HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-09-28, Page 6.luta... 1 f se - I . Turtle Mountain Manitoba. To the Editor of the Clinton Hew Era. cert -like appearance. Aa we neared :home on :Friday,, the low but timber -crowned ridged of the Turtle, seemed like an old September 2nd, 1882. 'friend beckoning us back to the scene of As many i my old friends wished me to. our ,first strike for a prairie home, and a write slidair ley` impressions of this spot that we all hope may be the centre and a field of many pleasant family'recol= country, after nearly a years absence, I lections. Already there are rnany.changes beg leave to make use of your columns so since I left this country last fall. An al;- that one letter on general.matters may do 4 ricultural-and also a commercial life seethe all of.them. Although the trip 'from On- to permeate the whole country. The peo'- tario to Manitobais not the novelty it was two or three years ago, it may not beau-despie have got over the feeling which attends in the first place, to give the time occupied, most of ,folks when newly arrived in a by an emigrant's freight car, compared country of such great distances, and semi with passenger trains. I.left 'Clinton at 4 to have settled down to work. p. m., on Friday Aug: 4th, and arrived at As soon as harvesting is ,completed,.and Point Edward about 4 a. in. on. Saturday..some threshing done, I will send -an 'ac We crossed the river about,9, .o'clock, ,and count of crops, 'weather, and stock raising left Port Huron about 4p. tn.: About -the' and other matters as they occur to use as same hour.next day we got., within : bight interesting, to your readers. ' ; FRED. WOOD. and smell of Chicago, batt it took about three hoilrs to get from that•to the trans- s•,•..or ter yard and stock shed of the C.&N.N'V:It. F1'CC=,of Cost. where we remained until four o'clock next • All persons wishing .to test the merits of a . a about great remedy—one that will positively care day, and even after that tithe lt,took L oConsnm tion Coughs; Colds, Asthma, Bron - five hours to get a final •delivery from the shills or any' affection of the Throat and network of city railways and feel ourselves e '—` r ri est'ed:to call at Watts '& Co's moving westward. Duringthe night Ln, g . a e. oe fairly t lug and J. }I. Comae s Drug Store and' get a Trial one of the cars on .our train was entered'by Bottle of Dr. Ring's New Discovery for Con- � road thief, a trunk burst ripen, and uioney, sui P m ton, free of cost, which will show you and valuables to the amount" of $130taken,o''what,a regular dollar•size bottle will db. the owner being asleep -.in. the sCaboose or -conductor's car at [the, Jeer - Of the train, Ile did not like Such freedom with his OUR LETTER. BOX-.. worldly goods, but he had to'`choose -be- �avith its caries ondin tween goingaherl d corresponding LOOK ON' TH:AT..PICTUih AND business demands and benefits,; and delay; - THEN ON THIS. with the more than probability of -'never ' • getting'the culprit, so ho accepted the leas To the Editor of the Clirrton.New Era.,, na the lesser evil, assumed a calm demean- or and came on with the crowd. On Wed- DEAR SIR,—No' doubt many' of your nesday forenoon we reached the transfer subscribers read with interest the letters yards of the St. • P. M. & M. -R., from from . your Colorado correspondent, and which we escaped about 4 p. no.,, and ar- could scarcely credit such scenes, as were. - rived at St. 'Vincent about 9 a.-tn. on Fri-, therein described, as existing under a day, got up to Emerson about noon, left civilized government, and in our neigh about 4 p. m., and 'reached Winnipeg, at boring republic—a country we try tor. Mai- np. m., running direct out to the 'stock tate. in many ways, >a country upheld by yards which gave us no show of the"city'at so many as a progressivelone, a country all, as we were started out at 'five o'clock, looked, up to as' theel.dorado by -thousands,: next morning, getting despatch instead of but -so far, 'lid very far. behind ours -in delay where we did not want it. Shortly moral tone... A Sunday paper` received by` after leaving Winnipeg the•conductor,who', me a few days ago, ,Froin Colorado, imparts. I suppose, thought we had not got our the following inforalatiou -" Men will "rom`eaeh f lie ivi'll—taltie the fly-to.oay.as _well' as eat eyesopenedso_ earlyin morning,un, fish, on Sunday,for Platte Canon: .trou dertook to extort .Sh, 80 f Y who had stock in charge, three in number, other." `` The 'promenade. concert 'to - on the plea that the C.P..R. shipping -con- night, at the Exposition, will be a"delight- tract from St. Vincent' to ' Brandon was ful affair; everybody should attend." "Te- net equivalent to a.pass to the- person ;in day will be the `:banner day' for .excur- charge of said stock. Considerable "jaw" alone. There have been five of these little; passed, but we resisted the•:demand•:and escapee from the cares of 'business and -the kept our money. •Lastaunattier my trip to worriments of society, arranged to take • Turtle Monntain was by way of the Men- plage over the various Onion Pacific lines' nonite post road and boundaryeotnmi'ssion to'day."'' :The band "music for the exposi or south road, this'time oing'by- way/of ',tion contains -selections as befits 'the occa- Winnipeg and Brandon and .havirio day Rion, such. as Meudelsshon's Wedding light for it, 1 was -keenly awake to a cam- March,, the Pirates of. Penzance,' a polka, parison`of he land with that on t•lie other waltz and :quadrille, selections from Bey - trail. The land around'Portage la Prairie er's "Red HOW'. Fra Diavola, with six • - is good, but as we passed over_tlte menet- teen other pieces,alt to conclude with the oous fiat from. Winnipeg out, Much. of march, Mulligan' Guards" the,news a-' which is undesirable, some from excess -of per notice .ending by:saying ",Whoever water, and some fro -inferiority of - soil, miesas the sights :of,to-day will have hire - and the long stretch of sand.` hills bot'ween, self to thank for the. loss.": =A large; flans-` the Portage and Brandon it', seemed 'as tn.,'circus advertisement. Braces the:first. though first. though directed our stepria.page, together.withthose of a negro, min - to agricultural Canaan instead: of that 'por= I steel' troupe and theatres, a base ball tion of Manitoba through which. we >were' I match for Sunday' afternoon; forms also'a passing. Not but what we -passed several' very fair locations, but for continuous' fertility,. the south trail•from Emerson to the Souris River is very much superior to. the "C. P. R. line.. The land around Bran- don -has a good enough- surface, bat ,has much more of,a coarse sand subsoil than' that tosonth. of it, and not5very far either. '. We got to thi towls,-which-ended' .our railway journey, lit 6 p. m., grit 'ally re- lease and unloaded in peace, .but: one man who arrived the day previous;.'I believe,' had an extra charge cd $40 to pay, I rather ' guess, however, that there is a reason for' such things. The town is pleasantly situ- ated on the south bank of the Assiueboine river, between is the C.P.R., 'which skirts the high water mark and the' surnnlit of' the slope from which spreads the -open, and somewhat undulating prairie. From. that summit it is' quite easy .to overlook" three story buildings situated near the railway track. ''-Just fancy, hero tie ,new,° a busy inland metropolis, wherc,'.a year ago "last. June, two tents were the only visible indications of the business to -come -Great indeed is the change now, but when the place shall have become something more than 'a gathering of ' hotels and : almost wholesale stores ; when the private dwell- ings of mechanics, merchants' and others, shall have tilled the spaces and.,surroundod the trade centres, and; the mechanical and horticultural finish of years of civilized:oc cupancy, shall have exerted their influ- ences, Brandon will occupy ii front 'rank amorigManitoba cities. We left this placeon the afternoon of Monday; Aug. 14th, with. our stock, and half a car load• of •goods pilled on two wagons, and you may guess that under the circumstances our progress. was slow, having several times to relieve our loads in order to pass sloughs.. Doub- ling teams is no use,' where,. if the .sodis cut through bythe wheels, down you go Owing to the dip°'seaeati,'h;ay has`tieen'tt to China. Near noon, on, Wednesday, -we` light crop but'a large amount has been Out arrived at the north bank of the Souris late, since the sloughs dried tip. Oats are $2 t twentymiles above its- •ane- a bushel and potatoes %1.50 a bushel:` river, aeon] turn with the Assinehoiue. " There :'are J . Ms. Thompson has the contract for, ant. some very fine • views along 'the banks of ting up three -hundred -and :fifty tons of hay, tho big Pembina and on the Assitteboine, for police, at $19.5.0 a ton. but for expanse of vision and depth';atid Mr. E.'Tebbutt,'leftlast week forTirtle, he stretch of valley, the Souris, atSheppard's expects to retain .again in. a 'few 'weeks' and ferry beats all I have Seen yetin Manitoba- thinks he'will not get lost this time; as a rail- Ywa mid -telegraph lino are now running moat' The stream contains now more than double Yg the water in the Maitland lit its Mouth„ at of the way. this time of the year. The .banks here, Troy has'' been changed to :Capon, and is like many other praire river banks, have a being surveyed into town lots. • It is the dis•. step abouLhalf.way up, the reach or level between, varying from one.to•five hundred yards in width. Each of the steps .here, being about equalin height to the.bank of the Bayfield river at its mouth. .Having, with stock and_dividedloads, four trips of the ferry to make, it 'took us all after noon to cross and make the top of the first step where we tented 'for the night. As we had another steep bank to climb with divided loads the morning was far advanc ed before we pot under way. Being w, ith in four miles of our old friend :Charlie Shaw of Goderich township, the light !bri- gade of our party, three in, number;, with horses and buckboard made a' detour order to give them a call, finding them hearty and happy, and well satisfied with, the country. We also had ;our -chat with ' t'we am ed for dint, an old sequela ance,,.as c p per within,two hundred yards.of ,the house' where Charlie Robson boards; and near his The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR' is though pito unex- the marvel of the Medioal.World, It never fails farm. The Meeting $ qCO completely, cure Nervous Debility, Impo- pected was none the' less .pleasant.•..•H.is.,..tonoy,Me'telDepression and alt diseases elms. friends tray rest aaured that he is. in away ed from excesses- Tho testinionyyoi"'thousands ;, can be Matt b writing P. J. C1leuey,,Tolodo, of well doing,''.having accomplished a shite; eote;rtltr.11t 'ter' the United States Price heavy breaking this• summer". -The land 31.0o per boxHIE boxfjsfor 85.50. If your drug - le and in fact Most' of the way in gistqsrters 1111Il' O't 4'ItultmediciueYUymalt o Circheau- from Brandon is good, blit the want of lars.andiesiinntIbtisnnap❑tication, Sole ageit. timber gtvea itt, to a stranger, a weird` do- for Clinton, .1 11. Ctiuibe. prominent feature', in tbe day's amuse- ments. On a 'par with the above, the churches` apparently make room for the people's enjoyment, for, among twenty- three "Sunday.service notices, only eight meet both,morning and', evening,., as we do here ;'seven: in the morning only; three in. evening, two at half past four, . one -with, Sahhath schostLa_t 2,$0 and no other ser- vices,, while 'the services -of another are suspended entirely until the -return of'the pastor, and',a lady a noted` inspirational speaker will deliver a discourse -(subject: chosen by the audience) , at the dancing academy. And yet: we are not ,sa+,isfied with the country we- live in. A- iSunday special issued by ; any of our' city papers`during war excitement greats' Stroh a , furore' thronghoutthe land that their enterprise thus disparaged is choked off for all `time to come. ,Yours, &c:, • ' A CZINTONIts; Clinton, Sept. 22;1882. O• 1 Astinle herb found onthe, sunny k1st ns of a Southern clime has, under .thesillful manipulation of Dr. Van' Buren; proved ons` oftthe greatest blessings ever.sent to suffering buinanity. 'Dr.VanBuren's KIDNEY 'OYER is acknowleged.al1 the world .over as -the only 'perfect remedy for kidney troubles. , Your druggist has it. Manitoba Correspondence.; Cape11, Aug. 12, 1882. Weather delightful: Prairie fines` aro be- ginning to make their appearance., Mr: Whittingham arrived here all safe. He is delighted, with the appearance of the _coun- try, an,51 ismneh"improved in health. t'ribetingpointtfor north of Qu'Appelle,Touch• wood Hills,' Prince Albert, . and all points. north. We expect a boom in town lots here. There is a good opening here for .a general store, also -for a good blacksmith.• - J:'Whittingbam and E. Tebbutt intend re- turning to Clinton' .this winter, think they can't stand ''smother 'summerkeeping hatch. Query. what is taking them to Clinton? sup- pose some attraction there. C Morrish is completing hie house, and: will soon have it ready to move in. He will -get•tired of keeping.. batch, and will bo want- ing to 800 Cljntou 'again. . Indians are plentiful; and think white men ought not 10 build on hie lands, he'says it all his,'and he Wants it for hunting on. Wo got the NEW ERA of the 24th at Qu'- 9.ppelle-on the 30th ; not so bad for so far north. ' DO NOT BE DECEIVED. • Iu these times ofquack medicine advertise-. meats every Where it is truly gratifyfug co Mid uue remedy teat is wul•Wly of praise and wuluu really does asrceutnwweeded.-,1•;ieutrieJIltters we eau vuueh /or 168 being a, true and reliable remedy and ung tu51.' wait Uo as reuourweuuod. They iuvarfably euro btuniucu and Liver Coau- platuts, Diseases; ut 1115 I> iu,leys' auil Urinary uittieutties. We know wliereui we speak, a.uu sun reattlly say, gi Ve 1110211 n Brim. nolo aGSo oents a bottle, by J. 11 Combo druggist. uifall fair held on Thursday was a SUCCee8.TheZr- l'chbe entries were fully up to` fortner years,, and the live stock and imple- ments were mash tetter. Grain,`' roots, and fruit were well represented. A large, crowd visited the fair. Samson lost : his strength with his hair. Thousands of men and women loose their beauty with theirs, and very large -numbers restore the ravages of time by using'the,fam- oue Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 50' cents per bottle by all druggists. , Moving Buildings, &e. �TAIKE:this means of thanking all those who have favored 1po with, theiratrona e in the past, g and' beg td say that as I am leaving the country for bInni, toba, I hare disposed of lniy business' to .my brother Jou5 STEI'UENsoN, and hbbpo that you will favor hon; with the same liberal patronage that you have given me. • JOSEPH STEPHENSON. 1EXTITegard,to the above, I would say that as I ITY Y' an; a enip from the same block, and havinbeet. •brought up' to the business of moving and:raising buildings, 1 feel confident that I can give entire satis- faction to all who may favor me with their patronage. And further, I would say that I ant 'till making those "pass CCHT&fns" uoo Aand cheaper . than ever.• _ JOHN s'rmmHENsoN-Clinton.: • John B.eGa•rva, SALT 'MAIN U'FAUTURER, AND DEALER, IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS; ALBERT STREET, Opposite the Town Hall. Very Choice Lard, Hams & Bacon . For sale at lowest prices.:. t�Cnsh paid for •Farm Products r ' LVIcGARVA Clinton, April 4, 1812. FOR CHEAP -G OCERIES .Crockery, ' Classware, c. Oatmeal and Cornmealalwa .s as hand. Y d. Fetty:'s- celebrated Eag lish- Breakfast Bacon, Lor "Clear Bacon Sugar 'Cured Havas',:. D And _Aa.1'LARD, At prices ;which cannot 'be beaten in, town. HIS -60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR ' Dobbins'' ELECTRIC SOAP THOMAS COOPER, ALBERT:STREET, CLINTON WHO,IS 11NA000AINTED,WITH THE hEoonAPHv 80 THla'COUN. • 0 'THISMAP 71 -IAT THE TNT; WILLSEE. By.EXAMINI ® • uq • =0a. OVER THIRTY YEAR'S EXPERIENCE PROVES , V the 11,ils`N'11TINE SINGER to be ttio most durable and the best sewing machine in the world. It is simply constructed easy to operate, does not get out Over 501,000 Singer Machines cold:last year, LOCAL OFFICES AT. GODE:RICH, WI'NUHIVl; BRUSSELS AND EXETER. Head Office o f r tho �e Count y of Huron!' OPP;OSTE comareRCIAL HOTEL, HURON PCLINTON. '00. Intending purchasers will do well to:test the. SINGER; before, purchasing any other kind. Tan nnem is TIE elleArlisr. Oil not Nettles for all kinds of machines ainuys-on land...W�_.� ___ G. Est.ORAWFORD, AGENT.; Chntoit, Aug.- 3, '1882. HALL • • • AT.ARRi U R£ imerainaLsecscreememai �`®:.r IS` lL ieortirnende,l by Ph sleians. C URMS Catarrh of.the'Nasal Cavity -Chronic and Ulcerative; , Catarrh of the Ear, Eye or Throat. It is taken INTERNALLY, and acts. DIRECTLY upon the Blood and Mucous Surfaces of the System. It Is the hest Blood Purifier m the WURLJ, and Is -worth ALL - ;at is char, ed. for It, for THAT : alone: THE . .r,l C . ONLY INTERNAt. 00>: FOR CATARRH � ARRH tUlEi'" IN'7 H' -•t 't.aRICi:T$ -', y f7,o'Ok S.:0•7 r v „ascot Oars �� ..n;..,urx'' I'oo My, little L' ; •Ibiea. wath Catarrh for two -ye..se, :,r 1 •,e, usueobeuefittedby the use of b;u;l ;.S:.1ure•" She' de now..- IbOut cured. W. T. HOUSE. .• WELliA$T., Ont., March 20, 1882, Ihave used" elan a t.`.` Grrh Cure," and; judg,, ing from ti a good ,r5:+u i is• T derived from' one bottle, behove, it will curlthe most .stubborn case of Catarrh if iii :u+•• be •continued: for a reaaonolle length of tiia.. • W: H: EELL 1MS. �1 ,.i,•:u +..r.•., March. 20, 1882. 0. Uatarrh-Cure for the last year ani Et i ti re satisfaction Y.,ura Truly,- -' H. WY HOBS02Q Druggist. • • s.Cala ri�li Cure Is�.sold all' Wholesale d Refiirus els anUyd_Do&e s 10 Paton1Manodicinotafi1ain :be :Unic d States .ag.i Canada, Ss OE 75 Cela IS. ;: •�,t ,,:it. fro a Doz.. The:n1 genu rHpl t'� a`v,rrh Cmon-' n.iaetuutoJ: e1l ure Tolediso, O. 13Bewa:e of Imitations • Hottledtor.ti'te Ontario ' rane-by` H:'iN. H 3SOif Welland: Ont J. 13. COMBE, Agent. • Qlintou • asasermaracosarasmenermarassismasmaxows 1 � � t %Wit r CHICAGO; ROCIUSLkIiD'& PMCIFIC R Y Calla the attention. of travelers to the central pooi of iia. line, connecting tbe.Eant and the West • . bythe. shortest route, and carrying' -passengers; • without change ofcars, between Chicago and Rau -,- Das City, Council Bluffs, Leavenworth' Atchison, ,Minneapolis and - St.! Paul:"eIt.connect8 to Union. Depots with all the principal linos of road between' the Atlantic and the;Pacific Oceans. Ito equip - mantis unrivaled and magnificent, beteg composed of Most: Comfortablo and Beautiful' Day Coaches, Magnificent Horton Reclining'Chair -Cars,'Full-: man's Prettiest Palace Sleeping' Cars, and. the Best; Lino.' Of: Dining' Cars in the World. Three Trains' between, Chicago and Mieaouri' River Points., Trio.Trains between.d.M Chlcogo aninneapolla and 8t. Paul, via the Pam,oue "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A Now and•DlrootLlno, via'. Soneca,and ICanka- keo,hae recently been openod:between'Richmond. Norfol k,Now ort News,Chatta noog a,Atlant a, Au- Au- guste,Naehvinel Lodite Lexington, Cincinnati, IndianapolisanaLafayette, and O Minneap- olis and St. Paul andinrravepaate.•• All Through Pnasangars _Travel on Eoet ExprerN Trains. ' a Tickets fo r tsor -nil principal' Tickot Omaos in tbe UidStaces and Canada' Baggage gge checkedhrough :and ratess taro a1 way. as low as eompetitornthat offer 9len seven-`„ For detailed information,, g gat thoMsps and Fold- . of -the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your' nearest Ticket coffee, or address • -; R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Viw:nree. 8, 6ee'lN i r, eee'1 Tilt.;1- Pasa.,igt: b+l lt'.•0'tcs• s maeimasuisinsui IIF SUBSCRIBED MAKES A SPECIALTY of this business and .keens constantly on hand a' Iarge.assorttiient of CoFFINS,, CASKETS; COFFIN TRIMMINGS, • SHROUDS,'' And everything in the Undertaking line, and - can furnish everything' suitable for r afuneral on the shortest notice a.nd 1 s i Rate as ab e ¢ j}, 'est re 311 At 1110 lll T;WO':SPLENDID HEARSES KEPT FOR MR.'. REMEMBEII THE: PLACE, ' .QPPOSITE.','fHE TOWN MALL.I THOS. '; STEVEN -SON. 0 MO BOOKS, )N�Ynll A..sso'rtirnetit li .: Also,.ver . nice l nes of Tinted, Foreign arid pipers Zn whole i.,z t,tl.m, fancy KNOW'IT UNDERSOLD AND I WILL' NOT BE tationer n r -W' l . .I tVI.PS:QN . Clintons. WATTS CHEMISTS T 1VI DRUGGISTS, rU �! C -C -IT .Albert Str&.'et, Clinton. The public will find- our stock of medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of the best quality. • ' o TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER,BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES; AND ALL KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY KEPT t IN A FIR IT CLASS , DItIT G STORE. ; . CENTRAL' DRUG }IUMPHREY'S'1•IOMEOPAI' IIB REMEDIES CUTIC J R'4 1;17M ,DIES' • XJ r t, -EEN'I)ALL'S, SPAVIN CURE. , ' And.all the recent Patente.kePt'an stock or proeueed order. A lare stock' of WIRE"'HAIR PI.USIIES TOILET SETS, SPQNGES t., 'r'� fr z PL+ Rb UME1,,Y BSc. . very " Chea p.1 �1 CELL I t UI O D TRUSSES a . redo ed rates, THYSICIAI\S P1, C DS0'RIPTIOASand family is acccratel coin ounded wi' care - A - receipts Y p th, and' des sigh,. P • DHE -MIST , AND 'DRUGGIST, roS LINTOSI,_(1NT 0 SI._...A'' STOVES. -Having bought a'steck pf Stovesnils ' ,, txlo of f the association, on very;ad- vantageoua terms, I ata now prepared. to 'offer CoosuNo',,Stov.es at.'a large percentage tinder the• -usual price. • ; HARVEST ST T UZS: Scythes, 5naths -Wheat, at Iarley, and' Soy6he--.' Stones,` Rakes,- Cradles, Harvest Gleves; Cradle' Fingers; -&c. TIN W Afu1 a cn ARE:— i ,sortni> f of Tin.w,tre I ' n all ite branches. GRANITE W RE.—Just a ive A rr d an` s n , ' n e rtnic ant c f TBA, P<iryg 'PRESERVINK G ETTLES,'in Granite:Ware.•--.'` Also LAMP GUODS • COFFEE.. POTS ' and - HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, FURS-HIGEIESP CASH PRICE PAID, '_CON'. 4 l�ii�l. 'ox• 1 L bs.''for $1. 4tr•c`$:; lioiee for 60'ee3nitS-.;: 'BOOTS •QL 8 0E�A Women Sh, es $1 and upwards pI TJNE L 1S at Cost JS ---- 1TV JfiIGII I50OTS, good, f2:2u. TEA SETS , S2.25. C roc ker & Gla. . re cri.ASS ��'�� ST rSJO c. and'up: ! _ '! ! C Otic Gi)Odsa WE, WANTTWO 1 0 T lS � ` T UJ 1 D BARRELS ELS' R OF FALLWV ' AND /WINTER C?INTL'Ii'' iPPLES WANTED'' Apples, for which the highest market price will be paid., Don't sell w ithout seeing. us 1.,;. CLINTON,. -Sept., T . P ,882., '��C:��PS®leT :� S'b�T��'r�ssT� ., .. ltiJdLv '.. You may talk about your TEAS as •you like, -!lilt I'll.' tell go Tea good eto you what, if yu' want` 3 Y B Foy lie has a lar >e'lot of Tea on halmd of all.kinds .''which' he' Says Must he sold' in 60 days, and, In or - do so : lie' will 'sell the very best Teas in "the' det•to Market. at- the very lowest pr'i'ces'.' Ills Teas' range • y� 15 -'to Ocents':per pond. Tie also slows' the in ''rice from, � 7 1 . [ - finest lines of Sugar in , the 'county which..ale all _selling, at a '• ma,11 A,dv'a , . �T.eY•y !'ml11Ce. all 'COSI. Call and be•convineed that his motto is.i'Best:Goods at lowest prices.". Robb, the Grocer,, Waterloo''lh:vuse, Clinton. Com" X23 .s A' F'e'y _O 040/11 ) Q:W r ._.....,1,—, W ' rte: � f!I' ' n, �'—�- ' .ar , M A ,• ..a. > e:>r. -"tel m .a; 1 c ' 4.. . M •C:i ' ° r.. -.e.1 'l P.,-1. 1- •• H* c) CND ra. rr . a• A -7 H , ' '. Ul - r. qEr t4 114 0 to .A'a ;,,-4(c.