HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-31, Page 1tt,
mAisimmo & SCOTT
Barristers Solicitor,
Commissioners for Ontario zand Manitoba.
11,1-B-..& MRS. BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vocal and
12.2- Instrnmental music, RatterzburY Street, near Or-
gan Factory. N. Id -Singh* Class now forming,
Violin Lessons given.
Clinton, Feb. 16,1882. .
lurony to lend at 6 and 01 per cent. Private
.1.1.1. funds. SEAGER & MORTON, Barristers.
$140,000PRIVATE FUNDS, to lend on Farin
Property, at lowest interest. Apply to
• C. A. HARTT, Solicitor, &c.
lllinton,,Aam.21, tea._ Rerrin's Block.
C. SeltIlesmayer, -BoOt. and
Shoe nalcsr. First-class.WOrltattiow
delld prices. An assortment of ready-made
fine goods on hand. Repairing neat-
ly done. Shop--Naxr DoOR tro NEN-
Hair .dresing, shaving,shampooing, &e., attended tn
Late of TorOato,_ Honor Graduate Royal C01:
lege of Dental Surgeon, has removed to the ;
Coats Block; over .W.Taylor & Son's
All -work first-elass. Charges moderate.
1111, &MIES tvho- haVe- Farrils, Mills or Town property
-11- for sale can have the same advertised in the pam-
phlet published'monthly by the "Canada West Land
Agency Co" free bf charge ; ,a 'commission charged on
sales. These pamphlets are circulatedkrgely through
Great Britain and Canada'. The object ,of the Com-
pany is to induce Old Country farmers and others to
Settle in Ontario. Parties wishing to purchase,• please
call at my .office and examine lists of prisperties for
sale. Parties wishing to sell please call and give e-
scriptions of their proverty, terms, Am. •
' M. LOUGH, 'Agent, Clinton.
J R.- ketilledy PrOpriel or
subscriber desires to intimate to the
1- people of Clinton and vicinity, -that he has
purchased the business formerly -carried on by
311n. W. LEE, and Will continue -it -Tin -all its
branches. No efforts will be spared to.ircep
the excellent reputation a this Bakery in sup,
plying BREAD, Stc„ of superior quality, and -by
giving strict attention to business he hopes to
merit a continuance of the liberal patronage
beet() .
J. R. KENNEDY, Clinton.
VOL. 17. ND. 35
TERII8 .,.fit1.50 Per Anitoin„
31, 1882.
1.3. late of Belleville, will visit Clinton quarterly in
August, November, February'and May, for the pur-
pose of tuning'Pianos and Organs and repairiag the
same.Satisfaction given. Prices low. Communica-
tions from the country attended to promptly. 35-y
From the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons of
England, begs to Inform the inhabitants of Landes-
boroi Clinton, 13lyth, and surrounding vicinity,,that
he has commenced •business as above, and hopes, by
strict attention to business, Combined with moderate
charges,to merit a share of their patronage. Cases
iindertaltmOvill be treated on the most approved and
modern Rinciples, that veterinary sesence,excels in at
the present in England. Ilesidenee,at Lon-
tieelboro, , andwill attend TinntSDAYS, AT IEWM'S
CLINToN. ' Telegraph despatches attended to at once.
Lontlesboro, Augy4l4-r1882. '
.Voter's List QoUrt.
OT ICE is hereby given that a Court will be. held
,1-11 Pursuantto the Voters' List Aet,' by His 'Honor
the Judge of the Connty Court of the County of Huron,
at the TOWN' HALL, CLINTON, on 'I nestluY;
September 12th, 1882, at 10 o'clock a. in., to
hear and determine the several complaints of errors
and omissions inthe-Vdters' List of the municipality
of Clinton, for 1882.. All persons having business at
the court are required to attend at the said time and
Clinton, Aug. 30, 1882.
THE undersMned offerS for sale, on easy ternis,„ the
FRAME HOTEL and premises in the Ville of
Kinburn. The stand is a good one for business, being
the only one in the place and in a first-class, locality.
Mr. Brownlee, the fOrrrier proprietor, did a very profit-
able business here for several years. - 'The furniture
will be sold with the hotel, if wanted, and immediate
possession given. , „
cleared and cultivated, With dwelling and.barns-thereon
This land is M good quality, and situated near Clinton.
on Huron Street,'Clinton, next west of Dr. ,Apple
ton's residence, heretofore occupied by J.
Easy terms. Apply to '
W. W. FARII.AN, Xlinton.
Aug. :31, 1882. 3m
SEPT11,25, 26, 21, 28 & 29.
Written specially for the New lira.
"Leadville, the silver city of the hills
Whence springs the geean'a new.bern rills: -
The foentain city of, tiewet-
A hammock, swung from crest to ciest
A hammock, hung from fastenings rude.
Up iu the awful solitude, ,
Wiveres-thi-Ace teii-thousanddes
Ten thousand feet abovethe tide,
That kisses with its briny hands '
The outlines of a thousand lands."
Dui location of Leadville IS very pictur-
esque, enclosed in a.borse shoeof mountain
ranges.; which, opening towards the, south,
gradually, lower till blending with th,e'plaina,
adYille is both a mountain and a \ valley
city. At an altitude of10,200 feet above the
sea,.you may yet behold on every side MOW -
capped mountains, which seem so much higher
than Leadville, that you are scarcely prepared
to believe that the latter is itself nearly two
miles high, and yet such are the facts.
Were I to be asked the question, "Which,
of -all the cities North America, whether
viewed from a -physical, mental or .general
standpoint, presents, in your estinaation, the,.
greatest variety and number of peculiarities?"
I should unhesitatingly answer " Leadville."
$1:5,poomo IN PRIZES.
• • • .• •
Large "prizes will tie givenfor trials of speed •in the„
rse rin, Which has been enkrged to a half -Mile
track, • FiVeIndian hands. will compete for prizes.--,
EXhibittirSaddresi; 31 B. Sinit-11, Secretary;Lon,
...don.,fm Prize yillttit e and any otlicif informatien needed.
secretary. President.
in temperature. The winters of Leadville
hand. The devil does his Work here by day-
light as well as. under the protection of dark-
ness. The dance halls stand with their doors
wide-,-ajfir, inviting the straggling miner to
enter and 'TY-el-in:the iniquitous practices,
more.than hinted. at by the Sights and f3OUnd13"
that thrust themselves upon his senses ,The
bawdy houses, houses of ill fame, and gainb-
ling. hells do not need the presence any
signs, other
than hose they already posses,
theft -mates, in short, no attempt at conceal..
-went of the real .character of.theseestablish..
talents is Made: New 'Ydrk, on the contrary,
„and all the large eastern Cities of which it
may he taken as a fair .type presents e plea.
sant, inviting and innocent ,‘ exterior to the
stranger, who little suspecte what some -Of
these gay fronts. e,onceal. Se, we concliide,
it is not 'because - Leadville really possesses.
More -questionable resorts. than any Of the
largetspateriaLeities,thatitinis a•harderIninne
:than they, but; because, in the former city; t�
attempt at secreey or concealment is :Made;
while in the -latter the same: evil deeds arid
„ -practices are' coridncted behind misleading
" blinds,' and presentable,- if not respectable,
exterierS, To sum Up the matter, there -is
probably less" liypbericy in Leadyille than in
:My ether city of its'size in America, ope of
the- redeenning trafts Westrri PharaCteebe.
ing Supreme contempt ' for anything ',ap,
preaching double-faced dealing, A due ap.
predation of this ponsicleratiop Will account
for much thatis said and donein the west;
at Which sundry whited sepulchres in the east
uplift their.nandel in holy ,(?)• horror, °imam:,
'quently, While .n ot .atterapting, in any' way,
to eiecuse vice,. because it is .unveiled, we
cannot help preferring a bad 'Man. who makes,
no pretensions to anything better, t� a phari-
see, Who; While 'perhaps:Outdoing. the other
in the enormitYof his priyate acts, attetepts
Whether we examine itst physical features, inniublicto play -the-puritan.
its.morei aspect, itt cosmopolitan character, Another et. the peculiarities of Leadville is
or. its unusual" ele•Yation, 'are:forced to. a the cosmopolitan character, of its"Population.
common conclusion, 'that There is indeed a. Here every nattonalitv, color and -type -is -re.-
city whode, very name " has become a by word , presented with lone notable ,; exception, that
in the :east as well 'as I the, west; for oddity of the Chinamen. -I Leadville ha,s n° ',use- for
and originality -there is but Leadville•JOlan 'and so the Chinaman has "come tic; the,
in. the world:" . ," • . conefusion that the high altitude. of-Leadville
. .
. The, ' most _striking. Peculiarity,' 'or that 'vvOuld not be So Conduciye to hts health as
which has probably gained for .Leadville th0- gune other pointsi in the 110100., EVenting.
greatest amount of notoriety, is its altitude. China, however; It Might safely mention 'al-
When we stop to consider, that -here, in the racist every ether country ,on the. globe, and
heart of the Reeky- Mountains; .1S -a 'city poi= • almost every province -and state 10 America;
eessing all the modern improvements of an and undertake to Ifind one or, more of its re-
eastern city, and yet at an altitude; of very prasentives - in Leadville. As one natural
nearly two niiles above the, sea; when 'We result of this,,we find here the.'prevelenee of
remember that in Europe to live..a.t,such an broad, liberal vievis7and,the'notable.abSence
iciimense altitude :is thapossible-that the t� a wonderftil extent,', of narrow views . and
mountaies of New England, whose peaks are partizan-. prejndice, whieh, seem 'doomed to
regarded as Uninhabitable in winter; are but extermination in this high and dry altitude.
hills, competed with elevations" as high -as As in Winnipeg,. Man,,, so ia Leadvilie,-
Leadville-7andthat in Canada or Nertheth there is a marked cUsproportion in ,the i" fele-
New- Writ, a differencein distance of several tiVe rituribers of the dexes, the firmet• sex nre-
miles.eudIte altitude 02 only 600 or ,700 feet, :dotnin.eting in a large_zatiii,' The reason
ImakeSthe, difference 'between bare „ground • .. this is probablytwo fold, -many men, attracted
with soft breezes, and folly. or five. feet . of here by visions of- liabulcius, weelth,,hatfe•left.
snow, With freezing- blaste..-.When-' r Say- we their wives and families and'eorae,tei.COlora.
contemplate these fake, we are led teenqUire :.do,.. expecting.. to -.-return to:Ahem- in..a few
why and how at is that in Celorado, an -ascent .yeare,..thet.happy-Ipossessors of independent
of 5 000"feet throu- h a distance Of anti:I:aired -.ecincipetericiel.' The other class is.inade, iv of
miles. Is unaccompanied by any such change men, either married or stngle, who have come
here to ,tilke advantage of .the salubrious air
and health' imparting. climate 'ef,.COlorado;
either for, themselyeS orthose depending- On,
.therli,nr .whe expect to combine both:
LOrie"..:iff_not Icing, in the," eity of higli.life,"
hefore-.-he IS rernifidecritittie.ancl agairr-that
this -ifs Leadville'." He may, petit ens „ Won-
ler.at .first. Why he needs' to berenlinde&ofse
lietent a matter„Rift 1550011 rea.de.,aware of
the fact that thisSaying is but an 'excuse for
all kinds of 'inisclenieenors-to call .thein by
.ne.harsher name4which in the edstancl n n -
der the ehl ortliodex,stanilards, Would be 0011,
,SideFeci Illijustifiable and -inexcusable. This
is onenhasebf Leadville lite Which' is decided-
ly deplef alatYeung
,matty of whom I.have: c.etne-in 'contact -will
say -without a blueb,.andde, apparently with.
:edit a pang.of conscience, What,.they 'vvordd be
ashamed of,at their Pastern horned, 'and .wIhea
adnionished 6r-warifed,..will jestingly remark,
as if perfectlY satisfied .with.;.the exctise, that
"this is Leadville:".....And so this city 'pre-
bably contains' More " backsliders"-, .tol_the
man." If by a " typical western man" is
ineant the individual with a brace of pistols
in his belt, a fringe of leather ornamenting
his,boot tops, a rifle encumbering his shoul-
der, and a buckskin suit, surmounted by a
''setnlarero," the litter hiding all but the ex-
tremity of a long. shaggy head of hair -if by
"typical westerner" is meant the loose-
jointed individual, 'who salutes every one as
"stranger," and "irrigates'," "fumigates" and
"expecturates"-incliSairefinately,-if these aree'•
his characteristics, then he Wtyuld be as much
of a curiosity in Leadville as in New York.
It is no uncommon thing to see au occasional
,exception, in the hape of an eccentric indi-
vidual with long hair or peculiar costume,
yet these are net types, but ;decided excep.
tions, and are becoreing rarert,every day.,
One word about the moral condition of
MRS, JOIIN Picicioa,,r has gone to Kin-
cardine for a two week's visit.
MR. FRANK GILMOUR, Of London, Eng.,
is visiting his aunt, Mrs, Shaw. •
Mtss BELLAjouNsToN, of Hamilton,Sis
the guest of Mrs. Thos. Jackson.
MR. J. Era -TALL bas returned froin Da-
kota whither he has been ffir sometime
MR. J. evening.
RAiig. and tvife are expected
home from their'Wedding tour to -morrow
from the northwest last week; his return
is only temporary.
MR, R. H. LATHROP and wife, (son-in-
law of Mr. W. McMullen, of frallett) left
on Saturday for Michigan.
REV, MR.WADDELL, of Gait, (formerly
of Lacknow) and well knovvn here, has
had his salary'increased by 1000 -
TAB son of Mr. G. Dliiott, reeve pf
Gbderich- townshipTleft here- on Thurs-
day, on a visit to relatives in Dakota.
MESSRS. C. J. Stevenson, J.Cuninghame •
Mrs. Ross and daughter, and Miss derCallan-
3ihav Jekb3et Eens pcampingEpEnl aetaer eGfo doehral et ra"
(brother-in-law of Mr. W. Doherty) has
taken up his temporary residence in town.
Leadville. There is no use attempting to deny ME. AI. C. CAMERON, M. P., ha return -
the feet that there are more shooting scrai5ea Led from the North-West; we are sorry to
in this "flainp!t_thed_rin__perhape any -other learn't-h-at Fair. 1TE-health:
city of its size in America. I.'or the first six
weeks after I "struck these diggings," the
shooting averaged one per week ,, and were
-nearly all hasty and virtually unprovoked..
yet they were notably confined to, gamblers,
and keepers of bad women, and money or
women, or both were invariably the primary
causes. Then, as to hold-ups," which drive
such terror to the heart of the " tenderfoot,"
I have found this fact almost a universal one
viz :---that those only have been held up, who
have made an injudicious and perhaps drunk- '
en display of their effects, over some saloon
counter or gambling table, and before either
strangers or men Of doubtful reputation.
What wonder that some avaritious, Or lazy
kungers would resolve to follow one home
and on the way "boll him up" and relieve -
him of some of his surplus cash. Such things
wonld at any rate :be as likely to happen ma.
der the saine,eircumstances in the East as in
the West, and rarely- occur in Leadville to
those who choose, their company and watch
their places of resort; my expedence goes to
-prove-that-a-man-who-takes the--sarne-pre--
cautions with regard to the company he keeps.
and the places he. frequents here, ;that he
would anywhere else, need have no fears of
either being shot, held tip or disturbed. -
In a future letter, I may have Something
more to say about Leadville, its mining inte-
rests, methods of gambling, and inner life,
space and time forbidding an enlargement
upon all these heads in one letter; especially
as it is no easy task to picture to Eastern
readersthe peculiarities of a country, , whose
commerce, mode of money-makin,g; climate,
and general characteristics, differ so materi-
ally from all -preconceived notions we have
concerning:them. Colorado must be seen to
be rightly apprecia.ted. Leadville,.must be
visited to be prapeily uncler,stood and
eStimated, F. -11.F.
are by no means so inelerneet or Severe as
!Tr, iepa fs 0" 0 0D feenevt e- or f _taort_Lasecaedrivt,_illael,:alt!not.:_ghhu
are those of tanada and New England, andp
fl -
THE Carding Mill; on the 13th eon.; Huifett;
will be opened on the first da,y ofJune, when
customers may depend on haying their Carding,
eaviug, Fulling and Cloth Dressin 'done in
, l3rSt class order as the mac inery as ,een
theraughly overhauled. , ^
parties coming froth a distance pan have their
carding done while waiting." -
Hunett„Tune 1, 1881.
A. 0. U. W..,
TUE Regular Meeting. of Clinton Lodg.e,, Ancient'
Order of United Worlimen,', ,held in their
rooms, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8; A full attendanee
. . .
This Order disburSed alnOlig the -tyidows and 6r-
e:flans of the deceased members, the ,sum of One
minion, Five Hundred and' ThirtyTraousand Dollars (Mang the past year. • ';
Each member is insured for two thousadd
Only eight assessrnents 01.one dollar • each, thiss far
in the eight months of the present year.. '
Parties desirous 'M joining:the Order can learn Bill
particulars' from any of the members, or V 0,133 '
Examining , • . , 'Secretary.
Repalring done Proinpilys „
Clinton, May 9.5t1t, 1882.
rortn'f8I-r 131-0.1.31•7120
Land Pia ste
In -bulk. The best and cheapest iieitilir
in the world.
MRS. J. C., GILROY Ba.ttenbury Street,
• • "- :
_WANTED several good active Agents, to se e
lOonliniOxt Vrtlit; Dryer., one of the
simplest and cheapest methods of *inF
Frult yet
invented. SELLS oN SioliT. Liberal conlmission given
Apply at once tO _
SlifITD, •
In James Smith's Tailor Shop.
Cltntori, Aug. 17, 1882.
0411:1). 114,11.- ANP DAY SC11011.1.1,'.
Ti.S. FLE'PCIIER having met with 4101 Marked
sticees and having,removed to a very 'continodi.
'tins noW,-offe'r ,special lUdncements to .
parents wishing. to send,''6eir daughters to Boarding,
School.' All the branches are most excellently nro-.
tided for:. For. further particin ars apply -to . • .
'Cliisses resolued (IL V.) OM
YliedliCtildi.y, Ono . ,
.Coderich, Aug..24; 1882. ,
. .
WILL rxgo yo1(.7.,
ay, 1882.
. • . •
SELF -DUMPING SCRAPER, cheap. Reference,
R. RANSPORMStapletoD4 Apply to ..,
JNO. P. MARTIN, at the Foundry.•
. .
Ohnion,,:a.ng. 17;1882. • • •
r 'ISE
stibseriber 'offers to rent a good house, con-
. ,tainieg ten rooms and uguld conveniences,, eligibly.
situated._ Possession given ot Once.
,,. • . . JOHN EoPELAND.....
Clinton, Aug'. 24, 1882.
. ,
THAT conveniently sit tilled house on, Rattenbury
Street, next to T. Stannui ye, cdritaining 8 rooms.
The lot is one-nighfh of ai acre With (1, lane :thing side
of it, Apply itt.the NEW yltA OffiCe.
Farm. for Sale.
rrilE subscriber offers .for sale Lot 43,let eon. of
JL' Tuekersinith, Londof Road, Within 21 miles of
the Town of Clinton, ai d 3/ from Brucetield. This
farin cootainfl 100 acres of choice larid. Well watered
by ,-iiever-failing springs, No waste land. Good or-
chard and outbuildingii. Terms easy. For further
partacularsapply to .,
tf ' • Clinton' P.0
dred miles .of, a. journey.,.is accompanie .yno
sueh-changes as are experienced in a cliiiih-Of
a feW. htindred. feet op' Motint WasihingtOn,_
or even one .ef tbeleds important New -Eng-
land hills Such -being -the facts, we naturally
encinire for, the canoes of -these phenomena.,
So far as I cell.' obtain an,' information On.
this point, the only reason'of any, weight that'
has thus far been advanced, by. sciefatists, , is,
the proximity" of ,the;Pacine,, 'and it is a note --
worthy fact that-. eminent. scholars, who have
investigated the matter, have been content to
merely .note the .phenomenon, without
tempting to offer.any explanation. ,
. Among the effects of thiebigh"and,rar„e life,
is a noticeable .tendency of things more tangi-:
ble than either altitude or air, to "-heighten".
and `' ritrify." " The' higher the. altilnde the
higher the price,-". is evidently an old proverb
in Colorado.. The first intimation the ,",ten.,
derfocit".receives of -this state' of .affairs id the
fact that ' there are railways '•iii Colorado,
which; thOugh...th,ey-MaY bemarrow• on the
gmage question, are anything but that in their-
-ideas ,of what- confititutesa good paying "rate
Per naile of road,- and per hundred pounds of '
humanity arid-. baggage. These mountain
roads -were built by Dacia, wile, though (judg-
ing by their charges) they did not ,come to
,Colorado for their health, have yet I.st very.
high estimate of • the value of (transporting)
human life. • I, have never read the articles
incorporating these railways, but preSume;
frona my experience, that it is a matter of
religions, priubiple with, them to charge all
they dare -10 cts. per mile for passengers, at
-the beginning of the.trip, collect vft,t they,
can,' during the same, and retain the passen-
gore baggage at thedestination, as :seenrity
for the balance of ' the chargee, which are,
Usuallyof. a Magnitude that Would 'bring
blushes to the, Cheek of a Niagara hack driyer,
Butllien the magnanimity nt. the ec;napanies
'is' not alweVs appreciated,. for, recently some
Leadville firms were unreasonable enough to'
com lain of the aqtron alone of the -railroads'
ffIHE sulscriber offers for sale that conveniently
Flituated farm being the north half of Lot 23, Ifith
'concession Of GOderich Township, containing 43 acres,
more or less, on which there are a fraMe
and granary, and log barn. Good clay loam andyoung
orchard. Nevei -failing spring creek running, through
the ,place. _
Goderich townsh_lp_, Ang. tasa,
House and -Lot for Sale
MHE /underkagned offers /that fine. cimiveniently
_11-• situated and two storey BRICK HOUSE
on Josephi Street, just south of the Foundry., for sale. ,
It is well furnished with conveniences, arid hasgood-
lot in connection. Will he solcl very cheap and on cagy
terms of payment. Apply On the premiSes to
Clinton, Aim. 10. 1882,, 041
Farm. for Sale.
n charging $13 per ton, for the transportaL
iOu Of freight that eclat but $0 at a neighbor -
ng town, ,nniking.a total coat- laid downhere
f$10 per ton, or costing over the value of
wo tons to carry one ! But then some peo-
le, of course, are always dissatisfied. ' As
ne result of such exorbitant 'freights; express
harges orf goods of all kinds are ,higher here
han in the east,, at least' those that are,trans,
orted from thmeast. In proof of this let me
ive you a few market .quotations :---Apples,
Oc. per pound, (averaging Six apples per lb.);
aspberries; 7,5c.,per quart; strawberries, (in
eason) 25c. to 75e, per quart; milk, 15c. per
uart ; butter, 50e. per -pound ; potatoes, 5e.'
er pound ; bread and flour, about 10 per cent.
higher than in Canada WrIten_three barrels
or $1'; eggs, (fresh) 45e. per dozen; meats,
fresh)..about.10 per cent._ of an advancei-dry-
goods, about 10 per cent. of an advance ;
nxuries of- all kinds -held at:fabulone prices-;
rent, etc., 50c. per pound.
Leadville has been called, find for
that matter, "the wickedest city iu the
world. !!, In one respect iteritethis.reontite_
tion, in another it as misleading and unjust.
Before passing judgment it is well tci rentein:
her that in at •least one respect the east and
west are ,radically different. For example,
Xew York,'Philadelphia, Boston or 13uffale
ea,ch contain more dens of vice, and haunts
nfiviekedness,-per capita, than does Lead.
villa, but in the eastern cities these hells" of
Iniquity are -concealed, or known only to 'the
initiated few, while in Leadvillie, the,Worst is
teen oe the surface, and avithout a&yl attempt
at privacy. A New Yokeliting down
State street, in Leadville, is shocked at the ' pulsory absence.
indications of vice that confront him on every.' Many idiosyneramea of the , typical western, pete Wingham on 'Friday nex
squareinch than any other cityin'the United
Statee. The ightin.g this.wrong, and the re-
adjuptinent of this -state of affairs rests mainly
with the churches, which . doing, I iirti
,laappy_to. say, a Work. that is Consfamly in-
-creasing in extent land power.. Therm are, in
'the •city..two Boixian" Catholic churches, and
onp of each of 'the following denominations,.
which `raneein nranerieal-strength in the Or -
'der. Which I give Biem-Methotlist, Preii-
byterian, Episcopalian, Congregational and
Baptist„ The public schools, "cif Which there
are four, rank among the most .completely
. equipped and -best, managed' of any in the.
west. There are three daily newspapers,
none of which, however, are any great credit
to Leadville, but Which are:conducted on the
characteristic principle's Of Western enterprise.
Sunday in the " earbefiate' camp". is some-
thing more than a cltty of rest, to at least a
. ,
large proportion. 1•3 its inhabitants. For ex-
ample,' a few. weeks age' we had announced
for Sunday, a grand railway excursion, a
general. street Parade of the ,different coin;.
panMs of- militia, •oli -Harrison avenue,, horse.
racing on the.race track, and 4 champion base
ball match --all extra; 'and ,not including the
theatres,'ganibling hell, dente houses, etc.,.
, which are filwaYs in full blast:, Thisis; perhaps, bYterian pulpit in this :village on Sunday. crop in on last Year g breaking are busy
harvesting...it ••novi. like the country •
• hardly a lair speCimen of an atierage Sunday's Air: A. IL Manning, of:Clinton, preached: -
very mach.. Mrs. Tamblyn arrived safely •
programrnein Leadville,- as business, for the in'orning and evening in the kethodiet church.
in Brandon on JulyIst, and is "eXtremely ,
nicist'pert suspended, and the churches and The congregations were good, and 'pleased at
delighted with the country- and, saysshe
*Sunday schools are well attended by, the peo- 1 well as benefitted by the able discourses of
• 'would much sooner -live here than in On- :
plo who are as consistent in their Professions the speaker. •,
atidlives any'inthe,East. ' This latter fact • a • • . • • tario Brandon iSlibtving ver fi' t d -
is „an .
ew liridge abont to be erected. over • • , . • • Y
. •
MUE silbscriber nffers for sale, the south -half of Lot
4- 38, 10th doncession of Goderich Township; eon-
XiSting of 46 aerea, about 0. .frorn the Totvn of
Clinton, Nearly all cleared and in good state of cul-
tivation, .1fongh-east Rouse, frame barn, stables and
other outbuildings on the place. Good orchard and
plenty of water. BossessIne given this fall. Terms
very reasonable, For particulars apply on the pre;
8112 JAMES EitOwN1.,
respected farmer of the 16th eon. is bless-
ed with three handsome daughters -n0
'sons, ahd with tbe assistance of one Man
for -a short time during the busiest portion
of harvest, -they helped their father to cut,
bind and gather irothe whole of his large
crops. These girls will make good wives,
and some of -the sturdy youths of the
township should sail in and win them.
SIM u i.D-B F. -ENFORCE D.-- ‘V -hat -,are -the-
-Goderich News.
MR. M. LOUGH,. of, ittolsons. Bank, rer
turned -from. NV.i to peg ') a St W.CEIc; being ,
favorably impressed with. the' life an,c1 ac- ;•-
tivity of that phenomenal pity.
A BOARi) of .,agrieilltare ha s• recently
been formed fortlieprovince Of Manitoba,
and Mr. Chas. Whitehead, formerly of
Clin ten-, appointed Vice -President -thereof.
31it. 1). M. MALLOCH, ,headmaster of
the Clinton-iNlodelSehool, and fhraily, re.
turned honie,last week from Orillia where
they have been for,their slimmer holidays.
• MR. \VINT: JEN,KINS, of the Hui -en -read,
has been confined to his house for six
weeks Past by neuralgia in his face. We
are pleased to seethat he is able to be
out again... • •
MR. NV. JO1INTSON, of Goderich, (and- -
a former •Clintonian), intends „moving his
fainilY here ,to reside, having obtained a .
-graMir iii-Itti-e-tbrilornif &pertinent -or
Messrs. Craib, illacwhirter &Co.
. AIR.. ALEN. GORRELL, was last •week
prostrated by a severe attack of cholera
morbus,. and fears Were, for a .time, enter-
tained of hi S recovery. We are Pleased to
learn that -he is nosy out of danger:
Mn. ALIEN .1.1CDOINA.T.,D. arid wile; Of
Winnipeg, (formerly of Tackersmith) are
stopping with Mr. C. -Hovey,- brother of
Mrs. McDonald. We believe they intend
to reniain here soind
MR. JOIIN TAYLOR, (Son of Mr. Win.
Taylor, of this town) who is employed in •
a Lonclon,butcher shop, was, so unfOrtu-
.nate as to have a knife itinin his leg:a few
-day',s, since, and is home ,Inixonsequence
MR. J. CONNOLLY, assistant head Inas.
ter in 'Clinton Model School, last week re- •
.c6e0i vi1yleReda. rihTei rsoasd. eo f14:-eg',e I:Ise et a .toife eilaldigseea, ntt olit
Ridgeway—, and forinerly of.
his father; Which occurred at -Belfast,
land, dri the ,gth inst. 1)eceased was r4, --e(.1,
-pa.thmasters doing, this year. tbat the
Thistle Act is not enforced. Some fields
in this , township contain nothing'. but
inade a flyilio-,vi.sit here week'. Air,.
Boles latelY'73r°1c6-his ler.d.shoulder .blade, .
and is only. -just recov dring.• from the et...
--fects-ithereot. ,
T.2,X),rT, known as , '`• the Old
orflie-Bayfield road, has re-
tainlidstitehs01 e ttshteroimigosivtinicluNthuarit"ctoraes wil
scatter thousands of seeds far and wide.
grorth turned from JAlichig,an, where he has been
t ills $0139 for Severa Months past.
1 He Adz', heart • ' time
y as eve,
3Sliders. I.asliam and V. Bell start again
this week for the northwe.t with a car load
We are glad to, lie altle to report this week
that 11Ir. ,Ilaniilton and fa m ily are getting
evident dealing lightly witli him.,
LIfit. W. TAYLoR, and w fe, arrived here
on-tlieirretairn-front-the old COutitiy, ,on
Tuesday evening, and were met at the
station by many of their friends. 1Vhile
they enjoyed. their visit- very much they
-were glad to get back to Canada. A bro-
ther of 111r. Taylor, retitrned -with them to
, Alr.31-Metealfe'haestarted a veterinary sti
• .
,geo.n .business here.• . We believe there is M4. J..P..BALFOC-n, Itformerly of Clin-
goocl..opening and-ivish.hun suocess as he is
,a. deserving young men.
Bell has put a -new platform, in front
of •, hie' -hotel; which. adds greatly to . the 'an:,
pearanee of the place.
• There is et present a sunflower in „Geo.
Newton,41 garden with 65 flowers on. He will
count the seeds and ,publish the number
grown frona one seed at some future date.
Last week a young main,: who:has 'been a
terror to the neighborhood, was brcnight be-
fore Mr. Braithwaite, j. .1'., charged with '
threatening to shoot Mr. Jas: Kerr. He was
bound over to keep the peace,.hiniself in $500 •
and two sureties of $500 each. Being unable
to find bonds men, and knowing that he
would be sent to,jail in default, he took the
first opporttmity to skip out, and has not
been heard of since.
The infant daughter 'of' Mr: Burnett died
ou Wednesday last, and was buried' on -the
the following Friday. Aged 13 days.
Rev. Mr. TayMr, late of NVinghani but
now residing near Blyth, occupied the 'Pres-
ton High School,) but now representing it
leading English grocery firm in this coun-
try, was visiting old friends this week.
He is also travelling agent for the recent-
ly established 13razilian: steamship line,
and will have charge of the Brazillian ex-
hibit at the Toronto and 11Iontreal,exhi-
Goodwin, of Tuckersmith and Stanley re-
spectively, who went out to Manitoba in
the spring, have spent the whole season
in -looking for land, and thus far have not
found any that meets their expectations.
They are pow about 1,000 miles beyond
Winnipeg, and it is expected they will
be homc in the fall.
MR: F. A. TAMBLYN,•formerly of Hal-
lett, writes to us from Brandon, under date
of the 22hd init., as follows :,-`` The crops
are exaberatit, the weather is and has ,
been remarkably fine, in fact the nicest we
have ever seen. There has been a great
quantity of nay saved in this vicinity and
the Souris district, and those that, haye
as has given 080 to tbe saying that t re as
Me as any-
this branch of the Maitland. Mr. Brace con- , . „
has not near ie um er of tents thete
notv that there were in the spring.
good men and women in ,Leadv. a mence optil a ion a week, a
d r t'' f3 1 st t the stone
where else, even though the opposite May u
true; viz -that there are as, bad men and WE VERY much regret to ffhtice that
butments. The bridge -will be a credit to the
women here as anyvvhere else in America. place, for we understand it will cost some- • • -
, the condition.,sf M,Islin__Hodgens-18
The classes here are as distinct, and the line thing ilk° $1t8°°!-- - • --" ilteh thirlifs physician will not allow
. • tl n b
' here a •
separating them as well defined, as in any ImProvementa are the order of the day,. him to entertain any idea of entering Ort
other city on thei continent. This is as it Mr. McQuarryi blacksmith, is buildingratlur any business for some time to come. His
should be, for if ever a man or woman need- a suPerior iron fence in front of his residence_ nervous system is so upset, and his physi.
S°133° six private red' cal strength so completely gone, it will
ed religion, they need it here, and if- they on Dinaley street.
inaport_to the Mountain City" any of 0.10 dence° are drawing near completion, ...8°1119 ofniany week., of the greatest self_de.
" namby-painby" 1 typo, so prevalent in' aomM them eitra good ones, and the o-wneers are take
fall win seen nial and care, with -complete rest; to raise'
parts of -the East', , they-- will' be very likely anxious about the finishing as
either to lose it entirelY in thIS high attitude, he upon us. • - heiismixwfbroicmh hhieS wwilt eak Sot:tte,abllSrreilgchert-.
or suffer so much in the refining operation, The Blyth cricket club played: the Belgraye
As will be seen from' his advertisement in
as to reveal, era long, its true character and club on Friday, and beat them, notWithstand.,
this weelt's issue, he has placed his busi-
composition., • _ ing they had one from Brassels and one from
Social life M leadiiile-liicaTtfirough a sue- Wingliam, ness,-irctho-mean time, in charge of Mr.
cession of developments, come th be at no. On 'Monday those who have --mania f or John Callancler, who haa itssisting him
form - • ' ' Th h cl •t an ex one of the most able and efficient staffs of
derly, decorous and enlightened, of ex cricket, played 'again. qui e - . , .
isteuce, and is :marked with the same culture salesmen of any store -in this county'.
citing time, the Reformers played the Con -
recollect that the western American is not of servatives, and the latter beat. Query -Will: This, coupled With the facilities at their
that characterizes it in the east. When we
they carry the thing so far, until it ends in command, and the faetthat theyhaveoneof
e :, -
ft 'differeitt species of " human ,. from his some roW, .. the'finest stores literally packed fall with all eastern brother, but that, ;.like the other
wise"men" of old, he came, from the, east, The weather conthmes tine, considerAble of good5 suitable to the wants of, the people,' .
we have all explanation of the rarity of that . the spring crop issin, and it good deal of fall shohR1 enable"thein to.," hold the forto as .
heat hiis been threshadturns out well. ' far as their share Of business is concerned
peaesrtseornnagnes,wssopealpoeqrr wttyod i latedapparentlytipon takebyedit!, W / 0
light in. exhibitirig to , the ;public View the ral at hall several nights in the we k; to coml.' I show, a pleasing increase/during his cora-
Tile cornet band practicea in till- 'agricultn- land With him. we PlnkJife- trade will ,
L • /