The New Era, 1882-08-24, Page 8NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. CHOOL B00: A.ND COMM.ON SCHOOL BOOKS, Frill Assor°tme.nt•. Also, very nice litoes.:.of Stationery � 'Tinted;, Anti ue Foreign and fancy whole Cl etam , . � 5 1 '�a pIers I WILL- NOT BE UNDERSOLD AND KNOW .IT W. H. SIMPSON, Clinton. MITT t Before REMOVING WE ARE OFFER- ING MILLINERY: AND: SUMMER GOODS ---AT- REDUCED RA TES. Special Reductions in T'rilnts. AGENT FOR MRS. WAY''S CORSETS. `:ACE CURTAINS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES,: CORSETS, A SPECIALTY: and Fancy Straws done oyerin all the newest styles. Farmproduce' taken... R. BEESLEY, VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON. mon c . Bones '1- PURCEIASE the above in trade, ong with'papers, 1. old spades, shovels and other steels rag ,carpets, old zinc and old rubbers, all at same price, , separated. 'rem the cotton rags and other woolen rags; I also' tke all other sorts of carpeting, brass, copper, lead. •d-iron,intrade. l •'.• s '.Ood .pasturnge�Bat George eat y Linton .Jul 12, 1882. - , . «Di. MARTIN. Thousands of graves are annually robbed -.of their .victims live ' prolonged, s p g , Dha iness andhealth re- happiness red by lire use of the great ER N. G G N IG MA I V .ORATOR=-' --chiell• po.ritivo3=nd--permanently•-eureS-innjcitcnc}. _l :toured by excess of any kind) Seminal weakness and' diseases that follow as a sequence of Self=Abuse as• s of energy, loss of memory, universal lassitude Main . the back, dimness of vfsioti,ipremature old'age,,rndf .ny other diseases that lead to insaniti• or eonsump'= n and a premature grave. 'end for circulars with testimonials tiponial . free' by n niP INVIGORATOR is sold at 81 per box, or six boxes 81,by all druggists,or willbe sent free ii mail'se •rulsealed, ort rceit of price, by addressing .1;., J. CIIENEY `Druggist, 187 SuinnuftSt .Toledo`Uhio: J. 1I. Combe, sole agent for Clinton., .. FARM FOR.SAL - . E. THAT . conveniently situated farm adjoining the 1• village" .of Londesboro, being Lot .'25 , 10th Township -of Rullett, consisting of 91. acres, 70' Under. cultivation. The place is well watered,,, good' bearing, frameorchard, frae house, good frame barn, and Other out - I i g i it at ngl buildings. 1t ssivaedmtth.Wrt tan: inti. o ds e i g ve road OppositeHuber's•mill, 6 milesfrom the- town' of Clin- ton, half a mile from L H._ H.B. rn1way station: Por particulars apply to • MRS. MARTHA A. GRAHAM Clinton, July 27, 1802. Clinton.. FARM FOR . SALE. nn111E subscriber offers for sale that ,eonveniently- K'.1 5ittta#:ad4ariny-Let 1;'4th cucrc2Ti3tutP,N:asterndi- vision; Colborne, containing 50 acres,' cleared and free. of stumps; on which there is a -Prick and frame house frame barn, horse stable and drive house, with stone basement; goocLorehard.of.all kinds of friut tered-good s> 1rigg.auultwo'''elts'"'300:rods,of under drnm�u ; well fenced with ceilurrailsan'd boards.= Soil,•'rood clay. Also, the .no rth'part ;of Lot 6, 4th con., being,. 20 acres of bush.: Terms reasonable:: A - •rl.nn'1he lremises:.or to 1... fuhi_5: 1 JAS. STEVENS'Gh.ttotr...'. fol- Stade. JilIIE.siibscriber oiler's for s,.le that valuable 11 farm -bcing-lot 10 1tud-east 11 t1Y OfoO ucr-the 8th con., of • }Tullctt,.contain in g 150 acres -..;'00 'cleared 'and 'in a good state of cultivation,' the aemaind'er •well wooded. The farm is Well wa terecl, slid has on it a frame louse-coutainin„ a. roams',,large barn and stables, an'd srnali arch- • i•ard. •Forpartieuiaroapply .oh thc•,lirciniseo,or IT by letter, to Clinton post-ofhee A.lsii for sale ;a u0 acro• farm iu-Bruce, 'FORT. QARr.ER. Ilullett,June 21, 1832,• GARDECOTTA N'GE TO: RENT ER TI11T;TY YEARS EXPERIENCE.'PROVES the 67 EN 1,7 IN I; SINGER to be'the m0St `'le and the bet sewuig machine in the. world. Itis ,• constructed, easy to operate, does not got out •uir, and. Ltyt, alifetime. ' 61,000 Singer Maohinos told. :last year, ' _•11; OFFICES • AT C'0l)EPIC16; li',f V( .IIAtlI 731ZZT,StSEZ,$'. ANI.) EXETER. d Office for the Gaunt Huta m -y--of OPPOSITE. Co>Iy1ERCIAL HOTEL ,URON ST. CLINTON., ing purchasers will do well to test the SINGER purchasing any other kind. Tun BEST rs 'sr. Oil ,and Needles fora -all kinds of es always on hand.' ' G. E. CRAWFORD, AGENT.. Aug. 3, 1882. O. SHARM:AN. DEALER IN 'JHOICE FAMILY tOCERIES ,'EAS, FRUITS, CANNRD GOODS, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, &C, 0-- 1 TEAS JUST. RECEIVED SPLENDID VALUE. MEAT, FLOUR, OAT6MEAL,. '&:c ALWAYS ON HAND. Produce taken in Exchange. DOOR TO JOHN HOPGJINS' DIty ODS PALACE, ALBERT STREET, ' CLINTON, r IIID subScr iber offers to 'ren fp 11 term cfyears, •1. his- pr•operty'in .Bayfi,eld, cnnsistinl;,ot 15 town lots en bloc, snd'Frahtc Cottage containing 10 rooms; and largos rmined'ions back'Il:itehen stq,blutg for f6in• horses and liti e 50ti•s:. On the property P`, h ilf an acre of strawberries,. about ;300:currept beshc , over, 430. grape: vines, (I0 Plum trI cis, a nuntlter:Olapple' tree_, end other fruits,.. fiowcrs; sbriibhor;y,_ s.. ' ltont'very. r caeonable Jbo aboi•e i, a.tnost desirable' property, situated Only Wen rocas frmn,Lal e'lurron, and within ten miuuteS :walk of school• post ofhSS, and t'h rr eltarches.: Good terins to: a- Suitable tenant, '.. T 1 ED WOODS. noyfield; Jult 5, 1882. Choice Strawcrry Phots far Sale r IlE.subst:riber yl'iil havC ;i large n.iinlber. di; 'choice' ' Strawberry plants for sale after the 20th of AuJUIL. These., if' ;ret out this fall anti taken eare'of, willbear fruit next'•suinmcr, • For vale; cheap Also,'Or- -ders taken faradl i.inds of fruit trees and plTt Clinton, August•10, 1882. ;yY.,c TENDERS will be received up to the 26.11i inst., l for the, erection of a' New IPielcet Pence .around -two sides of the illodel School t:lrosgd.. For plans and"speCiheattons apply to ; ' 1v II. 'TU 75 Secretary P.S.B. Clinton,Aug 17, :1892. Wnaated; AATANTED several good active .Agents to sell the Dominion Fruit, Dryer; ono .;of.rthe. simplest -and -ch eapeeL.methoda.-Qf.._i2ry_in1e F uiLvet invented. Ser ts,o SKINT. Liberal -cornmlvsio tigiven Apply' at once to WILLIAM SMITEf,' Ts James Smith's Taller Shop. Clinton, Au 17, 1892. W l Qilj-O'lUI FURNITURE, STORE, ,' ,CLINTON.' THOS; :STEVENSON OUR LETTER BOX -Tile SEW Ean d es not hold itself responsible for the opinions of its correspondents, Letters are cordi, ally invited from all who have a grievance or anything of public interest to discuss. Write on one side of the paper ; give your name and address as a Moans of au- IlLJItOPJIltN CROP PROSPECTS. Special returns in .Germany show;that, though- damaged in a few districts, the grain crops as a whole are fully up to the average. In Russia the cropslin the cen au- thentication, foot for publication} and be as brief as tral and aouthe'rn provinces, which auf the subject will permit ; and our columns will'ahvays' feted greatl froth rains, insects and blight be opeuto reply to anything appearing under this head• e y blight, aro considerably under ;the average. In THE INTEItMIEDIATIt ITXArilINATIUN. Finland, Courland, Sivonia, Rostoff and the valley of the River Don a good me dium harvest has been secured. Through- out Hungary the yield is good, especially. in ;Snuthern,Hungary; where the wheat, i!yo -and maize crops are excellent.. In; European Turkey they are superior to any since 1872: In Sweden and Norway the crops are a fair average. The rains ruined two thirds of the harvest in Bonemia. The; potato crop in Galicia and Bohemia :have ' been destroyed, and bent roots have, suffered severely. To the Ettitor of the Clilltoss Yet, Era. DEAR Srie,=In your last;: week's issue you. made a mistake, inadvertently of course, 'in giving twenty-five as the number of candidates, that assed''ther®cen} T ra ntermed• te'Examina-• tion at Harriston High School. There were twenty: -eight successful at Harriston; four ob. tamed grade A ; 20 grade B ; and four Inter, mediate standing. It is only fair. to State; that two of the foregoing.who obtained grade. B were not pupils of the High School., 1 mzy, add that every peril of the school sent up to the examination by the head master passed.. By inserting the above you will•oblige; - :Yours .&c., JAS. MCMunerri , Head Master, Harriston fligb School, _TIIAT JOKE OF YOURS. ' ,,To the Editor of alit Clitlton New Era. DEAR.Slit,-Flattery is a benignant fiend...When reading' Carefully the very; large collection of local iiews your, paper furnishes its ouscribers weekly, and `other- wise'enjoying'its varied contents, I could. 'not help • but laugh over: the jocular manner in which you turned the -:tables last week, on the Mitchell Advocate, who ,was puzzled oV er the small death rate of our good and healthy town. 1 have often washed I could make or get up 'a good joke, and.; in fact have tried, -but- upon` handing them in to 'the printer, invariably have been told that they would look so nice beside some spring poetry he had just received, there they were put, and there: they ,still are, in the waste basket.' The spirit and ability to retort and make ready repartee iswithl.n the s _ap_e_areall._,,, The._: English language is redundant with in- stances- and simiiies. Cowper, tells us: ,.The man renewned for repartee Will seldom scruple to make free. With_ friendship's finest reeling."'. Therefore, when swords are Measured in this field of wordy strife, he who strikes the first blow'must expect one returned and given in 'the same spirit, but ; not so. with; your effete local _cotemporary, `-who waxes wrath and overflows, not -with bile, but with a sudden feeling of sanctitoni ousness, thinking a'la the Mail, the great, -the-only. and original distorter,' by. giving:' his readers a portion only of your. squib, he will thereby gain favor 'in the eyes .of some: This extract as given .alters, very materially the meaning intended to be conveyed.:. Now, is this honorable, is it. manly? But as the big .dog barked at the;Hochelage article the young howl in unison, andI.think 'the Record .must be hard up for' a chance to say a' word for,, their.. arty:when they try to Make, capital olt'of such 'a trifling affair. .1 have read. and heard of tory tactics but if this "is a sample, spare, oh spare 'me from.' such' friends. I ;can; butcry out shame on thein. I' do not write tlig' e above as an apologist. for :you; as the article referred to n'e'eds no apology and I can well judge your ability to defend yourselt, but upon seeing the clipping andtheir throw off thewelt; t ie- niarks therewith : I could not refrain from raising magainst ' voice y sucu' '.shallow sophistry, Truly yours, LsA. I(INANT. - LWc insert the above, 'not, for the flattery it contains, :but because it cornea from ,an.intelli- gent citizen, and, we believe, 15 the ''sentiment of most others. in towe.-1 ri..Naw Haying moved into hi$ new brick stere •• 1 -OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, Begsletve to state to hishumerous friends in Clinton and the surrounding country,' that he keeps on -Mind a superior quality of Furnitiere of all kinds, such as BEDROOM 1' PARLOR.' SETS ,Of -the latest styles; also BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS, 73UREA`US, TAB ;ES,' And everything that constitutes furnishinga• arouse it his line,: which he will sell at the' lowest ving profit. 1 ask a; share of the public patronage,: being thankful for past favors and hopeful for the future. The' public 'aro invited to call and see for themselves. 0 TILOS, STEVENSON.' Clinton, July 6, 1882. _ ?'OTES ;BY: A TOCRIST. Prom the. Gondoti-Advertiser.:' CYodenclz'is the`-.birthplace'of the" Carla- din;n: snit industry.; In 1866, a company was for,n ed for the purpose ;of boring for ori :by whore a 05011 w'ao sunk to- the'depth' of 700. feet Ivitliout, any encouraging sign of reSidts, <ancl it was consequently:abas-` do :'cid by. the. proriloter, The• County. Council then offered a bons o uf $1,000 to, anarty or'parties:who wculd;si y' pnk,.,the well to a depth of 1;000 feet: Mr: Samuel: Platt einbraced•the offer and, shortly 1.)e - fore he,'Itad eforeIre,ltad aecoin lisped ,tire total.'depth- stipulated lte .?;tritok; not "ale;'' but salt, and' thus was', :'born the salt industry.in.: Canada. Other;: wells rapidly 'f il.lowecl endAhesait enterprise in:Goderieh assuni ecl vast proportions: Clinton .and Seaforah' however'soon.followed, stair, and by the` diseovery,of salt in these 'places Goderich Was dealt "a.‘ 'Commeroiat blow of such severity ;thats it -has hardly yet recovered its'eflects. Of.soifie 10'.or 12 wells'at one'. time employed in. ill eprod a tion of'selt in, this town, there are aloes on] y by e Latterly -qv SaltSynci.Cate'Ti is beedform- ecl'iii this cod ity, knotivn." as the Canada'. .Salt.Association.,.thesecretary of which has his headquarters atClirttony and tran- saetts-i;h-e-sates hard---t1lxriritends-th''e-ship- ments.. Tile proprietors of `each Well are .allowed to manufacture a Certain quota of. salt and no nlore. The wells nr•ay ;run on half time or whole tirtle,sllert time or long tune, but sosoori as'.the perin itted quuantity. is Produced; no individual well is allowed; by. the "Association• to put •,More salt on the market -for the:cdreent:year., and by the.stringent enforcement of thetid regula- tions the salt manufacturers are enabled••to .secure satisfactory profits. Go_derich has not exhribiteil ns progtes' sive a spirit as many of its neighbors. Oiltsicle- of the salt :interest t e totes ti has' scarcely '1115 enterprise Uf even local rrn_ portance.` e. The law requi'r`ei'thatevery person who' `takes in a stray animal must" notify the, township clerk of the muncipality -of. the ;Fact in addition to adnertising-it; giving as -minute a description as possible of the animal. Persons failing tb' comply with this provision of the law, lay themselves', liable,.to a_ heavy penalty, and l.esides can- not colleet.expenees of keeping. Before the TariffCommission at Long. Branch, Aug. 17th, Wm T. -Rice, New York; dealer in hay, argued`in favor"of taking -off the duty of ten per cent. on hay, making. it .duty free., Hay was a very bulky article and, transportation expensive: Canada was not called upon for hayunless in seasons of scarcity here. In ordinary seasons this countryproduced all the hay needed. Some two years ago there wee a. short crop of hay and the Canadian supply was called upon dune largely. Then 'the duty ec ten per cent: Was found -to -he >a material -addition to the cost. :The •tax was no benefit to the fariners generally, because they depended on the local de- mand-for e-mand for their sale of ..hay. No .interest would suffer by :the abolition of:bhe duties. Another Canadian enterprise has been launched on the market at London, Eng. On . Thursday the Canadian ,Fresh . Meat Importation-Company.iesued its::prospect- us- The Company has ,been, formed for the purpose of placing cheap and whole- some meat at the command of all classes. It will import only first quality fresh meats of all kinds from Canada into the United, Kiggdom.,.The capital stock of 'the Com= pany`is 850,000, in shares of .g1 each 'The Directors-hlso draw attention in the..pros-. pectus to the well-known superiority' of, Canadian cattle;' over those exported from the United 5t.ates 'The Company will be their own iinporters'and'sell direct. to . the, consumer from their ''Own depots. The' .average cost.of the Meat 'delivere 1n Eng; land is 5d per pound: A contract has al-. ready been made with a responsible party in Canada' -to supply the meat. 'Notwithstanding the victory of the Con- , servatice partyat the ,polls; says, the To. P ,. ronto. Tele'e; ra'm the leadershi '€rom, On-. rano has not been strengthened`Sir John. Macdonald still -remaining the saying salt from this province. He: has failed, to 'Pro- vide himself .with an Ontario' leiutenant:, Mr,. Carling,: who :siicceeds Mr. Aikens; as a representetive::Metltobist, ia.overshado_w- ed—Tb his -brewer -Tlyl b rank Stnith a - d to give the Irish' Catholics ho is eup,pose 'n C •than -they greater influence in the .abinet oseessed.under .their . Tate.. invalid leader, may in::like manner :be".:said' t'o;.be over- shadoived byhis wholesale liquor trader liquor So that P what. is'nained in -'ical aetiviY Y li et' o, : i in theee two inatancereis more than lost 'n 'moral force, a very large section of the' community being .jealous:of-the-represen- tation of such. interests in the Govern inept. : 'Ontario :has always been -Sir John's weak point, and ``�IfF6iglr he.'now polls•a ma jorityin.thelhanner province, the fact that leaders ofOntario thought are opposed,',to. him 'is a more serious: matterthanwould casnallyappear,.-' He will find that in 'the. Ontario election§, were his own uidrvtd- nality does not prevail, the absence of ef- ficient leiutenan te Will fficientaeiutenants.will he -seriously felt: COLORADO B `. N , K. Those who think of attending the National Mining and f ndusterial Expsition, to beheld in Denver, during August, and Selitember,, should purchase the :;Cneap'Excursion 'Tickets of the" Great Rock Island.Roiue," and take choice of four. routes, with privilege of return. until.Octobei- L • Time as quick as the quickest, and no more changes of cars than by any ':other line—with tate advantage . in our favor of moleing the,; single change necessary in a Union Depot. The rolling stock of this great Rarlwtiy'is sim- ply superb;, consisting of maguifcient Day, Coaches, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars world- famous" Dining Cars, and exquisite'Horton Chair Cars. ` . ' If going to the Northwest, don't forgot the Famous Albert Lea Route to Minneapolis and St. Paul, where it connects with all trains of the'. Northern Pacific Railroad,and,St. Paul,; Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway. ,Tickets' fat: sale at' all ticket offices.. Edison's Electric Light is a wonderful dis- covery, but not so wonderful as •Hall's Ca. tarrh Cure. Sold by all druggists., hien io Mikes Y� it Boots THE BOOT MAKER, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Women ;tial 'Childi'C1i's • I$oots & Sri -OCS. Spring '. ':Stock well ;- assorted, and.. coni tete in all p departments,• AIJL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASTT C. CR.UICKSHANK; BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON • Unequalled ' Self -Binding' Reapers, hto wers � grioultural Steam .' Ha Rahyes , Gang �' Plows, �c BORN. 1leCuAro -On the lfltlr inst.. the' wife of D..MeCuaig, Clinton, of.a daughter, - Il.tt:x.=On the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Ar thur Harn, Stapley, of a daughter. Rosi.—On the 10th lest � at the e,nian'se, the wife othe Rey. Mr. John Ross,•Brucefield; Presbyterian' ,minister, ,of 0' son. ee, _ The subscriber who. is subscriber,: agent for the well-known im lenient firm of � BROS., ST:-T'F1:orfAs, calls the attentionof gpHAC;GAIe - intendinb purchasers -of Farm Imple-' ments of any kind to the large -stock he•keeps. on, hand -at the' Bra. WA1otRoolfs. Alla rticloS Uara� eed first -c � , lass a>�d warranted -to �e -entire atlsl'a � ctlon .Prices and terms for all descri tion: p sof Machinery very •reasonable. Don't forget him when you want to buy. ' CLINTON, Jtily: 27, 1391:: , D C. n5x.tan--•In,Coderieh township, on the 17t'ir inst.,'-Ancl.rew:McCulloch Graham; aged• ba' years ;;and i. months; -in-law ,of Mr. W. Weir. la n Miter:—In' Coderich township,' ou the 23rd. rnst--;Mrs. Ghristiva-Grab ,irre'Fiet of f11'e= late A: M. Ora'hatei, aged 65' years.,and---4- . said 4- .eLrN'1.ON IRAICH, E'1'ti. August 23,-188'2. Farmers have toobusy ve b ' n r: s} harvesting to bring in'produce for several weeks, and prices have been merely nominal. Old_.,wheat is 1 now worth only',abont $ 1.10 to ; 1.15, and'new is opening at $1 to -$1,05. As the new wheat retherdarep,_ptrces will retied according. to guality and conditions.. Other articles re. ruain, without..change. Wheat, fall, bush, o d$1 10 a 1 .12 . Spuria,;, 1 12 a 1 15 Oats, 0 41,---'-a--70-42:' Barley, - 0 55 ' a '0'60 peas,' 0 70 a' -0 75' Flour, 5 50 a 6.00 Potatoes.. `' 0 45 a . 0 50 Butter, 016 a. 0`-17 Eggs, ' 0 18 a 0 10 :. Hay, 7 00' a S 00 Hides;: 5 00 'a 6 00 Sheep pelts. • 0J0 a ,0 15 Lamb.ak'ina,' .0 25 a 0 40 Wool,, - 0 18 a 0 20 J. 'T. MARSH. issol-ution of Partnersh` The partnership , between MOORE & S'HARNI:AN Grocers, being - , g dissolved, the subscriber . continues:; to carry' on business in the old stand,•. $rz.. clr. a. fit.. door to , I3arland 13ros Where he is now in`a position to accommodate his man frie' ,, . _ Y nds�and customers better than ever. Having recently � isited'the leading wholesale establishments of the Do- minion, made personal selection of stock and:.bou ht right mycustomers , ;: , g may depend getting g their.money ascan_be had. in this part -.of -the Dominion. on as good value for_ _ ENT-IREL�t FRES;FID NEW, and .consists ota,.. splendid lendid • ' :. , - assortment of Groee r.Ies•Cr Crocker e i l+��L��lili Glassware. w e WE MAKE A- P S E 1A C LTY ' OF` .TEA:'..., All orders«1Il he promptly filled. Remember Stand BRIGIt Brock: , ,, Albert St - Giititoil,Juno,'1883.•.IVM. 1 T C)11, A REMAJi1ICABLE ESCAPE.. Mrs. Geo. C. Clarke;• of Port Dalhousie, On- tario, states that she had been confined to her room'for"a long time with that dreadful tlise-se, Consumption. The doctors said sire could not eset.pe an early grave, but fortunately she be- gan taking Dr. King's Now'. Discovery for Con sumption, and'iiL'a short time was completely, cured., Doubting -ones, please write afrs.Carko. and be cbrtvincod. Try a bottle free at Combes'' Drug Store. "Large slzo 81;011. 1 C. dlelhliesm,ayer, Boot' and 8h6e int knr;*^'I?rrst-class work at low "' ,price,. Anassortnient ofready-niado 101 .000 cady Made CIohi n Hats an d aps 0o s and �. t shoes, 20 chests choice Teas. 3elllng Off Below Cost AT THE •r' fthe lie'dF'la. WRIf ZIT'S OLD STAND. The public ; are `cordially invited, to call arid,„ex anileoods and rices. �. p fine goods 011 land. Repairing 'neat- '� ly d0”.Slg7p N z.r noon To Iyeu- r; TT rlsnv's IIOTI,i., CLldl 1'e.v'< ^ �� A y��-y'C/L.. WTOW