HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-31, Page 7NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'Paler" in HASREMOVED TO "HiS NEW PREMISES, Directly opposite the Town Hall;: C ELr1L AND SEE emove.'1 : KcmoVe . '�r ortunt of nforniln the public 1 1 ned takes •t1ls.o, The rade s b pP Y b - that he ;has moved into the. Store Lately • occupied :by Mr-. John Jackson; P and WITZER .S OF THOMPSON HS NORTH , . TWO DOORS _ 0 l.: i ld. eustoln.'ers_ and"..- al race t h ' pleased to i 11 be, Where he .w friends, and any number of new ones. Donf t forget the Place -Beaver Block, Clinton.on. • Z �Y' gy�pp B S Invite attention to the ' following lines of (oods All Wool Dress Goods.' Black k ant �a �. c • W'hite ani White .d ilk '& fold �i o -r ed -mere& e rantes P-. �. ed -q • :r of d.La C o e ins. and' .Printed Lawns. gloves . 4 h but ton. f � lace Curtains, fdlu its ''IOwelling; • This . department, under the management. of J C, COLE, second to none as a Cutter, has been a great success. HATS &CAPS GENT'S RJ RN[SU[INGS. , I C.rock.er •' & Glassware at cost, _ Y RQ •COA ALLAN LINE OF ' • •ROYAL[. DIAIL 15i1EAAI[tSiJtJPGi,. ' LIVERPOOL- I,ONDCNDERiRY=OLASOOW SRORTEST •SEA.,PASSAQE. Cabiln,IIntermefilsteeinll citeernge 1elk • ata est Lowed, Rates. • Saiiings from-Quobec. PARI.ISIAN, Sept. 2.- EOLNESIAN, Septi 1l Persons wilting to send for their friends can Obtain passage certificates at loWeet ratoeifrom England, Ire> land and fboottand bo any city or railway: town in Ca, nada,' and the amount le vefunded:loss a small.dedu tion 1f the ticket is not nsei. S tear: Passengers aseongors aro bookod't0 London.;.Cardiff Bristol; Queenstown, Derry,Uelfast and .Olae ow, at time prices as to Liverpool. , Forthron h tiok s e g of ,and"ovary iil[bc'mntionaSpl 'to A STRATTON ,O r P -Agent,Ctintou, IPURCHASE the above)); trade along with papers, okl spadca, shovels and other steely; rag carpets; old zinc and old 'rubbers, all id same price, separated from the cotton rags and other woolen rags, t •also take all other sorts of carpeting, brass, copper, li;ad. and iron, in trade, • - Goon pa'sturage ab Go'org%e Bently', Cbntoif, Jult••12, 1882, WM.MATITIN.• Board of Health Notice, COMPLAINTS are aontinizally being libido to use as chairman of the Board of Health, that numbers, of Parties" are aliowing the sewerage of their promises to run into, the open water dotu,es,proilucing bad Molls, and consequoittly•b iieg detrimental to the health', nd at cows also frequcntiy,ilrink'the fzlthy'tvater, thereby liroduding impure it is desirable that alt f;hoiilcl do what they osis, 00 citiz0n9; to keep .down disease; itis, therefore,, e t Hie request of the Committee that,.: ; s qa, far as i'iosaililc, Heti crnuo he disposed .lilacingi00 gardens or in any other way that will isotin,juretithe health.�V(7: SEARLE, Clinton, Aug, 23, 1S, 0 G!iairrtian Health Committee, 1e' BORN. WilrrE.-In Winnipeg, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr. Wm, White, formerly of Clin- ton, of'a son. EvzdErr.-In Clinton, on the 30th inst., the wife of Mr. 'Siem, Everett,of a son. Bits.—In Clinton,on the 28th inst., the wife Cof Mr. Thos. Ryan, of a Iron. ] x. -In Clinton. on the 20th inst., the wife' Oof Mr. Jas, Orr of a son,• C1 AWFORD.-In Clinton, on the. 20th inst., the wife of Mr. G. E. Crawford,of a daugh- ter. BAIRo.—In'Stanleyon Aug..24tb, the wife of Mr. Geo. Baird sr.,of a son. EvANs; -In Goderich township, on the 29th inst., the wife of 11/Ir.-P. J. Evans, of a son. DisNasY.--- In Goderich township, on the 20th' inst., the wife of Mr. Kepple Disney, of a; MARRIED. SaLLatvs-MGIOIxrrio.r.-In Goderich -,;:pn'the 23rd inst., by Bev. Dr. lire, 11t i 12tiben, • Sallows, toMis Flora McKinnon, iorti of Goderich.' DIED.: MoSGROvs.—At 279 Church streeet, Toronto, on Aug. 23rd, Richard Mosgrove, aged 68' years, father of Miss. Kate Mosgrove, for-' -- merly-oCiintan- - HENDERSoN:-In Seaforth, an August 26th, MaggteMand •Louisa, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Henderson, formerly of Clinton, aged 12 years, -and 9 months, TawsLEY,—In Goderich, on the 28th inst., the infant son o'Mr. Jas. Tewsley," aged three months. . Dr. D. V. Fairchild, of New York, says, "Personaily.I.believe in Phosphatine ; I use it myself, and in my family, practice. I pre- scribe Phosphatine with confidence' that I cannot attach to no other. remedy. It is safe,; it is effective."• For; sale by all druggists. Choice. Strawberry Plants far Sale.; THE subscriber will havea large. number of choice. Strawberry plants for sale after the 25th of August. These plants, if set out; this fail` and taken care of, wilt. bear fruitneXt sainmer.: For sale, cheap.' Also, or- ders takenfor all kinds of fruit trees and,plants Clinton, August -10,-.71.882:- .ust-10 1882-•- --W. C.--SEARLE.--.• FARitil .FOIL SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale that conveniently - situated farm, Lot 1, 4th coucessidn, Eastern di- vision, Colborne, containing 50 acres, clearedand free of stumps, on w'hic'h there is a brick and, frame house, frame barn, horse stable and drive house with stone basement ; good orchard' of all kinds of fruit ; well wa tered-good s ring and two wells; 300 rods of under draining; nvell fenced with cedar rails and boards. Soil, good: clay. Also,, the north part ,of Lot 5, 4th con., being 20 -acres of hush. • Terms reasonable. Ap- ply un the prernises or to July 25. JAS. STEVENS, Clinton. Farrel for Sale. THE subscriber Offers' for sale that evaluable fax being lot 19 and east half of 20. on the • 8th', con. of `Hnllett,> containing 150 acres ; 90'. Cleared and'', in a'good state of cultivation, the remainder well wooded. Tli.e farm is well wa- tered, and has on a frame house containing 9 rooms, :large 'barn and stables,:'and'small orch- ard. For particulars apply on the premises, -or -if-by letter, to Clinton post office. Alsofor sale a 50 acre farm 1ngBrtTce ICOBT. CARTER. Hullett, June 21, 1882, Notice to ; the Public. ;N CONSEQUENCE :OF THE DIFFICULTY AND loss of time in'the collecting of accounts, arising from--selling-Broad-on-credit, acid -also from_the fact that, flour is a ciish;artiele, the undersigned`pakers'in- tend, froin'.and after the .FIRST OF SEPTEMBER,'. to discontinue•selling bread tickets on credit, and also. intend, •fronir'' that date, to conducttheir business ow the cash principle, believing that this course will be - tram ru•I1y-beneficial-t0-theic.custamer53na tj emselves, 'and hope to meet with-ttiecordial supporttif>.the gene-- eat public in the carrying out of this universally -ac- knowledged wise,business principle. .- WILLIAM YOUNG 'JOHN'Ii, Clinton AM,. Ain. '8,1882. IMPORTANT TO THE SICK. • DR.: MCCULLOCH, the ,'celebrated European and Azierican 'Physician, Itinerant of tlie" Hospitals of tke:ehief cities of r ug- lanll,';lreland, Scotlancl,.:France, Gm erany,,anct'United , States of Aincrica, and -the Donfinion c f Canada, will personally i iSit CLINTON profesaiohally; and• nary he c!insnited at' the �O .. id PdtCI,4L HOT L, �l�oif TIIL7ltSll��� :ALGLST 31st.. '19 WEDNFSDA1^-SEPTE:VIPT:P. Gth. by all wh0"suffer from -Chronic,'• Lingcring DiSutses; such a5 CCINSUMPTION, BRONCI=.IITIS, �15TT1t1A, CATARRH and all affectieiis: of tile Chest; Threat, Hearty Nor. vbusDebihG},, Serofulous L lepra,' Liver'. Complaint ;'• Rlieuniatlsm;.Skin. diseases of all kind's, -n> nxetter'how • long standing, Dropsl,'Disesses of the Kidneys, Chlo- rosis and CanecrO u, their Worst 'stages, without the use of the knife. And, all,l3lood• Diseases, Salt :Ithecim, Dyspepsia Ery:sipel s5, Epileptic Fits nr''halling Sick- ness, ApOplec.tieFits ick-ness,.ApoplectieFits F its•or Loss of Sense and Motion," St. Vittis'.Dance .! artily sis, Neuralgia, Scurvy, Cholera; Fever:, and Ag}los of all kinds permanently cured 1C off' fro or I huk Nceir,.polyptiSes m ell par the system, • Abseesst s Tuiiiour,, Etc:; Lumbago, hemorrhage of. the 'Lunes. 'Jr II di,eeSe t the,Ey e and Ear treated guceeSs- fulis!. !Jive., -,es' of, Children fon inf.rncy:tr, :Walt age treat- ed.-successfully. reat-ed successfully FEMALE COMPLAI.NTS` of all kinds and,tleociiptiniis-whafevcr,• iihcther Acutf or atonic, will be teats l istmeessfully. If you arc &filfcringfron any of the above diseases, do "nrit delay to trait. the : Doctor at ones sb•that ,you" May;have the benefit of his care and treatment , anti be restored to health thesnnuer. GEO. SHARMAN, IDEALE•tt iN CHOICE FAMILY. GR ER1ES OC - TEAS FRUITS, CANNILY) G'OODS, GIl()0KERIr- GLASSWARE, &C'. 0 NEW TEAS JUST :RICEIVED; ST'LFNi19a9 i'nr,rrli7. GU' 11.1 D MEAT'VINT 0111FOt1L, ALWAYS ON HAND. Farm Produce taken is Exchange. Ni A r Dooll 'ro JOHN HODC Lt's' DUUY GOODS PALACE, ALBTIIO't iSTREel•, ' CLINTON. z;rv. HT1 T A1Ii. T , `now much better you tilook; , 'Yes' a i yo c 1'hiiio aned .,_ l>ountls'on Balls r,2 s fatarrh Clare. Have not felt .o well in ..0 ycara. It ha. made a complete, mire and is ,- .: ..: cptiPi(li y;y0 a bitlC .ter any dice' that hos the Catarrh.," TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. i I Rev. Mr. Stewart and famiilyhaving re- turned from their holiday trip, he will re- sume his work in Willis Church, on Si m.; day nest, Rev. Mr. Kettlewell did 'not take the service in the Methodist church.oin Sun- day last, as anticipated, M. McDonagh, preacing as usual. Itev.'Mr. McDonagh. having to attend the opening service of a church at Wash- ington, his place here; will be supplied by Rev. Mr. Baugh, of Bayfield, on Sdnday, Mr. J. Connolly preached in the, Bap- tist church, base fine, on Sunday last, and in the 'Baptist church, in town, on Sun- day evening, Rey.. Mr. Gray -being: at , Wingham. .: The regular weekly meeting of t-c- YoungPeople's Association in connection with the Methodist Church, will hence forthbe held on Monday, instead of1Tues- day evening. :5TANY L F. :WELL SoL .-Mr. James. Lant,' of the 2nd con., sold last week to an American buyer, a Span of working horses for, $370,; and Mr. T, Baird sold one to the same buyer for $150. The harvest though later •than on some€or- mer-years is now drawing to a j'close. ItLr.,3- d Bu tc.liart' finished hauling In on ,Saturday last 'find a ,day or two more will complete harvest operations in this section. Mr. David Reid of the third con. has been seriously ill for the' last two ' weeks. Mr. Jas. Lant's "Miehigau Amber" is ex- pected to yield over 35 bushels'. to. -the acre, but he has not threshed ally et . EAST' WAWANOSII; It is our painful duty to record the death of Mrs. McDougall the wife of Mr. Alex. Mc- Dougall. She was found dead in ;her bed last Tuesday mdrning, the cause of death, being heart`diseaee. She was an old and very highly respected resident of the township. Her .fu- neral is' said by many to have been the larg- est that has ever been in this part, Mr. Mc- Dougall and family have: the sympathy, of the entire community , in their' sad bereavement. Mav`.I e-who'isthe`Fatherrofthe-fatherless comfort theta in their sad affliction. TUIMBEeiRr:! BRnirs.-A number in this vicinity sowed Tall wheat last week. Among the number were W. Hawke, S. Mitchell and J. Powell. - In Glenannan-the' large` brick house -owned by Mr. W. Bray, blacksmith, is nearly. ,complet• ed, -An apple tree in• Mrs, T. Edie's orchard, -blossomed for the second; time last week. - Mr. ' John McPhersonhas gone'to Kinburn,rato take charge of the school there,,' during; the.I Illness of Mr.King, teacher--Mr.A.Hestings, who ;succeeded 'in taking a second B'at the late Intermediate, examination, ;;purposes 1 'at tending the Walkerton Model school, may success also attend his 'efforts there. -To ob- tain a threshing'', machine, seems now( to be the rage among the farmers inl,this part. The barns though large, are too small to hold - the abundant harvest,. so,Lthat ;many have'fo thrash,' in' order: to be able; tostore 'away their surplus'. crop. i ' HHO1.1fIEIVLLLE. Court of Revision to, be held here on the 5th of Septenioer, when therewill be a' number of appeal cases tried. . 7 the 'Coax. -Mr Thos. Murch showed us -a:talkof c ern grownu his farm which c measured 11.feet 8• inches, and he thinks he. has. some even tallerthan that. Come: on now .with your corn 'stories.,- We tliiuk,it will be hard to beat NIEEAxcHo" i Z c-eTbl? 1C It"'is-ovr-paivful duty this. week' to` chronicle the aeeouut' of a sad accident which occurred a:short distance' from here last Sunday afternoon:; a little two year old son of Mr. David Prowse, whilst play= ing with other children,. got the,. covering off, the cistern, when he • hail the "misfortune to tumble: into it.. His mother, hearing .the ' splash,at office ran to his aesistanee,and being) alone had, to do her best to rescue it.. She; reached down and seized, '. the' child but', the' depth was - so' 'great that . she could,- not', lift it out.-Slie;'hoicever held on: and kept the child partly out of the water till lilewas by. tinct when sbe dropped it and thenfounc her. self so much. exhausted that she had scarcely strength 'to get up again: . -:_There' was . about fourfeet `'of water in .the' cistern, 1.r. and ,11rs. Prouse have the sympathy of the entire community iri-their sacs affliction. ' "' We had the pleasure last Monday:afternoon to 'witness the working of a self binder on the farm of `Mr Th'oe Ford., Mr. Johnstone : of the !Passey Manufacturing'Companyana Mr. "W, •Grieve of'Seafortli;had charge of the nia chine. The work was witnessed:by a ,,amber of our prominent farmers'who expressed them- selves -highly pleased with - it. The machine itself weighs 1100 abs and is drawn by an or- dinary sjaan of 'horses r-dinary:spanof'horses with alin'ost as aueh` ease as the conrnion reaper. There is .very little machinery about it and consequently very little to get out of repair;.: It is an' American patent and has -been purchased for Canada by the Massey Manufactuzing Company of, 7;oronto.: The cost will be about' ,525O. Thel agent, Mr. Stanley, took;sea,aral erders.l'ast' Monday on the''spot.-Cc tiff OUR LETTER', BOX. THAT HORSE. 'To the Ediloi of lite: (-'!beton 2I-ru' Crci. DEAR SIR, -In reference ip the report'., so industriously circulated a.ylibr t • time since, that it was through overwork 00 nay part that Mr. E-Iaywarclb horse died,:1 just say in order. to clear myself of the charge, thatATit is entire-, ly without -foundation. , I' did not,havo: any thing whatever to do with'thelhorse, it being in perfect health 'when :Mr. Monohan, who -used it, returned it to 3bIr. Hayward I T LmsOY. Why • go on clay after day sill -Ruing. with splitting headaches when a bottle of J')r. Austin's l hoephatine will cure :yen.) If you rid not believe it'ask your diilggist for .'a civ! cular, and read' wbiit those who leave used it say about it Price w I:00,sold by all chuirtoistsJ s l E V>Gn\L ICAJtit 2r. Wheat,fillkA0':bush ,ok181 10 • a 1 122 I' _ Spring, I. 1.2 a I 1 15 Oats, Barley, Peas, 0.70 a 0 75 Flour, '0 50 a 6 00 Potatoes, 0 45 a 0 50 Butter 015 ti! 0, 16 ES`ra > gs•- 0'.18 a, 0 10 Ilay,.- 00 a' SOQ', Hides, 5 00 al 6 t?Q:ii,' Sheep pelts - 0 10 s a 0 15 I.' Lamb skint, • 0 25 a 0 40 Wool, 0 19 a, 0 20 6 41,`a 0 42 • 055 a 060:; FARR Fd SALE. Fr v'IIAtlaT e :colon'feLoili)iondtlyoohorSitua otedein. %ai'm'ritljninhro, ths' 1 blot 25 i th emiJ, Township of FIullett, consisting ofd 01 acres, 77 0 undercultivation. The place is 54081 ttatere(i g-o0d hearing orehard,.frame hoiiso, gaud frame Bari,, apt otlh^ri,1c1- ' i ' 11 ilWings, ' 4 l I It1 tG on �' I to 1 nth ]ll �s:n gravol •,ad t a e n taa , u. ni5pnsite 1T nber cuff,!! f nu1c�'frmii tlir~•-toN'n of Cliti-., ton, half a mile from” . 11". ,$ T;./it ,liens' st; li iii For particulars apply • .AT., MTS. , 1 CT]til a:C.IiATl.,fl(,, C"Iint01), bay 2%,,8051 C'li�tt�ti, tikes Your Bo� Al THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER' IN: ALL TKI1 DS .OF: leu; Women au.d Children's ➢loot. t& :Slia. ern gk 'well assorted, n. Stecw ., �e sso e s a d complete in all departments. ALL GOODS SOLD .CHEAP FOR CASH C. CRUICKSI A.N1 ;=BRICK L'LOOK, CLINTON ' Una ualle: S f - ' d el �indm ,Rea ei -� Mowers � , f b A riculttil 1 a Steam L+ n inps - ;Ha ates e Gang. ~ Plo ` w> �Zs c, ro, The' subscriber, hois a t en fore the ,sail -known. imP dement firm , of AGGART BROS., ST =TJto f-As,-calls-the-attention;_of__in.t.ending purchas.ers 2LEarr JmpJ,e menta of any kind' to. the'large stock'he;keeps on:hand*. the BIG WAR) Ro0is. All artistes aaralltee f s - r Class -and c wart raoedto:.w , � , . - � e e�t�re satisfactio� Pricesand terms for all`descrlptions of Machinery very reasonable- Don't forget. him ,when you leant to- buy' ' CTUPTON, .July 27, 186"4: 1SSOlu MARSH. Ali �rtnershl T 'art >rhibetween E & D The , partnership s MOOR �IiAR ARM Grocers beingdissolved 1 'Subscriber .. � .;:. r o ved, the subscriber continues; to carry -on business in the old stand, $rich $loot ,' ss,ezEt door to IIarlaad Eros , Where he is now in a position to accommodate his many friends and customers better than ever.` 'Having recently visited, the leading wholesale 'establishments: of the Do- minion , made personal selection of'stock ,.ald bought right, my customers may depend on "as good value for' their moneyas can be had in this:part of the getting , h'_ Dominion. T My:..st�ck�is�E-NT-IREL�—FR=h.SH-� Ale-D--_;ENTand consists-ox-aTs _splendid_ - assortment o€. -- P Groceries' Crockery;- Glassware. �a P C WE- MAKE 'A.S ECIAtTY OFT All orders will be promptly; filled. Remember the„Stand; 13R/CIC BLOCK, Albert St. .� SV lI '.. Clinton, iime,188e. MOORS., 000 deady Made Clothing, Mats and Caps:, And 20 ''chests choice Teas.. w Selling Off Below Cos AT'rTI-IE, Si�(`yjn of.the Fed'�F'la(�j cJ, WBIEWLT'1 OLD ST'A D The bhc areo r u c rd all invited to pcall and ex- amine - g o odsd n • r �, ccs.. 'Y . -..V. , .,;G71:. 1.JM r 0.1.1I -L.. / Eo�L.`�N