HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-09-14, Page 12,CLINTON NEW ERA. THURSDAY, SEP. 14; 1882. • gownoilir LOCAL NOTICES. t e celebratod.Elocutionist , Plmpersonator, Humorist and dialectarist,'x ill give one of hie, popular entertainments, andel the auspices .and in aid of the Mechanics' Institute, in the Town Mall, on Tuesday Evening3` 1ept. 19th. The press speak very highly_ef bis entertainments, Wherever given, and regard him As the finest platform attraction before the public. Admission, 25 c. child, ren 15 e.; reserved seats 10. c. ea ra. Reserved seat pian at'Hickson'sBook Store. - THERE is a. good opening in, this .town for an ashery. It is a' business that does not need much capital,: and is sure to pay. THERE. were six interments in Clin- ton cemetery last week in as many days. An unusual occurrence. Three were from the country, however; MR. 0. H. WRiai'T; of this place, has bought out the ge :e; al dry goods business of J. C. Kalbfleisch; Berlin. . He has not yet decided whether to move his family or non THE Exeter salt well was recently offer- ed on liberal terms to any of the members of the Canada Salt Association that would take and work it. So far none of them have accepted the offer. THE ST.' T$O\FAs BICYCLE CLUB is now snaking arrangements for hold- ing a grand bicycle tournament in that city on the 22nd inst. Over $151 are to be offered in prizes.. The " local" tof this paper acknowledges an invitation to be present. WHILE a boy named Picket was watch- ing a bicycle on Thursday, his horse took' fright and upset the buggy in the ditch, slightly `breaking le: People should watch their horses, for bicycles have ;a perfect right on the road. Bicyclists should also lookout for timid horses. NeaWIT1SsTAxDING the ainonut'of mo- ney>srpent in trying to fix the drain run- ning across the street from the post office, very Little has. been accomplished, as the: stench, during -dry weather isy-alsnpst-un-- bearable..Any day last week a wift from that quarter was enough to knock one over., SOmE of the townspeople` thetght that in levying a rate of 18 mills OR the; dollar it was getting higher here than in some of the surrounding places, but Seaforth levies 't'hesanit a,r count, and it certainly is not under tbesim expense as Clinton, as it gave no :bonus to a railway, so . that the Comparison is favorable to management of the finances <f this place. ' ENTERTAno..t:Esar. The entertainment committee of the Clinton Mechanics' In-. .stitute have made arrangements with .the ,celebrated el"aeutionrst and, .humorist; Prof., W. H. Meeke, to give one •of his en: tertainpient •in the, town hall, ,-;here,; on the •evening of'Tuesday,'19th rnst: ' He is very.higlily spoken of by the press of the United .States and Canada, and those'ivho' attend the entertainment are 'more than- likely hanlikely to get•full'value for their rnoney." RARE EoliESTY.—For over three years a businesswa man. of Clinton,, had on his. books _a debt of a • considerable amount, which heeventually-wrote offfasnbad. A short time since he was much Surprised; to:. -- -, - -receive liy_ebptess; t full amount of the. , debt, with a „letter expressing the •hope that.the amount; was, acceptable ; -:at even so late a• ,period. .The merchant veryr gladly wrote out and.forwarded a:receipt: in full for the amount. STREET LAMPS,—Nearly 'tivo 'months since one of the committees was instructed' by the council to snake an estimate of the probable. -cost of street lamps, and report at tile next. Meeting.:of council. The "next meeting' was• held last week, ;and as no reference was made to the- niatter we presume it has -bee .toyerlooked. We are rapidly approaching .that season of the year when a few street :lamps. would be decidedly advantageous;and it Would be at least prudence to :make whatever •pro- vision our means will permit fo.r. the com- ing dark and dismal nights. THRESHING MACHINES.— The -foundry of Messrs. Glasgow, Macpherson .& this town, expect to, dispose' of one hurl Bred threshing machines before the -season closes. Of this large number• about forty. will be sent to Manitoba, where they were ' the first to send them-having,niade ship merits: about six years ago. Although a large number of the threshers sold..have.: been for steam power, they disposed of more horse -power machines than the ,an- ticipated. ome of the farmers` in the county being opposed to the,combinations' formed by threshers; have forrned; compa- nies and purchased machines complete for their • own use. Three -such companies: have been already' formed: It is the in tendon-to,..m<ike-preparatiens fox-a_larget season's trade next year. • P ROMOTED.Our. readers will regret, to learn that Mr..A. Straiton, who for about' eight years has very efficiently performed—,'. the duties of, station agent for the Grand. Trunk here, is about to. remove, hehaving; been promoted to the more lncrative and responsible position of agent at .Gcoderich. Mr. Straiton has made a large number of. friends here, notwithstanding his seine - what retiring disposition, and we can. heartily recommend him to the people of Goderich as one who will be a, desirable acquisitionto the place. -A leading mem ber of the Presbyterian church, and work- er in the Sabbath school, his place -will. not be easily filled: His successor is Mr: Pattison, of Dublin, who has already en- tered upon the duties of his office. Those who know this gentleman, speak highly of him, and. if he'succeds in establishing as good ""a reputationhere ass liis 'prede- cessor •will have no reason to regret his removal to this town, • GAEDENING.—As we have previously said, there is no town or village in the county. of Hnron which is so surrounded7 with market gardens or so well provided with culinary vegetabios as Clinton, and scarcely any kind of vegetable grown in Canada but what can be obtained here, the variety being almost endless. We visited and noted several gin -dens -already,; and we now referto one of largedimen- sions and perhaps the most pleasantly, situated'ef arty—that df Mr. John Cope land—who is more of an amateur than 'a market, gardner, as he carries it' on for the pleasure it gives him. The garden rats` along the south bank of . the Bayfield river, with a gentle Incline, and is well, laid out. This year almost everything in it looks well, and the production is ,enor mous. We expect to see i large display ...at the forthcoming show from this garden, EAST HURON' C0TSSER'VATIYEs.—At a convention o'f the Conservatives of'the East Ridingia.Duron, held. at Brussels; on Monday, Thomas E. Hays, of McKil-' lop, was chosen as the standard bearer in the forthcoming'local; elections. Mr.Hays- has been the chosen candidate for :some time, and his 'nomination was `merely- formal A Reform convention is to be; held in the same place -next week, when Mr. Gibson will most likely be re -nomi- nated. AnvERTIsING.--The merchants of Clin- ton,understand the value -of adevertising, as is evident by the sp a some of them occupy in the pages of the NEw ERA this +. week. ' It' is money,, well spent,' for adver- tising has become as! much a "necessity in business as the renting of a store. As our advertisers' speak for themselves, it is un- necessary to' refer to; them, any more than to say we can heartily recommend them: as worthy of patronage, and an inspection.' of their several stooks will convince all that they keep nothing but the best of goods, and in those the largest assortment that is to be fonnd in the county. COLLECTING TAxEs.=After the "1st of October the tax gatherer will commence his labors. We"haye for years contended that the man who pays bis taxes Octo- ber,in:should get a discount over those *h5Who- do ot pay before January, and -MVO -still think that some other method of getting the money in,than that generally, in vogue, shonld,.be introduced. In Seaforth, if we mistake not, the people were' last year re quired to call' at the: Collector's office by a certain time, and{we understand that the plait: worked` well.. The city of Guelph adopted the half -yearly plan of collecting takes, with the result of enabling it'not only to keep ;clear of the banks as a bor- rower, but, towipe out the overdrawn bal- ances of previous years. The•lesson is Worth remembering byttown'financiers. BRIEFS. --Mr. W. C.Searle has, been re -shingling and otherwise improving his. house; Mr.'I W. H. Hine likewise;the addition to .the Bible Christian parsonage will . much improve' its appearance;' Mr.- f'xibbing�s' new:brick house on Unta�}}o street will soon be completed'; the fotin- -dation for--Mr.--T.-Jaekson's large -house- is completed -all these improvements and and many, more, are unquestionably the?result' of the N. P. Last week Mr. Searle re ceived an: application for some strawberry plants from a farmer in the county of. Kent,, who stated' that he had read Mr.. Searle's : advertisement . in • the. CLINTON.. NEw ERA. The window of'.the Canada Salt; Association containsa.fineassortment n rc of beautiful.: climbing plants. Mr: J. • Shipley a few day's since bought a team i.J .L U MAN'T1.4 TI,E DEPARTMENT •: . y g is still under the Salon of horses from a farmer tiear'Kippen pay- � �� ' ing in the neighborhood of $400 therefor. A freight train was running on the West- : Mana emen U : as , last U e , t g year wiaae� needs : no corn, ' � rnent WE Our preparations arations for the Fall Trade are , p � a , e .the most extensive that we have ever undertake and we. have now on the x�,- he wa _the la •. g rest, . choicest and richest . . 1 . c es di a �rx sh _ Foreign n t s l of t o e a m er a � ''' �, I�c 11 p I)r , �' Goods ever shown b us• Tile do...;not intend to take second act with`, anClinton,Y' a , . . � y house in Clfor stifle, quality and prices. ._. Y have l visited the• markets. personally si m r� We have secured the very p Y the� ! y choicest of patterns., We have bought at verylowest cash rice g prices And intendto ` giveou :. u. , r - • , . . we t our c stones the benefit of. our labor ' by- . � giving them:the ehea� est goods in the' trade. p Black,Cashmer s Colored,Ca'hm r s '.Fane Dress Goods;.:: Silks, Satins, in colored & black.. The finest assortment and lowest prices to be found in Clinton.: :osery ar+ .aver This department will be ver : tom ~ p Y plete, Orders: for Suits executed in the styles of the att. t. latest Read TV,tade , Ca •pets ones Oa. Clot: TAPS..,: Flannels, Blankets, Linens Cottons, &e.` a.:. ern on Sunday. A good many of our towns eo ']e are attending the exhibition CTEV D •A MISFIT. , at.Toronte..:While ;hauling manure;last 'MANTLE :SLOTHS, FULL ASSORTMENT S RTME-NT week Mr. Homer Andrews accidently ran a fork in his ,'foot, causing. lameness ' for several days. Mr. B. Webb:: met with a similar accident while; working at fit'.` e Emporium will `be . found headquarters uarters for . q Prices for Style, for utility. Craig's. There will be no 'sitting of''the`` Division Court 'here; during this month, the - next sitting will' be on the; 20th of- October. f October Mr. Tipling's colt;. which had• been : in- training at London; and struck. Its knee, causing:lameness,.` is' now -a11 right again.One of the prettiest Clydes- dale stallions .imported' into this country- is ountry rs a yearling lately' brought 'out by Mr C./ A-very,-uf the Londvi-road.--3-f reports- are'true-there are. several parties in .this town who should lie bustled but, bag and=° -Baggage, er sent to jail, and the -matter. of" their; removal should be attended'to; at'. once. On' Friday night 'softie boys were fooling with a;shotgun, and :put a heavy: 'charge ' of powder in;it; when fired' it kicked. a bey :heels over he'ad3;.-: d, liurst; the:lock of.thegun ; it was fortunate' that no . more serious . results attended such reek]essness: There -are sever tt.9f:.the; tow"n'by-laws that are now so'many ,dead.' letters.. On Fr•iday.a horse driven by Miss- Witty; of Londesboro, stumbled and fell, at the :head of=Albertstreet, breaking the shaft;'s bicycle rider;coniing.on the scene froin-a'back street,a`minute after the horse 'ivas lying on the road; was blamed for;tlie. -occurrence, though staving no more to do With itthan th.e man ;in the .moon.':'The; therinolueter,got down -.to 42° en Saturday night. Chicago' papers make mention of a public debate in ,whiclrthe negative side was led ly, Mr. Geo Irving, formerly of Clinton . A young son of `Mr,. Samuel, Grigg, of London; (a: former:Clintonian) broke his arm;on Sunday ; -he-had broken the same limb a few Week's'• before. ` Sea: forth beat London at cricket, oh Monday, with.a-score of�118 to 116, and 10• wickets to spare.• Mr. Fau �ahan sold 90 co ies of his work "The British Soldier" in this town. This issue -of the NEW ERA, con- sisting of 12 pages, embraces 33._.' columns 9f advertising and 381 Columns of reading niatter,'or a total of :72 columns -being the.Jargest_paper.iss:ued_ outside__ofthe . cities. Mr, Jos. Ewing left' with us, last. week a few splendid toinatoes of the Pride of Ruron•variety, fully equaliniap- pearance and; quality to the Fejee.• Mr. Dunlop, this week delivered parts 11' and 12 of.Picturesque Canada; . they are, in every., respect equal -:to :former numbers; the sketches being: marc interesting from the fact' that they represent life in the `: northwest. '1 correspondent sends us an item about a, servant,' girl Who- ate .the length of°herself in corn—which:would be' about 15 ears --we. won't put in the Usual; challenge with this item "who can beat -it?" for we-deti't wish to enconrage .sur cide. The •beard of health .have' issued <ti notice in reference to depositing --.;.night sail, &c, which should, be regarded` by parties i nterested. Miss .Cottle, daughter, of Mr. Geo. Cottle, on Monday received 'a very' pretty present ',frons her -cousin in Denver, Mr..ltobt.. Cottle, for•merly'of'the, Clinton Organ' Factory, which consisted of a cabinet p to, framed with all the beau; tiful quartz -bearing stones •of Colorado.. Prof: McGannon did not lecture on Tues- day night, owing to illness. Hugh Mc; Gregor was up: before :the Mayor on Mon- day, on a charge of furious driving, and fined $1<and costs. Judge. Torus' held a' court of revision hire on Tuesday, when' seven' of theReform, appeals . were sus-' tained,'and fourteen' of the Conservatives:' The youngest child of Mr. P. Robb, which has beets very ill, had no less than four separate ailments successively, but is now recovering, About 60 tickets were Sold at this station for Toronto, yesterday morn- ing. "Over 100`took the train here -yester- day, for Lucknow, to witness the Caledo- nian. ;games; ; the train, was a very large one and was-beavilyloaded-with pleasure seekers. One of the finest displays•of the• Aurora Borealis that has been witnessed for some •time took' plaee' last it`fonday evening. 'he Dry --G-o0 s` Emporium of;Clrntor,• Our fall _ stock of Novelties.= will be full 'andof corn lete� � b the above dates p when we will makeaspecial • : �:al show , magnificent • goods in eautiful folors'.!anc New Shapes. The-finestw and most complete asp sortment in the l county. -- very G CSae, o, Style and rice.