HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-09-14, Page 9ao: al e Your THE BOOT mAttgO. DEALER'IN ALL KINDSOF -'en's Boot & :Sha s. omen, �>Lnd ' Chlldl _s Men, W Spring Stockwell assorted,, and • artments.. complete in a deb p ALL GOODS S' I DHE:.lYFOTt G-'-AS-H C. CRUICKSIIANK, BRICK .BLOCK, CLINT.ON PROPERTIES FOR' SATJ Agents W�,nt d. HOUSE TO. LET. WANTED several good active Agents, to sell the Dominion Fruit Dryer, one of the r �IIE'subscriber offers to rent a good hous, eon - . simplest and cheapest methods of Drying Fruit yet 1 ttamingten roosts and usual conveniences, eligibly invented. Stats ON Stern. Liberal comatisston given' situated; Possession given oti, once. Apply at once to JOHN COPELAND. In James' Smith's Tailor Shop.'. Clinton, Aug. 17, 1882. WILLIAM SMITH, Clinton, Aug. 24;'1882.-, 1 .:.. t Grand d Trunk Railway TORONTO ii use �ri d Lotdor Sale. le.Clinton, Aug. 10. 18$2. '41 House and Lot ! for Sale: TIDE undersigned offers that fine, conveniently situated and well-built two storey BRICK HOUSE on Joseph Street,'.just south of the Foundry, for sale. It is well furnished with all 'conveniences, and has good lot in•conneetton.:- Will be sold very cheap and on easy terms of payment. Apply -on -the p.Leniises to J MORSE SEPT: fru TO 16•tu. -1 TCKETS to Toronto and return will : be sold at ONE FARE AND A THIRD, from Sept. 4th to 9th ,inclusive, and at SINGLE 'A:!. For the, round trip, From tho..11th to tho 16th Soptt 1- inolalivo All good to return •up to Sept. Ifiti . )—JUDGES AND EXHIBITORS. can obtain retifrn tickets at_SINGLETARE _from Sept. 1 to;18, go"od, up to..Sept. 19.1 FARM . CSR SALE:: A Special Train will leave Montreal at 8.30 a m. on a all station and arriving at ILE subscriber offers or' sale, that Lnterti l tly Sept. Lt t, stopping' t s 5 1 ���itiiatet ,aril,• being, the north half of Let `_>3 10th Toronto the same night. concession of Goderich Township, containing 4J Ceres, SW' Tickets to TORONTO AND ,RETURN and to :-more `oraess'on which-ht -ere aro framo house, stdble a NIAGARA FALLS and return will be sold for this ;andgranary,and.log b t -n. Goedclay -loamanyoung train at the very low rates shown in the posters.- ' orchard:- Novel -failing spring ereek running through JOS HICKSON, C=reel. Manager.. the place• WALTON DODSWORTH'ClintonP.o. Montreal,Aug.u • 30, 1892. • ': Goderich,towitship, Aug. 17,1882. , THE subscriber .offers that eligibly situated, house and lot on James street, near the G. T. R. station, for sale. The house is franfer containing, five rooms, with wood shed, and stable. Good well and cistern, with several fruit trees on the lot. Terms .made known on application on the premises.to Clinton, Sept. 5 1882. .1m , A. WHEATLLY. • ,Farm for Sale.' 'TIRE subscriber, offer, for sale Lot 45, lot con. of - Tuelserstuith,'tendon.React, within '2 miles of the Town of 'Clinton,' and 33: from Brupefield. This farm contains 100 acres of choice land. 'Well watered by never -failing .;springs. No waste land. Good or- chard and outbuildings. Terms easy. Forfurther particulars apply to MRS.-ELIZABETHGRANT, .' 18 tf Clinton P.0 ROB B --Thodsands of, grates are 1' aim for Sale. annually robbed 'of their - ' victims lives prolonged, runt subscriber offers for sale the -south -half of Lot - - )happiness and health re- L38,,1.0th Concession ofrGoderieh Township, een- storedbytheuseofthe .'great ._tstutg of 40 acres, --about 5`rhiles from the Town -of '1Clinton:: Nearlyall cleared and in good state of cul - GERMAN f ' s Evat• g N 0 frame r; stables nd t n. R 1 nst:rhoitse rame.bna N t., o oar ., a n, R Il iIiGORAT R._ GEiNA I Q. , s� t other outbu„t r,_„ on 'the: place: Good .or .....T ms "—tziauoe'�py eiveos of ecoid,) Se attest o Ines ency� .v caused b • excess of anykind Seminal Weakness and. �pienLy of water. Poises,ion ten tells=fall-Teems- all diseases t that follow s ase)uence of Self -Abuse, as ?'very reasonable. :For particulars apply on, -the' pre - Loss of energy, loss of memory, niversal lassitude, pain 7msesi or to - io the back, dimness of vision, premature old' age, and.. 31tf- :JAMES B1tOWNLEE, Clinton. many other diseases that lead to insanity or coni;ump A r tion and a premature grave.• FAlil. FOR'. SALL. Send for circulars with to tin oni t]5 free" by mail. • The INVIGORATOR' is sold. at 81 per hos„or sit boxes' - for 85, by all druggists, or' will be vont freebymail, se- mHE'subieriber-offers for sale that conveniently-. surely sealed; on receipt of price, 11 addressing 1 situated faint,. Lot 1 4111 concession, Eastern de , F. T. cm7NI I, Druggist, vision, Colborne, eontttnut50 acres, cleared and free 187 Summit St. Toledo'Ohio. ' 'ofbutn tps, on whichthere is ''a brick and frame house, J. 11. Combe,sele a •etit:for Clintoul., fratYte-baric horse stable ,mei drive house, -With steno , basement },obd orchard of altifinde of fruit ;- well'vve- •tered-gpod ,spriis, and two wells; .300 rods of udder r 1 Ej N "�1 p "gy p draining well fenced with "cedar '• rails and boards., - Soil, good elay. .Also, the n'nrsh pert of Lot 5,"4th "'con.; being. 20 acres of bush. Terms reasonable.:Ap- . • LOid.V D®i.V - ell on the premises or tu" .n., c July 25: 74S: STI 11 NS Clinton. t.:11'ali 1101,' Bel t('. SEPT'R' 25, 26, 21,-,28 &.29. — ,;.•: ri11IT'sul,seribereite,rs for s_Ele'tliut valuable t� ,{{ i �T : Tr/ - r-- 11 iatut being lot 19 find, east ball' o7 20. on tlte. ,,' 15 0o .00 11\ L IIIZ'-ES. @tit coir.- of."H.ullett„ cnnt'aining 150:acres; 90' 7 •Cleared anti iso a good state: of :cultivation, .the remainder' well .wooded. '.Therfarniis well Ivo- • tered, and has on it.n frame hoose containing 9 rootns,'1ar •e: barn atirl'stables,.:and small oreh-. ard, 'For particulars apply nit the premises, or. .11 by -tetter, to Ci.inten post office. Also 'for said a 50 acro f slut in. Bruce. • ROB, GARTER. I uld tt .lure 21 :188_ I. o OPEN TO TIIE WORLD. Large prizes will. ue given file trial. of � speed itt .tate. horse Ting, which has been. niarged to. a half -toile track.” FiveIndian baiids will eei'rpctc-for prizes. - Exhibitors will .address J B Sutth Secretary, Lon -n con, for Prize Lists and any .other ufarmation needed . JOHN n. SAIYTLL, •' 'JOHN PLltMIIER, Seeretai•y. President ALIJA1� 0r it9YAL .11,*I' 1. ti'CEAAi6I411'tl. RIVERPODL NDON ERRY-GLAS00W; +�0: SRORPEST SNDA PASSAGE . Clinton€sable,tilttermedinteanv,4teleragel'icle=+ HOTEL FOR.::SAL-E. '..etc at Lowest'R,5tes. •1BE undersigned offers forsale, on'easy terms; the Sailings •front Quebec.=' • '�'0 � FRAME'"HOTEL :and remises in the Village of IN, 2. P LNESIAN Sept.f p I'AItISISept,1 0 1 ]ii.nbura: , Thestand.ls a. "Doll one fol• business;'befitg Parsons wishng to seed for their friends can obtain:`-•' ' E, first-cla. ,'localit •. the only one in the piece and In ,a- f r, ss _ y passage certificates at lowoet rateh from Englund, Ire-, . Mr. Brownlee, the' former, proprietor; aid a vgry profit - land and Scotland bh any city villainy town in Ca able' business here for- several years. :'The -furniture nada. and the amount is refunded-lesP a small dodu.: win -be -seta with the hotel, if wanted, and immediate tion if the ticket is not used . possession given.•:,' Steers ePasAen ere aro beeked'to London, Cardiff• s n, F being Lot gg.rs0,-AN IMPROVED Bristol, Dorry,BelfastnudaG]isgow,"at ame prioee as to Liverpool. A• 18, Cor -esdeultt stn 3, Hullett' 100 aeras, heeon cleared: and cultivated, with dwelling and barns thereon Forthreu h ticket ane everyintormationn l to g 'n apply This ]Itrttl is bf goodiluality, and situated near Clinton. A STBATTON.f4.'r' R A¢ent,Clinton • Lasy terms given. • T.40.2 -STORY R[ttCK DWELLING, no buten Street, Clinton, nextwo west Dr. ��q'i°�ARMAN �,t o s. iP G E® r+ . 'residence, heretofore occupied li .1. U`tshall +V. S:' a 1 y l , 1ARM FOR SALE..;`. r 1II�1T conveniently- situated farm adjoining 'the 1 village of Lotidesbcro, being lot' 2:., loth Township of Hullett, consisting of 91,teres, 70'under cultivation. •The place is: well,watered,. good bearing orcbard,'frwee house, geed,friune barn,: and other -out- buildings. It is situated on•the Wingham gravel road opposite IT uber's'niill 0 miles frotu the town "of Clin- ton, half .a.ntile from L. H. & B. railway station. • For, particulars apply to MRS.'MAIITI-SA A. ORA -HA -AI; Clinton, •11113".27, 1882, • DEALER IN CHOIO4 PA.MILY` E TEAS, FRUITS, CANNED • GOODS,' CROCKERY'' GLASSWARE, &C. o--• W' TEAS JUST RECEIVED, EIVED f SISLI:NDiD VA.LT;I, CURED METf FLOUR, OATMEAL,. U ALWAYS ON HAI\ll. Farm Pro nes taken i Exchange. �t� n N,6ix'r DOUR TO JOHN .FIODoisNS' DRY (o0i)s PALAC: ALI11,113r 57111)Is'T PALACE, v CLIN'CON.' . W. W. FARK•AN, Clinton. Aeg, 31, 1882. Im A" FIRST CLASSTARM DAIIT of Lots 12 and 13, on"the 13t1i con of Hallett, C Containing 100 acres, 00; acnes cleared and under cultivation and free froin stomps ; 40 acres 01 heavy timbered land,. 'Through the" cleared. portion there is laid 600 rods of under -drain. ' This iS one of tho richest and beat farmt in the cotmty'of llnron, the crops is enormous'. 1Ite buildings'consist of a, sinalt' frame house, log stables, and framed barn, 36, x t56,trearly now. There f5 011 orchanl ofhbout 40 trees hi superior grafted. fruit. Price 84,500,-81,000 or more (Pilo, balance to be se- cured by Ist Mortgage,• with interest at Si per ;tent. 'Mortgagor to have the.privilege of paying a,paht or the whole of Afortgage money at tlte+end of any half-year without notice.' The purchaser can go on at once to, +prepare for crops. Appply to Clinton, Sept: 7, 1882. - A. S. 'FISHER: DAY SCHOOL , I AND BOARD �1G , OODERICII. �i1S. IL7teftER having net- with such narked�s«arohsutdhav•tomoved to a Very commodi- efts 'dwelling, Can now offet :spacial inducements to parents wishing to send their danghters.to Boarding School. • All the branches are most eXcellontly,. pro - y Sled Inc 'For. fart -hell p artiehlars apply to ' , •' SI. 4. FLETCIIE11, • l'lasytitt es wl.,b'resumed. ;(1D, V.) eh R t dneselwy, ills Sept. . • • •Cederieih, Rn,,. 24, 1782, , Box 186, Goderich. r ,0OL61ES 11.LE . A court, to 'hear appeals against the Voters' List of Goderieh townslii ,was =held before•Judge Toms,here, on Jirid'ay last, but owing to some irre ularties iin the serving of subpo©nas, no bugineas'was MARRIED. .HARTT-SonIERSTEIN.- :At St. Louis, on Sat. urday evening, Sept: -2, by Rev. JN. Allen, Mr.' J. F, Hartt, (second son of Mr. C. A. . Harte, Clinton) to Miss Josie Schiersteiu., transacted, and the court, was adjourned,t L FISHAlAN-DETIALIitoNDi-At'the residence of until the 23rd. '1VIr. Seager, appeared on ihfi bride'°. father, Blyth, on the 13th inet., by the Rev.;,. ,A„, McLean, Mr. James Leash. man, to Mies C. Drummond. McCAsius-Jvia>I.soN,-Onthe 6th inst., by the Rev. J. A. McOamus, brother of the bridegroom, at the residence,pf ,the bride's mother, Rev. D. N. McCamus,, of Bethany, Toronto F Conference, to Kate, youngest tof hireJmn, Gri, ndn sister Aerf Rev .. W.aS. Jamodeieson, Lchondoa Conference, OsaoNE-SHErrann.-=At`the M,1J, Parsonage,:, Goderioh,-on'the 7th •inst„ by the .Rev. 'J.. W. Sutton, Mr. A lexander Osbone, of Pe. trolia, to Miss Rebecoa Jane Sheppard, +, of Goderich township. • DIE;D.. RUD1).=In Rathearen, Queen's ,county,- Ire- . land, on the`Sth of August, ,Alicia Rudd, relict of the late Gordon Rudd; mother' Of Mr. John Rudd'of Goderich township,i'in: the 95thyear of her age. She was a Me-,' thodiat-for-80-year,-and-was-a consistent= and faithful Christian, and departed in great. behalf of the Reformers, and Mr. John- ston on behalf,of the Conservatives. • +.3EAFOUTH' FALL RACES, {,.The ,fall races came oft the'park'here; on Tuesday, • The four- year-old colts match race was won by La palies s Hardware Billy, 1, 1, 3,1. Whit- ley's Garfield, second, 3,3-2, 1,1.' Wa'rd's Capt. Brant, third, 2. 3. 2: 3. Two -fifty trot, purse $125, divided, four entries -Wilson's Mohawk Chief, Don- nelly's Midnight,`] Bossenberry's Dan, For- est, and Knox's Sleepy George. Sleepy. George,, 3,1,1,1. Mohawk Chief, 1;2,2,2, Dan Forest, 2,3,3,3. Midnight, drawn. Open trot, purse,'$225,'divided. Entries Jenkinson's Allan H. Birrell's Ralph 13, Johnson's Comet and Wilson's ilio awk Chief. Allen II. 1,1 1. Ralph B, 2,2,2. Cornet third and, distanced, Mowhawk. Chief, drawn, I - - Pacing race --Brown Jug;. 1;1,1, George 11, 2, 3,'2:' Fidies, 3, 2, 3.', G DEILIC,H.' Mr• S. Platt is'''looking up 'thorft'-bred shorthorns to 1 stock his Maitland Falls: farm with. " • Gordon Young, of Colborne, has hat vested 1000' bushels 'of wheat And: not ,a damaged grain . W.'Care bell�J., •r "hasgone' to -Chi a F ,- e go to accept a situation in the Chicago and G. T. R. Freight offices there. Messrs D. and J.P. Fisher and Co.ship- hed on Tuesday sixfine stallions;for Chi- cago. These animals are intended for exhibition at the'Big Fair. Mrs. Gordon Young, of Colbrne who was severely 'affected by s sun stroke a couple of weeks ago, has recovered from the effects l considerably ' and will be all right in ficaliort time We reset to announce the death. of W. B. Hibbard, son of .the American Consul Agent at this port. Deceased was 35 years,of age," but; the ravenous destroyer, consumption,knew neither ;youth , nor worth in this as in many`other cases. B L YTH. f , The' anti: -fire protection: party :.held a meeting on Monday evening, at ••Emigh's hotel. A team, was stuck last week, -coming out of the creek with, a heavy load, and the horses were. well supp'lied with: long oats. • A big turn out is expected next Tues day, at the Roniieni-Cato1ic picnic,. to be, held in Potter's woods. ' Mr. Joseph Tamin's -youngest child was buried yesterday, in, the Ptiblic'ceme Y ter �. It died oliJSunda anoi '-. Y 'of cholera bus—was just turned four months old. . Tt 1s' generally'believcd'<that Mr., Tan-' ner, the banker, who .wen ; away single;. will return 'with a: Mrs. Tanner._ A social will be held in about, two weeks at Mr. Jarnes Wilson's, in aid of the par sonagefund of'.the Methodist church. At the. -Conservative convention held at Brussels. on. Monday,. Mr. M. B. MVlallory, •' 1 ointed...onemof th _o�this. ,1nl,ag,e,-ayas=CFF , - e. ;representatives to attend the convention to be held at Toronto on •the'13th lest.. Wednesday was the Civic Holiday, and 'some of the.villagers went to Lucknow to .the`Caledonian sanies, some to Point Farre; a few to Toronto, the rest stryed at home; Mr 'Heflerin's son is better, and able to; get out a ltttic, but looks very weak: THE WAR Military . affairs in Egypt have been tolerably quiet tor 'a few days past, 'Con- sidering the proximity of the two "contend inw'parties.: On Friday last, Arabi, with about 'P3,0O0'troops,. attacked the ,English forces at Kassassin., ;and after some; hard,' flgh'tinlry were repulsed with' considerable loss on both sides; .The latest' reports' atthat a' rw" rd movement was `to e state forward take lace oar%Wedneeda Gen: `Wolseley hav- ing Y, 'lnade'his -final reconpoiscance on Tuesday' afternoon. Tile programme /of proceedings -is e ipected to be as follows,. The I3ritish tents will' bestruck at 6 p. pa„ ,rind the' men formed into brigades acid marched to the bivouac ground.', Each man will carry,100rounds of ammunition.. A' transport brigade will be'folmed at day' break; 30 round's•of anifnn"fritip'n peri man; will be .carried. on the baggage phrialla, which will press on itt milli Ihe,nawal brigade will be 'attached :to -the tr'tnsp9' : corps. The 'forty,pounders-and-Iline bat-, teries will accompany the ,advancing' force- Attwo .o?clock on Wednesday. morning ' the British were' marching„ on' Fel-el-Kebir, and no doubt the :battle has. 'b'een decided long ere this. In•ordernot to alarm 'the enemy.no bugles were sounded, and'at 3.30'the bat- tle 'had coinrnenced. A strong force ;of infantry is supporting seven batteries of field artillery' which are operating upon' the enemies lines; The indignation of the English 'work ingmen has been aroused 'by a proposal. by the merchants toinvite.Chinese labour to England.. The labour' organizations are making preparations to "oppose them, and serious' trouble is, anticipated should any Chineselabour be introduced into the .111,11011r market . A• • •• Fortunes tar Farmers,' and Mechanics. Thoeeiipde of dollars can be saved by using proper, judgment in taking care of the health of yourself and' family. • If.'you are Billions, have °allow `complexion, poor, appetite, ' low' and depressed awaits, and generally debilitat- ed, Flo npt delay, a moment,'' but goat once: find' procure a b'Lttle of those wonderful Elec- tric Bitters, which never fail to cure, and that for the trifling cent of. fifty Dente. -Tribune. -Sold by Watts. &,Co. and J. 11.. Combe. LIST Orr FALL SIIOW:f FOR 1SS,1. Tuckersmith Branch, seafortlt, Sept. 21 and 22. Morrie Braucb, Blyth, Oct. 12 and 13. West Huron,. Goderich, Sept, 19 and 20.' • Branch, 'Lor •11 sent, 21 and 22. ,Iia Br 1 . , p Y, i>;xe�t� r OOt: 2 arra 3. ••south Huron, o:tet 'r ; and 4 . Huron, tyr, C�. 3 t Elnr C grey rtis els pct. grey Brill ell, B 8 OctC �. East Wawanosh •-Selgiave, 9et. :11. Hibbert, Stalls, Sept. 28. ill at Mitchell, Mitchell, Sept. 14 and ls, Industrial, Toronto Sept•. 5 to 1f.., Western Fair, London, $ept: 25"te 20 Provincial, Kineaton,'Sept. 18 to 23. •a IIullettllranch. Clinton, Sent.; 1s and 1.5. WALTE• I S. -In Tucicei•smith, on the 9th inst.' after a lingering illness, William, youngest., son of Francis and Sarah , ''halters, in the 33Id year of his age. 1111LLCII,-In Clinton, on the 7th inst , Affra May,;Daughter of 111r. Jacob Miller, aged 7 years and 2 days. ., S ALLow.-In Clinton, on, the 8th inst., Caro- - line Alice, wife of Mr.,Geo.,Swailo,w, aged 32 years and 3 months. I i nzr -At H n all , xc R e s , on Sunday, -Sept. 10th, Harold Hamilton Ryan. only child •of G. C. Ingram, of Osprey, N. W:'1'., aged 1 year and 10 months.' MCFARLANE.-In. Granden, Dakota, on the 28th of, August, Donald McFarlane, after a short, illness, late of Stanley, a native. of Stratlibraan', Perthshire, Scotland; aged 80 years. - TAMIN.-At Blyth, •on e•1 in thein- fantthe son of Mr. J. 'famin. . Free of- Cost. All persons w aping: Co test the merits of'a reat' remedy -one that will positively "cure great Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron- chitis, or any afieotion of the Throat and Longs -are requested to call at Watts & Co.'s,' and J.11. Combe's Drug Store and get a Trial: Bottle of 'Dr. 'King's New Discovery for Con: sumption, free of cost, which will show you what a regular dollar.size bottle will do. C1.[P•fil►N 1[ARiKE'I'ti. Sept. 13, 1882. During theweek acousiderable, amount of grain has been marketed, among it a lot' of spring wheat,;,Which 'is in first-cla4s con- dition. :Prices remain about the same, - with only a sleight downward tendency... At present but little wheat is fit ;for'immer diate milling ,plrpores • most all all. being ra- ther damp. a=therdamp. Buyers' are not very, anxious fol' touch. to come jn just yet,�as there is a feeling of uncertainty as 'regards ,prices, some thinking that if the eastern, trouble was 'peaceably disposed Of prices would' soon fall. Wheats fall, ' bush, old$1 00 '.'a 1 05 Wpheat, 'fall; new, - - '3 95 a 1 00,-. ---=Sratlb, 1 12,:a-1y,a1a® Oats `.` 0 34. a 0.35 Barley, Peas, arley,Peas, Flour, ';' Potatoes, Butter, Eggs .. Hldil"s;- " Sheep pelts Lamb skins, __Wool; - VEEP ADlER'f ISEMENTS t;.: Visitors to the fair at Lohndon should know`tha ," : t ETON ,,, S PALACE DRY GOODS STORE iS a big concern and, buys and seilsggods on a.large• .scale' thereby selling very cheap. Special .` bargains laid , out for the 'Fair week. tom sells eh� CHEAP. -FRESH' ANI) GOOD T CERIE� The subscribers desire to, return- thanks to their numerous friends for the' hearty patronage accorded them, and, also to inform- them that they have laid 'in -a large and 'd select'stock of GriGlassware . roceries Cha Gl ssware Crockery er &c: g h fall 11 'trad . s Competition his .keen Dods. will be'sold 'at th 1 • :Por the fa e A ,, � e OW est;possible p d'to.giv rice and nopains s are o e satisfaction. price, P • g ALL'. KINDS OF FARM .PRODUCE ,TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ,The cheapest Tea in the Market. ALBERTST.,CLINTON. .E� EF,, C , MOORE .& SON. EAT BARGAI 4 _1.14.• four $1,' 3 Lbs. for 1; Extra "c1tOice for 60 • Women's Shies "$1' and••upwards.. PRUNELLAS at cost .. .:. MEN'S 2.25 HIGH }3 good, _ _. SEh 5 G OUTS o S T' HOE , , 00 5& SHOES g 0 55 a 0 75 0 60 a 0 65 - 5 50 a -6 00 0 35;'a 0 45,' 0 15 a 0 16 0 18 a 0 19 -" 700' a 800'.. 6 00 a 'T 00 0'10 `.a.0.15 0 50 .'a 0"60, {:' 0'20 a. 021 The Milwaukee' •correspondent of , the New York Herald says the. Wisconsin far - Were are' financially independent, and will hold their wheat till the price comes tip to What they think is 'right: ' And .if all -the wheat -growers in North America were of that resolution and could afford it, they Would ' get the price up. D LRY ProoucE.--T1ie;Monireal Wit - n of Monday, thus refers to dair • pro- d t dairy duce: -The butter and eheese markets con- tinue very 'quiet,'timid it is clear; that there will be no trade of any : magnitude . done in eitheruntil the English markets go up:, or; ours -go down.' Shippers are; not inclin- ed:to operate beyond the %extent -of filling positive orders, which are few and gene- rally at prices much' belew what they can• work at here. ,Buyers' and sellers' ideas are still very, far; apart.. ,' In butter there; is apparently a little more doing -than .was. the case last week, but not of a character' .to make any .change 1n ,vuotations neces sary• ,Shippers differ very much': in opine ion•as to the fallitrade in butter, some pre- dicting that it will be quite lively, while others regard the "misty future" with ::n most despondent eye. The' wheat P I crop report of the United States 'Department of Agriculture, for September, says the result of the •spring' wheat -harvest • is in close accordance with the indications of the A.ugust report. The quality is good,,and the yield ' above the' be. averagThe general condidion° of winter and springwheat when harvested is repre- sented by 100 -the average•attained since -harvest.. In, parts of the winter' wheat region, and especially in Michigan and Tndiana, some millions of, bushels • have been lost by sprouting.in/stock, -and al- most the saine l-most'the'salne loss in 'ring wheat Froin the same cause " in isconsin , and other states. The Ohio Valley has nearly as large a -product as -in -1879. • Ohio,:lndlana, and Illinois have apparently secured about 142,000,000 bushels., The South' has in- creased the acreage and yield. The ag gregate of winter wheat is about 380,000,- 009 bushels ; spring wheat for about 140,- 000,000 bushels: The first threshing gen '-erally, '!exceeded expectations. Later threshing has in many' sections been dis-- appointing It is quite certain the per capita supply of wheat will not be quite as large as in 1870 or ;1880. The wheat crop .of Germany is better than expected; of France, a full -average. The prices of Wheat is constantlY falling everywhere. In Europe the average condition 'of pota- .toes has fallen to 92, against 101 in August. The prospect 10 now favorable for crop bushels. '1 than 150,000,000o Th of'n esse 01 .t decline bas been heaviest in NewEngland and New York. Don't be Affirmed. • atItri� ht'S Disease, Diabetes,' 01 any disease of the kl l'ney.s, liter or'ltrinary or00ns,•as Ifon B tterS-will certainly duel Iaotnlgly cure you, aitd it is the only thing that will, TEA SETS-, $2.25. GLASS SETS 50 c: and u . rocker &Glassware p Y 4 UBuy C our Gt)()ds.�: PPLES. WANTED WE WANT TWO THOUSAND BARRELS OF FALL LL AN ) W-I'N.' TER -APples for tile highest market price will be paid. Ttnnt.sellattbntt-_eemg_us: . CLINTON, Sept.; 1.. THOMP50N' & SWIT`LER. ,)Palter HAS REMOVED 70 HIS :NEW PREMISES rectly apposite the Town ,C ESL t. AN.tD. SEE HI's. �+b pub 1' - takesthis o ortunit of ll.folluln the bre The undc,l sl�netl Ph Y • 5. l v into -the '• Chat he has moved Store Lately occulred b -Mr. John Jackson, Two ckss on , TWO DOORS NOD!s R RTH OF THOMPSON and SwtrzE , Wherehe will 1'llto a p ease be pleasedmeetll his'. old custolilers and'. �,. "friends and any .number of new ones. Don't forget _. Place -Beaver Bloch: Clinton.' th, e . , �;. p customers toilers Mat owing -to recent severe illness he is forbidden by his physician to engage in any way . weeks to .come. his cotn'pulsor with active business for sonic e During 1 Y absence his affairs will ' be in . charge of Mn. ' JoIIN CALLANDER, whose long 'experience attend to the wa;ntS,'of customers a� -m to enable good ns knowledge and. business kn o eflicieutly-as if -the proprietor was personally present. r - first-class and ,littsior assistants in Mn. C�nz,Lnxn1�.R is assisted by f1 every ' ar'tment o the store and no limit is laid on him, but, 011 the contrary,'l e has' department � , with leer ased' energy g II the business e e full instructions to spare no means to, enssY l in it in front rank of efficiency. ' Customers cati re] 'on -; and vigor, and maiuta, •. Y Y: e `g, well and ft ithfiill • served itis lieretofore, by courteous find pro�lnpt at ,�Gttln as. I ill. fine stock: to choose from-tbebest value in the market tendon, and an -unusually y Clutton, Sept'',1881.