The New Era, 1882-08-10, Page 1iimesimamarieraar
Barristers, Solicitors,
--Commissioners/or :Ontario and Manitoba.
ATE. st MRS. BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vocal and
Instrumental mu*, Rattenbury Street, near Or-
gan Factory. N. B -Singing Class now forming,
Violin Lessons giVen.
Clinton,Peb. 16,1882,
ONEY to lend at 6 and Ot per cent.' Private
SEAGER S 1ORTON, Barristers.
' Goderich.
ASECOND hand Bicyele for sale cheap. Apply to
B. BOX A, Waterloo, Ont.
fr EE undersigned has opened a Boarding House, en
Ontario Street, in the house formerly occupied by
Mr..Upshall. Good accommodation for a limited num-
ber of boarders. Location central. Terms moderate.
Clinton, July 20, 1882, 1,2, MRS. 11. H. CALL.
Hair dressing, shaving,shampooing, atteudeeto
Late 'of Toronto, IXOL101. Graduate, Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeon,. has-remov.ed_to
Coats Block, over W.Taylor & ton's
All work first-class. Charges 'Moderate.
PARTIES who have Fairos,-Mills or Town property
for sale can have the sole advertised ilr the papa-
phlet publisheclmonthly by the "Canada West Land
Agency Co" free of charge ; main-1008ton charged on
sales. These peruphlets are eirealated largely through
Great Britain and Canada. The object of the Com-
pany is to induce Old Country farmersandothers' to
settle in Ontario. Parties wishing to purchase, please
call atmy office atid examine lists of properties for
sale. Parties wishing to sell please call and give de-
scriptions of their proverty, terms, Sic.
M. LOUGFI, Agent, Clinton.
Painting, Glazing, &e.
THE undersigned is prepared to execute in a satis-
factory manner, all kinds of Hoven Pan;weNo,
TAILITIN0,0II the shortest notice and at the most reason-
able rates. Residence--Rattenbury, Street, 4 doors
west of the Methodist church. '
Clinton, 3I21 18, 188!.2.
J. 11. Kennedy, Proprietot..
VOL. 17. NO. 32
TE111111 7- $1.50 Per Annum.
gew Advertitiement0.
Servant Wanted.
("100D general servant, girl wanted at Once,Ao whom
Rheral wages will be given: APPlY to: MRS. GEO.
SWARTS, Prince of Wales' Hotel.
.13-- Apply to MRS. S. WILSON.Ontarlo Street
. ,
Choice. Strawberry Plallts- for ..a1e.
_ . .
THE aubseribr will have a large number of choice
Strawberry plants for sale after the 258h of August.
These plants; if set out this fall and taken care of, -will
bear fruit next summer. For sale, cheap, Also, or-
ders token for all kinds of fruit trees and plants.
Clinton August 10 1882 W C..SEARLE.
House and Lot. for Sale.
THE undersigned offers that fine. conveniently
situated and.well-built two storey BRICK-MCI:78E'
on Joseph Street, just south of the Foundry, for sale.
18 12 well furnished with all conveniences, and hasgod
ere in connection. Will be sold very cheap and on easy
terms of payment. Apply on the premises to
Clinton, Aug,10. 1882.
Notice to the Public
• .
loss of tinfe in the collecting of accounts, arising
from selling Bread on credit, and also from the fact
that flonr is a cash article, the undersigned bakers' in-
tend, -from" and after the FIRST OP SEPTEMBER,
to discontinue selling,bread tickets on credit, and also,
intend, from that date, to conduct their business on
the tash principle, believing that this course 0111 be
mutually beneficial to their customers and themselves,
-and-hope to-rneet with -the -cordial support of the gene-
ral public in the carrying, out of this universally -ac-
knowledged wise business principle.
HE subscriber desires to .intiniate-to- Hee
A- People of alma:ma:net vicinity,,that he has'
purchased the business dorflierlv carried On by
Lmi, andwill, continue it i11 all its.
branches.. No efforts Will be spared tifilccep isp
the excellentrePutation of 'tins:Bakery in sup-
plying BREAD, &G,,.DEGRiMii:OPftliallty;
giving strict at:Written to bustriesSr he hopes to
merit a continuance, of. the •liberal. ]mtrOnage
bestowed on his predeeesSor.
' J. R. KENNEEY; Clinton.
MILE Carding 111ill, on the. 12th Hullett,
-will be opened on th:,tirst flay tdJune,when
customeraMay depend on 11 a vow then Garclinf„,
Wea-ving, Fulling and Cloth Dressing done in
first -class order, as tlie,macilinery .has'bean
timroughly overhauled. • '
Parties eorning from a distaricO can have their
carding 410110 While waiti n g.
Hullett, June 1, issi. • • • .
THAT contMniently situated house on Rathenbury
Street, neXt to T. Stanliany's, containing 8 rooms.
The lot is one-eighth of an acre with a lane along side
of It. Apply at the Naw ERA office.
Ilarna for Sale.
rpHE subscriber offers for sale Lot 45, let con. of
-L Tuckersmith, London Road, within 2i miles of
the Town of Clinton, gine 3 froni Brucefield. This
farm contains 100 acres of choice land. Well is
by never -failing' springs. No waste land. Good or-
chard and outbuildings. Terms easy. For further
particulars apply to . _
• 18 tf • Clinton, P.0
Farm fo_r Sale.
T_IE subseriber. offers for sale the stiuth=half of Lot
28, 10th Concession or Goderich Township, -Con-
sisting of 40 aeros, about 5 miles from the Town of
Clinton. Nearly all cleared and in good state of cul-
tivation. Rough-cast'house, frame barn, stables and
other outbuildings on the plate. Good orchard and
plenty Of water. Possession given this fall. Terms
very reasonable. For particulars apply on the pre:-
towa gopirz.
Secrament will be administered in the
Methodist church, on Sunday next,
Rev. Mr. Gra,' preaches in Wingiam,
on Sunday, and it is expected that his
work here Will be taken by Mr. A. H.
Manning an Sunday evening
The annual picnic of St. Paul's Chureli
. Sabbath School will be held at Goderith
next Tuesday. The train will leave at
9.30 aen.afare, adults, 20 cents, children,
10 cents.
Owing to a misunderstanding Rev. Mr.
Coutts, was not present at the Baptist
church, on Sunday evening, as announced,
and the pastor Rev. J. Grey, conducted.
Service himself, administering sacrament
at the close thereof
On Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Craig did
not take any text •for his discourse, but
gave his congregation a brief butanterest-
ing resaine of a ministers -duties, referring
naore particularly to his connection with for the past year, and its en-
couraging increase both in finances and
TheWanderers, (juvenile) of this place,
played the 13lyth cricket team yesterday,
(Wednesday). We have not heard the
result yet. They have also sent a chal-
lenge to Stratford.
Mn. JOHN LESLIE. returned from the
northwest last week. He _isnot greatly
in love with the country, although he did
very well on his consignment of goods:
He intends to make up a lot of sleighs
and take them up there. His advice to
those who are in moderate circumstances
here is the same as given by scores of
others -stay where they are. He says he
neyer had any idea waatat- fine country
Ontario is till he took this trip,
- MR. JOHN BEESEEY, late of this place,
writing from -Winnipeg, gives the follow-
ing in reference ,to the prices of living
there: "You will be surprised when I
tell yon that we have all kinds of fruit
from early spring, but it comes rather
dear. Plums, 10 cents each; apples, 15
cents a pound, ,or $12 a barrel; straw-
berries, 50 centssa quart. Vegetables are
also dear, potatoes, 4 pounds for 25 cents,
or $3.50 a bushel; cabbage, 25 cents a
head; lettuce, 10 cents ahead, or three for
25 cents; while buttefis 35 cents a pound ;
eggs, 35 cents a-doz. Beef is as cheap
h ere" as Clinton leaving out steak you can
get boiling pieces from 8 to 10 cents a
pound: Dry goods are heap and ready
made clothing, boots and shoes, ordered
I work is dear."
51 tf JAMES BROWN.LEE, Clinton. • , TUE; Elteaf H .
Roils@ aild Lot for Smo or to rent
One day last weels while air. Malcolm.
McGregor was coming home from Bruce.'
field where he had been taking naore than
was good for him, he accidentlys 'tumbled
into one of the cattle guards and -hint
himself severely. now able to be
about again.
At the last offieial meeting of' the guar:
terly Board of the Holmeaville Methodist
Church, Rev. Mr. Wakefield, of Goderich,
in the chair, it was moved by Mr. John
Rudd, Seconded by Mr. Walgate Tebutt,
and carried unanimously, that the salary
of Rev. A. Edwards be increased for the
incoming Year. The returns from the
several appointments showed an increase
over previous quarters; and the reports
from the several churches svere very en-
After an illness of some time William
Henry, son of Mr. D.Cook, of the 9th con.
dieclon Monday lat. He was a young raan '
whose loss will be much lamented. He
was buried on Tuesday last.
IIIJNAWA Y. -On Saturday afternoon as
Mr. R. Beacom, of the 5th, con., was get-
ting ready to drive to Clinton, he left the
horses standing a moment, when they
started to runaway. Running against the
fence they broke the pole of the buggy,
and would have caused further injury had
not the lines caught 'and held them.
Bob's team gets too many eats to be -left
untied after they are in.harness.
It is said that about one hundred and
thirty appeals have been entered by the
'Reformers against eheVoter's List of this
township. Gross irregularities have oc-
curred somehow, for men who have resid-
ed in the township and owned farms for
years, are left from the list altogether, al-
thotigh they have been on in former years,
and these omissions happen to be Re-
fer -fliers.
Simon Vanornian, of this village, has
engaged with R. Leislarnan, for the har-
vest, at $2.50 a day.
It is impossible to tell the number of
reapers and cradles that have been repair-
ed in this village this.season....„.s.
A great many of the boys and girls are
getting poisoned with the poison ivy, while
,picking berries, Which, like all other
fruit, is very scarce, •
- II Intlief11"i.
OBITUARY. -- Another of those' who
braved the hardships incident, to pioneer
lifein, this.countays has been ,called to
•=lt,oh liralic:_tehgelas 6;60,f: in 3"ytehaers',aerpsoenceaosfeclahlr:d.
of, the Huron Road, who died on Tuesday
Vat-1E0:110ml Wife of Mr. L. VanEgmond,
'enjaaed 'good . heal-th nip to la -s -E- winter,
when' she sustained a paralytic. stroke;
whieh Was the causeof her death., She
was born in Glasgow, and:ea-R-1a sa this
country about 49 yeare ago and tte nigh -
bore begaatp. they& into what was then
truly' a! wilderness, she becaine known and
esteeMed,fataand wide on account of her
genial and friendly nature: She leaves
ten children -eight daughters •andtwo
sensfive,of the daughters being married
respectively to R. Govenisitheealeaallalepa:
J. McMullen, J. Fowler; P. Hawthorne;
and R. Mealiehael, all esf Hullett, and,
singularly, all these *reside on-oneline;
Within' a distance of five .miles, Her re
Mains were interred in Eginoadville ceme-
tery, yesterday (Wedneeday) afternoon, a
large number accompanying them thither.
Tianessitt•Nca,OsisSitardayelliet Ales A.
a -
Ross 'of the London road threshed out
the product of about ten acres of fall wheat.
:I-TheSgt.:a:in was a• goo& quality, •Scott .ana
Seneca. The 'Scott -wheat yielded nearly
.40 bushels' to the acre, eshich is a very.
good yield, while the Seneca, was slightly.'
I lase. Mr. John Aikenhead
did thethresh-
iu, and has the,honor Of being the last to
start in this' locality; .
F'tLsubscriberhlfereefor-vade-o -to-rent -thattedin:
tifullv-situated :Ilonse and Lot on 'Ontario' Street,.
. .
a short distance east of the Model Scheol,:.ansi only
live -minutes 'walk tram the bitsine a part 01 the town,
The house contains 7 room's; ansi tiler conyeniences,
and 16 well finished. Hal f-an-acraof ground, hard and
spit water, vaicl choice ast,ortimint o frisit trecs. ferm.
reasmiable. ' „ JOHN .CALL.N1) E R.
'Clinton, Alp, 2 .1882, ' •
r1.711AT $it.Otited ;irin 'adjoining :the
'Ii(initesboro.,-:.holific_ lot 25, JOth con.;,
Township '(.1i ,1-1.1111ett; consisting of 0e,jeeres,•701under
Th .place 10.55631 wa erb(4, good' 'bearing
orcliard;franie' house, gond franie )aro, and etheront-',
buildings. 'It is situated M the W ngititm gravel road
opposite Hulier'S'inill, Ginn es: Iron t h town
.fon, 'half a Mile from 1,. Ok & 13. i-: way station 'For
partici:dark apply to '
. r liAirrilA A. t31t:0'761T "
Clint:on*, Jiny 97,4862. ' „ ,CblntOu'
,T1LE: subscriber offers' lor eta& that ccmvenictitly-
: aithated farni, Lat 5, 411i 'eon 'esSion, Eastern 21 -
vision, Colborne, 'dontaining .50 acres, cleared and free
'AA stimnis, eid which there is•a.brick and frame Rouse,
frame barn; liorSe Stable PAO drive honse'':With stone
:basement: ; a-00 orchard of all kiii4 of fruit ;:well wa7."
teresi-gOod 5130013 anatvve %vells;. 300.rOils of under
dr-kining; well Pipco4L With ,/edat' rails iintr.boardit.--
Soil, :good ,clay. Ms" thenorth part of Lot 5, 4.1h
eon., bchig 20 abres of bush. ,Ternis reastimible. , Ap-
ply on the premises 01 10 • • • ,
July 25," • , JAS. STEVENS,. Clinton.
Repairing done Promptly.
Clinton, May 25th, 1882
pun iisins •GI,FlOtTINAD
Land Pia st
In bulk. The best and Cheapest Fertilizer
-in the world; ,
May, 1882,
the Onuersigned Steam Threshers of Goderich
. 'Townshile anei elSewhere, agree: that we will not
work for less than $18. peralay, belieVing it to tuba, fair
temiiiieratien,for our *Uric ;:or our patronsmay:thooSe
between 819 per day and two cents per bushel-. for
wheat', bathes, and peas, and Ei• cents 'PR' oats. We
further, agree that this agreernent will' lie honorably
kept until dissolved reateat.gansent. . ,
.11. 13: EVANS- Passaic. Plealet3E
ROBERT ELLIOliT 5 Wieteeet Heel:isms:ex. .
00819• • • s PDWAR.D SkATTERY. '
Gaderich .Township, July 17, 1882.
:Farm.fOr Sale..•
. ..
rr HE. subscriber offet.s .for sale that" valuable
lot.10.ana.cast half of.20. on the
5111 con, of unett, containing,150 -acres ; 00
cleared 'and in a good state of cultivation, the
remainder well wooded. The Parte is Well Wa-
tere'd; and has 011 88 a frame house containing
room's, large barn and stables; and small oreli-
itril. 'For particnlars apply on the.premises', or
If hy.letter, to Clinton post office. Also"for ski°
a 50 acre .farm in Bruce,
Hallett, .11100 21, 1682,
rr HE subscriber offers' to rent, for a term of. years,
his property ln Bayfield,,consisting of 15 town,
lota en bloc, and Frame Cottage, containing 10 rooms,
and largo cdtinmodlous back kitchen ; stabling for four,
horses and five cows,. On the property is half an acre
of strawberries, about sop currant busheS, ,over 60
grape vines, 00 oura trees, a number of apple trees,
and other fruits, flower's, shrubbery, etc, Rent very
,The above is a most desirable property, situated only
twenty rods fiorn Lake Huron, and Within ten minutes
walk.of school, poSt office, and font' churches. GOod
Teffrorn-tranitable tenant.
Bayfiela, July 5
-XTOTICE 1 hereby given that I have transinitted or
.A.1 delivered to the persons mentioned in- the third
and fourth sections Of. the ". Voters' List. Act" tho.
conies required by said section to be so transmitted or
delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all
persOns appearing by tho last revised Atisesitment Roll
of the said ManielpalitY to be .entited to vote 'in the
said Municipality at" Elections for members of the Le-.
gi0lative AGseinbly and at Municipal Elections and
that said list was first posted up at my Mime at'Hul-
lett on the twentieth tiny of July. 1SS2, and
remains there fur inspection_. Electore are called upon
to examine the said list, and if any omissions or., other
errors foilnd thcaeiti, to taire immediate proceeding
to have the said errors corrected according to law.
Hallett, 23th'July 1'382. 3. BRAITHWAITE.
Clerk of said Municipality,
V AltNA.
PRESENTATIoN;----.11.1iss,CatherIne Walk-
er, the assistant Teacher of Verna School,
.was the recipie of. a handsome workbox
and a pair ea ,eleg-atint vases, as a testi-
moniat.of the estilnation in which she is
held by her elites. , The presentation Was
lately macle by the pupils; at her boarding
place, with 'a neat eddrese to svaich. Miss
Walker made an appropriate reply,
, WINGHA31.,
GRAorNo.-The chief is -busy leveling 'Vic-
toria street from Ritchie's-carriage works to
'the Exchange Hotel. •
TouesesiEsee-A. grand fireman's and bana
tournamentivill ,take -Place ou the Ist'Sept.
A big day is axpected. ,
LAWN PARTY.- A social lawn party was
hell at the Methodist' parsonage, Tuesday
evening.' The proceeds will be iised in fur-
nishing the parsonage.
WATE.h.WORKS.--A machinist from Galt is
at present setting the large water wheel.
Several men have just 'finished. repairing the
flume, These repairs have stoimed Work in
sev6,ra.1 of the factories, the requisite supply
of water 120t.being forthcoming.
An.,;'ERTISEMENT,..-060.-of thewaggonana
blacksinithaihaps of the town display the fol-
lowing advertisement en. a pieco of basswood
about 1x5 feet_in_size, aail painted half
inch stencil letters. '
•" (Mott sar n notwina tu buy a Oald second
hand buckei or democrat, u want one this IS the spot,
WArC u get the worth for your ninny and the rite dust'
back and don 11 forget it find neber:say_no," •
No comment is necessary. •
Sommer. Homasse.,--A 004 many are out
of towel just now, spending their holidays. I
Wish thern ,very plea -sant time.- Quite a
number of 'Strangers aro also in town; lotus
try to make, it as pleasant as we can for thera,,
that we may sustain the reputation of our
town, and have the pleasure of seeing them
return next summer. JI1Pt -here we may say
that we believe the ". Unique Club" are try-
ing to do this, and we fail to seethe saatie or
reason in the right hand -man of the A.dyanee
-trying to write them down. • However, ,We
are glad to see that, after his usual fashion,
he. has duly operiedhis mouth and put his
,foot into et, and hope, that,he may have more.
inannereand more common sense next time.
AirricnEs 'RECOVERED -A short time
since, a valuable watch was stolen from
Mr. Emanuel Roclrey, of Wingham, who
is well known in this vicinity, during his
. . . .
trip to the Prairie Province. It seems that
Mr. Roekey was on hie way to Winnipeg
with a car load of horses. After arriving,
at LaCrosse, Rockey, who rode in the same
car with the, horses, noticed that the brake-
man' Hilbert seemed. to hang around the
car a.good deal, and motliking his looks,
ordered him to keep out of the car. The
Canadian 'Went to sleep and when he
awoke he found that his watch Was gone.
The loss was reported to the police at
St. Paul, who arrested Hilbert and an-
other 'brakemen /mined Wm, Bemis. Tho
latter finally gave the whole' thin away
g the watch svati recovered, and Hilbert svili
be obliged to stand trial
. -Mr. John Meiszie, 70th con. East Wa-
wanosh, has put up a splendid brick ve-
neered house, and when completed will
be a good one.
WEref. SOLE. -Mr. M. Pearen, nhout a
week ago; sold a yelre of Oxen, twelve
years old, for $170. About a year. ago he
bought them for $113. .
Patrick Brown 10th cou. E.Wawanosh
has shipped an immense lot of' lumber
from this station this season. He has
false sold his old team of horses to Mr.
Coati, on the same line, and bouglit a team
from Mr. Vanson, in Brussels, for $350;
they are good horses for his work.
RAISING1.-Mr. T. Irwin, of the 10th
con., got the frerhe work of his large bank
barn placed in position last Saturday.
The tivo oldest seen tlieke, Geo; McKay
wed C. Hanna were chbsen'eaptains. The
race at the last was not very close, C.
Hanna's side coming off victorious by
nearly all the rafters.
NorEseThe fall wheat in' this vicinity
is DOW cut, and a part of it in the barns,
It is an exceedingly good crop, but has.
been bad to haryest, owing to it being bad.
ly • lodged and lain down. The spring
grain here looks well; fruit,. though, is
going to be very scarce; plums, there 'ate
none; cherries were considerably below
the average; the apple tree is notemu-
'leered either with its load of delicious fruit.
Mr'. John Coatis, 8th, con. East Wa-
vtanosh, has his house about finished, it
has a splendid appearance, and will prove
a.good one. When he, gets the lady in it
will complete the work -and lookamuche
better. • Mr. C. looks well taking in the
harvest and other labor. We think there
is more than Mr. Coultis on that line
needs to build a house and take to him-
selfa. partner, and think they will after
John is through.
ACCIDEN'P.-Fred. Marsh broke the
bones ,of his shoulder by falling off a stack
of rye while at work for Mr. Girard, of the
Bayfield Road. °
CRIMET,-On . Monday a match be-
tween the Paris and Goderich cricketers
resulted in the discomfiture of the latter,
in one innings by 95 to 71.
CHANGE or2DATE,-The date -for hold-
ing-cniarfor tliiI nailitary district Of Which
Huron forms a portion has been changed
from the 5th to the 12th September. It
will be held in London, to commence on
the latter date. • ,
Goon Woax.-There is life rind vigora
in sense of the old men yet. One day last
Week Robt. Wilson, aged 70, John Elliott,
aged 72, and Geo. Wilton, aged 80 years,
all of Goderich, cut two acres of' oats , by
hand in halftiaday. Two of these gentle-
men have lived in this vicinity for about.
fifty-five year's. -News.
In Memoriam.
;Most of' the fall wheat in this locality
is standing in shoths.
There is very little di' the grain safely
I101.18cd around here, ancl the ahowers con -
On Friday evening a terrible rain visit-
ed Turnberry and Howick ; people say
that the like has not been witnessed for
Tbc reinainsi.of the late Widow Quinn
were taken from this village on Tuesday,
to the Roman Catholic burying gronnd
in Morris..
Thee Quarterly Meeting of the Blyth
circuit was held last Sabbath, at Sunshine,
Rev.W.W. Leech, of Toronto Conference,
The Goderich Dietrict meeting is to be
held in the Methodist church, Blyth, -on
Tuesday next, August 15, to commence
8:t }Ta'r1v5easilellrs. are agreed in saying that
„ch oppressive heat as was experienced
on the afternoon of Saturday last hag not
been eqeealled for many 'day.
s Morris boasts of -some= -extraordinary
binders, among both sexes and surely, if
practice makes perfect, 'the Morrisites '
ought not to be behind in that accom-
plishment. -
There was it game of base ball played
last week between the Blytleand L'ondes-
bore clubs. There were about 80 on the
agricultural grounds, althoughlhands are
sca,ece at $2 per day.
Mr. Geo. Turvea, sr., who was so un-
fortunate as to receive several broken ribs
by -a rurittway, on July 29th, is lying in a
very critical condition, one of the broken
ribs penetrated his lungs.
A deputation waited upon the Rev. A.
McLean, a few days ago, advising him to
take it vacation for six weeks, and they
would undertake to provide supplies for
the s Ipvneelphi.t., The rev. gentleman starts
Mrs Edward Bosnian, end con. Morris,
has 42 -acres of wheat cut, and he, like the
rest of our farmers, is anXiously awaiting
fair weather, so as to secure it in the barn.
Mr. B. expects, on the average, between
35 and 40 bushels to the acre. .
We are sorry to•learn Unit serious ill -
nese still exists in the family of Rev. Mr.
Hamilton, one of hie daughters being
dangerously ill, while he has been laid, pp
with an attack of scarlet fever. We hope
tvoileteerasbcoleveereyr to announce their coins
Til'ore was not one 018 on -drat clay
'ru watch the.aoisio 00 116 way
No mortal feria, no human breast ,
flares -where the stranget's ,boucs may rest.
The Clinton New Era records ie finding
of the body of an a.ged. man, . whom no one
could identify, in the Woods near: Bayfield ;
but from the description given of him, and a
letter found imbis poelset,, there is not' the
slightest doubt but tbat he was an old gentle-
man named Thomas Claris, well known to
many in Kingston arid in its vicinity. . Mr.
Clark was an Englishatan who came to Cabal
da over forty Years ago, and at the time of his
death was seventy nine years ,of -age, ansi.
when a yo'ung man was R corn ‘inerehant in
London, Wily she'. left langlaed and 'pliant
the rest of iris life wandering aimlessly
through Canada is unknown to the most inti-
mate of his acquaintances. He received a re,
raittance'from England -every three months,
but from who..source no one in Canada knew;
Ire was unmarried -and followed no. regular.
business._ He was an aceemPlished scisola-r,
and his peilished. manners and pleasing ad-
dress.gained. for him adMission into any 50.
ciety. lie was a ,gentleman its , the highest
"sense of the term, who could have fillecl accept.
ably any position ; he had: few equals
and no superiors as a pentrian. He visite&
"the township of Pittsburg every year; Stop-
ping at the houses of James and William
kinson 'and l'honias Connor for weeks at a.
tinie,-qUictly he came and 'quietly he -Went,
but always a welcpme visitor; - and that he.
should AM uneared for in a Canadian wilder-
and he buried Et unknown . grave wilr
be read .with regret h y all who were aciluaint-
ed with him • indeed many will fee[ like shed-
ding a -tear el sympathy for this )onely' Wasa
farer of fobr-score years; brought up amidst
affluence in one of the "stately homes 'of
England," dying 'on the erad damp grolind on
the distant shore, of Lake Ftnron. Earth,
rest gently on the hosein of our friend !-
Kingston News.
Manitoba Correspondence.
L,milesboro Settlement; Man.
Mosquitoes are plenty over here. Every.
body saps " what beautiful weather a'
. Mr. S. McLean has one of the finest fields
of barley in this section of country.
Mr. Jas, McCool intends starting for Onta-
rio shortly.-- - • . '
row for the west; they will be gone abot1t two
One of Mr. Jae. McCool's fine horses died
last week with gas on the stomach.
Our genial horse dealer, Mr. Chas. Sunder-
cock,arrived last week with eight fine horses;
he disposed of two shortly after his arrival.
Charlie intends returning to Emerson soon to
meet his wife, who is expected from Ontario,
In your isaue Of July 13th I notice, among
other items, ene referringtd a well-known
resident of this settlement, Mr. A. Cockerlibe,
as haying 90 acres under crop -and was break-
ing GO more this season ; also, he intended, if
O railroad did not come within a reasonable
distance, to feed it to his pigs. Now, it is a
well known fact that this:gentleman has, at
'the present time. about 30 acres under crop,
-end has broken 20 more this season., If alr.
.0. intends feeding this enormous lot of grain
to pigs.he will soon need to hang, out a shingle
"pigs wanted." • - . •
Everybody feels jubilant over the prospests
of a railreed. to Darlingford this fall.
Mr. Tom Hagyard has sold to Mr, James
Gorrell One of his well bred pige, realizing a
high figure for it. HURON BOY.
Jely 24t1s, 1882.
THE wife of Mr: John Beatty is visiting •
'friends at Wingham.
M. 0. CAMERON, M, P,, Was at Brandon'
-latanseonethe .3rd -of -August:. 1 ----
MRS. S. alaLnane, of Bowmanville, is
the guest of Mrs, W. McDonagh.
THE WIRE of MayorsForrester was last
week visiting her relativeent Mitchell„
M. IVOossauEst, of Michigan, nephew
of Mr. 0. 5. Doan,- was last week visiting
MRS. WHITLEY, of Solomon, Kansas,
is on a visit to her cousin, Mrs.A. S.
Pisher. • , j
MRS, GonDoN, of Alpena, Mich., (eld-
est daukliter of Mr. G. (iilchrist) is home
on a•visit. • ,
Mt CHARLES COATS, (Son of Mr. Wm.
Coats of this place!) has returned home
from Toronto 0118 visit.
ME. C. J. SHEEHY, passenger agent of
the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Rail-
way was in town on Tuesday last. f
AVE ARE glad to hear that the- wife or
Mr. A. Gori -ell AV110 WILE laid up by
vere-cold; has recovered therefrom.
REv. ME. SeiditTa, assistant curate of
St. Stephen's church, Torontosand brother
of Mrs. J. Sin -leen, ia on a visit 'here.
Miss GREIG, of Lonclon, (daughter of
the late Major Greig,) and sister-in-law
of Rev, W. Craig; returned to berhorneon.
' Mits. W. W.. FannAle .was called to
Dickinson's Landing last weekby the sud-
den death of a child of Mr. Cyril Archi-
bald -her brother.
Mits. KELL/see-a of Seaforth, (widow of
the late Rev. H. Kellen) passed through
town on Tuesday, on,her way to visit
friends at Lueknow.
• ONE OF the children of Rev. Jas. Liv-
ingstone, of Florence, (late of Bayfield)
has been laid up with whooping bough,
but is now recovering.
MR. R. COMMANDER, one of the for-
mer business men of this place, was visit-
ing his faieieds here last week. He finds
great -many, chanee in town.
Mn. JOHN MOONEY, who went west
with a lot of horses, has returned to town,
the horses were deetined for Brandon, but
were all sold at Portage la Prairie.
MR. WILL SHAW, returned " r rom Mani-
on Monday afternoon, to accept his
former position in Craib, Macwhirter &
Co's store. Will is looking hale and
MR. M. LOUGH, manegers MolsOn's
Bank, is away on a theee week's vacation,
and has gone to Winnipeg. Ins place •
herd is supplied by Mt'. Brewer, manager
of the Exeter branch.
1\111. CHAS. AVERY, of the London road,
with has been in Scotland for .several
months, is expected home in. September.
He Will likely bring serne;good thorough-.
bred stock with him.
. ME. E. Doseceras formerly ofClinfon,
who. has been travel ling for Warnock &
of Galt, 'for some time, has,,we under-'
.stand, accepted a situation for a •Guelpha
firm, at'an increased eatery. '
ME, A. M. TAYLOR, Principal Ingeas
soil, Model Sehool, is visitibg. his • many
friends here. Archie says the reference
to him in last week's NEW' ERA iS "a. base.
'and malicious libel." Ahem! • '
'.`.PH--4eLifo..o-f-the,-1-a-t6 'Rea -Dr Fresh-
man, and two children were *alePlailrg in
town,this week. and' iiitended tO.take up •
-th ei i permanent resider' co h ere-, bue_w6
are. 66rry they were not able to procure
suitable e ceommodation , and consequently
they return to, London. '
MR. JAMES EAD1E, of BroOklyn, N. Y.,
atsomatime a- clerk in town, was - visiting
friends here. last week. Ile said "things
appear quiet here," and compared with
New York we suppose they are; but What
his thoughts would be when he strucic
Gederich we can only infer. •
Ma. J. LAw, Inepector W. R \vim
was in town on Tuesday • states that, ar-
angements lor the arnalgathation .0f -the
two.roads On the 12thate about completed.
Hoat soon a ehangeeif any, will be Made
here,isnot known, bift it is not likely to
be for aothe tithe as the arrangement of
working detail's will requiretime.
• Mt A. W Witicfrr, Secretary of: the.
Ontario Manufacturer's Association, but
better known as an advocate of rag 'cur-
rency, wati .in town last Thursday.';He
was here foe the purpose el Wilting.; the
Salt Association to join the Manufacturers,.
but there was no meeting of the Salt As-
sociatitarthat aay.. •
AmoNosT .thoee W110 purchased tigketa
‘at the G.W.R. towneffiee, here, -this week,
for Manitoba, were, M. Y. aircLean, Ex-
Positor, W. 0.'Reid, M: R. Counter,
McDonald, Jahneton, JsJaeoticafoo,t, 5.
Peeka'Seaforth; Geo, Lee; BetetatintHa
Miss Cassie Fox, ,Clintons Mrs. ShePherd,
Steuley, and W. Scott •W'inghanr
(formerly of Clinton) is on a yisit td his
laiends in this section. Although he is
one of the heavy contractors who is coih-
ieg money there, end has great faith in .
tlse future of that remarkable city, he ,does
not look as if the place agreed with him,
-Veiny-Much redueed in. flesh. His 'wife
has been down on a visit for several weeks.
- JOS. IZATTENDURY, sr., who areht ,
out to Portage la Prairie with horses for.
alessrs. Rattenbury and afoonee, has re-
turned to town. By some means he man-
aged to lose his trunk' or had it stolen from
him. His opinion of the "illimitable West"
is by no means glowing. He states abet
Winnipeg is tuet now in anything but a
healthy condition, the stench arising be-
ing something dreadful.
ON MoNlater Rev.11Ir. McDonagh was .
called to Toronto by the death of Ida mo-
ther, which occurred the day previous.
Deceased hadbeenailing more or less for
the past seven yeare, not beieg able to go,
out ale the street during that time. She
was, born in Enniskillen, Ireland; coming
to this country with•her husbeed and sevesz.
children about the year 1847, her husband
dying in Montreal soon after of' what was
known as the emigrant fever. She, sub-
sequently removed to Toronto, where she
has since resided. .For over half a cen-
tury she was a member of the Methodist
church, ber illness being borne rwith
Christian fortitude., She had passed the
allotted age of three score years and ten,
being over 82 at the liinepf her death.-
, All that are now living of the family
are two .daughters, who have been resid-
ing with 'her, end Rev. Mr. alelaoriagla
who have the sympathy of all in their
'bereavement. ,