HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-10, Page 9. 10 1882 A...-u.gust . . 5 - - . i , , . careless conduct has had her - repute damaged for lile bY. the 'cruel commentaries " WE AND ,OUR MOTHER." , A. rormirgoax.r. ELITNGE. - , Illfetteta Caitunris SAILOR . •••••••--- , , „ WIRE syirrita ABDUCTION CASE. , . • ' of elder women, Who think the:best , __-...-a-, °Weer vrtt Ducked fn Blab Drowned, Beaten and Albaseld ,at A jkow4rd iiiktioro"--'-d,, But No complaint Laugh, on To-dav. Laugh on, fair cousins„ for to You plaster for a ,dislimated, put is.to. be found in try- ing to make.others appear'what they, them- _ . . . . selves hail§ been: H that thiek certain of Treatment of the Canadian Parliament's „IriSh .Resolutions bY Britain. 1 . , '' •Nlakiirits ' . • An extremely &Miming affair, at leastin the :termiriation of it off:tarred •recently at ' - • ' . - ' ' . • HingStott. • • . • A last (Wedneeday). night's -Kingston . despatc/s says.: The sehooner A. L. Haggie ' Lodged AG Vet. . , „, • Mr' Melvin Smith has offered a re a d ' - • w r of 81 006 for th t f th bd t.-": f 4 Orfit. 0 . 'arraH8' All life is joyous yet ; • l'our hearts have all things to pursue And nothing to regret ;.. • And every.flower to you is fair, And every month is May; • You've not been introduced to pare., Laugh on, laugh on to -day. . .01d Time will fling, his clouds ere long 'Upon those sunny eyea; , • The voice whose every word is song Will set it,elf to sighs ; . your quiet slumbers, hopes and, fear.s Win chase their rest away; . . To -morrow you'll be shedding tears,, .,.. Laugh on, laugh on to -day. ;Oh, yea, if any truth is found . 11:1 -the dull schoolman's theme; f frieadship is au empty sound, And love 'au idle dream; ; mirth, youth's playmate, feels fatighe Too soon on life's long way,' ,At least he'll run with you a league- Laugh on, laugh on to -day. • Perhaps your eyes may grow more bright. As childhood's hues depart ; You may be lovelier to the sight - And dearer to the heart; You may besinless still, and see The earth still green aud gay; But what you are you will'not be- Laugh laugh. to '7. • ' ' the dark dont:I-but- be drawn back! ,The ,wcindering weal& *mild see then the true, shape of this pretended spirit of righteous . judgment, and would read the truername' • , , .branded across the ,forehead. Bur. we: canno't look ,behind men's. aotions to' hnd the hidden motive and the clonded truth, and so We are led astray by this, seetaina , and that, and by none' more than by that severity of judgment which seems to be sp' .righteous ,and SO faitlifial, end is instead so ' sinful and so insinoeie., , . . . ; • ' ' • - . - ., CONCEALING TRH TRUTII. ,' • .. ' • - ' ' . . . - Between lansband and wife eometime . - 1 . pase in public the r3weetest complinaents the 'moat endearing expressions. • Strange . t is it not, that alie has leo : often th6e6 red , and. swollen ,eyplids.• which tell., of' tears.? • : that when her hueband speaksIto her in his. oily voice and with his utactuou6 arniaba ' l't of ma r he seems t ,o s nu as : rona i.y__ n.ne • s b - k f a brow, and to =ewer in the ;same strain, with difficulty and . ,reluetance t ,TIlis' extreme . affectionateness is the eeeming." .The reality in private es the opposites extreme of diseord. The:. tur-tle dotes•of . A. : CAUSTIC CRITIC'S -Mr:" t". , . ..____....--• . ' '• ' ' Strong Slailenients in Begard to Canadian . ie., uty and povotion. ' .. • "-, , ,, A cablegram from London dated last eFriclay) night sayS : The followin.g are ,the 1 of KinaberleY eraet worde used hy the Kar ,. in reply to the address aclOpted by the to aeieh Canadian . Parliament relating , affairs . Her m y ). w . ' ' - • " ' ajest wi 1 al ayS gladly TeCeive the adVice Of , the Parliament of ' . , - . - .. • ' ' Canada .on an matters retataag to the Dorniuion', •and. the ' 'administration. ,ef its ,affairs ; but in resPect to.•thet;qiiestions ''shoreil, referred to in the address Her Majesty will, - • ' '' • " ' - ' • re.' •'- - ' ' , an accordance with the consktutioti of this ' - coun ry, aye roger. o e a viee o , e t h. d t ' • th d • . f th ' i '' 1 P I t ' d . 1.1" ' t mperia ar 'amen -an inis ere, , to h in all matters relatingto the affairS of W ° ' - ' ' the United Iiingdoni exelusively.. apper- taite ,, . . • . . , . • as'. 1," • • .,, • • ' • ' : "h lineS editotial commen.tnig, on t e a reels says.: i ta e earaes , esire dd "If 't • th ' t Si ' '' of the Canadian' Parliament to renew, an . . • ' • ' '' : Lewisten, and it , shows. oar citizens that .eleetione 'bathe Stat-e,a.' are not a -Whit more exciting or violent ill their PartiSanSliip th th ' f C di . ' . all are ose o our ana an 'neighbors, if they ate as much SO. , It seems that a., couple' of Canadians one named Williams* and the ather a; mist°, na ho se office d , . s , . u • .11811131' ' owery, who ie stationed opposite. Lewis- ton .on the Canadian shore, obtained a . sma oa an ca.me over o Ilbt cl- t L 't• ems on on the day mentioned. The . trip . over was a ' very pleasant one, everything, eYea te the river and. the' . . hoat, gliding sntoothly on ' After ., . their , arrival , on' "American however, • a change.. gradually 'Occurred. , They commerieed, to talk polities a dangerous 'bitsinesse for even , , . , - sober • men, and . we . don't • mean t h ' 't ' f d b ' - t ' ' - h . o aye i au erre y this G atement t at . , • , . : they were not sober. However, Canada; 'being at this thie i th. r limi ' th - . a ,ep e , nary roes of ,a. very, exciting election contest,: the result Wes that their disagreements waxed , . . . . warmer and. warmer: A length they • _ . sts.rted .out on their return trtp, the die- cussion having by this; time beeome very from Chicago; arrived -here an& anchered! in the harboi.--- The ' --la- - . e • se (loner ,, came a Crew of nonunion me.n. During the even- .." g th f b " " If f in . ere were rumors et rewtrig raise le . About 10 0'0100k last night twelve : ' : . men boarded the vessel and were met by Oa t": pson., w o as e w a was wan e . Thorn h k d h t ' td 0 , f th t 1" ' . ' ne 0 e Par y rep led that theY Intended to have a matinee, They then asked for the crew andforthyvith co ' d ' . h , , . mmence searc - lag t,he vess.el• The mate. s and twn ' of the crew were ashore, The two remaining, easlors, Albert Moore and JaLaGS Ellis, Were . . . .fonnd , and subjected- -"te. brutal treat- ment r t • ' ' • Fi st hey were, , jerked upon, the deck and -their hands tied. behind them. .They 'were then hoisted-- into a , .. . • • . . . • , dingle and earned off totsards shallow at h .' th t ' f ' 't t " e, W _, er, w ere e wo un or una es, wer thrown overboard and, repeatedly puehed under water aiad strick on the hea.d More' , . , . . , dead than aliveathey were finally taken' 'ashore, beaten black and blUe and desetted : . • . , . , ., Ellis and Moore, : wounded and' bleeding,. found their yvay . toward the City park,, ' where they reinained for a iime, ' but were,, d00 his oh' idds Arthur° eois le t - a - --,.... • . . a SO en ea.vormg 0 na uce the mayor to offer a reward. In , spite of this according to th th •ty f . ' - ' ' ' 8 au 8r1 ' 8 ' those about the Police' Court who might to .. „, k th' I ' ' • ' now, no ing can egally be done towards the arrest ' f h ' ' • o t e mascreant,s until.,Mr. Smith makes a formal complaint in et - • . W I" - - mg before the "Police Magistrath •The 'city . detectives 'hi .' • nt that they have no ' ' t• 1 ' ' • • • ' ' ' .par icu ar encouragement : to persevere in ' 'the' eearch as they fear that when the. Inen , r were captured there wmild be no prosecit-, , •tion and besides.that there wo ld b ' " action 'for false. arrest.", The - priVate ' ' • ' - f - detective egenoies eel the same, and this , hae caused a hesitation on• their part to ` follow up' their Mlietaries.- ' A '. proinineat ,, Court House official informed the reporter , that if any on ' ' ' ' _ e attempted to arrest one .of 1 . the abaneters, as the ' matter new -stands,- and tha,t th • d' f t h uld . , e man in ,angero arres s o draw' a revolver aad shoot his would-be Captor dead nothing -Could be done to hire ' , .. . , _, , as it required as warrant to' make: an , . . - arrest legal. Astthe caso stands attpresiebta--- the may have--Suspicionseef-a------ . on, on -day. the table.d'hote are tlie' garnececite of their • 1 It d expression o ... a unswerving oya y an f th t . - • • - l • .. e . d ' . , , ., hot- and personal in its nature and: the . chased. later in the night by the ea,me . . ,detectives-, . _ number - of men, andeyet unable to'• lay , ' , i ss st ' THE, SEEMING AND THE -Rm. ,. . • .• . . . : • their aneiet to awn apartmente; and ' in . Y . hide the truth from the world. they over-, step -their line and overact theispartssitow- :little we know, of the reality that .underlieS devotion, so .entire y innocent an , even ., . . , - h ' praiseworthy, every .well-wis er of Canada will piofoundlY regret the extreinely unfor theate Manner' ia which ' her- repreeenti- . to 'sa,tilaft-r 'Had . . . .. . , a . . farther. the went the more , furious it a . Y. . . . . - : , Yecanqe; until having 'reached About ' the middle of the rnighty.Niagata (Whitih.fl.owS here . at the 'rate ,of ' about forty Miles . Po dl • war y crew who had . .conanaitted,' the; ,- . previeuselltrage. ey ran, aeout the city,' ie. -Bowed by theemuffiansa•and .ohly ,after much troubte found, shelter until mornirig... hands on them . As nothin Could be done- until a, prosecutor appears :and. swears, put s ',an affi.davit,the whele affair -seem§ doorned , to be to the list of andiscovered ,, • • Some of the Hypocrisies of. Every thie brave seemiag. ! We inaY. have our • • ' " ' *Id • ' - tives ha,ve attempted itt, th ' ' b i ci 's nable love We liarill • e DAM een o.. is e . . , , , Y an hour, and .is at treacherous stream withal' with a : .s ift , ' d to Their inju,ries. are quite seriotts.• At !this' time the harbor is very full of Anaeriean .added - :crime§ that. have .„ preceded it.-Illentresil '" Star • " " " . th suspicioas-7 , pse re ene eye i ,s an ear- . d l'd dt , knew how they could haor•e effectuallY hitye- • , , . w . tin er- yv , ) , . . . , . . • -- Day Life. -.• . f al eyes notharnionieing with the endearing, . epithets so. laYishly bestowed, the small: - SSG a an y , sen ing sue .an com a ' & 't th la d'' - h a ress a suo , a ame, jus w en er ddtp ' t 'h t• ' • t h ' H Willianas.. made up• . his. nand.. that. he , . , . must end, this contest then and there, • ., vesselsaand, it le -believed tha.t the assail, ants were from Toledo and Chicago Verjaels. The Preeident the Searnen'e .• •• . • . The preparations for the Dominion Exhi, :. , THE CANTING ' PIETIST. careas So tenderly .given, the, minute. atten, ,.tion so faitIfullytoffered. Still peeple are. Maieetv'e Gavernment .was, engagedein :a • - d * 1 eth ' • h d d't• . severe ssrugg e wi anarc y att :se 1 ion and would advance .quenchieg argunaents. •He, accordiogly quieklY grasPed,tbe eaten- - , . , e . • • of ,Unien Was' inteeviewed, end said that the Kingston , . . . . ,. . , , e , , bition at Kingetaii are being rapidly pushe'd forward.% ' • . : ' , . ... .. _ accepted pretty Much ' as they appear, .asad' iii Itelands ',Canadian -loyalty ' •and ished. custor,n ,house official ,around the unien was in no way responeible for •the, ' --- ___.4,,..-- . . the canine:id felicity of: this husband .with. e d • ' . ' '''' th f ' I . b evotion 'assume e, . orm o .. a pu - .. waist, and befoke .he .conld iinegine his . . ., . . outrage. . Setaistisfr T.S.e.det-Se.t..?ft-s-'srt -.-‘,c.' " THE SO-CIAL "UNDERTOW. • , . • "(From:the London Queen.) No lesson is more te be insisted- on :than. . . , --the need of sincerity of living. ' This dies' not mean that we are to proclaim alit our lollies on the house -top -to present to each . newcpmer a list of our fauits, ands foibles under the name of honesty-tepublish the family calendar and make .a :thew of . its hidden skeletons -to -turn te the' light the . . , ... ,the fiery eyes and•the silky voiee and of this ' '. " wifetwith the ,swolues eyelids 'aiid.gracious. nianner is taketatts of cou,rse, for. whe can . . - t " • ' - h r 1? ' disen angle the seenamg from, t e ea , , . , , , ,. . . . . , Pastate te. metware-nooms: . . , , . a 'How. little We know ; bf things as they • , . . are/ - We ask two peeple together and plate them side by ' side; ignorant that ,the Most deadly hostility reigns between tliem, or, haply, last night there' wa§ wild eonfes- • sten' of hopeless love and•a sec t.. ' ' t '' _ , _ . . re .given . o lie fornaa.1 recommendation ,that rehellion. : arid teeascin 'should be 'legitimized .bY the - a - ' fth ad ' df H - R I t. ' coucessiono e eman or ome. u ea a • • ' --, ' , - time when the Government had avowed • : , ' ,' , • : • • itself unable tp answer for the preseavation • ' - ,of a senablence of •order without: imprison- . - - • t • . • . . i nig the ,ringleaders o the Irieh, consp racy. EXactly three .days before the -minder 4 a a two- Of • tee Queene servants du. 'Place i Park,,,Her Majesty",e.loyal, devoted subjeets, at the eafedietance-of thr.eethausandnailea take intentions, suddenly duriap,ed him, .out of the, boat into the river,. yeey nearly ting it in the ' struggle:., It is needless to . , .. .. „., . , sa that oldies were Indefinitely post oned Y • P - . . . . .P . and it was With scone. .difficultY that the . ... , • , .., . , • . remaining arguist, vino evidently was -left . ,. , , • ,, . . .. , . . master of .the .potition by Ins . coup. d etat, imeceeded in .securing from hiri very danger- _ d ' d - •t t* • h• ' • ous au . amp . SI ua ion, is now therou hl • coeled -ante briiettin. the late. g 'y f ' . d •-.7L g'I. ' : iT l " . ."". warm war d Wor is. .9q Toi't . ottl'iza : . • ______. _. • .- Natiare'S.Itemed ICS* ' ..., • , • . : ..,• - , , •Naturetefull of renaedies for,the dieeases of man and animals .. but man hati eought s .. , out 'manY• invention:4 which being based Ma . . . . . , . wrong principle .either do not cureor curing de '1 'h h• d ' -. ' one isease . eave e, In another , equally bad. .Thit by.. going direCtly 't° natare a differ t • It • bt • .d A' h 1' ' b 1- . . ea.. resu ts o ame .. ea ing a sam Of wenderfuLefficacy istoliticifet-frec& th h k ' f • d - ' ' - ' • e ar o wil -cherry together with certain , . . . . , gum resins of a fragrant character such as' . • - 'elteses. '1 •test..t •• • I:. tee '''`- tea -NV-- s" s es t, I " , - : sit .0 seamy side of our finances and the ugly side of our tempers-th have uo 'reticence aboet keep.wliich Must never:be • betrayed -and , will' neve.r be,forgotten; Le the -seething of: from the ' centre bf . the ctiaturbancee Upon themselves to Pray that theee• gentle: . , • • . :.'. - , ' ' ' TIIE NEW' AMEX:KEAN CA.R.DINAL. . . . . , • • . „, . • exude Pram white pinesaiad fir. ' This cora- , • . • - - , - ' . - -, oination or nature s choicest remedies for , a , oUr affairs and no reserve about: onseelves. This would be to be both. foolish and. indeli- . • Pate, to weary our company with Our egotisth and to disgust . it with our want of that • naodesty of which the .name is self respeet. . Still,. to the full the need that, Merely . , tepidly _frie-ectly , inainiler. lies the reality of .-a herittag• ifie wbich se. eonsuming .. the . very life , of the oile - arid,' destroybagthe peace of thp other-7as in the. . , . . . . . , , seeming ,"of ' that 'quiet . accord 'and 'undies . is meu be allowed Me enjoy the inestimable blessiee of perabnal liberty,' Englishiideas ot ley alty 'and devetion certainly suffered . . • . an extraordinary haverision In crossing .the . , . Atlantic if they inspire euch ' ,recklees,, pre,- . , interference with problenee with • , . • -saes- - . • Arrhigsf.nrii Feekan's- Elevatitin . to tile , '. - - . ;, 1 . . Btatt Office. ' - .' • . .. . • - , , ., . s a rea y rie y , s a e, , ,e . espa c • - A 1 d b•fl ttd d 'th fre R h ' 'be ' ' • ' d ' . - ' . na. • °roe as een receive announcing onefis 'cold 'd 11 thr ' ' . d i . " ' ' c p .,,. . s, enters __ oat an ung eoni. plain ts.18 known as Dr. Wileon's, Pulnione -,-, • .. . - ' ary unerry Balsam, and has worked mar-, 11'. .' •-' ' ' ve o.us cures. .In ;fact ..it. has never been k t f '1 . la ' - d ' • ' nown o ai w . on trie underecircum- ' ' ‘..; 11,GIO:isattee•eass-, . ' ' ' ' ' ..-p• 1.'...' f .. .,, :.,- - Sas t •s.as , , ,le,,\ 'it • • 7 riti ,11 l'T- .1' ' .* "'..L. \\ . ca at_VeRess, SS: - .,,' ,e4.102 -.-F-..--..' ti ma-- 15 't ___a.r.-ae. -...a granting at all turbed peace, an .enmity which would, 'strict, .s.urripttions -true 'character have little. that, the; Meet. Rev, John 'P. A, Feehans stances at all favorable: Do not then neglect: 'it aa. .. these. restrictions, the worth of these reser.,-, vations, we go back on our first proposition and assert again the necessity .1 or sincerity lives, for ha.rmony -between the lead to bloodshed were the laws less 'Oorieeienee less 'i awake; ''pablic ,otainion less eduaated. Thit.who can know all thie lyiogr. does tvliose Canadians. , OppOrtanity bf itiforrriing theneselvese „The respectfel phrases in •which these.nnealled- • ' forrecommendations . are ,couched cAanet Archbishop of ,Chicago, Would be created' a Cardinal at the eat Ccins-t ' A Ch'e ge .n . . is ory. ' i a correspondent rsa iS of the. 'an. oint. t - . y • p men : " youe slight 'cough uutil beconaes a•church- yar coug e u ry Is me Lome an , e d " . .h b t t Ca" '' id .. ' ' d b ' cure . • . ' d ' ' ' • • ''' • ' - - ' '-"-- , _, CIPAL.+LIN ' .in our , seeming and the real', if we- are. 'to be worthy members of society and entitled•to the respect of our feltove.tnels.. . ' . ' ' . A DIFFICULT VIRTUE TO PRACTICE. - ... haderneath the smooth surface. es it T. . • ' • • ' 'the seeming so•unlike the real.! .: The woild imposes on us its laws of self, suppeessien. and the obligation of coneealnient; endue -one but the actors theme 1 k ' b • • .. ' .. • . . e ves now ow far .apart aret the -spokea . text •andathe .- . ' - ' t t at the arnount bluid.any otie to the fac • h . .y , . to a vote of censtiee oh I-Ier Majesty:6 Gov- ..Maynooth. :ern:Meat' and are au encedragement to her - t. a' lase to avowed. enemies. We • are 1a . .- - ' ... • determine Whether the circumstance that • , - • isis. l's. t I was. orn in , in . oun y 18"25d C "--' nap, .ree san , ,, .Tipperary,• Ireland.' • He was edimated at a , . College and left for America imme la e y en conap e ing ts e u ies • or d• t 1 • ' 1 t• ' h' t d f the prieethoodt .. He arrivedin 5t. Louie in, e a e • • th f 11 f 1852 wbere lie wa§ :assigned te . . . , . ,, . ' Oa Thurada night John O'Neill a gnard ' th ilit Y. ' ' t L 'rth- K th__ . _.e...no . Fy plaeoe a - eaveawo r 31,,, shot and killed ,Proyest-Sergeant John Henry. - O'Neill refuses, to explain .' ' ' - . ' ' ' ' 4A, The SHORTEST,' ,QUICE.ES1- and ' A ti 0 ' ' ' h -nd II' ' oa, 11EST. line ,. to. St Jesep ,,.,. poinis in Iowa, - p4 i,', Atchison, Topeka, Dent - N ebraska,Missouri,Ran- 'Otiiti., son, Dallas, Eat- , sii.1 New Mexico Arizona 'Mon " k - ' veSton. ' . '' . _ t , ' , .' pii'ci ' ' ' ft true kind is .. • , . . . . . Ano-Tadd•ress--is an • electione,ernag . , , 'Bepetior tuna a.,:d i'exas., • And yet sincerity of a . per-. haps the most difficult virtue to praetice, .these find, hode,n spirit But /may and • marry.tefe ,strange ' dramas . are ,. enacted in. . ,simply • dodge le catch the Irish vote .ought to be • . . . . . . excuee as aggravation or the' duty Of _of the . Eeclesiastioal , or. oys a aron e e . e was Seminary f B . t C d. 1 t.. H .Exe.reise. • • • • • • , • • - - • -. . • : . • • Exercise is aneceesity., prolongs life, • ' - (`, ME I .00 -El.. til- . . - . , , . as well as the, rarest to of all ia the catalogue. -N.-a-hat sincerity is there in that grave and• ietellectually convinced,' man -standing there as the embodiment of piety and really.bedeving.all that he sayS? He ' . has meetings at Ms on the crowded drawing rooms,- and Were A.s/no dens 1st work among ue still he would find plenty of shews wherewith ' te regale. his student' friends., peeriag . threes& the.:roof and reading through the ,linea. . . , .. , . . ,, - . ., - : rega.rded. an , -an for 'the 'Offence. • 11 the. More .. charitable -Viev,s is' taken, .it condemns the Canadian 'Parliament a§ gnilty of a leYity of theught . which Will. • sPrionsly , detract .• front. the . . . , . , of 'any .. opinion it May. somi afterWard tranSferred to.' the Church of the Inerna,culate ' Conception sin St. Louis; ;where . he remained , for •several ears In . the" ' fall s of- .' 1865 la • 3' • - : , . ". - •. • • • . . . . 8 - was consecrated Bishop •of Nashville, with . . ' ' it - and greatlY iniproves, lieiiag ; it, fits us'bet:. tee for our duties.; ,wttliout', it, We • do.not, More than half live: He only .who exbrcises stifficiently oan. skepw. lae jey eof . "geed, ea t , good „ appetite good . theestion • I o ,,, for for Albert . or rtifi p.011,1:::11.tilifinT1n0e:plIgiejrami st.,rata: , nee ss I - es ,s-- tZz..6-7 ,,. Nationally reputed AS ty-coaceded .t .. 11,2),z7z. , , bethe best equipped:, being the Great - •• Throughput . • Railroad in theWorld for. Line p ;.1. " f t ' a-' e0 ' a c assin e . rave . prayer .house Sundayes and he • gives Weekly lectures. to - the workingmee. onathe Wedneedayse--lec- tures all of a pious 'tendency, eschewing ... . 7r.ia![ E JE.A.NNET.T.E. ' . • . , - .-,---- .. - . • - ' . • ' - Alleged ErtitalWreeinnent 'ot a NeWsPaper .valde .fortn. Our. ". colonies , owe us - a great., .. deal 'and - Make . . a 'renaarkablte. einalt re- • , • , . • , 'turn. We • nurse them. through their , urisdictio n over the-ehurehes wade other el° tee i u ions f. ,. rin sae°, sue: jCath l'' • t't t'.' la ' Te e - ' . • . ceeding.Bishop Whelan' who was the 'suc- • a a. _ . ate ' th . fi t • -13' li• . -- . • , , ' ' te•freshing sleep. It tcauseS sthe. bleed ..to circ.ulate quickl3S,...freelY and .equallYS. and - 11 • d' ' . - th ' bl • - I ' ' ' '• ' ' vsi • . rive away , e , . ,ues, . t raceease.s , : . . .. , . A 1\T S AS CI TY science as dangereue, literature aefrivolous, . . and 'pure ethics, -devoid , of doctriae, . as little better that disguised • atheism. He thinks . balls a t siaa,re : and . theat.n.„..., a sin, and the Wildest recreation allowed.' his children is a Concert ,When. • He if 'Lie • , -. Correspondent.. , . ' - . . - . • . A. Washiegton . telegram • siva : . It is alleged. that- when . the Arctic. steamer . jaw/nett° eatered the lee DeLong dendasided • , . 'the. notes ptepared by Collins, the %Herald, Cerrespondents . The :jOurnaliet • refused . to .thena; puling, infancy, insure 'for . their youth- ant : • . . .• • . . ••• • oppoetimity. fey tranquil, undisturbed growth, and ourrewardushally is.: that as ' soon'as they. reach sothethipg-,approttching . ,. . . • , . . . • manhood they . displa,y tndependeime hy ••• • • , . • Putting prohibitiveerestricti Ve taxe.s . upon ' is cessot et, Bienop , i. es, , e rs .. ie op. , m. i appointed' 'for, Tennessee.. . Under lus guidance the Church grew rapidl in:wealth. and. numbers. ' Ne ' chnrches Zasre estab-- I h d ' '11' h ' .v!' • ' ' s • , . Is e In a :t e 'Important cities. aim tovsns an missionaiy s a ions au . many o , d ' • ' • - t t' ' • • f the more .renacite districts' at; .the State: ' Li' ...eyerYtpar.ttof_thetbod_tra__Itsinvieorateetithe respiration, thitabringing a: larger quantity - • • - • . a . ' of the ehixir. of, hfet oxygene th . purify end vithlize 'the blood. It •rounds ,,ancl,haidens the nauscles, and edueates thena• intosever• • - • • - a • . . - . • . - ready, faithful ana efficient. eervants of. the - . • .. a • • - • . • . will. .. it limbers the jointh and strengthens , . .alt Connections made .. • .1n Union ' • Depots. - . .. Through. .. Try it, , - e. ., ' . i ickets.ila.this and .-you will i . _ , celebrated Line& find travellng:n., , e .. . , • -. . ,, :Beethoven is .played.• talkii . as,. were sure of his own salvation,. but had. -grav.eataueeteasiceabtAliat of his.. 'friends, surrender andea_Seenee_occurred,_ _o_utectompieibeat_Oure_b.ehavior_ta_there Collins was placed, under. , arrest; his ,,slicet largely regulated by a kind. paternal feel- ids' 'Us is gun taken from hire and •:frona the -ft -tithe' ing -and s their thellavicir etpwa ,.. , e-rstits-n-il a ettradee-Bleho ebeetill-a-ft--"hee P . • PP. . .. P-. . . . . '. ueually striking. He is over sitt • feet .in lin - hei ' ht 'with black . hair. ...and, .a plea ' 8112-gl Mind, and renderi it actiVe and efficient in . it . ' ' '. - .. ,.. • , . •, ,. , a 1.th operattona., _let _ as .. _ ---,,litsary-, instead ; - .. :Pi at all oracesin , .. the IL .. and ' ' 'of a ,dts- , • • , • .. . coniforti ' ' - Canada.. and he talke as he -feels,..fer he feelS,that he , . has made his peace switli. God,. because•ef • .. , __the fervor of his. faith and the Uncloaded 'indignities .Collins' wail not 'allo'wed•to carry -a gita• and shaped. npon cbranaermitiprinciplesorstrally-e-- •waa eubjected , to, : the 'IMmilitition . and 'false ones,' Tbey expeet ue tedefend.them ., a , .. _ .. 1 eatio , , .. ... . e . ., e . 6. .11 • . . , •. a gular.prisoner. His, offer. and, rr.galat o r fleets and armies .aceord ' ectual countenance. .He is ,a far:fancier . intelF ' ' ' ' " f . k d ' • ' -t' . lift - .I- • D ' ' ' ve a i i y., .. .n ecem, o .ntar e. , execa i . , . ber '1879 the P.apal•Seeat Reale appointed . • • , .. . . ' -:---- ' 7.--E very watering place Where the art 'of. . • . • . . a.dvertiaing iS well understood •is going...to AN__ infermatloh about Rates"..or . ates ; Fare 'Sleeping Cars . ' yen by- 'certainty of his. ,conviction.s. • -And yet; to ,render • assietence was' Liefessedats-When 'haelya ' Ia---returntthey -bey-from. ns What- t._ :hi*. Lott tieteeted-theelatesEiglittRey."•T homes . 9ntertain the .GoVeriier General and Prin. • '' etc.,' eilecreully.el . - -------- • - - , . whatever may be the peofeseien.on.which he lives, he takes to utilize fo his ...the pstreatvias'begun he was forced teWelk :ever they cannot get as. cheaply, 'elsewhere. . . behead the siedeins,tead of, the They attleeet treat, ue. Vvith. the FOle • ' B• h f Ch• ' '' ' d . t th y sag . is op o • tcago, an • a , e cess a few days in An (met .. • ' ' ., , , . . ; 0 • • , -so---.e.- L J. POTTER; ., . . PEFICEVAL-LOWILL, : 3(1 Vice Rreslt i6 (7.en'liffa7iager,' Poi. P089. AN., . ca.re owe advantage the mammon of unrighteeutmeee,, and to line his nest with -the golden moss aidipg others ,.mtght• , in the atdueus. work.. - It ia•hot expected resPeet mad, aburteey we receiVe at the that an iaveetigatiOn. into the lees of . the hande Of Our 'melte". . -begin ' ' ' same time. made ChiOagean arohiepiseopal: .. . see. . re is ,op, . ee an is yery pepu ar A' hb' h F " h . - - • I ' -here.. . ' ' ' • . ' .. • ., . . . • a • ,, '' ' The BOrse's Friend. • • . , - "Last springI had atwoyear-oidfilly that • - chica&e. Ill. .. ..Clileago,114 .. • 'J. SIMPSON, Agent.' . .. ' , 99 Front, Street'EaSt, TOronto• Ont . . ._ .. • ..-, .. _ • . . of his neighbor's treasury and the silver jea.nette will uniil. Melville :returns. : , ." . - e -, 'FLEECED,. • - - • ' --. - • • .' • had. the horseail .for two weeks se that it '1. •'- ' ' ••' ' ' . . ' C• I ED •C feathers. oi hie neighbor's. aviary. , ;Yet all the while he 'is sincere in his faith.;• only,. he has not come th that better truth 'which' . . ." •• _, _ - S' • • • IN. DAILLIGIIT.' . . . ... ''','-ehle„SitesSisoll Eli,. Pest., ' • ' - ..Mr.:Wm. Salandere,,.ef 'iLaricione. writhe -a now. an Ontarity,ftllan..n•asr,Botibed, Ilw. . . . . .. . . , - , - . -. - . . - .., ,,.....,, •,,.....,.....„„....-,..,,,,A.- . - [Modern Extravagance in Fancrals. ' ' ' ''' ... ,' • - ..1';:: ' ' ' ' : ' :. ' '• . (p'rom Dr. Talmage's Last•ounday's Sermon.) * . ..' . ; • - .-„.,;,,, ' . . .. .; . - >, . ,,, . , d scare ly t (th th t 11 end . e„ ea e roa as swo en ' . •ranil: almciet ' shat).atabv.-usini Dtt. DoW's. - • ,.. : . . • -, .. - I . . , Sturgeon - Oxl Liniment •for. three. or - fonr. K ETI... N • . , ', ' ' \e , ' ' .. -.; ' >,-, IN: te-,.. • '.'""' • -- ' .C.-.1 '----- 'X'"41,. makes practistuseuntre_sv,ith_precept . Row- --WshileateseaAreeall-r,ejoieling-witik-he-foirders many of .us; indeed, have ? With the words' of that sweet cha.pter in Corinthians:0n , our lips -those words which teachttle what is charity,.and . exalt it aa the. chief ef all . ' - virtues, we are intolerant of the enaalleet 1 aults of othere, suspiciouapf their Motives, ever ready to ascribe 'evil rather thee geed, and te be wrathful . rather than forgiving. But were WO taxed %with ' insineerity ..we should deny the charge, and say that we - . did believe.in the value of charittit anti we. oal.`Y.'"i Th.r-c- . . . . . .., , . , • , , . _ , .. ,. ,, as, ', . -. • in the proapeet of an ,obundant.Wheat. hers '. nim6el,f "'-1.'"g !' Wais°"' ' ' ' yeat,.itis bur duty to.eall. attention" te 'the . A . • h • -s,r d . b the train . ... young man w o arri e o , , fact that' .tbe Hessian fly . haat. a.ppeared ireea r,b6 south this ,morning, had a long: . . - - g e • ' , r - . .. • ,... , . . . again; tn, ,consider,able . or ,e In some 'opal-. story,to. tell, to. Police. Omcer English. at ties in thiS dietrict; . and. its .presience,Will neon•tiaday, ..He'said that he belonged to-. doubttess . haYe. the , effect,. ,in ' manyein• 'the toWrithip.Of Escniesing; eounty of .Hal: .stanceS, : of ' • considerably-': reiiiiaing'. the' tone Ontario, ' ' d th t '11' ' athe ' was. a an a , is • n ' ' antieipated, Yield, . •On , eaamining wheat - Riceatd NiXens '. Oh. his arrival here he fell fields at the , preSent, tinae areong - the ' - "th•th" - t• ' 0 " 11 d li'' ' lf , . 'n wi ree .par les. ne ca e , imse . . upright stalks with fulilieads wilLbe found. .e T• '''. Wel ' ' d • repre • t d •that he, . • ,, , . . . ag , - a son , an sen e . otherestmore. t or lees reclining,. , some' was the great Englieh pugilist of that imam.' --elegrirettlan-fun , up town , . . , • , ' .• New York' the . facts, ;authenticated. The undertaker was notto blame• .he only sold . . I . , theist "'What, ' they: ',a6hed, 'for. . ThedonlY . . . ,.. . . . . , , blame was.ferthosp,who bought when. they, knOw. they cOUld net Pay :. - a , . •' • • ' e "e .Caiket,"cdvOred With LYObs velvet', ' silver '' ' mouldi • • • 'Heavy- plated handles - " • ' ; ' :6.0 Solid. silver' plate,' e ngraved. in:Rothan ,. ,.. . letters • . • . - -• • - 75 Ten linen scarfs , • ' ' ' ;', ' . . 3.50 • . Floral, decoratiOns . : .... .: ... . . '...., ..... ,,,...•.....,..... 225 -IirV:inetye:net • . • -• • d cl 1 daya• it was entirely cure ; signe times .atint; • • . . - •te • . ... • • ' ,..1 - ' - T his letter cart es to. but one-oft'a - .- • . ' • ' I a• . - ' • - • long number o . iseases of the 'horse ,kind th t ' th* ' .. A . t ti - - - a is. renae y, ,opris an y . is, curing, . wind . gall, founder,. ringbone, scratcheis, -Scurivy; hardhoof, aracked heels greaSe . etc , tc 'all.fitid:its'virtlieS. Witli'''t ' 1)."''. ' '! ,:.. .,. .. .. .... .. , ;• ?..S.1_, ...te.PO9S, session .a. termer TS' a veterinary Bur eon ' th ' . ' ' f .th h - ' ' g jj'' ' , e resources;,o , e p arma,cppteia at is hand. .- It cannot-. be Tecombiended too . - • - . . -- ' . . . • , highly. , . . • 'IV' . 'TRADE MARK. arli.le, : ' , . . 4'` _s--- ,, , .,' .,(BRAIN,8,..Nf-,'Rvc. EOM .,',.--5:;',' .. OR . . . . ,-. .... , . .. FT,.... .1 • isa stre,,prompt and' effeetual -reinedy Nervousnees an' ALL its ; stages,. weak Atereory LoSs of 13rain Power,- 'Seittial' Prostration, 'Night SWoata, Spermatorrhcea, Sereina.l.yireakness General Loss of Power.' It repairs 'Narver:is Waste,•Rejuvenatee the Jaded tnteneet; Strength eraithe EufeeblerliBrain and,Restores Surprising' one' an • Igor , 0 , 0 . ans 9 • Amore T ' d V" t th 'Exh ' ' t A G - Or.and. The ,experience, of thousands proyea '.an Invaluable Remedy. ' The medieineis pleasant, . . • • and::. ' , - t' ' Ivo -. " '' ' were prepared. to. carry it into ' :practice' only not in this special ease. . This special case calls for reprobation., not.' mercy for. lying.fiat ., en .tlie . greund, while in other The.newly made friends induced' ,himete Placee tlie.wheat eppeare as ifes lodged '' in. t k .' lk td the Pr' - ' . Wh ti in .. a e a ,wa •On on aim. . e patches by etorms.s. :On exanaining. these the hashes ''. Tug " Inideked Urn down' and ':his raarere lic'''?ir tacit ithe ;11°T", ..; iig Th ' ,f ft. . 1 g tyn.i...1.ug e ceme ery ., . , , eu 1 een ,othei important expend), . .. , , . •tetess emanating. to . .. . . . 33o . " ' ' '. " .- .F•reieht tr '' ''.7-oTlirdT ' ' ' - ' . . . ,,, alias, c , near, Bleetregor, Ia on ,Thursday tieht . on the Milwatikee• • et , , e„.. - . . . . & St Paul. Roau. ...e ireman . Hibbard end : to tiae. taste; and each beta.° contains sufficientfor,, ' .two weeks'medication: end .is .the ebeanestaird best ' '' • • ' , - . - ' ' • - . • . • ' '' . - • ' • ,. . . - Full particulars. in our ,pamphlet. which ., ' chastisement, not forgiveness, and. we are the executants of a higher law' Ai' .refiasing to accord this divine charity to faults- so base, to sins so large, to motives ee. trans- reeumbent 'etalks. many. of them .Will be prOceeded tege 'through tpockete. • .He . fouud withheads . very ..imperfeet erid the , had hisi purse inan insideveet pecket and stem infested.with the Hessian fl- ' li• i h d h -dth t 't ' ld ' t b cl: d a ,_. . ., . Y In w a a . ope , • a i wou no e iscovere . is anown as issasax seed state', a chrysalis " Tug;whowever, found it and pocketedall .' • .. '' ' ' • All the expenditeres, added hp, being....: $1,870 for getting one poOrinertal to -hie last home. P h 't ' .1 ' 1 ' er aps a wou d have.beett al well if they. ' ... ' -1 e • .., ' . two tramps were killed. Several other per,- sons were injered. •, Mist Of the,cars plunged .over a hi h trestle .. • • ' • . , .g . .. e• tdesire to Mail free to any address... ,' • ' nook's . iplo,020.1, , modiojoa is sold 'druggists at.50 ets. per box, or 1.2 boxes ' . . .or win be mailed- free of., postage .on receipt the naoheysby addressipg ; , • - - ' .pa.rently impure. • - - eirrsibn snow. ' conditiori, when it raueli reeebablee 4 ; .al B.zer the money it obiatained-8235-and would. -form and.color . a grain of ilex seed. Th.' '' ' - ' ' . ' ' - - ' ' ' ..,. , ese have•done worse, • Nixon says, had it sleet are fon.nd imbedded' in the Stalk just above been for the advice of his cern' anions 's not JD had been .able to meet the eXp.endittire ;.. but when it"was known they could , not it ,, , s a ' t .. - was a villainy 1 There are families, .whos • in the effort ta meet -tlie •out , . , • , . • • • ' . Two huadred deleeetes from different. • a ' • ' ''......- . , .parts of the 5tate •ef. Annie on Thursday evening formed an' orgariizaticin to. resist • ' ITInek's Magnetic: Medicine Co.,, .._. ., , . - Windsor 9nte.Canada. - . old by all•druggists everywhere:s - • . et , . . . , , The difference between the seeming and . the reality of a man's life is ' else 'clearly, shown in hie income on the one ',aide sand -- ' ' - - •-.7 , --. - . . .the firSt or second jOirits fkone th ' ' d ' '. 11 ' " N' ' e groun , to kill the.fe ow. ixon never saw tne aad When handled the stalkWillfrequentlY Parties before but . ttainke he .cauld. reco - ta. . g br.eak off. at the joint :where ,tho insect is - • h ° 't h! ' th • a ' . . tame t. era i • esaw. em • a am. istanipe , ' .' - ' :..., ,,, , • - ., . - - ., . . , . e g' ridiculoue,' • ' • . • • . • • .' . rageous and wicked custonas of, societysin regard th obsequies, have actually, reduced then:wolves-to ' .They their- . • - ' • . • • -- ' ' ' prohibitory legisla,tion. , A large. sum ,war4 subscribed, .. . .. ' ' • " t '-CANADA PERMANENT' ' , ,. • . „ - . . . . . . &--SAVINGs_ COMPANY: his expenditure on the other. . YOU.go nate .. , . , a d le ged,. , : • a • '. ' penury p'it. last dollar in the ground. They • , , , . - • lmportaut",to •Sl'rweellere.' • .LOAN. _ .,'.. , ,. ' ... . • .- - . • - ' ' , .. • a fine house. and are well entertained. The whole thing. looks like• -Solid aak,, but in truth' • it is - nothing ..' mare, than the thinnest • veneer, •the , core eaten through ,with debt ' and difficalty. The house is in the furni- . .froilirtnieuitneses t4Oosoillog Noo. iii 'eoosOmi.,1101. . ' . . . , . , . . .. He vsas a Member et' 'the Oat' rio Leg' The Reno . . ' ' ' '• h " '. : (Nev.) journal. tells of t .e case .lature and', had *been eweet' ta a d 18- brA. Hs Barnen 'of that 'town,. Who .fi ate. . Oaltvillegirl,all winter' and had' otwakrenshaent bff •consum tion'b Weari•ng lt..:BilVe. tgube, jag:eau ,vvariteds bread: and'yousgave. them. ai stone: ... There' . , - . , , • • ifi . in. 'Etigland what ethey call:,.a., Funeral' • - • • • •,. Reform, Society. , , t, la high. time .we a .Fineh a reform eciciety, in our otvin.countiy.. ' This,veideepteadextravagenee iteceente. • . . • ., ... , . .. - .. ems, In .ucemen. s are. o ere yPa' 3' the'B li ' gt 'route ' It' ' -11 ••• Y , You. tan ur n on .... . • wi pa . , read their advertisepeent fo be folind ohm - . where in this iaanO. • ' ' • . . '' ' . . .. ' - . . .. ,.. „ , . ' • 'Ince;rersOrat ed,A .12. 1855 . ' .- .. .. , • . .... • ' , ' • PAID UP CAPITAL • - S2 000 000 , • ' ' ' - • - ' • • .. RESERVE FUND ' ', 1,000,000 ' TOTAL ASSETS•' • - : • ; 6,850,000; • TIRE staeatirsiNat , • a good quarters ture is ,fine, tb e appointment§ are all :of • excellent etyle and perfect taste. It looks like five thousand a year it the least, and it is not even one of the five. The trades- the banker' kuow the . to attend the sessions until she w ' we' 11 .Which • PeaffeS' bei the ribs. bite, the p st d - th l • • ' . ' • a8. .. l , • te . - ' • ' - ' , o e in e.ru es. ,, . . ' - a ungs, ,n 1$49.Mr. Barnes. was „declared Oa ' the:last ...day 'of the 'session, •as'tlie .an incurable "conSuraptives The luag.Wast , 'came near the peanut stand 'la k th y •ta d and he recoVered. In • 1863 -he was ' door ea ... ,, e „.. .ppe, . „ he' said to her. :. : - '' ' , ' ' ' .; b - h ''d' • h • h ' again taken down y t e isease, w en a , '" ' ' ' ' - ' ' • also for the poverty of religious institu .- ta '' ' • • ' - . ' tie ..at ' ' ' - ' h'' f 'la '•th .1 ns. . . en pay so . mum or s ow ey haVe nothing for God and, religien. ' We pay., in this eountry . 8'22;000,000 for the . • - • . t t . great benevolent. societies., ou • what are . f th o A- . ' Ptissian- . '' o ' • f ' Ro '• son o . e. _ , . nsul oe.. u mania" has been arrested :at. Odessa, ; on a . charge of 'supplying . dynainite to the Nihif eth' . 1 • . . , - - . , • . , s a .. -. „ • . . , ' • • '' - ' - s . ' '' • t - t Receives , rawness on Deposit at, eunent rit es o . , interest, payable half -Yearly, the principal; repayable on demand or on short notie . . • • Receives money for more,permanentinvestmen • , people and where deficit lies ; but they have to bear the brunt when it falls on them' and. to, help in the deception played off on the world at large. It is net for them to publish the reality in order to shame -aed deatioy the • an u o peanuts ? once more reser e o , e a e, an as May I offer You myl df " I f " t d t ' th t b d IL - She resPonded ' tl - ' .' - • ' ' ' ' ! ' ' promp y : . , • wore st conetantly ever since. There is .a " Laney° to amend b ' ' 1 f ' a 1 d h t tt M B ' ' y omittind a l a ter aa y • isc arge o rna er. , r. ernes ie the word ‘i hand:" '1 • • b - - ' - ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' a man of 'very 'regular and temperate He-, blushin 1 ' t cl. li de ' '. b. b't d ' t ' t b ' ' " g y accep e t p.ainen ment a 1 s ; oes -no uee o acco en . any, andthey adoPtedit .unanititiousl ' ' f ' t• . 1 t f . ' k' d t '1.i. dl • y.. „ a • orm, nOr B imu an a o , any . in , ar y 822 000 000 cl "th 895 000 000 f , , compare wi ; , Or o acco S.T1 , , , , or rm t b' c181483000000f cf. k9 H w -- - - - ' , • ° you. 1 e. 0 comparisons, . rea avis 7 de l'k th ' • ' . ' 9 G i 1 . ' h t • - ; . t f th ' Id • ' " t ' dl - men er . e. wor , grea nigger sness . sot God „ . . , , , ., • ' ' , - . . -,-, • _ ' ' ' • • ' . ' - In. the ienglish Llouse of Conimone yaStere day ag ternoon Harcourt 'refused to answer' ' ' . . • . . b . , • questions relative to t e arrest of 0 Brien in. Veimzuela for coanection .. with the . . murder .of CavendiSh and Burke, on the - for 'which Debentures are issued rivitli filtered , - codpons cataclied. • .', • . . ' , , c ' TOES Aisip / ESTEEM WO EXE ,,U. . It . ' . _ . . , . : - - . The laws -of onta,no authorize the luvestmett .of •Trust,FundS in thp Debenturee. 'of this' Com Tani'. .- . ,,. ' . . , i ation apply to, For furteer in, orna seeming. That has to come hy the action of time and the course of events. Still, there it iFi. the heart -hi is It was a hand scone weddin ' tit 't f 1 ' ' ' ' 'd" . pt.' ' .4-- g. a o • ever uses any me mine, exce ing some,. levied. : . • , . ' '' times a little iron for the blood ; is, always' • . • . ---. ' . . ,. ' -Chicago policemen utiliZe a telephone • . When they make an arresL They do not ground that it would be inconsisthnt :wtth . , the public 'intereets. ' '. ' . ' • ,. . S. HERHERT MASON, Manager. . • Oftlee‘-Company's Buildings, Toronto. .' , • - - • ' - ; and oale a mere shell, riddled through and througla, while theehandsonnerpolished, :glittering-yen:6er ..pftheTattfication i.,,, no thicker then so much blotting. paper, .no stronger than so mueh straw. . ' ,. . feeling well when the -hole 'in his:side is" ,The President has .made a „proclarna.tion _open te sometimes feeling-aheatinese-theree of the treaty between the 'but had got' used to thaL S When ' Mr:. Uitited-States,- Switzerland' mid th ' B ' ' - . - .a h -a . f.' : • ' ' h. , . o er con- , ernes conceive t a. i ea o tapping , is 'treating. pewers, giving the adhesion Of this lueg 11 th .I h ' • ' b ' i ' • ' t. d't ,-.8, e p ysimans u one scou e ,i 'h tdesertstheir-beataleatescall-aaj,waggentande their prisoner' is taken 'awe*. ' The New 'York policemen also' atilise the" telephone. , , ' When.one of tiler:St:80es. a thief 'going - down . . . .. .. , . , . ,. - . ----0.7-e, a ,„ - -----J'-oLitliirCtiffet, 9 'yearir of age, was run 'ovek by a train oe. the G. T.' 11, on Thins- day near the Berlin. statien ' and ihetantly, killed.his head being.cut.off: .; - .' , ' , - - ,, - .--t • . . . . . , - FARMS 'FOR SALE • ; . ' , i.N TincisIGAtor. • ' . . . • - - HIDDEN MOTIVES.. , . Again, a eeeming eg one color and, ,the reality of quite another complexion are to_ be found in the 'extreme Strietness Of seme •Gbvernment to the terra f e a W -at is known • as a thing 'that would proles' 'fatal, Mr." ate the GeneVa Red C,rosi Conventions 'pre.' B ' b ' d I • d •. ' t. ''' h. . ,. . ernes orrowe . a. ance an en open is vidingler the neutrality ,and .protection.ef, side himself. ',Ile then insert.ed a catheter ... . . an , revving o near y a q ar o ma er, .the•agentstefethe. Red Cross Sobiety while d d ` ff • ' 1 ia 1 f .' ' tt • ' engaged ' iir the work ef . relieving ' the, deamediate relief Wee ;found.' The- 'cough th t t h t 1 h t th 1 a s ree e e ep ones, e epo iceman whose boat he is aPProaehing a, e.Run for . . • yeur life 1 - 4 da,ngerous fellow is coming!! ----,PhiktlelP4itt News. - . ' ." • . . . , . , • - ei" e atarti' B Cket, h " ''s ' cl a hit n e .7 o - ou,rage w . . . . . VVIlen the -liver b,CCOMOS deranged -it is , . , .. . . . acconapanted with. shooting ,.pains ape tile head,' 'or a .aiiii piiin• in the 'back. Of the head; the bowels. are . costive', -the stomach ,Scild'for description, and • . , . price list. ' , ,..___ _ _ .... „ . . , • • • ..GEO. W. SNOVER, • lop, Griatrold street; Detroit Ditch.. elderly people's expressed principles and ihe lax course 'made iri the former years" . . . . , , when temptations were 'strong andweak- . . ,Sisifeaers from wars pestilence, faniine and and ea. ectoration sto ed almost instantl p PP • . , . Y .other national calatnities. ' • ., . ' - . , , ,e, and Mr. 13arries • was .soon. ;upon his feet • ' Anta'Parnell is dangerously ill•at Dublin ' •ri ' ' ' " . . . . , agai : , . „ ' ' girl, aged .12,, at Hampton Coart House, char • leston S. C. en Satarday, was takeia ' ' - • . S • ' . from Lag jail onWednesday. night and dYispeptio, and the' .urinci high cdlored.. Treatment e take Dn. Wil§onti Arati-bilioue and Preserving Pills. , , . • , , ,, . , . WESLEYAN.. LADIES' COLLEGE , , • HAMILTON , ONTARIO-- . , ,, , : . . neeses possible. The marvellous -propriety of some old creatures, frem whom time hes taken danger, 'but Who in teeir days *ere, - • noted for their love' of pleasure. and their flirtatiousneee-perhaps far ia excess Of• what those whom they now. condeinfitirses in:1m breaa fever,. brought on,bY the snevvs, • • . • . of the..sudden death .of her siliter. She does- .". A youn'g lawyer,' :front a `county, near. notrecognize any one: 'The:doctors enter- .Moutreal, is, missing. Ile was last seen at . • - tam slighthopes of her recoveryas-Chas, S. Belleville. He was a. .greatt faVorite• in ' , . Parnell hOs been ,telegraPhed for. Later. , political cirele.s and.- asPired 'tn fame.' , -Anita Parnell is.slightly bettee. . /On Ttiesday he went td• Montreal and 'col, lynched. A Placard Was found on • the b d 'tit . th - • d • ' " 0 ' , 9 y ysi . ese. wor 6 ; ur. wornen. must be protected." • . . • , • .. . • ., • Tbe Montreal post'of Iast night s.Atts an „ ' investiation us to be . instituted into. the .. ' . A , 'desp.erate but ,unsuccessful ;attempt, was thacte. • yesterday to 'assassinate, the Recorder, of. .Dublin at tIM Green Street titter •: • ' ' • + s p'' '' Court House: A omaned-P-Itz attack, who' was non-suithd• as plaintiff qii . tite 'fi.red - , , is a *el s ,. .... .WIII Ite-o en oil' Sentet ti • I t 1882 ' Th,c,...Firet Ladies' College .in. 'the boniinion • roughly equipped in Literature, Sciencell ..T,han°atiaces' Music crild ' Art- For . ter ' • ' • e . st '' s •• - • . Inq adchess he 1 automat s • , .. ' A.:iliac/its, ics..ni. 14,.,6, , guilty of I Dragone -in the Garden of the Hesperides are they now where once they were thievee who chose the finest fruit' for , . t. y apman, ea , :a . pronasneet. lected a considerable emilin the. inte.reste sidne CII ' 'N." i ' ' : ' . • of a poor client and went on a prolonged lawyer in Alexandria.. Va was arrested at ' . , ' • ' ' ' ' • ' • • . '• ..". Hpree With some , free lances. "When his. DenVer yesterday morning oil a eliarge of' . . .. . death: .of Afrii,' Ierael• Lemienx, swim. died from f 'ght on th 'ght of the' elections of ri ' e ni a une, a . ,r ain, , at,eau uay th 20 th J ' t St .0. li • ' Ch t g Civil Bill process; .at ' the Ateeorder' with a revolver• -in the opencburt. He was seized by the defeadatitiatid a policeman., . ,-. . ,.. , . . !_t_SI ORAYIA.1\T'S' ,: • • . • , • , their own share and broke. (Iowa feaees aeoording to their will. No human frailty receives the emallest pity at their hard hands, and to hear them you would think their_lives had • been as crystal clear ass their blood had been cold and their heartS • adamantine. To know the ,truth weuld Open to you a Viata wherein you would- See all but that which is. represented 'now. Many a young girl .of innocent hoer& arid moaerwee almost gone he was •seized.with entbezzling "832,000. froth ,Win Gravdo , ass , ' ' .' ' s n' conapunction and bought a ticket and went stievs" x one. ...The total embezzlement • • • . • ' : a ,, , s:. . ' •• . . . , West, ... • e • ' mounts toe80,000' including sums from , ' , The ntraber Of .sehools hi France where Widows and others: , ''..• ' ' . . ' . • , • ., the system of a 'Savings bank had • been ' •,11oLert Parker,.. aged 7' of 28 Farm etreet, adopted •was 18,491 . at the ,close , of . last MOntreal, while playingeon ono of the leaks , year, against 14;872 at •the beginning. 'The . , ' 'of 'the LachineeCanal; fell -in . end' -was •Avetags ,number OS depositors was ttyentst. drcivsned befOth assiatance eould bs given. ' 'one • IS. 1 a ' t t th ye per sc oo ,, at,aanis seven eels' e ar The body was, recovered: . ' 118fGrG..- ' , . ' • • • ' bounty.' . At statee that the filipporters of the victorions.oandidates had a procession, • • - end acted in a very riot -Ons manner, beating tin pans, firing guns, yelling and shouting '• at Leinieux's house. lir addition to these proceedings they•threatened ta kill hum if he dared to appear. / Mks. Lemieux', being. in ill health, eva.s worked into, a great state' of excitement Ond exhaustion,. and died' in e , . hieatms shortly 'after their denatture. . ' " ..*- ' . '-' ' . • We' can insure any'perSou having e bald.. 'head or irotibled with dandrfaff that Carbo., lind,'a deodorized extract of.petroleura will. de all that is Olainded. fro .it: "It will. not stain the most 'delieete •fabeie and iri , delightfully.perfumed. . ' - - ' ... . . , se-s-sia------- ' . . Sik businese labuseli in Exeter Engl " d • ' an ' were binned. Leese:350.000: • ' ' ' "/ EL ECTR C 13EL 7 ' ' • . " ' ' - . ' d • s .2. ' e e ., . INSTITUTION (ESTOLISHED.184 ' 4 ti,U.E.E14 iiTitIRET EAAT,-TOBONT '• . ' • ' ' I4ERVOITS DEBILITY . Itheurnatiam Lam ' Back Neurragia,ParalVai4 and aliLiverandOlies." , ConaPlaints anmedlatolyerelteved ' and 'berme Doubly cured bY usin,g tbege 'BELTS, BAND' AND it(Sotns . . ..., . _ .. 1141,711iVra /1,1111 ntairialth.tinti Vnial..' '