The New Era, 1882-08-24, Page 3..A2ugust 24, 1882:
The Baby Mysteries.
Where did you come from, baby dear?
Out of the everywhere into here.
Where did you get your eyes'
Oat of the sliles as IC came through.
What makes the light of them sparkle and. spin 2
Borne of the starry spikes left in.
What makes yourforehead so smooth and high?
A sof t hand stroked it as I went by.
What makes your cheeks like a warm white rose?
saw something better than any one knows.
Whence that three -cornered smile of bliss?
Three angels gave me at once a kiss. -
Where did you get this pearly ear?
God spoke, and it came out to hear.
Where did you get those arms and hands ?
Love made itself -into hooks andbands. '
Feet, whence did you come, you darling things?
From the same box as the cherub's wings.!
How did they all Come just to be you?
God thought about me and so I grew.
But how did you come to us,.you dear?
Goa thought about you, and so I am here.
CATTLE MILILIONAIIIES. A Locomotive Whose AgeWill , be alla.
Ilona of Yeats.
' There is now being retold the etory of the
locomotive which ran through a. broken
bridge on the Kansas Pacific Railway
across aeibwa Creek, several years ago,
sinking into the mud at the bottom and
has never since beer, heard from, though
repeated efforts have been 'Made, by digging
and boring, to recover so valuable a property.
The bottom is a quicksand, and even quick-
sands have limite, audit seems very eingu-
ler that the longest boring-rodehaafailed to
find any trice of the sunken engine. By
and by, the silent, mysterious operations
will drain the quicksitud-and harden it into
rock, and then, long after the Kanas
Paoifio Road has been forgotten ,and, the
Iiiows, Creek hes vanished from the map,
some future scientist will discover a Carious
piece af tneohiteisni, undoubtedlythe work
of human hands, lying under so many
hundred feet of undisturbed sandstone,
and will use the fact as a basis for calculat-
ing -how many million years' old the
human lace must be. Thus' historrialll
_repeat itself, as it has often 'done and will
continue to do. --
A Dry Season.
" Stranger, I take it,". observed _ an
elderly resident the other day, as I stopped
and asked if there were any blackberry
trees around his way. "1 jedged so. I was
a stranger myself when, I fust kim here.
That was in the summer of '49. Hottest
sunimer ever known in these parts."
" Any warmer than this ?" I reeled hire.
" Sumnaut, sunamut 1 That milometer of
'49 the cedar trees melted' and run right.
along the ground! You notice how red that
ere duet is I" ,
"Pretty warm," I ventured.
" Why, sir, durin' the summer of '49 we
kept meat right on the ice to keep it from
cookin' too fast, end we had -to put the
chickens in refrigeraters to get raw eggs 1"
"Where did you get the ice ?" •
" We had it left over and kept it in
b'ilin' water! Yes, sir. The temperature
of belin' water was BO much Deane there the
temperatiare of the atmosphere thatit }top!
the ICC BO coldyon couldn't touch it with
your finger 1" .
" Anything -ilia etitatling thatailealien?"-
" That 5111Iliner of '49? Well, I guess!
The Hackensack river began toble airly in
June, and we didn't see the sky until Octo-
ber, for the steam in the air And -fish!
fish 1 They were droppie' all over town
cooked just as you- wanted 'em! There
wasn't anything but fish until the river
dried up!" '
" What did you have then?"
" The finest oysters and clams you ever
heard of. They walked right- ashore for
water and they'd drink applejack right out
Raw Independent Fortunes nave Been
Acquired is a Sbngle Seuson--Falm.
louts Profits in Bunching.
With the pregent high prices ot beef, and
the cow literally jumping over the moon,
Western cattle ' men are reaping a rich
harvest, and many of them will make
almost independent fortunes this summer.
The rise has been BO rapid, and transfers
are made so easily, that large transactions
are made every day in which the buyer
does not see Ei hoof of his purchase, and
very likely does not actually use more than
one-half the purchase money in the trade
before he has sold and made' au enormous
wegin in the deal. A year ago a Laramie
Plains cattle man was offered a large Utah
herd and ranch for e70,000, which offer waa
accepted at the moment, but later rejeoted.
Since that the Utah 'man -sold e45,000 -
worth of the herd, then sold.the ranee' for
e4,500, afterward put e9,000 more into the
inane!), and last week sold it for e140,000.
In other weeds, the Utah man is to -day
ahead over 4110,000 because his last year's
offer was not accepted.
Several years ago one of the most promi-
nent cattle men in Wyoming, who can to -
d 0110 000 for a
L -21L -T -E "mman
cattle trade without impairing his busi-
ness, rime to Boston to negotiate a' loan
with Massachusetts capitaliets. He-
met . an old man -Nebo-knew more
about Oellt. per cent. than be did about
Wyonaing and Colorado cattle, and began
to talk business. He said that he was
making large profits on his present 'tweet -
'Merits, and, therefore, he wanted .to put
MOM capital into the business, very natur-
ally, to increase his •income. Mr. Money-
bags asked what seourity would be given.
"1 would secure the loan by mortgage on
my herd, sir."
"Where are your cattle ?"
"Some in Wyoming, some in Nebraske,
• and some in Colorado."
The attendance at the city churclies this "How reach landhave you under fence?"
slimmer, in epite of the heat, is fairly up to "None."
the usual average. •"How much land do you own ?"
Rev, William Marshall, a colored clergy- "Not a foot."
o 2'
man of Kentucky, prays for any deeired "Whose lend does your tock graze on
object on receipt of 75 tante. ' "Government lande'
_ _ llaw_oftenedo you see your pattle ?"
Athens, Ga,, to liaaeaaaJewiSh syna- Once a year."
gogue, the design of which will represent "Don't youhave a, herder with them 2"
one of the ancient temples of Palestine. "No, sir."
Every fine Sunday in summereaoh Roman "Well, youpg man, I would as soon loan
Catholic parish in Brussele has its proem- you money ofi the herring in Reston bar -
Bien on a grand- scale, and as traffic; is bor."
interfered with the custom is being frowned A Cheyenne man who don't pretend to
. know a maverick from a menden:ate, hail
Rev. Joseph Cook, of. Boston, who has Made a neat little margin of $15,000 this
been lecturing in Japan, warned the people summer in small transaction% and hasn't
that if their country did not become seen a cow yet that he has bought and sold.
Christian it would not succeed in its new Cheyenne is wild over the market, and Six -
free development."
A Budget ot Notes from the Various
Harrison, " the boy preacnerel is nearly
30 years old.
The Methodist EpiscopalChurch is gain-
ing ground in Switzerland.
The Church - of England Temperance
Society has 338,688 juvenile members.
It is estimated that 41,000,000 of the
present population of India are Mahonae-
A Hamilton, Ont., clergymen was fined
el for kissing a young -woman in his church.
-N. Y. World. Now, who was he?
Ohio and Wisconsin were both settled
largely by New England peoplea and the
old Puritan strain of blood is showing itself
in the movement for better observance of
the Sabbath.
The aggregate BUM collected and expend
ea by all the churches in the United States was in mining stooks in the old palmy days
last year is estimated at e175,000,000. Large of comstook. How long this thing s ill
as this amount appears it is less than 43.50
for each person in the country.
In the Province of Canterbury, England,
. . there are said to be upward of 1,000 parishes
where there is neither public house or
' beer shop, and where secret drinking is not
practised, and crime is almost unknown.
In San Francisco the Rornan Catholics
have 15 churches, the Presbyterians 15, the
Methodists 14, the Episcopalians- 11, the
Baptists 9 and the Congregationaliets 6.
The first Sunday law onT mord was made
by Constantine'the Great on the first quar-
ter of the fourth century, and ever since
that time Sunday has been more or less
fortified as a non -secular day in Christian -
countries by civil legislatiote
teenth street is a young Wall street. 'Mil-
lions are talked of as lightly as nickels, of the demijohn! Yes, tar. You call this hot!
and all kinds of people in all profeseions. I feel like an overcoat I" •
areadabbling in Meer& The Chief Justice " What is your business?" I asked him.
of -the Supreme Court has recently suo- "I'm a preacher," he replied. "By the
way, you want blackberry trees. Just leeep
oumbed to the contagious excitement and
gone to purchase a le40,000 herd. Every- up the thumb hand side•of this road until
you come to the pig pasture, and there you
where the excitement is as bad as it ever
find the trees. Climb up on my goose
roost, and you can knock down all the
berries you want, if you can find a pole
long enough."
continue is a matter of pure speculation.
Whether the laboring classes 'of the
". States" -will eat porter house steaks when
they taste like a Government bond, or emit
all at once and kneels the bottom out of the
Chicago market, no min knows to a dead
moral oertainty.-Boston Herald.
Bill Nye Moralizes on What fflun Lives
For - He Advises Marriage, so that
Man Mar Not be Without Advice.
Young man; what are you living for?
Have you an object dear to you as lite, and
without the attainment of which you feel
that your life vvill ae.vabeen a wide, ehore-
less waste, peopled by the spectres of dead
ambitions? You can take your choice in
the great battle of life -whether you will
bristle up and win a deathless name, and
owe everybody, or be satisfied with kebabs
and mediocrity. Many of them who Btand
at the head of the nation as statesmen and
logicians were once unhonored and unsung.
Now they saw the air in the halls of Con-
grms and their names are now plastered
on the temple of fame.
You Can win some laurels; too, if you
will brace up and secure them when they
are ripe. Daniel Webster and ex-Prem-
denteGarfield, and Dr. Tanner, and George
Eliot, were all at 0118 time poor boys. They
• struggled against poverty and-
ion bravely, until they won a mune in the
annals of history and secured to their loved
ones palatial homes, with lightning rods
and mortgages on them. So �u ma , if
eyeirma-ke t e e or .
All these are within yaur reach. Live
temperately on e9 a month. That is the
way we got or start. Burn the midnight
oil if necessary. Get, some true, noble
minded young wonian of your acquaintance
to assist you. Then you can marry:her
and she will advise you some more. After
that she will lay aside her work any time
to advise you. You needn't be out of
advice at all unless you want to. She will
come -to you frankly and aoknoveledge that
you have made a jackass of ,youreelf. As
she gets more acquainted with you she
will be more candid with you, and in her
unstudied; girlish way she will point out
errors, and gradually convince you with
an old chair -leg and other arguments
that you were wrong, and part of your past
life will come up before you like a pane -
ranee, and you will tell her BO, and she
will let you up again. Life is indeed a
mighty etruggle. It is business. We can't
all be editors- and lounge around all the
-tine° end wear -good olothes, and aave our -
newels in the papers and draw a princely.
salary. Some one must do the work and
drudgery of life, or it won't be done.
Curiosities of the Weather.
• • . , •
-. The captain of the propeller Menominee ,
reports that he encountered . Mid -lake
'(Michigan); Tuesday ' night, a thiok, coed'
.oloud, which burst on the deck, covering
it with snow and slush lo the .depth of six
Couldn't Keep a Secret.
inches'. For a fewirtilltitell the tempera,
The keeping of a dangerous secret is pro' ture was wintry. The event , is unprece•
•verbialleediffioult for women • and one will dented. • • "
_ ometimes-bubble-efiom-the-lipe-of-stou .-e-The-past-feweclays-at-Ceriertgohave_been
men in spite af all efforts toesuppreareita everraeoole---uncomfortably- eo
An instance of this kind is the case of Frosts are reported, from Wisconsin, and
even 1m the suburbs of_the city± there was
light, frost Tuesday morning. Tlee 'cold
epelfhas, however, done no damage tograin
or vegetation. '
A:despatch from Buffalo laet night says:
About 8.45 thisenorning a large waterspout
wasplainly seen from the roof of the•white
Thornton, who was porter a a bank at
Parsons, Kansas. Three years ago the
cashier's accounts were ahort e1,000, and,
unable to account for the deficiency, he
Since Spurgeon declared that " London paid over the money and resigned his posi-
is becoming the most heathenish city under teen. Thornton was closely wretched for a
the sun," a few earnest men in the metro -time, but nothing was ' discovered, and the.
polis have been considering the advisability matter was forgotten. But recently a building out on Lake Erie, apparently
eit inaugurating a great evangelistic crusade ,friend of theporter Was in a burst ofcon oppecate Windmill Point. Thee _epeotatele
in the poorer parts of the city. - deuce Meek aware of the fact that the-was'a grand one, and will not soon be for
I don't miss my church so much as you missing !money had been found by the gotten by those who witnessed e it. The.
suppose," said a lady to her minister who who latter while cleaning out a drawer in the water appeared to rise in the shape of a
had called upon her during her illness, hank The friend forced a division' and in
"for I make Betsy sit Lit the windows as
soon as the belle begin to chime eand tell histenanton a farna A quarrel eaneera"
me who are going to church, d' whether
ing rent arose, and the tenant lodged an
they have goteon anything new." information against ..both 'Thornton and
his confidant, and now they languish -in
prison cells. But the reputation of that
cashier was a wreck during all those three
The memorial statue of William Tyn-
dale, the martyr, who translated the New
Testament, is now being designed by Mr.
J. E. Boehm, R. A., and will occupy an ex-
oellent site in the Thames Embankment
gardens wait of Charing Cross. The total
cost will be £2,400, and more than half of
this is subscribed by individual donors.
Naughty Babies.
One of the greatest nuisances in a house-
hold is a naughty baby. It can destroy the
harmony of a very large --family; it oan
The Canada Presbyterian thinks there make a mother cranky, pettish and cross,
are either too many or too fever D.Des. It and cite get a father to misquote Scripture
says that side by side in the pulpit, on the in the middle of the night in a manner that
platform or i
in the church courts, some of .
s truly appalling, if not exactly blasphem-
the men who have esoaped being made ous. Therefore, it becomes necessary for
D.D.'s seem quite as learned and able as maternal parents of a kindly and philo-
those who have the coveted title. sophical disposition to SOB that their babies
The editor of Zion's Herald hem some- are not naughty ; to please them as much
where picked up the following : "Prot. W. as possible, and keep them in good humor
•Robertson Smith% treetnient at the hands • at this season of the year. A oroqked pin,
of the Scotch Free Church Assembly lest a useless _garment, an awkward position,
year is thus tersely stated 'At the lad and sour milk given from an unclean bot -
meeting of the body he wee paraded as a tie, wilaoftendestroy • the peace of an
marytr ; at 'thie meeting be was voted, a otherwise amiable set of people. Theta -
bore. " fore, it is the bounden duty of every wise
woman to keep her baby from being
The mistress has gently reprimanded -
her maid for oversleeping herself in the
morning. "You see, ma'am," explained
the servant, " I sleep very @lowly, and so
you see, ma'am, it takes me much longer
to get my full sleep than it does others,
- In a private letter received from the
Rev. Dr. Mackay, of Formosa, and dated
" Tamsui, June 15th, 1882," he says:
" Oxford College is going up pretty fast. I
spend six hours every day, under a burning
sun, attending to it. * * * Mrs. Mac-
key is teaching every night, from 7 to '11
o'clock. She will never forget Zorra,
Woodstock, or Canada. * * The
thermometer standat 89 The
Lord's work is progressing. But Mr. Junor
and family are away in Amoy. He is quite
unwell." •,
Rev. Dr. Begg, in a letter to the Scotsman,
says he expects 200,000 Free Churchmen
ean be got to petition next Assembly
against instrumental music, and thinks
" it may have some effect in arresting the
mad proceedinas of our infatuated leadere
and their unwise followers." He proposes
also to have similar petitions sent to the
Supreme Courts of the Established and
United Presbyterian Churches, "eearnestly
asking that this illegal corruption of
worsbip may be removed from them." He
calls all true Presbyterians to e a manly
• etruggle, that the process of declension may
be arrested, and the noble contendinge of
our ancestors not rendered abortive and
covered with ridicule by a generation of
pretentious backelidere."
you see, ma'am."
, t,
-The Ontario Trades' Benevolent
Association met in Toronto yesterday after-
noon and passed , a resolution agreeing to
the demands of the soda water manure°.
turera that pop be 25 cent - per dozen, and
missingbottles to be charged for at the rate
01 60 cents per dozen. _.
Stoneman, the Democratic candidate for
Governor of Califortda, began a speech at -
San Rafael the other day by modestly,
remarking : " Fellow citizens, it is a well
known fact in history that great , generals
are poor talkers, and lam one of them."
William Booth, the General of the Salvia
tion Army in England, receives and dis-
buries with absolute control $250,000 a
year. He owns, or rents in his own name,
250 buildings, used for religious meetings, -
directs the work of 15,000 exhorters and
publishes a paper, the War Cry..
• A Versailles despatch says : Fenayron, a
, retired apothecary who murdered his wife's
John Connor, Maurice Costello, Ricliaid lover, an apothecary named Aubert, at
Savage and Timothy et rke were indicted Chaton, has been sentenced to death
yesterday for perpetr i.
' county of Iterry. T e Attorney -General instigation inveigled Aubert to vieit her on
;ng outrages in the
Fenayron's wife, who at her 'unbend%
read a humber el extraordinary documents the night of the Murder, was sentenced to
found on the prisonere, preyeng the existence penal servitude for -life, and, Fonaerones
of a platnecl organization. The prisoners •brother, Lucien, who aided intlie mime, to
were convicted.• seven years' riervitude. / The trial excited
extraordinary interest. The prosecution
held that Aubert was murdered to prevent
hie divulging the guilt ,of Fenayron in Borne
cam of poisoning or felonious IlBe of drugs.
The millennium :must be near at hand,
for a Tenneseeeenan has been sent te the
penitentiary for one year for stealing an
a 11 '
At a special meeting in Dublin yeeteledaye
at which the Ladies' League was dissolved,
a resolution was adopted recommending the
establishment of leagues throughout the
coantry for the purpose of teaching the ris-
ing generation the country' history and
encouraging the circulation of national
literature. s -
cone, probably 30 or 40 feet in thickness,,
heavy - funtreashaped cloud,
through rifts in whichthe sunbeams played,
This lasted' twenty minutes or more, and
the water then appeared -to break into a
vast mass of spray. It is reported two
spouts were seen off Angola a day, or two
A Monster Time•Tiece.
The large clock at the English House of
Parliament is the largest one in the world.
The four dials in this olook are twenty-two
feet in diameter. Every half minute the
minute hand moves nearly seven inches.
The olookwill go eight days and a half, and
will only strike for seven and a half, thus
indicating any neglect in winding it up.
The winding up of the striking apparatus
takes two hours. The pendulum is fifteen
feet long; the wheels are cast iron; the
hour -bell -is eight feet high, and nine feet in
diameter, weighing nearly fifteen tons, and
the hammer alone weighs more than four
hundred pounds. This clock strikee the
quarter 'hours, and by its striking the short-
hand reporters regulate their labors. At
every strike a new reporter takes the place
of the old one, while the first retires to
write outethe notes that he has taken dur-
ing the previous fifteen minutes.
The Weather.
• reef. De •Voe, the Rochester wcaeher
prophet, did not get very near the meek in
his forecast of July, judged -from an Ontario
stand -point. He is out with the following
for this month : " The month of August
will enter warm and showery, and it prom-
ised to be just that kind of weather which
tries people's tempers. at will be close,
muggy, and sticky. Bread will mould
before itis three days old, and milk will
sour before morning, and the happiest men
will be the hotel men high up in the moun-
tains, The heaviest rams will occur along
the New England -coast. The dryeet
weather will 000ur over the Sates of Illinois
and Iowe. Cold northeast storms will occur
over the south Atlantic and. east Gulf
States. Very heavy thunder showers will
occur in Ohio and the Middle States. The
thunder showers will resell this vicinity
about the lst, 5th, 7th, 12th, -17th, 22nd,
26th, 301h. The lst, 4the 6th, 12th" to the
17th will be the wannest. There will be a -
cool epell from the 21st to the 271h. --The
amount of -rainfall will be above the aver-
age." Many thunderstormaieere predicted
for last month which did not come -off.
The Sad Side ot Rig City Life.
It is a trite Baying that one.half the world
does not know how the other half lives.
The dwellers in brown stone fronts on
Fifth avenue and other desiro.ble resedence
streets in New York know in a general way
that there .are many very poor people in
that great city whose habitations were
miserable, but most of them, until they
readan account of a recent tour, by the
sanitary inspectors -of the Board of Health,
had not much of an idea of the kind ef
places in which the poorestaf the pcor live.
One housewhich was visited was two stories
and an attic in height,- with a small court
yard back of it, and bebind this a double
rear house of three stories. The board
and timbers of the front house are black
with age, decay and dirt ; tha walls have -
bulged, the windows and dooes tettled, and
motions' of, the weather boarding have
dropped off in pe.eches. Thainterior was
worse than a pig pea, and ethe court yard,
fouler still. The front 'rookery has six.
rooms, occupied by six faaeilies, andanother
occupied the cellar, living in the rear, and
keeping an alleged store in the front. The
rear double house has twelve rooms, and
an Italian family. in •Mall' rOOM. There
was- not--a-sick_echild_in-either_housa,_
-although-the-court -yard- wewfulleafechilda
ren. The explanation as that there are
rarelysiok.childrenin the barracks,
when they get siokihey the. without -much
Christening Linder Difficultleo.
Last eveningDaThomae held an inquest
on the bodies of two chilereu (twins).
Evidence was given thet on the 8th inst.,
an hour after, the birth, the Rev. Walter
Brantoot was eummonea to a tenement in
a'ulwoodreuts, where be found the mother
in bed, the twine wrapped up in calico and
placed upon a chair before the fire, and
half a dozen of the matrons of the neigh-
borhaid, all of whom were very excited.
He christened both children, after some of
the women had been turned out, and left
the place, but one of the witnesses stated
that after his departure certain extraordi-
naey rites were performed, in the course of
which gleams of we ter were dashed into the
faces of the babiee. .The next day both
children died and one of them was found to
have a fraotured skull, which had caused
the death. The jury returned an open
verdict, iseaviug the nattier in the hands of
the eoliceea-London Telegraph.
It is proposed to practically abolish by
outting twenty feet wide aua twenty feet
deep, the narrow isthinue which, dividing
the east aucl west lochs of Tarbert. Scot,
land, unites the Mull of Kintyre to the
direct passage Irene tee, Ge -de to the
Atlantic, Paving about 115 miles in the
voyage to the west and no: th of Scotland.
Hint to the. Enterprising Burglar.
During . the night.oe, the ,e3,th of JpaY,
three bathe/Miele; laden With leetaseseres-
Lulea, treatises on denioholegYeetc.abraker
into' a:ahoy-near -the Chili -chair Sari Beagle,
being under the belief that there was rem.;
mailed there a -treasure, overwhieb watch
Was kept by the devil, and set themselam
•approved, , claesioal .. methods. • The devil
lead been beida-at least he .madeno Active
resietance-aaid the Men Were 'about to dig
• .
-up the flooring, when the proprietor of the
tenement made his appearance, followed
by the police, and invited them to appear
.before the Questor. 'The proprietor, howa
evi3r, regarding the burglars as victimsof
their superstitions ignorance, pleaded sue-
ciesefully for their -release. -14 Sardegna.
Cats front the Moly Land.
While it is a source of much pleasure for
many people to maintain kennels of fine
"dogs, it has remained for Thomas H. Dud-
ley, of Camden, ex -Consul at Liverpool, to
lead the fa.shion in raising rare and odd-
looking- oats. Mr. laudley'e beaatiful
country residence, a few miles outside of
Camden, posseeses many attractions in the
way of live stock, but the most interesting
of all are a half dozen, cats which were
born in Jerusalem. They are distinguished
from the average back -yard feline by the
• length of their fur and the variegated
colors of theireyes. One in particular bas
fur four inches in length, which grows in
waves.' All iffe- aS white as snow and none
have fur less than two inches long. Red,
yellow, blue and green are the colors of
their eyes. The most interesting of the
tribe is a little kitten with a blue and a
gray eye.. They were procured for Mr.
. Dudley several years ago at 9, big expense.
Great care is exercieed by the servants in
rearing them. -Philadelphia Record.
-The Cincinnati Gazette ciphers it Out
that Ohio brewers make 690,000,000 mugs
of beer annually for which consumers pay
e34,000,000, and half of alai is gross profit
to the retailete, and that the makers get
35 per cent. oia their capital, oj$30,000,000.
A gentleman while bathing at seen saw
his lawyer rise up at his side, after a long
dive. "]3y the way, how about Gunter?
Have you taken out a warrant against
him 7"" lle is in jail" replied the lawyer,
mad dived again. The gentleman thought
no more of it, but on getting his amount
he found, " To consultation at sea, anent
the incarcela,tion of Gunter, reix and eight -
• Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache Soreness of the Cheit"-
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat,Swell-
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Pains, -
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparation -on earth equals Sr..Lteons OIL
as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External
Rentedy. A trial entails but the comparatively
- c'etTliaCveonctititaa;darlIellyostal;a17:ori
of Be claim.
Directions in Eleven Languages.
gr)frOgitii1141: 4114 ,eatitgr,
moNEy TO LEND IN LAR(Ili.' 0.1t
sunie an good mortgage ,security, moderate
ate of interest. F. HALE, Chinton. •
the Canada Company, may bd eeen 21,t the office of
heunderaigned. 11. IIALE, Clinton. , I
TA H. DOWSLEY, M. D., M. 0.1'. 8, ENGLAND
PhYsician, Surgeon, etc. Office and rt,sidence! ,; •
'next Molson's Bank, ma,rket:equare; Clinteit. •
. . . •
on Ontario street,Clinton,opposite the English,
Church. Entrance by side gate. '
There is much excitement at Roslyn,
L.I., over the death by poisoning of joeeeh•
Bond, a prominent business man. Mrs.
'Bond is held on suspicion. Her framer
husband died suspiciouely.
The wife of Mtohael Needham, of Mow
treal, hammered him so severely with
chair that he had to be taken to the hos-
pital. The woman was arrested.
An agreement has been made between.
Mexico and the United States that regular
federal troops of the two Republics may
reciprocially cross,the boundary hat) of the
two countries when in close pursuit of a
• band of savage Indians, upon the condition
that creasing shall only occur in unpopu-
lated -or -desert parts of the boundary line.
Previous to the conviction of Walsh at
Londonyesterday, Justice StePhen ihetruct-
ed the jury that they could not find him
guilty unless they believed a conspiracy'
existed in Ireland to raise insurrection, and
that Wals/a was the participant. The jury
took ten minutes to consider the verdict.
The Limeriek County Inspector of Con-
stabulary has been inetrupted to inform
his men that the Government will at once
apppoint a commission to inquire into
their grievances. The men are entirely
• satisfied with the promise.
Henry George wag re -arrested yester tly
under the Crimes Aot at Athenry as he was
about to board a train for Galway. George
protested, maintaining that his arrest Was
a persecution, as he previously gave a natal -
factory account of himself to the police. '
--A Pittsburg firm is turning out glass
alabe for nee on/ arniture in lieu of marble.
. •
, •
WATT'S ar• CO, ; Agents;ututton
altaareetee•aa. •
(A Medicine, not a Drink,)
Tins oF ALE -01118n Plc Tnus.
'• IC II C TJ Ja •
AILDIseasee of the Stomneh, Bowels. Blood,
• Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Net.
Noumea°, Sles, lessness•
aradespec,t,afly '
• ein e Complaints. .•
• ,
$1000 IN COLO.', .
mil. be Paid foiliCease they will not care Or
help, or ;or anythinglinpurf injurloua
• • . .f maid in.them. • '
Aek your drOg6Ist for Hop Bitters and try
them ,before you sleep. Take naOther.
I. 0.15 an absolute and irresistible cnre for
Drunkenpos, 1180 01 oplum, tobacco and
SEND von cneetreea.
it oboes sold by dropeds...
op Dittoes Mfg. Co., Roobeder, it. Y., & Toronto, Oat.
V • University,) Physician, Surgeor2 &e., thcest
Mi. Manning'a, three doore east ot the Temperande
HalliLondesboro, Ont. .
DR. BEE VE.2— OlrEICE, S1ET— ,
imMediately north 61 Dickson's tion.h ere. lima
dance, opposite the Temperance II all, Enron Street
canton. Office hours from 8 a.m. to Sp,u,
-al attended at their own residence,i1 neeesary,. Re- -
pidence, Isaac -street, Clinton. aloe's' • nc* method
taught if desired.
A/cur, Department of Victoria linivo,t t ILA4=211040,r_
=telly of the Hospitals and ,Dispenearice, New York
Coroner for the County of Huron Ileyfteld Ont.
"fin W. WILLIAMS, B. A.; M.13:'clItADTJATE
_LI...Toronto University; member a tlie College of Phy
atiolans find Surgeons, Out. OFFICE St; Rnsinsucz.ftta •
house form'erly occupied' by Dr. Reeve, Albert street '
Acconchenr,Lic entiate of the College ofPhyeicitui• .
and SurgeOns of Lower Clinixd a , an Provintia ILicen,
tiate and Coronorf or the Conntyof Truro 011ices.nd
residence, --The building 1 ormerly occupied by Mr.
Thwaite, Huron street.
1 Clinton, jan.10,1871.
Graduate of the Royal College of Lents
Surgeons of Ontario, ha s opened roam in
the Victoria Block; Albert Street, Clinton Where he
will constantly be in attendance, and prepared to per.
fOrm every operation connected witli Dentistry. Teeth -
extracted, or tilled with gold, amalgam or other filling
material. Artificial teeth inserted !front one to a
...„Apply to ' It1D1)'0'1',. Clinton
lifONEir TO Lea
(food Securities Purchased.
N :
Clinton ,Nov. 9,1881.,
lish Remedy. An
Eleirdnal Weak-
and ail diseases
that follow -es a
sequence of Self-
. Abuse; as lossrof
Befarn TakinaMemory, 'Quiver- agL., m_,1_ •
Lassitudeeu•seee_ &mama.,
Paha in the Back, Dininerieof Vision,Premature,
Old Ago, and many ether DiflefiBell • that lead to'
Insanity or Consumption and &Premature Greya
Firruil particulars Meet painahlet, which we,
desire -to send free by mail to every, one. The
Specific Medicine 18 1101d by all•odrOggiste at $1 per
,package, or six packages' for T5, or will be sent'
by mail on receipt of the Money bY addressing , 1,7wrim • isn
Tho Gray Medltsine Co., 111 If you -went to learaTelegrapeY
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ' Ina. in a few months, and be certain,
Sold by- all wholesale etnd retaii,druggieter • of a situation, address Veleneine' Brea ea,nee
Lucanada and the United fitatoa. - • . , . •
Incorperatedby Act ofParliament,I855.
CAI'ITA.L, $2,000,000.
Head Office, Montreal.
J. H. R. MOLSON,. • — — • Vice -Pies.
Notes discounted, Collections mcde, Drafts
issued, Sterling and .American f a.change
bought and sold at loaeot
current rates.
IINTENEB'reAmmOwaD 0ND1itOi .
ex. LOUGH, lIanager.
Pee.175 leer. •Clint
• Farmers wishing to insure will find. this .COm
anyone of the' best and cheapest to Insure in
d will be waited on at their ntes if informa-
n be sent to tlae Agents' office. , -iy
as. Thompson, Town Agent G.T,R.
•Moneyadvanced on Mortgagee and Noteii ofliand
Draftimmed'payabls' at par, at all the offices of the '
Merelattnt's Bank of Canada. New York exchange
bought and Sold.. PRIMPS ATENTION TAM To Con- .
LBOTIONS throughout°. anatift andthe United States. '
, SALE NOTES BOUGHT atelose'rates and Money
advanced to fanners On their oWatiOtes ,fOranylength
of time•to snit the borrower: ,A11 reareeteele securi-
Mee bought and sold-. • 1 • •
, ,
Ileuxens IN NEW TORE. AGENTS 08 885
"• MERCHANT'S Belie oerize,
A. J6111,?ST0N, 3; 1'. T. A. GALE
• Stratbroy., ' •Clinton. . 'Elora
• .3. PENTLAND TISDALL, Manager.
k Watch and ClockMaker,
JEWELLEg; cte.,
wonia respeotianyannoinee to his customers and the,
public genorally,that be has removed into his former
'building, on
Whiore howillkoop on hand a select asaortment of
Clocks, -Watches, Jewellery, and Silverwar
of all kinds.
Which he will sell at reasonable retell. Repairing
every description promptly attended to.
Ciinton, Dee. 5,1878.
• Descriptions of Property,
C. RIDOCT, Clinton,'