HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-09-14, Page 8AROUND THE COUNTY. A new Episcopal church is to be erect- ed at Exeter. • Mr. A. Laudenschlager, of,Hullett is building a fine brick house. Mr, Morton, long, a. resident of Sea- forth,,;lias removed to Stratford. Mr, ,Coleman; near Hills Green, took 125 bushels of fall wheat off 3 acres;. Delays are dangerous, particularly in Kid- ney Diseases, so take at once Dr.Van .Buren's KIDNEY CURE and obtain. relief from all your sufferings. . Your druggist keeps it. Seaforthlevies 18 mills on the dollar this year—one mill higher than last year. 4r.Thontas Downey :of Seafortb sold bis "Clear Grit" colt to a Mr. Blair, of Stratford' for the sial of $250. Mr. John Farmer of' Exeter has put: chased the :handsome brick residence formerly owned dy Capt. Howard. . Ma. JohnRoss; of-W-a;wanaslt, bound - on the farm - of Michael Dwyer no less than 200 sheaves of oats in'.'37 minutes. Why go on day after day suffering with. splitting headaches.. when 'a ',bottle of Dr, Austin's •phosphatine will cure you. If you do not believe it 'ask your druggist for a cir- cular, and read what those who have used it say about it. • l.'rice$l.00, sold by all druggists. Mr. Wm. Russel .of the 2nd con., of Hay, sold a magnificent span of: mares teMr. War. Bewden, for the handsome sum of $400. Mr. Robt. Martin; of Grey, lost a valuable 4 yr. old snare a ' short time ago .from nflamation"can ed b b yan over dose of dry bran. MMr. John Thro 1 of Tuckei'smith, has . 1, , sold $81 worth of eggs since the first of February,besides what heused in his own household. Mr. W. Diew, of Exeter, has a whop- ping large cherry that . he : intends to preserve in alcohol. We have a better way of preserving it than that. Mr. Frank Dagg, of lot 6, concession 6, "Usborne, has sold his' splendid farm, Containing_ 100 acres, ` to. • Mr. Joseph Hawki:ns,.foethe handsome sum of seven thousand' dollars. Mr. Dagg thinks of going to the North-west next sprint,. Several of the farmers of the ' 10th. and lith concessions of-Usborne have: formed •a ;company for the purpose of purchasing' a steam, thresher, costing one thousand one' hundred dollars. This is as an offset to the thresher's combination. A simple herb found on, the sunny plains of a Southern clime has, under• the skillfnl manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, proved one. 0 Dr. D. W. Fairchild, of New York, 'says, " Personally. I believe in Phosphatine I use it myself, and in my family' practice. 'I pro- scribe Phosphatine with confidence that I cannot :attach fto no other remedy. `-It is safe, it is effective."" For saleby' all, druggists. Mr. S. Morris, sr., of Colborne was badly bitten by_a bingo& while visiting a neighbor. Three -incisions were made by the vicious canine; The animal was shot. Mr. Norton Fleming, cif Auburn, who returned from Manitoba to attend.; the funeral of his little, son, g has one., back•' . to resume his business in:`Nelsonville • Manitoba. Mr. W. T. Brayof: Win ham has for �,., theast week been,:seriogsly 111 -with P pleurisy and congestion of the lungs, and we regret to say, he, is reported as being very low.• Mr. J. M. McGregor, of$eaforth,'in- terds presenting -tire corporation of Mitchell for damages which he sustain- ed by the running away of his horse as mentioned last week. If Catarrh has destroyed your sense of smell and hearing, Hall's Catarrh Cure will cure:youl 45: cents per bottle.' Drugglsts sell it. For sale Mr. Jas. McNair,.Goderich, hasbeen appointed judge of Ayrshire cattle at the Toronto Industrial Exhibition, and also as a judge of grain for the West- ern Fair at 'London. On Friday morning last about 4.30 o'clock the 'house of Mr. Wm'Tisdall, Carlow, was burned to the ".ground ,'and. a portion. of the contents destroyed. Cause unknown. Insured for $400. of the greatest blessings ever sentto suffering humanity. Dr.Van Buren's Klnrlav CURE is- acknowleged' all tie world over as the oply perfect remedy for, kidney troubles: Your druggist has it, The farm occupied. by Robt Taggart;: lot 14, 8th con. West Wawanosh,was sold on Saturday.by J. C. Currie, auc- tioneer, to Mathew Woods.' The price was $3,050. The farm comprises 100, acres. • Mr. Harris, for the past eight yeas assistant in the law office of Messrs. McCauley & 'Holmestead, ;of Seafoith,. left on Wednesday -for, the old country. He intends taking up itis'' permant- en abode in London. - After Many years of 'Patient . investigation Dr.Van Buren, of Germany, finally succeeded in perfecting.a Kidney Cure .that, would 'per - manently relieveall cases of Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask your Druggist for Dr:, Van Buren's KIDNEY' CcRE, A few days since a son of widow Dal las, of Tnckersmith, had the .misfortune, to fall through a .scaffold, :dislocating a limb. It' took four doctors after ;con- siderable trouble to reduce .thedislo cation. St.iile .thre BIr.John Dinsdalr, of .. � y, esh= ed on tlie_fr.ran of:M'r. Francis Coleman, Parr Line, on Saturxlay last; 1.00: thigh - els of fall wheat in the speee of 50 iitn-• kites, and the straw ' was vary long and difficult to handle. Ft Mr. John Cameron of the Mill. Road, " Tuekersmith,: has .purchased .'from Mr, William n'1cCaa';his lot on the .14th concession of McKillop, paying therefor the sum of $1,000. The lot 'contains• 88 acres and is all'bush. Mr.Tbomas Piercy has sold his farm, lot 20, North Boundary Hay to Mr. Jacob Moir, of Stanley, .fora the sum of $5,500- cash. The 'farm contains' 90 acres, all tinder cultivation,' Mr:Piercy intends removing, to Michigan. STREET TALK, "How much, better you.leok, ' ` Yes, I have .gained 32 pounds on FIa11's Catarrh Cure. have not felt so, well in- 20 years, It hat made .a'coniploto cure anil is worth .1;50 a: bottle to ariy one'tlaat lass the: Catarrh." • • The new Metl.odist church, Hensall, will be opened and dedicated on Sabbath Sept. 24th- The. Rev. John Wakefield will preach in the morning and in the evening. •The Rev. Hugh Cameron' will preach in the afternoon at 2:20., 1r GTori`ret el, Jr., has pur-: chased the farm of Mr. L. Rands, on the 4th con.: of Hallett, for '$5,500. The farm contains 100 acres and is a good property. This farmadjoins the 14IcMiichael homestead, which Mr. 'Mc- Michael now. works. 'Mr- .Janes McLeod,' formerly post- master at Hills Green, has sold his house and lot to Mr. Thomas Hudson, for the sum of $150. Mr. McLeod in- tends removing to 14lanitoba abont the first of next month. He has a .son re - .siding on a farm hear Brandon, and he goes to live with him. The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR is the marvel of the Medical world. It never fails' to completely • euro Nervous Debility, Impo tency, Mental Depression, and all disease a cans - ed 'from excesses. The, testimony of thousands: cans be had; by writing F. J. ,Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent. ferthe United, States. Price $1.00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. ' Jf your drug- gist does not keep tiro -remedy, send to head- quarters and get the medicine by mail. *Circu- lars andttestimonials on application. Sole agent for Clinton, J. H, Combe. A gentleman from Dundas was in. Brussels last Wednesdaylooking at the'. Roland foundry with the idea of recur- fngit for the purpose of manufacturing agricultural implements- [The gentle- man in question will find no better.' place 'in which to start such a business'. than the thriving town of Clinton.] At a meeting of the Directors cif the McKr11op'Insurance Company* held on Monday it was resolved that the rate of assessment for the, current year be 7 per cent . on the premium notes. This will pay all losses and' expenses for_the year•, thus far; and leave a 'surplus of "about $1,500. The 'rate last year was 10'per On Wednesday a man, who gave his name as Peter Ryan, came to Exeter, and after it taking in the sights" visited, the various hotels and became 'some- what 'intoxicated. He then strolled bout th'e street till midnight; when he tried to: gain admission to the house of Jr.9Donald Taylor in which lie vas unsuccessful, and becoming terribly ,en- raged, commenced throwing stones at the different stores en the opposite side of the street. No less than six windows w ere broken by him' in the ferent stores. For this he was accom- modated with three week's board at Goderieh. Messrs. James Horton of Hibbert, and Thomas Dickson of McKillop .ar- , 1, ar- rived home from the • Old Country on They Saturday y last.brought with .� them, one two -.year-old and three year- ling ling stallions and a breeding mare and foal. • They are all good animals. They hada, pretty rough passage, brit got them all landed herein safety. , Owing to the earelessness-ef-t4ie-lzc !-way-hanc1,s- in .shunting trains at ` Stratford, the. horses received some pretty rough t eat - went there which didthere more iai•m,. than all therest of the voyage. 11. Go to COOPER CHEAP GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, c. Oatmeal and Cornmeal always on hand, A'SSO English Breakfast Bacon Pett s .celebrated ► � g Long alcor Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams, ,..;. I And .z♦ o 1 LARD, :9t prices which cannot be. beaten n 'in town. own. I , HIS 60 : C. TEA SPECIALTY A • SOLE AGENT FOR uobb9'ns' ELECTRIC SOAP THOMAS COOPER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON HOW TO TO CET "RID OF AN '•UNWET: COME VISITOR.'. " Rheutnatismu ", says Mr. A. Mchaul,; pro prietor of the City Hotel, Kingston '`used to., hold its own: pretty well, but 'tbedays of that here are o'er.' St Jacobs Oil, the Great Ger mac Remedy has completely conquered -the rheumatism, and no man need ,suffer from it longer:' I had it -badly until a short timeago, but I used St Jacobs Oil and was: cured_, and so,can any one be cured Ina similar manner.' IVR THIRTY YE'AR'S EXPERIENCE PROVES the' GEN VINE ,SINGER to be the moat, durable and the bent sewing machine In the world. It is -simply,cor struated, easy-.to-operatei•does•not-get out - of repair, : nd lasts:a lifetime. HARLAND BROS., Wish' most respectfully to return their sincere thanks to their friends and custolnera for the very liberal patronage bestowed' upon them in thep ast..3 and at the same time would say that they will in the future (as in the past) do their utmost to supply all entrusting them' with their patronage for Hardware, Stoves, &e., with the very best goods at the very lowest possible prices: We would also take this opportuninty of informing the public in general that we have Opened up ,a new stock 'of Hardware ''Stoves '.&c. in the store in the Beaver Block, next'door to Tohmp son. & Switzer's Grocery p �I Where' we will keep on hand's rand 'stock of STOVES, 8 HARDWARE, TINWARE, &c; Our stock at the old stand in the Red Brick Store will at all times be found ' replete in assort- mentand quality. Our' prices will also. be found aglow as any house in the ade. Solicit ing a continuance of public,pataonage, we are, yours &c. i On Wednesday evening a fire broke out, in one of the large barns belonging to Mr. Thomas Gov nlock, NIcI�illo r The cause of the fire is unknown. The barn contained 100 tons of hay, all of which was totally destroyed. There Was .lioinsurance , =which renders the loss befWeetr $T,ODO. and , $1,2-015: r The' l 000 required 0 e liefor d the sic � � qu cs,.-. fill operation of the salt well at Exeter have been: -subscribed. Operations are 'anticipated to commence' at once. That amount wont go a very: long way, and further funds will be necessary it it is expected' to -carry on the works..'' •'SSamnson' lost his strength with his hair. •Thousands -of men and women loose their' beauty with theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the fan-' ors Cingalese Hair. Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by all druggists Asa little boy, son of Mr. Thomas Swale of Elimville, wasreturning from school, he climbed into a willow tree for the'purpose. of obtaining some switches: He Jost his balance and fell headforemost; striking his head against. the raii'fence and cutting it very badly. A few days after another brother was • bitten bya vicious dog. ` The . waggonshop belonging, to Mr._ 11 lattice of Exeter had a narrow: -escape from fire between .Saturday night and: Sunday morning. On Siindtty morning Mi-Mattice had occasiontogo into the shop, and found the side of the building;, considerably charred It --is supposed- to have been set' on fire. A lamentable occurrence happened at;. Kintail on Sunday last: On that day' 14 Ir. John Ramsay, a shoemaker well- known in , Goderich, who had _of late - worked for Mr. John.Thomson,of Kin - tail,. went in bathing. Shortly after going into thewater, it is supposed he .was seized with a cramp; and. sank and'. was drowned. Deceased was about 63 years of age and had lived in:.Hnron for the past thirty years, ' Ve regret • to be called upon ion to chron- icle the death of Mrs. Wm. Wilson, at " \Villos '7 JIall," half a mile north ; of Hensall. For a considerable length of time heart disease has_been laying waste, her system, and on Sunday last; she suc- cumbed to uc-cunibed'to its influence, after suffering the most ehcrutiating agony. Born in "flit northwestei'n'pai4 of Ireland, from whence she removed to the neighborhood" of Ottawa, where' she married Mr. Wm. Wilson, and front there came to thee. farm which they have since occupied. Deceased had reached the ripe age of 63 years, and was a' consistent member -Of - the English Cliprcli. DO' NOT isa DECEIV1ID. tlfese'times of quack medicine- advertise nients everywhere it is truly gratifyingto find one remedy that is worthy of praisoandwhich really doesas redorummended. Electric Bittei•l we can vencli for as being a -true and reliable remedy and one that.will do as reoonm endef, They invariably euro Stomach and Liver.Com-' plaints; Diseases of the, Hnlney n aril'Urtnary dlf1lcuities, : we know whereof we spealr, and can readily say, give them a tool. 501,1 at no cents a bottle,.b,y Jr I•I, Comlic druggist. • A .. TAR. . r - ' P:C Ovsr 6l OQ . Slat; Machine's sold last year. ,LOCAL OFFICES AT GODERICH, VIN(,'HAM, • BRUSSELS' AND EXETER. Head Office far the County of Huron 1 OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HURON ST,, CLINTON. Is Ileemumerided by Physicians. CURES' Catarrh of ',the NasalCavity and Ulcerative; Catarrh cilia) Ear, Eye or .Throat. It is taken INTERNALLY and- acts DIRECTLY upon the Blood' and Mucous Surfaces of the System. It is'the best Blood Purifier • ,n the WORLD, and,is worth ALL ,iat is charged for It, for THAT alone. THE ONLY INTERNAL: CURE FOR CATARRH t - IN rats "MARKET wo offer $I00 'o is, canal"tr nn SI cot ars ' I � Cstcrrb ., .. G O� uu- \vii t Hatch 23, 1883. Mfylittle delight ',.,'5:1 with Catarrh for two years, an 1 • e. mach benefitted ,by the use of," Hall's c,a.ar.•,r t:ure ' • She ie ing,,?;%v !bout Cured. W. T.: HOUSE. ' ' \VELLA ai; Ont., March 20, 181'2. wuTti Ihave used " Halle C Cure," aisd judg- ing from the good results., Ii derived from ono bottle, believe 11 will cd be most stubborn Case of Catarrh if ite Or ':' i "b' -continued 'for a c .t i,. length .of i�ie. _. � Lle reasons .15,".-'11. t ' HELLEMS, F. J.CHENEY & l.'. f Ii5 ,t Qente. Hay.• ; 0.1's ,.atitrh:Cure fortiie last yeariand it; lie eatii,o satisfaction. .' Yours truly, H. W. HOBSON, Di resist. Hallo. Ca i frit Cure' Is sold. all \.'lin es io and. R tail Driicgists • and Dealo's in Patent Id Jiuines in • he united 5 :eyes .an'(Canada,. Intending purchasers,wi,ll do well to test the SLNGER beforeipurehasing any other kind.. THE Erer rs THE:: CHEAPEsr. 051 ani' Needles for all'kinds of 'machines ,Iways on hand. G. E: 'CRAWFORD .AGENT. (:niton, Aug. 3, 1582. .. • 75 €Aist' :L :x3ntl 4,fj}► a Doz: The.onlm gerne 1 i i'e; ,'au rL t7iire is man- ufacturej, 'byF`• J CHL.;'1. i (,30,; Toledo, fsBeware of 'Imitations Bottled ler the Ontario trade by���" H. W.i HO'BSON. Welland. Q'nt: J. H. COMBE -A"ent. Clinton. r))\HE SUBSCRIBER MAKES A SPECIALTY J. of this business and keeps constantly on hand a;lurge assortment of FFIIV CO S A K T ,C S E Sf COFFIN . T.RIMMINGS, 1 SIIIROOUDS, 4rid eterything in the Undertaking line,: and can furnish, everythingsuitable for 'a'fLiteral ;.:. i;, the5hortest notice and t the most reasonable Rates TWO SPLENDID. HEARSESr ISEI' FOR IURL. R I'll f1 PLACE, OI,POSrrE TILE Tows HALL. THOSSTEVENSON. '1I.A81(17401117 STOVES. --Having bought -a stock of Stoves outside of the association, on very ad- vantageous terms, I alai now prepared to offer COOKING STovEsat a large percentage under: the usual price. H.A.RyEST.TOOLS''. - Scythes Swaths,: Wheat, Barley; and Flay 'Forks,';Scythe Stones,' Ralt5s, Cradles, Harvest (.rh,y'es, Cradle Fingers, &c. TIN 'WARE. -TA full assortment 4 -Tinware in all its branches. Also LAMP Goons `GRANITE WARE..--just:arrit•e,il nn nssnr'tmetrt,, TEA < n 1'<T4, COFFEE:' POTS and. PRESERVtIG KETTLES, in Granite' Ware. • • HIDES, SIHEEP • SKINS, I'UIIS-I3ICrl3L+'Sr CASH PRICE PAID. 15. 3.A.VI6:, CT.,Y-NPON. • 3EMISTS ISTS, Albert •t9tre0t. C➢.int ri. • Medicines The ttblie Will fuel our stock pf.t cines coin lletc warranted enuine and f p - the best qua17tyhs- ., S o 1 II ry ;. l.OIIyLT SO:SI'S �. Lill tl .Ll , 0 )Ill ��,1 AW.;, ji13USSLS 1..P.ONGES: 4sID'ALL%INDS OrADI;irr:iCISTS S1Jlln)RILs 1:38IJA11,Y_ KEPT IN A 1+f l(S'l.' CLASS' l ltt?i. STO4 : • BR►GS; BRANCH STORE, `—S.I.fN-o-F TH —PAD-L-OGK BEAVER BLOCK, NEXT TO-THOMPSON k' SwiTZER's. RED'BRICKSTORE A-LBERT STREET, CLINTON DRUG HUMPl3REY'S :HOME01.'ATRIC REMEDI1ES, CU•TICURA REMi,DIESk, KENDALL'S `SPAVIN CURE, And all the recent patents kept in stock or procured to order. A lar eSt0 k of WIRE HAIR BRUSHES, TOILET T SETS SPONGES, PERFUMERY, &c. very cheap. CELLULOID reduced u TRUSSES c ed rates. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS ' NS and .;family. receipts accurately compounded' with care and despatch 'JA.31FS H . ' COMIE; CHEMIST AND "DRUGGIST, CLINTON', ONT. Cl;=NTON' OOL 111 C B BOLES Proprietors. OR ETT & OL �: , o n ors..: The subscribers; take this'opportunity of informing;the public that they have erected a` large new'.'., woollen' Mill in Clinton, with a: capacity' three times as great as the old one, hay,e•fitted up' -the same with the very best and latest improved Machinery, and are prepared to turn out CUSTOM WORK -AND MANUFA.CTURING. On the shortest notice and in the best workmanlike, manner possible. Carding; Spinning,Weaving, Manufacturingofaikinds Blankets, Flanliels, Tweeds, Full •Cloth, Horse Bnk laets Stockang Yarn; etc, blade to' order and.kept constantly on nand:Ya. 'exchange for wool, or sell cheap' for cask: ROLL' CARDING A; ..SPECIALITY. . Having' placed in our faofory a complete and new ilo Turcidisilf7s -aohune ,'"farmers may expec the best. Rolls it ie possible to make. ''Satisfaction in this lino, and all' others guaranteed', EXCHANGING FOR WOOL: Farmers, bring in you wool ;:we willbuy it or exchange itforgoods. Our -Factory being capable of manufacturing one hundred thousand pounds of, Wool iiia year, you will always find's market: for your Wool in Clinton, and THE HIGHEST PRICE'PAID. o DE I"A 1 GH UP`. SLT3INES',. . Ourcapacity ein so great;you . will alwa s be able to have our U b g g vt Y y work douoouthe shortestnotice :- ur MR. CORBETT having carried on the woollen business for the oast coven years, In Clinton,: -takes-this•opppoortuoity of -thanking- iis-many customers--and-frienthrfor-theirit$erarinctrasugtrrn the. past and'the ne firth would .kindly solicit the patronage of all his old•custonr rs and 1? w, y p b e , . hundreds ' ' :ones, of new CORBETT & B •OLE" S .GLINTO .N.• HOOL BOOK; F-1111 Assc rtm.ent. lso, very nice lines ofStationer In whole. Cream, Tinted, Antique, Foreign;an.d fancy. papers I WILL NOT BE ' UNDERSOLD AND KNOW IT H. SIM`PSON', Clinton Zton Cabinet Comp In order to meet our increasing trade we Lave bought the Factory lately occupied by W.13. Crich, and afterg n ettiit under way the are prepared to g ' manufacture Everything • in the Fuxniture: line, Froin the cheapest -to the Best sets, with the 1-ttest,- _.styles and No. '1'finish and workmanship.._ Ordered work a specialty and satisfaction' guaranteed UNDERTA KING We Have also added this 'branch to o•tir business;; .and in it at all times will be found everything`to ,nteet the requirements of all. A HANDSOME HEARSE KEPT FOR HIE. By strict attention to ;bu'siness and ail eye to accom, naodate andleasee • we'ho le to naer�it' the confidence p of all.'• GEORGE DIEHL & 00.'