HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-10, Page 8mho Mikes CRiTI�KS.: .THEH. BOOT: MAKER. Your BI CLIN'fDN ALAAngETt Slo. , 1882. The -following is the Globe's report on market` prospects :—The news from England was of a character to still further depress the ¢ra'.0 ,Market. Although t10 hlitrko I decline had taken place, the tendency was towards a decline. The splendid harvest weather in the United States is placing the "'wheat crop I eyond'.all danger from ' the elements. Here the feeling as to prices is towards still lower figures. _ : Melia, DEALER IN ALL KINDS •OF I • The following suggestive paragraph in re• ference to the unsettled state of the butter d market, is from the Montreal Witness of a Women and Children's Boots & Shoes. late date.— `` The maret rne in q>t of condition and butt r h el to comedown Spring :Stock well assorted; and complete in all , departments p p ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR LASH' C. CRUICKSHANK, ]3RICK BLOCK, CLINTON W 0 1 STOVES.—Having bought a stock of Stoves outside .ofthe. association, on very ad- vautageotis terms, I am now prepared to offer ,COOKING STOVES at a large percentage under the usual price, HARVEST TOOLS. — Scythes, Snaths, Wheat,: Barley and Hay Forks, 'Scythe'. Stones, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Gloves, Cradle Fingers, &c. TIN WARE. -A full assortment of Tinwarein all its branches. Also LAMP -Goons GRANITE WAA RE.—Just ,`RESERVING IAEES. in arrived, an assortment of.,TI A POTS, COFFEE POTS and st Granite Ware. HiDES, SHEEP SKINS, FU1tS-HIGEI%ES'r CASFI PRICE PAID. `. S. DAVIS, C;,LI1V'L'ON Dissolution -oi Partnership 1 he partnership- -between. MOORE'.&-SFIARMAN; Grocers, being :dissolved, the subscriber continues to carryon business in the stand, :3riolt. Eloo1r, ne=t door to; li�arland Brosal Where he is now in a position to accommodate his'niany friendsand customers better than ever. Having recently visited thefeading wholesale establishments of the Do- +minion, made personal selection of stock, 'and 'bought 'right, my. customers• may:depe:nd. n getting its good value for their mousy tscan be had in this,pait 'of- the Dominion:. Jy stock -i: LN-T-I3t L 113 -S-H=ANI--N-E-W,' ancl' crinsistq of p1eu�Iid- ,tssol tmjlnt�C f -- groceries, C-reeker�r,.' Glassware WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. OF;TEAS. :di orders will be promptly filled. - `Remember the Stand, Brif.aK Blow, Albert St• futon, June, 1882. IviocR. E.' $iQ,00O IF deadY Made Clothing, Hats and :Caps, - Boots and Shoes, And 20 chests; choice Teas. Ow Selllrig Off B1ow Oost ,, .. ATr1.IIi Sign of ;'the "Red F'la g WHIGIIT' 'OLI) STA. D. 7 arc public are cordially invited to call and 6� amine goods and' .prices.. GM 0-: yet before shippers .can do anything. Finest Creamery is quoted at 22o to 231e, though three lots have been bought at 20o and some extra fine at 213o, A buyer•who has just re- turned from the townships reports everything as very dull there in the butter line. It is being bought in the townships at the present. time at from 15c to 18c at several points,' as invoices we have seen prove. AMbreak in the market the other side is looked for by some. The butter market at Toronto is epito- mized in the following sentence, from yester- day'd: daily ':—The weather is adverse to movement or transactions are few. Dairy is depressed iu consequence, and 16c and 17c is quoted as the prices. The potatoe crop in the west is enormous, offerings being made at 25 -cents for fall de- livery and no takers. In Ontario they will be very abundautandiheap. ..Markets are very 'quiet 'at present, as farmers have no time to bring anything in. Wheat, fall, p bush, ..$1'20 a 1 22 Spring, 1 22 a 1:25 Oats, 0 41 a 0 42 Barley, •. 0 75 a 0'80 Peas; 0, 70 a 0 75 Flour; - -6 00 a 6 50 Potatoes, 0 60 ' a 0 75 Butter,' • 016 a (117-' . Eggs, 0 I7' a 0 18 . Hay, • • , 8 00 a 10 00 -,- Hides, , - 5 60. a 6 00 Sheep pelts - • 0 10 a 0 15 Lamb skins,. - 0 25" a 0.40 • Wool, - 0 18 a .0. 20 The bush fires in New Jerseyyhave cans -- ed ave.caus-- ed damage to the extent of near a quarter of a million of dollars. 40,000 persons - are estimated to •have went into Manitoba this year. TliiSiN of course,;includes transient visitors. ( \V EIt THIETY YEAR'S EXPERIENCE PROVES lJ the GEN [TINE, NGER`to be the most durable anis thebestsewingmachine in the world. It is simply cpnstrueted, easy-:to.operate, :does not get out .of repair, and lasts a lifetime,. -Over001,000 Sic er. t aslunes sou. last year, Sulzer. � 'LDS, l r u_ .k7c 'k4 I1�Z 7T1 PTC'Tl, TVJNUR. AM, ' BRUSESEL,S - .AND_ EXETER . Head Office for the County of Huron OPPOSITE . COMMISRCIAL HOTEL, HURON ST., CLINTON. Intending. purchaser,nill,de well to test the SINGER before purchasing: any; other' hind. Tor 11E81 ' 18 THE Cnuttvsa. oil' and Needles for all hinds of machine,tlttnt. n, hand. Vit. L: CRAWFOl3.11 AGENT. Clinton, Aug. 3,.1SSB. . IG®., SHA,RMAN -ail ALPL IN CHOICE 'FAZVIILY CERF `TEAS, FRUITS, CANNETI GOODS, CROCK.ERYE. GLASSWARE, NEW TEAS JUST RECEIVED, 5l'LEN lsrIi MAIL?E,. . SIC `I 1itC0U[1,-10A'1'I[EAL, ALWAYS,ON IIAND. Farm Produce taken in;Exchange. Nrx'r_ Dooa To Joir I-[oi;uENs' Dix Goons PALACE, :Agin nT SIRF,ET,'_ BORN. McEit EN—Ii Stanley. on ,Augnst the 6th the wife of Finlay McEwen, of a daughter, SCHLIESMAl ER—ln Clinton, on the 8th inst., the :1 wife of Mr C. Schliesmayerr of a daughter. HANNAN.—In Seaforth, on the 30th July, the wife of Edward, Hannan, of a daughter•, HAxov4.-To seaferlh, Au -trio 21id ilial : the wife of Edward IlahovBP, of a daughter. BAIRD,--In Equtqudvfllo, on the 30th July, the. wife of Mr. David '6airci, bf a son, - ruENnuLL.-At the Manse.. Goderich, on Fri- day, July 2811], the IN ife of -the Res . J. A. Turnbull, of a daughter. 'DuRS1.-1n colbo7ue, ou the 20th July, the wife of Mr. Wni Durst, of a sou, SiiEPP.iiD.—In (i0ttrstie11, on July 27th, the'wife of Mr. James M. Sheppard, of a daughter. 33ROwN.— In East Wawano?ih, on July 28th, the wife of Mr -P. Brown, of a daughter.. GANNETT.—At Wingham, on the 28tic July, the wife of Mr. Wni. Gannett, of a son. JotlxsoN.—Iii East wii inosb .ou July, 28th. the wife of Mr. lyin. Johnson, of a son. MARRIED. Ho»Rs—FBERUARDT.—By Rev. Ntttlt. Paterson, of St. Andrew's Church, Hayfield, at Lake View, Iiay, ou the 26th July, Mr. 'Wm. H. Hobbs, late Master of the Ailsa Craig Public School, to Miss Annie Eberhardt, (laughter. of the fate Mr.7Eiierlie (it, Hayfield, STEWAnD—LENNII-1.N.—Iu isrusse15 0n' the 2nd Inst., by the Rev Sir. Harris; Mr. Alex. Stew- srd to Miss Kate Lenuhan, both of wing-. ]lam. DIED. TGI1NnULi..-011 F i shy, 2sth of July, the (laugh ter of Rev. J. A. Turnbull, of Goderich. 'yicii ICic:—In East Waw (nosh, on the 2nd inst.; the Wife of. Mr. Alien Fiellek, aged 23 years ,8 months; and 19. days. MCnoNAcu-At her resideneJA, 45 Maitl'ind-st;, Toronto, on Sabbath, Aug. ttli, Mrs..Nlarga- • ret Medonagh,,vged 82 years, mother of Rev. W. 1)IcDonagh, of Clinton. V:ttEoacoND—Iu IIullett on Tuesday, Aug.8t1i, the wife of Mr. Edward Vanhgniond .aged es years, 1 month and 29 days ' GrtuN»Y—In Parkhill, on the 8th inst., Arthur,- . son of Mr. Thos, Grundy. formerly of Clin- ton, aged 9 years and 6 months. Coors --In Goderieli'township, 'Otli coin., ou the 7thiust., William .':Henry;aonof Mr. David Cook, aged 26 years and 6 mouths. Rev. S. 11. Tyng' jr., formerly pastor of the Church of the F3olyTrinity,NewYork, - is shown\by the evideriee in a legal case now pecd'\ug to have been for about a year gambllstg in -.stocks on margin.: . Reports fi m the north-western States go to show. th. t thereisa'probability that the wheat yiel will be double that of last year. Mr. John Patterson, the defeated Con servative candidate for; North York, •has entered a petition in the Superior' Court against the 'return of Mr. Mulloch - as member for that constituency. The peti- tion charges bribery and undue influence..' The army worm is 'committing great. damage tb the crops in Annapolis county, N. S. Farmers are 'verymuch, troubled about their crops. The immigrants into the_United'`States` during the ,fiscal year.! ending Jtme 30, -nuailbered W9,t)00, the largest num ler Aver' known, an 1119,00.0 more than during the previous year. 'The Tories are 'bound to capture the gerrymandered constituencies by hook or': -crook. ,Having ,failed 'to secure them by cutting and carving, the' effectso .a. prd test are tobe. tried . Messrs. Trow, Came_ eron Tioss, Mills and Wells" won their seats fairly and honestly, .wefirmly be- lieve, 'but as the "government bribery' fund" is riot yet exhausted, these gentle- men must'' be still further annoyed and worried. As Mr, Mills'' seat was stolen. from him,:a different process will be ne -- 1.y;-l-tl came.=Str-a-t£ord-Beacon __. Fie idea es of rain fell in the :Cumber - _l and umber-_land Valle_y_, Psi., on Mond evening in one and _a half iiours. Two men we're struck dead at Paris ori'. Sunday on catching hold of the wire con .nectcd with the electric light. The independentpress' of Ontario re- gards the .attack; on Mr. Mowat with little' sympathy. TheToronto y Telegram ex- presses the popullir idea correctly in these words:'",'Before :a Cabinet is kicked out. there' are two things ' which the ;people^ <iv.t. a i-igli:t to ]re-asstmd-of—fi•rat-t-lri-t' there arc some eason for kicking it out and, second, that thdre-are better men at hand to take the place of those who are so' kicked. .'So. far, 'instead ofbeing` assured of both of these things, the country has been assured of i either." qty :CaIji!ieI:,; \aroons. FL-RNITUEL :STORE, 'CLINTON. THOS. STEVENSON Ihtving mored into bis nein. brit!, "store OPPOSITE THE TOWN 11AI:L;- iiegs leave 'to state to hi.; u,tnlot'au1Tuend.,: iterantron and the surrounding country, thiol,, I eelis on hand so perior.qualit}1.of Furniture of 1 u ds,snch p4 BEDROOM & PARLOR' SETS 0! the' latest 014Ie.s,. _EDSTEADS,. SIDEBOARDS, 13UREAUS, TABLES.: And everything that coMstitutesfuruishing a house'bt' his line, which he will sell at the lowest living mold,. 1 ask it share of the public patronage being thankhil for ,paid favors and hopeful for the future The public Ire 111890(1, to call and sec for themselves. HOS. `,CJ'.'Y.E%vSON. Clipton IIPI} C 1882. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. tE1100MS, • CL1I.7 T(7PT. Unequalled Self'.= Ka din Reapers, plovers, Agricultural Stearn Eiig n ees, . Haji { Rakers, Gan Pluws,- c c', The sttbscrils o—, whci '.is agent for the well-known 'implement firm til' HA(:iGART BROS., ST, Ttrostiks, calls ;the • attention of 'intending 'purchasers of Farm 'Imple- ments of any kind to the large stock' he keeps on hand at the Bio WAIc1Et opts. 099 GREAT rin 0 .1\1"1" 0 r est: a and Unde � and Under - 'ost, All ariicles glaraeled lust -class sed warrantealo give olltire satisfaction 1 Prit;es and terms for ;til descriptions of 'ilncliinery•very reasonable., l)on,,t: forget hriu when you want to bti'y. , 01.111\7.1'01\T (f,r4iQ'(>N, "i7 21 Wril. MARSH: uctions . Re mote at half price. Bargains in every department. 0I EASON _r GOODS Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Belts, Lawns, Muslins, Silks and Thompson's and Cro> ,peon's celebrated goods. `