The New Era, 1882-08-10, Page 5NiNNW laealer s in TRUNKS VALISES &c for cash. discount o 6' per cent Albert St., Clinton," You May talk about- your -TEAS as you'', like, but. I'll tell what,if want good Tea go to you youb • GROCER, THEP. ROB For he has a large lot of Tea on hand of all kinds, which he says must be sold in GO days, and in or- der to clo so he will sell the very best Teas in the Teas 1 nge market at the very lowest' prices., T-i.is•Tea � n in price from 15 to 70 cents per pound. He also slows tine finest lines of Sugar in the eounty which are all selling at a V_P.-,rY Small Advance •on .Cost, d t t lowest Goods • cod that his motto "Best o Call and be convinced rices.". i e I` Robb the 'Grocer Waterloo Haus , C11Iton. FRE New Maple Sugar. A few,gal. Tins Maple'.-Sprup Fresh Oranges Lemons and Baha s• Good fr ilii r Turnip & Sorghum Seeds Mang�old; inn harry x4111. JY®r®..At®113uw®i0®mmm®®®GGlaoseamAUN11 IumnitIilIiI1m1111111IIII11lllillllliil,llllllllllll�lll@IIfl •s rl ii , rjlfi! Imt°a le a vill(n M1I II IeYlr °TM' �i ,� S•i,". III III IaImaIMltamlNAnuAlm111 IIIIIII II iIIIIn II .,. �J... ,, PERRIN'S BLOCK, MARKET SQUARE, CLINITON. 'HAVE .• STOCK OT' IRST CLASS PIANOS, From the leading American and Canadian manufacturers, at moderate prices. Also m Celebrated ]D�: Tho supremacy of THE DOHERTY 01-IGAN is i,r'revooably estabiished°; hav- ing been awarded First Prizes,' 'Medals and .Diplomas at -tile Pitovincial'and industrial ex ihitions' in ltontreAvl and Toronto. ' • AI largo stook of Violins, Strings,` Bows, Concertinas, Flutes, Fifes, Shoot and Book Music, on hand, at the most .reasonable prices. - ANYTHING IN Tahi ABOVE LINES, NOT IN S'1TOCK,;PliOCTIBED ON THE SHORTEST EST NOTICJE; AL. 'AGENTS FOR''�'P'f-iE,.-.RENOWNED, GEldEI� WHITE"` S. VI, NIA AROUND. THE COUNTY. Tuesday, 15th inst., is Seaforth's civic holi- day. H. Nichol, Morris, from 17 acres o f land cut • about 40 tons of hay. The sum asked the Council by Seaforth: Public School is $2,800. A youth named Wilson, of Corrie,;'fell an broke his arm last week, t ' Mr, J. C. Meltosb, formerly. of 'Bayfield; has gone on a' trip to Europe. Mr. J. AlelMillau's expenses in the South Huron election wereonly $58.35. James, son of iir.Thos. Neilans, of Harlock, is very -sick with inflammation at present. RESPECT:—Tile Grey Hairs of old age demand and should receive respect—but the Grey Hails of yduug people require attention, in the way of using Cingalese Hair renewer. Sold by Ml druggists. 50 cents per bottle• fi g Fred. Jones has sold his farm, lot 39, coni, T ,. of_ 10, East awanosh to P. J. , �1c Casey Morris. •Mr..Nopper, of Seaforth,' has bought. the Sharman foundry, at Stratford, and, removed- to emovedto that place, , Miss Marian Gooding, cf Godericb, hada tumor of small growth taken from her cheek Iast,Friday. ' Councillor.Vanstone, of Brussels, hat Pur- chased a mill in Arkansas and will remove there, this fall. Twenty-two cows were in the: Winghani pound on "Tuesday night last-' That was a pretty good'haul.' Mr. Geo.;'t�ndrews cut•23,000 staves in four hours at Dr.. Coleman's salt works, Seaforth;, one dayslast week. ' 'Hall's Catarrh Cure. jS. taken internally: .It, acts directly upon the blood and the mucous surfaces of the system: Price 15e. For sale',by' 3T H. Combe. • - Mrs. 1i. McDonald's farm, on the 3i'd con., of Morris, was beupht by Mr. A. Procter; of the'4th concession; for tale sum of 84;000 A game of cricket 'was played•at-BI-yth last Wednesday, between the Brussels and Blyth latterwon. on runandth e clubs. The la to by e three Jvckets, • • Andrew Currie sr, of Brussels; has been to Berlin for the purpose of having a :cancer. ex- tracted from his lip.. "The operationtas been performed successfully,. On Saturday -night two young tramps nay rowly>escaped being run over near Gorrie. They were intoxicated, and, were lying on the track when discovered ' Mr. W. Gooding, who'has' been so long with NIr. Nicholson, dentist, Goderich, left last- week." for Michigan. He Will probably open a dental office in Alpena. 'A handsome gold locketwas presented to Mr. Douglas McDonald., son of the rev, A, 1J•. McDonald, by the Seaforth lacrosse team, on the eve of his departure for Winnipeg. Nlr... Wm McIKay, a former. resident of Winghatn, now fills an important and respell. Bible situation in.the,andit office of tbe Oen tray Pacific Railway' in San Francisco. If Catarrh nasdestroyed your sense of smell and hearing, Hall's Catarrh. Cure willcure your 75 cents perbottle..Druggists 'sell it. ,I or, sale: by J. H. Compo " Mr --11. Duncan, brother:of the late. James•: Duncan,,andNIrs. James Symington, has re- turned from Scotland, after an absence of many years to visit, his old home; in West' Waw anosh. The wife of Mr. Donald McDonald,; of the'' 10th on; of Tuckersmitb, on Tuesday last• receibed'a verysevere injury by falling while, setting up:a rain barrel. She was doing well at last account, ..• NIr Wm Plunkett, formerly of Stanley, has passed his fiinal' examination at Detroit Medical College, and has started in the prac,. til:e_of lisal ofe_ssiorniu. a toiv'i. named nalti more iu Michigan. , NIr. F IV. Sellars, formerly a teacher in the,1'ublic':Sehool; Seaforth,r has passed his final examination[ at Ann Arbor Medical Col- lege and is a going,to ecmmence the practice' of hit profession on the other side. •'While 'Mr. Wni,` Weekes; sr„ of. Exeter was picking berries he met with a -very seri- ous aceident. As he w'in the act of` cross ing a log his feet slipped from:underhim, and herfell up'ou his side, breaking one;of his ribs." A R wenDrot one doyen "p! AsgitRV' to any Onie, sendnib tltg•best fourlihe rhyme 'on TEAssaili,'•thc:' remark able littlegenr.for the Teeth and Breath Ask your druggist for address. • • Mr „David Scott, of McKillop, has purch ased froth his brother Robert,.the-old home' stead, known 'as ,the Burnside Farrui paying. therefore -the sum of $7,500: This farm con • "tains 100 acres, has on it a'stone and a frame' dwelling house and good out buildings • On Saturday last Mr. GeorgeSellery of the Y,. 9th con:,;01 Tuckersmith,:an'old Man, •aged. '73 years; received.a'eevere and painfnl injury, which is a wonder has not proved fatal'. 'While: riding in a light' wagon' he was 'tli'rown, out backwards; and in the fall broke his collar bone. • A -meeting• of. the board. of 'directors of ,the "llleliillop Mutual Fire Insurance 'CO.; vas held'en Saturday for the purpose of making an award'on the;barn of Duncan McKenzie, lot E. 'half 13, l'7th,con.,'.of G•ey,.which was destroyed; l by fire. ; The, amount allotted was. $492.S4.• '. 'Airs. James Chesney has sold her farm lot. 7, concession 4, : H. 11. S., Tuckersnuth; to' 1.1.r. James F. 'Elliott,, of Westminister, for the sum :of :8000i. The farm contains 100 acres, 90. of which are cloared,andunder:cul- tivation. cul tivation.`There is a,briek..hobse°`and .fair• out -buildings The many friends of the Rev... Mr. Wil- liameen; tire-respected'-pastor-af-the-l3aptiat` Church,. Winghatn,will regret to learn of. his' seVero illness. .He,has 'been ill -most of the' time since ho left, there on his vacation trip, and the latest accounts received state ,that 'he, The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR' the 'marvel of the Medical World. It never fails to completely cure: 'Nervous Debility; Tullio-. tency, Mental Depression "and all diseases caus- ed Irwin excesses.',' The testimonyof thousands can be bad by writing F. J. Cheney, Toledo,; •(Mao, solo agent for''tire---taritett-$Cates"-"Ppiee; $1,00 per box, six boxes for 55.00. If your drug- gist does not keep the remedy, send to Bead - quarters and get the medicine by mail.. Qircu. Inns anditestimbnials:onapplication. Sole agent for Clinton, T.1T. Combo. f , On Thursday of last week, Mrs -Gordon" -Young,-of Colborne,• while:_attending to -her-- duties of the house, suddenly became very faint and her mind became temporarily 'de-': ranged. Medical :aid was sent for,andthe doctor pronounced it to be sunstroke •,Mrs. Young is very poorly, but ,good hoped ate en- tertained:of her :recovery, - A few days since a peculiar and nearly fatal accident occurred to a son of Mr3 f titer Flynn, of the (nth con", of McfCillop, While going into,tho field Ile took -a fork and prodded one of the horses, which was rather lazy, when thehorse kicked and striking between the prongs of the fork drove the end of the handle voilently against his stornaolt injuring bis liver. ' 111 NEARLY .DEAD. ' After taking.some highly ptiffed up stuff, with long testimonials, turn to liop Bitters, and, have no fear of _L814.r t�K,�idney or Urinary'. Troubles, Bright's'l5isease, Diabetes.or Liyer Complaint. These diseases"cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bitters ; besides it ie the best family medicine on earth, • On Satnrday'a man nernei Potletbwaite, residing in Morris, WBS arrested here by Chief Pettypiece of Wiugham, on a charge of steal- ing the sum' of $23 lona F Mr. F. Taylor, of East Wavranosb, at�Whiley's hotel, White.. church. Rel wail brought before Messrs. T. Holmes and J, Anderson, J. P's., , who, after hearing the evidence, committed him to stand his'trfal. j •' Mt. Campbell has sold his•farm, lot 5,: con. 9, Hullett, near Kinburn, to , his neighbor, "Mr. Cole, foto the Sum of $7,000. Mr. Camp- bell intends going to the States. He pur- r chased this farm a flow years 'ago from Mr. Dunlop for the sum Iof ,$8,500, and has since put a new barn .on art and made other im-` provenrents. It is a remarkably cheap pro- perty. at roperty.at the price sold, as it contains 150 acres. l5ucklen'eArnica Salve. The best Salve in'ti>,e world for Cuts, Bruises Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skit- EEruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is guarranteed to, give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prce 25 Cents, -per. box. -••For sale by T H. Combe, •• Last Thursday night as Mr. GeorgeParke,:, farmer, was driving home from Zurich ,' -the horses becanie,,unmanagable and ran against. a telegraph pole, breaking. the. pole and smashing the wagon Irk . Parwas; badly injured' ; also the horses. ^ . I , In letters reeentl ed from Mr 'John McMillan, 1L. P., he complains of the weather in•the'old country being "very *et ;and: dis agreeable, and although be is- enjoying' him- self well visitiug'old friend's and scenes' of his , "youth, he is' -not very, favorably impressed' with the country and much prefers ,Ontario in every respect to anything he has 'se.en in the old.lau3,. ,He sa'Is for home on the 10th inst. 'to-day..1 On Fridayd last quite a smashup took place: near IvlcGonigle's hotel, Winthrop, which stilted :in the injury of two well known re- sidents.' A team driven:by a rrfau named Mr. Robb was trying toIpase two '.teams ahead; when the horses became frightened, throwing Mr. Menzies out of his waggon land inflicting: sever, 'injuries about the head. . Mr: Peter, Ross who was'c 'vi ' Irr ng the• ether team, was thrown out and'also received painful inji ries, 1 Don't be Alarrned:, Bright's Disease Dia ete r r e at >? s o ,any 1lseas, of the kidueys.;hs-er' orl.urinary:•orgaus,-as Hopi Bitters will certainly and lastingly euro you,' audit is the only thing-tiiat w111, Last Sunday, asi13r.Green.;in'erchant of• Gerrie, accompanted.Iby his wife and twochil drew; were driving' to Winghaw,: and, . when within a mile of, Blnevale, the horse 'became frightened, throwing the occupants of the.bug- gy to"the ground. " Mr. Green now lies danger- ously.ill-at'the farmlhouse near the place of the accident. Two doctors from Y3 Ingham are attending' him, but they Have very poor hopes' of his irecovery, On Thursday .lasta lad named John Scott, grandson of Nlrs, Dunlop, who lives on the Layfield road about five guiles from Gjoderieh, went into the swamp'le. look !for the ' cows, but was terror `Stricken :'tb find .himself con- fronted; by aj la'rge she bear. The animal was accompanied by a young' eub,•and • got upon its hind legs, and prepared to fight, the -in- truder The bo did 'prccipitatly-. and left` the; swamp, to..the I bears.. The: animal was observed in ithe•, sat ,:place about six weeks ago We :are .called • upon this week to record the death of Mr. John. Harrison, for many years;a• resident of Goderich,:at his home; near Westfield. The deceased •was horn in. Tan... -arkshire, Scotland; end emigrated; to. this county 83,oame: t:odb in,' 1859, andin liv1ed h7.erIlee for about1Go,G, years'ericwork ing at his trade of icarpenter, About. seven; years ago he mould on to ,.farm owned by •'him in''West Wawanosh,; which be bad. pur chased as curly: as the, year 1S51, and resid• ed there with Mr. RT, A. Harrison, hid:only sun: He wes-a-ilirrg for*-.only-4wo_w,eeks,-and. died on Wednesday at the advan.ed age:of 79 years He was al member of tineMethodist church; a sound Ref6rmer, 'and ,a man;' who commanded respect.—Signal.• D0 NOT 151.3 :DECEIVED.. In these times Of (Mack medicine advertise- ments eyeryiwhero itis;truly gratifying.to rind one remedy that is worthy of praise and which really does as i•ecommmended. Electric Bitters we can vench for rs being a true and reliable remedy 'Milani:, it will do as recommended.. They invariably -cure Stomach and Liver Com- plaints; Diseases of the Kidneys, and Urinary dilhetilties I Wek.now whereof we speak, and can readily sly,' five them t trial. bold at 50 cents a bottle, bs' T: 1L'Comhc, druggist Moven ; Buildings, ,&e.. II'A1tp thio ilie:i:n tit th;eiihme a11_thcsc wlio'have favored nie with their patronage in the past, and bog" to say that h4'I amiluaNM, ,the country .for Mani tuba, Iihave dnli0scd.¢f my business 'to, my. brother Joioi 8i'liun rl}sos., and bego.that yon will fai'or him. with the samI liberal patrons c that ;you have given me. •I JOSEPH'STEl'IIENSON. iurr11 retard,tg•the above I would 'say that as I V am a chip frim the sdrne block, arid having been broiyt'ht ,ug ,to the business of niocing and lraisino buildings, l,ftil confident theta can give 'entire satis factionto all cho.in sy favor the withtheir patronage; AndIfnrthoy would say'that 1 ern still making those 1;dss .Crsrr, cgs" AS' GOTi and cheriiier-than over. • JOHN STEPIIENSON Clinton, • rn wi010;usacOcnIaTEs n•I•rNTH$,ceocR PuvnrT licoLv' . ".:TRY. WM..I-SEC BY E%A.MINI110 THIS8 2 THAT 20 , CHI A O,IIO iR ISLANB&PACIFIC R• Y Calls the attentlon'of travelers to the central eai- tion;of rte line, eopneeting the East and the West by the 'shortest route, and carrying passengers,. without;chango 01 cors between Chicago and•Kan- sae City, Couaeil'. Bluffs, Leavenworth, Atchison, 'Minneapoha and 'St. )Paul. It connects in rrnion Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantte"'and"::the' Pacifier Oceans. Its equip - men tisunrivaled and magnificent, being composed„ of Moat' Comfortable land Beautiful' Day Coaches, Magnifresnt) Horton Reclining Chair. OCarc, Pull= Man's' Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best Lino. of. Dining Oars in .the World. • Throe Trains between Chicago andMlsaouri River .Points. Two Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis and fit.. Pryul, via the S'amogs 1`ALBERT"L LEA `; ROUTE." . A Pi e f' and Direct line, -via Seneca arid Iianka kee,haerecently: been opened betwetin Iriehmotid, `'. Norhilli;Beivporf News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- gusta, Nashville Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati,:. Indianapblis ante Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap- .• • olio and et. Paul and interiifediate :points. rouThgh Passeugera Travel on. PeetExpress :. Trnlna."' � - I Tioksts for, sale at ail principal Ticket Olneet in nl the muted .states an Canada., . Baggage checked trough and rates of faro•al- ways as low, as oeinpetitora'that offer lees advan- 51,00s, For detailed informdtioti, qct the Melia and Fold- ors of tine ... C13EAT ROCK 1$L,AND ROUTE, At CABLE, y of i` hes es Tie}. t OtOoo, or address ylaoR P E. ST.,,,JCI-IN, •i';. .; G:u f d.`b,r, • GIs i e: ?ass. hg'„ Received this wee,; cases soots MEN'S, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. cases Fall Twee� AND ALSO A SHIPMENT OF THE RATS nzer � Sswill :achies The .rinct� al points of this M p p achine are The large `auicl roomy space )ace und'er.'arm. The • adjustability abilitY of -its .parts, , the principal ones of being. hardened steel. A• steel feed on both sides of the needle. Nicklelated balance " wheel, , with loose pulley: Positive tale lip. Extremely: light running, with., 5 little or no noise. The Vanzer has carried ,' off highest honors wherever ex- hibited. A . written guarantee from inanufacturer will be -'given with .' every machine bsold, also instructions by compe ten t operator. S B.O:"Et t L7 �k o s ce �ce�s MY STOCK OF,' IL'.EN®1,D BABY CARRIAGE: s EMBRACING THE' LATEST STYLES. CONTINUES 'CO AB.BRIVE, AND WVILL:BE' DISPOSE]) OF AT THE VERY CALL AND SEE THE.M. TRUNKS FOR THE ''MILLION. 0 S and REDUCED :'PRICES, AT GREATLY MONEY .TO LOAN-PnIVA'rr FUNPS t ' Low BATT ol• :INTEagIT. Es,. ,...1_00 -bunches of i GEORGIAN , ' � � .SHINGLES --1200 LC.PGIAN L15. SHINGLES Incfor sale ironi.4a GLES e Rocrpsover store to let. S T ITiietoria; ' 131 oslr l ;VER 13: i'TTTT" INTON. •