HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-31, Page 6EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE. There are already booked for passage to this country in 1882, -nearly a half [Militia people, and it is estimated that 800,000 will emigrate from Europe and Canada to, the West and Northwest. • In consequence of this vast throng the "ALBERT LEA ROUTE," (CHICAGO, , Rods IstANDL & PAcz'IG R'Y)hasbeeno d o tgpelle to put upon its line an additional Fast Express' Trainee composed of most elegant day and night cars, leaving Chicago at 11. a. m., and reaching Minneapolis early the next morning in ample time to allow those going to Northern Minnesota, Dakota or, Manitoba, to' obtain their breakfast and make the connection for all points North or Northwest. This train is run especially to connect with the neexpress t i swhic h the Northern Pacific, and St, Paul anitoba Railroads (the latter aconnecting d with the Canadian •I acibc at St. Vincent) have just put upon their lines.- The regular evening exprese trait' from- Chicago will be ruts as heretofore, and make the evening cognectione from Min- neapolis for all points. in the territory' named above. It is important, and travellers aheuld' bear it in mind, that there are no, carriage ,� •b the "ALBERT"U �' transfers, y h A LEA Ro '1 L, . passengers. -being landed in Union- Depots, at Minneapolis end St. Paul. This is the route to travel over for sure CALL AND SEE IT AT connections, and- is the pleasantest and I was to .leave returned to town on Monday. The Murdered 'man was last seen alive ,.at about nine o'clock last night, about half a mile from his own home, by his servant man, 'who says he passed McCaffrey while th-e latter was in conversation with a neighboring farmer named Chester Spear. man, who was also seated in a buggy, ac- companied by his sister. Without apeak- ing McCaffrey's servant walked on in the direction•of his employer's house. When about a quarter of.a mile distant he was startled by a pistol shot, and shortly after McCaffrey's horse and buggy .came rattle - lug along empty. Securing the animal the servant drove hastily back, and, reaching the spot 'where,he had lately .seen McCaf- frey in 'conversation with Spearman he was hori'6ed to find the body of the mur- dered man lying in thiroadway iu a pool oSpearman is to be arrested,0 f blood. u suspicion. The murdered man was known - throughout the -country as quiet and in offensive in disposition, and honest and upright in his business transactions. Proclaim it and wide that Dr:' Van Buren's KtDiriy (Juan not only immediately relieves all kidney diseases, but what is more important to the unfortunate sufferer, will ultimately cure him effeecirally. D RY most comfortable line to the Northwest: COOPER &'McKENZIE'S PLANING MILL The trains of the "ALBERT! LEA ROUTE" leave Chicago from the depot of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND, theold favorite with trav ellers destined for'Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and the Pacific Coast. to E. St.Gen- eral John, n, ' Send our addressh ,• y eral Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago, and obtain our new illustrated- WESTEIN TRAIL. \IIL subscribers, while thanking their many :cus- -L totnerc for the patronage extended to them, desire to intimate that in connection" with their factory N ar `the. Gra d` Trunk Railway e n .: They have, erected a Dry Kiln, which ;enables them more promply than' ever to execute all work in their line of business. • COINT TR A.41LTS Samson --..lost_.hie-strength-Leith,his_ hair-. Thousands of men_ and women loose' their beauty with theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the fem. ous Cingalese Hair Restorer. .Sold'' at, 50'. cents per bottle by all druggists. •. Asiatic cholera has carried off four thou- sand natives in a single island of the Phi- lippine group. Hon. Alexander Mackenzie has arrived'` in Montreal from the sea side, and. looks completely restored in health. Since the Food Inspector in Toronto has.: entered on au active warfare with'dealers of adulterated articles of food there, has been. a perceptable improvement. On Thursday; the 24th inst., Wm. Law- son,' of Lombardy, near Smith Tails, was instantly killed by falling op °a fork off a load ofgrain. . Cingalese.—A name well known in connect- ion with the Ham RENewga, • which restores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. _ Sold at 50 cents per. bottle by all druggists. a At a meeting,of workingmen at London. on Saturday a new workingmen's associa- tion was organized for the purpose oft se- curing better representation for the work- ing men in Parliament. At Xerento .onSaturda one- of t .passenge rieof .the Lorne Park boat :RUpa ti -lost his hat overboard: "'He stripped" liar plunged in after it, compelling the boat to: stop arid pick him up. He was afterwards arrested for indecent exposure. On Friday at Osgoode Hall two new peti tions. were tiled, one by Messrs J. Taggert and W. J. McDonell against the return of Mr, James McMullen, the Liberal member elect for North. Wellington, and a cross• petition by Mr. McMullen against Mr_ J. 8.Plunib',:the Conservative candidate for that district. After many years of patient investigation Dr.Van Buren, of Germany,finally succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure thatwould per- manently relieve all cases of Kidney -'Disease. Bo sure and: ask your ,Druggist for Dr. Van Buren's KIDNEY CURE. It is admitted by all parties that the Ontario license system is the best we ever had in Canada. It has weeded-. out the "eheebins" and low groggeries, : stopped Saturday night and Sunday trafficking, and imbued evil- doers with a wholesome dread of the law, which the Old system did not do. -[Markham Economist. Determined resistonce has been `oflered to the collection of the new taxes in Spain, and the employment of troops is necessary in many places to force payment. :In the agricultural districts the peasants are driven to desperation by famine; the re- sult of the failure of the crops. Socialism is rapidly developing. Several acts of brigandage area also' reported. While Mr. James Gardner and his, little girl were returning home from Forest, ore :Saturday forenoon,the team got frightened and ran away. The little girl jumped out. and was hurt, but not dangerously,; .but Mr. Gardner got tangled in the linos,. and. when the horses were stopped he was"lying over the side of the box, the wheel having' cut iris head. Itis doubtful whether he will recoeer. Delay's are clangorous, particularly in Kid- ney Diseases, so take at once Dr.Van Buren's KIDNEY CURE and obtain relieffrom all your sufferings. Your druggist keeps it. Wo 'believe it to be vitally important'in the interests of good government and ;every element that contributes towards good"gov- ernment, that Ontario should not be per- mitted to fall into the hands of the Feder- al anthority. We believe it would be. a fatal mistake to allow it to so fall, forwe believe its resources would• bo sacked to uphold the bankrupt Provinces with`which. it is confederated. We believe the assault to be made is inspired by a fixed purpose to rob our full treasury, and make it .eub- ject to the growingnecessities of the pro- fligate politicians of Quebec.—{St, Catha- rines News. A simple herb found on the-' sunuy 'plains of a Southern clime has, under the skillful manipulation of Dr. Van Buren, proved one ef'the greatest blessings eversent to suffering.; humanity. Dr.Van Buren's KIDNEY Ctrs re acknowleged all the world over as the only perfect remedy for.r:kidney troubles.., Your druggist bee it. One of the most cold blooded murders ever committed in the county of Carleton, took place at Gouldbourne, about,eighteen miles from Ottawa last Saturday evening. The victim, Robert McCaffrey, was a farmer, 28 years of age' and unmarried. McCaffrey came to Ottawa to purchase a horse, which he intended presenting ,to hiss parents. Saturday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock he left for home in a buggy, having made the purchase, -'for which' ho -For-buildings-taken,i-and-material-furnished at the shortest possible notse, and at-reaeonable rates. ` 1If We always keep on. hand first-cla&s SHINGLES, and make a specialty Of LIME, which will, be sold at the lowest prices, Chilton, July 20, 1882, COOPER & McKENZIE. Moving Buildings, &c. T TAKE. this means of thanking all those who- have L favored me with their patronage inthe past, and beg to say that as I am leaving the country for Mani- toba, I have disposed of my business to my., brother Jotiir SiTennxsoN, and hope tbat.you will favor him with the same liberal patronage that you have given me, ,JOSEPH STEPHENSON. NXTITE regard to the above, I would say that as I • i i, an a chip from the same block and haven been brought up to the. •brfsitiess. of moving and. raising buildings, 'Ifeel confident that I Can give entire satis- faction ioall -who may. favor me with, their patronage" And further, 1 would say that I.am •still making those Boss'Cis•reans" its Croon arid cheaper then ever: , JOHN STEPHENSON, Clinton;, LIeIN�iU1�i' BATC.E11Y7 . R. M'LENNAN DESI1tES to intimate to the people of Clinton and atieiutty that he has reopened his bakery- on Vic- toria Street, and will be pleased to" supply them with anything in his line. Inroad; Cakes, ifcciea , of all kinds kept on Bread sold at the shop athe following prices: -,41b loaf -12 cents ; 2 lb. loaf 6 cents. No orders booked, Patronage respectively solicited. Remember the place -Victoria St., Clinton. arm a o F �d T wn Properties for Sal lr GOO'DD BARGAINS.T 1, That well-built three-story brick store and dwell ing, on the. corner of Huron and Orange streets, known as the:Mor a ntc ails store. Would be ea chs b ed for other property, or sold choaI i on loug credit. 2,Th commodious fr• ' ams dwellili met large and 4n.the tl'W. Bash ay. tation,lately_occupied by the. Station agent.' Has parlor, dining room, eight bed- roonhs, kitchen, pantry, &c. Large stone cellar. Hard and soft waterin building. Suited for a large family or a boarding-house. ,Latelvfinished-aud in good con-• dition. Apply to the owner, -Ma. G. BENTLEY,' or to the undersigned. 3. Lot 825 Maryo i ii Street {pl caste 11fr. C. Hely;ir,'s rc- sidonde) with neat cottage of three roon s and.sunimer kitchen •-good well and - choice fruit trues in Barden•, &c. ;Machine Oils. L.B S. TORONTO, - Manufacturers and dealers is ][.4111.di lkeol Cylinder ' Oil, Wool ( Ail, 13o11 Cutting Oils. Four `Medals and Three ' Diplomas awarded them lmt year at the lending e♦hibittons in th o Dominion. ,• Farmers; Aire hers and hill ii enwetil"save- money by using cur-Lhrdine and' Cylinder Oil. Woolen Manufacturers will save money by using 'our Wool Oil, it equals lard and olive oil, -and eostu ant half the price: - Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices, &e., on application to DIoCOLL BROS. CO,...Toronto. 4. The valuable hotel property on Victoria Street, Clinton,,known as Lane's Hotel, now occupied by Mr,- , � 600. Knox, comprising a large hotel building, driving • -house, four choice town lots, &e'. r 5. That elegant lega t two tor , frame d- C• sai• Huron Street, Clinton, formerly hold by .J. C. Miller, Inow occupied by Sir. John i'. martin 6That choice and heit-situaiea frim pmrt of Lot b, IIuron Road, Goderich township comprising r;5 acres of first-class land; -nearly all cleared and in good con - (titian. Good' buildings, &e. Only. one mite from o.W: 7, Lot 21 on Huron St. With the dwelling house novo occupied by Mr.-Simson, G. W. R. station agent; also lot 40 on Mary Street, abutting on the above lot. The lots will be soldtogether or separately. Apply to the owner, Dir. Thomas Jackson, or to the undersigned, 8. The house and lot, No. 845 on Mary Street, now occupied bar. Wm Davis, The house contains three' rooms below,'and.one.in'the upper story , has back kitchen, garden, well, &e, Terms Easy. 9, The store and dwelling on lot,18, Huron Street, formerlybeIonging to H. Norsworthy: and now ocou- pie byMr. A. Bennett. • Ise, other lots and buildings/for sale Apply to H. HALE,Huron Street, Clinti n John -McGar-va= SAT.T . MANUFACTURER,: :AND DEALER In. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ALBERT STREET, Opliosite the Town'Hall. Very Choice Lard, -Hams re Bacon. - For sale atlowest prices. f Cash paid for Farni Precincts, J, McGA•P,VA, Clinton, April'4, 1882. SUBSCRIBER MANES A SPECIALTY TE112 of this business and ee is constantl. on hand k. 1 Y a large assortment of ; COFFINS CASKETS 7 7 COFFIN : TRIMMINGS, SHROUDS, And everything in the_ Undertaking' line, and. can furnish eserything;suitable for a funeral: on the -shortest notice and_ - AX TNOMPSON & S.WITZ-ER'S. RRA TEA FOR THE MILLT ON.—TEA 4 LBS. FOR, $1:' TEA 3 LBS. FOR $1. LI-QUOR TEA, WITR EVERY 3 LBS. A VALUABLE BLE BOOK: 7 lbs. CU►FE11 F • for $1.00._'' eocral GROCERIES VcIy cheap and Ims Bois aud Shoes.- ; Entire'stock bf Plt'JNELLA at and — - under cost Boots, l\OW 19 yOUC time t0 buy. - LADIES TIE AND BUTTON N SFiot;, very' chea :. p ,inspect our stock.1 Tradetaken for Boots and:"Shoes 'I. Crockeryand : Glassware ss a r e c hea eI than Call .civil be co7rt«+-e(1. - 471 kinds of ro' p cttcae taken at highest miwrketrices, • p Careerob, June; 1882.. - THOMPSON'&' SWITZER " CETT'.P�. DRIUG Tc5AE • HUMPHPEY'S HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, CtJTICTIP.4 I EI1IuDTES • KENDALL'S SPAVIN.CURE. And all tile.''recent patents kept -:in stock .or "procured to ;order. A large ge S,tock OrP.:WIRE T_M BRUSHES, TOILE1 SETS; SPONGES, &c very Cheap. CELLULOII) TRUSSES at reduced. rates.. PHYSICIANS' CI NS PRESCRIPTIONS and family- . receipts accurately.cotnpoundedwith care and des etch.'.'' �A,i% �+�'6:. 3(. CC0i*IIEC E,' C11EI'IIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ON1'. t the most Reasonable Rates TWO SPLENDID HEARSES •. KEPT FOR'F[CRE. I'iEttainBEk -TILE PLACE, , OPPOSITE THE TOWN • HALL. THOS STEVENSON. OVER-THIRTY-'YEAR'S'EXPERIENCE PROVES' the.' GENUINE SINGER. to be .the inost durable 'anti 'the best sewing machine in the world.• Itis constructed, easy to operate, does: not get: trot of repair and lists alifCEnho:•'i .. Over 661; 000 Singer X'aohind sold last par. LOC IL . OFFICE,,' A2' " GCIDL'P,ICJI,' 'Tf :I.1VallAZit -BRUSSELS- -AND BRUSSEL,<-ANDEhETB1i. ' Head Office for the County:of-Huron • 01',POSITE COMIn1ERCIAi HOTEL, HURON ST',° CUN•TON. • Intending purcl'iasera'yiill do well to test the SINGER before .purchasing any other' kind. THE scan is TInS .CutAresr, ilial and,Needles for' all kinds of machines always on:hand. G.; E.',- O"RA'WFOTtD, AcBNT. Clinton, Aug. 3,1882. - • ALL'S comIlmor Is iteconimended by Physicians.' C TJRES Catarrh of the Nasal Cavity-Chronfc and Ulcerative; - Catarrh of the Ear, Eye or Throat, It Is taken INTERNALLY, and- acts DIRECTLY upon the Blond and Mucous,Surfaces of: the'. System. Itis the best Blood Purifier in the WORLD, and is. worth ALL !:at is charged for It, for ' THAT alone THE . ONLY INTERNA[.. CURE FOR CATARRH l s' IN Tali: tIARKET 'oQfY^r 1100 c: aayca000f Glttrra h, it.;i est Qars0 ` rte. r WE, ; I • ,1., March 28, 1882. My little dei ght ; i,bied with Catarrh _for two, years lull ;v, i mudhbenefittedby' the use of 1,all'e'Umt,ura "Cure•' 'Shu is -now about puree, W. T. HOUSE. WxLLA5L,'Oet , March 20, 1812. T have used" hall's Catarrh Cure," • and judg- ing- from the good results I derived from one bottle, believe it will oars the . meet stubborn'. case of Catarrh if its use be continued fora reatiionaLle length of time. W. WEI,r ton, Out., March 20, 1882. P• T. Cnlfo1 v.i& Co..' 1hi• ,1 „, O. Gents. -Have sol -111,01'e Catarrh Cure'tor the last Year, and it gives entire satistection.' ' Yours truly, • IL W. HOBSON, Druggist. Hall's Catarrh.. Cure Is sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists, and Dealo^s in Patent Medicines in the'United States and Canada. 75 Ants a Botrv°. $S.00 a Doz.. The orals goi.uin© Hails Catarrh Cure ia man.' ,nfaoturea by 3. J.'CHL :-1;1 d; CO., Toledo, 0. q'$eware of Imitations. , Bottled for the Ontario trade by 11. W.'HOBSON. WCIiand. Ont J, H. COi'IBLi, Agent. Clinton. n-th r-sincere-thanks_to thear>friends and customers Wish most res eetfully to -recur i e ,p p- p ms tam e- for'the very liberal patronage bestowedu upon in the- est, and at the sa a-ould sa 'timt-they-wull-in-t-he fature_(as-utlheollast) do:their utmost to 'supply all, entrusting them with their patronage for Hardware, Stoves, ;&c., Iv t1"i t• eIi" veiy.`liest: goods at the very lowest possible prices. ,We, would 'also, take this opportuninty of • - informing. the' public i'n general that we have O P • Opened u a new; stock` of Hardware `Stoves,, Re., in the :store in the p - > Beaver Block, next door to Tohmpson & Switzer's Grocery', Where we will keep on hand a grand -stock of STOVES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, &x •Our -stock at the old stand in the Red Brick Storewill at all times be found replete in assort nient and quality. bur prices;wili also be found': as low as any house in the trade. ` Solicit-` ing, a' oontinstance of public patao lane,;we ate, yours RANCI S'1'OIi'F; AVER BLOCK, NeXTTO R THO5IPSON & SITrk1.'s.• SIGN: Oa' THE PADLOCK, R'EDBRWOKSTQR:E- ALBERT STREET, 'CLINTON. Gini'' 's] CORBETT & BOLES Proprietors. The subscribers' take this opportunity of informing the public -that they have erected a'. large new Woollen brill in Clinton, with a capacitythree times as great'as the'' old one, have fitted' up the sarne.withrthe very best'and•itest unproved Machinery; and arh prepared to: tura out .:. CUSTOM, WORK ASND;;MANUFACTURING. , , n'the ,ahortest notice and in, the' hest,worlcmanlihe inauncr possible, Carding,-Spinnilig, % reitvi'ng, DIA nuMet aril) gof ail'kind$ Blankets FCctnnels, 2weecds, Fu1 Cloth,: Horse Blasebcets, Stocking• Yarn, etc , .made to •'order' and, 1•ept eonstantly ole hand to exchange for 4coo1, or sell cheap for cash. -' 1 `ROLL; CARDING -A SPECIALITY: Having, placed, in our factory a completeAnd •neve Roll'Cardin, Machine, farmers May expec the beat Rolls it is possible .10- make. a'tisfaction in this':, hue .and all others guaranteed EXCHANGING ; FOR }}WOOL. Farmers, bring. in you wool; we' win buy:itor exchange it for goods. Our Factory being capable : of manufacturing one hundred thousand pounds of' -Wool -in a year, you wilt siwa,ys Dna a market,- . for your _Wool u Clinton,and HEHIGHST PRIE P AID, ..DESCII O- 13LUSYNESS.:PF Uur-capacitybeing.so-„reatTouwillatwasshe'abfe-t drave_ymm,wor]cdoie:on_th e-shortestnotce> Our MFORBETTpavinq carried an theW ellen _busioes&,tor the last seven years, in ' -takes-raleoppotlt aity-nf�thaakinglifoninv easterners and friends for their liberal patronage in the., past, •and the doiw,', time would kindly soucit fish' tfiormi"gencri-nl•1-his-old ettstoiners=anal • -hundreds of new, ones. STOVES. -Having bought a stock of Stoves outside of the aaeociation, on very: ad- vantageous terms,'I ant now prepared to 'offer Cooamoo SToves at a,'large percentage. under the usual price. , HARVEST TOOLS. — Scythes, Snatbs, Wheat, Barley and Hay Forks; Scythe Stones, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Gloves,• Cradle Fingers, &c.' TIN WARE,—A fullassortment of Tinware in all its branchee.' Also. Ltrstr GOODS. v f FF . . Ts-and- ryry'RANITI; WA-`RE:=J' a �arrl od a-n`tislsaTtmezit-o TFA I'oms--GoZ .n - Po P1cESERVTNG KETTLES,'in Granite Ware. / HiDES, SHEET SKINS, FURS-HIGREST CASH=pRICi I'ATD. ` . S. DCLINTON. (.111. .I C�CHEMISTSISTS .. DRUGGISTS � , belrt Street: Cli;<atalrn. The public will find 0111 stock of medicines complete. warranted genuine, and of the best quality, , '' ' ULDER BRACES,TRUSSES SPONGES,. ' TOILET SOAPS, l'>;R>n �rnrl;rt�,, Sxa , , , 7 . . 'AND ALL ri INDS I OE• DRUGGISTS' SUNDTI.I.ES USUA:I.I.Y KEPT • ' TN •A "T'IRST CT,ASS DRUG STORE, CORBETT'.& BOLES, CLINTON, ;. OMMON SCHOOL BOOK! F`iai1 _PiLks >C' 1Yieiillt, LlsO, very : nice lines of Staltioner, In: whole C1'eiam, Tints€, Antique, Foreign and fancy papers WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AND KNOW IT- W. H: SIMPSON, Clinton, emaseseasamenierimiessiiinsa a ' Lto. Cahinet Comp In .order .• to:;,Meet our in'cleasing trade we have bought the Factory lately occupied' by W. B. Crich, and after getting it uncler;-way we `ire prepared ,to ansa tftac-, hl rq 1'e 'xn trhe �Furnitu line, very4lh� _ _ thing l chea et to, the hest sets, 7 illi the littel4t- From the p styles and No. 1 finish and Workmanship. S satisfaction:: guaranteed Ordered •work. a s ecialt .and :� Olde P Y •, 1 UNDERTA KINGI We have also added this''; branch -to our' husineSS and in it at all times• will be found everything to. Meet the requirements' of all A: HANDSOME HEARSE KEPT:FOR .WIRE, By y strict attention to blisinesd and an eye to acconl ipodate and please,;K e.'hopeofallto. merit •ills• eonfrdence R(xE DIEHL 48� CO. GEC?,