HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-31, Page 10CLINrI'ON.NE%V ERA. A court for the hearing of appeals v against the Voters' List for this town, will be held on Tuesday, Sept.12th, at 10 a.m., THE Grand Trunk railway run anexcur- sion from the stations between Goderich and Stratford, to Port Stanley, on the 5th' of Sept. The fare from Clinton 75 cents THE following prize was unintention- ally ommitted from the list of the Clinton Fall Show. -Herd of Durhams, two fe- males and one male,:.lst prizea,$6 and di- p'loma, 2nd prize $4. Special by M. C. Cameron, M.P. MESSRS Thompson & Switzer's change, of advertisement will appear next week, suit the doctor at once and be restored to health .they announce the arrival of a large stock THURSDAY, AUG. 31, 1882. gown Zionico. LOCAL NOTICES, • I urOnzAIiT, TO T1 E SICK. -Dr. McCullough the celebrated European, find American Physician, so famed for his unrivalled success in the treat- ment and cure of all chronic and lingering dis- ease, will visit Clinton profeseionaly, and may be consulted at the Commercial Hotel from Thursday, Aug. 31st, to Wednesday,, Sept. etli. Therefore all so afflicted would do welt to con - andhappiness, x.` s =see 'posted bills;, also of en'era1 groceries, .&c.;'which they offer hand Dills. 1Vhls. Mol G -N`:-will ye-coulmenee-her- classes in the English church school house, on Monday, Sept. 4. HoLMEs•has formed a singing class in Ailsa Craig. -Exchange. - [We hope he makes enough out of it to settle an unpaid account at this office.] TATs WEEK . Mr. Thos. Tipling sold- a ' it Ir. Hone two-year old driving filly to It y, of Mitchell, for the sum of $120. Six weeks ago • he bought it of a Stanley farmer for $65 STALLION` SOLD. --Mr.; C. Mason,. of Tuckersinitb, has just sold bis splendid bay Stallion "Mountaineerto Mr. Jacob Fisher, of Colborne, for the sum of 81,600. It goes to Iowa. PROPE'RT'Y-^CIHAAGE.-Mr. G. Rentgen hasbought, for his son-in-law,` Mr. C. Schleismayer, the property on : Victoria street, formerly used as a paint shop, at $275, and the latter will move thereto, as soon as it is fixed up. MODEL SCHOOL. -The` county . model schools for training third class teachers opens in Clinton and Goderich on the 12th ,Sept. Under the new regulations candi- dates are required to pay a fee of $5 on entering. Applications must be made to the inspector a week •pievious.'to -the opening. - ,FEAR BLIGHT.: Quite a number of pear trees in this vicinity that were per- fectly healthy andthriving in thespring,; have been stricken .• ay a blight that is causing their death: Major Murray has about ninety thus affected, and others smaller numbers. Some term it a " fire blight," perhaps because the trees present the appearance of having been burnt. LAST week the town , authorities sent Wm.: Devine, who has been ilh for some time, to Stratford, to try, the;benefits of the Meribah Mineral baths on " his system. They also sent his father "Tommy De- vine, ' e -vine," clown to a son at. St. Thomas. On leaving Tommy said he would come back again, but was informed that 1f li'e'd1d, he.. would be committed to Goderich jail as a Din Sill; ARRIVE ?-A little girl passed .north' on .the L. H. & .B on Thursday afternoon last with.'the following note pinned to her dress :-" Will the conduc- tor please see that this child leaves the cars. at Clinton, where she will be met by Mrs, Irving of that place." -Exeter Re- flector..:.[She arrived all right, and is the adopted daughter of Mrs. John Irving.] Ma. DAVID TIPLADY,,of the base line, finished all his harvesting on Monday, the 21st inst. This is r .early fors this year. He tried a s-eTf bindeat the :commencement. of the harvest, butwas somewhat d iscour= aged with it, -but: he says ;that latterly- Ire never saw them work better; and iscon- vinced that under .'general circunstances they are agood machine to work with. THE Monetary Times of last week con tains thefollowing-i.temTA felv.days.ago,_ Mr, J A. Nelles; of Guelph, bookseller,.; presentedhis creditors with a statement of his affairs, and was then granted an.ex- tension of time. Since. then it is stated`. that his wife sold her property in Clinton, and about $2,000 was put :into the busi- ness. It is nowthought that with a little more attention to. his ;affairs he may ACCIDENTS.- on Friday Last some boys were playing with'a knifeless straw cut- ter' in the'' barn of Mr. Jos. Wheatley, when one'named Gardner, <accidentalIy. had his ,finger caught between; the cogs, which took off the first joint as clean as if it had been " amputated, While cutting bread On Friday, Mrs. John Irving in- flicted a nasty gash on her' right hand. --- Yesterday Yesterday while; Mr. Geo. Hunt was using the crusher at Stapleton Salt works, the end of the second finger on his righthand was cut off by being drawn, between the. cogs. HORSEFLESH. -On Thursday last Mr. John McMillan, M.,P, for' South Huron,,: returned from Scotland, bringing,' with him some splendid Clydesdale stock for, his own use, which embraced two one- year old stallions, one two-year.'stallion, one three-year and one -two-year old breed- ing mares -five in all. The stock hada somewhat rough passage, and are some- what thin in consequence, but" they will soon -overcome, this -drawback„ and are quite an 'acquisition to the: stock of the County, o . THE W.LBTEIiN IArF,-By referent,e to our advertising columns it will be seen that the Western Fair, at London, opens_. on the 25th September and continues un - till the 29th. From its convenience this is the Fair at which Huron annually takes a prominent position, and We expect to see a large number Of Our exhibitors there next month. That they will be." success- ful exhibitors' goes withoutsaying. Par- ties wishing information on any subject connected here with will, address J 13. Smyth, Secretary, London.; DEAD IIEA'r ANDlE6nnnR;-1'.� or a' short time Paot n young man nameTC•ordonhias: been employed in the foundry here, but his services were dispensed with on Wed- -nesday -had- afternoon--o�last--week—I3e been boardingat Mrs.' Calls and beside' beating her out of $9, unpaid board, stole a watch and'chain from the trunk. of 11 r. John Cuthers, and some `silk handker- chiefs, socks, and other articles from .an- other boarder. Constable' Pa'i'sley was' notified of the occurrence, and telegraphed. after him, but without success.. CLINTON FALL Snow. -The prize lists of the fall show to be held: here on the 18th and 19th of Sept. are issued'; parties desirors of obtaining them,' can do so on application to the Secretary. The show should be an unusually good one this year, as the townspeople are giving a number of very good special: prizes, in ad: dition to the list offered—by—the Society. If the country people will only unite as heartily as the townspeople have in striv- ing to -make the show a good one, ;there at' unusually low rates.. They also want. to purchase 2,000 barrels of apples FREAic OF LIGHTNING. -A short time, ago lightning entered theblackstnithshop of Messrs Miller & Tedford, -.apparently through ' the roof, but no opening was made, and ran down a rod of iron that supported -the handle of a pair of bellows, shattering the handle to slivers. TEA. FIGHTS. -The season has arrived for the holding of bun, feeds, and quite a few have come- off during the past week. What is the best way to spend these even- ings. is not so easy a' matter to decide. What a pity that,they are -not used for literary purposes and the obtainment of knowledge. p - LAST WEEK Mr. -C. Greenshields, - of Watford, shipped a number of horses from here to, the Copper Mines on lake Superior;; they were purchased for him by Mr. T. Tipling, and embraced some .very good stock, among' the was a team of mares bought from J.Shiiley,$500; 3 -yr -old filly Robt. Peacock, Tuckersmith; $195; pair of mares, Jas. Turner,'Brucefield, $375 ; bay gelding, P. , Nugent, Manchester, . $190 ; mare, G. Stanbury, Stanley, $150. BUTTER. -A butter dealer in this town a few weeks ago sold 388 tubs butter at, what was considered 'then a good fair price. Six .hours after the cable brought a message of a -heavy' decline in the Kipp_ in the. English markets. If he bad: not sold` just then,_ he could not have done'so' since unless at a loss of 2,t cents per pound. The dealer isnot a believer in .luck. but thinks he came very near loosing ,$500, which he would have done' had. he not sold at' the time. We observe by our Mar- ket reports that large buyers of butter to export are completely out of: the market, for some"time` past, owing; .to • thee -.high price the article is held on this side of;t'he water, as it could not 'besent to Britain just now without a loss of 2., cents a pound, The demand in Canada is confined: simply to small- lots, for •local and city trade. Stocks of butter are large throughout the' country, as holders bought at high prices and are anxiously looking for an advance. in England to let them out, in - the mean time the butter, will get offflavor, and will sooner; or later.:. have.: -to. .be .on the market at a. loss; and the name of Canadian but- ter suffers a reproach it need not if it was only sold and consumed -when fresh.; and; sweet as it should 'be.` .BarErs.-Mr. David Cantelon is how buying apples for:shipment to Winnipeg anti elsewhere; the prices paid range from $1.00" to• $1.25 per •barrel, . aecordin.gr to. quality; he intends leaving in. a, couple of weeks.' The..:performances .•'by Wren's Uncle ,Tom's 'Cabin troupe, ori Thursday •and.i riday evenings, were fairly' attended; -tire-•aetirg--was ahead 01, the�-ayelage•.-of; such • troupes, ' The papers , that •are an- =nouncing ttte?death.of=James=Bay, in rte west, are just about three months behind -:tbe.NEw ERA, which; made, the announce-, went'that long ago. An error was made' :last week instating that :Mr. G. Baird; Sr., of Stanley, tookthree A certificates and two -B's at-thelate examidation-; it•should- uesday-being�the- civic holiday at Goderich, a ,:number :of our townspeople joined in the excursion.. to Buffalo. Mr:White,=of Mitch ell,boiiglit a nuniber: of pigs in this •.vicinity last, week. A petition is in, circulation among the residents. below the Trunk ;station, to be presented to the council:'at its next meeting, asking for•tlie :future suppression, of nuisances against :the public health. 11Ir. Geo. Tedford is ire proving •his pro perty by erecting an addition...thereto:. An •effort is being•made`:to re=organize the town band, and again place:it:oii: a:firnii footing:; we hope the', effort may be sine •cessful. Mr. John Jackson 'has •move'd to his new store in the'Coats'`block, ,and Mr. R. Beesley:has taken the place -vacat- ed by;Mr. Jackson; both; iu their enlarged: premises, are likely to have an: increased trade.- .Wednesday, the' 23rd `:inst.; being* pay day' on the Grand Trunk, Mr. Straiton distributed over $900 among the men -on :this section. 'Mr. E. Dinsley intends to `again commence the butchering business. Mr. Austin Callander, who is ,making up sleighs:' for the northwest; has sold a. car load over and above what he. was origin - Ally. making ; he will now get up 140 sets: .Business in town is generally quiet, and will be so until•harvestworkis,completed. Messrs..Corbett &• -Boles bought., all the wool niarketed.;in Clinton this year, which urlsu incliYtles thatirst bougliby o her dealers., A larger: amount: of. corn than' usual •was planted by farmers hereabouts the .yeti', and itppromises to be a good, yield. ' Mr. Thomas ' Burden; has the : largest potatoes• we. have seen ,this year ; -they-are--the Early Rose, and-are..usually 'good. .A stalk of corn exhibited at Mr. S..• Davis, and grown; on his •place,. idea - sures sures 12.ft high; it \vas` sole n._,.broacicast.- A drove of horses owned by Mr. Hough- ton,, Seaforth, passed through town, on Tuesday, for Goderich, en route to Mani - .A package was received at the post hereon Tuesday, from England, addressed "NEW Ertk office, Ontario Canada." As trains will soon run into the ue\v, station, and are likely;.to cross the'LolidonJl¢ad_ at• a -.iinore rapid speed than at present, farmers. approaching town should be. on their guard against the approach of trains. There -was nemeeting of-the--Fire--Gone•- pany or School Board on Tuesday even ing, there not being a quorum present ,at either, The regular meeting ofthe Conn- ell will be held on ' Monday evening. Tuesday was scorching:hot. • Mr: Joseph: Allinson' has a. cabbage that rueasttres 3' feet in circumference ; outside the leaves it measures 8 feet; that:wouldfill a•good sized wash tub.. The correspondent 'of- the Goderich News says that 1\Ir. A. S. Fisher contemplates' the 'erection of. a brick store on hi's 1ot, on IJuron St,,• im mediately, if brick can be .had for the same. The gentlemanly (2) and schclarr ']y (??) editor of•thc Mitchell Advocate Will please accept ourthanks for his very corn.plimentary:notice of 'us last week._ A cornrunication referiing to the acion of the Council on protection to butchers, is unavoidably left over till `next week: woulr•.t 110 c,10ubtg iii t9 its ,Hese,,, Schor.l. , opchs on Monday-rernember it; OBACCONIST'S GOOD •.JiEt+4 ' rri`ve 10,000 OF THE BEST CIGARS rev •seen Three tiirieties of hest Fine Cut Smoliifig Tobacco. Basills of tie:vino 1s. BARGAINS BARG=AIN S•.; moo. B-A1�Ex:�ZP , BARGAIN BARGAIN .RGAIN Come a,nd see one of the Finest St0eks ,f acconist's Goo+ '►GAIN.-., 'EN, be 'seen- anywhere in Canada:' Have now a complete assortment is Fr Square, anklrn •Robertson, Rose nd Seaside Librari_es. In Light Colored Prints., In, Dark Colored' Prints. In.Light Colored.Muslins. Colored Muslins. • In Dark In' Embroideries. 3 In,. Gloves and :Hosiery: S In Summer., Dress --Goods .e greagreat Sale of Remnant We ; are determined to give the public close . Get prices �on all Summer Goods. . our ' prices before p. before bu -in and we will guarantee the sale. CITY BOOK STORE, CLIP/TOi I. CRAIB 'M 9CWIIIRTER & CO'S OLD STAND THE DRY MOODS EMPORILTM OF CLINTON. A FULL RANGE OF t f :] En :�sh S �. . Christy's g Stiff Hats. styles and prices. American In :all sizes a FUIL RANGE OF Youth's and Boy's Hats, Every shape, color and size. A FULL RANGE OF Children's Hats and Caps. ANGEOFL utxi's . & Boy's Caps._ s� p. The finest and most complete assortment of these Goods is the. Ciaunty. Watch for our Grand tarda' Se coin SaY t. 16 P The Famous Hatter, Clinton. ne of the most successful Clothin€ tablishxnents �n the count Y F-' at td ds d w. ' stock ..:of I m orted T Our p, . . ., .,,- tete Suiten s is now comp Worsted g .. , , of g odds - the whole des- Yn every sh.ne ..g . , playing an elegant range 'of new - � - W =desi n�-. ;for Fa11 C1oti g g Now is the time to snake your "selection for a _ `"• Fall Suit or Overcoat. • e W in the. Count Y.'. offer the , CKEgIsT CLOTHING The Noted' ClothieT9`:Clinton.'