HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-31, Page 3A-ugust 31 1882.
Ismailia and Port Said Occupied
by the British. '
An Ironclad Train Put Into Operation With
- Good Results.
Wear' that wolseier Iins itieen Acting Pre-
matureir. ,
The Khedive has decided to Siitrust
Cherif Pasha- with the Presidency -of -the-
vew Ministry.
Generals Willis and Grahamand the
Duke of Connaught have -gone to Aboukir.
Of the whole fleet the iron clads Invinci-
ble and Inconstant alone remain.
The 49th, 75th and 79th regiment; at
Ramleh, will probably support the move-
ment -al Aboukir -by an attack on the left
flank of the enemy. a
The German gunboat, Habicht, the
Russian man.of.war, Eriklik, and several
other foreign vessels are preparing to put to
It is rumored that Arabi's entrenchments
will be attacked on Monday morning at 6
The second battalion hf the Highland
Light Infantry and the first battalion
. of the Irish Fusiliers have landed. They
proceeded to Ramleh 'to , join Alison's
The occupying force numbers 6,252.- The
Egyptian soldiers were disarmed -without
resistance. Tbe canal has been closed to
merchant vessels and the dredges in it
have been seized.
The bombardment of the Ghenaileh forti-
fications will probably take. place to -day.
The French despatch boat Aspic left yes-
terday to take, the place of the corvette
Forbin in the-Suez.--T-beeForbinalaite-gone
to Massowah to protect the French sub.
jects there. The British man-of-war Tour-
maline entered the canal this morning with
the gunboat Dee, cleared for action. -
The Khedive watched the skirmish yes-
terday with a field glass front the...top of a
hill -within the range of Arabi's guns.', The
reconnaissance proves the excellence of
Arabi's earthwork, and the accuracy of his
artillery, which is nearly equal to that of
the English. His Musketry. practice is
wretched. It is reported that Arabi is
making the whole population work at the
earthworks, and declares liafr-el-Dwita
will be another Plevna.
At 8 p. m. the ironclads Inflexible, Tem-
eraire, Superb, Agincourt, Monarch, Pene-
lope, two gunboats' and twelve troopships
are still lying in the harbor, the _marines
and sailors are occupying the town, and the
fleet is about to enter tee canal. .
In the -skirmish yesterday-the'Egyptiane
fired shrapnel shells ineffectually at the
outpost of the 46th Infantry, occupying
temporary entrenchments. The Egyptian
Infantry then advanced with Bell yards,
i3onaitig from Kafr-el-Dwar. Some cavalry
also appeared from the direction of Abou-
kir. The Egyptian lines were meet irregu-
lar. Some, of the men were •apparently
unarmed. The cavalry ' were also
confuserY from the restlessness - of
their eflaoribe. About 5 o'clock the
British iron clad train sent out 6, oar with
a forty pounder, which Was detached and
sent 40 yards in advance of the engine, and
fired two shelle upon the Egyptians who
was either,a ruse, or was abandoned "at the
last roornent. The fleet and traneports
wept 'to Abettkir on Saturday afternoon,
but at 10.30 o'clock at eight quietly steanied
eastward, leaving the Aehille$ and -tt wo-
Other VeriElelB at Aboukir Bay. They are
Still enchored in the bay south of Nelson
Island, from whiela point tbey 'control the
railway -tq `Rosetta, but ,the coast from
Aboukir to Rosetta shows' no sign of any
landing having been made, while the flag
was still flying on the Aboukir forts.
A Tribune's London despatch -say e that
Arabia position is immeneely strong and
must be turned. Military men are not
without fear that Wolseley is acting in te0
great hastato dauble up Arabi before the
Indian troops can co-operate. It May be
a ,pohtical necessity, ;A secoessful 'blow
may prevent Turkieh intervention' ef any
kind. If Wolseleyse first stroke fails it will
only consolidate Arabi's cause and provoke'
a great Mohammedan rising. His unex-
pectedly early action is perhaps caused by
• the danger of the, rising_of the Nile, which
-would jeopardize a turtling movement
from Aboukir, or "Rosetta.
Sir Wilfred Blunt's house' has 'been
searched and looted by a party of natives.
Seven cases of revolvers and a quantity
of anamunitioe were found in the building.
, There have been numerouteeaaesaof_suna
-stroke among the -troops recently. '
Tire Battle -lead.
meet. Tlae forty-potaader-after-this-move
went was frustrated, tired towards Kafael-
Dwar. The Egyptians replied with -shells
which burst between the train and the
engine. - The train then retired, firing
during the retreat. Another shell exploded'
near the train between the rails.. The
tram finally retired without any damage.
The British iufantry meanwhile fired from
the entrenchments causing great loss) that
of tbe Egyptian cavalry beingestiniatitrat
300- The fighting ceased at sunset
The transports Arab and the British
Prince with troops have arrived.,
The transports City of Paris, Ascalan
and Caspian with troops for Egypt have
arrived. . • '
Two French gunboats entered the canal
to -day. They are said to be bound for
A special Cabinet Council was held tea
day at which Assym Pasha Was present. It
Is understood that the Porte is willing to
modify the Turkish draft for the military
convention by the addition of the following
three daises : First, an English general
shall be attached to the Turkish camp to
facilitate the interchauge of conanauniea-
Mona between the Turks and the British.
Second, the manceuvres of the English and
Turkish forces shall be mutually carried
out in such a manner as to avoid the inter
ference of one with the other. Third a
date shall be fixed for the evacuation of
Egypt by the English forces. It is -believed
that England also has consented to oerteln
naodifications in her draft for the conven-
tion, and an understanding between the
• two Goveiniffefitais therefore regarded ae
probable. . . .
It is eaid; that Assym Pasha has prepared
a draft for the convention embodying Mu-
tual concessions by England. and Turkey.
The new project is to be eulamitted to
Granville and afterwards to the Sultan .for
ratification. It is thought probable ,that
the Conference will meet again on Monday.
The Italian Ambassador obtained the
signature of the ambassadors to the protocol
relating to the internatioeid protection -Of
the Suez Canal. Lord Dufferin, in signing
it; reiterated the previous reservation as to
the force of the majeure clause, which pro-
vides for non-interference by the internati-
onal police with military operations. .A
commission of naval officers of all statee
concerned will meet at Port Said to superin-
tend the measures neceseary for the Protect -
tion of the canal.
General Wood and staff made ,
reconneisance from the outposts at Ramleh
to -day without any intention of engaging in
serious military operations. ,a'iriThen near.
Arabi's hiitposte the enemy sent a steady
shower of rifle bullets accompained by
rockets and shells amongst the raen from
batteries masked by trees. The iron clad
train proceeded to Mahatla JUncton and
tpened fire from a forty pounder, pitching
our shots into the enemy's quarteas. It is
reported that four English soldiers, were
wounded during the afternoon. .
It is officially stated that the destination
of the fleet is Ismailia.
The reconnaissance made this afternoon
seems to ahow that the enemy's artillery
and infantry have been weakened since yes-
terd ay,but their big guns are etill in position.
Within the last few daye one of Arabi's
officers visited Fort Maks and'peoposed to
surrender With a large body of men.He
promised to return. on Monday and make
known the decision of the men, whether or
not they would accept the terms offered. It
is believed that this proposition Of the
officer is only a ruse.
It is stated that the intention to bombard several 'shots were exclia,nged by the hostile'
On two occasions in modern -warfare
Aboukir 'has been rendered famous and
historical. , It is probable that ;before bong
Aboukir, Will ,be,famous and: _hietorical yet
"a third time. "Following the, railway line
which skirts_the Mediterranean -shore -from
Alexandria,, the traveler proceeds through
Ramleh and thence, peat several insignifi-
cant fishtng•villagel, the Chief of Which is
El Mandara, until he reaches the point of,
Aboukir, at S. distance of between thirteen
and fourteen miles from what *as 01100. the
Grande Place of ',Alexandria: Close to the
promontory .stands thearillage of Aboukir,
and not far from that somewhatsqualid
spot 'of habitation the inquisitive traveler
may find the ruins of the .ancient Caaopes,
though few strangers ever take the trouble to
find these, aotwithstariding that once upon
a. time they formed : a conspicuous featiire
of the former•,'Delta.. From the 'prettier,-
-3-dry-TitAbblikiallWbity of the, Hattie liaree
etretchies in "a northeasterly aerojaiircle,
and terminates, in a, sharp" horn. at the
,Reeetta mouth of . the ;Nile. The bay is
not a pleasant place nowadays for the nevi -
'gators ot log shiPs. Its waters are clear and
blue,' andin the more -open portions of. the
hey ceetain a depth _varying, from six,tp.
eight-lathoms ; but hereand there are
treacherous shoals which; to avoid, require
the mariner'S greatest , skill and caution.
Running in shere,. net far from the
lage of Aboukir, • there. is a formidable
'sandbank': then, again, ; there is a reef- of
rocks knOwa.as the Culloden reef, 'and the
text obstacle is an island, sometintes.galtecl
Aboukir Iela,nd and, 'Sometimes Nelson
• Island.' This is now strongly fortified,
and at interval s around -the circumference
of the bay there is a line of _four., fonts and
several new. "eminiveirks. It' was in .1798
:that tha_British,fleet_set_-outatcalookefer-
.Napelecin Bonaparte. Lead Nelson, then
Sir Horatio', hoisted hie flag in the Van-
-guard, 74 guns, and *ea despatched by.
'Lord, Vincent -,from Gibraltar ;to Toulon, ;
. where Napoleon was believed to be fitting •
out his expedition for Egypt. . Oa the way
the Vanguard ' was - disabled in a gale-, bad .
'weather '. continued; . and Rear -Ad nairal
33rueys was enabled to. escape • successfully
-from Toulon, together with Napoleon and.
his troops. . Neleini_set ',off irt- chase alopg
the 'Mediterranean, accompanied by the
ships Culloden., Goliath, Mioeteur,Defence,
•Belleroption,,Majestic, Zeatotis,-Swiftsure,
,Aleathader; .Oriota. Theseus, Audit,:
,cieus and '
the.; .1st of August-T17'987-1-h-q-c-Eng-iiiih-
Admiral 138,1118•11p. With his French• antagcn
,thst at Aboukir, 'though not in tinie to
prevent the landitig of Napoleon with.bis
troops close to Alexitedria. •Admiral
. ,.
BrueYe. was unable' to enter the .covetee.
'liainiar of Alexandria: :BO he brought his
ships, ".consieting of oliofirst, ()lase, three
fiecend-claes,anine 74:gannets. , and: lour •
..,frigates, -tee -an-; -manlier aia -et-hit—Bay -.of
Aboukir: :Roth, fleets ; madeready for
eetionaancl at 6 o'clock 'on .the night of the,
.12th PfAalgust there..commenced in . these
Bathe 'waters •of Alinukia Which, ere, long
will be resounding, With'. Brittah cannon, '
one of the. Meet desperate battles' known le
-the annals of, modern nil:eel warfare., ; By
noon on ._the, 13th ',the Fr,encia 'fleet was
badly crippled. , ..,Ona ship had ,blown up
eight had surrendered, two had set sail
and. bolted, and two were agrauect,,. one of
which" Was -immediately destroyed byy fire'
hy its Own.gallant crew. Theeship blown .
up " was • the Orient. . and Brueys
and Many - of his _•„-efficers 2 were
hurled intea destruction . with her
tinabers. . The French - Admiral, .before,
death, . was viothaded three
times on the • face,from -a langrage - shot ,
Nelson himeelf, received a severe wound
The British ship 'Culloden grounded. near.
the gland to which it has given its name,'
close to Aboukir Village. , This was the
celebrated" Battle' of the . Nile; almost ae
celebrated, in emig as it Was through its
results. Aboukir, inbut la few months
'after -witnessing this Sanguinary struggle in.
her bayawasdestined to".see another dee-.
;perate ,battle' fought in her vicinity 00
ebore. • Herta on, the '23rd ..of .1799a
NaPtileone: fresh from the great vietory
oyez', the Marnehikes at. the 'Pyre -raids,
encountered the Turkish array ueder.Mas-
tapha Pasha; vile had 18000men under
,Ihi s Command. -The Turks, (wheasteriaftilL
-of-irrighteoutatidiTratnd enthusiasm
at Napoleon's audacious. invasion , of the
territory, of their sovereigra the Suiten) had
„entrenehed themselves close upon the .sear
ineef the bey. At one time during the battle
Bluetapha Pasha's force threatened to be;
,successful. 'Fah of -confidence, they sallied.
qut their entrenchments with BO much
impettousity- that they felt into ilia'
order.This was the chance Which -the
greateet taitician ef the, 'age- desired.
He rallied his men, drove beak , the pro-
miscuous Turks in front of a vvall.of. bayo-
nets, and. let loode his cavalry, (Of which
the Turks had none) ameng the scettered
crowd. The result was that the. Moslems
were forced back into their entrench, Meets',
where. •Such---a---terrible- slaughter •:anShed'
that many Of the Turks desperately threw
themselves into.the bay and perished in a
vain attempt to', reach their ships, which'
were ,riding at anchor on the 'spot :where in-
lhe previous year Nelson had destroyed
'the French fleet. The "water was said to
be covered with turbans and tinged with
blood, and '10,000 men perished there at
Aboukir, either by the . bayonet or .the
equally inexorable see,. The remainder. of
Mustapha Pasha's force surrendered.
Shortly after this victory at , Aboukir the
French General escaped from Alexandria,
evaded .,,the English cruisers which had
gone to Cyprus, where he was not, and
'arrived safely in the -Gulf of Fieyjes, in
the vicinity of 'Toulo.
A siiirmieh of a somewhat novel kind is
reported frotxt Alexandria. It is Bahl that
Arabi Pasha. -sent a: 'railway train to the
Aboukir junction, and that an armed loco -
Motive. and tender being tient to meet it
purposes, however,' is not wholly unpre-
eedented. • When Paris was held by the
Communists of 1871 against thaVersailles
troops under Marshal MacMehon, the latter
sent " ouirassed trains" along one side of
the city, which opened fire upon the.
enemy's works 'with considerable effect.
Shortly after the - railway through
Calabria was 00Daphiteq, the Italian
Government, wishing fo punigh the bri-
gands who persistently endeavored to wreck
or plunder the passing trains, spread a
report that be tt; certain ilaY a Vast quantity
of gold would be sent along the line. On
the day indicated a locomotive was seen
approaching with a freight van of enormous
,size, ostensibly filled -with specie, but really
containing a numbee, of carlaineers, who
made short work of the inquisitive banditti.
Such fact; area curious commentary Upon
the verdict of a cynical old naval Officer on
the invention of ironclads : "Now that
they've done that, they may just as well
.fight with ironclad trains too, and destroy
_ lamest ..wtirfarc; altogether."2.- -----a
By the change, of base to Ismailia,. Eng-
land has taken possession Of the canal
, throughout its whole length, holds both
entrances, has closed and kicked both
doors, Jtrid occuiaies all between to the
exclusion of ali ether nations, even of De
-Lesseps.--The-fact-isra-drela commentary
6a 'the labored negotiations of a joint
European protectorate of the canal, which
England has superseded by .-taking posses-
sion. of the .whole canal itself. Itisualso
an instructive commentary on the
futility of any national or international
guarantee of ..,the neutrality_ of such a
channel, and furnishes a very practical'
exposure of the fotalisheess of American
quibbliug over an" assumed right to "ex -
elusively -guarantee" the- freedom of the
protected Rename Canal. In case Eng-
land, or anY other great naval power,
for a war purpose, should. take
possession of the canal :and blose, both
extremes against American -ships, what
-would America, do to maintain itis exclusive
guarantee? Send one of our old wooden
hulls, with the "President' i flag" floating
at the peek to ,frighten away- the •foreign
ironclads? Or drive -them away titter the
manner of Ite' Lesseps, • by f ulthinating
.frantic proclamations at them? A guarane
tee of the freedena of_the_Panarna_Cantil_by--
A.merica, and Britain in ceepe,rtnerthip—
Britain' , furnishing the ironclads and
A.niericit, fulminating -the ,pronenciamentes
—doubtless could be made effective against
any infraction. of its freedoin, by other
nations: But an exclusively, American
guarantee, while America. has no 'navy,'
would; be hardly more effective to prevent
Beitish 'occupation than have been the pro-
clamatory gymnastics of Moneieur DeLes-
sops on the, Iathmus of Suez.—C,hicczgo
A Timely Discovery which Saves the L.ives
of Many People.
A Mobile (La.) telegram says: In Choa-
te* County, Ala.,
on the 25th inst., a
bundle of papers disclosieg a well organized
plot among the negroes to kill the entire
white population of that county was found
near one ot their rencleavous. It was laid
before a Solicitor. On Wednesday a quiet
meeting of citizens of Blount Sterling and
I3utler was called at Biltler to consider the
best mode of euppressing the intended out-
break and massacre1± was' agreed that
the ringleaders, to whom -leave been assigned
the; duties; of leading ;quads to Butler,
Mount Sterling, Desotoville and other
places' and killing all the whites of each
Placeeshouldbe. arresteci_andlo_dged in jail,
Their arrest was effected or Thuraday
without disturbance or bloodshed. On the
same day a mass meeting of citizens
of all classes was called for Saturday
to decide the fate ot the prisoners. The
vlot has beettaaja___existencee-sinee-1878t-
-Vad-ilie conspirators now number 400.
They have powder, •shot and guns, and
think themselves sufficiently . strong to
accomplish their fiendish design. Sunday
night, September 17,th, had been appointed
as the date for its consummation. The.
papers -further ehovved that this day was
selected because • then the ''white people
would_ be at a camp meeting unarmed and
could offer no resistance. The meeting called
for Saturday , brought togeth.er 'about 700
raen, among whom Were about 150 negroes,
who, after hearing , the papers read, by an
almost UrtalllITIOUS vote decided that Jack
Turner was a turbulent and dangerous
character, and a regular firebrand in the
community, and that the public demanded
his immediate death. He was accordingly
hanged about 1.15 p. m.,in the presence of
the; assenibled multittide. The crowd
then dispersed and all signs of disturhance
ceased._ Everything Was Met Saturday.
night The- other prisoners are still in
jail;to sweat 'further developments.
Rumors, which- have created it Profound
sensatiOn, not only here but in Athens, are
pr'evalent inthei effect that -the Porte has
;received anonymous letters :from. Syria,
Arabia and Egypt, threatening direful 0011 -
..sequences if the Military Convention with -
England 'is agreed to. It is,fuether stated
that the Governors of Syrian villages
revert that a, , Christian has been seamen-
autted-atifeyrout,itnd several others mal-
treated. V Th'Drs of Lebanon -bave
attaeked several Marinet villages, and the
GOVerner of.Damasone has asked:for rein-
forcementia, 'Attacks arathreetened upon
Christians in, Asiit Minor, :and the, pre-
Meslem feeling is rapidly spreadingthrough-
out the '; claim -try from the shores of' the
13osphorua to the Persian Gulf: '
, Minor WeseNntess.
On the eight previous ;to their departure
the 'cavalry entertained the Men of the
Black Watch. When the filial' notice of
their 'departure was made knewa,athere
was greet rejoicing wittlikatliejleannenlis,_
-tlitrwli-ede of -the :4-2iya turning out • and
quarteneleaded by a, piper, cheering and
shouting lustily. .
A Philadelphia artist who • saw Arabi in
Alexandria -last winter draws this sketch
of his pertional appearance: "A tall,
-heavy:laced Man; Pullen, swarthy, with.
only a,pretty clear eye to softeathe gen-
eral harshess• of expression, .and a black
moustache to hide a net Particularly finely
carve-dtittiT--miaw areas unattract-
ive as • his, lace. . The,ainderpinning looks
,tocefrathlor the • rest of -his bcra; He ie a
bulky than, net pussy- or Faletaffian in
'girth, but a broad, thick -cheated fellow,
built on, the. lobster pattern, -Take him
from hie heayy , head tethis 'spindle legs,
Arabi Pasha reminds one more of a negro
than ; the agreeable and pleasant -faced
gentlemen one Meets anaoagahe Arabs and
The hallowing isthe announcement of the
official prayer to be used in the Church of
England throughout the world during the
troubles In Egypt: "The Archbishop of
Canterbury desires to commend to the
clergy of hi ti diocese the use of the follow-
ing prayer for the soldiers and Bailors en-
gaged in; the war in Egypt: '0 Almighty
God, whose power no creature is able ,to
resist, keep, we beseech Thee, our soldiers
and salient who have now gone forth to war,
that they, being armed with thy defence,
may be preserved,ever more frena all perils,
to glorify Thee, who art the only giver of
all victory, through the merits of Thy only
Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. &intl."
Recent intelligence from Abyssinia
induces the belief, that King John regards
this as' al favorable racartent-for pressing
liis,claina to a port on the Red Sea, the
Egyptian Government havieg hitherto
refused to allow hiD1t01.litve direct access
It is skated that the English cm_a.eital__at
---Naplesabas-coneltured a contractfor the
furnishing of 1,000 mules to be 'sent to
Egypt for' war purposes, and is treating for
the purchase of '1,800 draught •oxen. The
beasts are to be attended to by Neapolitan
.muleteers and drovers, who are to be paid
aathe rate of 51 a day. ,•
Sir Garnet's illness atone time threatened
to prevent- hie departure, and his condition
gave his friends serious concern. The fev-
erish symptoms were aggraaated by his
own anxious misgivings that, he might be
unable to start. Fortunately Lady Wol-
seley insisted upon a consultation with the
best men, and the verdict happily was,
" Go 1" ,; Sir Garriet was better before he
had been; twenty-four hours at pea. He was
_suffering fronaerysirielas hi -the face. --This'
explains ; his embarkation with his head
covered up. . _
The British army, landing in great force
at Port Said, found M. cle Leoseps arrayed
"fiforithe banks of the canal with madness
in his -,eye. What 'could the solitary patrol
do but foem himself into a hollow square
.and issu hia fiftieth' protest? Poor old
gentlentati 1 Why should he not be exas-
perated when be Bees England appropriat-
ing at one fell moot:, the great work which
her capitalista ' and engineers . used to
ridicule ale a :crazy Frenchman's sand ditch?
Another tract of British Columbia coal
lands, four hundred acres in extent, hall
been sold at a high figure, a California
eompany being the purchasers.
The Chinese -on the railway works in
British Columbia, "are -warring on their
bosses, Whenever an accident occurs they
drive the foreman away, as the Celeetials
outnumber the whites in the country. 'The
relations between the races are beeoming
strained: --
A Winnipeg telegram -says' :"-Thabody of
a man named John McDonald- was found
drowned in the Red River yeeterday at
Boone, Jarvis & Berridge's mill. An
inquest was held to -day- and an open
verdiot wasreturned. Deceased came to
the city ten days ago, and it is supposed
he walked over the beak aed was accident-
ally drowned: ,
Mr. George Augustus Sala* made a raost
-effective speech -am Chairman -at the -Royal --
General' Theatrical Fund dinner in Lon-
don the other day. When the guests took
'their Beate the fund WaS 51,500 in debt.
When Mr. -Sala kat dewu a, subscriptien
was taitennp_whichaletted-45,000e Among -
the contributors were the Qat ee., who gave
1500, and the Prince of Wales.,
Eight Cars Thrown from the Teach Owing
...'''. to the'linalle Spreading. .
A serious accident- oceurred on the
G. 'T. R.; Sunday. afternobe "- about '3
o'clock, Which caueed considerable damage,
but; owing, to the railway arrangements,
causednodelay in the traffics on the road.
Freight' train No. 23, from Suspension
Bridge" to Windsor, OD :reaching • the
tunnel , under , the Welland, canal,
near , Merritton, . had the 'misfor-
tune-" t� meet with an accident from
the breaking of" an axle on a Coal flat
ear. The break Cansed the rails to spread,
and thus eight freight oars behind the fiat
car were thrown. - off' the track.- There
were twenty-five cars altogether on the
train, .but those in front, of tlie flat car
were not. thrown off. The „cars thrown
from. this .' track were not very natich
"damaged, but the track itself waaeerieasly
'Cutup. - Two specialausiliaries were Peon
got hp at: Hamilton and Cliftoir. and
despatched t�the Beene ef the disaater. The
track Was:fon/id' to be: COmpletely blooked .
and was not ole'ared , petit 9 ceclock tide
mointega,, The trains 'on .the road I
were not delayed 'very much, i3inc`e" A VOGELER ,SG
the G. T. R. made - an arrangement Baltimore. Md.. U. 8.1,
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Id nibago
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprain,- assBurns and
Scalds, General Bodily P
Tooth, Ear cind Neaclachei Frosted .
Feet and Ears, -and alt other.
- Pains and Aches.
No Preparation on earth equals Sr.L.Iscors ott
as a eafe, sure, simple and cheap External
Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively
legwithpain can bavo cheap 105 patth� proof
Directions in Eleven Languages,
with the,: Welland - Railroad ' : Com-
panY'Where by the regular: ' trains on the
former road paSeed over . the latter near
,the ecene- of the accident. Those Who
avient-to-repeitathe-roartfaritattWeola very
diffieult; owing t� the laet -that the truelaa
track hit to -day in es good.conditien aaever.
Aboukir, officially announced on Friday, trains. Theuse of railway oars for military
The Sullivan farm in Illinois, once ten
miles by seven, but afterwards reduced to
20,000 acres, has at last been sold in small
tracts. Ex -Gov. Sullivan originally bought
it at 40 cents an aore, having brought about
its claseification by the Government as
swamp land. Re was at one time' rated at
three millions, but died insolvent, having
failed to make such tremendous farming
pro a 0.
Preferring Deane aa liInving her Children-,
. Cry ior Bread. '
A Pittsburg (Pa)deSpeach says : 'The
` • , •
great strike, , of the ' Pan,.Handle Railroad
, miners is -virtually at an end, 'I:he nien,
have given- in after ;Icsing .thousands. of
dollars of wages. , Some pttiful, Stories 'of
destitution are tOld.A day or, two ago the
Wife; of a miner, who lives otethesailk farna
Boutheast of Minefield, • and who was faint
, with hunger,, heard the, appeals -of her, fear
littleehildren for food without being able to"
Live even, a erastaf• bread. -The mother
Urged her ,hiashand, as she ad frequently,
done before"; to go to, work,. regardless Of
the Charge Of being a, ",blaokleg"" or being
hooted as be went toand from the. mine.
He replied that he would not. • "
,`" Do you riot hear Your , children crying
for bread?" ;the poor woman asked. , .
The Mau was -silent;
' " I 'cars suffer this no longer," the wife
declared, aiad'Iask yeti again,' for God's
sake; for the children's:aake, and for my
sake, if you will 'not go to work td save us
from. etarvation,? This.,is: the last time.
shall ask yiou :" Will you ,go- ta work?"
" No," th ena an replied,,and ,walked away,
that be Might not be torturedhy further
appeals. .When he returned abOut an hour
later' he found hia wife' mild in, death. - The
woman in her, despair had committed
suicide by swalleveingpoison.
many eases theawityes of miners ;are -
even more d'eterraitied,than thole husbands
to ;tarattinue the dockont. a A number of
strilier,S would some. time- ago have
yielded and: gone to , work at . the,
reduced rate_alatitafer-their-wiveseargi g
them not to do so. 'A case is told of a man's
wife,' who ' died in North -.Mansfield last
week, She ,, declared, . several weeks ago
that she would rather dine on- a cruet' of
bread daily than have her husband enter
the mines to, work at.31 cents. It is not
--knoviato a certainty. that the woman died
of starvation., It is known, lowever, that
there,was little or no food in the h011Be at
the tithe Of her death- • , • ,
- Mr. Robert Bell, Superintendent of the
MansfieldCoal and Coke Company, said
that one of his old miners' yesterday ap-
plied Ito hira for a. place ha the -pit. Mr.
Bellgave-hina. work. After hesitating sonee
momeats the miner; said, in a broken Voiee:
"Mr:" Bell, vvill you please 'advance miir
-money enough -to bay a little -feed; lititVe
not eaten a niouthful for two daye." A few
days previous to this another man came to
get work and broke clown completely, weep-
ing like a child: ' • •
AN unforeseen consequence of cuttingthe.
Suez ' Canal' baa -been . the intrusion '6f
sharks in large number into -the. Mediter-
ranean Sea, with. terrible resulting havoc
,atoong the smaller edible ' fish. Formerly.
-a sheik vvae alraoet a eurio.sity, in . the Medi-
terranean,'ancl there was no choicer' or bet-
ter stocked fiehing ground in the world. The
fisher,menof the Provennvil coast supplied
the cities of France with thebest of pisca-
toriai feed, and in: never -failing abundance;
but'they nowhave difficulty in furnishing
half the quantity that thely then obtained
wiLilLedaysee..cian gather hope from a marvel-
lous httle thing.
-L-An excellent housewife is always in a,
state 'of despair. One would -Often like the
house, lesdperfectly kept and More peace -
gruitooilital, and oiRet, CirOgi
-ItY I'
..111..sume on good. mortgage secto•ity, moderate
ale of interest. EL HALE, chinton.
the Canada Company, may be seen at t b e Mlle c Of
lieundersigned. H. HALE, Clinton.
DH. DOWSLEY, 51. 1)., U. C. R. S. ENGLAND
Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office and residence
next Elolson's Bank, market square, olinton.
Eon Ontario street, Clinton, opposite the English
Cenral. Entrance by side gate. 11
• UnivergitY,)Physician, Surgeon, &c., residence at
Mr. Mannir(g's, three deers east of the Temperance
Hall, Loiadesboro, Ont.
1-/innnediately north of Dickson's book store. Best:
dense, opposite the Temperance Ban, Huron Street
Clinton. Oftice hours from 8 a.m. to ep.m.
.41.1i attended at their own residence( if nece,satj• Be'
eidence, Isaac street, Clinton. ,It new method
taught R desired. "
legit3nYelL NG/Lkttiltrgn "171-fil!, /Oil': -TT
naerly of the Hospitalt.and 'Dispensaries, New 'York
Coroner for the County of Huron,Bay0eld,That.
ItW. W/LLIAMS, 33. -A.; GRADUATE .'0E.
sToronto University; member of the College of Phy
eicians and Surgeons, Ont.. OFFICE &•IthornErzen Ithe
honse formerly occupied by 'Dr. Reeve,' Albert stOot
Clinton. . .
LAccoucheur,Licentiateof the College ofPhysician-
and Surgeons of Lower Canada'and ProvincialLicen,
tiate and ceronorf or the Countyo f Huron. Ofticeancl
residence, -The building:f ormerly occupied by Mr
Thwaites Huron street. '
Clinton, jan.10,1871.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dente,
Surgeons of Ontario, ha s opened rooms in
the Victoria Block, Albert Street, Clinton, 0-berelbo
will constantly be in attendance, and prepared to 116E•1'••
toren every operation connected withDentistry. Teeth
extracted, or filled with gold, amalgam, or, other 511in g
material. Artificial' teeth Inserted from "on e to a
411 a..
• •
: C. RIDOLT, Clinton
410Xo'r 17(9.:4.9adr@,,
GOO&SecUritteg :Purchased
C.O y A N. .N '
Clinton, Nov.9,1.881.
Incorporated by Act of Parlianient,1855.
CAPITAL, - $2 000 000.
Head Office,. Montrea
THOMAS WORKMAN,........President.
J. H. R. MOLSON,( ........... Vice -Pre e.
E.WOLEERS TAN TRONA S, GeneralIllanager
Notes disco'untecl, Collections made, Drafts
issued, Sterling ancl Anierican exchange
bought and sold at lowest
„current rates.
34. LOUGH, st,,,r•
„. '
And for .ratifying
has been In Use. for 20 yearsand hao
preyed tato the hest rraa the
market for slog: HE.A L'A(..311‘f. '1'..ALIN
DYSPEPSIA, PILES. YEd" ail,' Discs stls
thatarioo frorri a DisorderecIL'weI'Lot•
Paper° blood- Thousands' 'of our fast
people triko 'it and give it . to their chit-
&Tn., Physlcianissprescribe it datiy. Those
who itOsi it once: rano rnniend it to others.
1± 10 made ,frona '-eeneea.Dock. Deride-
r/is eamaparina, Wild Cherry„Stillingia
Dandelion. , Sassafras, Wintergreen, .and
Other well-known valuable Roots and
Herbs. It is strictly 'vegetable, and can-
nel hart the moat 'delicate constitution.
10 1* one Of the beet medicines in use for
Itegulathirthe Rowels/.
It sold by eh responsible druggists
at otos dollar for a quart bottle, or EiS'
hottlei for litra dollars. • ”
Those who cannot obtain a. bottle of
this medicine from their druggist may
send tis one dollar, and we will'send 10
W. :onlysitva CO.,, ,nt trots,
ATVs &VO Agents, sainton
d rats
ptirekt and Beat :tiled's ine-eve i Illado: '
whit:salon of Hope, Buehu,,Sari-
'e and Daudet lon,,witli all the best and
oirsLtive properties of an other Litters,
the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver
ator and Life and Health Resterinly
Reg ta
Agbat on
no,disease 0
Illtters aro tie.
They give nowli
10 all -whose o
ty of the bowels(or
quire no Appetizer
Hop Bitters are inVal
ieNantinnagtt.of wbatyour fe
are Flint the disease or ail
tors.' Don't wait until you a
only feel bad or miserable,
It may save your life.It hs,,s
$3500 aOl be paid for atm
euro or help. 'Do not euffer
suffer,but,useandurge them ,E3
Remo:Ober, flop Bitters is no
drunken nostrum, but the Purest
Medicine ever made, the
anicii0 person or family
.nd irre,tible cure
forDrankenese,nee of opiurn,tobseeo had
narcotics.' All old by druggists. tiend
for Circular. Hap littler' Erg. Co,
Rochester,N.It and Toronto, Ont.
nn posibly long exist wbere not,
ed,so varied and perfect are their
fo anclvigor to the agod and infirm.
mployments cause irregularr
urinary organs, or Fcho re-
clings or symptoms
eut ssick
butumsc.o nce
° 1 1you
P13 i t'.
saved liundspds
no they Will not
Or letyour friends 'me HOP
, 431,R, Ara 8C1TIC rale. DIC11411
TRADE' MARK.The Great Eng -TRADE hi
lish Remedy.an , •
Seminar Weak.
new, Sparmatorf
and all diseaseS
that follow as a '
seettionce of Self.
abuse- as loss of
Before TakIngr:TIT,NT,TgAiter,.
pais in the Beek; Dhniiese et Vision, Premature
Old Aire, and many other Diseases that lead 'to
Insantty or Consumption mad a Premature Grave,
rarauu particulars in our pamphlet, which we
desire to send tree by meta to every one. The
Specific Medicine !afield by all druggists at' e1 per
package; or,six packages for $5, or will be sent.
by Mail on receipt Of the Money by addressing
. The Giray Medicine Co.,
!,'" Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
II1Er'Soid by ali wholesale .rand "retail aruggiste
leCauada and the United ;Steam ..
F'armers wishing `to insure will find this Com
p any one of the best and- cheapest to insure iso -
sybowill be waited on'at their homes if inforn3V-
-tion be sent to the Agents' office.- -
Jas. Thompsori. Town Agent G.T.R.
N.(caxeyadvanced on Mortgages and Notee of hand .
Drafts iseu'ed. payable at par, at °lithe otRces Of the.
Merchant's' Bank of Canada. New York. cieliangc
bought' and 'sold:. ,PaOMPT ATTENTWN PAID:To
tncrroes throughout-Cana'cla find the United:Sttire's%
SALE NOTES.BOUGHT at close rates, /tile money
advanced to't ariners on their own notes for aL.n t
tima. to ut-LT e orrower. marketable s
ties bought and sold-.
. . ,
' Strathroy. . Cliiitoe. . Elora ,
,Watch and Clock 1141(er3
_JEWELLER, Sic., •
Would res 'Naumann/lettuce to his customers and tho
public generaliy,that 'to has volleyed into his former
' building, on '
Where ha will keep on hand a select. assortnaeht'of
"Clocks, 'Watches, ',Te'welle;-y, 'and Silverwar.
of an kmds.
W4ieh he will s'ell-al-reaSonable rates. Repairing ..
every description promptly attended to. 'L •
Descriptions of Property,
If von wenito learn Telegrat 117'
YOU. MEN in a few months,' and. be certain;
oi a situation; address' Valentine Brea hno
vine, Wis . •