2 W '6 .Wintera 3.11.Snell & Sons" • Pair ewes, .1 H .Snell & SO119, 2 ,Wr: Penhalea 3 McTavish. 'Pair shearlipge, 1. 11 Snellaia Sons, 2 W Pen. hale.' P,air.,ewe 1anabs,,1 WPenhale, 2 anda3. W: 0. Whiter.. , • '" .' • • , Coasaroatis.-a-Aged ram,. 111 Spell & Sone. ,Shearling ram, 11 Snell & Sons. . Ram' lands, - 1 11,Swellat Sus, 2 J .Dickeofa. Pair 'eaves, 1 H SoeIl & Sons, '2 J Dicksop. Pair.sbeata ling--evaesaj • • ' . . . ,...'SouirunoWlss.=-. Aged ram, joliti Rani lanib, 1.e4, E0resswell,2 J Atkinson, 3. "•0 CresswelL ..Pair of . 'ewes, 1; 2 and 3, G E .•Gresswella :Pair shearling ewes, 1 Geo E .0resswe1l, 2, J Atkinson, 3 JaIiannah.. Pair. ewe'..lamhs, :1 j.,IIaunals, 2.0 E. CresSwell,-1 Pair Southdown ,sheepa I G Atkinson, 3..1 Hannah.. „Fair, flee lam -Sited, 'sheep any,,breed, 1,0 E Cresswell; -2 J Atkiji- son,3 J •Ilannah. • a aaaaaaas PrO, -Aged. sow, W 8 eWart. Sow, littered in 18S2, 1 2 and;3",'W ,Stewart. . . . BERRSDrub .PiGs. oecl boar, I and, 2 :Ia .C.4dvenlock., Boaa, littered in 1882, 1,41 Me- Gee,"2 j'alm Avery', 3, 11 Goventeek. W. Stewart, ,2211 f..4ovenlopk, 3 NV Stewart., PO-61,Triv.--Dark 13,rahmas, 1 W Grieve,: 2,1 • Elder 'Light Brahmns V. Grieve. - , mouth Aoalis, LW Grieve," 2: jelip Hannah. .BlacIsaPolainagalar &Soft:, 'Pcilaridea any. eta er kind, l J W Elder, ,2 W Grieve. Hambur,o, 'and 2. W GrieYe. , Cochins,a1 and 2 Wm Grieve.. '131ack SPaoia,h, 1. W'Grieve, 2. Da Scott. Gafowls, 1 W Grieve; 2 Ores-, Wella. • Aylesbury altiek ..0. OresaWella _ . , Muscovy duck, 1 W Grieve, 2 Joan Beatty. Pekin ducks,'„ 1 IV Grieve,- 2 'John Gowan: • Geese, Jr Scott. Turkey s,. 1, E 'Sparling,, 2 X1 .• . . texEas.--.. Light ,brithrnas, 1 apd ,2, Dr. 'Scott.. Greatalorkings; W Grieve. • i'lyinouth rockis, 1 L Thorne, .2 W' Grieve, 3 Dr: Scott.• Black pelanda, 1 and,2, 'Dr ,Scottaa Cochin, 1 1 Cowan, 2 Di Scott," ifanaburas,, William' Landesboro. Fall pears 01 Dickson, 2 .); G Wilson, Flemish beauty, I S Landesborti, 2 R Goveulock. Duchess,Augouleme, John G Wilsom Beurra Clairgeon, A Tyerrean. Grey Doyenne, 1 J Dickson, 2 J 0 Wilson. Clap's Favorite, 1 4 0 Wilson, 2 Robert Governlock. Bartlett, 1 G E Creswell, g A aVIcEwen. Best collection of pears, I Hugh Chesney, 2 J. MqMillan. . GRAPES, &c.—Hartford- prolific, J Walker. "Couccad, I 3 Walker, 2 0 Lawrie. Rodgers No. 19, 1 I Lang, 2 J Walker. Rodgers No. 4, J. Lang. Any other variety, 1 11 Leather - land, 2 John Walker. Quantity, grape, 1 J Walker, 2 J Bulger. Crabs, 1 3. Landsboro, 2 H Chesney. Canned fruits, D Ilegana GARDENNEOETABLES.-Early rose potatoes, 1 R Canspbell, 2 11 McLean. Peerless pota- toes, J Landsboro. Early variety potatoes, 1 J Lantlsboroa 2 J Scott. Late variety pota- toes, 1 3 Walker, 2 J Kerr. Late potatoes, Jas Lanclabotha Sugar cane, Allan Hobson. Winter cabbage, 1 not known, 2 A Hobson. Blood beets 1 A Hobson, 2 Thos Hill. Long mangolds, i John Rattenbury, 2 J G Wilson. Globe matigolds, 1 Geo Plewis, 2 11•Chaifers. Swede turnias, 1 11 MeGregor, 2 Jas G Ches- ney. Early horn caraots, 1 Chas Lowrie,'2 S Landsboro. , _Long orange or; red carrots, I Wm acurray, 2 JaCameroth. White Belgian carrots, 1 II Chesney, 2 J Dickson. Indian corn, a John, Walker, 2 W Murray. Water- melons, J Landsboro. Musk melon's, 1 'Wm Murray, 2 J Landsborilaa Cauliflovaer, 1 WH McCracken, 2 A Hobson. Red onions, 1 W Ff Mellracitea; 2 R Leatherland White or yellow ,onions,- 1 W H, McCracken, 2 Mrs Black a • Tomatoes, 1 Thai; Hill, 2 A Hobson. Celery, W H McCracken. Citrons, 1 J Han - nab, 2 11 Campb 1. Parsnips, 1 Jacob Me - Gee, 2 W II 1Vle racken. Vegetables, 1 W 11 McCracken, 2 A Hobson. Mammoth man - golds, T Hill. Large red mangolds, J Dick - OUR LETTER BOX. CHICKENS STOLEN. To the Editor of the Clinfon New Era. Dears Siit,--Allow me a small space in your paper this week. Between five o'clock last Wednesday evening and six the next morning some peredia or persons entered my stable and stole two chickens and an egg, so if yon can inform 'me who the party is I shall be much obliged. And further, Mr. Editor, if yon know of any person who is very sick let me know, for if that person eats that egg he will have to get the assistance of a medical man, and it might cost that man foaty dollars for one night's roguery. The egg happens to be china oue,and the person who eats itwill find it, to my mind, to lie harder than any pill he ever. took. If the person who took the egg would return it, the owner would be much obliged:- A I-IOFFS1' MAN. Cliuton, Sept. 26. BOR JatagasoN., -In Stanley, on the 19th inst., the wifoOf Air. JennisOn, of a daughter. Coma-Fla—In Clinfon, on the 20th inst, the wife of Mr. H. Collier, of a son. - ; Clinten; on the 2I)th hist., the wife of Mr. C. Sanith, of 'a daughter. IZZA7113.-L; Goderich township, On the 21s1 inst., the wife of Itar.:J. Izzard, of a son,. ROBINSON. In Clinton, On the 10th inet., the wife ofaal'e. .Robiansorr;--of-a-son. Kere.--In`Clinton, op the ancl" inst., the wife . of Mr. Wm. Kitt, of a daughter. EAST.-ln Hallett, on the 12th i inst., the wife of Mr. John Fast, of a daughter. "eon: Yellow mangolds,,Hugh Chesney. " DAIRY PRODUCE. -Forty lbs butter, 1 John Hannah, 2 J Bulger, 3 T_ Yellow. Firkin of butter, 1 J S Brown, 2 W Finlayson, 3 Robt Martin. 20 lbs of butter, Wm Finlayson. Cheesefactory made, 1 J Murray..2 S Laird. Cheese, private Make, Mrs T McMichael. Cured side of bacon, H Robb. Loaf home made b -read, 1 J daleNavin, 2J A Cline, 3 T Henry. Loaf home bread, self rising, 1 A Hobson, 2 A MeEwen, 3 Mrs J Wise. Honey in comb, 1 J Rattenberry, 2 W Murray', 3 II Robb. Honey in jar, 1W Armstrong, 2 Hugh Robb. Collection home made wine, 1,A. Hob- son, 2 J Bulger IJOMESTIC inANITFAcrIURES.- W0Slen shon.i3 ruade quilt; 1 A Mellwen, 2 A. Calder.. Do- mestic cloth, I alise Nash, '2 Mr's T McMich- ael. Pair- home 'made blabliets,_ I Miss MMC - Ewen, 2 Mrsj" Wise. Linsey woolsey, I Mrs T McMichael Ten vards-satinett -11 Camp- bell. Woolen, yarn, 1 M ,McEwen; 2 11 'Me Kay. All wool .clotb, H lalcKay. Factory, tweeds, 1 and 2 A VanEgruotid. Factory flannelal and 2 A yanEgrnond. Factory made blankets, I A 0 VanEgrnoncl, 2 Chas: Lowrie. Best eet 'single harness, 1 '.and 2 E lIeptlersoia. • Double ,team 'harness, Geo E Henderson. Pair lady's boots, ,J Reeding:, Pairgentas, boots, J :Roeding. , Sewing :ma. chineaSinger Ma'nufsieturing Co. Collecaion of musicitl instruments, 1 and 2a Wade Bros. Set of. parlor furniture, 1 and 2 M Robertson. ;Set of bedroom furniture, 1 & 2 al Robertson. staffed lairds, 1J Walker, 2 E Staphf. Half dozen bricks, 1 4. Sproat, 2 J .Carter. Collec- tion of tile, Coker. ' ' • Arers. -Painting in- oil, Miss Maggie Jamieson: Crispin sketching, 1 Miss -Maggie Jainieson; 2 0 W Gee. Colfectioti of photo -A 'graphs, Wade Bros. *.; FLoWER3.-L'Astors, 1 Dr Campbell, ' 2 J McDowell. Phloxes, 1 A Govenlocls, 2 'Dr Coleman. Verbenas, 1 Dr Carupbell, 2 Mrs Rudolph. Fuchias, 1 Mrs Rudolph, 2 Dr Colema.u. Gladiolas, 1 Beattie, 2 Mrs Ru- dolph. SPecimen wriain•g,' Miss J Martin. Collection of roses, 1,'A Idobee Pansies, 1 J Walker a 2 W Murray. '1)ahlias, P,Mrs • dolph,,2 J Beattie. Eves lasting flowers, A ' Hebson. Flair .flOwers,,MrsJ lie , . , , , LADIES' Wool:a-1 ate ied quilt, 1 Ma y McEwen, 2 Susan Payne, 3 J C .Laidlaw, Raised quilt, 1:11 Martin; 2 W al cerackeu. 'Tatting; 1 labs Rudolph, a :Mrs o son: Crochet woik, 1 Mrs ltudolph, 2 'Miss Alt:Donald, 3, Susan Payne. Embroidery in. sills velveCbr satin, 1 o ph, Mrsi3 1-1ogan. Embroidery 'in dolp15.2 Airs T 1\1CMichael, 3 \V 11 McCrack- en, Embioid,ry, in crapo or chenille, 1,Alts^ 1) IIQgan; 2 Mrs ,IlndorpliEmbi-oidery in wdsted, .1,'Mrs Y...udolpli, 2 silisnii-'hivae; Mrs ting4p.':, 1.Mary,McEwepa! aaalre iladelpa,. 3 Mre jaWise..". Faii4 knit-. Mrs ;.1 ,Headeasiatia-2,,Sasaia:Paysse, .0 alra 'T :socks, 1 Miss' 'Nash,.-2,Mary atockinge and mitts; 1 -Maly McEwen, '2 MiSsSiardif. 14: Maciracketi.- .Cebas fine shirt, :PMiss Nash, 2 .1\-aiss S taah fa:3 ,Matay ,alelaWeia •fyiiit;.,.M re, .1X...caldera Lace ;WOrile,,I ltijdolfin: ,Gniptire..Worlt Rudelash: al",1etlin,Wool work -,4 Mrs Rudolph,'; Mrs -1) albatina.a Feather "floWere; 2 Mae. T ciMiehael„ 2 gts'jolin• ,wreatha',1 :MeDenald; 2 MOO. ;Staplif Shell worts, ,Alas',Jae Soolt, a.,Bag mat Or ear - pet, '1 'Mary McEvrea," ii;C:ana0.):elt.' a Tilos Henry. 1....og ea bin', quilt, 1 Mary, M cE , 2 Mr§ 11 Gray., ' 3"Mies Naeh. 'Knitted quilt," 1 MasJohn,:aleadoranp,.."2 Mrs R-Gray,.3"aliee ,MaiStard. 'Colleetion Iodine' work, Mary Mc-. Gordon, brai'd '4Onhet: Woilt,:Mra 3 W• ise,, .(areelset',Worls'an.'Wool, Colernan„ ,svotylasareatha"Mas J Henclerecina" Old' (alley°. Black• Spanish, A CaldQr, AyluS I'man and :woman,_ John Beattie; eataer 'bury ducks0 F 0esswell Pekm. dacha, 1" waeatts, :Mies alai:dd.' Child'S brochet hood lt'onpak, ji soAl•l• jistel.g 6Cactipb,het t„sjotk eanetp.a,anyclieh...ed J. lio.beirr. 'Iron beam plow,. T. 'Henry. .:Stub- • , • ' ble plow, Moor() & Hogan. (ani, plow1• : r• •Juio ES' • . '1Ie013. Pair iron 'baz•rows,"1 and 2 A,StoW7; 110128E8.-4 • A1c.M.iltnl, Se.atortlr. arta. Horse hay,rke,' A Campbell. ,Fanning.3' 3,-To.t.t; 13-rasseleatinci. Hugh ,,LON'e, SrBIBS mill, aleTaggait & Gaitin seed 'drill A 'Green'. • ' M Campbell.. Ohnrn, Thackaberry.. Wooden. •• 1.iro511 [Ion 'sES --.15 'Bi uc0ield Varna, 1 J Ross, 2N Cluff, iron pump W ' 3 Bailie Godericb, and J Deans, Parts. Robertson. Set Iforse'eliece, 1 MI:three &Flo." 01''F'rt:Ir..-S Walker, Bruesele. W JHing M Doyle. , . • ' ".• ston Morris and It BrOwn, Grey. • ORAiN AIN) wheat,1 11 Oovcii• •frI.KAY, -1-Yingh41-n- leek, 2..j Scotta.3-1•DiCksots., Spring ivh.eitt, Auburn., II Chesney, jr.,.Seaforth;" • 1 J Dieksona 2 -T Nott, 3 R Armstrong,Two Asanstrong, J rovier, rowed barley, J"Dickion., 'Large oats-,, 1 ,Jae'Hallett. J. LandFboroi41.1, l'eckerenth.b. Dickers% 2 J Stafford. • Large p'eae," T Nott, Pouaaive.-s-Ja Addison, (0oderich. A Bur - Small peas,..1 Robb Charters, 2 Jas 'Dickson, rit, Mitchell. ' M Carling, Clinton. Tagaatay_aeada_l__A-maEese aajaaapaabsala. • 0 a.afta, Snims,'dze.-W McConnell, Tack: Flax Seed, W 'Ireland. , Merebants'. flour, ,f hitth7-v,r--r-e-eb Nevin. Collection 'df grain, with. straw Id Ise Kemp, Sen'forth, and 11 Hunt, latppen. • , attached 6(3,1'1111 length,' W Murray; Spring 1101:11C1111711.4.1. -Allison, IJSborne, at Russel, Ooderich, , J Stewart and 3 Skinnoia Mitchell. _, . 1)Ainy 1?noneen.LL-.)V. Scott;' Brucefield. Aral Edward: Cash. and 1)•13 • llose;- Seaforta. . lanSt•Sasati-MA*1/FAcrones:—.1.• M.a-y,,,a MiLc1a, eb :1 Petrie •and "Arinstrona, Ilullett. Ana XV Thorne -Mitchell. FINE ARTS. 111. D'.11 ayes andia wheat, J Kerr. Oate,. J, :Kerr. :Red 'winter wheat, 1 J Scott, 2 'W Ireland, 3 Geo Sproat, HORTICULTURAL PRODINE.-Winter apples, 1 3 Dickson, ,2 G E Creswell._ 15a11 applessal._ J Million, 2 J Landsborough. Colleetion ot winter apples, 13 Dickson, 2 11 Govenjoult. Rhode 'Island Greeninge, 1 Geo E Creswell. Northern SPies, 1 C 'Routledge.2 W Ireland. Roxboro Russets, 1 Jas Kerr, 2. Mrs Black. lasesas' Woisis. —Mrs W McConnell, 'Puck- Spritzenberge, 1 1.1441) Chesney; 2 II Crich. ersmith; Mrs J Lowrie, Seaforth. alrs 11 Baldwins, 1 E Creswell,ta S'Landsborough. Dilemma°. ,Tuelseremith. ' -Westfield'seek-no-furtherfal 8' Landsborough kippen. T Hill, 251 Oriels. snow apples, 1 GB Creswell, 2 Eginot Thompson, McKillop.. W Chesney.. Gravensteins,-1•J Hannah, 251 Chesney. Red Astracane, 1 J- Dickson, 2 J Landsborougb. Porters,"1 Jas Dickson, 2 Hannah. King of Tomkins, 1 J Dickson, 2 R Leatherlanct. Alexanders,, lit Charters, 2 J Cameron. , Duchess of Oldenburgh, 1 R Cloy, 'enlosk, 2 S Landsborough. Ben Davii, 1 W 'Chesney, 2 0 Routledge. Wagner, 1 J Dick- son, 2 J Scott: Golden Ruesets,-(1 Cameron, , St Lawrence, 1 S LandeborOugh, 27W Cheeneyaa, Maiden's Blush, 1 If Chesney, 2 J Dickson. Pas-est.—Winter pears, 3. Dickson, 2 J PU,LTING TIIE 011 la's FEET The B.arailton, Ont.,"Fire Pepartment, under , the .training 'and supervision of Chief A. W. Aitchison, by the way. met with a very seve,re accident in driving to a fire not long aaas. His head, shoulder and back were injured in a terrible manner. Being aske how he accounted for h s rapid recovei y,he replied:"Simply enough; St. Jaca bs Oil can put any man on his feet, if ,thore is any life in him at all. I used that wonderful medicine from the start, and the result is, that I am le -day in prime health and condition. St. Jacobs Oil; the panacea that comes to the relief orthe Fire- man for rheumatism, burns, etc., seryed,„ me in my trouble ,ancl cured me quickly, completely and permanently- It is the atandard rnediicine the Fire Depart men t." 'It IEN'iP1).1.41 1111 A . Sept. 27,1882. Wheat, fall, bush, ()Ida(/' 90 a 0 93 Wheat, scot - • - 0 93 a 0 95 Spring, - Oats, Barley, Peas, Flour, Potatoes, Buttes-, -Eggs, Hay, - Hides, - Sheep pelts - Lamb ekina, Wool, - - - 1 00 a 1 05 O 32 a 0 33 -050.a 060 O 60 a 065 5 00 a 550 O 27, a 0 30 0.15 a 0 16 019 a 020 -700 a 800 700.a 8.00 O 20 a 050 O 50 a 060 • 0 20 a 021 The market is beginning to exhibit a lit- tle more activity, farmers haviag, to,some extent, got over their busiest times, and wheat is coining in freely. Prices here are fully up to the highest'poini, compar- ing them with .Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton,. and from all indications at paess erit viai thaaaprospents_are_th_at they will be lower. 131frley, in this sec ion, is nearly all discolored, rnbre or less, and therefore .brings only a moderate peace. Peas ',Ire scarce, and it is not likely many will be broughtan, as they are,wanted foi faeclina purposes. Potatoes are a very ho, Makes, Your Btts? iCKSA THE BOOT MAKE . DEALER IN ALL KINDS, Or a Men Women and Children's Roots & Shoes. Spring Stock well assorted,..a d complete in -all departments. A.-LE/-(510rODS OLD --CHEAP FOR CASH 0. CRITICKSHA.Nli,", BLC)0E., OLIN'TON arraaassasaaai- a Stock om le e. Black and Colored Cashmeres, Fancy All Woo Dress Goods, Brocaded Silks, Black and Colored Moires for Triinmings. ur Stock of Hosiery & Gloves WILL I3E FOUNDVERY COMPLETE AND WELL ASSORTED: FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR IiINTITTED G-0(:)1E).S _in great variety. gurid, crop, bilt.:"110t many, dug', •yet, ; and' Prices' will, he, 'nays- 6theiattaticls are with; , • • a '• • out change. , An, _unfounded rumor, that the queOn hacl been Shot at in Balmoral was sPread in,Lonclon asnaSaturdaya ' ; -• . • Phe • ,English hoaxes*, has tUrned, out 'mu'ch better thanaiwas.anticipated; and the, root crops are wonderfully !gee . ' The preposidato introduce the Chinese coo - 'lie labisz et -London; Eng, 'has rouse,c1 'the, in- digna'tien of thetend•on Democrates Wliti are 'abont to, appeal to the Prime Ministe'r fuenee the,"%thinese Government, to stop tit& eicportationaa It is questionable Whether coo- lie later would .suceeect thereasince it -ie. ins - Possible, save in one or two disagreeable and ill paid. occ.upations;-1to Undersell the natives.. The. visit Of the Marquis of Lorne.apcll'iare: "-bes Lonise to British Columbia is just •now direeting'inuch "attentiort.to the PacifiC Pro- vince and prOspects. The daily. News' Ptils Babes an article ois British Columbia, centena- ing that as incoaperation' with.the Dotn•iiliota has been, followed by tan adoption of protec- tion; the Province fias Suffered materially. ' ProbablY;" hOWeaer ,, when the ciarsadian Pa- cific ebn.Tleted the advantages gained will fully Compensate for the loss: .; Aikens" has, been appointed to Succeed 11011.S.E: ORLICII011; Ri'Lioutenant- GbyerD6r of Man ito ba,th e terin• of .thelat- ter gentleman' expiring next, month. Mr. Aikens it n atiVe Canadian, 'of Irish de- : scent, born in .Peel County- in 1828.. He is a Methodist in -religion 'and wail eduehted. at • Vietoria Collerte, I -lis politiCal ,life dates troth 1854 -when he was first elected for l'eel,and he was Called' to the Senate in ,1867. He waS",a-inembier of the Macdonald ClOvernment Irma 186.9 to 1873,. and again 1Tel/11878.1.o -1882. The appointment of Mr.Aikens Was Probably arranged whenlie' --mad e-way-fo "John Mapclonald feurid it necessary to take into the -Cabinet before the 'recent general elections. -i. He will make afair Lieutenant - Governor, and Will doubtless become pop- ular in Al'apiteba. • I . . gratifying. to learn.; that the sta,t1s2.. tics of. railway. accidents SIOW -that . the proportion 5T 'deaths to the number carried does not 'increase-that'in, poiht, of tact there is a cleerease. It ig equallyagratify- . ing to learn that travelling'. by tail is as safe as any other- mode. 'of 'travelling, if not considerably Safer. It 'is still true tnat the''percentade,cif deaths -through -ac- cident is greater in the dase, of those- Who travgl.little and stop at home Most of the tim,e, than in the ease of .those ivho are on. the mo've. 'One would faney, 'from' , the nuMber accidents reported as.happening can' the rail that there wag, an indrdase in the, danger. The reason i4 Oin,t aecidents on the .rail are,xvithin bail of the telegraph 'lines d are reported. Accidents in the heine or in .the effinnion roads 'do not reach the ;:reitt Public ear' through the wire' t,n the ame. extent, • - lios-Iiiiics ltkr l'hoasarnIs of dollars can be saved by esing proper judgment in taking care of the health of yourself and family'. If you' are laillious, have sallow complexiem, poor appetite; low iind depressed ,spirits, and generally debilitat- ed do not delay aanoment but go- at once and procure a bottle of those wondeafts1 Elec- tric Bitters, which never fail to eure, and that for the trifling sum of fifty cents. -Tribune, --Sold by 1Yat1s & Co. and J. 11; Combo; cutter„ CO Has 'no riyal in town. Our direct importation of Scotch,. English and Irish "Tweeds and Sefges are worthyofspecial attention. mil.Ts and, •-ezi.P, BOOTS and SI--10ES, altoczniEs. Owing to the rapid increase of our business in other branches, we find that we have not room for our CROCKERY and GLASSWARE and offer our whole stock at COst. , The 'subse,r,ibetgadesare to,..retitrn -thank's- to •thear ntiinerons friends for the heartr patronage .accordecl a-1cm, a.ncl also to inform,' thein that .they have laid- in a' large' • and .Select Sinek. of ; '-• • Groceries China Glassware, Crockery, &c. For the fall- traclea As cenipetition keen,. zoods Will be sold at -the 'lowest possible, • „p1100, sncl 2oo pains spared to gi,Ve' satisfaction.. ' , ALL KL -08 FARM PROPI[TOF,", TAkiN IN EXCHANGE. The „cheapest Tea 111AI-ie. Narlc,et..,., -41,BERT ST., CLTNTON. - MOORE ,42 eater in HAS REMOVED TO HIS NEW PREMISES, ireCtly opposite the\Town flal Cam/. Amp sizz mut.