HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-09-21, Page 8CLINTON:NEW ERA. THITESDAY, SEP, 21, 18.82. .FOCAL NOTICES. 1�A xss MOiJNTCASTE's Studio will re -open Au- for pupils desirous of studying painting in Water Colors, Sepia, Crayon Pencil Shading,.. Free Hand Drawing and sketching from Nature, en THURSDAY, THE 2iwrSEPT. ON Monday, Mr. W. J. Paisley; bought a house and two lots of Mr. Andrew Bal- ley, on North street. During the day:he resold the house and one lot to Mrs: Noble, at an advance, PROE'FRTX, SOLD,—Win. Robinson,. jr., of the Huron road, has purchased the house and twolots on Huron street, next to Mrs. Bay's house, owned by Mrs. Stitt, for about $775. THE Expositor's insinuation that a lewd woman_ arrested at -Mitchell, for frying to shoot a young. man, might; be from Olin" - ton, is indignantly repelled. Clinton does not harbor such characters, and .is;a model town for virtue. STocx BouGHT,—Mr. Wm. 'Craig this week brought from •Toronto car load of stock steers, which he bought on the mar- ket there, few buyers being, present, he` therefore got them at a price-whieh'will pay him to bring up and feed a while. AT THE annual: meeting of therOntarie Manufacturers' Association, at Toronto, Dr. Coleman, ` of Seaforth, S: Platt, of foderich, and I. Rightme:yer,_ofKinoar-- dine, were added .to the Executive Com- mittee, which means that the Salt Manu- facturers have. joined the association. REORGANIZED. The members of the Clinton High School Foot Ball Club net and appointed the officers forthe ensuing year, viz. -President, Mr. Turnbull; vice- president, Mr: Robb ; sec. -areas., Mr. Ross. Committee, Messrs. McLennan,_ Church- ill, MeLenan, Holland and Gundy. MRs. JJMEs.:CHAIREEs desires, to ac-` knowledge the receipt •of $1,000, being; amount of insurance on the life of her late husband, and to express her thanks for the promptness with which the same was paid by the agent of the Confedera- tion Life.-Asetirance;Co., Mr. R. Manning RAIL40„YeMATTERs.--A letter has just bee rreediirod .from Mr. Hickson, of the 4 rand /VOW ih>;reply to the motion of th'e'town council,' stating thatjt would be. impracticable 'toliave the station any- where else than . where they are sleeting it.' Men are now engaged in la}i ng a switch to connect the Grand Trunk and: Great Western lines, and soon trains from Goderich will be able to run on the West- ern to London, and vice versa. PUPIL'S DRILL.—On Friday afternoon. of last week, the 'children attending the Model School of this place assembled in theyard, when they were put .through some. of the 'simplest evolutions' in drill and calisthenics,- by their teachers. We are: always glad to note progress' in our educational establishments, .therefore, we bid the teachers good speed .in this their'. latest sign of keeping abreast of the times. ILLUMINATION.—On Saturday evening the merchants' of the Victoria Block, Messrs.W. and T.'Jackson, and J. Twitch - el], took the public by surprise by illumi- nating the wholeof their premises, liter- ally from top to bottom. The stores "were handsomely set off, while balls of fire glar ed from every point of the "iron cresting on top; fire balls were thrown about pro- miscuously, and colored lights burnt from the dome. The effect was' simply grand, and was witnessed;by a very large number of persons, NARROW ESCAPE.. Op • Saturdayast••; Mr. Wm. Cooper; wile livesjust the other; side of the river, had a'very narroWl.eSs cape from a horrible,. death. He had' been digging a hole in t [Bich to,, bury 'a very large boulder, ,arid havingthe Bole finished, had thrown out his pick ,and. shovel and was on the point of cli'm"hi—hi out, when the stone roiled w, :Fortu— nately the hole was larger than the stone,. or he would have been crushed to death;: but even standing 'at one side; ala -he did; his leg was crushed and his foot very bad-. ly bruised. Itwilt'be a good while before` he is able to•use.tlie.injured liirib.' HALF A CENTURY. — There :are not many who can Make the' boast of having lived half -a century of unbroken married life, and, beside the person Mentioned in this paragriph, we know of none other, in• town who can make this 'boast."' On Sat- urday next Mr. Thomas Cooper, sr., and wife will celebrate their50th (or;golden) wedding anniversary. Their union has been blessed with six children—three sons• and three daughters, ,and'fthey have, for,- tunately, never been called upon' to pay one cent for funeral .;expenses, all their children being alive and well.: As ,they both enjoy good health, and are. "coin paratively young" 'they bid fair to enjoy; life together for'inany years yet. . , PRETTY WELL, I TNED.-On Thursday last an old man and woman, bearing the unmistakable evidences. :o f , tramps, and who had eviclentlq'indulged rather freely, were noticed about town. During the day they were marched in liy Constable Paisley, on a charge of beingdrunk•and disorderly',. and brought before the Mayor, who fined then each $1 and costs. The woman gave her name as. Johnston, .and the man as Ifamilton Macdonald. The old`;Woman was searched When first -arrested, and $113,5, in $5 and $10bills 'was found on he• Per son, tied: up in a silk handkerchief; and also a lady's fine gold Snatch and chain.. She claimed that she came into. possession of them honestly, and as there wasno evi- dence to the contrary, they were, restored to her. FATAL ACCIDENT. A fatal accident happened near Holmesville,• t� a; brake- man named Wm.. Hurley, on Saturday afternoon last; While the train clue here at 4-15 was descending` the grade, ',.he at- tempted to put on. the brake from the top. of a freight car, when the chain knotted, and loosening suddenly he was thrown between the car's several of which -passed over ii til him terribly.' i. and mu ated rim to His l legs were broken, onearm' pulled off near the shoulder, and his skull crushed, caus- ing instant death. As he fell between the. cars, he exclaimed "My God, I'm gone," his mate seeing hini'fal1 but being unable to render ..any assistance. The remains. were brought here, and afterwards taken to Goderich for 'interment, his •wife and several children residing there. :He had been on the road for .26 years, having charge of a train for four years, and was considered' a very obliging and faithful employee, . f Ma. JAS. HEARN has apples in his gar- den sixteen! inches in circumference. WHILE at the fair on 'Tuesday, -Mr. ,T. McIver, of Hibbert, bought a span of horses of Mr. Peter McDougall, of Gode rich township, at $425. FARM soLD Mr. Henry Young, of this tdwn, has sold'°his farm of 80 acres on the 10th concession of Goderich township, toa gentleman from Mariposa, for the sum of $5,300, which is considered a yery good figure. BONEY CAMPBELL has rented the bar- ber shop adjoining the Commercial Hotel. and having refitted the same, has placed it in charge of Mr. Syd. Butler. "Boney" will attend to his business in the Smith block, and is refurnishing his shop there. PAINTING. -In the'window. of Mr. C. Dickson may be' seen a 'very beautiful ppainting of a scene near Luckuow, by'Miss Mountcastle, of this place. It appears to be a small lake closely fringed withcedars and other shru'lbery,the drawing and col oring; of which- is quite natural.. Busn nss.—The Clinton NEW' ERA is juistly'proud. of the enterprise' and push of the people of that " burg," and. of the, patronage it receives from them. The E1W -ERA had 33 colums of. advertise nients last week We feel assured that it pays the Clinton business .men: to adver- tise•largely. Goderieeh News.' - MODEL SCHOOL INSPECTION —G. W. Ross,,, Esq., Inspectorpf Model Schools,, is expected to visit the schoslin this place on the 27th inst., and will be present • all day. . The •forenoon will be occupied in actual teaching by the teachers in train- ing, and the afternoon in examihing them. on any part of the Model Scliool•work,. previously considered, with such hints re ggarding management, teaching, lectures, dsc., as may be, considered necessary. A cordial invitation is. extended to all friends. of education to attend during the after- noon... Miisx 'BE STOPPED. -It. is: more, than time that:tho.authorities put a,stop to. the gambling operations that are carried on in this town by. soap 'pedlers and others,, every time there is a. crowd here. ,While we are. glad to see that: the swindle . is, working its' gown cure, to some degree, as greenies.. were very hard to catch laste.think•the authorities' should'exercise their authority and stop - the gamblers.altogether: It is said in de- fencethat no magistrate in town will re ceive an.inforniation against them, but''.of the truth of this we'.. know not. As the thing,is clearly gambling in its 'worst form it should be stopped, the..neputatron of. Clinton is suffering by its permissive con tinuance. .ENTER>TAINMENT.—The :entertainment given on Tuesday evening, by Mr. W. H. Meeke, of London, under the auspices of the Clinton Mechanics' Institute, was;very good in every'ppart. "The creed of the bells": was excellent: Nothing could be' superior' to Mr. Meeke's rendering of the bell tones in this much -recited piece:- ", Mark Antony's 'oration has evidently. `been` well "studied. There was none of that .mouthing and ranting so 'much ad;' mired by people "capable of nothing but inexplicable dumb shows and noise, "'but a true'- conception ofthe meaning of the character expressed -by a faultlessvoice and correct intonation; ` Brother, Wat- kins'farewell" sdl'mon," Josiah Alien's wife at Dover town," " Wimmin's Rites,", all given in character,, were admirable. Mr. 'Meeke's ''perfect control of face and voice''increases. the laughter -producing' power..of these. recitations. The audience' was small ---but then. it always is.smaid;. When, the shadow of the Mechanics' Insti-' tate , falls', on the town hall. What's -the' matter.?. .SERIOUS i rAwA�:=OITI`rida. noon last an egg team belonging to Wing ham met with a ,serious accident" while standing in' front of Mr., Sharinan's store, here. ": Something happened, but what; is Unknown,' -which. caused the horses t� run, and "turning round they caught. Kennedy's bread waggon, on one *of the hind wheel's, throwing tiff the, •waggon at the same time emptying a box of eggs in:the road. , The "team -.then- gal-. 'roped.up Albert street, one of:the horses 'taking the -ditch by I)r. Williams' resi=` dente, alongside of which .they' upsetseve-`' ral more bore's df eggs:; "In front of''Mr. Foy's house one of .the, horses'; struck its knee on a boulder, injuring it`ver t much, they then broke in his :gate and :forced their :way abreast through a three-foot door in •` his ;stable, , inside' 'of which stood,'his horses, the pole of. the egg: wagon running along and 'grazing the back of, one of them. It was the greatest Wee n kil ed;'Thewa.on ites s of 1 wheel.' wonder s g broke the boards on•the sides of the door- Way,, the horses being still attached .to it. About $100 worth of:eggs were broken. Bnimz' s.—Several parties in town "hoist ed their colors on Thursday; in honor of the British. •victory. in"Egypt,• , T. Coop- er has;:. been shipping.. plums: from this place,:to:London. Owing to an error the:list-of'lands for sale for -taxes, as pub- lished in the Seaforth Sun, the sale will be postponed a week. On Thursday: the wind' lifted tlie-dash .iiclouds, and, many • a person wished for a shower • :of rain, to. Settle tiro dust. Wingbam is' agitating for street lampis; it Wingham Can afC'orct them >Surely Clinton can.. Our friends who,diave information or facts that would he of interest to their neighbors, are're':: qttested'tel forward thein to this office ;• itp is these local items that :ire of interest, and are very generally -appreciated. •A neat lamp, which Messrs. Watts &Co. have put On the front of their` premises,' will be quite "a: convenience.' . Eggs .have. advanced to 19 cents' a dozen. • Rain is very much deeded both for fall 'wheat and 'root erops. The, thermometer went up to 84° on.1llonday. Potatoes are now offered at 30. cts. per 'bushel. by the waggon load. Mr. D. 13. Kennedy is ' walking around with the aid of a stick—cause, horse kick - 'ed him:. A gallant from our .town, while driving to the .picnic at Blyth, on Tues- day, was• more intent on, paying his :atten tions to his companion in the buggy .than the one'in.the shafts, ,the consequence upset -in b e- an a'soft place near Mr -'H, Snell's; on the gravel road, Our thanks are, due Mr. Jos. Ewing for prize tomatoes and superior ve etabl andcelery, g es On _Tuesday Mr T. Jacson took oyer twenty orders for his $3 pants; which -he is just noW making a'siiecialty of. Chris. Dick- sonis'ad."came in too late for . insertio n. this week ; he announces the.' arrival of 6,000 pieces of'music and other newgoods• A boy named' Coehrarie had two fingers taken off by the Stave cutter at S'tapleton;, yesterday M. C. Cameron has, served 35 summonses on fraudulent voters and, re- turning' officers ,@ 80! cbau� 9 • r B o s Whlt � - ��, t e shirts . _ 0.14.. hl �12t� :.oy s 1_,in �ollars.12 1014 SIE I -Y BOY's SCHOOL CAPS. Y'S TWEED RATS. s zn C+oodse# ever d eserl tl n IOS • Our Preparations for the.Fall Trade, are. - p _l? the most extensive that we have ever undertaken, and we have now in stock the largest, choicest and richest display of British, Foreign and American Dry Goods ever. shown by us. WE DO- NOT" INTEND TO TAKE SECOND -PLACE WITH. ANY HOUSE IN CLINTON, forst le quality and prices. We' have personally visited the markets. We have secured the very choicest of patterns. We have bought at the very lowest cash prices, and weintend to give our customers the benefit of our ;labor;. by giving them THE CIIEAPEST GOODS IN THE TRADEi ' OUR STOCKOF: FALL' HOSIERY FOR LADIES AND CHILDRE Is now being sold Lisss THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. The cheapest goods ever offered in Clinton.' All should call and see them:, The Famous Hatter, Linton. ri1!.t .E1 Y'Y'ive 10,000 OF THE B; :Ver -.:seen. .Also; 1111:1111: hest 'ink Guy Siiig ToIace MtOQDS. BlackCashmeres, color'd Cash- meres, fancy Dress goods,Silks, Satins in colored and Black. The finest assortment and low- est prices to ;,be found in Clinton. R HOSIERY & GLOVES This department is very y complete ANTLES Iweedsooh i l : _ C s Orders for suits 'executed the latest styles of the art. Ready-made Clothing. Carpets &Oil Cloths. sAPts coo Flannels, BlanketsCottons,&c. OUR MANTLE. DEPARTMENT is still under the same Management as last ear . which. needs y , no comment. WE 'NEVER HAD A MIS, Fir, Mantle Cloths, full assortment. The. Emporium Will be foapd: head nartoro for Prices, for St le, foraliti,. The Dry Goods; Emporium, 'Clinton. For the next 30 days we offer a Pair of Pants madefrom a West .of England Tweed,got,. u in g p first-class style, and the best of trimmings, Coyne and see one of the IFInest Stocks of acconist's Goon �o ;be seen. anywhere i p Canada. Have_,now . a complete assortment , Franklin Square, Robertson, Rose•: i andSeaside Libraries. CITY STORE, CLINT O_ CRAII3, MACWHIRTER ct CO'S OLD STAND. 1. _ in the regular fol $5.50, These cods are sod goods and they are the biggest bargain ever offered e in -the County of Huron. 000 Y Everybod should call and see -the material. Y Ilothiug they Couoty for the Price CKSON, TI -3E' 1\T Ori ) QLL0TH2eR Victoria 33l.oek . Clinton: